• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 2,046 Views, 259 Comments

Where The Heart Lies - Broman

Quicksilver, a pegasus guard, is captive under the gryphons. He now must survive in an gryphon encampment but at the same time learns about their reasons behind the war.

  • ...

Complete Candor

Hammer awoke from his warm bed, feeling the presence of a pony next to him. He looked to his right and thankfully saw Silverwing situated with her back turned to him. The past few nights, they would sleep together in the makeshift bed, and in some unfortunate mornings, would wake up having their hooves overlapping each other. This morning was an exception; his captain was still sound asleep and on her side of the bed. Not that he minded their hooves touching, but it would save the embarrassment.

He also noticed that she had been sleeping a lot more lately. He didn't know if it was result of the storm that still raged outside the walls, the constant stress of going leading the camp, or possibly be in relation to her brother. He might be overthinking it. He lifted his head up and heard the familiar sound of his stomach beginning to growl. Knowing breakfast was going to be made soon, he decided to get up and get an early morning meal.

He headed outside, the cold wind chilling him on contact. It was snowing lightly; hopefully the storm had let up somewhat before they all hunkered down again. He looked about and saw that several of his fellow guards were up and about. They were not alone, as he spotted a few Diamond Dogs preparing their own meals near the fires and for their fellow pack mates. He had grown accustomed to the sight of them eating meat.

Normally more timid ponies would look away in revulsion and curse those who partake in a carnivorous diet. However, out here in the wilderness, the Dogs were survivors just as they were. Wanting to get something in his belly, he headed toward the mess tent, where a line of hungry Ponies and Cervines were gathered.

Sticking in the line, he waited patiently for his morning breakfast. Everypony was silent or mumbling to themselves, wanting to get a hot meal in them. He scanned his eyes across the waking camp. The militia and other guards exited their tents and greeted the frozen morning. Near the edge of the giant snow wall, which has been shored up by the Diamond Dogs, he saw a dozen or so Cervine practicing with their weapons. Among them was Strong Oak, drilling his rangers and ensuring that they were prepared at all times. It amazed him at times to how far they are willing to go. But as the old saying goes, one can not be too careful.

The line moved for him and took a few steps forward, when a few equines came behind him.

“Ah, Charger, Shadow Hunter. Good morning,” he said, spotting his companion and the militia leader. Charger wiped away the sleep from his eyes while the Prench commander gave a loud yawn.

“Good morning to you as well,” Shadow Hunter replied, releasing his drawn out yawn and smacking his lips afterward.

“How’s the shoulder?” Charger asked. Hammer rolled his wounded shoulder and felt it twinge from the movement.

“It stings a little. Probably need to change of fresh bandages.”

“Be sure to check in with Cottontail and Swift Leaf. I’m certain they will have what you need,” Shadow Hunter said, bringing his cloak closer and breathing heavily into his hoof. Hammer nodded, and he thought about the last time he saw them. The last he heard, they were talking to Anvil with his story.

In fact, he’d hardly seen him since this storm had started, and that was at least a week ago.

The line moved forward, and the three of them were the next in line. The chef, a rather round unicorn, was busy cooking in a small pan, which was filled with eggs and what looked like hash browns. A Cervine was also inside, preparing a large soup that smelled of barley and carrots. The cook turned and gave a warm smile to the three of them.

“Hey there, fellas. Hope you're hungry. Got some good potatoes cut up and made with some scrambled eggs,” he said while scooping them up with a small spatula and setting them into small bowls. After a few seconds, he offered the bowls with his magic and the three eagerly accepted them. Charger, when holding his bowl, took a strong whiff and gave a heavenly sigh.

“It sure smells good. What did you put in it?” Charger asked.

“It’s an old family recipe. Though I’m not going to say how it’s made, and it's nothing you won't eat” the cook replied with a chuckle, returning to his work and readying the next order.

The three left the cook and settled themselves in front of the main fire. They sat quietly as they ate their food. Hammer’s taste buds buzzed from the food, and he hummed in satisfaction. As they continued to eat, they saw more of their companions and the Diamond Dogs coming on by and bringing their own meals. Soon enough, at least half of the camp was already eating their breakfast. It certainly amazed him how former enemies had turned allies in these times. After a few more moments, Hammer noticed that Charger gave a loud yawn to his side.

“Didn’t sleep well?” he asked.

Charger merely shrugged to him. “Just a bad nightmare, that’s all,” he replied, focusing on his meal.

“What was it about?” he asked. He didn’t want to pry, but was curious about his companions’ well-being.

“It was about that filly I buried back in that village. I dreamed that she was still alive, still wondering where everypony had gone. I even imagined myself. That I...that I had a little one of my own,” he explained, finishing the rest of his food and settling the bowl by his hooves. Hammer remained silent as Charger rubbed a hoof onto his face.

“Sorry to hear about that, Charger,” Hammer said, sympathy in his voice.

“That’s not even the worst of it,” he added.

“There’s more?” Shadow Hunter asked.

“Yeah. I dreamed I was married to a beautiful mare and had a wonderful life. However, when I was home with her, some Griffons and one of those Yak beasts came and held me at knife point.” He shuddered for a moment before continuing. “I was trapped, separated from the one I loved. Those griffons held a sword at my throat, my chest, and down at my-”

“Pickles and eggs!” The three turned their heads to see a Diamond Dog coming out of a hole, carrying two large barrels while chewing on a large pickle. The Diamond Dogs eagerly helped themselves to the barrels and prepared their morning breakfast. Hammer turned to Shadow Hunter and Charger, the latter looking equally stunned. The three soon shared a laugh, letting their mirth sink in. After a moment, Charger gave a tired sigh and brushed a hoof onto his arm.

“You get my point at least. I always imagined having a family. I want to have a little filly, and I will tell her all that I know. Though I fear the longer this war goes on, I will never have a chance at raising a family.” He finished and moved his hooves closer to the fire to keep warm.

“I know that feeling too, Charger,” Shadow Hunter responded, “I too have a son, though I never met him. I wish to meet him and my own beloved. Though it’s been so long since I last seen them, and I sometimes question if they will ever recognize me.”

Hammer had their sympathy, though he hadn’t yet sired any children nor found a mare to care for. The only one he truly liked was Silverwing, even if he hadn't told her his true feelings. He folded his ears back and looked away from the fire, lost in thought.

“Was Silverwing still asleep when you came about?” Shadow Hunter asked. Hammer turned to the old veteran, a concerned look on his face.

“Yeah. She was still asleep when I awoke. Why do you ask?” He watched Shadow Hunter grumble at his reply and brushed a hoof under his chin.

“That mare was awake last night, watching the fire pits and stargazing,” he explained.

Hammer curled an eyebrow at him. It was probably nothing, but the way he sounded made it sound more concerning.

“You think she was just keeping watch?” he asked, but Shadow Hunter shook his head.

“She’s been doing this for the past several nights. I’ve seen her up late and getting less sleep as each day passes and my militia conveyed with me on their shifts that she stares up to the sky for hours on end,” He turned to look at Hammer, who blinked in surprise and whose eyes settled back on the tent.

“Why would she be doing that?”

“I don’t know. Though I worry for her. The stress and the constant worry for her brother has taken its toll. The blizzard has not helped either, and we have no choice but to hunker down until it passes. I fear for her well-being. I dare not say it but if her brother is gone, I fear that she would break down badly at such news. I’ve seen it in others before,” he said.

“Silverwing has not been sleeping?” Hammer said almost to himself. Charger tapped at his shoulder and drew both his and Shadow Hunter’s attention.

“She may be a strong leader. But all strong leaders have their limits. I hope she will be fit to lead, but she won’t be unless she gets herself more sleep and mentally prepares for any outcome.” he explained.

Hammer nodded and look back at the tent he slept in. I really hope you are okay, Silverwing, he thought as he stretched his shoulder. He felt the familiar twinge and knew he would need to get it checked.

Standing up to stretch his legs, he dismissed himself from his companions and headed over to Swift Leaf’s tent. He knew he needed fresh bandages and possibly more of that paste so that his wound wouldn't sting as much. Within a minute, he soon found himself in front of their tent.

Though he heard voices already speaking inside, one of which is a distinct and familiar voice. Narrowing his eyes and curiosity getting the better of him, he pushed open the tent entrance and poked his head in.

What he saw next quite surprised him.

Anvil was sitting on his haunches while Swift Leaf applied a gel onto his wounded eye and Cottontail was speaking to him. The room was littered with a bunch of written papers, both smooth and crumbled. Their room had a small desk in the corner that held various herbs and powders, the smells assaulting his nose with varying degrees. Hanging above were a few flasks and a few tree branches of various origins. In the center of the room, right were Anvil was sitting, were a couple of occupied bedrolls. He wondered if they belonged to the Cervine or if Anvil had brought one in.

After a moment of staring at them, Anvil was the first to notice him.

“Oh hey, Hammer. Come in,” he said nonchalantly. Hammer walked in, still trying to get his mind wrapped around at what he’d been doing for the last week.

“What have you been doing? I haven’t seen you for half a fortnight,” he asked, almost dreading to hear the reply.

“Well, Swift Leaf has been kind enough to share some of their history and folklore, and well, I’ve been delving into our past as well to share.”

“So what does Swift Leaf’s hooves on your face have to do with sharing cultural histories?” Hammer asked, being a little skeptical but having a certain interest about what they have been discussing. Anvil looked to answer when Swift Leaf gave a warm smile.

“His wound over his eye was giving him some irritation. I am merely helping ease his discomfort,” she explained, applying the ointment tenderly upon his face. Hammer smirked when Anvil winced slightly from the pain, Swift Leaf’s hoof moving across each of the scars.

“See. This scar will heal in no time,” he said, though it sounded forced to the point he was trying to contain the urge to shout.

“I see. It does look less worse than it was before,” Hammer observed with a slight smug on his face.

“Really?” he said near high pitch voice when Swift Leaf touch the scar above his eye.

“Yeah. But the mares still won’t kiss ya,” Hammer retorted. This caused Anvil to laugh it off, while Swift Leaf paused in her work, a humorous smile on her face. While in their mirth, Cottontail turned to look to Hammer.

“I presume that your shoulder has been bothering you?” she said, taking a stand to greet him. He nodded to her, and she went to her small table with the herbs and flasks. She plucked one with her hoof, grabbed a fresh bandage roll and gave it to him.

“Be sure to apply it gently in the affected areas. Once done, make sure you apply the fresh bandages,” she explained. He nodded in kind and went to leave, but stopped and turned to her.

“Thank you, Cottontail. I can’t thank you enough for helping us. For what you do for us, you have my utmost thanks,” he said.

She gave a small smile and inclined her head. “If there was peace, we would share much of our culture with Equestria. The potential of pursuing the highest arts, poetry, medicine. There would be so much that can be shared between our people. It’s a dream worth reaching once the war is over,” she said, and he smiled at the thought.

Hammer said his farewell to Anvil, who stood idle as Swift Leaf applied the rest of the treatment onto his eye. He noticed a smile on her face while treating him, and Anvil himself was quite content with her care. A curiosity grew within him about the two, about how well they got along and how they shared their experiences with one another.

He simply shook his head at the fun sight and headed outside.

Hammer made his way towards his tent with Silverwing. While moving, he kept an eye on the growing number of Equines, Cervine, and Diamond Dogs that had all gathered about the camp, eating their meals and enjoying each other's company. He still heard the training of the Cervine, and he thought he heard the clashing of blades. He paid it no mind and instead headed for the tent. When he moved closer, however, he remembered Shadow Hunter’s words. Silverwing had not been feeling the same, and that she had the tendency of going to bed later and later in the night.

Were his words true? Is she having some anxiety or a fear that is keeping her restless at night? The question lingered in his mind, and he wondered if being cooped up in this camp was causing her to be less active. He could hardly imagine what she might be going through, not being able to reach her brother. He too worried for his former lieutenant, and wondered if Quicksilver was still alive.

He took a deep breath. He would have to confront her with this possibility if this was one of her fears.

He soon entered the tent, settling the fresh bandage and the ointment to the side. He spotted Silverwing, still fast asleep, her cloak removed her eyes shut and their were bags under them. Pity grew in his heart, and he worried that she was pushing herself too much over this. Deciding to get his mind off the issue, he worked on getting the old bandage removed.

He sat on his haunches and pulled on a loose cloth with one of his hooves. He pulled it, and the bandage came loose. He winced slightly as the scar became exposed, and the smell from the old bandage whiffed in the air. He cringed when he pulled the old bandage over a sensitive region, and he took a few short breaths to calm himself. He would need a clear mind when he does the task himself.

“Hammer?” Silverwing’s voice broke through his concentration. He looked over, seeing Silverwing awake and her eyes tracing to his wounded shoulder. “What are you doing?” she asked.

Hammer said nothing, seeing her eyes were glazed and looking very worn out.

“It’s nothing. Just changing the old bandages. Go get some sleep,” he replied, trying to ease her worry.

“Let me help, at least.” She immediately stood up, not giving him a chance to protest. She was already up and next to his shoulder, pulling off the final bandages. When the final cloth came off, she gave a small gasp, but it sounded muffled.

Hammer turned to look at her, seeing her tired eyes widen. “How bad does it look?” he asked, trying to speak in a calm manner.

She looked at him, then back at the wound. “It’s healed much better since your last cleaning, but...” She was hesitant, trying to look for the right words.

He already knew what the reply was.

“The scar will be permanent, won’t it?” he replied, turning his head away.

“Yes,” she replied, no longer avoiding the answer.

Hammer raised his right hoof and placed it at the base of his left shoulder. He traced it upward, feeling a small thin line that used to be muscle and fur. He traced it up further, feeling the scar spread underneath his hooves. The muscles that remained were distorted and lifeless. He felt the muscles bend strangely over the stitching that he felt, and he could tell some parts were missing. He grimaced, the eerie feeling of the Griffon’s beak piercing his shoulder remaining on his mind. He shuddered from the memory and finished tracing the hoof to the back of his shoulder. The scar was in an x shape, with the scar heavily in the center with missing flesh and muscle. He lowered his hoof down, but was stopped when he felt Silverwing’s hoof over his own. He opened his eyes and looked to her, and she gave a sympathetic smile.

Let me help you, her eyes seemed to say. Those beautiful blue eyes showed more sympathy then he wished to ask for. He inclined his head, and she went to grab the ointment. After a few silent moments between them, she opened the bottle and poured the ointment onto her hooves. The smell of elderberries filled the room. Once done, she hovered over his left shoulder and steadied herself.

“You ready?” she asked. He nodded to her, steeling his mind for the pain that would come. Without another word, she pressed the wound with the ointment. He grimaced, the numbing sensation on his left shoulder intensifying. However, it was offset by the gentle touch that Silverwing had. She gently rubbed back and forth in the central spot of his scar. The touch was soothing and he eased into it. He sighed as she continued her work, massaging the wound with tender care.

“This is quite nice,” he said with a smile, the pain subsiding as the ointment was kicking in. The numbing sensation remained, but he could still feel her hooves move around his shoulder and neck. The tension in the muscles eased and relaxed as she kneaded into the flesh.

“At least you're enjoying yourself,” Silverwing replied with a little laugh, “Hopefully once your back on your hooves and these storms clear, then we can be one step closer to getting my brother back,” she said, her hooves now repeated in dragging across his neck and down his left shoulder.

His smile lowered slightly.

He knew the chances were high when they first set out to find him. But with nearly a month passing by, he knew the chances would be lower with each passing day. With them being trapped in this storm, the chances were dropping by every waking moment trapped here. He didn’t want to say anything to upset her, but he knew something had to be said.

“That should do it,” she said, her hooves dragging one last time over the wound before grabbing the nearby bandage. A part of him wished it lasted a minute longer. Unfurling it, she began to wrap it around his left shoulder, working to make sure it was done the same way as before.

Hammer swallowed a lump in his throat before turning to her. He would hate himself for this, but it had to be said.

“Silverwing?” he asked, watching as she wrapped the bandages around his shoulder, then around his body.

“Yes, Hammer? What is it?” she asked, her voice soft as she brought the bandage back around and wrapped it around his shoulder once more.

“It’s about your brother.”

She stopped. Her eyes opened slightly, but she didn’t turn to look at him.

“What about him?” she said with a questionable voice, continuing to help bandage his shoulder, though more slowly than before. He worried his next words might offend her, but he knew he had to get this out to her, and hoped to get her reluctant heart to hear the possibility.

“I know when we first left Prancy, we knew that it would have taken us a few good weeks to reach him. However, with our constant stops, the storms, the Diamond Dogs, and the barbarian you faced, I can’t help but think that the chances of him being alive is slim to-”

“He’s alive, Hammer. I won’t give up hope,” she said, her speed on the bandage increasing slightly. “I worry for him. Yet I know he is stronger than most ponies would see. He’ll pull through, and I’ll be holding him up when I see him once more. I can't wait to hold him in my hooves and let him know he is finally safe from those despicable griffons.”

Hammer’s expression turned to worry by his captain’s assumptions. “But what if-”

“No, Hammer. I won’t hear another word. He is still alive, I know it,” she said. Irritation was in her voice, and she was being a little rough on tying the bandage. He pressed on, despite her disinterest.

“Silverwing, you have to understand this possibility-”

“I’m not hearing this, so drop this subject,” she said. Anger was in her voice and she finished tying the wound, the bandage being rather tight around his wound.

“...that the off chance that he-”

“I don’t want to hear any more of this.” She tried to ignore him, yet he still kept going, standing up to face her.

“-could be already too far to retrieve-”


“-or possibly dead.”

“SHUT UP!” Silverwing snapped. Hammer flinched in surprise but stood his ground. Silverwing snorted at him in anger. He never saw her snap like that before and never be so quick to anger. He never realized that mentioning the possible outcome for her brother would lead to such strong emotion.

Either she was dreading the thought already or the fact that not letting go of hope had caused her to become this way. It would explain much of her actions of what Shadow Hunter had described, and why she hasn't been getting enough sleep at night. He raised a hoof to her in order to calm her.

“Silverwing...we don’t know what is going on and we don’t know what will happen. We have to prepare for that outcome if it comes to be.”

“You don’t think I know that!?” she yelled back, stamping her hoof into the ground. “You think that I don’t worry for him?! To know that he might be beaten within a inch of his life, to imagine him locked in a cage for the rest of his life!? To stay behind bars until his use and old age take away everything he has!?” She took a step forward, her wings flared out and appearing all the more intimidating.

Hammer continued to remain steadfast before her.

“I know what’s at stake, and yet I believe in my heart he is still alive! I don’t care what others think of me! I will make sure to get my brother back at all costs, even if I have to save him myself!” Her breath was ragged when she finished, her eyes bloodshot and looking quite aggravated over his words.

“Silverwing, I...” He tried to speak, but the words fell out like hot lead. He didn’t think any words now would calm her sleep-deprived mind or soothe her weary heart.

Silverwing took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She pointed a hoof at the entrance. “Just go, Hammer, before I say something we'll both regret. We will not talk about this again.”

Without another word spoken, Hammer exited the tent.

Hammer felt his heart ache. He never would do anything that would make feel Silverwing uncomfortable. Confronting her with that issue with her brother, however, had really unsettled her. He wondered if by some chance she would regret what she has said or if she is worried about the only family she had left in the world. He sighed in defeat when he left her tent, and began heading into the center of camp.

After a moment of him walking and testing that the new bandages held tight against his body, he heard a commotion near the training ground and saw most of the camps’ denizens had gathered. Curiosity getting the better of him and wanting to get his mind off his discussion with Silverwing, he decided to head over.

When he was close, he saw Ponies, Cervines, and Diamond Dogs were all silent at first. He then heard a distinct clash of blades, and the crowd cheered. He pushed himself deeper into the crowd until he was at the front of the group, and his eyes widened.

Brutus and Strong Oak were dueling.

Brutus with his battle axe swung mightily with every swing, while Strong Oak would dodge the attacks, his own sword strapped to his leg. The two clashed with their weapons, striking out parries and deadly blows. Yet as he watched on, they never went in for the kill. It was more of a demonstration then a battle. The crowd around them would pay attention to the fighting and would cheer when they struck their blades. He assumed just watching them fight helped the boredom within the camp.

It was only when they struck their weapons together and Brutus kicked snow into Strong Oak’s face that the two backed away. When they stopped several feet away from each other and Strong Oak cleared the snow from his face, Brutus stirred in annoyance.

“That is wrong, Cervine,” Brutus said, pointing a finger towards him. “He would cheat by using his environment to advantage. Mad Dog will use whatever trickery to win fight.”

“Impressive, Brutus.” Strong Oak swished his blade in a stylish way. “I’ve fought Diamond Dogs before, yet never one with such skill as you,” Strong Oak said, a compliment that was rare to give.

Brutus merely snorted and twisted his battle axe in the air. “Brutus only show fighting style of Diamond Dogs, nothing more,” he explained. The two circled one another and Strong Oak merely laughed.

“You surely jest. Your strength is much greater and you fight with ferocity. Your skills are quite formidable against lesser foes,” he said, in a contemplative tone.

“At least Brutus tries to protect his pack. Who we hunt is far more cunning. Mad Dog Lupin tricky, will get the best of you if Cervine not careful.”

“Hence why I sought you out to help face him when the time is right,” Strong Oak replied, readying a stance with his blade strapped around his hoof.

“Indeed, although Brutus came to you. I show what I learned when Brutus fought him,” he replied, readying his own stance.

“Keep watch, everyone. Study this fight like you are facing the Mad Dog himself,” Strong Oak said before lunging himself to practice their duel. The camp followers watched in eagerness as the two dueled, their weapons connecting as their weapons sung in battle.

Hammer looked at the camp followers as they all watched the two fight. The Diamond Dogs would shout alongside the Equines, whilst some of the Cervine remained silent, watching the fluid motions of the two fighters. In a way they were more observant in the fight, studying the practice between the two fighters. Hammer looked back at the fight, and a single thought coursed in his mind.

At least they are getting along.

“I haven’t seen a good fight like this in awhile,” he heard Heavy Blitz say, hovering over the crowd. Hammer looked up to his friend, who watched the spectacle before them.

“I still have ten bits that Strong Oak will get the upper hoof,” Crimson Wing said next to him.

“Hey, c'mon guys. This is just a practice fight. Nothing to get too worked up about,” Hammer said, over the sounds of their companions. The crowd continued to watch and were in awe whenever Brutus or Strong Oak parried blows and practiced their different fighting styles. Hammer found it strange at first, seeing how Diamond Dogs had brute strength, while Strong Oak had his speed and graceful prowess.

There was a distinct difference, and yet they seemed to flow when they fought with each other.

“How long have they been practicing?” Hammer asked, watching another parry and Strong Oak somersaulting in the air.

“They have been doing this for ten minutes now,” Crimson Wing explained, waiting in eager anticipation of Strong Oak’s next move.

“Brutus came to Strong Oak and wanted to show what this Lupin dog would do in a fight. They have been putting on quite a show,” Heavy Blitz stated. Hammer nodded and continued to watch the fight.

“Well, at least it keeps everypony from being bored,” he said. His two companions chuckled at his remark.

“BOSS! BOSS!” a Diamond Dog’s voice broke through the crowd. Hammer blinked and looked behind him, seeing Cooper rushing past the crowd. The fight stopped immediately as Brutus turned with concern. The crowd parted for the yellow Diamond Dog and he quickly dropped in front of the open area in front of his leader. Brutus was at his side, setting down his battle axe and lifting Cooper’s head to face them eye to eye. Cooper was breathing heavily as if he ran for miles on end.

“Cooper, what is wrong? Speak,” Brutus asked, trying to keep his friend focused.

“Well boss, me and some of the boys were out scavenging, ya see...” He paused for breath. “...And we found some of them Griffons. A dozen at least north of here,” he said.

Everypony in the area froze and looked at one another in concern.

“Are they coming this way?” Brutus asked, keeping his friend concentrated.

“No, no. It’s not like that, boss. They were all frozen in the snow,” he said, causing a mixture of relief and confusion to ripple in the camp followers.

“Explain. Brutus wish to know,” he replied, getting Cooper onto his back paws.

“Me and my boys decided to pick them clean of any gear, deciding it was best since they won’t use it. However, we found this pap on one of them and we barely understand some of them words. We brought the Griffon here for ya to see, yes,” he explained, dragging his pack leader by the paw and leading them to the center of camp.

Hammer and many of the crowd followed, wanting to see what they found. When he got ahead of them, he saw a Griffon body being dragged up and out of the ground. The body was frozen, its claws wrapped tightly around a bag with its eyes wide open. Besides the dead Griffon, there were a number of armor pieces, large halberds and a few crossbows.

Whatever group of Gryphons these were, they were heavily armed.

Cooper grabbed the parchment off one the Diamond Dogs and passed it to Brutus, who looked at the parchment. He tried to read it, but he appeared to struggle. He looked about the throng of the camp until his eyes settled onto Hammer.

“Can you read this? Brutus no read,” he explained, and Hammer nodded in kind. He took the paper and looked at the contents, reading the description thoroughly. With every second and every line read, his eyes widened from mild confusion to adjacent horror.

“By the Goddess,” he exclaimed, reading the final line within the parchment.

“What’s it say?” Brutus asked.

“Is it a message from a high ranking official?” Strong Oak added his voice.

“They’re orders, to raze Prancy” he said softly, but with worry in his voice. Many of his comapanions and allies all shared the same feeling of dread upon each of their faces. He looked back down at the parchment, raising his voice so that all would hear him.

“Brave soldiers of the Gryphon empire. For far too long we have been pushed back against the tide of Equine filth. For too long, we have been pushed aside by those who cared less than you. We were once a mighty nation, but now we are no longer.

That will change.

My brothers. Sons and daughters of the Gryphon empire. The history of these coming days shall be written in blood. By crushing the armies of our hated enemy, they sought to turn our people against us, to turn our lands that they conquered into mindless souls to churn the fires of their war machines. They threaten to take the war straight to our homeland and terrorize our very nation to its core, yet they can not tame the soul that is our nation. We have been lead by the craven, torn apart by the greedy and mockful leaders of our empire. We became weak and exposed, and for many years have been on the defense. But I say again, no longer.

We shall unleash such terrible vengeance, that future generations of equines yet unborn and the young suckling at the teats of their mothers will cry out in anguish. For our army, the mighty Legion of the Claw, numbering in twenty thousand strong, will march upon the city of Prancy and sack it to the very ground! King Bronzeclaw, the ever glorious leader, will lead the charge against the forces of the equine nations and slaughter all denizens within Prancy, as we have before. Brave soldiers, heroes of the empire, do not stop in your pursuit of vengeance against the equines and the city of Prancy. They may break our armies, yet they will not break our spirits that reside within us all. They will march and try to seize by force our lands we hold dear. They will not know what awaits them.

When their unholy hooves cross into our borders, we shall smite them from our skies!

When they sweep over onto our lands as the flakes of winter, never again we will bow before them, never again to endure their oppression. Never again to ensure their tyranny against our people. We will strike fear into their hearts, without warning and without mercy. Fighting as one army, one heart, one soul of the whole of the Gryphon Empire. We shall haunt their every waking nightmares and shatter their pathetic dreams. Drenching their ancestors graves with their blood!

When we unleash our battle cries, charging with the great winds at our backs and we rise up reborn from the ashes of our cities. They will know that the Gryphon Empire will not be taken. For it belongs to all Gryphons.

Go, my proud warriors. Go to Prancy. Raze it, put the remaining city into ruins and put to the sword all that live within.

By order of General Quill, sovereign leader of the Razor Claw Brigade. Bring ruin upon them all.”

The last words fell out and the camp was silent. The only sound were their uneasy breaths in the cold harsh winds, which began to pick up. Everypony stared wide eyed, and fear and uncertainty gripped at their hearts. More so for the militia and Shadow Hunter, who looked equally disturbed by the parchments content. The Diamond Dogs whined in apprehension, their ears flat on their heads. Hammer looked to his companions, and they didn’t know what to do. Even Strong Oak within his calm demeanor was visibly shaken. Hammer swallowed a lump in his throat and turned to Cooper, who both he and Brutus looked shaken by the news.

“Was there any other parchments like this?” he asked, but Cooper shook his head. Hammer looked back down at the parchment, scanning it quickly to ensure that what he read was legitimate. His thoughts then turned to Silverwing.

“Call Captain Silverwing. She needs to see this.”

Far above them, the storm clouds began to gather once again.

Quicksilver was dreaming again, though it was much different than his previous dreams.

He was back in Canterlot, the high towers and glistening roofs all too familiar to him. He was cantering down a long alleyway, moving with his sister Silverwing. He looked at her and saw the innocent face she bore. She was happy, happy to be alive, and he felt a deep connection with her. The two been through Tartarus and back, and they both needed each other if they were to survive this war.

They exited out of the alleyway and he found himself among the other orphans. They were all tightly knitted and ushered by an older mare named Soft Heart. She was their caretaker and she had a heart of gold, treating all the colts and fillies with equal love and affection. She escorted them into the market district, saying it was a special treat for them all. Ponies were all gathered near a food storage, patiently waiting in line to receive any portions of food for their families. When he entered inside, he saw the royal guards standing idle near the entrance.

His eyes took a look at the closest one. The unicorn guard was wearing his pristine armor, the light reflecting off the polish metal. The guard was having a gray to near black coat and looked young, or at least what his childlike mind presumed to be young. The guard had a kind smile, one that showed much warmth and determination to protect them. He looked into those strong yet compassionate green eyes, and the guard gave a knowing wink to him as he ushered their group forward.

The royal guard were amazing in Quicksilver’s eyes.

They were in the food storage, where a number of crates were stacked high. They were no doubt stacked with food and necessities, and he drooled a little at the thought of eating some fresh carrots, or even some cornbread that Soft Heart would often make for them. He loved to add jam to it to make it more delicious. When he and Silverwing were getting closer to the food area and the guards that numbered in the dozens were offering some of the food, a noise was heard behind them. He ignored it, focusing on one of the tasty morsels that was in front of him.

The voices grew louder and the guards were on alert, several already heading over to contain the situation. When the clamor began to rise to the point of being unavoidable, Quicksilver turned to see what the whole fuss was about. The small blockade that was placed was shattered and ponies frantically rushed forward for the food.

Everything was in chaos. Civilians were tangling themselves with the guards and, it didn’t help that the other foals were crying out in fright. Soft Heart attempted to calm them and usher them to a corner of the room. He didn’t hear when several larger ponies brushed past them and attempted to seize the stacks of food. He got separated, more ponies coming in to try and seize the food, but the guards intervened. He was stuck in the middle of the brawl. Lost, confused and unsure of what to do. He was shoved violently away and he attempted to head to the far wall. But then he was grabbed by the nape of his neck.

The fighting had soon settled down, yet he was pulled vigorously back against the large equine. He saw a knife in his peripheral vision, the blade close to his neck. He froze from the contact, while the large equine behind him was demanding for the food. Soft Heart was begging for him to let go, and he saw his sister was also close by, pleading for his life. Quicksilver focused on several guards in front of them, including the same one he met at the door. The black unicorn slowly approached, one of his hooves up and trying to calm the crazed stallion.

However, before he could reason with him, Silverwing rushed and attempted to free him.

In a span of a few seconds, the larger equine shoved his knife into his sister, and she stared at the weapon that was embedded in her. Ponies shouted in fear while the guards froze but still were determined to separate the larger equine away. Before they got a foot closer, the larger equine grabbed Quicksilver by the neck and began choking him, his windpipe shut and he felt his life passing by. The black unicorn demanded he be released, his horn charged and ready to grab him.

Once again, he heard a cry of rage and before he knew it he felt the hooves around his neck release, and he fell to the ground gasping for each breath. He turned and saw Silverwing was on the equine, repeatedly stabbing the equine with his own blade. The black unicorn rushed forward and removed her off of him, and she instantly passed out. Soft Heart was at her side almost immediately, trying to help her. Quicksilver was so focused on her the whole time that he didn’t even notice when he was grabbed by the black unicorn and brought outside.

Other equines were stunned and some remained quiet, as the guards quickly rushed Silverwing away. Quicksilver was held close to the black unicorn and he heard him speak something to the other guards along with Soft Heart who was equally worried. When they replied, he had a small weak smile and he lowered Quicksilver down. The stallion bended his knees down until Quicksilver was staring at him, seeing those green eyes stare back at him.

“Your sister will be okay,” he replied in assurance, his voice a little low yet soothing to him. He placed a hoof onto Quicksilver’s shoulder and the young colt tensed up. His mind had finally processed all that had happened, and tears began to flow out of his eyes. Quicksilver lowered his head into the guard’s chest and he cried his heart out like a newborn babe. He remained like that, crying into his black fur and wanting to be with his sister for fear of being alone. The royal guard wrapped his own hooves around him and held him close, comforting him as best he could.

Quicksilver just wanted his older sister back and to be safe.

Quicksilver stirred in his sleep and his eyes slowly opened. He felt tears streaming down his face. He tried to rub it away with his hoof, but found he couldn’t move his front hooves at all. He opened his eyes further, his face buried what he presumed was a feathery blanket.

Said fearthery blanket was also moving, and he heard a heartbeat that was slow and steady. It was an all too familiar feeling.

Gretchen was holding him close to her body, with his head pressed against her chest.

She had wrapped her claws around his back, and her back legs had overlapped his own. Even his right hoof was wrapped around her waist, and his body was deep in her chest feathers, tickling his cheeks in the process. He had a slight blush, but he had expected this to happen. He did fall asleep right next to her, so she grabbed the nearest heat source.

Not that he minded from the cold and all.

Gathering his bearings, he looked about the cave and saw that the fire was still going, but they were they were embers. He wondered how long they had been out. He then felt her stirring and he moved his head upward, his eyes seeing her head was above his own and she was rousing from her slumber. He saw one of her golden eyes open up and she looked down to meet his blue ones.

In a moment of time the two stared at one another, no word being said and nothing to share but the heat between them.

That is, until he heard her heartbeat rise and began to beat faster than a wardrum.

Her eyes flared open and she cried in surprise, pushing him away from her a good couple of feet until he rolled onto his other side. The blow knocked his senses and he lifted his head back at her as she scrambled to get away, aiming for the entrance of the cave. Realizing this, he rushed after her.

“Gretchen wait! Calm down!” he said. He grabbed at one of her paws and she tripped over herself, her claws scratching the ground in an attempt to escape. He dragged her back leg away from the entrance, but she quickly spun onto her back and kicked into his stomach. He was launched back a few feet from her and she quickly upright-ed herself to get away. He quickly recovered and he ran after her, seeing she was nearing the front entrance. He wrapped his hooves around the nearest appendage he could grab, hoping to stop her in her tracks and try to calm her frantic mind.

What he didn’t expect to grab was her tail and pulling it rather sharply.

She made a squawk like sound, looked back at him with obvious anger and snarled. His eyes went to pin pricks when she lunged at him. The air went out of his lungs when she made contact. He rolled onto his back, the Gryphon in clear vexation as the two tumbled on the floor of the cave. They rolled once more as she attempted to grab his shoulders and aimed at his neck. After another roll, Quicksilver found himself nearly on top of her, and he used this to his advantage. Using the strength he had, he pinned her down, using his weight to hold her in place.

“Get off of me! Don’t plucking touch me!” she demanded. Her lion paws kicked roughly on his back legs and her claws attempted to seize his throat. Even though she was slightly bigger, he had to use with what he had in keeping her in place. Wasting no time, he forced his lower body on to her own by wrapping his back legs around her waist. He struggled to keep her flailing arms from striking him, but he was quickly able to avoid any damage. After a moment’s scuffle between their forelegs, he pushed his front hooves onto her front claws and forced them to go down. She grappled with him for a moment, and he had to wrap his front hooves around both of her wrists.

“Gretchen! Your not in danger! Calm down!” he said while he pinned her claws on either side of her head. Her eyes looked at him and her anger did not dissipate. She squirmed underneath, her lower body trying to push him off. He wrapped his back legs tighter around her waist, his abdomen pushing up against hers. She squawked from the movement and he gritted his teeth from the frantic Gryphon.

He felt he was wrestling a manticore that was rudely awoken from a nap. Only this time, he was dealing with a very disturbed, if not scared, hen. He would need to pacify her as best as possible.

“Get off me! I will not become your slave!” she yelled, thrusting her beak and trying to bite him. He wondered why she would say that as he narrowly dodged the bites and had his hooves full. The beak lunged again and heard it clap next to his ear, and he had to settle her down before he got into any more trouble.

“Calm yourself! You’re safe from Sharp Beak. He’s not here so you can… watch the ear!” he yelled when her beak was near his head once again. His heart was beating in his chest so badly he thought it would burst out of his chest.

“Get off, fletching! You’re not going to have your way with me!” she yelled back. Though her last words sounded that she was pleading, almost fearful of what he could do. He looked at her and saw that she was afraid. He felt pity for her and he didn’t know what else to do but to keep on assuring her.

“Relax, Gretchen. We’re safe from him. You don’t have to worry.” he said. This time she was calming down, but still anxious if not nervous, while her body still tried to squirm away, albeit with little resistance. Not relenting, he kept his hooves onto her wrists and held her down until she got the full picture.

“Gretchen, listen to me carefully. I’m not gonna do anything that would harm you. I just saved your life, so will you please get a hold of yourself. We’re far away from Sharp Beak,” he said, trying to show that he was not her enemy. Gretchen began to breathe more slowly and her golden eyes still looked at him, though less fearful the earlier. She looked about the room, and her eyes looked outside, where the snow was coming down at a gradual pace. She looked back up to him, her breathing having returned to normal.

“Feeling better?” he asked, albeit a little hesitantly.

She narrowed her eyes at him and she looked away as if embarrassed. “Yes,” she said, still looking away.

“Are you?” he asked, wanting to be extra certain.

She looked down her body, then back up to him with a deadpan expression. “Can you at least stop straddling me?” she asked in an irked tone. He looked down and saw that he did indeed had his legs wrapped around her waist. His abdomen was pushed up against hers. He blushed slightly, but he composed himself to look back at her.

“Can you promise me that you will not try to flee or freak out again? If you do, I’ll get off,” he said, trying to be relaxed as possible, trying his best to keep his mind off the positioning that they were in. She was silent for a moment, her eyes avoiding his gaze for but a moment. She then nodded, albeit reluctantly.

“Okay, I’m going to get off now,” he explained, his lower half loosening away from her abdomen. She said nothing, still staring up at him, her body still. His back hooves got onto the ground and lifted up further.

“Alright, I’m getting up now... and I won’t be having you freak-”

He was stopped when a sudden pain emanated from his lower extremities, tingling all throughout his body. A wordless cry escaped him and his eyes darted down south.

Not a moment after hovering over Gretchen’s body, he felt her lower half slamming straight up and into his sensitive region.

Mainly his bits.

He gasped and felt his lungs when in the back of his throat. She then lowered enough to maneuver her back legs and pressed her paws straight on his body. With a quick shunt, he was thrown back, his front hooves immediately heading south and curling into a ball. He moaned from the pain, tossing and turning while holding his sensitive region and gave out a agonizing cry.

“What was that for?” he said through tears. He looked over and saw that Gretchen was standing back up. Yet she didn’t bolt for the exit, nor did she go after him. She instead backed away until she pressed herself into the back wall.

“That was for kidnapping me!” she shouted, her arms wrapping tightly together to keep warm.

Quicksilver remained still, still curled up from the unexpected blow. He breathed slow, trying to regain his composure. He slowly stood back up, yet the movement caused his whole body to tingle and shudder. He waited about a minute to get himself steady when he settled his eyes on her.

“Kidnapping? I saved your life. You were unconscious after Sharp Beak beat you down,” he explained, though his quivering body still shook somewhat.

“Then why take me away from my brother and the safety of my own kin?” she retorted, clear questioning anger in her eyes.

“The Nomads gave me no choice! It was either leave you there for their talons or take you with me. Considering how we’re both still alive, that means that I chose the right path,” he explained.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Yet why leave? You could have easily gone to my brothers, or even get to Nobles who would have helped,” she said, clearly irritated by his actions.

“Deadeye was the one who told me to flee. He didn’t know what would have happened if Sharp Beak or the other Nomads were able to take control of the camp. It was the most logical option, even when the Nomads chased after me,” he explained.

She narrowed her eyes, clearly not buying anything he said. He then thought to Felix and he moved his hoof the remaining crystal around his neck.

“Felix also told me to go, something to do with Gryphon customs or some other.” He then brought the crystal up and showed her the piece around his neck. “He gave me this in case of an emergency. I already used one to heal you when your wound reopened. I saved your life with the help of Gregor.”

She raised a brow to him and a chuckle escaped out of her. The next thing he knew, she was laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

“Don’t make me laugh. Only Arch Gryphons have the power to-” She paused from her mirth, and her eyes traced down to her stomach. Her eyes expanded and she traced a claw down to where the wound would have been, clearly shocked that the wound was gone. She brushed her fur and her breathing shuddered a little. She remained like that, still staring at her wound.

He felt a chill crawl up his spine and he turned to the fire. The embers were low in the pit. He grabbed several of the dead leaves and branches and placed them into the fire. The moment it caught, the warmth of the fire renewed, casting the flames higher within the cave. He rested on his haunches, embracing the warmth that the fire gave. He would smell like a campfire for days from being this close, but he didn’t mind at all. He turned his gaze on Gretchen, who still looked stunned from seeing the wound had been healed. He turned away from her, still looking at the fire and, for a time, silence remained between the two.

His mind remained on what the Arch Gryphon said. His words haunting him like a blade, embedded deep into his mind and not wanting to let go until he removed it. He shook his head, trying to get his mind off it, but no matter how hard he tried to bury it, the words still lingered.

Gretchen Jaeger. Such a young life. Full of hardship and heartache. Such pain she has endured. Much like you, she has also suffered.

Those words, those bloody words kept echoing in his head. Was there something that he didn’t know about?

Let me rephrase my query onto you. What is Gretchen worth to you?

He closed his eyes, thinking long and hard. Yet why was it so hard to answer? Why did it irk him to no end? He remembered how much she cared for him. Yet in his mind, he remembered that she merely did it reluctantly, only doing what she was told. Was her actions even cause for concern or were they legitimate?

But… what about the other times she helped only to leave you when you needed most? His inner voice said to him. He ignored it, favoring to remember of what she had done for him.

So that is where your heart lies. That is good, young Quicksilver. That is good.

The last of the words that the Arch Gryphon spoke before he departed ran through his mind. His heart? Where it lied? Did he say the things he say were true? Did he really speak his whole heart out about Gretchen? Did he think that what he said was a lie just so that Gregor would help him? The ancient Gryphon wouldn’t have otherwise if he hadn't prayed his whole heart into it. Quicksilver gave a glance back to Gretchen, who had lifted her legs up and wrapped her arms around them, sitting in a cradling position and was silent. His mind traced back to what she did for him.

She was there when I needed warmth. She lent me her ear. She helped me when I was beaten and treated with Felix’s help. His thoughts went through the list of things she had done for him.

Was she playing the act as well? Was that all out of pity? his inner voice spoke, he raised a hoof to brush against his head.

She only did that because she was told to do it. There is no reason to like you as a friend, the voice explained, and he shook his head from off comment.

But she was kind. She truly helped me, he thought, but his rational mind scoffed at him.

Was that just an act to my friend? She did say that we were never friends. Even during the whole time we were there, she always seemed distant and wouldn’t let us hear what bothered her.

That’s not true, there were a few things she shared, he retorted, almost wanting to shove his other hoof into his head for having this argument.

But not all of it. You think she wouldn't mention other details that plagued her mind? Besides, we’re equine. She is a Gryphon. There is nothing that we share in common, the voice replied back, seeming to win over this argument.

But Gregor said otherwise, he replied, his ears falling flat on the other side of his head.

Even if that were true, she still won’t fall for you, the inner voice said in a judging manner. If she was an equine, she would show us some pity, but even then, she won’t because she wouldn’t look down at a cripple.

“I’m not a cripple,” he muttered under his breath.

“Did you say something?” Gretchen asked. He looked over and saw she had a quizzical look, though more annoyed then concerned.

“It’s nothing,” he replied before turning to the fire.

It is nothing. You’re just an equine.

He ignored his inner voice and kept his attention on the fire. All he could think about was resentment and bitterness, and he too felt the anger inside him. He tried to calm down and took several deep breaths, but the hatred of what his inner voice said remained.

We’re two species, Quicksilver. We were never meant to get along.

“Fletching, I have a question.” Gretchen’s words snapped him out of his trace, yet he didn’t bother to look at her. He heard a shuffling of her paws as she scooted closer to the fire to get warm.

“What do you plan to do with me? It’s obvious we're stuck here with the storm outside,” she said, motioning toward the exit. Quicksilver looked and saw the winter was coming down much harsher now, the snow piling high around the entrance, but it didn’t threaten to block up due to the heat from the fire.

“I’m not going to do anything that would harm you, if that is what you’re asking. If you’re asking what we should do now, we just wait out until this storm passes,” he explained, not paying attention to her.

“Then what? You obviously have something in mind.”

He looked over to her, seeing her staring at the fire before him, but still kept an arms length away. He sighed, looking back at the fire.

“I need your help to get out of these mountains,” he said in plainness.

Gretchen looked at him, one of her brows curled in curiousness. “That’s all? It’s easy for you to just walk on out,” she replied.

He snorted in mild irritation. “I saved your life, Gretchen. You owe me this,” he explained, but she just waved it off in mild contempt.

“I owe you nothing. Yes, you may have saved my life, but I also saved yours, so that doesn't-”

“It’s does, Gretchen,” he interjected, this time looking at her. “I don’t know these mountains and I need you to help guide me out of them. I know you don’t like this arrangement, but I watched the Razor Claw Brigade return to push back the Nomads. However, I fear with the Nomads out and about, they will no doubt be hunting after us.”

“And be on the run?” she said, standing up this time to stare down at him. He saw that stance before when they were in their tent back at camp. He was going to get an earful for what she was going to say next.

“I don’t run.” she uttered, “I don’t run out on those who I care for. I don’t up and leave, when there is a chance that they will still be alive. I’m more willing to take a risk and be with them than with the likes of you.”

“That makes two of us,” he muttered.

This time she heard him. She narrowed her eyes, which held much disdain. A stubbornness was rising and would no doubt will remain so in the rest of their conversation.

“You’re very cynical for saying that. Whatever happened to the one who always helps others? You saved a thestral child when you could have easily waited on the side lines. You stood up to Sharp Beak even when he beat you down. You proved that again when you showed him that pain you were going through when he put you through that trail. Yet now you’re running away, even after everything we did for you. Why should we be given the stick while you galavant off with the carrot?”

“That doesn't matter. I was worked to the bone. I was pushed and trodden on. I just want to return home!” he stood up, the anger and frustration from earlier already surfacing. He snorted again as Gretchen just shook it off.

“Yet you survived because of it. To stand up and walk away,”

“I was not walking away-”

“To just go off and leave us when we could have protected you.”

“I don’t need protecting!” His voice grew louder, the anger already surging within him.

Gretchen had her mouth half open in a sideways smirk and she just shook her head. “You needed protecting when your sister kept you up and about.”

He flinched, frozen from the comment, his eyes like daggers as he stared at her. She noticed this and she gave a low chuckle.

“Seems I pinched a nerve. I remember that story you gave to my uncle, how you and your sister were left alone after your parents died. You had to be brought up your whole life and never once could stand up for yourself. Sure, there were times you did in the camp, but only after you broke down did you needed assistance once again,” she said, taking a step forward. He still stared at her, his inner thoughts scrambling to think of something to say back.

“C’mon, Fletching. Admit it. You wish nothing more then to be safe again in the arms of a loved one. You wish nothing more then to be wrapped up like some doll and be in the loving embrace of your parents.”

That was the last straw for Quicksilver.

“Gregor said the same thing about you,” he replied. This time Gretchen was the one who flinched.

“He told me that you suffered as well. How you had to deal with pain over the years. As to what I can only hazard a guess. Mind if I indulge?” he said, rising up to take a step towards her, while she took a step back.

“What was it? Did your parents live in some fancy estate that looked down upon every other Gryphon? Did your folks treat others poorly while you got off easy? You don’t know the meaning of loss, after what I’ve been through!” he took step closer, practically shouting at her.

“I lost people too, Fletchling,” she said in equal anger.

“Loss? My sister and I were left alone, almost ignored by the world, and I survived! You, on the other hoof, were properly pampered your whole life. I don’t know know if your parents are alive or dead, but that doesn't matter to me, because they raised a Gryphon who is ignorant of others’ feelings and in reality you’re nothing but a selfish brat!”

Gretchen stood her ground, her wings flaring up and staring daggers back at him. He got in her face and howled his words at her.

“You know what else? Whatever is going down back in Gryphonstone, I will gladly wish to see it! A damn civil war is what your Gryphon’s need. Pain and heartache? Buck, I don’t give a shit about what you suffered through, because your life is best left unheard!”


Quicksilver felt his left cheek struck and his head recoiled from the blow. He quickly turned and thrusted a hoof to her neck. She was quicker and seized him by the neck, lifting him up slightly. He had his own hoof at her neck and the two were locked in place. Her breathing was steady yet fast, pure wrath came from every breath. He stared at Gretchen and saw the anger grew in her eyes.

Yet they also looked hurt.

“Fletching,” she said in a low and threatening tone. “You are treading on mighty thin ice here. Listen to me carefully if you value your life... right now,” she said. Quicksilver remained silent as she spoke.

“I’m sorry for your parents loss, but I lost people too,” she said, much slower this time. “Those I cared for and loved. Every Gryphon that I have ever known has either died or left me and my brothers. It is you who don’t know the meaning of loss.”

Quicksilver’s anger dissipated slightly, and he was now beginning to wonder if he had pushed too far.

“Let me ask you something, Fletching. What are you so afraid of? First it was your ability to fly, and now its fearing of dying and leaving your older sister behind. You feel that is more important than your own life?”

Her question hit Quicksilver on the head and now he was beginning to regret for snapping at her.

She drew a hot breath and looked at him once more. “You will silence your tongue about this, and never bring it up again, you dumb pluck.” She leaned closer, her beak mere inches away from his mouth.

“Don’t tell me that my life is less worse than yours, because frankly that makes me feel more alone in this world,” she exasperated and he noticed a glint in her eye, and it looked like tears were forming. She took notice and appeared to regret her choice of words and she lowered him back down the ground. She released him and looked away, not meeting him in the eye. He did the same and turned his attention to the fire.

“I get it, Fletching,” she said. “You don’t know all of my life, and I sure as hell don’t know all of yours. And that is fine with me.” Quicksilver turned to look at her and she narrowed her eyes at him.

“I will get you out of these mountains, Fletching. After that, we are going our separate ways,” she finished, her eyes filled with aggravation towards him. He nodded in kind to her.

I told you, his inner voice spoke. Gryphons and equines can never get along.

In that moment of truth, he felt his heart was stabbed and removed from his chest. What a fool he had been.

ting ting ting

A metal noise rapped upon the rock surface and echoed around them. The two turned their eyes to the entrance in alarm, and saw a large figure was standing there.

“Don’t mean to interrupt, this is an enthralling conversation. Although, I am quite curious how you found my cave in the first place,” the large figure said, causing the two to be on alert and backing themselves away from the entrance. The figure’s sword was the first to enter into the cave. It was a large broadsword and it glimmered in the light. Quicksilver and Gretchen watched as the figure stepped inside and Quicksilver blinked in surprise when it stopped near the fire.

It was a Diamond Dog, and he had a smile on his face.

“Salutations to you both, my friends. My name is Lupin. What is yours?”

Author's Note:

Another big chapter. Another big round of surprises coming forth. What will happen next? Just pay attention to the next chapter.

Art for this page was made by Margony. She is truly quiet talented and I do suggest in checking out her art. I might even consider getting more pieces from her.