• Published 9th May 2016
  • 1,252 Views, 100 Comments

Broken Diamond - The Bricklayer

Diamond Tiara: Bully and Written Script: History Teacher. Probably two ponies who would probably never meet if they could. But that's about to change in this story of redemption...

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Part 11: Cutie Mark Crusaders Matchmakers, YAY! (Rariscript or Bust Part 3) (Extended Edition)

Ponyville Park

Crickets chirped their nightly song as Script and Rarity stared each other down, their brains not quite registering what they were seeing in front of each other. Eventually they did, and the reaction was immediate.

"What the Tartarus are YOU doing here?" Script spat, he had been fully expecting it to be one of Good Eat's pranks just as a continuation of their private little war. But the more he thought about it, the less it made sense. After all, Good Eats may have hated his guts but he wasn't THIS cruel. He had standards, Good Eats wasn't cruel enough to play with somepony's heart like this.

"Same as you I suspect. Received a letter from you, and I'll bet you got a letter from me which I know I did not send." Rarity thought before she continued. Somepony's is playing a game with us, but why?" Rarity mused to herself.

"Yeah, I know I didn't send you a letter, and I know for a fact you sure as Tartarus wouldn't send me one calling me your love! So how the Tartartus..." Script trailed off before he realized and a thought came to him like a bolt of lightning. Under his breath, Script grumbled "Those intelligent little bastards..." with a hint of pride in his tone largely directed towards his son.

Rarity too had reached the same conclusion. She was in disbelief that her sister could have set this up along with her friends. But evidently, Sweetie and the CMC had, with the purpose of getting them back together.

"Huh, looks like she's as a much of a little matchmaker as I am. I don't know if I should be proud or furious." Rarity mumbled and Script heard her, only to smirk to himself.

"I thought "ladies" were never pissed off." Script deadpanned. Rarity gave him a dirty look.

"We can be furious when the time comes. We however, refrain from such gastly language more often then not." Rarity chastised.

"Well, I'm about as far from a "lady" as you can get." Script retorted with a somewhat proud smirk, which was quickly wiped off his face by his ex-wife's next remark.

"Believe me, I noticed." Rarity deadpanned right back at him rendering Script speechless for the next few moments. It seemed Script's personality had rubbed off on her more then he'd thought.

"Actually, I noticed over and over again." Rarity continued, this time in a quite soft and seductive tone making Script flush quite red.

"Well, I suppose it's on me and me alone that I never am getting any of THAT ever again now am I?" Script muttered bitterly to himself. Rarity gave him a questioning look, quite confused by his statement.

"W-What do you mean?" Rarity asked, quite stunned towards her ex's bitterness to himself.

"YOU KNOW PERFECTLY WELL WHAT I MEAN!" Script suddenly snapped his emotions boiling over at last before he looked incredibly guilty towards his own actions just now.

"I was bleeding horrible to you, and I always will be so it's no small surprise that you sent me some divorce papers!" Script roared while he blasted a tree into splinters to relieve some frustration.

"Well, it's not your fault, not entirely anyways so don't go blaming me!" Rarity yelled back at him, and then she ended up getting in Script's face.

"Oh Tartarus, I don't even know what is wrong with me... Blast it, I don't even know who to be angry at, me or you!" Script roared before be broke down into loud and hard sobbing. Script ended up using his forelegs and hooves to cover his face so he could try and hide the tears that were rapidly coming now. Rarity looked at the pitiful sight in front of her before she brought her ex-husband into a hug and let him sob into her fur. Finally he stopped and Rarity used her hoof to tilt his head up to face her.

"It wasn't your fault, not entirely. It was mine as well. Our conflicting jobs, you with your teaching position at the High School and me concerned about making ponies wear the latest fashions... We just couldn't find time to be together." Rarity said kindly.

"O-Oh, is that all?" Script asked, still with tears dripping down his face. Rarity nodded and brought him into another warm hug. They looked at each other and soon their faces drew ever closer until their muzzles met in a warm kiss. Once they pulled away, Script whispered "Y-You have no idea how much I missed that..."

Rarity smiled seductively at him.

"Want to get another... Darling?"

In the bushes the CMC watched as Rarity and Script finally kissed for the first time in who knew how long. They highfived and whispered "Cutie Mark Crusaders Matchmakers, YAY!"

They then checked their flanks and groaned in unison. They were still blank flanks. Of course, what they saw and heard next made them break out in huge blushes and made them roll their eyes up into their heads and faint in unison with loud thuds.

Script Residence, Potion's Lab/Basement

Meanwhile, while Script and Rarity were... Ahem, reaffirming their relationship so to speak Potion was hard at work on something. Earlier that day he'd become aware that the yearly science fair had come around and he was determined to win it. Of course, at on point Diamond came down and saw what he was doing. On Potion's desk was what looked to be a volcano of some sort. Diamond couldn't tell what it was made out of but the fact Potion himself wore a special facemask was somewhat telling.

"Really brother dear, a baking soda volcano? Bit old fashioned, don't you think?" Diamond deadpanned. She too had picked up some of Script signature traits.

Potion quickly shooed her out of the room and shut the door which had multiple danger and caution signs on it. He removed the mask from his face.

"I-If I was you, I'd stay far away from this. P-Probably best you stay away from it in case you accidently ruin it. Also, best not to b-breathe near it either. ...I-I'm not e-entirely sure how safe this is." Potion admitted with a blush. Diamond got the message, swallowed nervously and trotted off to let her brother continue his work.

The next morning, Potion groaned as he woke up and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. After he'd done so, he went down to the kitchen and found Rarity had pushed his father up against the table and was kissing him quite passionately with her forelegs around his neck. Potion blushed redder then he ever had before and turned back towards his lab, muttering under his breath.

"I-I think I'm going to be g-going to be getting some brain bleach t-to wash the image of you and dad m-making out from my mind..." Potion murmured as he whispered "Never going to be clean again... Not ever!"

Rarity and Script stopped kissing and shared a look.

"Soooo.... I guess he knows now then huh?" Script deadpanned.

"You don't say." Rarity retorted before pulling her coltfriend into another heated kiss...

Later that day, Diamond, Potion (Who was still trying to look anywhere but at his father like had had all day) and Script as they returned from school came across their home. Script's jaw dropped as he saw what had happened. What exactly had happened was his entire home had been covered in rolls of toilet paper from top to bottom. Diamond was struggling to hold in her laughter, and even Potion had to admit it was kinda funny. Script did not share their feelings.

"Whoever did this is going to get it, and get it good." Script growled as he ground his teeth. Diamond and Potion backed away from him slightly.

"W-We've been pranked!" Diamond shouted in disbelief.

"T-Think this is one of Good Eat's pranks? I know he hates you with a passion." Potion pointed out but his father shook his head.

"No, I know EXACTLY who did this. Those freaking punks..." Script growled rage evident in his eyes. "They've gone too far this time, I swear! They're so going to get it."

Potion and Diamond shared a confused look as Script marched off in a state of complete and utter fury muttering under his breath on how someponies were going to pay for this and how thank Celestia he knew a lawyer. Diamond looked at her brother in a questioning manner, quite nervous.

"This isn't going to end well, is it?" Diamond asked and Potion shook his head no. He knew when his father's temper rose, he often ignored his brains which to be honest happened quite a lot if his war between him and Good Eats was evidence.

"Not in the slightest..." Potion replied nervously. "Not at all."

Potion then let out a long sigh of "Oh boy..."


Author's Note:

Yeah, just like Part 8 of this story this is another one of those chapters I took a while a to find a good title for. Still not entirely sure the one I chose works. Anyways, this chapter features the conclusion of the Rariscript romance arc. (Poor Potion at the end, huh?)...Actually, come to think of it poor Script with his emotional breakdown. Ah well, you knew it would happen as soon as he and Rarity got everything out in the open.

Anyways, next time around Babs Seed comes to town and Diamond and Silver must prove that they are better then Bab's bullies back in Manehatten. Meanwhile, Potion continues his embarking on his science project for the High School's science fair... That hopefully won't cause too much damage... Right? In other unrelated things, Script forms a plan to get his revenge against the ponies who TPed his house.

Edit: Added much more to this chapter to bring it up to a more acceptable length.