• Published 30th Apr 2016
  • 2,434 Views, 72 Comments

No Romance For Twilight Sparkle - socky_dude

Twilight always knew she wasn't into dating, so why is that suddenly changing?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Roommates

Twilight wasn't used to making breakfast.

Sure she did eat breakfast, but it was normally an apple or some cornflakes. She simply didn't have time to cook something.

But she would make time; she had a guest.

When Twilight opened the door the night before this morning, she wasn't expecting to see Trixie Lulamoon of all ponies! It was quite the surprise! And not only that, but Trixie seemed so polite. Twilight briefly hoped it wasn't due to the fact that she was a Princess now. She didn't like how ponies treated her different just because she was royalty. She just wanted to be Twilight, the friendly bookkeeper that was just residing in Ponyville. Honestly, she didn't think Trixie was the pony to respect royalty like that, but what did she know? She wished that she had been able to send mail to her. She was such an interesting individual. There was so much that she didn't know about her. There was so much she wanted to know, but never got the chance. As Princess Celestia said: You can learn something new from anyone you meet. Twilight briefly wondered if Trixie knew some magic that she didn't. The thought brought a smile to her lips. It's been awhile since she's practiced her magic.

She flipped the pancakes in the pan as she heard hoofsteps in the hall. She didn't think Trixie would be able to find the kitchen. Maybe she was making a lot of noise.

Trixie walked into the room with a yawn, her eyes drawn to the fluffy, circular piles of goodness. Twilight couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. It was strangely... cute. The blue mare looked as if she's never seen a simple pancake!

"Trixie thought you would have a chef to do that...." She mumbled tiredly. Twilight shook her head.

"Nope. Just me."

"Hmm..." Trixie waltzed over the other side of the room, gazing out of one of the windows. "Know how to make a cup of coffee?"

Twilight laughed. "Of course... I nearly forgot..." Twilight couldn't even run the rest of the day without her coffee fix, and it seemed that Trixie was the same way.

Twilight made her way over to the coffee pot, quickly filling it with water and pouring the coffee grounds into the filter. Trixie watched as she did this, seemingly mesmerized by Twilight's movements in her tired state.

"Where's Spike?" Trixie asked suddenly, Twilight turning to the mare as she took the pancakes off the stove.

"He's still sleeping. He's heading over to Rarity's today I believe." Twilight replied, making Trixie's plate.


Twilight once again chuckled. She wasn't used to laughing so early into the day. It was kinda nice having a roommate who wasn't a baby male dragon who always argued with you. She grabbed the plates she had made for both of them, setting them out on the table with her magic as she took the now finished coffee and poured it into a couple mugs. Trixie watched in amazement.

"How do you multitask like that??" She asked, trotting over to the breakfast table and taking a seat.

There it was again. Something Trixie pointed out like it was foreign, and yet it was just another thing Twilight had gotten used to. Whether Trixie pointed it out or just looked at something, she seemed to be enchanted by all her surroundings. It made Twilight smile, because it was nice to see someone appreciate everything given to her, rather than be simply jealous. The words Trixie mumbled last night were not easily forgotten. It had been sweet, and also rare. Trixie had actually said 'Thank you'. It was strange; She didn't normally thank ponies. But it had been nice to see the mare actually say the words. Twilight grinned.

"You get used to it... But it did take a lot of practice!" The alicorn sat down with her mug, placing the other in front of Trixie.

Trixie automatically stabbed into her pancakes with her fork, shoving a large bite into her mouth without even bothering to pour some maple syrup onto it. Twilight eyed this curiously, as Trixie once again ate a huge bite of fluffy goodness. In no less than twelve seconds did Trixie devour both of her pancakes, and she snatched the mug off the table and downed the liquid as if it were a shot of rum. She wiped her lips, placed the mug down, and then suddenly started speeding for the door.

"H-hey! Where are you going??" Twilight called quickly, and Trixie skidded to a stop, her butt plopping down on the floor.

"Um......" Trixie burbled. "N-nowhere...."

Twilight brightened. Maybe this would be a chance to get to know her a bit more.

"You sure about that? Because you kind of took off into a sprint!" Twilight teased, smirking a bit when Trixie's ear's flattened in defiance.

"I didn't.... I..... Ughhh...." Trixie groaned, trotting back over to her chair. "Trixie's just used to eating a quick breakfast is all...."

Twilight beamed. She was getting somewhere. Breaking that hard outer shell that she never realized was there.

"Tell me more..." She said softly.

Trixie's eye's seemed to widen a bit as she took her seat. Twilight rested her head on her hooves and patiently waited for the blue mare to start talking.

"I... Have a lot of shows.... Well, had would be a better term... Trixie never had the time... She got used to eating quickly...." She flushed a bit. It was seemingly hard to pry her of the smallest detail, so Twilight listened to every word carefully. There was something about the unicorn that made the Princess want to learn about her. She wished there was a book about her.

"You really do a lot for your dreams..... I wish I had the chance to do that nowadays...." Twilight mumbled, looking at the table as she spoke.

"Dreams? Tsk.... More like nightmares..."

Twilight looked up in confusion when she said that, and the look on her face told the Princess that she hadn't meant to say that at all.


"Huh? Why's Trixie here?" A voice said from the other side of the room. Twilight looked over to see a tired baby dragon rub his eyes groggily.

Twilight cursed to herself, wishing Spike had slept in for just a little longer. She would never be able to get the information out of Trixie now. The mare looked relieved.


"Trixie needed a place to stay," The blue mare explained, seemingly forgetting what they just spoke about. Spike only nodded, his head perking up when he obviously smelled the pancakes in the far side of the room.

"You want some pancakes, Spike?" Twilight asked, smiling a bit when he nodded vigorously. "With crushed ruby?"

"YES PLEASE!" He exclaimed, rushing beside Twilight as she began to make his plate with her magic. He licked his lips as she took out a jar full of sparkly, red dust. She poured a generous amount onto his plate, and he began jumping for it in the air. He clawed for the plate, but Twilight simply floated it over to the table. Spike burst for his chair, chomping down his tall stack of pancakes.

Trixie covered a snicker. Twilight gave her a look, a look that clearly stated 'Oh you kinda looked like that a few minutes ago'. The unicorn flushed. Twilight briefly thought that it was adorable, before she started laughing herself. Trixie stared at the alicorn. Spike made a noise, looking up for a moment with some ruby dust sprinkled on his face. Trixie guffawed, and they both broke out into a large series of giggles. Spike gave them a weird glance.

"What's your guys problem?"

"Pinkie Pie... I really don't think this is safe for the public...."

Twilight Sparkle was now out and about, signing papers for different companies in Ponyville. Lots of the small shops begged for her approval, since they could basically sell whatever they wanted with a Princesses permission. It slightly annoyed Twilight.

And this was no different.

Pinkie was bugging Twilight to sign a paper for this cake. A cake in which she wanted to sell. But there was one problem.

The cake contained almonds. And not just any almonds.... bitter almonds. Which were known to be full of cyanide unless cooked properly. And she knew for a fact that Pinkie had absolutely no idea how to process them. Where did she even get them? The selling of bitter almonds were illegal in Equestria. She must have grown them herself.... or did something else to get her hooves in them.

"It is!! I cooked and even tried a couple of the almonds myself before I put them in the cake!" Pinkie exasperated.

"Pinkie... This is illegal!!"

"But you can MAKE it legal!"

Trixie was sitting in the corner through the whole mess, Twilight not wanting to leave the mare alone in the house. She watched the scene unfold, eyes glancing back from Pinkie to Twilight each time they spoke. She once again seemed mesmerized in the scene. It made Twilight blush the teeniest bit for absolutely no reason, before turning her attention back to the raving pink mare.

"Pinkie this isn't safe at all!"

"Yeah it is!!!"

"I'm not signing the damn paper!"

Pinkie grimaced, whining a bit as she pouted and made sad, goo goo eyes. Twilight could see Mr. Cake throwing away the almond catastrophe out of the corner of her eye, and she knew full well that Pinkie's experimenting had gone too far this time, and that she was going to get a nice long talk from the Cakes tonight. Twilight sighed as she looked back to Pinkie Pie, unaffected by her friends puppy dog face.


"No!! Come on Trixie, we're leaving!"

Trixie obeyed, sliding off the seat and trotting alongside the purple mare. Twilight made a mental note to send a letter to Mrs. Cake to tell her to keep an eye on Pinkie, in case she had consumed any cyanide. Celestia did Twilight hope she didn't.

The bell rung as they both stepped out into the sunlight. Twilight took her checklist out of her saddle bags, putting a nice, red check next to Pinkie's smiling face. Next was the sofa and quill merchant. What did he want to sell this time? The pony always seemed to make weird quills that could kill someone. Swiss army quill, metal feather quill, Phoenix feather quill (those had a habit of setting on FIRE), and so many more. That stallion was dangerous with his quills....

Trixie looked around at the small stands the surronded the streets of Ponyville. She seemed to be drawn to every one of them. Another thing that made Twilight smile.

"You wanna get something?"

Trixie seemed to jump at the sudden question. She kept doing that. It was like she forgot that she wasn't alone.

"Tr-Trixie is fine....." She mumbled, flushing slightly as she walked.

"Just pick something out! I'm a Princess.... I really have money to spend.... Go ahead and get something!" Twilight assured brightly, beaming at the mare when she looked over at a stand.

"M-Maybe something over there...." Trixie mumbled, pointing over to a booth with lots of shiny trinkets. Jewelry, trophies, silverware, anything shiny and it was there! Twlight could see why she liked the one.

"Sure!" She exclaimed, trotting over to the booth, glad that she could get away from work for a bit. Trixie gawked at the beautiful display, eyes glancing over many different things as Twilight watched. It was like a little foal trying to pick out a candy bar. Twilight would have to write down all the things Trixie did that simply made her smile, because there was too many to count.

Trixie's eyes lingered on a certain brooch before being teared away to look at the next item. Twilight noticed this very clearly.

"You want that one?" Twilight asked abruptly, pointing at the golden star-like brooch.

"I-I couldn't possibly.... The price...." Trixie mumbled, digging a hoof into the ground.

"What?" Twilight looked at the small, white card underneath the display. "It's not that much at all!"

"It's 200 bits....."

"I'll just put it on my bill! It's really nice; I think you should have it!" Twilight coaxed, already alerting the merchant that she was going to buy the brooch.

Trixie shuffled a little bit on her hooves, awkwardly eyeing the ground. Twilight grabbed the golden star out of it's case, and floated it over to the mare. She looked uneasy, but quickly took it and dropped it in her own saddle bags.

Twilight could see the small smile form on her lips.

It was strange having someone with her the whole day, but Twilight easily got used to it. She closed the door behind her, and Spike was probably home already, doing some of his chores. Trixie sighed as she plopped to the floor, obviously exhausted. Twilight felt the same, but knew she had to stay up with more paperwork to fill out. She also had to make sure to send that letter to Mrs. Cake. Maybe another cup of coffee would aid the Princess a few more hours.

"The floor is cold..." Trixie stated, smiling against the crystal. It had been sweltering hot today.

Twilight smiled back. The mare seemed so comforted... It was the first time Twilight's seen her like that. It was.... strangely nice to see the mare happy.

She should make her happy more often.

"I have to get back to work.... But if you need anything I'll be in my room," Twilight said, trotting towards the hallway.

"Mmmf.... okay..."

That voice made her shiver and turn back. Trixie purred against the cool ground, and Twilight found her words caught in her throat. Twilight tore her eyes away, quickly shaking off whatever that was. Strange.

"Thanks..... again......." Trixie murmured, once again ending the night with the same words.

A grin found its way onto Twilight's face before she even said anything. It was so easy to let loose around this pony. She normally felt more uptight around her friends. But, Trixie was being so polite, is that what she was normally like? It was very enjoyable, and Twilight found herself trying to make her smile, because she really did have a great one. She had a nice laugh as well, and the alicorn vowed to make her laugh more often. Maybe having a roommate was better then she expected.

"Y-you're welcome..." Twilight spat quickly, finding it harder to say the words today than last night. She coughed, shifted a bit, and turned towards the hallway once again.

"Ahem.... Goodnight..... Trixie...."


Author's Note:

The phrase 'You can learn something new from anyone you meet' is actually from me mum. :heart:
Yes bitter almonds actually exist!
I love writing this!