• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 3,645 Views, 65 Comments

New Home - Whiskeylullaby

A highly advanced colony Ship Crashes in Equestria

  • ...

New Day

Author's Note:

Well, i was going to have 3k words, but I Freaking suck at time management, and figured 20 week was a bit too long a wait.

The morning brought with it a flurry of new activity, as Human engineers and Pony laborers started building prefabricated shelters from the ship’s cargo holds. Replacing the tents that had sprung up around the crash site. A quarantine had been set into place as the humans and ponies tried to contain any possible outbreaks, and researched common diseases that may pose threat to either race (Or any other on the planet).

Thankfully, cross species diseases were rare, and ultimately harmless. Twilight Wandered about, Her nose deep in a Holobook, as she studied the technologies the humans had shared with them in return for their help. Twilight couldn’t help but drool over the detailed instructions and schematics. However, Her mind was constantly drawn to her friends, Worrying about their conditions from last night. Plus, despite their bustling activities, she knew the aliens were still mourning.

It was obvious they’d thrown themselves into their work to try and ease the pain. Twilight saw Fluttershy in the new medical ward, Helping those with new prosthetic limbs with their therapy. She had a serious face, and her eyes were red, but she seemed more stable than yesterday. Pinkie was busy as well, Entertaining the young children. She seemed tired, and her smile was weak, but she looked much more poofy than the day before. Applejack was helping the laborers and engineers raise large metal walls onto a prefab frame, due to the human’s construction machines being too damaged to use. As the wall slid into place, humans would rappel down the sides, Riveting and welding the piece into place. Twilight was Surprised to find rarity with her tailoring tools, however.

“Rarity? Whats with all of this?” she asked the white unicorn, waving a hoof at all the fabrics and boxes in her friend’s blue aura.

“Captain Farley lost most of his belongings in a fire, and asked for a suit, so that when he recovers enough, he can give a speech.” She replied. Smiling. “I know what you’re going to say, Twilight. That fashion isn’t important, but This time, It is. Truly So. He wants to make a good first impression, and being seen in a hoof-made suit would show he considers us as equals, and perhaps partners in future endeavors. Now, I’m sure that's not what he meant when he asked me, but it was because Celestia suggested it. I must be off, I have my measurements and a magazine on human fashion and I. MUST. CREATE!” Rarity the galloped off, Squealing with delight at the chance of a lifetime, leaving twilight speechless. Shaking off the Fashionista’s Antics, She strode into the newly built “Command center” as the Humans called it. She found Doctor Roux and a wheelchair-bound Dan in the middle of a conversation with a Pony Physician.

“...And if the data we’ve gathered on human interactions with magic, Your Technology, and the medical records of the survivors, We should be able to speed up your and others Rate of recovery at least tenfold. In fact, I doubt very much you’ll spend more than a week and a half in your wheelchair, Captain. Of course, With breaks this extensive you will likely Require leg braces or a cane to walk Normally.” The Pony Said, handing a datapad to the intrigued-looking doctor Roux.

“....The Science in this simulation is sound.” The Doctor Agreed shaking his head. “Never expected to say that about magical ponies though”

The Pony Chuckled. “Never expected to meet a talking primate myself, So we’re even” The pony turned to dan Lighting up his horn. “If you’ll hold still, I’ll give you your first Dose of healing magic. You may feel a bit of numbness and a tickling sensation. This is normal.” Dan took a deep breath and nodded.

“I’m ready when you are, doctor.” He replied. The Pony Doctor’s Horn Glowed a gentle white, and dan was encased in the same color glow. Dan tensed for a moment, But relaxed with a sigh.

“Very good Captain Fielder.” The pony said, Stopping his treatment. “A few more days of this and you’ll be right as rain”

“You have no clue how relieved I am to hear that, even with nanites, these things take months to heal properly.” Dan Said, A small smile on his face. As the pony walked off, Dan Sighed, Donning a pair of glasses. Barely visible from the other side of the glass, was a constant stream of information.

“Everything here is so...Amazing. Magic, Sapient Ponies that speak English, We literally could not have crashed anywhere better. There were so many ruptures and breaches in the hull that if we’d landed in a vacuum, or any planet with a toxic atmosphere, more of us would be dead...I’d almost say it were divine intervention.” He mused, Noticing the Purple Alicorn. “Princess Twilight? How can I help you?”

Twilight jumped, having been caught once again listening to private conversations. She smiled, albeit sheepishly “I uh, I didn’t mean to listen in. I just didn’t want to interrupt you.”

Dan shook his head. “No worries, your highness. It was just some medicals stuff for my legs. Nothing too sensitive.”

Twilight Smiled more earnestly, relieved. “It's good to hear you’ll be recovering quickly captain.” she beamed, opening her saddlebags. “I’m here to return these Datafiles to you, and collect another set, as well as drop off the Encyclopedia Equestria complete set, as well as other important texts, ranging from medical, to engineering, law, and even Roughshod Gourmand’s compendium of Perfectly palatable pastries!”

Dan and Dr. Roux were nonplussed, but quickly shook off the adorable quirkiness of the purple princess, Gratefully accepting her kindness.

“I’m sure these will be Useful in adjusting to our new home here. When you next see the other princesses, could you pass along my thanks? Your people have done and continue to do so much for us, and been so friendly that I can’t help but feel indebted to you.

Twilight smiled warmly, Shaking her head. “No need, we’re just doing what any decent pony, or person, would.” She replied, grabbing the newest datapad in a box marked “Cultural/technological exchange” and trotting off. Dan looked into the ceiling, sighing.

“Roux, We got lucky. Insanely lucky. Unfathomably lucky...or maybe..just maybe, someone is really pulling at the strings of fate…”