• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Timeless Lord Slayer

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Comments ( 30 )

I normally hate displaced stories...but because there are so few Castle Crashers stories I have to say I actually like this displaced

7334318 Will do, but it could take some time.

7334389 Thanks, I'm glad you liked it at least somewhat. Just wish people would actually tell me why they disliked. I can't improve without knowing what I did wrong, after all. But anyway, thanks.

Displaced, eh?

Well, I'd like for them to meet Lord Metarex and his second in command, which has yet to be posted on this site, but still.

I've heard of the game this is from, but know very, very little about it. Would be interested in learning more before checking the fic out, but have never found the time to do research on the game, unfortunately.:\ Has to be popular for a reason though, eh?

7334421 Thanks, but that's going to be a fair while from now. I want to have as few crossovers as possible for this story, at least for now.

7334921 I wouldn't say popular, just...interesting.

7334901 Thanks, I try.

7335476 Can you summarize what this game is that this is based on though? I'm curious.

7335505 lol I meant like story, characters, powers, etc. But, thanks for the brief summary there anyways. XD

... I didn't even read the chapter and the green knight is already my favorite. Also some errors in this sentence but must be fixed error

"Okay...remind me not to piss you off. I do not the Hammer of Dawn," Pate said fearfully.

It needs a want and comma at the end of Hammer of Dawn must be a period. I can proofread for you if ya want me to though and fix those errors. Also what the hell is with the white man looking like the speaker from Destiny? Traveler somehow going to be involved in this?

7334921 Funny how the image title says it's peter griffon saying go on... yet i see Fairfax saying image hotlinking is disabled. No literally this is weird.

7335521 Ah, sorry about that, typed too fast. As for the white guy, he shall remain a secret for now, so, sorry.

7335514 There is little to no real story for this game, you just go pillaging through multiple lands to get items and save the princesses as well as stop the evil wizard who is also the head of a cult. That's it. Literally all of it. There is barely any explanation for anything that happens or anything you do.

7335631 lol Yep. In that case, what powers/abilities do they have?

7335633 Red is lightning, Blue is ice, Green is poison, and Orange is fire.

7335682 Any weapons/fighting styles they specialize in?

7335691 Nope. There are multiple weapons, (if some can really be called that,) but it doesn't give you any new style and every character has the same moves, just different magic.

On another note, could those who have disliked please tell me why you disliked? Ya can't expect me to improve without knowing what I did wrong. *looks up to see a dislike on comment* Really? That's just rude and childish.


This definitely has my attention. I love Castle Crashers, and have a tendency to play as the red knight myself.

I, too, would love to do a crossover, but I respect your decision to keep those to a minimum. Can't wait to read more!

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