• Published 7th Apr 2016
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Transparent Living - PinoyPony

Disowned by her parents, Diamond Tiara is hastily sent to Mane-hattan to meet Coco Pommel. Even if she has come to turn a new leaf in her growth, there is still a lot for her to learn. New town, new life.

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Chapter 29: Bling's Guilt

“Do you think he hid in the colt’s bathroom?” Dazzle asked.

“Already checked there.” Napoleon answered, shutting the classroom door behind him. He looked at the clock. “It’s been half-an-hour. Maybe he joined his teacher.”

“I doubt it.” Dazzle said. “He seemed pretty upset when I talked to him.”

“It seems very unlike him.” Napoleon said. “I haven’t seen him this upset. Most of the time, he rolls his eyes when I pop a cheesy joke about Chemistry.”

“I like your one about the Hydrogens talking the Oxygen.” Dazzle snickered.

“Thank you.” He smiled for a second, then stared grimly down the hallway. “Still though, it’s very unlike him to be this upset. Not to mention he’s blaming himself for something he didn’t do. That worries me.”

“Yeah. I agree.” Dazzle rubbed her hooves on the carpet nervously. “I wasn’t completely honest with you back there. I have a confession to make.”

“Oh?” Napoleon stopped in his tracks.

Dazzle took a deep breath, and calmly stated, “Vertigo got her cutie mark.”

“WHAT?!” Napoleon shouted.

“You’ve heard me correct.” Dazzle said.

“Sweet Celestia! Now all of us have our cutie marks!” Napoleon glanced at his flank. “What was it a picture of?”

Dazzle’s mouth popped open for a second to tell him, but she stopped herself. “Not telling. I will leave it as a surprise.”

“C’mon Dazzle! You can’t leave me hanging like that!” Napoleon placed his hooves on her shoulders and shook her.

“Still no.” Dazzle stuck her nose up. “You will have to wait.”

“Aw man. But what if she never makes it out the hospital?” Napoleon said.

Dazzle flinched. “That’s a dark thought I’d prefer not to think about.” She bowed her head and sighed. “The only reason why I brought it up is because it may have something to do with why he’s upset.”

“How so? It’s good news…” Napoleon raised an eyebrow. “I would’ve thought it to be an honor to be there the moment she got her cutie mark.”

“I’m with you there,” Dazzle said. “However, that might be a factor weighing in on his mind. According to Vertigo, after she got her cutie mark, her wings started to burn. After that, many other’ foal’s horns and wings started to fizzle.” Dazzle said. “Bling probably blames himself because he thinks he started some sort of chain reaction by helping Vertigo get her cutie mark or something.”

“Huh. That’s weird. Why would a cutie mark set off everypony within a three-meter radius?” Napoleon scratched his chin. “Not to mention that he didn’t catch it when he was in the epicenter.”

“Which is probably the reason why he is upset.” Dazzle reasoned. “He is the only one who should’ve caught it, but didn’t.” She made note of her thought process. Perhaps the information might be of some use to Yttrium.

“I feel bad that I wasn’t there. Vertigo and Bling must’ve pulled an awesome dive.” His tail flicked.

“I feel the same. Maybe we’ll have the chance when she gets out of the hospital.” Dazzle’s lips twisted. “Come to think of it, I might be able to visit Vertigo in the lab section of the hospital.”

“Really? You could? Can you bring me along?” Napoleon hopped up and down in the same way that Coco hopped when she was around Yttrium. He stopped suddenly. “Wait a sec… maybe it wasn’t the best idea to pour out my feelings about her?”

Dazzle smirked. “You’re cute, Napoleon. I like you better when you’re not uptight.”

“Uptight?!” Napoleon nudged Dazzle. “You take that back!”

“Nope.” Dazzle stuck her tongue out at Napoleon.

He stuck his tongue out in response. He sighed. “What did Vertigo say about―?” His cheeks burned a shade of pink on that white coat. “Heh… my message?”

“They took her away before I could get an answer.” Dazzle answered. She decided to omit the fact that she left it very last to mess with her and Napoleon. “If you want an answer, you need to come with me this weekend to go visit her.”

“They would allow that?” Napoleon looked up at his horn.

“I can twist a couple legs.” Dazzle smirked. “I have to check though. No promises.”

“Thank you Dazzle! You’re the greatest!” Napoleon nearly tackled Dazzle.

Dazzle barely dodged the initial tackle and hugged him. “Woah! You’re welcome, Napoleon.”

Dazzle re-focused on the empty hallways. She’d been distracted for way too long. “Now, where do you think Bling would be hiding?”

“I don’t know…” Napoleon answered. “…though he can’t hide for long. Administration sent out messengers for our parents. If we don’t find him, then either administration or Marigold will.”

Dazzle shook her head. “I want to find him first. Our friend needs our help.”

“Well, we are running out of places to search.” Napoleon pointed down the hallway.

He was right. Just one more hallway before they return to the commons. Not to mention how empty the hallways were. Not literally empty, but meaning lacking classrooms. It was probably because the other wall had the courtyard on the other side.

As they passed through the hall, Dazzle spotted a name above a door ‘Ms. Lagoon’

“I didn’t know that the gym teacher had an office.” Dazzle observed.

“I didn’t either.” Napoleon said. His horn shimmered to life. Slowly, he twisted the handle with his magic. “Ugh. It’s locked.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be careful with your horn?” Dazzle asked.

“I can always blame Mrs. Paprika.” Napoleon reasoned as he turned away from the door. “Besides, we are far enough away from the epicenter.” He rocked his head back and forth. “That― and it’s an emergency.”

Behind them, the heard the deadbolt of the door slide across. The door slowly creaked open.

“Yes?” A voice asked. Even through the rawness and coarseness of the voice, Dazzle recognized that voice anywhere.

“Bling!” Dazzle swerved around and ran towards the door.

“Leave me al―”

Before Bling could slam the door, Napoleon conjured a pane of magic to block it from closing.

“Oh no you don’t, you little rascal!” Napoleon wedged the door open with the pane. Once it was open enough for Dazzle to get through, Napoleon commanded “Sick em’!”

Dazzle leapt inside and nearly tackled Bling. Dang. He narrowly dodged her. Locking onto her target, she charged for him as soon as he bolted.

Apparently, Bling was too busy paying attention to Dazzle that he didn’t notice Napoleon flanking him. Napoleon tackled him. To finish it off, Dazzle joined the pileup.

“Augh!” Bling cried. “Get off me!”

“Think of this as payback for the many times you’ve done this to me!” Napoleon joked.

Dazzle scuttled to her feet. She figured it was a playful gesture, but Bling obviously had enough.

Napoleon stood up and brushed himself off.

As Dazzle looked around, she noticed the messy office with various textbooks and workout equipment spread on the shelves and sprawled across the floor. Some of them had been partially assembled, or taken apart― which ever it was. Springs, cords, some round thingies that Dazzle couldn’t begin to name were scattered all over the floor… not to mention how many papers littered the desk.

“What are you doing in here?” Dazzle asked.

“After I made my move to tattle on Candy and Underdog, Ms. Lagoon understood that they might want revenge.” He wiped a hoof across his wet face. “So, during some lunches, she offered me a place to stay until things cooled down.”

It made sense. Dazzle often wondered about all those times that Bling had been missing from their table during lunch. He wasn’t gypping out! Mrs. Lagoon was trying to prevent fights at school.

“Your mom is probably looking for you.” Napoleon started. “Last I checked, they sent out messengers to collect our parents.”

Dazzle completely forgot about that fact. Previously, the school used aid of letter teleport spells to communicate with parents. Corrosion made that mode of communication no longer safe. For now, it had to be done by hoof.

“I don’t want to go back out there. They’ll kill me for what I’ve done.” Bling said.

“Bling, what are you talking about?” Dazzle said. “It’s not your fault.”

“You don’t know anything!” Bling said, swiping a hoof at the dilapidated equipment, sending it clattering across the floor.

Dazzle flinched.

He covered his face in his forelegs and sobbed.

She hadn’t seen his violent side… ever. All she had seen was Underdog’s and Candy’s, but that was about it. It didn’t seem his nature to lash out anymore. Came to think of it… did she and her friends pacify him?

“Vertigo told me it’s not your fault.” Dazzle managed.

Bling stopped hiccupping for a moment. “Wait… how did you talk with her?”

“It’s a long story. Let’s just leave it at ‘I’m an earth pony― Corrosion has no effect on me’.” Dazzle smirked. That last sentence kinda felt like a brag. A good brag.

“Right.” Bling stared at his hooves. “You know about her― HIC! ―mark then?”

“Yep.” Dazzle said. “I also know you blame yourself. Vertigo wanted to tell you that it is all okay.”

“No. It’s a lot more than that.”

“A lot more?” Napoleon said. “How so?”

“I had nightmares about this.” Bling said.

“Nightmares? About Vertigo having Corrosion?” Dazzle found that strange. Maybe the moon princess was due to visit another foal.

“I had nightmares that I went back to being a bully and started picking on you again.” Bling said. “I don’t want to hurt you guys anymore, but after what happened today, I’m no longer safe to hang around.”

Dazzle wanted to disagree, but she related to how he felt all too well. Every once in a while, that intrusive thought would come and she had to convince herself with every argument possible in her brain that would never hurt her friends again.

But… how could she know for sure? How could she tell Bling the same? It was ingrained in their natures― they were willing to twist a couple hooves and throw a couple insults to get their way. She had no answer other than that reassurance that she was above her past self.

“Bling, I’m going to be blunt with you.” Napoleon started. “You said you hurt Vertigo, right?”

Dazzle noticed the look in Bling’s eyes. Fear. “Y-Yes.” He stuttered.

“Did you do it on purpose?” Napoleon asked.

“No.” Bling said. “But Vertigo is in the hospital bec―”

“You take that back! You need to stop doing this to yourself!” Napoleon shouted.

“But you’re angry!” Bling said.

Napoleon groaned. “Angry, no. Frustrated, yes.”

Dazzle figured Napoleon’s comment didn’t help. “Bling, you might mistake our tone as angry, but I promise you, neither of us is angry. We are just worried about you.” She added for good measure.

“Okay, so you are cool.” Bling said. “But what about the others? They probably want payback for what happened to their friends.”

Dazzle paused, taking time to form her words carefully. She was about to bring up a touchy subject to prove her point.

“Trust me, they won’t” Dazzle she began. “Remember the time Underdog and Candy beat me up?”

“Yes?” Bling wiped a hoof over his snotty snout.

“Did any of the other foals join in and fight back?” Dazzle asked.

“No… not really.”

“The amount of bystanders at that incident tells us a lot about how they react to out-of-the ordinary situations.” Dazzle elaborated. “Most of them just stood by the sidelines rather than intervening… The only one to do something about it was you and Napoleon ― and those are the only two ponies that you have to worry about.” Dazzle looked over to Napoleon. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t hold you at fault for the incident. That’s one down. The other pony that you need to take care of is you. You need to forgive yourself.”

“Usually an argument is stronger when another pony agrees.” Napoleon said. “I think I read that in a book a while back― Either way, what I’m trying to say is that Dazzle is right. Nopony will go out of their way to make your life miserable. Besides… I think they were too busy gawking at quarantine that they probably didn’t notice you.”

“You think so?” He sniffled.

“I know so. Dazzle doesn’t lie.” Napoleon patted him on the back. “Dazzle is right about the fact that I don’t blame you for what happened to Vertigo. Past me would’ve found some reason to point a hoof. But we aren’t enemies anymore. We are friends.” He offered his hoof again.

“Why… why are you being so nice to me?” Bling asked Napoleon “I’ve been nothing but cruel to you.”

“Except for the past month.” Napoleon pointed to Dazzle. “Thank her. She taught me to look past the outer shell and see the pony inside. Yes, I was hurt that you picked on me for a long time, but I never realized that my worst enemy could become my best friend.”

Bling stayed silent. He sniffled again and wiped a hoof across his snotty nose.

“Let’s get back to everypony else,” Napoleon suggested. “And if anypony picks on you, I’ll beat them up!” Napoleon pounded his hooves together.

Bling chuckled. “Fat chance. You don’t come off as the fighting type to me.”

“I’m not. But things aren’t going well as of late. Everything is asking for a fight.” Napoleon said. “Science fair didn’t pan out, so I might as well try something new.”

Bling accepted. “Darn Corrosion keeps messing up your chances?”

“Eeyup.” Napoleon said. “But that isn’t what matters now. I’m more worried about both my friends. You and Vertigo.”

Napoleon’s horn blazed to life. Green aura enveloped the doorknob and pulled the door open.

“C’mon.” Napoleon motioned out. “Our parents are probably worried sick about us.”

As soon as Dazzle turned the corner leading into the commons, she was greeted by a sea of students, teachers, staff, and quarantine. She stepped closer towards the front doors that led to the outside. Only one problem: quarantine was standing in between the crowds and the doors. By the conversations she was hearing, this was not going to be pretty.

“Let us out! We don’t have Corrosion!” She overheard from one of the students. Another similar phrase was passed around also: “We’re not sick!”

Stoically, the hazmat’s didn’t seem to move an inch. Even when students were barking in their faces.

Dazzle spotted Mrs. Paprika. Thank goodness her teacher was tall.

“Thank goodness you’re here!” Mrs. Paprika shouted. “I was getting a little worried.”

“Took us a little bit, but we are here now.” Dazzle said.

“Good too! I have all my students accounted for.” She raised a hoof and motioned over to a pony in a hazmat suit to come over.

“How’s it going Dazzle?”

Dazzle spun around. Standing in front of her was a student she’d helped a little while back with homework: a pegasai filly with a triangle flag cutie mark, lavender coat and red tail.

“Fine.” Dazzle answered. “How are you, Fair Wind?”

“Good!” she tilted her head “Where were you?”

“I was helping a friend out.” Dazzle answered. She looked around and noticed something off. “Where’s Bulk and Jade?”

“You! Earth pony! Come here!” She heard behind her.

Dazzle spun around.

She recognized the huff of the voice before, one of the mares in a hazmat that prepped Vertigo for transfer to the hospital. The hazmat pulled out a walkie-talkie and said “Filt, we got another earth.”

“Dazzle, follow Teflon Coating out.” Mrs. Paprika instructed.

Dazzle followed the mare just like her teacher instructed. Bling and Napoleon were about to follow her, before Mrs. Paprika held out a hoof. “Unfortunately, you can’t go just yet.”

Dazzle spun around. “Mrs. Paprika, what are you doing?”

“Dazzle!” Teflon Coating shouted.

“Excuse them, Teflon. They weren’t here when the announcement was made.” Mrs. Paprika said before she swiveled towards Bling and Napoleon. “Sorry you two, you can’t go with Dazzle. Only earth ponies are allowed out.”

Dazzle scanned the crowds. So that was the hair out of place... the odd feeling she was getting. No earth pony in sight except a couple teachers, like Mrs. Lagoon. She trotted back to Mrs. Paprika. “Why not?”

“It was announced that all earth ponies are free to go since they neither contract it nor carry it.” Mrs. Paprika said.

Wait… that phrase sounded familiar.

“So, all Pegasai and Unicorns must stay in the school until further instruction.” Mrs. Paprika continued.

“What about Bling? He was let out from containment.” Dazzle asked.

Mrs. Paprika shook her head “Unfor―”

“Wait… you mean to tell me that this was the foal that was let out?” Teflon interrupted.

Dazzle bit her lip and gave Bling a nervous look. She didn’t mean to incriminate him. He shared the same expression.

Teflon brought out the walkie talkie again. “Filt, we may have your wild card.”

Another hazmat waded through the crowd up to them.

“Is it this one?” Teflon asked.

“Yep.” Mr. Filter said. “I can escort both of you out.”

“Wait! What about Napoleon?” Dazzle asked, gesturing to her friend.

“Dazzle, we can’t take all of you out.” Teflon said. “We can get away with you and uhm… Bling? Right?”

Bling nodded.

“For you, you are an earth pony… and for Bling, he is cleared because he somehow survived the major outbreak with no sign of Corrosion.” Teflon said. “However, if we take your friend, Napoleon out of the school, then the crowds will have reason to riot. Not to mention it is disobeying protocol.”

“Then I will stay with them.” Dazzle said. “I’m not leaving my friend behind.”

“I know you feel that way, but you need to go with your family outside.” Teflon said. “We already checked for Corrosion on Bling and we don’t want you to get mixed up in the crowd. It just means that checking the rest of the crowd will take more time.”

“Can’t you just check Napoleon and be done with it?” Dazzle said. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have Corrosion.”

“Our equipment was taken with the Shield Ambulances.” Teflon explained. “We are waiting until Doctor Fuse gets here with equipment and instructions.”

“I’m stay―!”

“Dazzle, go on. Coco is probably worried about you.” Napoleon said.

“I understand Dazzle when saying we’re not leaving you behind.” Bling stepped toward Napoleon. “What are we going to say to your parents when you don’t come out?”

“Like Dazzle said! I’m pretty sure I don’t have Corrosion!” Napoleon said. “You can tell them that I’m safe and healthy!”

Before Dazzle or Bling could say a word, Napoleon continued, “Let’s just call this even, Dazzle. You took a beating from Underdog in my place. It’s about time I return the favor in some way.”

“But what if you are wrong? What if you have Corrosion?” Bling asked.

Napoleon smirked. “Then I will be able to see Vertigo sooner. Her and her cutie mark.”

Bling looked at Napoleon with an uncertain and unnerved look in his eye.

“Wait? What?!” Fair Wind’s jaw dropped.

“Long story. I’ll tell you later.” Napoleon glanced at her, then back to Dazzle. “Go! Coco and Marigold are probably worried sick and cannot wait any longer.”

Bling sighed. “You sure?”

“Positive.” Napoleon said.

“If you say so.” Bling nodded. He put a hoof over Dazzle’s back. “C’mon Dazzle, let’s go.”

Dazzle sighed. Her heart as heavy as the lead that coated the lab walls. Never before had she felt so bothered by abandoning her friend. She had done it before… Silver Spoon. Now, she was doing it again… running away from problems like she’d done before. In the deepest part of her heart, she hoped Napoleon would be alright.

As soon as she passed through the doors, she spotted Coco. Coco’s face changed from grief to joy once she spotted Dazzle. Dazzle ran towards Coco.

“Oh, thank Celestia!” Coco hugged Dazzle.

“Mom, I’m an earth pony, remember?” Dazzle said.

“Earth pony or not, I’m just glad to hear you are safe.” She squeezed tighter. “Why were you so late?”

Dazzle glimpsed at Bling, who was in an equally tight embrace with his mother. “Bling needed a little help.”

“Where’s Napoleon?” Dazzle heard Florin ask.

“He’s still inside.” Dazzle said. “And Before you say anything, he wanted to tell you he is safe and healthy.”

“It’s quite a relief to see Bling-Bling’s back.” Marigold approached them with Bling sticking to her side. “So, are they letting pegasai out now?”

“Not quite.” Dazzle said. “We still waiting on Yttrium to come with supplies. They’ll be letting out everypony soon.”

“So, how come both of you were so late?” Marigold asked, glancing over at Bling.

“It’s a long story.” Bling answered.

“Do tell.” Florin said. “We are waiting, after all.”

“…Really? Napoleon said that? That doesn’t sound like him.” Florin said. “He loathes the Corrosion with a fiery passion. He goes on and on about how it messes up his plans to go to Celestia’s school. Are you sure he wasn’t forced to say that? Why would he be okay staying behind?”

For Dazzle, it made sense that he stayed behind. Either way, he would see his friends. She’d conveniently left out the parts where he revealed his crush on Vertigo, which would explain the confusion.

“It’s been a long day for all of us.” Bling said.

“The part about Vertigo makes sense.” Marigold said. “I haven’t seen the Hearts anywhere lately. I was beginning to wonder if something happened to them as well. They are probably at the hospital.”

“They are at the hospital.”

Dazzle nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Yttrium!” Coco said. Dazzle noticed that she had a notable spring in her step.

“Please tell us you bring good news from the hospital?” Montresor asked.

“Very good news! We are checking everypony for any straggling Corrosion.” Yttrium said. “Everypony will be out soon enough!”

“Splendid.” Montresor said. “Florin and I are getting a little antsy since Napoleon hasn’t shown his face yet.”

“He’ll probably be out in a jiffy.” Yttrium said. “Apologies if this is brief, but I mustn’t forget what I came out here for.” He pointed to Dazzle. “Mind if I steal Dazzle for a little bit?”

“Not at all! Go ahead!” Coco said.

“Thank you.” Yttrium bowed again before motioning for Dazzle to follow him.

Dazzle had an easier time wading through the crowds as Yttrium seemed to make a path for her. “Excuse me, Pardon me.” He would occasionally say as he pushed through.

As soon as they reached the doors, Yttrium said. “I wanted to thank you personally for helping Nurse Radius with the head count.” He held open the door―with his hoof, and not his aura.

“No problem. I should thank you for fast-tracking my request for volunteering.” Dazzle figured his favor was much more than hers. She knew how much of a nightmare paperwork was.

He fished in his saddlebags and pulled out a flashlight.

“What’s with the flashlight?” Dazzle said, noticing him levitating it in his green magic.

“It’s hard to explain on the spur of things.” Yttrium waved off. “Let’s just leave it at ‘I discovered something that could potentially be the key to the cure’.”

Yttrium approached the doors where a hazmat was guarding. He pulled out his ID card and presented it.

The pony in the hazmat stepped aside.

Right as Dazzle was about to follow him in, the yellow hazmat stepped in front of her.

“She’s with me. Let Dazzle in.” Yttrium explained.

“You know protocol.” The hazmat grunted.

Yttrium groaned. “Thank goodness Nurse Radius slipped this in my pack.” He presented another ID card. The hazmat stepped aside.

As Dazzle stepped inside, a nearby hazmat came up to them offering a hazmat suit for Yttrium. He complied as he slipped it on. Another pony came around, this time holding a lab coat.

“Don’t I need to get into a hazmat?” Dazzle looked over to Yttrium.

“Nope.” Yttrium said. “Trust me. I know for sure that earth ponies are immune. That, and it’s not going to spread now… It needs a little push of magic to do so.” He winked. “More on that later.”

Dazzle slipped on a lab coat. Again, just like the hazmat suit from earlier in the day, it was a pinch too big, but was the smallest they could muster.

“I should’ve brought my tiara.” Dazzle said.

“Corrosion called our names in a moment we weren’t ready. It’s our job to bring the hammer down on it.” Yttrium said, zipping up his hazmat and finishing up sealing the suit. His voice echoed. “Since you weren’t here for the demonstration, just follow my lead.”

Dazzle nodded.

“You ready to cure some Corrosion?” He asked.

“Ready when you are!” Dazzle cheered.

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