• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 3,644 Views, 65 Comments

New Home - Whiskeylullaby

A highly advanced colony Ship Crashes in Equestria

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Hard Landing (Edited and Extended)

"Warning, collision with unregistered planet imminent," blared the alarm system as the command crew desperately fought against the near useless controls.

"Main Engines Offline! Stabilizers thrusters at 50% integrity and falling! Leakage in main Fuel tanks! Fuel reserves Critical! Decompression in 5 sections!" shouted Daniel Farley, brown eyes glued to his screen, his youthful face drawn and grim. The Proud Mary had suffered a catastrophic failure in her experimental slipspace engine, and was unable to resist the pull of a nearby celestial body They were god-knows how far from Earth, venting fuel and oxygen, dragged in a decaying orbit around a massive class M Planet. They were desperate, scared, and the PA system wasn't helping, stuck on a loop playing Elton John's Rocketman.

"Keep fighting, Farley! We must soften our landing," Captain Roux said, her french accent becoming thicker with stress as damage and casualty reports flickered across her screen.

"Too late! We've hit the upper atmosphere! WE’RE IN FREEFALL! I CAN NO LONGER CONTROL THE SHIP!" shouted Daniel, as The Proud Mary Sped towards her demise. Fire and debris scorching her red and white hull. She was quite large, With enough room to carry 8,000 souls aboard her and keep them fed, entertained and healthy through long trips through the void, as well as the materials and equipment to build a colony on all but the most inhospitable of worlds. All of that meant that they were big, heavy, and dropping like a stone.

Time slowed as they impacted the earth, gouts of dirt and debris streaming through the now-shattered windows, and ruptured blast shields of the bridge. Captain Roux was impaled by a pipe torn out of the walls, pinning her to her chair and snuffing out her life instantaneously. Lieutenant Torres, her first officer, was thrown from her seat and slammed against the bulkhead, her skull crushed in a spray of blood and gore as her limp corpse bounced around the cabin. Equipment was torn from its mountings and screeched across the floor and ceiling, crushing those unfortunate enough to be in the way. Daniel let out a silent scream as a console rammed his station, and everything went black..


The six mares that were the Elements of Harmony stood a few hundred yards from the strange alien craft that had fallen out of the sky. It was Large, and shaped much like a Manehattan building, but in far grander scale. The gold, red and white paint visible through the scorch marks gave the observer a sense of how this craft must have looked before it’s final voyage.Smoke and fire filled the wasted landscape of ground zero, and debris had been reported miles from the crash site.

Twilight could only thank Faust that the area was mostly uninhabited.

Behind herself and her friends, both Celestia and Luna stood, accompanied by their most senior commanders and most capable battle-mages. Should their "Visitors" prove hostile, they would teleport the elements away from the danger and move in.

"Twilight...I am serious. At the first sign of danger or hostility, I want you and your friends out of harm's way. This is an unprecedented incident. Even I am at a loss for what to do.” Celestia paused, looking over the young alicorn that had grown so much from the excitable purple unicorn filly she had taken under her tutelage. “Be safe, My student" Celestia pleaded, nuzzling the purple mare.

"I'll be fine, Princess. The girls and I can take care of ourselves. I also don't think these creatures had hostile intent. Their craft looks badly damaged, and nopony's come out of it yet," said Twilight, adjusting her tiara.

“I still don’t like the Idea of sending you in alone, but I suppose you did write the book on first contact scenarios,” Celestia intoned, furrowing her bow.

"Yeah, Princess, I'm sure we can handle a few dumb old aliens. Especially with me here." Rainbow Dash was inspecting her hoof nonchalantly.

"I don't know, what if they're hurt! We... we should help them...If that's okay with them that is..." stuttered Fluttershy, clutching a first aid kit nervously.

"Well, shucks. Let's get over there and see what in tarnation's goin' on then," drawled Applejack, eyeing the wreck with suspicion.

"I must agree with Applejack and Pinkie, there is little time to waste," Rarity said, starting to trot towards the remains of the ship.

"Come'on slow pokes! We gotta go help ’em," giggled Pinkie Pie, already halfway through the debris field.

"Pinkie! Wait for us!" Twilight and her friends galloped to catch up to the pink blur.


The girls entered the ship through one of several gashes in the hull, Each easily wide enough to pull a wagon through.. What they found was a horror show. Dozens of dead aliens lined the slanted corridor, some burned, others torn apart blood coated nearly every surface. The girls were all cowed and horrified by the sight, and Fluttershy teared up. . The few bodies that were identifiable were similar to that of minotaurs.

“U-Unrecognized L-L-L-Life signszzzz detected," stuttered an electronic voice.

"What the hay was that?!" shouted Dash, her fur bristling.

"I dunno Sugarcube, but I think we should leave..." said Applejack backing up, Only to freeze as a hatch slid open, revealing another alien, this one terribly injured, but alive. Bones were visible through an obviously broken arm, and much of his face was blistered from terrible burns.

"I...I can't see....Oh, god...It hurts!" It said, collapsing. Fluttershy Immediately forgot her fear and rushed over.

"Oh, Just hold still! I'll help!" a bandage over the creature’s bloody face.

"N-No...Kids...The kids are a bit further in...They need help...." The creature gasped, grabbing Fluttershy's shoulders with his hands before stiffening, “Please! Please! Get the kids out! They’re stuck in the schoolroom M-My Daughter…” Before it could say more, the creature went limp.

"Sir? Mr. Alien?! S-stop kidding around..." said a thoroughly disturbed Pinkie, her mane drooping. Twilight just swallowed and set her jaw.

"W-We've got to keep moving. You heard the Alien, their young are in trouble!"


Dan opened his eyes and was immediately greeted by searing pain in most of his body. Dan couldn’t help but let a low moan escape across his lips as he fought to remain conscious. He didn't have to be a medic to realize his legs were badly broken. They were bent at an odd angle and half crushed by the dented metal wall he normally used as a footrest. He was pinned by the wreckage of the bridge, but his terminal was working.Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, happy he could still communicate with the rest of the ship. He considered himself lucky that the eggheads back home had figured out how to make terminals NOT explode. Dan looked around, finding himself alone amongst the dead

The captain was pinned to her chair, one of the pipes from the auxiliary power unit jutting from her chest. Her lifeless eyes stared straight ahead, just as determined as they had been in life, and her freshly pressed forever frozen in their final moments. Lt. Torres was lying in a crumpled heap to Daniel’s left, much of her body contorted unnaturally. Daniel could not bear to look at her long, as the image brought bile to his lips. He’d never been able to remember the name of the poor lad that worked communications...and now he wished he had. The poor kid had been crushed in the impact, only his hand peeking from the ruined earth and metal.

By rights, he should be dead too.

Gritting his teeth he shook his head, banishing the thought, and checked his terminal.

"At least I can be useful for a bit..." he muttered to himself, checking over damage and casualty reports. The damage was extensive. There were entire sections unstable, and at least one of the living facilities was a raging inferno. What caught his eye however, were six life-forms hurrying up Corridor 1C, towards the onboard school. They had no IFF, so they hadn't been part of the crew or colonists. He hoped for a minute they'd landed on a human planet, and keyed the intercom.

"Hello? This is Acting Captain Farley. Can you hear me?"


"Hello?, This is Acting Captain Farley, Do you hear me?" asked a voice from above, causing Fluttershy to jump and the rest of the girls to take attack positions. "Yes! You! can you understand me?" This time the voiced seemed slightly desperate and strained.

"...We can hear and understand you, Captain," Twilight answered cautiously.

"Okay, good...Thank Christ. Look, I'm injured pretty badly, and I can't move, So I'd like your help. We need to get my people out of this wreck. I see you're already closing in on the school… I can see life signs inside, so Hopefully the kids are alright… Will you help?"

Twilight looked at her friends, each of whom had a look of determination.

"We'll get you and yers outta this mess, Sugarcube. Don't you worry none," Applejack promised, adjusting her hat.

"Of course Darling! We'll be happy to help," cooed Rarity, nodding at her friends. Pinkie and Dash just shared a look of determination and nodded.

"Good to hear... Let's hope we can meet in person soon." Relief was evident in Farley’s voice.

“Leave it to me. Ten seconds flat!” boasted Dash, secretly relieved to be out of the nightmare for even a few moments. Pinkie just nodded, her normal smile replaced with naught but grim determination.

"Alright, Dash, I'll need you to grab the princesses and the guards. This is now a rescue," Twilight ordered, her horn glowing as she levitated debris out of her way, while Fluttershy zipped off to triage the injured. In her heart, Twilight knew Equestria would change.

For better or worse.

Author's Note:

Edited By ScrambledCrackers and Stupidhand, Look'em up and check'em out, they're significantly better at this!