• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 2,046 Views, 259 Comments

Where The Heart Lies - Broman

Quicksilver, a pegasus guard, is captive under the gryphons. He now must survive in an gryphon encampment but at the same time learns about their reasons behind the war.

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Quicksilver was frozen on the spot.

There was never once in his life he was ever terrified. He faced many battles, fought many a foe and killed many that threatened him and the equines on his side. Yet, despite all that, in the face of all that he has been through, Quicksilver had never seen something so frightening in his life. That terrible great eye of the cyclops was staring back at him and he felt within himself that it was staring through his soul.

Kockica poput tebe.” (A morsel like you shall do.) The monster spoke slow, in a language that he could not comprehend nor understand. It’s voice made his fur stand on end, the sound of grinding boulders and breaking bark slow and grinding made him overwrought with fear. He tried to flee, to escape its gaze, but he remained in place, petrified at the monstrous creature. The cyclops, it’s sideways rectangular eye staring at him, grinned from ear to ear, revealing a horrible row of sharp canine teeth.

Quicksilver’s heart was thudding against his chest, a quivering breath escaped him and he broke into a cold sweat. His legs buckled and he sat on his haunches and he shook considerably as he stared back at its teeth. The creature opened its mouth, a nauseating breath escaped it, making Quicksilver’s eyes water and gag at the breath and paralyzing with fear.

Run! Run! His mind shouted, screaming for his instincts to kick in and to bolt away. Yet, his body remained unmoving, his limbs rigid and planted into the ground. The rows of teeth slowly hovered closer to him, seeing the back of it’s throat and what awaited if he was to remain there.

Run damn you run! His mind howled at him, urging him repeatedly to bolt. Yet, he remained where he was, his body shaking too much and ignoring his mind’s responses. The cyclops mouth came over, hovering over his head with it’s mouth and everything was growing darker.

“I’m going to die,” Quicksilver muttered, feeling his neck tense and prompting him to scream.

What he didn’t suspect next, nor was able to realize, was for a firm claw to wrap around his neck and yanking him away. He was pulled to the ground and his body slapped against the soft feathers of Gretchen as she pulled him away, just inches from where the monster clapped it’s teeth shut. The two fell into the snow in a tangled mess. Yet, the cyclops massive eye turned to them and the creature snorted in frustration. The sound of breaking bark and popping of bones came out as the creature stood up, his height towering over them and the trees above them.

Nećeš me izbeći.” (You will not escape me.) The creature stated, and began moving toward them, it’s arms outstretched and his large paws trying to reach us. Both Quicksilver and Gretchen moved backwards, using his hooves and her talons to trying to crawl their way backwards. It was a mad scramble as the two got caught up into each other’s limbs while attempting to flee the beast. The cyclops lumbered towards them, it’s paws and cloven hooves impacting the ground and shaking the earth around them. They kept moving, attempting to stand up and crawl their way back, but they stumbled over themselves as the creature attempt to reach them.

The sound of chains forced the creature to stop and it grunted in annoyance. The two stopped and saw two large chains strapped to it’s wrists, and the chain leading to the two large trees behind them. The oak trees groaned in protest from the cyclops attempt to get to them, but the chains kept it there. The cyclops eyed them both, it’s right arm outstretched and hanging just above them.

Ovi lanci me neće zauvek držati.” (These chains won't hold me forever.) it said, before bringing his paw down onto them. Quicksilver felt Gretchen wrap her talons around him and began flying upward into the air. The cyclops paw scratched into the snow, mere moments from where they were moments prior. The two took off into the air, hovering over the small prison encampment before heading toward the far edges of the cages. They landed, rather harshly, into the snow and hid behind the cages and next to what appeared to be a small stack of boxes and barrels that had a tarp covering them. Quicksilver could only stare back at the cyclops, its gaze having followed them and kept watching them. It licked it’s chops, and grinning from ear to ear. It’s body would press forward ever so slightly, pulling on the chains that bind it down and snickering to himself that he could break those chains and come at them. Quicksilver gave a shuddering breath and leaned into Gretchen, who continued to hold him and even press him into her chest feathers.

He could hear her heartbeat thudding next to his ear.

“Gretchen?” he muttered, casting his gaze up to her. She didn’t listen to him. She was fixated on the cyclops across the way, her irises the size of pinpricks. She kept him there, wrapping her talons around his chest and head and pulling her ever closer into her plumage. His cheeks went into her chest, and he felt her shuddering breath as she held him close. He felt his body lifted up slightly and felt her head rest upon his own. The two remained there, afraid of what they went through, and uncertain as to what they should do next.


A small whine, sounding more than a whimper, came at their right and the two looked over to see a small diamond dog staring at them through the five foot tall cage. It’s bright blue eyes glimmered in hope, curiosity, and sadness. It tilted its head, confusion and curiosity filled the young dog eyes. Both of them remained there until one after another more of the occupants within cage began to stir. Quicksilver’s breath caught in his throat when he saw the number within the cage and who was inside.

“Gretchen… the diamond dogs,” he began to say but felt her feathers behind his head when she nodded.

“I know… there are only women of children.” Gretchen muttered, allowing him to move freely and the two were able to view the inhabitants within the cages. They took a careful step forward in front of the cage, thankful that the ground around them had been trodden upon by others so that their tracks would not be detected easily. As they walked in front of the cages they were able to see dozens of the dogs inside the first few cages.

Among the diamond dogs he has fought he had never once laid eyes upon a female of their kind. The female diamond dogs were much thinner if not slimmer compared to the normal male variants he has seen. They all came in different shapes and sizes, possibly different breeds, and each one was distinctive with either having a scar, a different color vest or even a unique collar. The tall ones where hunched low due to the size of the cage while others small enough to stand up to the roof of the cage. Despite the many female dogs in the cage there were also a few dogs that were children.

What unnerved him, however, was how they all kept staring at the two of them. He saw a few stared blankly at them while only a select few had an air of curiosity about them. Others were more timid and they were shaking where they stood. They were afraid and those few clung to their mothers and siblings.

It would appear those kids had it hard the most, Quicksilver thought as he walked by, taking note of how Gretchen kept her pace ahead of him. He noticed their eyes were focused on her instead of him. They were afraid of her and their ears either dropped low or were flat on their heads. The mothers and individual dogs would huddle close or even outright growl at her to protect their young. In a nearby cage a stout diamond dog was trying to nurse it’s little pup, ignoring the other dogs concerns and caring for her young.

Quicksilver was so caught up with the sight of them all that he didn’t notice the outstretched claw coming from the next cage nearby. Their were gryphons in this cage, noble ones with their blue and reddish feathers. He looked into the cage where he saw the depressed gryphons within.

“Who are you?” one said softly.

“They are here to help us?” another one spoke, a claw reaching out to them.

“Please let us out,” another one spoke, almost begging.

They walked by, seeing the half dozen or so gryphons that were beaten and bruised, missing feathers here and there and longing for freedom. They kept walking, passing by ten of the large cages, and they were only halfway before they would reach the pathway towards the main encampment. Their were roughly twenty cages, each given a metal lock that kept them inside. Each cage was filled with diamond dogs and gryphons alike, with more diamond dogs then there were gryphons. One’s who were kidnapped from their homes, where others are considered traitors to Sharpclaw’s rule.

“Regicide. He is committing regicide. All gryphon protect us. Saint Gregor absolve us.” another gryphon spoke, and Quicksilver noticed the old bird was missing an eye, leaving nothing but an empty socket. The old gryphon was rocking back and forth in a clear state of shock.

What madness did Sharpclaw unleash upon them? Quicksilver thought, standing by Gretchen’s side

“You… equine. Come here.” a voice that sounded familiar came from a nearby cage. Quicksilver looked over and saw the gryphon Glenwing, who waved the two of them over. He quickly went over, keeping an eye out for any guard that could be nearby, but also on the cyclops nearby, who was watching their every move, almost ravenously. Once he was close, and with Gretchen coming alongside him, Glenwing perked his head up to them.

“Who are you? How did you sneak in here?” he asked, keeping his voice low. Quicksilver went to speak when Gretchen came forward.

“My name is Grethcen. This equine is with me. We have come to rescue the king. Where is Bronzeclaw?” she asked. Glenwing blinked at her and turned his head away from her.

“In here, but he won’t talk to you. He won’t talk to anyone at the moment,” he gestured to the only other gryphon in the back and Quicksilver looked upon the old king and how ravaged he appeared to him.

The king was in the corner of the cage, his back against the wall and his eyes glazed. His feathers were ruffled and unkempt and there was dried blood from his beak from where his son struck him. He kept staring in front of him, not paying attention to his surroundings nor looking at them. He didn’t speak, he didn’t move, and he didn’t even acknowledge their presence.

He just looked broken.

“Besides, I think your rescue is not going to work. The guards have the keys to these iron locks and they guard it with care.”

“Why can’t the diamond dogs dig underneath?” Quicksilver pointed out the obvious question.

“The floor underneath them has iron bars that keeps them from digging.” Glenwing explained, sitting down onto the floor and resting his head against the bars. “There is no hope for us.” he stated and the other gryphons nearby, along with a few diamond dogs that overheard them, all lowered their heads and were downtrodden by the news.

A soft noise came at his left and Quicksilver's ears picked up the faint sound in the distance. He turned and saw a light shimmering and the reflection of a gryphon and a yak was coming towards them.

“Gretchen,” Quicksilver said in a hushed tone. She whirled her head and saw the approaching shadows. They were exposed, the enemy was coming around the corner, and they had no were to go.

“Go now,” Gretchen said, grabbing him by the neck and the two heading back to the crates and boxes. They didn’t past two cages when the shadows drew closer and Gretchen stopped in her tracks, kicking up snow from her forward momentum.

“In here.” she said, dragging Quicksilver into a crack which was less than two feet in space. She spun inside and her back was against the wall while Quicksilver’s momentum carried him straight into her chest. She tightly wrapped her talons around his back and pressed him even further into her to the point the two were half standing and half bending. Her wings shimmied out somewhat and enveloped the two of them until they appeared nothing more than foliage between the cages.

The two remained there, their breath still and their voices mute.

To their right they looked out to the entryway to the camp. The shadows on the wall dispersed and coming towards the cages was Lupin and a large yak followed behind them. Between them Artemis was walking with her head down and her eyes downcast. She had her tail between her legs, while a bleak and melancholy aura seemed to surround her as she moved. The orange yak guard turned to his right, almost stumbling as he sat himself against a rock formation, the smell of alcohol and something foul permeated from him and he giggled to himself while drinking from a large tankard of sorts. Lupin moved toward the cages escorting Artemis and he had a dreary look about him.

They went past the kings cage, the king himself to stricken to even look up to his daughter, and she in turn didn’t even turn to meet him. She appeared to be in shock, her eyes almost glazed and showing fear. While the two drew ever closer, Quicksilver couldn’t help but notice the beady brown eye of the stout diamond dog staring at them. She kept an eye on them, showing no signs of weary or concern, while she was breastfeeding her pup. The tiny pup was no bigger than her paw, indicating it was a newborn. The other diamond dogs in the cage were either nursing or caring for their own pups, and they showed no care to them hiding. Even the children, or the dogs that would be considered children, paid them little heed or their mothers and siblings distracted them. They did, however, perk their heads when Lupin went passed them.

Quicksilver felt his heart hammer in his chest as he could see Lupin escort Artemis, passing by their hiding spot. It would have only taken one look to his left and he would have spotted them for sure. Lupin passed out of sight and Quicksilver didn’t turn his head, for fear of any slight movement would give away their position. The cage on their left was open, and Artemis walked passed their view.

He did take note of the dry blood on her inner thigh and lower leg.

You sick bastard… what did you do? Quicksilver thought while she went into the cage next to them, joining the other gryphons and even a couple of diamond dogs within. Out of his peripheral vision he saw that she sat in the middle of the group. It was only after she sat down did the tears sprung forth and she began softly cry. She collapsed onto the floor and curled herself inward, sobbing over what she had went through. The gryphon nobles attended her, trying to soothe her as best they could. Lupin took a step back to lock the gate behind them.

“For what it’s worth… I am sorry. This should not have happened.” Lupin spoke to her, his ears flat on his head. With a quick lock he parted away from the cage and began to head back.

Only to stop in his tracks and to look at the ground.

On no, Quicksilver nearly gasped if it weren't for Gretchen placing her talon over his mouth and muffling his breath.

Quicksilver kept staring in front of him, seeing Lupin look at the ground where the snow was. The small indentation where they had quickly turned remained, and if he was able to find it, then they would be caught. Lupin bent down, a paw placed onto the surface and was sniffing the air. Quicksilver felt his heart ram against his chest and on his right ear he could hear Gretchen’s heart pounding as well. He could only hope and pray that he didn’t notice them. Lupin took another sniff and his ears perked up, and his tail began to shake as a result. He raised his head, exposing his neck and his head pointed to the sky.

Goddess! He’s going to howl! Quicksilver mind panicked, wanting to bolt and take Gretchen with him. But she firmly held him in place and they had nowhere to go. Lupin turned his head and his ears perked up, towards the cage next to them.

“Lupin… my love.” a female voice, soft, rich and youthful, came from their right. Lupin smiled and he went to the cage where a female diamond dog came forward. She appeared tall, but was hunched low in the cage, she had a grey coat, almost silver when near the light of the fire. She went near the cage entrance, sitting on her knees and one of her paws outstretched to him. He tenderly grabbed her paw with his own and bringing it close for a small tender kiss.

“Jade, I missed you so much.” he said, sniffing her paw and allowing her to brush his face with her paw.

“I want nothing more than to be with you. This place is horrible.” she stated, leaning her head against the cage, “the pups are barely getting through and the children are weak.” she said, looking up to him.

“I know. I’m still working off with them. I’ve collected meat the other day. It should be enough to,”

“And they will demand more for your services mad dog,” the stout diamond dog spoke, in a rough manner. “The more you give the more they take from you.” she said. He looked past Jade to the stout diamond dog. Quicksilver held his breath and remained still.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience den mother Tala.” Lupin bowed his head in respect to her. Quicksilver couldn’t help but internally thank Tala. She was positioned just right that her stout figure was barley blocking Lupin’s view of them.

He only could fathom why she was not mentioning their position to them.

“It was because of you that we got in this mess in the first place,” she adjusted herself, her body moving slightly towards them, obscuring more of them from Lupin’s sight. The movement caused the tiny pup to cry out in discomfort and being interrupted for it’s want of milk. It quickly settled when she began to soothe it. “The pups are starving, we all hunger, and you side with those who murdered our mates and kin.” she said, clear venom in her words.

“I know you mean well. I’m truly sorry for the hardships you have to endure on my behalf,” Lupin said, sadness in his eyes. “If I hadn’t taken you away you would have all been killed. If I hadn’t offered my services, you would all be left out in the snow to freeze and die off. I would not want that when your pups were so young and about to be born. I would have gladly die in that path to keep you safe, but you were all threatened and I had to take action.” he explained. The other mothers in the cage looked to him while the children only tilted their heads in curiosity. Tala harrumphed and concerned herself to her pup.

“She is right, Lupin. We suffered for weeks here. Tala had her pup when you were gone and the children know only fear from the gryphons. We are all restless and that beast over their is constantly watching.” Jade explained, making Lupin turn to her and his face relaxed and empathetic. “We want to reunite with our pack. I want to return to our home.” Jade said, taking Lupin's paw and drawing it close to the cage. She pulled his paw through the bars and gently placed his paw over her belly.

“I don’t want our pups to grow up living in a cage,” she stated, almost tearfully. Quicksilver’s watched as Lupin expression changed immediately. Surprise was etched into his face as he looked down to her belly and then to her. He leaned his head and pressed his head against her own through the small gap between the bars.

“How long have you known?” he asked, clear elation his voice.

“Only for a few weeks. They will be born in a few months time.” she explained, yet her voice faltered for a moment. “Yet, they won’t live a happy life if they are in this place. Where predators are near and their safety won’t be assured.” she explained and Lupin pulled his paw out from her belly and placed it next to her cheek.

“You won’t be here forever. I will make certain of it. As long as I do as they wish, then you will be kept safe,” he said, but she shook her head, her ears falling flat onto her head.

“Living in this cage is shameful. Nothing but squalor and poor living. I don’t want that for our pups, or even this life. I just want to go home.” she said, her head bowed down and pressing into the bar. “Every time you leave… I feel I lose a bit of you more. That one day you will never return and they will kill us and abandon us to our fates in this winter. I do not want you to go and serve them any longer.” she said, her tail drooping and her body hunched as she sat on her back legs. Lupin remained where he was, uncertain how to proceed. Quicksilver felt sympathetic to him, despite the situation that they were in.

“Jade… please understand. You don’t know my past well. I don’t think…” he began to say when she lifted her head up to him.

“Promise me Lupin. Promise me you will return to me.” she asked, a hefty promise waiting for his answer. He opened his mouth to answer when a call came out near the entrance.

“Lupin… get back here you mongrel. We has got a job fer ya…” a gryphon called out, heavily drunkard by the sounds of it, was waiting at the mouth of the camp. Lupin looked to his beloved, his ears flattened on his head, and giving no response. He joined the gryphon side, who looked inebriated to the point he could fall over on his lonesome. The yak that remained said nothing, almost appearing asleep from how drunk he was. The two left, leaving with the burning question over him, while Jade slumped to the ground and her ears drooped back, a soft whimper escaping her.

The cyclops, on the other side of the room, meally chuckled at the display.

The moment they were gone Gretchen slumped to the ground, exhaling the breath she was holding, and dragging Quicksilver with her. He leaned into her and gave out a shaky breath. The close encounter would have been proven fatal if he hadn’t noticed them. Quicksilver felt her body quiver and her heart still thumping in her chest and he remained there by her side. A mighty gryphon reduced to a frightful bird. He felt pity for her and he wrapped his own hooves around her in an attempt to soothe her. She didn’t even notice when he held her, no rebuttal of his slight attempt in comfort. Instead, she merely lowered her head and buried her head into his neck, giving out a shaky breath.

Gretchen. He thought, holding her close and keeping her warm as best he could from the winter cold.

For a time the two remained there, being silent and only hearing their breathing. Minutes passed them by as the flecks of snow that landed on the ground. Quicksilver felt Gretchen’s heart and breath had slowed to a normal level. During this time together, she had tightened her arms around him further, keeping him in place and secure. The other sounds besides their breathing was that of the gryphons and the diamond dogs nearby. Who softly murmured and shared whispered conversations. The most being heard was from the gryphons. Quicksilver turned his head to the left, rubbing his muzzle into Gretchen’s chest feathers, and staring at the group of gryphons inside of the cage.

They were all staring at him with great intent.

Each gryphon was giving hallowed words to one another, both unsure of what he was doing but also looking at him with disgust. They glared at him, their eyes piercing him for a wrong he knew not. Their talons clung to the walls of their prison, some reaching out to him in attempts to seize them rather then reaching out for help. He could only fathom why they were acting this way. The only sole exception was the gryphon hen Artemis.

Who she was watching with hopeful yet frightful eyes.

“Who are you?” she asked, her voice soft, but scared. Quicksilver felt Gretchen lift her head up and the two locked eyes for a moment before Gretchen turned to the Princess.

“My name is Gretchen, I’m here to save-” she began to say when the cage rattled.

“Why is that equine with you? Don’t you know he is our enemy?” one of the gryphons spoke and it was the one with the missing eye, the other remaining eye, which had little color remaining, was showing clear anger toward Quicksilver. What disturbed him more was that it resembles more of a skull then an actual face.

“He is a friend, he is not,” Gretchen tried to explain but the old bird wouldn’t listen.

“Falsch! Equines are not our friends. They are not to be trusted. After what they did to King Ravenclaw when he offered a truce when we first made contact. I was there when it happened, youngling. You don’t know what was going on, and what took place inside the equines capital. By Saint Gregor he was killed by those wretched equines,” he claimed, the other gryphons nodding in approval.

That can’t be right. Ravenclaw was not the innocent one. I was… Quicksilver thought when he was interrupted when Gretchen held him closer, lifting up a bit so that he was sitting on his haunches.

“Your wrong. He is not like that at all. He is with me to help you all and to save the king,” she said defensively making the older gryphon balk at her.

“Such impertinence. This equine would never help us. He would never,”

“Versuch durch Gefieder.” Gretchen said each word, taking the gryphon off guard.

The other gryphons who glared and sneered at him were dropped when she uttered those words and were very silent. Quicksilver remained confused and look to Gretchen for answers, for even he did not know all of the gryphon language. Yet, she remained steadfast and kept her gaze fixated on them.

“You… you mean you…” the old gryphon began to say but couldn’t find the words to speak.

“Yes. He saved me from Sharpclaw and initiated Versuch durch Gefieder against him. He has proven his worth to me. For he is my beschützer, my Hausmeister, and my Begleiterin. Ich bin ihm treu wie er mir.” she said, and with each word spoken the gryphons grew less hostile towards him.

What did you say? Quicksilver thought, while he felt Gretchen slowly let go of him, allowing him to stand on all fours.

In all honesty he missed the warmth of her feathers.

Quicksilver moved forward slightly, keeping an eye out for any guard that might be nearby, but all he could see was the yak who hung his head low and a deep snore came from him. Quicksilver sighed internally, knowing they would have a fierce battle on their hands if the yak was not asleep. He did notice one critical thing that the yak did not have and one they sorely need.

“We got to go find the keys. That yak doesn't have it.” he mentioned, gesturing to the yak. The old birds in the cage grumbled to one another, unsure of what to say or to reply.

“They normally don’t carry the keys, it is usually belongs to one of the main guards that follow the yak Kahn or Sharpclaw's lieutenants,” one of gryphons mentioned. Quicksilver’s brow furrowed, knowing it might just become that more difficult if they had to go and steal from the yaks, or even right underneath Sharpclaw himself. He had no idea how he might get the key without alerting them to his presence.

"Are you going to free them?" the voice of Tala spoke, and Quicksilver turned to the den mother. He was a bit perturb by the sight of scar that replaced her left eye. But it was not her that had him concerned. But rather, the small throng of diamond dogs gathered on the side of the cage, and their paws outstretched to him. Tala was looking at him intently, her remaining eye was red and was even holding back tears. The pup in her arms curled inwardly and attempted to stay warm in her bosom.

"I am. I am here to help," he gave a simple reply.

Tala leaned in closer, a free arm outstretched to him through the bars. Seeing this, he took another step closer allowing her paw to grace his cheek. He didn't understand why he did it, yet he instinctively knew he wanted to reassure them. He wanted them to know he was a friend.

"Then help us," she said, a single tear rolling down her cheek. While she held her pose, the other woman and the children inside placed their own paws and held them on her body and outstretched arm. A sudden warmth filled his cheeks and he shuddered from the contact. It was if a great spirit had rested his wings over him, urging him to help them. He nodded his head to them, promising in his heart that he will find a way to save them. He then felt a wing drape over him and he turned to see Gretchen was with him.

She was smiling.

And he smiled back.

Her presence was enough to warm his heart.

“Your going to die,” a slurred voice came from the entry point. Quicksilver, hearing the voice close by, quickly hunkered down as low as he could. He felt Gretchen press into him as she went down, a paw hanging over his back and pinning him to the cold ground. The diamond dogs retreated back into the cage and pretended that nothing occurred. From their angle they saw the same drunken gryphon and he was pulling a body behind him. Quicksilver gasped slightly when he saw it was the thestral, his body bloodied and beaten as he was dragged through the dirt and snow.

“Yer going to die, and no one will save you.” the drunken gryphon said. The drunkard swayed from one side to the other, almost to the point where he would trip over and fall to the ground. Yet he would catch himself before going back up again and going on his way. In that moment Quicksilver heard a small jingle come from the gryphons belt. Upon further inspection he saw that the a key was on his person.

What luck. Quicksilver thought, wanting to get up and to tackle the gryphon down to the ground and opbtain the key. But the pressure from Gretchen was preventing him from moving.

“Wake up ya beast!” The drunken gryphon shouted, dragging the Thestral along. In the far end of the room the cyclops stirred, it’s large eye open and towering over them. Quicksilver stirred, wanting to move and attempt to save the thestral. Yet, Gretchen continued to hold him down.

“Fletchling. You should not move. We must not be noticed or we'll be killed,” she stated softly, knowing how correct she was. His heart sank, looking out to the helpless thestral as he was placed in front of the drunk gryphon, while the drunkard called the cyclops forward.

However, the thestral still had strength and he stirred in his captors grip. The thestral attempted to move backing away from the approaching cyclops. He grunted turning his body away, digging his feet into the snow. The gryphon did not give him an inch, clasping a talon over his head and pulling his mane up forcibly. The thestral gasped and his mouth was ajar. Despite this, he continued to resist against his grip.

“Quit griping... (hic) it won’t last long,” the gryphon stated, the grounded vibrating from the cyclops moving ever closer. “It will all… be over… soon.”The thestral still continued to thrash about to the point of exhaustion. Quicksilver’s gut twisted when he saw the stubs on the thestral’s back were moving, attempting to use what remained of his wings. The stallions once proud wings were gone, and was powerless to escape. Almost like he was when he first arrived at the fort all those weeks ago. He could be in the same situation as he was if he was in his hooves. Helpless. Broken.


In that moment of clarity, Quicksilver made his move.

“I’m sorry Gretchen. I will not stand for this,” he whispered, before forcing himself up and off the ground.

“Fletchling wait,” she said, but her cries fell to deaf ears as he bolted from his place of hiding. He took a few bounds, kicking snow as he moved, before leaping into the air. His wings flared open, wincing as his joints resisted at first, before they came up to full length. He kept his wings steady as he glided over the fire, which was at least a couple feet below him. He kept his focus ahead, the gryphon holding the thestral in place, ready to toss him towards the beast. He braced himself as his hooves struck home.

His front hooves planted directly onto the gryphon’s back sending them both forward. The drunkard dropped the thestral while Quicksilver tumbled along with him. They both crashed into the ground, sending snow everywhere. Quicksilver rolled onto his hooves, his wings painfully resisting as he attempted to get them to his sides. The gryphon gasped from the initial knock back and groaned from the pain. Despite his drunken state, he managed to turn his head and look at him directly in the eye.

“Eh… what… you are,” he didn’t get to finish as a large paw hovered over him.

Quicksilver backed away as the gryphon turned too late to the cyclops, the latter smiling at his prey. The beast encompassed his whole body with a single paw. The Gryphon squawked abruptly from the powerful grip and the sounds of bones popped and cracked in his body. Quicksilver looked upon the gryphons belt and saw the key dangling out between the digits of the cyclops paw. Quicksilver attempted to reach it but to no avail, as the cyclops brought the gryphon towards its maw. The gryphon’s eyes bulged, shrieking out in fear, before the cyclops brought its jaw down on it’s head with a sickening crunch. Quicksilver flinched and scurried back, the cyclops body rising up as he brought more of the gryphon inside his mouth, eating the gryphon bit by bloody bit. Another bite and the cyclops crams more of the gryphon into its maw, a back leg and a talon sticking out of its mouth. Another bite and the limbs went inside, and the gryphon was no more. The cyclops grinned with satisfaction, chewing on the body as blood seeped from his teeth and covering the snow red with blood. Quicksilver’s heart quickened and he took a step back, only to bump into the thestral.

He whirled his head, seeing the thestral was still. He saw that his face was covered in blood, sealing his eyes shut. He placed a hoof over the thestals mouth and felt the soft breath from the thestral. He reached out to pick his body up and to take him away but the noise of hooves was fast approaching from the entrance. He whirled his head, seeing the flames of torches dancing about the walls. Panic was coursing through his veins and his eyes were on Gretchen who was urging him to come to her side. Yet, the guards were approaching, there was no time to run to her. When he looked towards the entrance he saw a brush that was close by and was next to a small rocky formation that jutted outward. Seeing no other option he dove for the brush. He landed near it and quickly crawled inside, turning around just in time so that he may lie still.

Two large yaks came bustling in, their beady eyes looking over to the cyclops and watching it eat the remains of the gryphon. One of the yaks had a large torch which was strapped to a small hook that was on one of his horns, sending light flickering everywhere into the shades of darkness. They were a few yards away, their cloven hooves stomping on the ground and yelling at the beast and Quicksilver made himself as small as possible. He placed a hoof over his mouth, holding his breath so that the air would not be visible in the cold night air. His body shook horribly from both the cold and with his nerves being on end. From his position he watched the yaks speaking in their foreign tongue, no trace of Equestrian could be heard. Yet, he was able to see their beady eyes, and how frightful they looked. Not at the beast who ate their gryphon ally, but at the thestral who laid motionless on the ground.

He just hoped they didn’t notice his prints in the snow from where he had moved moments before.

He watched as they look to one another and backed at the wingless equine. They were spitting out their words against the motionless equine, cursing in their foreign tounge. One of the yaks even approached it and poked one of his hooves against the thestral. The thestral stirred and bared its fangs slightly, a soft hiss wheezing out of him.

“Chotgor!” the yak backed away, trampling into the snow where Quicksilver's prints were, which gave him much relief seeing. Both yaks began rubbing the tips of their horns and speaking in hushed tones. Quicksilver wondered if it was an attempt to ward off evil. While they continued this a loud crack came from the cyclops that caused the two yaks to look at it. The cyclops cheeks bunched to one side and for a few moments the cyclops was toying with its food before spitting something out into the snow.

A bloodied half eaten head is what remained of the gryphon. One of its eyes wide open and petrified in death. The yaks eyeed one another, whispering in their language before turning to the Thestral. They then nudged the pony towards the cyclops, wiped their cloven hooves into the ground, rubbing their horns once more for good measure, and leaving him there. Quicksilver waited with bated breath, hearing their steps becoming more and more distant.

After waiting for several minutes, and when no other enemy was visible, Quicksilver breathed softly in relief.

“I thought I was going to die there.” He muttered, stepping up and out of the brush. He saw the cyclops still munching on the pulverized meat of the gryphon, aimlessly looking around and not paying any attention to him. Quicksilver noticed the thestral was trying to move, its hooves wavering as he attempted to stand. He trotted over, attempting to help him however he can, while still being weary of the cyclops nearby. When he drew close the thestral ears perked up and he tried to squirm away, pushing his legs into the snow in an attempt to flee. Quicksilver was already on him, placing a hoof over the thestrals mouth before he could scream out.

Je suis un ami. (I'm a friend)“ Quicksilver stated softly, trying to calm the equine down. The Equine seemed to get more agitated, from when he turned his head and got his mouth free, he spoke to him.

“Aye can’t understand the damn language ya cunt.”

Quicksilver blinked and stood there for a moment.

He believed he had seen everything. From the revelation of Prince Sharpclaw, the King’s survival, the death of General Quill, and his ordeal back at the camp. Out of all of those things he had never expected for a thestral to speak the same language as he did.

“Calm down my friend. I’m not going to hurt you. Easy.” Quicksilver said in Equish, trying to calm the thestral down. The thestral took a few deep breaths before he spoke again.

“Aye feel like shite. A broken barrel without it’s brew.” the thestral said. Quicksilver tried to discern the thestrals language. It was Equish, but it was rougher, harder, almost unrecognizable.

“My name is Quicksilver. Can you tell me your name?” Quicksilver asked. The thestral went to open his mouth but paused when he tried to open his eyes. He squinted and tried to open them, but they were covered in dried blood.

“Aye can’t see. My wings are gone and they took my sight. Aye can’t see.” he said, raising his hoof blindly until Quicksilver drew closer and allowed his hoof to rest on his shoulder. He felt pity for him, but he knew that his sight was not gone.

“I have an idea for that. Give me a moment and be quiet.” Quicksilver replied softly, grabbing a big scoop of snow and rubbing it into the stallions eyes.

“That stings ya basturt.”The thestral hissed at first before he allowed Quicksilver to continue, spreading snow onto the dried blood. Quicksilver repeated this several times, wiping away the blood that had gathered over his eyes and face. Out of his peripheral vision he noticed that many of the gryphons had gathered together near the edge of the cages, their talons wrapping upon the bars and watching him. Even Gretchen watched, but not once getting up to come and help him. He ignored them for now as he continued with his task.

Less than a minute later, and the blood being removed off his eyes, did the thestral began to open them up. His right eye opened first, blinking a few times, while the other one partially opened. The bright slitted eye of the thestral was bright yellow and he looked upon Quicksilver for the first time.

His face lit up like wildfire and a toothy smile shimmered from the fire nearby.

“Aye thought aye was blind.” the thestral said in a hushed but jovial manner, tears almost streaming out of his eyes. Quicksilver couldn’t help but smile and pat the thestral on the shoulder.

“Can you walk my friend?” Quicksilver asked, but the thestral shook his head.

“Aye don’t know,” he said, still blinking and adjusting his sight.

“I’ll help you up,” Quicksilver said, placing a hoof around the Thestral and lifting him up and off the ground.

“It was Quicksilver, aye?” the thestral asked, and he nodded in kind.

“Yes that’s my name. And yours?”

“Tis Sabre. Cross Sabre.” He beamed with pride when saying his name.

“Well met Cross,” Quicksilver replied, setting Cross onto his haunches and to get him oriented. “Alright easy Cross. Take it steady.”

“Ye don’t haf’tae dawdle on me lad, aye can take care of me- what the buckin devil is that?” Cross said harshly as he stared at the Cyclops before them. Quicksilver quickly hushed him before keeping an aye on cyclops, whowas hovering close to them. The chains shook and strained, preventing it from getting any closer.

“A chained beast. He won’t bother us,” Quicksilver said, attempting to ease the thestral. Though it was much harder to do so from how intimdiating the monster was.

“Good… last we need is it tae crush us. Slice it’s jambags for good measure, that will teach it a lesson,” he said, which made Quicksilver question what jambags are but decided not to dwell on it. He went to move Cross up when the Cyclops began to shift its mouth again. He saw it’s cheeks swell like before and he spat at the ground in front of him. Instead of bones or meat however, he saw a belt that was covered in spit and chewed leather.

Along with a single key.

Quicksilver heart almost leapt into his throat at the sight of it. They would finally release the prisoners and get out of here. Quicksilver eyed the cyclops, wondering if it had found it indigestible or if it was holding it for him. The cyclops merely gave a toothy grin, revealing raw bits of flesh and bone, before swallowing his meal whole. Quicksilver was disgusted by the sight but that was nothing compared to his thoughts on the key and to everyone's freedom.

“We can finally get out of here.” he said, reaching a hoof out to grab the key.

He stopped when he felt a paw placed onto his shoulder.

“Hello again equine.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter is here. More dangerous turns abound.

More chapters are on the way. That I promise you.