• Published 16th Apr 2016
  • 10,382 Views, 199 Comments

A Glimmer of Hope: The Beginning - Mewrilah

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Befriending the Night

Luna awoke with a loud yawn. Stretching her forehooves she allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness. While she could adopt the same sleep pattern as her sister, the lunar princess thought it would be best if she were fully awake for her duties, however few there were. She had attempted to hold night court, but since almost all ponies worked during the day, they were too tired to attend. Then there was the task of guarding dreams, which she loved dearly. It allowed her to help out her subjects where they were most vulnerable. Although they were truly appreciative for her help, as their dreams became more happy, they soon forgot about any nightmares they had.

Like she had told Nick, nightmares were dramatically decreasing. This was a combination of her helping ponies out and any threat that emerged being stopped with the help of Twilight and her friends. Most nights, she would simply go to her balcony and gaze at the stars, proud that she created many of the constellations.

Speaking of the wolf, Luna wondered if he would call her to his dream. She really did enjoy their chat, talking about many of the customs of Earth, the technology they had developed, even how the humans governed themselves. It was refreshing to have him talk to her in a more casual tone, treating her like a normal mare. In his eyes, she saw admiration and high regard for her duties.

As he explained to her, humans had ways to suppress bad dreams, but no way to eliminate them entirely. They usually stayed in the nightmare, or if the nightmare was really bad, wake up screaming. He expected them to die in his dream and then immediately wake up. Then he would spend a minute or two to calm himself down and try to go back to sleep, if he could. Luna could feel pity for the wolf, forced to endure such evil dreams with no help at all. It would make sense why he said what he said towards the end of their meeting. The ponies of Equestria took for granted her powers, and Nick was grateful for her showing up to help him.

“I sure wish he’d call for me,” she sighed, leaning on the railing. He probably won’t, thinking I’m busy and not wanting to interrupt. It wouldn’t hurt to check on him though, would it? No Luna, he’s probably exhausted from training today. According to Tia, he visited Twilight and asked to be her student. Knowing how excited Twilight can get, she probably pushed him to his limits. She giggled at the thought of Nick gasping heavily, while Twilight continued instructing him. Something pulled her from her thoughts. It was faint and for a second she thought she was imagining things. Then she heard it again.

“Princess Luna.”

It sounded like Nick’s voice. Was he truly calling for her? He didn’t seem in distress, at least according to his voice, which sounded calm but curious at the same time. He was probably testing to see if she would come. Even if it was just a test,l she had promised him that if he called, she would be there. Hoping that this was not a trick her mind was playing on her, she began to re enter the dreamscape.

She’s probably busy with princessy stuff. I don’t even know why I bothered trying to call her. She’ll probably be annoyed that I interrupted some important meeting.

Nick sighed as he laid his head between his paws. While his body was sound asleep, his mind was wide awake. While he was used to sleeping alone back on Earth, Equestria had seemed to make him realize how miserable he was. He had allowed his brother’s decision to make him not want to deal with anyone. Twilight was able to bring out who he was before the “accident”, friendly, willing to help and caring. This was why he summoned Luna, not only was she most likely the only pony awake at this hour, but he was able to be his normal self around her. While he couldn’t tell her everything he knew, she would understand being similar to himself.

Maybe I should use this time to plan for facing the darkness. I still have a long ways to go in my training, but at least I can have a template for how I’ll defeat them. So from my dream, Tirek was immune to my magic, not just immune, but able to absorb it and use it as his own. I can simply deal with him with no magic. He’s so frail I could easily snap his neck, and it’d be over. Chrysalis has her army as well as some magic. Well that may be half true, after losing to the Elements, how many changelings would remain loyal to her? No, I can’t prepare like that, what if they remained loyal to her?

A small pop came from behind him, jerking him out of his thoughts. As he turned around he saw an aghast blue alicorn standing before him. He followed her fear stricken eyes to the body of Tirek, lying motionless on the ground, his head flopped unnaturally. Buck, why did my dream have to enact my every thought. She’s probably going to have nightmares herself. Although it was too late, Nick got rid of Tirek’s body along with the snarling bug queen. “I’m sorry you had to see that Princess,” he folded his ears back. “I didn’t think you would come, so I was planning on how I would defeat the darkness.”

He could only drop his head, not having the courage to look at her eyes. She probably was disgusted with him for using such barbaric methods to deal with his enemies. He shuddered as he felt her hoof on his shoulder. “No Nick, it is I who should be sorry. If I had come sooner you wouldn’t have had to plan such terrible things. You wouldn’t be the first in Equestria to act like that, however. While no pony has ever killed, several of our enemies never hesitated and found joy in slaying them. Tirek would be one of those who, if he had the chance, would love to slaughter many innocent lives for revenge. He’s escaped Tartarus once, which is why you’re here I would assume. To stop him before he gets such a chance. I’m sorry that you have to commit such acts to keep our world safe.”

Nick wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction from the alicorn, in fact she was acting the opposite of what he feared. She seemed to understand the burden he had to carry. Somehow she knew that Nick would never kill unless he had to. He looked up to see her giving him a reassuring smile. “Thank you, Princess. It means a lot to hear you say that.”

Luna nodded. “It is my duty to ease the worries of others. This brings me to ask, why did you summon me Nick? I assumed you would be exhausted after your magic lesson today.”

“My body was, but my mind is still wide awake. I called for you because I wanted some company. Pretty selfish of me, pulling you away from your duties. I’m sorry if I interrupted anything important.”

“I see,” Luna mused. “I wouldn’t consider it selfish Nick. After all you are doing a selfless thing, fighting for a world that is not your own. If keeping you company at night will allow me to help you, then I would be glad to do so.” She felt happy that not only did Nick enjoy her company, but also she would be able to help him in his journey. Perhaps she could help him with his magic spells, that is if he wanted to.

Nick’s felt his willpower falter. He knew that becoming friends with Luna would have its consequences, but he was tired of being alone. She wouldn’t see being a friend as selfish, but becoming friends with her only for him to die seemed like it wasn’t fair for her. Even if she had seen loved one pass multiple times, it didn’t mean she was immune to it. Apparently his worry appeared on his face and Luna looked at him with concern.

“Nick, there’s no need to worry. You didn’t interrupt anything. Actually I was hoping you would summon me. I finished my duties quickly as I normally do and wished to talk to you more. So, wipe thy frown off thy face! Thou art in the presence of a princess, who shalt not look upon such sadness,” she finished, smirking at Nick.

Her tactic worked, as he couldn’t help but smile at the fact she was using old English. Luna was right, he needed to make sure she was happy, and he couldn’t do that while he was worried. “As you wish, princess,” he smiled, bowing his head.

“There’s also no need for any of that stuffy formality,” Luna added, waving a dismissive hoof. “You are not one of my subjects, and still being referred to as ‘princess’ makes me realize how old I am.”

“You don’t look a day over 1000 princ- Luna,” he winked. “Your sister looks just as young, but the wrinkles don’t do her justice.” Nick was glad this elicited a laugh instead of a glare from the lunar alicorn.

“Ah yes Tia does at times work herself ragged,” she smiled. “Being the princess of the day has a lot more responsibilities than being one of the night. I wish that I could help ease her load.”

“I’m sure there is something you can do to help with her duties. Perhaps helping her with any paperwork she can’t finish by the end of the day? You two know each other so well that you’d know what she’d want to do with certain issues.”

“That is a wonderful idea Nick. I’ll be sure to ask her when she wakes up. So, what do you have planned for tomorrow? Just lessons with Twilight or something else?”

“Well Twilight will be busy in the morning teaching Starlight in friendship. I planned on doing some exploring of this castle, since I’m living here now. Around lunch I’ll find something in the forest to eat and then head to Ponyville for my lesson.”

Luna was bit shocked at how Nick was fine with eating such meager meals. How did he find the strength to use his magic when he was eating so little. “Nick, would you like to eat at the castle? It is pretty early, but the kitchen staff are always available. You could have a decent meal before you start your day.”

Nick was about to object to her offer, but his stomach answered for him. Giggling, Luna smiled. “Very well. If you wouldn’t mind waking up, I’ll teleport you to the castle and we’ll have your belly filled in no time.”

“Wait Luna,” Nick interjected remembering that he’d never been seen in the castle. “What about the castle guards? Wouldn’t they be suspicious of a wolf walking with their princess? If Ponyville was any good indication, I’ll be arrested as soon as they see me.”

“Nonsense Nick. I’ll explain why you’re here and they’ll leave you be. After all, they wouldn’t dare attack a friend of mine.”

So we’re already friends. I guess that makes some sense, even with the little time we spent together. I’ve helped her and she’s helped me. It would be nice to have a decent meal, not some pickings from the forest.

“Alright,” he smiled. “But if I end up in the dungeons, I’m holding you responsible.”

Luna rolled her eyes. Telling Nick that she’ll be waiting for him, she popped out of his dream. Ok, time to wake up.

He slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the darkness surrounding him. What little light that filtered through the ceiling came from the stars, the moon, he was guessing, lower in the sky. Sliding off the throne, stretching each limb, he saw Luna watching him with a smirk on her face. “Come on slowpoke,” she teased. “The night’s not getting any younger. Stand next to me and I’ll teleport us to the castle.” Nick chuckled at her antics and was by her side. He saw her horn glow and they were engulfed in that familiar bright light. Closing his eyes before he became blind, he felt the sensation of teleporting. He wasn’t alone, as he saw Luna floating right next to him.

“I know that teleporting is a hard skill to master, but I hope I’m able to learn it. It’s a bit embarrassing that I have to rely on others to help me get places.”

“You will Nick, teleporting is a great spell to use in combat. While you can’t use it for the whole battle, it can be very useful in a bind. It’s saved me in multiple occasions. I know you already have Twilight teaching you the basics of magic, but I will be willing to teach you how to use those spells for combat.”

“You know how to fight?” It would make sense for royalty to be able to protect themselves, but Luna didn’t seem like one to pick a fight. As far as he knew, there weren’t many world leaders that had serious combat training.

“Why of course, how else did my sister and I banish Sombra or imprison Tirek?” Luna replied, adopting a defensive tone.

“I didn’t mean to offend,” Nick quickly apologized. “It’s just on Earth, leaders are heavily guarded, so they don’t need to rely on self defense as much. If it wouldn’t be imposing, I’d be honored to learn some combat techniques from you. Honestly I’ve never been in a fight before.”

“Well by the time we’ve finished, you’ll know all you need to face our enemies,” she smiled. “The lessons can be at night, and I can allow your dreams to match your magical power. That way you actually are learning the techniques. We’re almost at the castle, prepare yourself.”

Nick saw the light slowly growing. He quickly closed his eyes, and felt the cold marble floor beneath him. He still felt a bit dizzy after the trip, and was thankful Luna was there to steady him. “I guess the teleportation sickness goes away eventually?”

“Yes, especially when you cast the spell yourself,” Luna chuckled, placing a wing around Nick to steady him. “It synchronizes with your body and adjusts accordingly. I tried my best to make the ride as calm as possible.”

“Good to hear,” he smiled. “So, where are the royal kitchens? The only part of the castle I’ve seen is your sister’s study. That’s because the Tree teleported me there.” He added, defensively waving his paws in front of him after seeing Luna quirk an eyebrow.

“Sure,” she smirked, deciding it was fun to tease the wolf. “Are you sure you weren’t drawn to her beauty? Perhaps that glorious flank of hers? Some of the more, mature, dreams always focus on that part of her body.”

Nick blushed, not because of what Luna was saying, but because it was her saying such things. It was definitely not what he would expect a member of royalty to act like. Then again, although she had a title and was immortal, she was still a normal mare. It was a good sign that she was acting like this around him since it meant she trusted him. And how better to repay that trust with a little teasing of his own, although some of it would be true.

“Why would you sell your beauty short, your highness? Yes, your sister is gorgeous beyond all comparison, her pure white coat, bright amethyst eyes, warm friendly smile-” he was cut off by Luna clearing her throat, which was exactly what he wanted.

“Ahem, while she has all those traits, you have the same if not better qualities. I personally love your coat, it's easy on the eyes, and it’s my favorite color, navy blue. Then there are your eyes, that shine like the stars in the night sky. It’s not only your outer beauty that stands out. You have a kind and caring heart. Even with not being as beloved by your subjects as your sister, you would be willing to do anything in your power to ease their pain. That is something your sister doesn’t have. Being adored by all her subjects makes her duties easier.”

Nick let all of that sink in. Now that he thought of it, he had just confessed feelings for the alicorn. I should have stopped while I was ahead. Now she knows that I have some feelings for her. Maybe she’ll push me away, since I’m mortal and a human. That would be one less pony hurt by my actions.

He was worried as he noticed tears running down her cheeks. “Luna? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you-” Nick couldn’t finish his sentence as Luna grabbed him and held him tightly.

“N-nay Nick, never be sorry,” she said softly, sniffling. That was all she could say. She was still trying to process what Nick had just told her. What he said didn’t sound like simple teasing, it sounded more like a confession of his feelings for her. But they only knew each other for two days, could he really have found that type of interest in her? She never had many suitors, and the stallions brave enough to attempt to court her only did so at the request of her sister.

“Excuse me, Princess Luna,” a royal guard spoke up, finding the courage to interrupt. “Is everything alright? Do I need to apprehend this wolf for you?”

Realizing they were being watched, Luna quickly released her grip on the wolf and shook her head. “Nay- I mean no. He is our- my guest. I was taking him to the dining hall for some breakfast. No assistance needed. Actually while you are here, can you inform the other guards that Nick here is welcome here anytime? I don’t want him accosted if he wants to come visit.”

“Yes my lady!” the guard saluted. “I will see to it at once!” With that he trotted off, leaving the two alone once again. Not wanting anymore awkward moments between them, Luna continued to lead Nick to the dining hall. Neither one said a word, not quite sure what to say. Luna was trying to grasp what Nick had just said, while Nick was hoping she wasn’t upset. What seemed like an eternity of walking finally ended when they reached a huge set of oak doors.

“We’re here,” Luna spoke, breathing a sigh of relief. Opening the doors with her magic, she led him into the vast hall. Usually she never thought about the dining hall, but all of a sudden, it seemed ridiculously huge. Normally it was only used by her sister and herself, sometimes with a visiting dignitary or two, but never enough ponies to completely fill it. She looked back at Nick and couldn’t help but smile seeing the awestruck expression he had. “Have a seat and I’ll summon one of the staff to take our orders.”

While there were a lot of seats to choose from, Nick knew better and decided to sit next to his host. Her horn lit up and within seconds a unicorn entered the room. Her eyes grew huge upon seeing Nick, but Luna quickly diffused the situation. Trying her best to calm her nerves, she asked what they both would like to eat.

“Do you have waffles?” Nick asked the server, who nodded her head. “Would it be possible for me to get a pecan waffle with strawberries and whipped cream?” The server quickly jotted down his request and turned to Luna.

“For you my lady?”

“I will have waffles as well. Plain with syrup please.”

“Your orders will be out shortly your highness.”

When she left, Nick decided to ask Luna something that came to mind. “Am I really that scary? I know that I’m a predator but do I look fierce? Please don’t worry about my feeling’s Luna, I really want to know the truth. I haven’t been able to see my reflection since I’ve arrived.”

“How about I show you first before I tell you,” she offered, conjuring a mirror for Nick to look at. Truthfully when she first saw Nick battling Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis, he was pretty scary. His teeth were bared and his eyes were glowing green. However, seeing him defenseless towards the end of his dream caused her fear to subside. As she got to know him better that night, her fears were replaced with curiosity.

Nick gasped at seeing his reflection for the first time. His eye color didn’t change, but they were a lot brighter than before. His muzzle was pitch black, just like his fur. The inside of his ears matched his paws and tail tip. He tried to smile with his teeth, only to quickly close his mouth. It looked like he was going to attack. No wonder the ponies ran away from him. Hanging his head he spoke. “Thank you Luna. I understand why they’re scared of me. It’s because I am a predator and look scary. Even my smile looks like I’m going to eat somepony. I’m surprised Twilight and her friends waited to hear me out.”

“There’s no need to be hard on yourself Nick. When ponies get to know you better, they’ll see who you really are, kind and friendly. If you wouldn’t mind telling me, why did you choose to change into a wolf? Why not keep your human form?”

“I didn’t have much say in the matter actually. I asked the Tree the same question, and its only response was that this is my true form here. Apparently I act and think like a wolf, so my body decided to match these facts. Honestly, I think I’m glad I changed, I’m sure seeing a human would scare everypony. There’s nothing in Equestria that even looks remotely like us.”

Luna nodded her head, deciding that that was enough questions for now. She never even considered if Nick missed his old world, his family, friends. It didn’t seem like he was sad of being away from home. Perhaps he thought it would bother her seeing him that way, and put on a smile to mask the pain. There wasn’t much time to think on it as their server just arrived, two silver platters with their meals. After placing them in front of them and opening the lids, she asked if everything looked alright. They both said yes, thanking her before she left.

Nick saw that there was silverware he could use. He found it odd that such things existed, with only a small percentage of the population could actually use it. How did the Earth ponies and Pegasi use them? Nick decided not to bother with the idea. Magic existed here and was most likely the answer. He used his magic to lift the fork and knife, and was glad to see it hadn’t dropped yet. This was the first time he’d tried lifting two objects simultaneously, and so far there were no mistakes. He’d be greatly embarrassed if he needed to ask Luna for help. Too late for that as Luna watched him slowly move the utensils towards his waffles.

“Is everything alright Nick?”

“Yes, I’m still learning how to use my magic. Before you offer, no thank you, I can do this on my own,” he replied, focusing on the task at hand. Some hero he was, he couldn’t even eat breakfast. C’mon Nick, you’re making a fool of yourself. Just use your darn magic already, it can’t be that hard. It just telekinesis, imagine holding the fork and knife cutting the waffle.

The pressure of trying to limit his embarrassment seemed to work as each utensil started to become easier to handle. Smiling, he decided to do all of the cutting while he had control of both objects. Slowly but surely he was able to cut the waffles into bite size pieces. However when he went to drop the knife, fork followed suit, landing on the table with a light thud. Sighing, he once again picked up the fork and proceeded to stab his food. It was still tricky to manipulate the fork and he started smearing whipped cream over his mouth. Deciding he had enough, he used his claws instead, grabbing each piece and placing it in his mouth.

His ears folded back as he heard his host trying her best to restrain a chuckle. I’m hopeless. “I’m glad I continue to be your entertainment for the night, your majesty,” he said, wiping off the remnants of food off his muzzle. “I didn’t know using magic could be so hard. How can I even fight when eating is such a hassle?”

Luna finished wiping her own muzzle before responding, her expression becoming more serious.

“Now Nick, if there’s anything I’ve learned from my time with you, it’s that you are determined. You even told me yourself that humans are a stubborn race, not easily deterred. Learning to use magic is not easy, which is why most parents of unicorns have to spend more time with their children. Even more experienced unicorns falter with spells. You are being asked a lot by not only having to learn magic, but then to use it against some of the most powerful beings in Equestria. I have faith that you can do it. You were personally picked by the Tree of Harmony, and from my many years of rule, it has never picked wrong.” She looked at the clock in the hall and smiled. “It’s almost time for Tia and I to raise and lower the sun and moon. Would you care to watch?”

“As if I’d want to miss two goddesses perform their duties,” he smiled, eliciting a chuckle from Luna. “Lead the way your highness,” he stood up, following the alicorn out of the dining hall. Once again she was leading him to a part of the castle he’d never seen before. This area had more guards as well, but apparently the guard they had met earlier did his job as they all looked at him with a small bit of curiosity before quickly jerking back to attention. They arrived in front of two doors Nick had seen before, just on the other side that is. “You two perform your duties in your sister’s room?” he asked before Luna knocked.

“Well it depends on the which order we are doing. I go to Tia’s room when it is time to raise the sun, and vice versa.” Content with her explanation, Luna knocked on the door and made herself known. They could hear the muffled “Come in” from Celestia, which they proceeded to do so.

“I was beginning to wonder if you had encountered a rather nasty dream Lulu,” she started to state her concerns for her sister, that was until she noticed Nick. Seeing her sister had found company with the wolf, her curiosity rose. “I see that instead you brought a visitor. Hello Nick, how are you?”

“I’m doing well Princess,” he replied with a bow. “Thank you for asking. How are you?”

“Fine as well Nick. Do you mind me asking why you’re here at this hour? Shouldn’t you be resting for another day of lessons?”

“Well honestly I’m here for breakfast.”

Seeing her sister quirk her eyebrow Luna quickly added. “It was my doing Tia. Nick asked me last night for some company and, being done with my duties I saw no harm in it. As I was about to leave, I asked him if he would mind joining me for breakfast. After we finished, I offered to allow him to watch us raise the sun and lower the moon. They don’t have that on Earth and I thought he’d enjoy it.”

Celestia felt her a smile on her face. Not only had her sister found a friend in Nick, but he seemed to have found a friend in her as well. Along with Twilight, Nick seemed to make Luna open up about herself. It was interesting that Nick happened to be training under her former student as well. Even without her wisdom of ruling for thousands of years, she could see a strong bond forming between the three of them.

“Very well. I think it would be fair to let Nick watch us perform our duty. He’s already doing so much for all of us. We could take him to the gardens instead of my balcony, I don’t believe he’s seen them yet.”

Nick breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Celestia would be mad at him for taking up Luna’s time, even if she told him all her duties had been completed. Soon he felt anxiety overcome him. He was going to watch Celestia and Luna, two deities, raise and lower the sun. Without another word, he followed the two sisters out of Celestia’s room. As they walked to the gardens both sisters decided to give Nick a personal tour around the castle. They showed him the throne room, barracks, Royal Library, chapel where Princess Cadence was married and Twilight was coronated, and even the ballroom where they held a party named “The Grand Galloping Gala”.

As they moved from room to room Celestia asked the wolf how his training was going. Nick described all the events that transpired yesterday, from scaring all of Ponyville to working on very basic magic. Celestia was glad to hear that Twilight had come to trust Nick and was doing well in teaching him. This brought up the question of whether Nick decided to live at the castle, since he’d already been exposed to ponies. He could always meet with Twilight after taking the train to Ponyville, and would be able to use the many resources available.

“Thank you for the offer Princess, but I’m fine living in your old castle. I will need to fight the creatures in there to become strong enough to defeat the darkness. Plus, it increases my survival skills, which I’ll need since you yourself said that each villain was in a different region of Equestria. By the way, how are the search parties faring?”

“Not like we would have hoped, I’m afraid. My guards have found no signs of Chrysalis or her changelings, and Cadence’s guards can only search so far in the Frozen North. I will update you and the other Elements as soon I as learn more.”

Soon they arrived at the gardens. Celestia and Luna continued to walk in silence, allowing Nick to take in all of the beauty that surrounded him. He could hear crickets and nightingales singing softly, a cool breeze gently flowing over him. The moon was lower in the sky, not quite at the horizon, but close enough to tell that the night would be over soon. They stopped in front of a stone platform, where Celestia broke the silence.

“Alright Nick, just two suggestions before we begin. First of all, while it will be tempting to watch the moon lower and sun rise, it is no different from Earth. You will go blind from staring at the sun. Secondly, it takes a lot of energy to perform such a feat, therefore it would be best if you stayed back while Luna and I cast our magic. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it. I know from my little ponies that they enjoy watching the summer sun celebration.”

Nick nodded and in front of the platform while, Luna and Celestia stood in the middle. Luna’s horn was the first to glow, and as it did, she began to rise up into the air. As she did, the moon began to lower towards the horizon. Following her sister, Celestia’s horn lit up as well and she flew as well, slowly raising the sun. Nick shielded his eyes as he saw the transition take place, and soon day had arrived. Nick had seen sunsets and rises before, but what he just saw overshadowed them.

Both sisters landed back on the platform, chuckling at the expression on Nick’s face, they walked over to him. “I suppose you liked that little display?” Celestia asked.

“No, I loved it!” Nick cheered. “That was by far the coolest thing I’ve seen. No sunrise or sunset on Earth could even match the beauty of what you two just did!”

“Thank you Nick,” Luna smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be heading to bed. Hopefully I’ll see you tonight Nick.” She gave him a hug, which surprised both her sister and the wolf. After she was gone, Celestia gave Nick a knowing look.

“I must say Nick, that is the first time I’ve seen my sister so happy to see somepony. What spell have you placed on her?” she joked.

“I can’t really say Princess. I just know we seem to enjoy each other’s company. I’ve done nothing but be myself.”

After pondering for a bit, the alicorn nodded. “I see. Thank you Nick. It has been years since I’ve seen her this happy. Please continue being friends with her.”

“As if I’d do anything else. Don’t worry your highness, I’ll make sure to keep her happy,” he smiled at her. “Now before you go on about your day, would you mind teleporting me back to the Castle of the Two Sisters. I was planning on doing a little exploring before my lesson.”

“Of course. Do be careful though, I’m not sure how much of that old castle is still stable.”

“I promise I will.”

Just like before, Nick was surrounded by Celestia’s magic. Closing his eyes, he heard that familiar popping sound and was soon on his way.

Author's Note:

Hiya guys. Hope you like the ship building chapter. Since it'll be a while till Nick gets his magic under control, there won't be any battle scenes yet, so I hope you're all fine with him just getting to know the ponies better. Class work is starting to pick up, so I dunno when the next chapter will be finished.