• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 2,436 Views, 72 Comments

No Romance For Twilight Sparkle - socky_dude

Twilight always knew she wasn't into dating, so why is that suddenly changing?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Surprises

Trixie Lulamoon was not one for asking for help.

In no sense of the word, Trixie did appreciate. She liked doing things on her own, which resulted in her failing most of the time. But, that was okay. She liked making mistakes to where she could fix them next time. She also might be a tad bit stubborn... But it was her mothers fault for that quality. Besides, stubbornness wasn't necessarily bad. It meant that she wouldn't get tied up in bad situations as often! That was good! No, Trixie did not like asking for help from anyone.

Especially Twilight Sparkle.

Unfortunately for Trixie, she really had no choice in the situation. She had no home, no money, and she needed a place to rest at the least. Canterlot was an expensive place to live, and Trixie had once again, made a mistake. She had managed to live in Canterlot for 4 years before her money waded out and she was left broke with an angry land lord. She didn't even own any of her furniture! All she managed to take with her were some dresses, her hat and cape, Trixie's medication (She had a lot of migraines and back problems from running shows), a blanket, A doll she had since she was three, a couple of books, some basic necessities (toothbrush, mane brush, etc.), and a couple of magic tricks Trixie simply couldn't let go of.

Trixie figured that if she was going to ask to stay with someone, she might as well ask Twilight. She had a mutual respect for the mare (Something she would NEVER admit out loud) and she supposed that, due to the fact that Trixie was actually considered a friend to her, that might make Trixie more tolerable. She did hate how others accused her of being such a monster sometimes. Twilight was the only pony who basically understood that there was no need to call ponies those horrid names. Maybe the other elements were like that too, but Trixie didn't care.

The moon hung over her as she made her way through the empty streets of Ponyville. Trixie peered up at the stars throughout the dark sky. It wasn't that late actually, 8:00 at the latest. But she desperately hoped Twilight was still awake in that little tree house she called home. Wait, did she even live in that place anymore? When Trixie arrived at the sight, the whole place seemed to be obliterated. Figures, she probably lived in that looming crystal palace that Trixie could spot even from here. Stupid Twilight with her stupid antics. She's the student of the ruler of Equestria, what was to be expected from such? A giant house at the least. Trixie could feel her eyes roll before she even started to trot to the large castle.

She finally made it to the shiny front steps of what she assumed was Twilight's humble (Humble indeed..) abundance. Trixie mulled over the words in her mind, repeating them over and over. No mistakes were going to be made this time! She's totally got this! There was no need to feel nervous. Trixie paused as she was about to knock on the smooth crystal door. Would it break if she pounded too hard? It was crystal... Why was she even arguing to her self about this? This was just another excuse to take longer than she really needed. It was just a door! She huffed in a deep breath, and pounded her hoof upon the crystal, not really caring if would break or not. Luckily it didn't.

Why hello Twilight! It is I the Great and Powerful Trixie! Trixie has bestowed her mighty appearance to you tonight for just a small favor! After all, we are friends aren't we?

The words were simple. There was nothing to worry about. Twilight was only.... a very smart and powerful mage..... Nothing to worry about at all!

The door opened.

Trixie could have jumped in the nearby bush, but she stood her ground bravely.

"Why hello Tw-"

SHIT Trixie cursed in her head as she gazed upon the purple figure in front of her.

"Trixie? Is that you?" Twilight Sparkle asked in all her greatness, and the pony questioned simply stared at the mare in front of her.

Trixie's eyes were wide, and she tried to grab a hold of her lovely prepared thoughts in her brain, but to no avail. Trixie regretted everything. She wanted to run far away from this palace, which clearly was not made for a student...

...Rather... A Princess.

"I.... I-it is me- I Great...... Powerful..... Why didn't you TELL ME??" Trixie chocked on each word that left her mouth, struggling to breath.

Twilight seemed indifferent. "What do you mean? Tell you wh- OHHH!" Realization dawned itself on the purple alicorn, who stretched one of her wings out to simply gawk at it. "Oh these? Yeah I'll explain that another time maybe... I would have sent a telegram but I never got your address..."

So that's why..... SHIT Trixie plagued her mind for words, anything at all! Anything to just say! SAY IT!

"Y-you look... nice..."


Twilight retracted her wing to her side and looked back to the unicorn. She wore a confused expression, but then turned her gaze to the bag that resided next to Trixie.

"What's that? Do you have another show in there?" Twilight piped out of pure curiosity, Trixie could see. Trixie thought she would have been more regal, but she acted like what she used to act like, like she was the same mare when she clearly wasn't.

"Erm.. No... I-I..." Celestia, why was this so HARD all of a sudden?? It wasn't like this changed anything, she still needed a place to stay.

Twilight seemed to smile a bit, taking her attention back to the unicorn. "It's okay Trixie, I'm still the same Twilight."

That, for some reason, calmed Trixie down to a great magnitude. Maybe it was the sound of Twilight's reassuring voice, since the mare seemed to always know what she was doing, never making mistakes like Trixie did. She drew out a shaky breath, and went back to business.

"Right... Erm... Trixie- I need a place to stay..." The unicorn mumbled. Was it too much to ask for a favor now? Should she bow? Address her with 'your highness'?

Twilight looked aghast. "Oh jeez... Oh Celestia what happened??" She asked, voice filling with a concern that made Trixie's stomach churn. "Please, come right in!"

Trixie felt about a hundred thousand pounds being lifted from her shoulders. That was much easier than she thought. She would have to thank Twilight for being so nice one day.

Trixie graciously accepted Twilight's offer, hoisting her suitcase up with her magic and stepping through the front door Twilight was holding open for her. She really should be honored by being in a Princesses presence, but she couldn't help but feel calmed by the sound of the mare's voice. Celestia, she was so horrible! Trixie should not feel at home around a Princess! She should not be collected and cool! This was not the way she was supposed to act around such regalness!

"It's no problem really, you can stay for as long as you need!" Twilight said, closing the door behind her. "I have quite a few.... guest bedrooms in this house..."

Still sheepish. Still the pony she was, and once again Trixie was calmed. This was Twilight, not some Prissy Princess. She should just relax.

"Sorry... Trixie ran out of money..." Trixie explained. "Canterlot wasn't the best choice of residence..."

Twilight seemed to chuckle, leading Trixie through the common room (which, Trixie had to gaze upon the beautiful tree bark chandelier in the center of the ceiling).

"It's absolutely alright Trixie, I get it."

Of course she would get it. It was Twilight, the blue mare didn't have to be so nervous.

Twilight led her through the hallway, up some stairs, and stopped in front of a purple door, which was (not surprisingly) made out of crystal as well. Trixie looked around the hallway, it's vastness sending shivers down her spine.

"I know, something to get used to right? Took me a while..."

Trixie jumped a bit at Twilight's voice, not realizing she was being watched.

"Y-yeah..." She replied quietly.

Twilight smiled, and opened the door in front of her. The whole room was painted a light shade of purple, with white tiling covering the floor and a shaggy blue carpet in the center. There was a desk, a bookshelf, a vanity, a humongous bed, a bedside table with a lamp, and a window in the far side of the room. Trixie then realized the window was actually a door which lead to a HUGE balcony. A balcony? In a GUEST bedroom? This had to be the nicest guest bedroom Trixie's ever seen! Could this even count as a guest bedroom?

"This.... This is the room right?" She asked quietly, grasping the attention of the Princess.

"Yes...? Is it too big? I assure it IS a guest bedroom.... My bedroom is actually bigger....." It was like Twilight could read minds or something! She knew exactly what Trixie was thinking!

Trixie gave a small nod, peering around the room. She set the suitcase on the bed with her magic and smiled a bit. Trixie couldn't believe she was being offered so much by the pony who was considered her sworn enemy not too long ago. It made her feel special for once, which was a good feeling that she rarely ever had. It kept making her feel like she was worth more than what she actually was, and she had to shake her head to remember that she was still just a silly, little, and insignificant unicorn looking for a place to crash. Twilight gave her a look, but quickly dismissed whatever she was thinking and headed back over to the door.

"Welp! The room is yours for now! Goodnight Trixie!" Twilight piped, beginning to head out of the room to give Trixie her privacy.

"Goodnight Twilight Sparkle..." Trixie muttered, but that wasn't enough was it? She had to say something else.... What did ponies say in this situation? "Wait..."

Twilight halted and turned to look back at the blue mage. "Yes Trixie?"

"...... Thank you..."

Twilight smiled, turning once again, and trotted out the door.

"You're welcome."