• Published 7th Apr 2016
  • 982 Views, 16 Comments

Transparent Living - PinoyPony

Disowned by her parents, Diamond Tiara is hastily sent to Mane-hattan to meet Coco Pommel. Even if she has come to turn a new leaf in her growth, there is still a lot for her to learn. New town, new life.

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Chapter 21: The Ex-Crusader

Author's Note:

Warning! This is what I meant by violent. In the original outline, about three years ago, the concept was that on Dazzle's first day, she would save Napoleon from getting beat up. However, in the current concept, I was going to figure out a way so Bling can be reformed (I know it is quick, but it's a plot device for later chapters. Besides, as they say, Dazzle is one magical filly.)

The thing is, that this was going to get tossed out as unneeded, but for some strange reason, it just wanted to fight back instead of going into the recycle bin. So I kept it.

Don't sweat it! Future chapters will not have this intense of violence. As a slice of life goes, it denotes calm, sometimes dramatic, but most of the time... melancholy.

Anyways, more coming soon!

It wasn’t a day until Napoleon came back up to talk to Dazzle. At lunch she sat quietly with Vertigo, until Napoleon took a set across the table. He set his Power Ponies lunch box down and started to eat. Dazzle found it strange that he didn’t have a book with him.

He grumbled. “Mom and dad told me to apologize to you for not being a good friend.”

“Apology accepted.” Dazzle nodded and took a bite of her celery.

“Can you tell your mom that I apologized to you?” Napoleon asked, twirling a hoof across the table. “They said no library books until they hear from Coco that I apologized to you.”

Dazzle frowned. “So, this is why you came up to me?”

“And the science fair.” Napoleon added. “I can’t go there either until I do this.”

“I will tell C- I mean, my mom,” Dazzle began, “but I don’t think you will have learned your lesson.”

“He’s a bully!” Napoleon shouted. “Why are you taking his side?”

“I’m am on your side and his.” Dazzle said. “A true friend will not stand by while their friend lets their emotions or mistakes get the better of them.”

“You don’t understand- he doesn’t change.” Napoleon reasoned. “You’ll get hurt.”

“I’d rather have the pain now rather than later.” Dazzle turned her nose up. “Because the other road leads to greater consequences.”

Vertigo’s mouth popped open. “Can I?-”

“Not now.” Dazzle gestured her hoof.

“Why are you doing this?” Napoleon threw his hooves up in the air.

“Because, I used to be in those shoes.” Dazzle sighed, as she didn’t want the secret to get out. Right now, that couldn’t be helped. She started calmly. “Napoleon, I am asking this sincerely, who do you think I am?”

“You’re Dazzle! This amazing filly that befriended me! That befriended Vertigo! She would never turn on me to join a group of bullies!” Napoleon said.

“I am not who you think I am.” Dazzle continued. “Do you know why I came from Ponyville?”

“No.” Napoleon shook his head. “Why did you?”

“It is because I bullied other foals.” Dazzle shuddered as memories of her previous mistakes came flowing back. “The effects of my wrong choices forced me to leave home and take a leap of faith for a new start in Mane-hattan.”

“You? A bully? I don’t believe it.” Napoleon scoffed.

“It’s true. Ask Coco, Ms. Paprika, or even Babs for that matter- even though they have different viewpoints of me, they know everything about my ruses and tricks back in Ponyville.”

Napoleon raised an eyebrow. “I will do that.”

“You know why I am doing this?” Dazzle rolled up her lunch sack. “Because Bling reminds me of the only friend I had back in Ponyville. The type I would share my deepest secrets to… Now, I’m choosing to be more open. Yes. I did wrong. But I’m trying to learn the magic of friendship as much as any other pony in this school. I’m paying the price for all my wrongdoings. But you know what makes me feel worse? My friend, Silver Spoon, is paying tons more for my mistakes than I am. All because she didn’t know any better.”

Napoleon’s scowl melted into a frown.

“That’s why I want to befriend Bling. I fear him and his friends will be in a very dark place when their mistakes come back to haunt them.” Dazzle said. “That’s why I take the high road. I won’t care what anypony thinks- what you think. I’m trying to help any way I can.”

“What happened, then, Dazzle?” Vertigo interjected “To your friend?”

“It’s not my place to say.” Dazzle flinched every time a wispy ghost of a recollection of her dream came back. She only could remember a couple details. Unfortunately, she only could remember how Silver Spoon revealed the insides of her forelegs. Like a labyrinth of red lines.

“What about you? How come you don’t pick on others now?” Vertigo asked.

“It happened on a summer day.” Dazzle said. “It began when I ran for class president...”

“So, thanks to Silver Spoon and standing up for herself, she was able to give me the strength necessary to break out of the iron grip of my parents.”

“Wow… So that’s the reason why you are doing this.” Napoleon said.

“I feel bad because my friend is paying dearly for what I’ve done.” Dazzle finished. “She stood up for herself, because of that, I’m a better pony. If not for her, I’d be only getting worse and worse. She deserves none of what she is getting.”

Napoleon nodded. “Now I know.”

Dazzle got up and started to trot towards the doors, putting on her coat and scarf as she proceeded out. She felt oddly cold in that warm lunchroom, but gentle at the same time. Maybe this is what the Elements of Harmony felt like after they made a tough decision.
She put on her jacket and tugged on it to keep the wrinkles out.

Vertigo buzzed right by her, and Napoleon trotted by her side.

“I’m sorry for not being a good friend.” Napoleon nudged her. “For real this time.”

“Apology always accepted.” Dazzle said.

As soon as they burst through the doors, Vertigo took to the sky. Napoleon hugged the book as he gazed at her form. “She’s getting better.” He observed.

“Mmmhmm.” Dazzle agreed.

“Hey Napoleon!”

Dazzle turned around as a colt she recognized shoved him into the snow.

Napoleon’s horn glowed. He pried the earth pony off of him.

Napoleon quickly scuttled off the snow and towards Dazzle. He shook his head at her. “I’d bet right now wouldn’t be a good time for ‘I told you so…?’”

Dazzle nodded. All his anger made sense. To forget it was easier said than done. Although, she wanted to try something. Something crazy.

Underdog got up and brushed the rubble off his coat. When he noticed Dazzle, he smiled. “Hey, how’s it going Dazzle?”

“Not good.” Dazzle scowled. “What are you doing here?”

“Enjoying the day.” Underdog shrugged.
“So, you call pushing Napoleon enjoying the day?” Dazzle found Underdog’s vagueness irritating. If she’d known this before… she would’ve-

Vertigo landed right next to Dazzle. Vertigo stiffened. “Leave my friends alone!”

“Friends?” Underdog chuckled. “You’re cute, Vertigo.”

“Where’s Bling?” Vertigo scanned her surroundings.

“Using the little’ colt’s room.” He answered. “He’ll be back in a minute to help us out.”

Dazzle recalled her conversation with Bling the other day. He mentioned that Babs hired Underdog to do something. She figured that this had to do with something now. She glared at Candy and Underdog “So this is what Babs had in mind?” She spilled out.

Candy glared at her “Who told you?”

“Not important.” Dazzle cut off quickly. She didn’t want to risk Bling’s safety. “A better question is, why are you doing it for Babs?”

“Ugh.” Candy groaned. “Napoleon insulted Babs by not accepting a kind gesture from her. It seems he has decided where he wants to be in the pecking order.”

Dazzle looked back at Napoleon.

“It was an accident! I just wanted to get back to reading my book!” Napoleon’s shouted.

“You and I need to talk later.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to Underdog. She would deal with this later.

“You still haven’t answered why yet.” Dazzle redirected. “You told me why Babs wanted you to do this, but why are you following orders?”

“You’re not actually defending this retard, are you?” Underdog chuckled.

Dazzle frowned and cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh, so you’re being serious.” Underdog shook his head. He paced back and forth “So, I guess you had a rough start… how in the world did you get Egghead and Blank Flank to be your friend? He acts like he is too good for the Fashionistas…”

“I spoke his language, and offered.” Dazzle retorted. “Besides, aren’t you a Blank Flank also?” Once she realized what she said, she covered her mouth. She didn’t expect that to come out. It was a force of habit.

Underdog balked as he glanced at his flank. His tail swished to cover it. “I think you should rethink your decision, Dazzle.” Underdog said. Dazzle picked up on the small detail that his legs were shaking. “The fashionistas run this school. You have a way in. You don’t need to waste time on these losers…”

Dazzle glared at him. “Do not call them losers.” She twisted her mouth to one side. “Besides, I don’t think Babs will accept me anytime soon.”

“Why is that?”

“I- I bullied her back in Ponyville.” Dazzle figured that the secret was out by now, so there was no use in hiding it.

Underdog raised an eyebrow. “You?”

“Ask Babs, she can tell you.” Dazzle said. “She can tell you all the times I teased others from being Blank Flanks.”

Underdog paused.
Out of the corner of her eye, Dazzle saw Vertigo covering her flank with her tail.

“You are one strange filly, Dazzle.” Underdog said. “We will resolve this matter later, for now, we need to do our job. Bling or no Bling.” He started to march towards Napoleon.

Dazzle held out a hoof to block them. “I got a better idea.”

“What?” Underdog barked, flashing his chipped teeth. Dazzle caught a whiff of his stale breath. Not bad, but not a good smell either.

“You rough me up, then report it to Babs. She will then take that as more than pleasing.” When Dazzle actually spoke her mind, it sounded crazy. Why in the world would she volunteer to get punched?

“We don’t beat up fillies.” Underdog said. “Against our code. Babs usually prepares gossip about fillies instead.”

“Babs will certainly make the exception.” Dazzle locked eyes with Underdog and braced herself. No going back now. “Just think of me as a substitute Napoleon.”

He paused. “I don’t think-”

“You know what? DEAL!” Candy smirked. Her horn glowed. She pushed Dazzle over. Dazzle hit the ground, knocking the wind out of her. After stomping on her, she then took her by the foreleg, and dragged her towards the wall. She placed a hoof over Dazzle’s neck and pinned her against the wall in a choke-hold.


Dazzle now understood what Candy was doing. She was casting a spell to hold back Vertigo and Napoleon. Underdog just stood in shock while Candy kicked Dazzle.


Meanwhile, she saw Candy lower her head. She rammed Dazzle square in the stomach. It didn’t help that Candy was a Unicorn. The horn was like landing on a keychain after slipping.

A green magic was tugging on each of her friends’ tails.

Another back-hoof from Candy, and it felt like nothing she ever felt before. Her eyes watered. Her stomach felt as if somepony was tearing it apart. She coughed as her lungs felt like they been filled with liquid fire. The pain coursed through her veins. At last, she never felt more alive… more present. Her numbness flowed away and emptied like a storm released from Cloudsdale. It invigorated her… It empowered her.

Suddenly, a book sailed across her vision and smacked Candy in the face.

“You picked the wrong day to mess with my friend!” Napoleon shouted somewhere out of her vision. “I just happened to be studying my Calculus textbook today!” Napoleon pulled Candy away from Dazzle and shoved her into the snow. Candy got up, and punched Napoleon in the face.

Candy’s magic dropped Dazzle from the wall. Weakened from the blows, Dazzle fell towards the ground, limp as a ragdoll.

“STOP!” she heard another voice shout faintly over the commotion.

Vertigo froze. Napoleon must’ve not heard it because he took another swipe at Candy.

A green magic, not from Candy, nor from Napoleon surrounded both of them. A teacher stomped through the crowd and peeled Napoleon off of Candy. “YOU TWO ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!”

Dazzle noticed a large group of ponies had gathered around the incident.

“A-gain?!” The teacher shouted. “Well, I can’t complain, at least there is only two of you this time!”

“Bling claimed he was using the restroom, Ms. Lagoon.” Underdog said, glancing back at Dazzle. “Now I know why.”

Ms. Lagoon sighed as she rubbed a hoof over her eyes. “You know the drill, go to the principal’s office, squat!” She pointed towards the doors. Underdog and Candy marched off out of view.

Vertigo came towards her injured friend and picked her up. “Dazzle, we need to get you to the nurse.”

Dazzle nodded.

Ms. Lagoon Grumbled. “I need to see you three in the principal’s office too!” She singled out Napoleon. “Especially you!”

Vertigo nodded solemnly “Yes, Ms. Lagoon.”

Napoleon slowly came up to her side.

“And all the rest of you! Go to class!” Ms. Lagoon barked at the crowd.

As they trotted back inside, Napoleon came by the other side of Dazzle and helped her limp towards the principal’s office.

“Thank you, Dazzle.” Napoleon said.

“No problem,” She smiled, wincing at every step.

“I know you are trying to protect your friends, Dazzle,” Vertigo started. “But that was stupid. I thought they were going to kill you.”

“They weren’t.” Dazzle winked. Her eyes burned. “I know how they work.”

Vertigo shook her head. “You didn’t beat up anypony in Ponyville, did you?”

“Nope!” Dazzle realized. She felt a little pride in that. She never went as far as physical abuse. Although it didn’t dismiss her verbal abuse. She chose not to think of it and resorted to passing the time. “Did they draw any blood, by the way?”

“Nope.” Vertigo inspected Dazzle’s barrel. “Though your winter coat has a lot of dirt on it. And your tummy has a bruise.”

“I’d better clean it up then.” Dazzle noted. “I really don’t want Coco to see this.”

“Chances are, she will. Those thr- I mean two will be suspended for a good month.” Vertigo said.

“I take it that’s not their first offence?” Dazzle presumed.

“Uhn-Uh.” Napoleon shook his head. “That’s actually number five since the school year began.”

“What were the first four?”

Vertigo pointed to Napoleon. “Ever since Babs turned her back, they been making examples out of us.”

“I think Dazzle got it the worse actually.” Napoleon traded looks with Vertigo. “I got a barrage of snowballs, Arctic Arrow got a swirly, Stone Fury got thrown by Candy across the courtyard”- He grimaced –“thank goodness he’s a Pegasus…”

“Not to mention at the beginning, they gossiped about Blueberry because she’s…” Vertigo paused. “A little chubby.”

Dazzle gasped.

“Yeah, but worse is that nopony saw it coming.” Napoleon’s ears went down. His eyes widened. “Wait… that was meant for me! They were going to do that to me!” He looked back at Dazzle. “Thanks again for taking the hits for me, but I wonder… why did you do that for me?” Napoleon asked.

“I wanted to Understand what you were going through.” Dazzle said. “I played bully before, I wanted to play bullied this time.” She chuckled. “Kinda fun, actually.”

Napoleon raised an eyebrow and his mouth twisted. “You are one weird filly, Dazzle.”

The nurse tended to Dazzle silently in the other room adjacent to the Principal’s office. Napoleon sat to the right of Dazzle and Vertigo on her left. They did so just in case she needed to get up and walk. Across the room, Underdog and Candy sat quietly, staring Dazzle down like predator and prey.

Above them, a clock ticked away. By now, ten minutes had passed since lunch ended.

The nurse shined a light into Dazzle’s eyes. After doing one eye, and the other, she noted “Good. No concussions.”

“Just a question of curiosity, but how can you tell if somepony had a concussion?” Dazzle asked.

“If your eyes dilate separately instead of together, then you have a concussion.” The nurse explained. She started to pack up her stuff “No major injuries- just scratches and bruises. No broken bones.” She hoisted her pack onto her back. “Just make sure you get plenty of rest, Miss Tiara.”

Dazzle nodded.

Right as the Nurse slipped out, Ms. Lagoon stepped in with a familiar pony. Purple mane, golden coat.

“So, you finally got caught!” Napoleon clapped. “You’re lucky Dazzle took the hits, otherwise, I would’ve punched back!”

Ms. Lagoon glared at Napoleon. “Enough. I know you two are the most disagreeable. But, Once Principal Bellows meets with you two, then we can get this whole ordeal overwith.”

The Principal’s door swung open. “Dazzle Tiara, I need to speak with you.”

Napoleon and Vertigo helped Dazzle stand up.

“You okay going without us?” Vertigo asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Dazzle waved as she limped towards the office.

When she stepped inside, she saw Ms. Paprika sitting in a chair with a look of worry on her face.

The Principal took a seat on his desk. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and started. “Okay, Dazzle Tiara, So, I also have reviewed your track record from Ponyville Elementary. Ms. Paprika has explained your history, but she’s convinced you are innocent. But, for the record, we want to hear your side of the story.”

“I was playing with my friends until Underdog…” Dazzle paused. “With instructions from Babs Seed, pushed Napoleon. I told them to take it out on me, and they agreed.”

“I see.” The principal said. “From what we heard from the nurse in the other room, you are just fine. But, for the paperwork, we need a detailed description of what they did to you. We’ll have your friends verify.”

“Let’s see, so Candy pushed me, jumped on me, pinned me against the wall, then headbutted me in the stomach…”

“That should be enough.” Ms. Paprika cringed. A look of worry came across her face. Dazzle found it unsettling since most of the time, her teachers would be angry, not concerned about her. “You know, you are lucky Bling-Bling told Ms. Lagoon, otherwise you’d be facing worse injuries.”

Dazzle’s jaw hung open. “You mean that’s the reason why he is in here?”

“Yep, normally I’d rule it ‘guilty by association’, but this time, he reported the incident to Ms. Lagoon before it happened. However, because of his reputation, Ms. Lagoon thought he was playing another trick, but realized he was being serious.” Principal Bellows explained. “That’s why she noticed so late.”

“Glad he reported it then.” Dazzle smiled.

“You’re very lucky.” Ms. Paprika repeated. “However, this is still a serious matter. We are going to tell your parent about this.”

“WHAT? NO!” Dazzle tried to get up from her seat, but the pain flared in her stomach and lungs.

“We will.” Ms. Paprika said. “I’m instructed to make sure I’m lenient on your homework load.”

“You can’t tell Coco!” Dazzle begged. “She’ll freak out! I’ll do anything! I’ll do the homework!”

“Dazzle, if we don’t tell her the truth of what happened, then the consequences are worse.” Principal Bellows quickly spoke. Without wasting another second, he instructed “You’re excused.”


“Dazzle, please. We need to talk to the other foals to make sure we get the facts right.” Ms. Paprika held out a hoof.

Dazzle closed her mouth and held a hoof up. Ms. Paprika tugged on her hoof, and helped her out of the seat.

“Thank you for being mature about this, Dazzle.” Ms. Paprika opened the door. “It is appreciated.”

The door opened. Napoleon trotted slowly out of the office. “You’re excused. Underdog! In my office!” The Principal commanded.

Dazzle was expected Napoleon to take a seat right next to her, so she removed her pack from the chair next to her. Instead, he passed right by and walked up to Bling-Bling.

In a low tone, he whispered as he rubbed his hoof against the floor. “I’m sorry. I thought you were avoiding the situation. I didn’t realize-”

Bling set down his homework and held out a hoof. “A wise filly once told me that being friends is a decision that only I could make.” He glanced at Dazzle “So, what do you say? Let’s leave our past mistakes behind? Can we be friends?”

Napoleon glanced at Dazzle. With a fire in his eyes, he nodded. He turned back to Bling and accepted. “Friends.”

Dazzle smiled. She looked to Vertigo. Vertigo’s wings were hanging off the sides of the seat. Her ears drooped.

“What’s wrong, Vertigo?” Dazzle asked.

“How did I get caught up in this mess? I should’ve been the one who got beat up.” She answered.

“Vertigo, It’s okay.” Bling said from the other side of the room. Napoleon had taken a seat next to him. “I feel the same way too, felt like I could do more. But from what Principal Bellows told me is that I did right by letting a responsible adult know.”

Napoleon chipped in. “And he told me that next time I could run and get somepony if my friend is getting hurt. He understood I hit back because I was defending. You couldn’t do that because you had your tail yanked.”

“That’s not the p-point.” Vertigo hiccupped. “I should’ve stayed by Underdog’s side.”

“No, he wouldn’t allow you.” Candy cut in. “Your dead to him, personally. If you volunteered instead, then he would’ve done his worst.”

Dazzle raised an eyebrow “So… wait. You an Underdog were friends?”

“He’s the final Crusader.” Napoleon cut in. “Ever wonder why his flank is still blank?”

Dazzle recalled that small detail. It all made sense now. Underdog’s flank marked him as a previous Crusader. An Ex-Crusader. He also had copied some mannerisms from Babs: covering his flank with his tail. But now, the real question; “What happened?”

“The big fight.” Bling said. “After Babs left Underdog and Vertigo, both of them had to figure out what to do. But once Babs told them that she wouldn’t spread gossip about us if only they would do favors for her. Beat up ponies. Spread gossip.” He turned to Vertigo. “Vertigo did the right thing and declined.”

“You’re pretty brave.” Dazzle hugged Vertigo. “Why do you worry about doing more? You’ve already done what is right.”

“Thank you.” Vertigo sniffled.

“Underdog told me if I was going to stay his friend, I needed to join him in his… crusades.” Bling’s mouth twisted.

“So, now you know our story.” Candy said, lounging back in the chair. “I hope your happy. Bling is now a traitor to both Underdog and Babs. To me, treachery is worse than cruelty. Loyalty is more important that Kindness.”

Bling shook his head. “The true cruelty is letting your friend do stupid things. That’s treachery in and of itself.”

“Yeah, letting your friend join the colt who has everything right in his life!” Candy rolled her eyes. “You haven’t faced hard things in your life, Napoleon!”
“You’re just upset I clocked you with a calculus book.” Napoleon said.

“Look, I know your mother has taught you to hate anypony famous, but you need to stop for a second and realize that fame isn’t all evil.” Bling added. “Look at the Elements of Harmony! They are far from perfect, but they do their best!”

“I know, but I know what Dazzle is. She’s a manipulator!” Candy said.

“She’s not!” Napoleon said. “That has nothing to do with her mother either!”

“Who’s her mother?” Dazzle asked.

“Berry Ice.” Candy glared at Dazzle. “Just last night she told me the truth about you. She told me Coco’s guardianship landed into your lap! You deserve none such kindness!” She scoffed. “She also says you bullied the little sisters of the Elements of Harmony and were getting away with it. I was told to make sure you don’t brainwash the school- but you’ve already brainwashed these three, including my friend!” She folded her hooves.

Dazzle closed her mouth.

“Yeah, it hurts because it is true! You’re Manipulative! I hope your ‘friends’ know what they are getting into.” Candy waved her hooves in quotations. “Reality hurts! I hope you realize that once you fall off your pedestal of fame and are left living paycheck to paycheck!”

Principal Bellows’ office door flew open “Enough! I can’t hear anything because of you foals!” Principal Bellows barked. Underdog stepped out of the office with a downtrodden expression.

“Candy! In my office now!” Principal Bellows gestured for her to come into the office.

She stepped away and swished her tail at them before closing the door to the office.

“Strange, he usually keeps his cool.” Napoleon observed.

“He’s stressed out.” Bling pointed out. “Mom gets that way sometimes when she is busy with something. So, I just leave her alone.”

“This is going to be a long day.” Dazzle gulped.

The end of the day came and Coco stepped into the main office. Ms. Paprika guided her in.

“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” Coco rushed to Dazzle and hugged her.

“Youch! Yeah… I’m okay.” Dazzle wheezed. “Can you stop hugging me? It’s kinda painful.”

“Oh sorry!” Coco let go.

Not a second later, and Florin, Montresor, and Marigold stepped into the room. Each went to their foal and traded conversations of concern and worry. Dazzle overheard Florin “You are in so much trouble!”

“Whadidi do?” Napoleon said.

Montresor chuckled. “Florin, I think it’s a good sign that he’s getting into trouble now. At least he’s socializing. I’d rather have that than him loafing in his room reading a comic book.”

Dazzle caught a stallion and a mare coming in. Two that she didn't recognize. Immediately, they started for Vertigo. They picked her up and hugged her. She trotted towards them. "Are you Vertigo's parents?"

"Yes we are!" The mare waved to the stallion "This is Iron Heart, and I'm Ocean Heart."

Dazzle made a mental note. Vertigo's mother had a blue mane with a white froth-white coat. Ironheart had a build like iron, his coat the color of rust, and his mane a lighter shade of red, almost a pink.

"Thank you for being friends with our daughter." Ironheart said. "We were starting to get worried."

Meanwhile, Marigold hugged her son. “I’m so proud of you!”

“I couldn’t do it without Dazzle.” He waved out.

Marigold approached Coco and Dazzle. She smiled at Dazzle “How did you do it? I thought he’d never have good friends!”

“He did it on his own.” Dazzle explained. “Surprised me to figure out that he is the one who reported it to a teacher before it got too ugly.”

Coco looked at the scrapes and bruises riddled across Dazzle’s body. “I guess you aren’t modeling for my spring line anytime soon…”

Dazzle turned to her mother and chuckled. “You aren’t freaking out?”

“I am freaking out!” Coco shuffled her hooves against the carpet. Her eyes widened. She took a deep breath. “I’m also relieved that you’re okay. Ms. Paprika told me everything along the way.” She leaned towards Dazzle’s ear. “To be quite honest, she told me I cannot see you until my emotions were under control. She also told me that you were afraid I was going to go berserk.”

Dazzle looked back at her teacher. By her expression, Dazzle could tell she got tangled in a heated conversation with two other mares. Both mares she recognized: Berry Ice and the mare who tugged Underdog along.

Marigold whistled. “My Bling-Bling here just told me that the two foals responsible are getting two month’s suspension.”

“Mmmhmmm.” Dazzle nodded. She waved for Marigold to come closer. Marigold lent an ear. In it, Dazzle whispered. “Tell Bling he is welcome to sit at our table at lunch.”

Marigold smiled. “Will do, Dazzle.”

Coco looked at the time on the wall. “Well, if you are out of commission, I’m going to have to make up for lost time.”

Dazzle smiled nervously. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, Dazzle, you were protecting your friend.” Coco turned around to sit on her haunches. “But I’m carrying you back home. You are in no shape, way, or form able to walk.”

“I’m fine.” Dazzle stepped forward towards the exit and winced.

“Nuh-uh.” Coco said. “You are going to get a piggy-back home, missy. No questions asked.”

“Fine…” Dazzle sighed as she clambered on.

She caught a glimpse of Underdog as she did so. Also, Candy had the same expression. Jealousy.

Coco stood up and exited the room.

Dazzle took a glimpse behind her. Three friends smiled and waved as she left, and two enemies glared and stared.

What a complicated mess of events.

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