• Published 16th Apr 2016
  • 10,382 Views, 199 Comments

A Glimmer of Hope: The Beginning - Mewrilah

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Blast from the Past

Nick wasn’t too sure where he was. Everything was black around him. It was like he was in the middle of teleporting, but the last thing he could remember was fainting.

I’ve never felt pain like that before. It wasn’t only physical, it was mental as well. In that split second I experienced all the emotions I felt when Alex died. Why did I relive them? Is it related to the physical wounds I received? I’ve heard of your life flashing before your eyes, but I wasn’t near death, right?

Perhaps he was dreaming. Maybe he could summon Luna to explain exactly what happened, where he was, assuming she even knew the answers to his questions. She should be awake, based on the time it was before he fainted.

Princess Luna, I need some help here.

Minutes passed by, his calls going unanswered.

I guess she’s busy helping out somepony. Wait, what happened to Twilight?! If she wasn’t freaking out before, I wouldn’t be surprised if she joined me on the floor. I sure hope she went and got help.

The dot of light that suddenly appeared in front of him signified that she did. Strolling over to it, he was momentarily blinded as it expanded. Reeling back, he quickly tried to clear his eyes from the stars that clouded them to see that he was now standing before the Tree of Harmony.

“Are you alright, Warrior of Hope?”

“You tell me,” he retorted, not caring if she (based on her voice) was some omnipotent entity. She was playing with his mind, probably stirring up his memories to get him to do a certain action. “I defeated the timberwolves, but didn’t get their regenerative magic. I only ended up passing out. So to answer your question, no I’m not alright. Why don’t I have their magic? How come the one memory that I’ve worked so hard to bury is now tormenting me?”

“I understand your frustration Nick, however I never said that your journey would be easy. I am not sure why this memory has resurfaced, but I can assure you I am not the cause of it. As for the reason you have not gained the timberwolves’ magic is simple, it takes time for their magic to spiritually bond with you, which is why you had a dream about their ghosts. When you managed to defeat them again, they recognized your strength and thus yielded to you. You fainted because magic transfer is something your body has never been exposed to. The more enemies you defeat, the less severe these side effects.”

“Oh. So how long will I be out?”

“I would say that at most a day. However thanks to Luna cleaning your wounds and Twilight getting you to the hospital, it should be an overnight stay. I am very impressed with the progress you are making, quickly becoming the hero Equestria needs. Keep up the hard work along with cleansing the Everfree and you will be ready to face the darkness.”

The illusion started to fade, everything reverting back to how it was before.

Well at least things are a little less muddy. So whenever I fight another creature in the Everfree, I’ll have to face them again in my dreams. Guess I won’t be sparring with Luna when that happens. So if the Tree isn’t the cause of that memory resurfacing, what did? Nothing I’ve done so far has even been related to that accident.

“Well it looks like I’m here for the night, wherever ‘here’ is. Might as well get comfy.”

Twilight zapped out of the lobby, appearing outside the castle gates. She informed the guard that she needed to speak with Princess Celestia, it was a matter of life or death.

“Right away Princess Twilight,” he answered, and quickly led her to Luna’s chambers. Confused as to why they were there, he informed her that Celestia and Luna found it easier to wake each other up than sending a guard to fetch them. Luckily for them, they arrived just in time as the two sisters were bading each other good night.

“Why Twilight, whatever is the matter?” Celestia asked, noting the anxious look on her former pupil’s face.

“Nick passed out when I was lecturing him,” she blurted out, only to realize how silly that sounded. “He had gotten into a fight with some timberwolves in the Everfree and had some bandages around his wounds. They might have been infected because when I felt his forehead he was burning up. I got him to the hospital first and then came here to tell you.”

“Tia, is something wrong?” Luna inquired.

“I believe so sister. According to Twilight, she was having a lesson with Nick and he fainted. He apparently fought some timberwolves last night and sustained some wounds. She believes that they may have been infected.”

“Infected?!” Luna gasped. “That can’t be! I made sure that I cleaned his wounds thoroughly … last .. night.” Twilight’s eyes went wide, while Celestia’s narrowed, the urgency that filled the room being replaced with curiosity.

“So that’s why you wanted to go back to your room so badly,” Celestia scolded her sister. “Why didn’t you just tell me that you brought Nick here to tend to his wounds? We could have set him up in the infirmary so that none of this would’ve happened.”

“I - I was worried about how you would react,” Luna lowered her head. “I thought you would have been upset that I acted irrationally. Also he is my friend and thought I should be the one to care for him.”

“Caring for him also meant letting Nick sleep in your bed?” Celestia cocked her eyebrow.

“But he was so soft and warm,” the mare of the night protested, fondly reminiscing about last night.

Twilight couldn’t bring herself to speak, jealousy and a bit of embarrassment silencing her. Not only had Luna taken care of Nick, she had gotten the chance to cuddle with him. Luna quickly noticed her discomfort and decided to change topic.

“Would I be right in assuming Nick is unconscious, Twilight?” she spoke up.

The lavender mare only nodded her head, still unable to speak. An idea was forming in Luna’s mind. I can enter Nick’s subconscious and see what happened before and during his fight with the timberwolves. I should bring Twilight along, so that she could explain if there was anything odd during their lesson. I could also bring up Nick’s confession as well, and we could discuss how we want to handle this.

“Since he’s unconscious, I could enter his mind just like he was asleep. There I would be able to see what exactly happened last night along with being able to speak to him. However, memories are just like libraries, you will need to know where look. Will you accompany me Twilight and help me look?”

“Y - you want my help?”

Luna nodded and smiled. “Of course. You may be able to see a pattern I might not have noticed, and you teach Nick everyday, I’m sure you could find the lesson right before he faced the timberwolves.”

This was the opportunity Twilight had been waiting for. She was finally going to be able to take a look in Nick’s past, something that had been forbidden to her.

“Ok, what do you need me to do?”

“Nothing really, just stand by me when I teleport and we’ll be on our way. I need a moment to locate Nick.”

Focusing her magic, she searched through the dreamscape, looking for Nick’s door. It wasn’t too hard to find it, but she could see a green aura emanating from it. Hesitantly she approached the door and touched her hoof to it. Nothing happened, it didn’t feel any different either. Odd. Still it should be safe enough for Twilight and I to enter.

Returning to her sister and Twilight, she informed them that they could access the wolf’s memories. Twilight asked if Celestia would go to Ponyville and reassure her friends know that she was alright. Celestia happily agreed to do so and teleported out. After making sure the younger princess was ready they teleported directly into Nick’s memories. Upon arriving they were greeted with nothing but a black landscape.

“This isn’t right,” Luna said cautiously, looking around for any sign of Nick. “There should be a whole bunch of glowing orbs containing Nick’s memories.”

“Well he never did want anypony knowing about his past, maybe he’s hiding them somewhere?” Twilight suggested.

“That does sound like something he would do. I guess we should try looking around and hopefully find Nick as soon as we can. Stay close, I’m not sure what we’ll face in here.”

“You mean there may be something guarding his memories?”

“It is highly possible, although Nick himself may not know he did so. Just like I created the Tantibus to punish myself, Nick’s subconscious may have created a barrier or creature to make sure nopony could discover his secrets.”

They continued to walk in silence, looking out for any memories as well as the hypothetical creature that may have guarded them.

“How much longer am I going to be stuck like this?” Nick groaned. It had seemed like he was in this place for hours. He tried meditating, reflecting on the previous day, even going to sleep. Nothing was working. Although it sounded odd to admit it, his subconscious was a pretty boring place.

I sure wish somepony was here. Luna, Twilight, anypony. Just somepony that would be willing to keep me company.

As if his call was answered, he saw another speck of light appear in the distance. However, it just stayed there, not moving or growing bigger.

“I wonder what that could be?” he quirked an eyebrow, walking over to it to examine it.

Right when he was about halfway there, he felt another huge headache hit him.

“I thought the Tree said I wouldn’t feel this pain anymore.”

For some reason his surroundings started to change. It was a blur of colors, but rubbing his eyes, he realized where he was. He was back at the lake, the one Alex died at.

Why am I here? Why is this nightmare tormenting me.

Then he saw the reason why. The Princess of the Night and Princess of Friendship were a few feet in front of him, a bewildered look on each of their faces.

“Luna! Twilight!” he called out, “Over here!”

They both saw him and reeled back in fear. “This must be the creature that’s guarding Nick’s dreams,” Luna whispered to Twilight.

“W-what do we do?” Twilight replied, her eyes never leaving it.

“I suppose we go along and see what it wants. If we attack it, we may end up hurting Nick more.”

“Why are you two whispering? It’s just me, Nick.”

“Do not lie to us creature. We know that you are the guardian of Nick’s memories. All we want to do is see what happened last night so we can see why Nick fainted.”

“Guardian? What are you talking about? It’s really-” he paused as he brought his hand to his chest. He quickly examined himself and now understood why they were afraid. He was back to his old self, thankfully adorning a robe that matched his fur color.

“Luna, this is what humans look like. I don’t know why I reverted back to my true form, but it really is me.”

“What is he talking about Princess Luna? What is a hue - man?”

Luna gave another glimpse at “Nick.” His muscles were a bit more pronounced and he was about a foot taller in this form. She looked into his eyes, feeling the same warmth and kindness radiating from them.

“It is you,” she smiled, throwing her forehooves around his neck. She could feel him breathe a sigh of relief and return her embrace.

Nick opened his eyes to see Twilight still staring at them, a look of disbelief, confusion and fear still on her face. Releasing Luna, he dropped on a knee to try and look less imposing.

“Twilight,” he cooed, “It’s me, you know, the wolf you lectured for almost 3 hours straight. I’m sorry that I caused you so much worry, I just never knew you cared that much about me.”

The mare wasn’t too sure what to do. Almost every instinct in her body was trying to keep her away from this who-man, but now that she had calmed down a bit, his voice sounded just like Nick’s. If Luna was willing to embrace him, then it had to be him. She slowly approached Nick, who had in return slowly stretched out his arms. When she was within hoof’s reach she paused.


“That’s what you get for making me worry so much,” Twilight scolded, before wrapping her forehooves around his neck as well.

“I did deserve that I guess,” Nick chuckled wrapping his arms around her.

Now that everything was back to normal, Luna decided to start the questions.

“Where are we Nick?”

She noticed a look of worry come across Nick’s face. “What’s the matter Nick?”

“This is one of the many memories I didn’t want either of you to know about,” he sighed, hoping they could get out of here before the two mares learned the truth.

“Whatever do you…” she was cut off by a scream.


As if their minds were linked to his memory, he could also see the sense of fear he had felt appear on Luna’s muzzle. Princess Luna had already taken off, trying to investigate why he was screaming.

“Princess Luna, stop! You don’t want to know what happened.” He was too late, she was well out of hearing distance, leaving him and Twilight behind. She looked to him to see what he wanted her to do. “I guess come with me, I need to stop her before she sees too much.”

“Why don’t you want us knowing about your past?”

Not even bothering to turn around, he replied, “Because it’s too painful.”

He then felt fear turn into pain. He must have found Alex’s body. Just then, he saw himself carrying Alex to their campsite. Luna was following, her face reflecting his pain. He ran in front of her.

“Luna, please we need to get out of here. I really don’t want you to see how it ends,” he pleaded, tears forming in his eyes.

“Ok Nick”, she replied, trying to understand how a memory could be so painful. She wanted to know what happened. Who was that other human he was carrying? Why was he carrying him?

Unfortunately for Nick, the memory continued on and they were brought to the hospital.

No, this can’t be happening. Fear was quickly consuming him. “Please Luna, get us out of here.”

Luna focused on casting the spell, but for some reason she was experiencing some interference. She tried again and nothing happened, her magic fizzling out of her horn. “I’m sorry Nick. Something is blocking my magic. I can’t cast the spell.”

I guess they were going to learn about my past eventually. I just hope they take it well.

“There’s no way around it,” he sighed in defeat. “I know you two wanted to know more about my past, so here it is. This memory is what really defined who I am.”

Luna and Twilight watched as the scene played out in front of them. Luna could feel a sense of worry for the human who had just been wheeled away to the emergency wing.

Is this the brother that he mentioned before?

Who is this other human? He must be important to Nick since this memory seems to be focusing on him. How did he get hurt?

“Who is he Nick?” she worried, looking at him. His face was devoid of any emotion, leaning against one of the hospital’s walls.

“My first best friend,” he whispered softly, continuing to watch the memory intently.

Deciding it would be better to save questions for the end, Twilight sat down and resumed watching.

Time seemed to be flowing slowly. They watched Nick pace back and forth, muttering a prayer to himself.

“This is all a bad dream. I’m going to wake up and everything will be normal.”

When the doctor emerged, hope filled up Luna’s heart, just as it did for Nick.

“I’m sorry son,” the doctor spoke, “We couldn’t do anything. Your friend snapped his neck upon impact, instantly killing him.”

Luna felt her heart drop. Twilight also felt her heart sink, not even able to fathom losing one of her friends in such a tragic way. Nick stood there silently, his mouth feeling dry as he was brought to the body of his friend.

The memory moved again, this time they were in Nick’s bedroom. He was sitting on his bed, a leather belt in his hands. He had tears in his eyes. This was the lowest he’d had ever been. Nick could only shudder at what he had tried to do here.

“Alex, it’s all my fault. You were my first real friend, and I let you die. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I’m sorry. You should be here, not me.”

He then got up, looking back down at the belt. It would take a while, but it would do the trick. Realizing what he was thinking, Luna and Twilight rushed over to memory Nick.

“No Nick! Don’t do it!”

The memory faded. They were back in the darkness. They both turned to face him. He could see tears in their eyes and he hated himself for it. He had hurt the two mares he loved.

“Luna, Twilight. I’m sorry you had to see that. This is why I never wanted to -” the two mares bodies crushing him in a group hug effectively silenced him.

“No Nick, I’m sorry,” Twilight cooed, wrapping him as tightly as she could. “I’m sorry for insistently trying to pry into your past. I let my curiosity take control and probably brought up this awful memory.”

“I am sorry as well, Nick. You were always kind to me, asking and helping me with my problems, yet you didn’t want me to return the favor. I wish that I could’ve been as good a friend as you were to me.”

They stayed like that for several minutes, the feeling not only comforting but seemed just right. Luna was with the mare who had helped her transition back into society and the wolf who had won her heart. Twilight, although still confused as to what Nick was, knew that it didn’t matter what he looked like, only that she had come to love him dearly. Nick was with the two mares he loved, who still cared for him even though he had put them through the worst pain imaginable. Being here with them made his worries vanish, leaving the memory just something to be left in the past.

Breaking the hug, Nick decided it was time to tell them the truth, most of it at least.

Along with the help of some visuals, Nick was able to give a very simplified explanation to humans. He kept most of his race’s history transparent, believing both of them deserved to know why he was brought here in the first place. He showed them his childhood, Twilight feeling ashamed how she took friendship for granted. Seeing Nick trying to make friends only to leave them broke her heart, leaving her amazed that Nick had a friendly, kind personality.

When he got to how Alex and him became friends, both mares asked him if he would be ok talking about him. Nick told of them that they were both right, keeping feelings to yourself was unhealthy, which is probably why the memory of Alex resurfaced. He showed them the day they met along with some of their crazy adventures. They saw his life after that day, completing his schooling, being hired by a biotech company, and his fateful meeting with Celestia.

It was weird for both Twilight and Luna to see a mare close to them take on a human form. They were glad that she did find Nick and bringing him to them. To conclude his explanation, Nick brought them to his first day in Equestria, going through the details of that day, skipping the caveat that came with his success.

“You’ve been living in the Castle of the Two Sisters this whole time?” Twilight asked.

“Yup. It’s actually pretty cozy, plus none of the creatures of the Everfree will enter. The library there helped me a bunch in understanding the fundamentals of magic.”

“How did Celestia find you on Earth?”

“Apparently the gem brought her to me. She had lost it in a nearby park and I found it.”

“What caused you to faint?” Luna asked, gently reminding Twilight why she was here in the first place.

“At first I didn’t know, but thankfully the Tree appeared to me and explained what happened. As you both just saw, when I defeat an enemy, I am supposed to gain their magic. What I didn’t know was that my body was not prepared for a magic transfer. My body is fine however, an overnight stay at the hospital and I’ll be good to go. The Tree assured me that the next magic transfers won’t have such negative side effects.”

“That’s good to hear, hopefully next time you won’t be badly cut up as well,” Luna joked.

“Well with a great magic teacher and amazing sparring partner, I’m sure I’ll be ready for whatever the Everfree has to throw at me. Now, I’m sure everypony is worried sick about how you two are doing, so I’ll let you go.”

Both mares nodded and gave him a goodbye hug. “Try and get some sleep Nick, that way we can visit you later, if both of you are ok with that.”

“I wouldn’t mind having some company,” Nick smiled.

“If Nick’s ok with it, then count me in.”

“Ok then, we’ll see you later tonight Nick.”

With a flash, both mares vanished, leaving Nick to his thoughts. Maybe I’ll tell them tonight how I really feel.

Soon after he finished this thought, the settings around him started to change again.

Great, what memory is it going to be this time?

Twilight and Luna appeared in front of the hospital.

“So for our explanation, we’re leaving out Nick’s memory right?”

“Absolutely,” Luna confirmed. “That was something he didn’t want anypony to know, and I wouldn’t have the heart to recount it.”

Walking in they saw Celestia and all of Twilight’s friends including Fluttershy. Fluttershy was bawling her eyes out, which obviously caused both of them concern. They were brought up to date by Celestia, who explained that try as she might, Fluttershy could not determine the cause of Nick’s illness. The yellow pegasus kept apologizing to her friend, in which Twilight gave her a hug, shushing her by gently clamping her lips with her magic.

“It’s alright Fluttershy. There was nothing to fix. Nick simply was undergoing a magic transfusion,” she explained.

After getting a bunch of raised eyebrows, Twilight and Luna began explaining what transpired. Now that the group understood what was happening, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Deciding that there was nothing else they could do, they all retired for the night, Luna telling Twilight she would appear in her dream after she finished her royal duties. Bidding her a goodnight, the two went their separate ways, the thought of what was to come later filling them with excitement.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter. I'd hate to admit it, but this summer has really worn me out. 5 week classes are not easy! :twilightangry2: With that said, I am taking a break from the story. School starts up soon along with my new job so I probably won't be writing any new chapters till all the dust settles, assuming it does.