• Published 17th Jun 2012
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Fire vs. Love: A Battle for Supremacy - UnweptSchlipps

Cadance and Celestia solve family issues over a good old-fashioned magical duel.

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A Challenge

Princess Cadence wandered through the halls of Canterlot Castle, giving a kind smile to every guard she passed. Although a few months had passed since the wedding incident, a few guards couldn’t help but watch her suspiciously. But nonetheless, she just greeted them with a quirky smile, which immediately proceeded to melt their hearts.

She had been called up by Auntie Tia herself, something that had rarely happened ever since she was a filly. Frankly, she was in the middle of decorating her and Shining’s new home when the guards came with the message. But the loving niece held no animosity for her beloved aunt, although she couldn’t help but ponder why Celestia had called her in. “No matter,” the pink alicorn said to herself. “If Auntie Tia needs me, it must be important.”

She made her way to Celestia’s private chamber. The stallions leading her parted out of the way, ushering the newly-wed into the room. Cadence saw her aunt sitting by the hearth, sipping her tea. Usually, Auntie Tia would greet her niece with a joyous smile, but to Cadence’s surprise, the regal ruler just stared into the fire with indifference.

The pink pony asked quietly, “You called for me, Auntie Tia?”

“Yes Mi Amore Cadenza,” Celestia answered, still looking into the fire. The ruler’s voice was harsh and sour, as though her niece was but an intruder. “I know you must be busy with married life-.”

“Um, you can just call me Cadence, auntie,” the younger princess replied happily. “And actually, it hasn’t been all that busy-.”

“Don’t interrupt!” The stern command caused Cadence to immediately sit down, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Celestia began to stir something into her tea, while continuing, “I suppose you’re wondering why I called you in. You see, it’s about Chrysalis-.”

“Is that hag of a queen back in Canterlot?” Cadence interrupted, quickly standing back up, her face locked with a vicious snarl. “Because I will gladly blast her out again-.”

With this, the ruler turned towards her niece, annoyed. Cadence saw her glare burn with intensity of the fire behind her, so she sat back down, not sure what to expect. Seeing that the younger alicorn was silenced, Celestia said, “Actually, Cadenza, that’s the thing. You somehow managed to defeat her.”

“Yes I did!” Cadence exclaimed, beaming with pride.

You defeated her. And I didn’t.”

“That is the truth, yes. I freed you from that cocoon as well,” Cadence replied, giving a nod.

“The Changeling that you defeated, managed to defeat me.”

“Yes…why are you repeating the same thing over and over?” the oblivious alicorn asked.

Princess Celestia let out a sigh, rubbing her temple in frustration. She looked back to see her niece smiling back, almost glowing with unconditional love. It almost made her want to retch.

But the divine ruler, as though she was talking to a young filly, began to explain, “Because, my dearest niece, I am trying to get my point across. You see, Chrysalis somehow managed to defeat me, which makes her stronger than me. And then you, with your little love magic-whatever thing, defeated her. That makes you more powerful than her. Which, by the transitive property…” Celetia raised an accusing hoof and finished, “makes you stronger than me.”

The other princess couldn’t help but chuckle at this notion, and pointed out, “But that’s just silly Auntie. Technically it was Shining Armor and my abilities that defeated her, you know.”

But to Celestia, this was no laughing matter. Placing her tea on the side table, she stood up to address her little niece face-to-face. She replied, “Yes, yes, and I understand that. But in the eyes of my subjects, that’s not what they saw. They saw the power of love, which is you, defeat a villain so strong not even Princess Celestia could defeat her. My subjects actually doubt my power. And frankly, I cannot let that happen.” She left those last words to hang sinisterly in the air, letting them sink in.

Cadence, who now feeling a bit uncomfortable from her aunt’s smothering gaze, said quietly, “Umm…I don’t like where this is going Auntie Tia.”

But the ruler continued, “And so, I have arranged a little…public show. A…competition you could say. A Magical Duel, to see who the best is.”

“You’re joking,” Princess Cadence said in disbelief.

“No Cadenza, I am absolutely serious,” Celestia answering, an evil smile beginning to form on her face. “The only way for us to settle this dispute is to…show the public who really is more powerful.”

“But Celestia-.”

Princess Celestia,” the sun goddess corrected.

Princess Celestia,” the pink alicorn uttered. She began to move towards the exit, uncertainty clearly printed across her face. She began to explain worriedly, “You do realize all that power came from my love for Shining Armor, right? By myself…I mean…you’ve so much more power and experience…you’re obviously going to destroy me!”

Then, almost slipping out the door, she said, “I’m sorry Auntie, but I think I’ll have to pass.”

The pink alicorn slipped away, trying to make some distance from her aunt. But as the door began to shut, Celestia called out, “Oh, so you’re…a coward then?”

The ruler then turned away, counting down in her head. And sure enough, the sound of an opening door creaked once again, and Cadence’s head popping into view. “Excuse me?” the royal asked, her eyes squinted accusingly.

“Oh nothing…scared little filly…”

“Hmph. So you’re resorting to name calling now? I would’ve expected more from you Auntie Tia.”

“Oh well, I suppose you don’t believe the power of love cannot vanquish all. I guess your love for Shining Armor, and that marriage…isn’t real after all.” This final statement had the desired effect, and the niece came rushing into the room, her face now red.

With her marriage slandered, the pink alicorn got into her aunt’s face and said, “I will let you make fun of me and call me names Celestia. But when you dare question my love…IT. IS. ON!”

“So it’s settled then. Tomorrow, bright and early in the morning. Good luck…Cadenza,” Princess Celestia uttered evilly.

“I will bury you Auntie. I guarantee it.” And with that, the newly-wed princess stormed out of the room, her mind spinning with all the things she would do to her aunt.

Celestia gave an evil laugh and returned to her seat by the hearth, sipping her tea gently. She said sinisterly, “That poor young mare. This will be all too easy.”


Meanwhile, just outside the hall, a starry-maned ruler happened to be strolling through when a certain pink alicorn barged out of a door looking mightily peeved. “Art thou okay, dearest niece?” Luna said concernedly.

Without looking back, Cadence answered, “Celestia thinks she can just make fun of my marriage like that huh? She thinks she can best me? Well she’s got another thing coming…”

Luna watched her niece gallop down the hall before disappearing past a corner and out of sight. Her curiosity piqued, the night princess made her way to Celestia’s room, placing her ear up next to the door. She could hear Celestia’s muffled voice utter, “That poor young mare. This will be all too easy.”

Hearing this, a sinister smile began to spread on Luna’s lips, unknowingly matching that of her sister inside. All those years on the moon came to mind, and she whispered wickedly, “Oh really, sister? We shalt see about that…”