• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 1,632 Views, 40 Comments

Fire vs. Love: A Battle for Supremacy - UnweptSchlipps

Cadance and Celestia solve family issues over a good old-fashioned magical duel.

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Epilogue: One-Sided Conversation With a Cherub

Princess Cadence wandered through the halls of Canterlot Castle, giving a kind smile to every guard she passed. Although three days had gone by since the dueling incident, a few guards couldn’t help but eye her suspiciously. But nonetheless, she just greeted them with a quirky smile, immediately melting their hearts.

She found herself walking through a corridor complete with a brand new sky roof made from the destruction she had caused. On the bright side, it’s much lighter than before, Cadence thought dismissively. She was humming a peppy tune, her head bobbing along to the beat. Her colorful mane covered the bandages wrapped around her head, and burns still lingered in the alicorn's fur. But despite her injuries, the princess trotted gleefully down the hallway, her steps having just a bit more spring and pep than usual. After all, today was a brand new day. A new day, a new start.

Cadence was levitating a bright pink basket, being careful not to exert herself too much. She soon found herself standing in front of a door with a giant red cross printed on. Taking in a deep breath, she crept into the infirmary, trying to stay as quiet as possible.

The princess was immediately greeted by the sight of her favorite lavender unicorn, who lay in a bed with her hindlegs in a cast and her head propped up.

Buongiorno…Oops. I mean, good morning Twilight!” the princess said cheerily. “How are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’ve certainly felt better,” the unicorn replied, trying to hide her discomfort. Although she had to admit, having Cadence drop in made her feel a whole lot better.

The pink pony rubbed Twilight’s mane lovingly just like how she did when she was a foalsitter. Cadence said sadly, “It was really unfortunate about what happened. I didn’t even know ponies were even allowed up on the towers!”

“Uhh, yeah…” Twilight Sparkle mumbled, turning her gaze down.

The unicorn glanced up to see her foalsitter give an all-knowing wink, and Twilight couldn't help but give a small, embarrassed smile.

Then Cadence turned to the blue figure lying in the next bed. The pony was lying rigid, with blankets covering up her bandaged torso. “Oh, and how are you doing Auntie Luna? I guess having a fully grown mare fall on you isn’t exactly good for your back, huh?” the newlywed asked.

“Well, the doctor said I shall have to wear a brace for a few weeks, but it was all worth it to see the look on Celestia’s face when you beat her! You gave her one heck of a fight!” Princess Luna answered with a small giggle.

Cadence levitated The Moon’s Eyes out of the pink basket and said sheepishly, “I thought you might like this back.”

But Luna just shook her head and told her niece happily, “Oh no, Cadence. You may keep it. Think of it as a gift…for winning.”

“Thank you Auntie Luna.” Cadence slipped the small jewel around her neck, fawning over the beautiful bauble. Then she asked, “Do you know where Zia Tia is? Oh that rhymed! Zia Tia, Zia Tia, Zia Ti-.”

“She is in the other room,” Luna interrupted, trying to sound as…un-annoyed as possible. She pointed to a closed door and warned, “But do be careful. I don’t know the state she’s in.”

The pink pony bowed her head respectfully and made her to the doorway. Cadence placed her hoof on the doorknob, trying to compose herself. Yes, she was bit nervous. What would Auntie say? Would she be mean? Would she try to hurt her? What would she say?

Finally, the princess quickly swung the door open before she could talk herself out of it. And what she saw…wasn’t exactly what she had expected. Actually, it was quite better.

Princess Celestia lay in her hospital bed surrounded in a full body cast, covering her from head to hoof. Only her eyes, nose, and ears remained exposed. Everything else (including her mouth) was covered in a thick cast and heavy bandages. Her only movement was when she pressed the bed remote at her side to adjust herself, and even that caused pain. When she saw her niece enter, Celestia made a small grunting sound and narrowed her eyes.

“Ohhh, ummm…” Cadence began awkwardly. Then she put on a gleeful smile and greeted, “Hi Auntie Tia! I brought you a get-well basket!”

She levitated something out of the colorful basket, revealing a golden circlet embedded with shining rubies. “Look! It’s a crown. I got it to replace the other one I…well, you know.”

The love conjurer gingerly placed the crown on Celestia’s head. Straightening it out, Cadence squealed in delight and continued, “Ohhhh, look at it! It’s so pretty! You’ll be looking like your old dazzling self in no time!” Celestia didn’t look very excited however; her eyes were still drilling into Cadence’s head.

Paying no heed, Cadence positioned herself at the side of her bed, trying to maintain a friendly disposition. “I gotta move slow, y’know. Doctor said I still a have minor concussion. Although, I suppose it’s not as bad as what you got. Heh-heh.” Another grunt.

“Sorry about the whole…embarassing you in front of all of your subjects thing. And for...driving you into the earth with the force of an atomic explosion. I guess I just don’t know my own strength!”

When her aunt simply averted her gaze, Cadence sighed. Taking some time to ponder over her next words, the pink alicorn said gently, “Listen…I just came here to apologize. To…to make amends. I really am sorry about everything that’s happened the past few hours. I think we let the duel get into our heads and make us lose sight of what we really are.”

Even though Celestia still looked away, Cadence continued, “I mean…we’re family after all. There’s this saying: Famiglia sarà sempre la famiglia. Although we may have our differences, in the end, we will still be family. And we’re supposed to love each other, no matter what happens.”

“So what do you say, Auntie. Let’s just…put our differences aside, and go back to the way things were, hmm?”

Celestia tried to stay mad, she really did. But she knew it was futile to stay angry at Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, master of looking cute and innocent. She rolled her eyes, sighed, and mumbled, “Okay.”

Although it was muffled, Cadence caught the message loud and clear. Her eyes immediately lit up, and a loving grin took up most of her face. “Oh grazie! Thank you, thank you, thank you!,” she said, embracing her aunt tightly, not realizing that Celestia was squealing out of pain and not happiness.

Then she whispered, “I love you Auntie Tia.” Although she had uttered those same words out of spite three days ago, this time was different. This time, what she said was absolutely, 100% true.

Celestia could sense the utmost sincerity in her niece’s voice, and the sun goddess mumbled, “I love you too.” And although Cadence couldn’t see it, Celestia was actually smiling for the first time in three days.

The embrace went on for…a bit longer than Celestia had thought it would. But she figured it was her niece being sweet, and let her continue. Still holding her aunt close, Princess Cadence uttered, “And I think we BOTH learned a valuable lesson here.

She brought her face close to Celestia’s ear, and in a voice that almost made her aunt shiver, Cadence whispered, “NEVER…make fun of my husband.”

Then she quickly leapt up and quickly said, “Ta-ta!” Without so much as a wave, the pink princess briskly trotted out the door, leaving Celestia just a tad bit confused. But the ruler just decided to let it go, and sit back and relax. After all, three week of doing nothing wasn’t going to pass by itself.

But something odd began to happen. The bed was beginning to fold inward, folding her fragile body along with it.

The sun goddess began to look around fearfully, unable to shout for help. Her broken bones began to hurt once more as they began to bend in places they weren’t supposed to. In a panic, she reached out her hoof, trying to press the bed remote.

She could have sworn she had left it right at her side. She distinctly remembered putting it by her side. But when she looked down, for some reason, the remote was missing.

Thus ends the final chapter of this short little story. To tell you the truth, I came up with this story after seeing a comment on a random piece of artwork and I thought, 'I have got to write that down!' The concept was put up on a whim, and I didn't expect it to become what it is now. And although the amount of thumbs and favorites may not be all that much, it truly means a lot to an up-and-coming writer like me. And of course...being midway up the Popular Stories List ain't too shabby either.

So anyway, thanks for following me along on this random idea I had. Who knows? Maybe I should write more stories like these. Thanks for the comments, the favs, the thumbs-up. And um...you know...if you ever feel like it...maybe check out my other stories...I mean, I'm not forcing you or anything...just...yeah. I'm so ashamed. One last thing, perhaps I shall do an alternate ending when Celestia wins. What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment down below!

Peace out bronies! Until my next story, which is already in the works!
Keep on flying! Keep spreading the love!