• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,622 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Ugh…my head…the hell happened? I started to sit up in a rather comfy bed and brought a hand to my head, feeling woozy and sick. “Ugh…alright…somehow got a hangover from whatever the hell Grover made me drink…okay uh…the fuck happened…and why does my crotch feel sticky?” I thought to myself woozily, trying to get past this splitting headache and open my eyes, which was a chore cause the room was so bright.

As I did I felt I was indeed still in my death wolf body… or maybe it’s more like my real body? Second, I was really sweaty. Shit…

“Glad to see you’re up.” I heard a voice. Blinking I managed to turn and see a female griffon, dark brown and golden feathers with crimson red eyes. She sat on a chair against the wall, a small table with three coffee cups on it. “You put on quite the show.”

“The…hell happened?” I asked weakly, gently taking the savior liquid and lightly sipping it.

“You came into my house absolutely shitfaced, my husband wrapped around your neck like jewelry singing very off key sea shanties. You two then proceeded to knock back two more Angel Bliss Ales before eating a whole ham together then you two proceeded to fuck on the kitchen table, floor, hallway, stairs, upper hallway, upstairs bathroom then finally landed in the bedroom here where you two shagged for almost seven straight hours.” The griffoness said with a smirk. “I took lots of photos and videos. That. Was. Hot.”

“U-uh…” I blinked. “I ONLY TOOK ONE SWIG, THE FUCK!?!” I thought to myself in a panic, looking over and seeing the griffon in question. “Uh…I…forgot…is Grover into this or was this because we were so turbo drunk that it didn’t matter?”

“Eh, the old coot never really cared about that, especially when he’s wasted.” She chuckled. “Not the first time he brought home a drunken bed buddy. Sometimes even I join in but I was not about to get between you and his ass you seemed to be riding like a runaway train.” She laughed.

“Uh…r-right…” I said slowly. “I probably need to get back to Derpy and Polkadot…” I thought to myself, blushing at my little vivid imagery of doing what she claimed I did to Grover to the both of them. “Ugh! No horny, I’m still…recovering from this hangover…” I mentally groaned, sipping more of my coffee. “So uh…it’s nice to meet you ma’am, I believe you’re Gravel?”

“That’s my name, And you’re Mike. Grover’s student he begrudgingly took and even helped him out some. Gotta say, didn’t think anyone could annoy the old bird more than me. I’m almost jealous.”

“Well…let’s just say I wouldn’t give up on him when he wanted to give up and get drunk every waking moment.” I said honestly. “Just…kinda wish the last time he met me in the living world wasn’t me being in a half asleep daze because of my kid…” I said honestly.

“Heh, yeah. But he got to leave on his terms once you knew everything you needed. Our reunion was the second messiest thing to happen to this house.” She chuckled. “Well, second now after that show you two put on. I haven’t seen that much white since dying and coming into the light.”

“Right…” I said sheepishly. “But…yeah, I would have visited sooner if I wasn’t so busy…probably would have been better than making an absolute mess.” I said, taking a gulp of the coffee.

“Eh, I don’t mind. Not as long as you don’t mind I flavored your coffee with that mess before you woke up.”

I spit it out so fast.

“Oh don’t be like that I saw you suck out way more from the source last night.” She laughed.

“I…ugh~!” I groaned loudly. “Gross~! Ugh…I really didn’t need to know that…”

“Would you prefer to see it?” She said, flashing me a photo- Oh my god! “Or see and hear?” She asked, pulling up a video camera… oh… oh wow I really went at it…

“U-uh…” I blinked…”I…oh boy, if…any of my lovers find this…” I blushed brightly.

“Heh, you’re fun to tease.” She said, putting the phone and camera away. “Might just use this as blackmail for a ride myself sometime later~ Only fair since drunk you only had eyes on Grover.”

“Hmm, quiet…” Grover grumbled. “I’m hungover and my ass hurts…”

Gravel laughed very loudly.

I groaned loudly as I put my face in my hands. “At this point you could have just asked…and if the other’s see this…oh boy will my hips not be happy…”

After that… whole thing, I left and returned to Equis. Thankfully it looks like not much time passed… thank god… Still, it was interesting to visit the Afterlife. I saw the ring of the top of the bottle of creation, where all the souls come in and out… still, if the Afterlife it outside creation, which is inside a bottle… I wonder what’s past that? I know when I was there I saw a Sky, but It looked more like… a barrier…

“Hmm…maybe it’s the inbetween of the Afterlife and the ‘Real’ World? Cause mom’s house was probably in one of those spots…” I thought to myself, scratching my chin.

Maybe I should ask mom?

Well, whatever the case, time to go find Krost and maybe mess around some before heading off elsewhere.

“I should probably head home to talk to Depry and Polkadot real quick…it’s been a long time…” I thought to myself.

“Why can’t I see what the past eight hours of your memory are?” Lillinette asked.

“It’s…for the best.” I said sheepishly through our mental link as I flew off to find Krost.

With that, I made my way towards the Changeling Hive that Polka Dot came from. That is where she, Derpy and our kids went.

I arrived at the Hive and after swapping to my Starrk form and began walking around and looking for them. Damn, I never learned where Polka Dot lived…

“Well…I should be able to sense their life energy right?” I thought to myself, trying to sense the lives of Polka Dot and Derpy.

I sensed them. They were together and some distance away. Good.

I smiled as I walked off towards Derpy and Polka Dot…it’ll be great to see them again.

I walked down the street. Last time I was here this place was amazing. It still is, but if I’m honest… it reminded me of home now. Home with Mom and Alex… funny. Wonder if they modeled it after home…

Huh. You know, I never did know what mom called that place.

“Being divided between two groups sucks…” I sighed, wishing I could have both together here but…knowing life got real busy as I walked to my front door and gave it a knock.

The door opened and I saw Polka Dot, who gave me a surprised look. “Mike! You’re back sooner than I expected.”

"Well…for me it was a lot longer." I said vaguely, moving over and giving Polka Dot a hug.

“So, what brings you here anyway? Thought you were gonna be on a years long trip to the various lords you need to train under?”

"Well, somethings are…changing, but I thought I'd spend some time with all of you." I said with a smile. "Cause I…have a lot to talk about."

“Well, alright, come on in. Derpy is feeding Daisy right now.” Polka Dot said as she stepped aside and I walked in.

I smiled, seeing Polka Dot’s place and hearing Daisy’s name again…it feels heartwarming to be with family again. “Honey, I’m home!” I called out like a husband would to their wife.

“Mike?!” I heard Derpy call out. After a bit she flew in, holding Daisy who was wearing an adorable onesie.

“Hey Derpy, hello Daisy.” I said warmly. “How you doing?”

“Settling in. This place is really incredible, not having to work is… different. Kinda easy to get bored but Dot and I watch movies when I’m not taking care of Daisy.”

“That’s good.” I nodded. “Cause I have had…quite an experience, eighteen years worth in fact.” I said honestly.

I sat with the two of them in the living room and… told them everything. My new life with Crescent being my mother, living a whole new life, my… relationship with Alex, working as a bounty hunting Grim Reaper. Even my drunken… event… with Grover… just in case they ever meet them…

“... Ha! Called it!” Polka Dot cheered.

Derpy sighed, and handed her a bag of what I assume are bits.

“Excuse me what?” I asked in confusion.

“I knew you were Bi the day we met.” Dot chuckled. “I was thinking that once we started getting physical I’d have to see just how Bi you were and if you even knew with a few sexy forms. Now I know you love a winged angel twink and even fucked what is more or less a griffon Dilf.” She said, making me blush. “Oh this is gonna be fun come when we fuck.”

“Eh. The herd grows.” Derpy shrugged.

“Well…at least the both of you are okay with it.” I admitted sheepishly. “But…yeah, that’s been my life and…I did miss you a lot during that time.”

“Kinda hard to imagine you’ve been away for eighteen years. It’s only been a few days for us.” Derpy said.

“Yeah, time dilation is weird like that.” I admitted. “But…I’m glad to be back with you both.”

“Glad you are so much happier now.”

“Yeah, thought for a while there I’d have to knock you out to get you into therapy.” Dot chuckled.

“Well, I did technically get therapy.” I admitted. “But yeah…it feels good to be happy, any questions you have about what I talked about?”

“You mentioned a new form when you were reborn. Can we see it?” Derpy asked.

“Just…a little warning, it is a predator form.” I said, as I shifted into my Death Wolf form.

“... Woof.” Derpy and Dot said simultaneously.

“Har har.” I rolled my eyes, as I was certain they said it because they think I’m attractive like this but also the obvious ‘I’m a canine’ joke. “But you really think I look good?”

“Boy, Derpy's a pony, so fur can be seen as very sexy. I’m a changeling, so I can find anything sexy.” Dot said. Derpy nodding. “So… is it bigger in this form~?”

“Uh…” I blushed. “I…haven’t really…measured it to be honest…” I said sheepishly.

“Well uh… I can probably tell…” Dery said, looking as red as I was.

“I mean…i-if you want…” I said sheepishly. “I mean…I didn’t intend for this day to be me…doing a lot of lewd things.”

“You just spent a good while saying you realized you’re Bi and then about your adorable twink boyfriend and your accidental drunk Dilf fucking. You expect us to not get turned on?” Dot asked.

“I didn’t mean for half of it to be talked about…” I said. “Part of it I felt was important due to me being Bi…”

“And you very much made up for missing out by being a late bloomer.” Dot smirked. “So, you mentioned the dragon Vasto Lord guy was just a kid?”

“Yes, Krost, and I…might have adopted him cause…well, he’s still a child and doesn’t know much about the world.’

“If he was sleeping in a cave for so long, I can see why.” Derpy said. “Where is he?”

“He’s still in the Dragon Lands.” I answered. “I’m now really fast due to my training.”

“... So you mean to tell me that the child you just adopted… you left on another continent?” Derpy asked.

“Listen…I’m still new to Parenthood, and I just got back from both sending Bahamut’s soul to be with his daughter and grandson and…all the thing’s with Grover…”

“Might want to consider some parenting classes.” Dot offered.

“Hello?” I paused, looking up and hearing… Alex?! I got up and opened the door, seeing my pink, fluffy winged femboy standing there, giving me a smile. “Hey! I was looking for you and I found this cutie doing the same!” He said, holding up Krost.

“I was eating a lot of gems.” Krost said.

“Well…I didn’t expect to see you here Alex.” I said.

“I got time off.” They said, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss. “So, where are these girlfriends you’ve told me about?”

“In here and we have heard a lot about you!” Dot called out.

I stepped to the side. “Come on in, Alex these are my girlfriends Derpy and Polka Dot, and Krost these are your mothers.” I said. “And that adorable little hybrid there is Daisy Doo.”

“Awe, she’s so adorable! And you two look way better than Mike described.” Alex said.

“And you look like I was expecting based on what Mike was telling us. So, give it to us now. How long is he?” Dot asked, making me grown. Alex just smirked and gave a… measurement with their hands.

“Yup. Bigger. Definitely bigger.” Derpy said readily.

“Is there a knot?” Dot asked. Alex nodded. “Oh, you flexible bitch~”

What is happening?

“Uh…what is happening?” I asked nervously, feeling my face heat up as I feared what was being talked about.

“Isn’t it obvious love, we’re sharing stories and bedroom talk about you.” Alex smirked.

“Only natural since two out of the three of us have been rutted by you raw.” Dot chuckled.

“There are children in this room.” I tried to defend myself here.

“Then take them for a walk.” Derpy said, handing me Daisy and Alex handed me Krost. “Ditsy is in her room, go grab her and let her get to know her new brother.”

“Uh…right…” I said carefully, carrying Daisy as Krost climbed up and sat on my shoulder like a parrot, as I walked upstairs to go find Dinky. “Hey Dinky?”

“Mike- Woah!” She yelped as she looked up at me. “Mike? Is that you?”

“Yep, it’s me.” I nodded. “I have a lot to tell you, but first, meet your new brother, Krost.”

“Hi there.” Krost said with a friendly wave.

“Woah… You got fluffy, and cool! Baby dragon brother!”

“I think I’m older than you?” Krost said.

“But I’m the big sister!” Ditsy said.

“I guess.” Krist said, looking a bit confused.

“You’ll get used to it.” I chuckled. “Come on, we’re going on a walk cause your mom and Polka Dot are talking about some…adult thing’s with …another Herd mate.”

“Yay! Three mommies!” Ditsy said. I laughed.

“Well…kinda.” I said

With Daisy in hand, Krost and Ditsy on my shoulders, I quickly left Dot’s place and walked with them down the street, managing to find a park. I’ll never not be amazed at how an underground city is both so bright and has a very lush green park.

“What’s all this?” Krost asked in awe.

“This is a Park.” I said, seeing him point to stuff that admittedly he would never see. “That’s a tree.” I chuckled.

“Are there no trees in the dragon lands?” Ditsy asked.

“No. Just dirt, rocks and lava.” Krost said.

“Yeah, the Dragon Lands is a volcanic region, while technically it could be the most fertile soil on this planet, kind of hard to when there’s just a lot of lava.”

“Wow. Sounds boring.” Ditsy said.

“It is.” Krost nodded.

We arrived at a playground and Krost and Ditsy went off to play. I sat on a bench with Daisy in my arms.

“This…is the life…” I thought to myself happily, seeing Dinky try and teach Krost how to play on the playground. “If…if I didn’t hallucinate it…then I’m going to meet you soon Claire…” I thought to myself, remembering her voice reaching out to me when I sensed all the Arrancars.

I closed my eyes, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I sat here. Daisy got comfortable, snuggling up to my arm fluff and slept deeply. I sighed. I need more of this too. Hope Alex can hang around for a while… would be nice to have all of them around. Soon.

This very situation is why I’m going to rip Nightmare’s horn off her head and impale her own head on it…

“This…it’s all for my family…” I thought to myself, really hoping that all my training and even the training I’m going to get is enough to face off against a god-like entity.

To be continued...