• Published 6th May 2016
  • 6,622 Views, 30 Comments

Lone wolf in Equestria - Xinrick

A depressed man is forced to have friends...sadly that depressed man is me.

  • ...

New friends and new enemies

”You shot my leg!”

”B-but...it’s a prop…”

”Mike...how did you do that?”

”T-take me away...I...I don’t want this...I don’t want to die…"


“GAH!” I bolted up, fully awake as I panted heavily from whatever the hell that was. “What...the hell…” I muttered, putting a hand up to my temple as I suddenly had a massive headache.

I got up, my spine popping in several places before I was back to full height. It was late afternoon. Meeting Genie was… stressful. I don't know what he is… but I don't like it. Me? The Hero? Yeah, sure…

"Back from the dead there already?" Lynette said, sitting on a stool by the door. "Surprised, it's only been six hours since morning.

“Hardy har…” I sighed out. “Nothing like having a nightmare out of nowhere…”

"Guess Genie triggered something on those locked away nightmares. Doing that is like taking a sledgehammer to a brick wall. It'll crack, bits and pieces leak through, and when it falls it will be loud and messy."

“Well...something for me was loud and possibly messy…” I said bitterly. “So...what’s on the docket today?”

"Well, it's still today, just later in it so… I'll just catch you up on what the Princesses and Twilight planned. We need to get to Stripper Pass to learn that move and we'll be flying by Zeppelin to get there. Sparkle and her friends will be accompanying us."

“Are there hookers?” I asked, considering the obvious joke on ‘Strippers Pass’.

"Considering we were already told it's a valley filled with category five hurricanes capable of stripping flesh from bone then turning said bones into shrapnel, doubtful."

“I’m sorry, they lost me the first time they brought it up.” I said. “But yeah, that sounds like a massive pain in the ass...so why are Purplesmart and the rest coming with us to this very dangerous pass?”

"Apparently one of Twilight's friends knows a Griffon in the area who can be a guide of sorts. As for the rest, well, Luna said it would be educational for them."

“Fair.” I shrugged. “So when are we taking the Zeppelin?”

"A few days. A week at most. Luna is concerned about when to expect an attack. Celestia thinks she's being paranoid, but I agree with Luna. If this is some… entertainment, for Demon, for Genie, it makes sense that soon we'll get attacked. I think that's what she meant when she said it would be educational for Twilight and them… they're all so… innocent. And reality is gonna crash and burn their whole worldview all too soon."

“Which begs the question...what will be causing these attacks?” I wondered.

"Exactly. So far it seems like our main enemies will be my old roommates and Luna's Nightmare. I doubt it will just be the three of them through. Odds are they'll either gather help or make it if Demon didn't hand them an army."

“Yeah...that’s not good…” I said worriedly. “That’s not good at all…”

The next day, I headed out into the Forest. It was mostly to patrol and keep an eye out for anything. Lilinette was keeping an eye back in town. This attack…

I turned, the sound of clapping was behind me. Looking I saw him. The Frowning masked bastard… Demon. "Smart move, I like it. Keeping on your toes for the inevitable."

“And what do you want?” I asked, putting my hand on the grip of my sword.

"Came to check on the horse I bet against." He said plainly, almost bored. "I have to say, I can see the potential, especially given those nasties I ripped out of your noggen."

“So you're the asshole that decided to rummage through my head.” I frowned, grabbing the handle of my sword as the area around us looked like it had an enormous pressure pushed onto it without crushing it.

"Heh, calm down. I only drop in your enemies, I ain't one myself."

“Then the better question is, why are you checking up on the guy you're betting against?” I asked. “Normally that would mean you're here to do something bad to me or the people I’m with to help the bet swing your way.”

"Ah, but my brother and I don't bet in coins or souls or even the lives we alter. We bet on the plot, the twists and turns and choices you will all make along the journey. I'm not here to sway the odds, I'm just here to meet my rival star of this drama."

“The only drama that would involve me is something to do with Lillinette, one of the ponies here trying to date me...or someone that’s not here.” I sighed out.

"Oh now, Don't be so humble. Besides, the best dramas cover far more than just romance. The only question is, will this become a grand tragedy, or the story of a rising hero? I am eager to see." Demon said as he began walking into the thicker of the bush around us.

“The fuck does that mean?” I asked as I rushed after him.

I cut through the bush he walked into, not seeing him. Shit!

I ran back to town. Thankfully, there wasn't anything wrong. It was all still normal. I sighed, feeling… good. Still, surprised he didn't lie...

“So...if romance isn’t the drama…” I sighed out. “Who’s going to die?” I wondered to myself bitterly, considering he talked about a ‘great tragedy’ and all great tragedy’s, just like family movies, start with a murder.

I chuckled a bit at that. Now I'm Deadpool? I went to get some food, needing to calm down.

There was several restaurants around here and the one I came across was… kinda like a Pony Burger King. Called Hay Burger. It smelled good.

"Well...never thought I'd try a burger made of hay before." I muttered to myself as I entered the place.

I ordered a small combo and after a bit of contemplation I took a bite. The burger thankfully wasn't hay, but tasted like… soybeans. The fries though we're a weird mix of hay and potatoes deep fried. At least the soda tasted like soda.

"Well...could be worse…" I muttered to myself.

Definitely needed to talk to Celestia or someone about our food situation… Spike at least had beans and such.

After that I headed off into town. Most of the locals didn't seem to give me much other than an occasional glance.

"What am I gonna do for a week?" I muttered, wondering if I should try and figure out my Hollow powers or not before we go skill hunting.

While I was lost in thought I didn't notice the Pegasus flying a bit too close to me and we bumped into one another. She looked up at me and… above me at the same time. Her mane was a bright blond and her coat was a light grey. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." Her voice sounded… almost like Clare’s, only a bit higher pitched.

“It’s alright, I wasn’t paying attention.” I said nervously. “You okay?”

"Yeah, I'm fine. I bump into others all the time. And walls… trees… clouds. Oh! And a Piano once but I still don't know what that was doing in the sky?" She said with an almost childlike wonder.

“Sheesh, are you okay from all of that?” I asked nervously, wondering why she had such childlike wonder at bumping into so many things...and why is she so cute?

"Yeah, everything is good. Are you headed anywhere?"

“In a week, but today not really.” I said honestly. “Oh, I’m sorry, what’s your name ma’am?” I asked, cause even if I kind of wasn’t in the mood to talk...I couldn’t help myself.

"Ditzy Doo, but most everyone calls me Derpy." She said with a smile. I don't know why… but this one I can't help but like. Celestia and Luna. Eh, they're okay. Twilight, meh. Spike, I respect him… but this Derpy I like...

“Are you sure you want to be called Derpy?” I asked carefully.

"I don't mind, it's been my nickname since I was a filly. Do you wanna tag along with me Mister?"

“Sure.” I answered against my better judgement.

With a nod she started flying along as I followed. "So, what brings you to Ponyville mister…?"

“Starrk.” I said. “And...let’s just say I was dropped here.” I said carefully.

"Oh. Well, mind if I ask what kind of creature you are? You kinda look like a Minotaur, but you don't have any horns?"

“I’m…” I thought for a moment, wondering if I should just say ‘I’m a human’ or go with what I actually am. “I’m a human.”

"Ooh. Well, Starrk the Human, how long have you been in Ponyville?"

“A couple of days.” I said honestly.

"What do you think of our little town?"

“It’s...more welcoming than where I come from that’s for sure.” I said honestly.

"Are you going to be moving to town? Where are you staying now?"

“I’m staying with Twilight at the moment with my...little sister at the moment.” I answered.

"Oh. What's she like?"

“She’s…” I thought about Lilinette real quick. “While she cares about me and has good intentions...she’s a massive pain in the ass.”

"Sounds like your typical sibling then." She laughed. "My older brother was always a pain, but we looked out for each other in our own ways."

"Yeah." I nodded, trying my best not to melt at how cute this mare was. "Just wish she'd stop pile driving me in the stomach though. A guy likes his sleep."

"Heh, that's nothing. My brother and I would wake each other up in various other ways. I'd cannonball onto his back, he'd set off firecrackers under my pillow, I'd shove his head into a thundercloud, he'd turn my room into a frog farm, heh, it's a good thing Mom and Dad had good house insurance."

"Sounds like a fun time." I said honestly.

"Some of my best memories honestly. Second only to the ones with my own Dinky."

“Oh, you have a child?” I asked curiously.

She nods. "Yup. Dinky Doo Hooves. My world and nightmare…" She chuckled. "Definitely my foal… the trouble she gets into isn't too far off from what I did at her age."

“Sounds like a handful.” I said honestly. “Do you...have someone watching over her at the moment?” I asked.

"She's in school at the moment. But if you mean do I have a babysitter, my friend Carrot sometimes helps and her big sister Amethyst when she stops by and watches her from time to time."

“Then…” I didn’t know why I stopped myself from asking the obvious question...but seeing her innocent and happy eyes only reminded me of Clare…”Sounds like you got some good friends.”

"Heh, I did luck out."

“Yeah…” I sighed out. “So, what are you doing today?”

"Well, I was planning on just taking a fly around town, browsing some shops and maybe get lunch until Dinky gets out of school."

“Sounds like a simple enough day.” I said honestly.

"If you don't have anything to do either, maybe we can make a day of it?"

“I’d...I’d like that.” I said, finding her so weirdly like Clare I...I couldn’t not spend time with her.

With a nod she dropped herself to the ground and looked around. "Let's see here… how about a movie?" She motioned to a movie theater in the distance.

“What movies are even out?” I asked curiously. “Also...I didn’t know you had a movie theatre…”

"Well, there's Batmare, Twinx, and The Little Merpony." She listed off. Okay... two of those are spoof names of things I know...

“And...what the hell is Twinx? Cause two of those three sound familiar from where I come from.” I inquired.

"Twinx is more a movie for fillies. Little foal gets to become an alicorn and fight evil and such."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “So...Batmare?”

"Sure." She said with a nod.

We went to the movie theater and after getting our sodas and popcorn sat and watched the movie. It was interesting, not only the all female take on Batman, but it was well written.

When it was over Derpy and I left feeling it was time well spent. There was some time still before Dinky was going to get out of school, so we headed to the park. We sat at a bench and mostly just listened to the wind and the noise of the park. "This is relaxing." Derpy sighed with a smile.

“Yeah...it really is.” I nodded in agreement. “Didn’t expect to...have this nice of a day.”

"I'm glad I bumped into you, Mister Starrk." She said, giving me a warm smile.

“Too cute…” I playfully held a hand to my chest in pain.

She giggled. "So, Mister Starrk, would you like to do this again? Maybe I can even bring Dinky if you want. I think she'll like you."

“You sure? Wouldn’t your…” I trailed off nervously, not wanting to bring up a possibly bad thing here.

"My what?" She asked.

“Are you...dating someone or are you married to someone?” I asked nervously.

She shook her head. "Nope. Not married and I haven't really dated much."

“Then...uh…what about Dinky?” I asked carefully.

"What about her?"

I sighed out. “I’m sorry for asking but...who’s the father?”

"Don't know." She said, surprising me. "It was years ago, some friends and I went out clubbing after College finals were taken and passed to celebrate. At some point it all got fuzzy, little too much booze, l've always been a lightweight. A month after graduation, I discovered I'm pregnant. Didn't bother looking for the father, I was so hammered and frankly I doubt I could have even found them. So, I raised Dinky myself. Mom and Dad and my brother helped a lot in those early years but eventually I got enough saved up for a house here and we moved. Best thing really, Dinky being born a unicorn she can't live up in Cloudsdale."

“I...understand.” I nodded carefully, finding that a whole lot different than back home.

"She has asked a time or two, and I can see why. Almost all her classmates have both parents, so of course she wonders."

"And you think it's better not to look?" I inquired. "I'm sorry for asking these...sensitive questions."

"I dunno. I thought about it a few times but odds are, given how drunk I was, Dinky's father was either just as drunk as I was and also has no memories of that night, or was sober and saw me as an easy fling, and I don't want a stallion like that in my life. Either way he doesn't even know Dinky exists, and it's been ten years, so why bother."

"Good lord…" I muttered. "Your...very strong Derpy…" I said, knowing plenty of people that wouldn't have lasted as long as her, or hunted down the guy and tried to ruin his life.

She shrugged. "My parents thought that I was just being too nice or too foalish, but I've never regretted my choices. Sometimes I wish Dinky had a father figure, and while Time Turner tries, he's basically another foal at times… heh, uncle's can only do so much."

I have no idea what possessed me, but seeing this pony version of Clare…"I can help." I said readily, only to realize what I said. "Uh...never mind, I didn't say anything."

"Heh, do you wanna meet her?" Derpy asked. "The school is gonna let out soon, we can be there and greet her. I bet the other foals will wanna see you too."

“Works for me.” I nodded. “Would also help me learn the place better.”

"So you're gonna date the milf?" I nearly choked on my rice at Lilinette's words. "I mean, good for you for finally getting out there, and I wish I could say I didn't expect it. I know all your kinks after all…"

“Damn it…” I grumbled. “Listen…” I sighed out, rubbing my temples. “I don’t know...she’s really nice...and...honestly she reminds me of Clare…” I said honestly. “Which...both helps me...and hurts me a lot…”

"Hm… let me ask you a question." She started, taking a quick sip from her cup. "If this town got attacked, you'd defend it, right?"

“That’s my soon to be job after all.” I shrugged. “But...well I got powers now, might as well do some good with it.” I said, not sounding too invested in the ‘being a hero’ bit. “Also I live here, so might as well not be a dick.”

"But would you care?" That caught me off guard. "We aren't from here, their deaths, to us wouldn't hurt. Wouldn't mean much. But, form a bond, a connection, and the loss will hurt much worse, but, to prevent it, we'll fight harder, have a purpose. We can't be mercenaries, if this war is to be won… you have to reopen your heart to others, and I'll have to learn how myself."

“Are you sure?” I asked carefully, putting a hand to my chest where it barely touched the new hole I had. “It’s...quite a lot to ask for…”

"Your fear will hold you back. In case you didn't realize, this place isn't just where I got pulled out of your noggin so we can roleplay Bleach with super powers… this place is a fresh start, a second chance at life for you, and a first for me. We both deserve to take it, don't we?"

“Y-yeah…” I started. “It’s gonna be a pain in the ass though…”

"Mostly for you." I glared at her. "Am I wrong?"

“Doesn’t mean I can’t be mad at you.” I frowned. “So, while I was busy walking the town, did you figure out how to use any of our abilities?”

"No, I was busy trying this whole Friendship thing. I think I made one but I'm not sure, she's kinda an oddball."

“Who’d you make friends with?” I inquired.

"Little foal about my age… Twist, Yeah that's her name. Makes candy, oddly good candy."

“Oh yeah, I think I saw her hanging out with Dinky.” I said honestly. Huh, that's nice she- wait a moment… her age? Dinky and Twist can't be more than ten? “Hold on, you're ten years old?”

"Well, you were ten when I fully manifested, you are twenty one now so I'm eleven."

“Yeah...that sounds about right.” I nodded.

"Kinda weird to think about it… then again I guess that means the body I have is… age accurate?"

“Probably?” I said sheepishly. “Considering we’re...technically in ageless bodies at the moment it could mean anything at this point.”

"Huh… well, all that aside, when are you and Derpy hanging out again?"

“Tomorrow hopefully.” I said honestly.

"Gonna be a date or a date?"

“It’s going to be a normal date.” I told her. “We’re not gonna do…” I took a deep breath at what I actually just said. “We’re just friends at the moment…” I corrected, as I could practically feel myself turn red in embarrassment.

"At the moment huh?"

“Shut up.” I told her.

"All teasing aside, this is good for you. And hey, she's already a quadruped, do easy doggy style."

My groan was heard for miles…

I was by the Everfree, having seen nothing much aside from Timber Wolves and honestly they aren't that tough, takes a few hits to their weird magic heart things to kill but overall they stay dead after that.

“Well good to know that Iron Skin is a passive and not an active.” I muttered as I brushed away timbers from the Timber Wolves' failed attempts to claw or bite me.

"That is a useful skill." I turned, seeing a unicorn sitting a short distance away. She was pitch black, and had predatory eyes like sapphires and a dark navy blue mane.

I immediately drew my sword and pointed it at her. “Who are you, and what the hell are you doing here?” I asked carefully, feeling like this was a very dangerous being.

"I've never had a real name before, but when I was within my old host, the ponies of this world called me Nightmare Moon." She informed me with a simple, even tone. "You must be Starrk, correct?"

“And you shouldn’t be here.” I growled. “Either dead or locked up in some cage of light or something.”

“Thankfully to my new benefactor, I’m able to slip past my cage, not all of my power or being, but just enough to start walking the world again.” She explained to me simply, the ground she was standing on slowly decaying as if her mere presence was sucking the life out of it.

“Cause that makes sense…” I muttered. “So the hell are you doing here?”

"Teaching a lesson." She stated. "Something I learned from my failure, don't attack an enemy no matter how well you know them, at least, not without proper preparations. This is a lesson my two… subordinates require."

“What are you talking about?” I growled.

"My subordinates are… acquaintances of yours. You best make sure they don't make a mess."

“Where are they?” I asked quickly, hoping she didn’t send whatever the hell they wanted straight into town.

"The apple farm. That smaller one was there so odds are they'll be meeting one another soon enough. You best hurry along less you miss the reunion."

Nightmare could hear a strange static noise as I bolted straight to town. “Shit shit shit shit…” I repeated in panic, hoping no one’s about to get involved with those bastards.

As I arrived at the farm I saw the foals, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, and Twist, running from the trees. I ran into them and in a clearing next to an old treehouse, I spotted Lillinette clashing blades with two other… humans?

They looked like twins, one male, one female, both had curly brown hair, yellow eyes, and wore matching dress shirts and pants. Both also had the same skull mask deal as Linette, though not as covering. The man was using a halberd and the girl was using what looked like a hatchet as weapons.

“Dynamic Entry!” I shouted as I did a flying drop kick onto the man out of absolute nowhere. “Hope I’m not too late here.”

"Oh look, it's Coyote Starrk." The man laughed.

"He wishes." The woman chuckled. "Different face same head."

"Mike…" Linette spoke up. "It's them…"

“Yes...sadly…” I sighed out bitterly. “So how the hell did Faggoty Andy and On-The-Raggody Ann get here?”

“I’m not a part of a TFS reference you useless prick.” The man growled as he spat out a bit of blood.

“Then you aren’t as fun as you used to be.” I said sarcastically, pointing my sword at the two. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

"Same as her dipshit, smiles pulled us out and gave us to Demon. He gave us bodies and dropped us with Naggy Moon. Like we need to be told how to cause suffering." The woman… Just keeping their names as Ann and Andy, said.

“And it looks to me like she smacked you two upside the head hard enough for possibly doing something retarded.” I said, noticing the head wound on Ann which looked like a pretty bad bruise.

"She's strong, we'll give her that." Andy huffed as he stood back up. "But she lacks the… imagination you had, that we share." He grinned, Ann matching it as the two raised their weapons. "So much immitatable violence on T.V. and online these days. The question is, which to pick. After all…" The blades of his Halburd and her Hatchet suddenly glowed a sickly green. "You ain't the only one with powers chuckle fuck."

“Fuck…” I muttered, considering neither of us know how the hell to use our powers. “Alright, then let’s get on with it.”

The two charged. I took Andy while Linette took Ann. As we fought I managed to stay on the offensive. These two were sloppy but fast in their movements. Having Starrk's body gave me the physical requirements, but not the knowledge. I was able to block and dodge, and quickly noticed that the trees and ground their blade hit immediately began rotting away, as if time sped the clock til they were ash.

Not sure what that will do to me and frankly I don't wanna know.

“So far so good…” I muttered as I tried a feint attack against Ann, pretending to swing to her left side.

As she was about to counter, I pulled back, ready to thrust inwards. As I was about to stab into her stomach, suddenly a small creature jumped in the way. A Shadow?!

“The hell!?” I said in shock as I jumped back at whatever the hell this new thing was.

It was… something. Darkness like slime made up most of its body, the rest was bones of various animals all somehow melted and fused into a skeleton holding the dark ooze into a form.

"Heh, like them? So many uses for corpses." Ann stated, jumping back as multiple of these… things popped up. "By the dead they might be made, these little tricks are pure negativity given a physical form."

“Uh...huh…” I started. “Yeah that’s...that’s not a good thing.” I said carefully as I stabbed one of the shadows swiftly, hoping to kill it quickly.

It did die quickly, and I sighed from relief at that.

“Alright, that’s good to know.” I muttered as I tried to deal with the rest of these little bastards quickly.

These things were weird. They moved like they didn’t even have bones and while they clearly were not smart they had numbers. Lots of them were looking out of the spots where Ann and Andy struck. "How the Fuck did you even-" Lillinette said as she helped me hack away at the growing mass.

"Nifty little trick of ours, makes missing a hit not so bad." Ann said as she and Andy seemed to enjoy watching us fend the little shits off, barely.

“And here I thought you two enjoyed doing it yourself.” I started. “What? Too lazy to do your own jobs anymore, you have to let others do your job for you?”

"Unlike you, we have nothing to prove." Andy said. "But if you insist." He chuckled, his Halburd glowing with a pitch black aura as he rushed in at me.

Me and my big mouth!

"Fine, a cathartic beating it is…" I muttered as I took a deep breath and felt my power surge a bit, using Sonido to bolt towards Andy faster than he could react.

With a swift uppercut, literally, I knocked him back, slamming into Ann as he now spotted a large gash in his torso that slowly healed. "Why you little-" Andy started, he and Ann trying to get up but we're quickly both impaled by Linette's sword, the weapon pinning them to the ground as she quickly kicked their weapons aside.

"Bitch!" Both Ann and Andy yelled at her.

"Not gonna deny it." Linette shrugged.

"Who's useless now fuckface?" I taunted.

"Still you." They both said in unison. Shit that's actually creepy.

"I believe that is a lesson learned." We turned, spotting Nightmare standing a bit away. Lillinette's sword was wrapped in a dark blue magic and pulled out of the two before dropped. "Come now you two, you have embarrassed yourselves enough for today."

"Oh no you don't." I growled as I dashed towards Nightmare and swung at her.

My sword stopped just an inch from her neck. Her eyes closed, I saw a pure black tendril stretch from.her back, around the blade of my sword and hold it. I tried to move and pull it but it was like trying to move a brick wall. The tendril then rapidly threw my sword and myself into Lillinette, like tossing a pebble into the water. When the dust settled there was quite the noticeable crater.

"Come now you both, maybe now you'll both learn something without causing a mess."

Ann grumbled, getting up while Andy spat. "Fine…" He huffed.

"Ow…" I groaned. "This sucks…" I grumbled as I got up.

Ann and Andy got on either side of Nightmare, who then looked over at me as if looking completely uncaring of my existence. "A forewarning, young Mike," My eyes went wide when she said my actual name. "The next time you see these two, and the creatures we fabricate, blood will be spilled."

"How the hell do you know my name?" I asked, knowing Nightmare shouldn't know.

Ann and Andy both proceeded to both flip me off. Right…

"Til the next encounter." Nightmare started, her horn lighting up as she, Ann and Andy were now gone.

"Well all three of them can sit on a barb wire pike…" Linette groaned as she stood, popping her back.

"That we can both agree on." I nodded. "But glad I can use an ability...kind of."

"So, scale one to ten how strong was she cause given you couldn't free your sword… and this hole she used us to make…" I sighed, taking a good look at the crater we were now in. It was easy six or seven feet around and just as deep.

"Probably a six, cause even with her throwing me into you and made this crater, neither of us got hurt because of it." I said honestly. "Maybe a seven."

"You assume she didn't hold back." She added. I frowned at that… she has a point, she didn't even really react when I attacked her either… in fact she looked impassive, almost bored.

"I'll give her an eight or nine then." I answered. "But this sucks royally."

"That aside, thought I'd show you something, before something else happens."

“What up?” I inquired.

"Think I found someone… like Demon and Genie."

“Christ…” I groaned. “What did they look like?”

"You best see for yourself." Linette said, walking me back into town. We arrived at a bar and upon entering I noticed three things. One, this bar was empty save for two people. And I mean People. The barkeep, and one guy seated at an out of place cards table. The barkeep was… a barkeep, like the typical ideal fifties barkeep with a bit of a tavern owner twist.

“Seems...a little strange this place is empty.” I started.

I looked over at the card table. This man was dressed in an all purple tuxedo and capped off with a purple top hat. He lifted his… holy fuck it's just an undead skeleton, his eyes glowed with a similar purple light to his attire.

"Welcome to the Nameless Bar." The Barkeep said. "Just call me Barkeep."

“And...are both of you the same as Genie and Demon?” I asked. “Cause I don’t ever remember this bar being here in town before and...well this place feels a lot different then what I’ve gotten used to in Equestria.”

"He is, I'm just along for the ride and the free advertising." I raised a brow at that, but headed over to the skeleton man.

“Hi there.” I said carefully to the skeleton man.

"Hey there stranger." He replied. I felt like he was smiling at us. "Nice to finally meet Demon and Genie's newest project. The name is Voodoo."

“So what brings you to this little corner of the world?” I asked curiously, wanting to get straight to the point here.

"Simple. You met the good." He threw down some cards, an image of Genie, myself and Linette were in each one. "The bad." He tossed some more, these displayed Demon, Ann, Andy and Nightmare. "Now meet the neutral, the one who will help either side just because I feel like it. Play my games and you can get stronger, faster, but can you handle the stakes?"

“That depends on the stakes.” I said honestly. “Cause if it’s fair stakes then maybe...but who’s the ‘Ugly’ in this analogy?” I asked carefully.

He simply placed one card down, flipping it over showed the image of a woman, skin as pale as death, eyes fogged and hair as black as the void and wet, clinging to her neck and shoulders like paint. "Her name is Pain, but don't worry, she's not in this game."

“What? Did the tape get destroyed?” I joked, considering she kind of looked like a short haired version of the girl from The Ring.

"Because if she did, odds are, a few thousand would be dead by now." He sighed. A shiver went down my spine as he did, as if… "Demon may play for the bad side, but Pain… she embodies a world's End Times. She loves to make Heroes lives pure hell."

“Then who’s keeping them on a leash?” I asked worriedly.

I then proceeded to feel a small tug on my pant leg and…”Lily…”


“Are you...seeing what I’m seeing?”

“A group of adorable chibi anthro’s? Yes...yes I am.” Lillinett nodded carefully, seeing a chibi wolf with a white cloak on, a chibi pony naga, an extremely floofy Wolf like chibi naga, a...familiar green chibi unicorn, a tiny chibi hooded person, their hooded cloak was all black, and lastly small chibi red eyed angel.

“They're all so adorable…” I commented, before seeing the small group move around me and hop onto the seats. “So uh...who are these adorable folks?”

"The ones holding the leashes." Voodoo said with a chuckle. "Looks aside, before you is a group of just a few of the most powerful beings in all of existence."

“And yet why do I have a feeling you’re related in some way?” I asked, only for the wolf to turn around and pull out a sign.

Spoilers, someone will figure it out but not now

“Works for me.” Lillinette said. “And...seriously you're all too adorable!” The young arrancar couldn’t help but squeal a little at how adorable they were.

"Now then, consider this bar a form of… neutral territory. You can't fight here, can't even draw your swords." Voodoo stated. "It's open to allies and enemies alike, and all can enjoy a drink or play a game and see about putting the odds in their favor."

“Good to know.” I nodded. “And hey, maybe we can learn something about Nightmare if she ever comes here and get’s drunk given she’s the only bad guy I don’t loathe with my entire being.”

"So, why are they all chibi if they're so all powerful?" Lilinette asked.

The floofy wolf naga raised a sign.

Retired. Mostly we just try and have fun these days.

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Will we be seeing you more?”

The wolf wrote on their sign and brought it up.

More or less. Won't do all that much though.

"So what will you do?" Lilinette asked.

They all wrote on their signs, the replies ranged from 'act cute' to 'show off' and the hooded one actually wrote 'fuck with time.' The little angel one actually wrote 'drink.'

‘Author’s notes sometimes’ was the wolf’s and seemed pretty important.

“Well...alrighty then.” I nodded.

"So, what now? We just… wait around til we head off and come here when or if we want?" Lilinette asked.

"Pretty much." Voodoo said.

"So… can we do anything before we head off?"

"If you wish, just play the game and see the rewards. If you get any."

“And what game do you have in mind? Cause it looks like you’ve got a full play group here.” I asked.

"The games I offer go far more than simple cards child, be it strategy or strength, the games I offer are as varied as the colorful cast of ponies outside."


"So, what now then?" Lilinette asked me.

“Well…” I started. “What kind of game would we need to play for some information on a specific person? Like say…an Arrancar on this planet?” I asked carefully. “Cause for some reason...I keep having this weird feeling that there’s something else out there, watching me...and I especially got that feeling after fighting Andy and Ann.”

"For information, the game is simple, and quite entertaining." Voodoo said as he held a hand out to the floofy wolf naga. "May I?"

Nodding, the wolf naga held out a hand, forming from small specs of light that flowed from their hand, a blue card formed that Voodoo took. He then handed me the card. "Here. Take this card and head somewhere remote. It won't be too strong, and we'll know when, or if, you beat it."

I was going to ask but saw the small green unicorn smacking an old 90's box TV, the thing flashing on and… now showed the room… with all of us… I then began looking for the camera.

“Where the hell…” I muttered as I heard a smack on the table, looking over I saw the chibi wolf put down something on the table with the sign ‘bet’s on Mike winning’.

"So… wait, Demon and Genie did this for entertainment… for themselves or for you?" Lilinette asked.

The hooded one lifted a sign. It said 'both' on it.

“You must be...really bored in retirement.” I started.

The grey naga raised a sign. ‘Tell me about it’ was written.

"So, what do we get out of this, for being this… your entertainment?" Lilinette said, making me wonder as well.

“Yeah...cause if ‘the hero's journey’ is your entertainment...what’ll happen after we’re done?” I asked, finding that a bit more concerning that we might just vanish when they're all done with their ‘entertainment’.

They all shared a look, each giving Lilinette and I a small grin as they raised their signs. 'Freedom.'

I blinked at that. “Uh...not the answer I was expecting…

"What does that even mean?" Lilinette asked.

The floofy wolf naga held up a sign. 'Spoilers.'

“Alright...so might as well ask, what is the floofy wolf naga called?” I asked. “Cause I’ve never heard of a floof wolf snake before.”

"Actually her race is an interesting crossbreed. Part Dire Wolf, part Equine Naga. They're known as Floof Noodles and are a surprisingly interesting and versatile species." Barkeep spoke up.

I snorted. “Floof Noodles?”

‘It was a cute joke name, but the world thought otherwise’ the Wolf’s sign said.

“Well...the name works.” I shrugged.

"Now the question I've been wondering, and I bet Mike has too." Lilinette started, walking over to the wolf and the pony naga. "Can we pet you?"

The wolf gave an adorable chuckle and raised a sign. ‘All you had to do was ask.’

With that, Lilinette gave the two some head and ear scratches. The two were enjoying the affection like, well, pets.

“Absolutely adorable.” I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable it was.

After that Lilinette and I headed off. I looked at the blue card and frowned, wondering what it was… or whatever is in it as we headed for some fields near the Everfree's border.

"So, are you going to want help in fighting… whatever is in that card or?" She asked as we reached the fields, a good mile and a half from town.

“They didn’t say I had to fight it alone so I’d appreciate the help Lillinette.” I said honestly. “So the big question is...what the hell are we gonna summon with this card?”

"Maybe a monster? Or something similar?" She shrugged. "Won't know just holding it.

“Well...kind of wish they told me how to summon the thing.” I frowned. “But...might as well try something.” I said as I threw the card out towards a clearing, thinking it would softly land and summon a thing.

As it landed there was a sudden pool of… just, darkness that flowed out like a liquid ooze that soon formed a fair sized circle on the ground. After a moment something began rising out of it. First one hand, then two, and it pulled itself out of the darkness.

It was a near identical silhouette of me, the old me, holding Starrk's sword, or a black silhouette version of it and as it stood up and out if the circle, the pool evaporating behind it, the thing raised the sword and pointed it at me. It's eyes were only seen by their red glow.

"Okay… that's concerning." Lilinette said as she took out her sword.

“Uh...huh…” I started, pulling out my sword as well. “Didn’t expect to fight a shadow clone of myself...it could have been worse but this is still gonna be a pain in the ass.”

As Lilinette and I circled the copy of my former body it's gaze seemed to shift between the two of us. I didn't like that, it's assessing the situation… it's thinking.

“I don’t like this…” I muttered, but knowing I was gonna have to make a move so I dashed in and swung my sword at it.

It ducked, wrapping an arm around mine and twisting it. As I was ready to kick it off me, Lilinette rushed in to swing, but it rapidly let go and dodged. It landed several feet from us and now seemed to be preparing an attack.

"Alright...this thing is smarter than it looks." I said, preparing to use Sonido to try and dodge it's attack.

It rushed in, I quickly used Sonido to dodge-

I felt the jab in my side hit hard. Lilinette rushed in and she and the thing clashed swords as I hit the ground. It used a feint attack?!

"Damn it…" I groaned as I checked my side to see if it was bleeding.

Thankfully not, it was just sore. He must have kicked me over slicing me.

“Hopefully it was a cut cause if it is then my Hierro might still be really good.” I muttered, hoping my Iron Body was good enough. “Alright...so this thing is smart, has an idea what it’s doing...shit…”

When it fought Lilinette I tried to attack it from behind but it managed to dodge or counter with a parry before my attack could hit. Even with the both of us? I need a strategy, some kind of advantage. Odd though, it hasn't tried to directly attack us.

“Something’s weird here.” I muttered, trying to figure out why it wasn’t trying to attack. “Lillinette, pull back a bit.”

She did, the two of us were a bit away from it now and it stood there, sword ready but not moving. Something was off…

“So either this creature fight’s through counters or something else.” I frowned. “What did you get from it Lily?”

"It could just be on the offensive. It hasn't done much aside from a kick or punch and it's only using it's blade to deflect, parry or block. It can clearly fight, and well. It's testing us. Neither of us can land a hit, even when ganging up on it, so maybe we need to try and either out power it or hit it with something unexpected."

“Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Hmm...something unexpected…” I said while looking down at Lillinette carefully.

"What are you thinking?"

“Something unexpected.” I started as I reached over and picked Lillinette up by the scruff of her outfit. “Just take a deep breath, and don’t panic.”

“Don’t you fucking daaAAAAAA!” Lillinette started to scream as I chucked her as hard as I could at the shadow as I dashed behind her, hoping to cut down the thing’s legs while it was dealing with a flying ten year old.

The thing did seem taken by surprise by this, Lilinette slamming into the confused shadow person head first as I rushed in immediately and struck the tip of my sword into its head, feeling it slide through and out the back into the ground.

"I will have my revenge…" Growled Lilinette.

“It worked didn’t it?” I asked. “Plus it was your suggestion.”

"That didn't mean throw me- wah!" We both jumped as the shadow man immediately raised up, knocking us both back as it's forehead hit the hilt of my blade and popped the tip out of the ground.

Lilinette and I both took steps back as it stood, an almost faded white liquid was leaking from the entrance and exit wounds on its head. Slowly, it raised it's sword at me.

"Okay, the Fuck is this thing?!" Lilinette screamed as the thing seemed to shift. Gone was that complex analytical look in the orbs that passed for its eyes, but replaced by the pale glow of something… dead...

“What the hell is going on?” I asked worriedly, raising my arms up to protect myself.

Reaching it's free hand, it pulled my sword from it's head, tossing it at my feet.

I picked it up, and the thing began shaking, it's head seemed to… evaporate, leaving behind just a skull with the same pale glowing eyes, the hole where my blade entered, darkness pouring out, filling it until a reptilian eye opened from it. It then raised it's sword and rushed us. Shit, it's attacking now?!

“Oh come on!” I snapped as I blocked the sudden swing. “Seriously, the fuck is this thing?”

"Probably should have asked that before." Lilinette said as she raised to meet it, blocking with her blade and sending her skidding across the ground a few feet. "That hurts… way more than I imagined…" She winced, falling to her knees and rubbing her feet.

Rapidly, I tried to attack it. To my surprise I hit it, and it replied by cutting me across my torso. Fuck, it's not dodging any more at all! This a berserker thing? Probably…

I felt along the cut, or where one should be. I felt the burning but thankfully there was no blood or wound at all.

“So...strong enough to hurt like a bitch, but weak enough to not cut my skin...good to know.” I muttered. “Gonna need new clothes if this doesn’t regenerate though…” I grumbled as I dodged the next thing’s swing and slashed into it again.

The gash I left on its side was large… and to my horror, two arms sprouted from it and grabbed me.

Oh, yeah, sure, I didn't need sleep tonight anyway. Fuck nice dream, nightmares work just as fine!

Lilinette jumped in, cutting the two sprouted limbs off and freeing me. As we both backed up the thing gave a whale of… it was like the scream of a purely mindless beast, and it turned it's sword on itself, giving itself deep gashes where tendrils, hands, even a few mouths and arms popped out along it's body.

Yup. Who needs a good months sleep.

"Now I'm gonna need therapy…" Lilinette muttered.

“Okay, fuck this.” I said as I pointed my sword at it and tried to focus whatever spiritual energy I’ve been producing on accident into a sphere. “Come on...just give me this once...even if it’s a fluke…” I muttered. “I know it’s a lot, but I’m gonna need you to distract it for me.”

“It better not be for five minutes asshole.” Lillinette growled, only to see the sphere starting to grow at the tip of my blade.

“Give it two minutes and I’ll ask Derpy out on a date like you wanted alright?” I asked her.

"... Well, alright." She shrugged, taking a step forward.

The thing immediately went for her and Lilinette was keeping on the offensive, slicing off the spare limbs it grew and avoiding the sword and still remaining ones.

I could feel this little sphere I made gaining… energy? It felt like I was trying to compact the energy inside it and keep it's small form. Like trying to pack away trash that's overflowing.

“Do do do do do do, mahna mahna, do do do do, mahna mahna, do do do do do, do do do, do do do, do do and I’mma charging my attack…” I hummed to myself.

“I hate you so much Starrk!” Lillinette shouted at me as she dodged a swing from one of it’s arms. “Any day now!”

“Just…a little more…” I muttered as I felt it pile in more and more. “Gonna suck for the surrounding forest though….” I muttered. “Get clear!” I shouted as Lillinette vanished. “Cero!” I shouted as I fired off a powerful beam of energy towards the raging beast.

Lilinette dodged it as the attack landed home.

When it ended all that was left were the legs and lower torso. It took a step forward. "Nope!" Lilinette yelled as she rushed in and hacked the remaining half in prices until the last of the beast was small chunks that began evaporating.

“Okay...is it finally dead?” I asked worriedly.

"It better be!" She huffed.

“Can we get some confirmation from our cosmic watchers or something?” I called out, hoping one of them would pop up and explain things.

When nothing happened, Lilinette and I walked back to the bar, entering and walking up to the floof noodle. Heh, can't say that without cracking a smile.

“So we killed...whatever the hell that thing was.” I said honestly.

They nodded.

"And what the Fuck was that thing?" Lilinette asked.

Snapping their fingers, a slip of paper appeared that Lilinette took and we both read.

Name: Silhouette Beta
Race: [Spoilers]
Class: Undead/Berserker

The Silhouette Beta starts off as a perfect reflection of a person's mimicking their combat style, abilities and even power. Once killed it revives as an undead with a berserker attribute. It will most often force 'heal' wounds by growing spare limbs and appendages from the injured areas. It will often deform itself intentionally to try and gain the advantage. A Silhouette Beta must be completely destroyed in order to kill it. Leave even a limb and it will self revive.

"Right~..." I started carefully. "Well...at least it's dead, we saw it disintegrate after Lillinette chopped it to pieces after I blasted it in half."

"And for killing it, you get your information." Voodoo said. I felt his… 'grin' widen as he looked at me. "You get three questions, three answers."

“Is there an Arrancar, or some equivalent to it, other than me and Lillinette on this world?” I asked carefully, making sure my wording was correct so he wouldn’t just point at me and say ‘there you go’.

"Why yes, several, actually. One will be… an adversary, the rest, teachers."

“Where would these beings be located?” I asked carefully.

"One is within the Griffon Kingdom. One is within the Zebra lands, One is within the Dragon Lands, one is within the Badlands, and the last is far in the frozen north."

“Good to know.” I nodded. “Any questions Lillinette before I ask the third one?” I asked my technical little sister.

"Hmmm…" She hummed in thought, this was our last question so, she should get it if she wants. "What do we call you? All you… Chibis?"

They all looked at one another, contemplating the question.

They all took a moment before bringing up signs that said their names. "Princess the wolf, Crescent the naga, Fluffy the Floof Noodle, Kinky the Unicorn, Red Eyes White Angel, and Kronos...sounds simple enough." I named off. "Sounds simple enough."

"Well, it's nice to meet you all." Lilinette said, giving Princess and Fluffy ear scratches, the two enjoying the affection. "Hehe, for some all powerful beings, you're all just too cute… save for Kronos there…"

Kronos raised a sign. Wasn't trying to be cute. It read.

"And should I ask why your cloak looks...weirdly familiar?" I asked Kronos.

He flipped the sign around. Nope. It read. The others all rolled their eyes but went about the bar.

"Alrighty then." I nodded. "Well it's a good or...possibly bad thing we're heading to the griffon kingdom soon."

"Guess you'll see when you arrive then." Voodoo stated as he flipped through his cards.

I sighed, worried about what's to come.

The day the Zeppelin arrived was an interesting one. Twilight and her friends, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie,Applejack, and Spike all joined Lilinette and I on this journey. Luna explained to me that this trip was going to break them, and their view on how the world is.

Luna was definitely more… serious, than her sister or any of these ponies really. The only one of them here with any experience in loss is Applejack, and she never actually saw her parents pass, they were just swept away by the river after an old bridge gave out and no bodies were ever recovered.

"This is gonna be a really annoying trip if Luna is saying this crap…" I sighed out.

“It’s not going to be too bad.” Shining Armor, Twilight’s brother and former royal guard captain, told me.

“Says the former guard captain that was brought onto this venture with a squad of Royal Guard and three Elite soldiers, plus a pretty great zeppelin captain.” I brought up. “At least Luna wanted to take this seriously…”

“I will admit, dragging me all the way from the Crystal Empire to do guard duty is a change, plus some of Luna’s own special soldiers as well?” Shining said. “Seem’s a bit much, even for Stripper’s Pass.”

"Whatever the case, better to over prepare then under prepare." Lilinette said as she headed inside the airship.

With everyone onboard, the Zeppelin headed off and Lilinette and I were in our own room. It would be a days journey so we were mostly just-


I turned, seeing Princess, Fluffy and Crescent next to me on the couch.

“And what are you three doing here?” I asked the three chibi’s. “Thought you be enjoying blackjack with hookers Voodoo brought in?” I mentioned, given that the witch doctor sounding skeleton was...dressed like a pimp I kind of assumed.

Fluffy raised an eyebrow at that but they shook their heads.

Crescent pulled out a notebook and wrote down in it.

We lost a bet with Kinky.

Princess sighed while Fluffy Facepalmed.

"What was the bet?" Lilinette asked.

“Was this a different bet than what you put on me?” I asked, and when Princess nodded I frowned. “Okay...what in the world did she ask for?”

Crescent was writing something out but Fluffy took the notebook, flipped the page and wrote something out and had us read it.

The short answer is that, basically, we're your and Lilinette's pets. Until you two either pass or obtain Freedom.

“So...until we finish our journey, you're gonna be here with us always?” I tilted my head.

Princess brought out their own sign and raised it. Unless I need to go out and do some quick author note style things.

Sighing, Fluffy wrote out some more.

And when we say pets… we mean… pets.

With that read I noticed Fluffy had a collar on, their name on the tag as did Princess, though she blushed and seemed to grumble at that find. Crescent though seemed to display hers with eagerness and pride. That earned a chuckle from Fluffy.

"Huh… so I take it Kinky is more than just a name for that one then?" Lilinette asked.

Each one raised a sign, all three said the same thing.

You have no idea.

“Well...hopefully she won’t try and...do weird thing’s with my love life.” I said as I softly pet Princess.

She’ll try. Princess’s sign read.

“Right then…” I sighed out. “So...what can you three tell us while you're here considering Kinky did a thing?”

Fluffy wrote some things down.

Well, as per the bet, we are your pets. And as such… we will do whatever you define as a pet can do, within reason. For example you can't ask us to give you new powers or anything but we can do things like heal you after a battle and even help a little in training.

Crescent then took the notebook and was writing out stuff with a big grin and made Princess blush and grumble while Fluffy rolled their eyes.

And as per being your pets we are required everything a pet gets. Food, water, walks, scratches, cuddles, baths and we'll even do tricks.

Princess took the notebook and rapidly wrote out.

As you can see, she enjoys this kind of thing. A lot.

“I mean...there’s nothing wrong with cuddles.” I said honestly. “So...about training...to what degree are we talking about?”

Fluffy took the notebook back and began writing.

Given that we can't be hurt by anything here, you can feel free to use an attack on us and we can pull up a score on a scale of one to ten. I guess given this world we might be able to help you learn magic but that's optional. Lastly we could upgrade you and your gear but that will cost you. Both bits and raw materials but we can tell you where said materials will be or can be found.

"So you turned an anime into an RPG?" Lilinette asked.

Like most animes don't have an RPG game out there?

"Fair point."

“So you know how the hell I can use my Hollow powers.” I said.

Princess took the board this time and wrote down on it. We can only help you figure out the main powers you already know how to kind of maybe do, the rest you’ll have to find your teachers for.

“Well...that works I suppose.” I shrugged.

Before I could say more, Crescent suddenly tackled into my chest, nuzzling me like an overly affectionate cat… wait is she purring?!

Fluffy and Princess simply face palmed. Clearly, she really does enjoy being a pet...

“Ehem…” We heard someone say to catch our attention.

“Oh, sorry.” I said nervously, softly petting Crescent still as I looked over to see who wanted our attention, and it was one of the elite royal guard, Cherry Soda. The Pegasus mare was giving us a raised brow at the scene before her. “Uh...it’s a little complicated...but I now have adorable pets, and this one specifically loves cuddles.”

"I can see… so, I can see you're all settling in well. Once we arrive at Griffinstone we'll be there for a few weeks so you can learn this special attack thing and make some trade with the locals."

“By the way, what is Griffonstone like?” I inquired.

"You want the official information or the honest information?" She asked.

“Both would be good just to have a general thought on it.” I answered.

"Alright. Here's the official one. Griffinstone and it's surrounding territories are an empire predating Equestria. Their military has always been on par with the Pegasi even back when the three tribes were divided and our alliances with them has led to faster trade routes to the Zebra lands and we are honored to be allies with them."

“And honest information is that it’s a massive shit show or something?” I asked. “Somehow even though it predated Equestria?”

"They haven't had an actual, legal government for five hundred years, the royal bloodline has long been lost to the common folk and the whole 'kingdom' looks like a gentle breeze could collapse the whole city and the kingdom of Equestria should either cut it lose or annex it to at least make use of the high altitude for weather production or the mountains for mining."

“The hell happened?” I asked, honestly flabbergasted at how it fell to shit that hard and never recovered.

"Griffons are a unique race, they are probably the only species that can give a dragon a run for their horde on Pride and Greed. Their royal family was special in that they managed to rally their kind under a unified banner thanks to a silver tongue and an ancient idol, this magic artifact allowed their King to reach past the greed and pride and touch their hearts and implant unification, honor, and respect. Five hundred years ago a beast rampaged into their kingdom and stole the idol away. With the idol gone their old nature resurfaced. Kingdom went to shit, Royal Family basically dethroned overnight, and the once mighty Griffon empire fell into the hobble of greed and crime it is today."

“And how has...literally anyone with half a brain decided to just commit a hostile takeover?” I asked. “Now I don’t know how strong griffons are, but when the common race is a lion and an eagle, they would be very dangerous to fight against.”

"Two reasons. One, the mountains make the majority of land bound races difficult to invade as is. Second, the Abysmal Abyss. It's a ravine going from the top of the Mountain to the ground level and surrounds the mountain Griffinstone is built on. It makes land invasion even more impossible and air invasion difficult as the air currents are too strong, even for the griffons. The winds are fed by Strippers Pass so it's also why the wind there never dies down. Only way is to fly over, a height no Pegasi can reach without passing out from the G-force or lack of air, or the we cross the bridges. We'll land a mile or two from the main trail and walk the rest of it."

“Alright.” I nodded. “And...you never said anything about teleportation which magical beings clearly can do.” I said, having seen Twilight and a few others teleport.

"Ever hear of Black Iron?" I shook my head. Cherry Soda reached a wing into her saddle bags, pulling out a small ring as black as coal. "This is a Black Iron ring. It's a unique metal that can nullify all but three types of magic. Griffinstone was built atop the largest deposit of black iron in any nation. And to as for why those three types aren't used, well, one is chaos magic and only insane creatures and monsters can use it. Then there's Necromancy but that doesn't have a… rapid teleportation spell. The last type of magic that can be used near Black Iron is passive magic. This is the magic that let's me fly or an earth pony grow trees from saplings in the span of a week when it would take years in nature. And no passive magic exists that can teleport."

“Alright, that makes sense.” I nodded. “Well that also helps explain that our powers will still be usable.”

"Yeah. Part of why the only unicorns coming along are Captain Armor, his sister and Rarity."

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So...might as well ask, what’s Luna so worried about?” I asked the Elite. “Cause she seemed...pretty adamant that something bad is gonna happen.”

"Well, given you two have her clearance, there's no harm in telling this. It's a little known fact but the Princesses are actually part Oracal."

"Part?" Lilinette asked.

"Well, if you believe the legends, their Mother was the Goddess of creation and their Father was the God of Time. But the point is they can… sense certain events. For Celestia, she can sense the coming of prosperity, bountiful years for harvest and even where certain locations will have significance or if a pony will become someone who changes the world. She doesn't see it, but she can feel it and that feeling has never been wrong. Princess Luna on the other hoof, is the opposite. She can sense impending doom, coming eras of despair and even where somepony will eventually die tragically or even sense when a pony is approaching their death. Like night and day, two sides of the same coin. Luna has only been back from her… 'vacation' for little over two years but in the time I've seen her have these sensations, they too have the same accuracy as Celestia."

“Fantastic…” I sighed out. “This is gonna be even better than I first thought…” I said sarcastically.

"Did they sense anything about us?" Lilinette asked.

"They both did, and that's only happened five times, according to them." Soda explained.

“Cause good never goes unpunished for some reason.” I sighed out. “Just…” I shook my head. “Do you fear Death?” I asked Cherry carefully, knowing one thing that could break this candy colored facade is a corpse.

"No." She stated plainly, surprising me.

“That’s...I know you're an Elite but...didn’t expect you to say that.” I answered.

She smiled, sitting down and removing her armor. "Two years ago, I would have said yes, or had no answer. The Princesses are two sides of the same coin. Of course, everyone associates Princess Celestia with the day, life and all that. And for good reason. So that puts Princess Luna,"

"As Night, Darkness… and Death?" Lilinette asked.

Nodding, Cherry Soda pulled off her chest plate. Splitting her fur down was a large scar… "When she returned, she offered all the elite the right to prove we are worthy of the title of an Elite guard. So, I and a dozen or so others all went through the ancient rite Luna used to have those who wanted to be elites. We were tied to a table, awake and conscious Luna herself removed our hearts. Every cut we felt, and when the pain ended, we died. I saw what comes after, Mr. Starrk, Miss Lilinette. When I woke back up, not only did I feel different, but I no longer feared dying. My heart was returned, stronger, augmented."

"... Jesus Christ…" Lilinette said.

Fluffy, Princess and Crescent all nodded in agreement.

“Uh...huh…” I held Crescent a little tighter. “That’s...quite a thing…”

She began putting her armor back on. "Princess Luna is many things Mr. Stark. Calculating, intense, wrathful, but despite all her sins, despite all she is capable of… she wants to use it to protect innocent lives. There's an old saying she told me once. The idea of an honorable knight who defends the weak with grace and mercy is a fantasy. If one wishes to fight monsters, then one must become a monster themselves."

“If only you people knew the half of it…” I muttered to myself. “Well...good to know...and I believe your fellow Elite’s are the same way?”

"There are fifty elite guards in Canterlot. Of them Twelve accepted Luna's offer, of the twelve, four actually went through with it. Myself and the other three are still Elite Guards. Luna refers to the four of us as The True Elites. To the others, we are known as the Undead Sentinels. Little nickname that sprouted up from it."

“I can imagine.” I said honestly. “Geeze...learn something new everyday.”

"So… what did you see, when you were… dead?" Lilinette asked.

"Well, if I told you that, then would you even believe me? The only way to know if what I saw was true or not, is to see for yourself." She said, finishing reattaching her armor and standing. "Is there anything else you two need before I leave to make my rounds?"

“Um…” I thought for a moment. “Have you heard any reports of a being that seems...out of place in the Griffon Kingdom? Like something that’s even more out of place than your average magical creature?”

"Dunno. Most reports from there talk about the rip off taxes and such. Even if something abnormal moved in they wouldn't care."

“Damn…” I muttered. “Alright, thank you.”

"No problem." With that she left.

"She was an interesting pony." Lilinette said, giving Princess an ear scratch the small wolf soon accepted as she laid down across Lilinette's lap.

“Well...looks like you three are probably gonna need to help us take care of the group if their worldview is gonna shatter like that.” I said, still holding my naga buddy.

As time went on Crescent was basically more cat than tiny naga, even wrapping their tail half around my arm and cuddling my hand. Princess just enjoyed laying across Lilinette's lap while being pet and scratched. Fluffy read a book while coiled up on the couch arm rest.

“This is nice.” I said softly, having a moment where I’m not concerned about anything, I’m not thinking poorly about anything...and just enjoying a moment.

"So, I noticed that it looked like all of you back at the bar were female." Lilinette said. "And are you all… together?"

Fluffy looked up from their book, nodding and quickly brought out a notebook and wrote something out.

Actually we're both genders, we just appear female since apparently once you reach godhood and above, Hermaphrodite becomes a sorta default gender but we can be male or female or both whenever. We just stick with the default one cause we're used to it by now.

Princess brought out their sign. Also having big titties you can squeeze whenever you want is always a plus.

“Well...can’t argue with that logic…” I said carefully.

Crescent seemed to pur a bit before taking out her own sign. Yeah. If you saw us in our actual forms you'd be a needing to put your junk in a wheelchair.

“I kinda doubt that.” I said honestly.

Wanna bet?

I looked over at Fluffy and Princess who both were shaking their heads at me.

"I'd say do not take the bet and take their word for it." Lilinette said.

“I know Clare would take the...bet…” I trailed off sadly. “Damn it…”

"Hey, cheer up. Your date with Derpy went well didn't it?"

I chuckled. The day after fighting that thing I sucked it up and went on that date. Needless to say Derpy was about as flustered as I was but she accepted.

We had a nice walk through the park, followed by a movie and ended with dinner. When I brought her back home Dinky and Amethyst, her adopted older sister, we're both peeking out the window. It was embarrassing but kinda adorable.

It didn't help that, apparently, Derpy cleaned up nice. She can pull off adorable and sexy in that black dress and red lipstick.

“I mean...yeah, it did...but I still am allowed to miss one of the few people that gave a damn about me back home.” I said honestly.

"True. So, you two got another one planned for when we get back?"

“Yeah, not sure what we might do honestly.” I shrugged. “But...she reminds me way too much of Clare after that date…” I sighed out.

As I compared the two, feeling a blush hit my face I was snapped out of it when Crescent gave me a book…

… 101 Ways To Make Love Between Humans and Equis Equines (Quadruped)...

"Huh… is that from here on Equestria?" Lilinette asked.

Fluffy quickly wrote out something.

Not this Equestria.

“So...you all stuck your dick in a horse?” I asked, which all three of them nodded. “Right…” I said nervously.

"Sentient ones, right?" Lilinette asked. They all nodded. "Good. Frankly I think it's only bad when they aren't intelligent." The group all gave a nod in agreement. Well good to know some God's have standards.

“Right then.” I nodded. “Good to know we got on a...weird track real quick.”

You're the one who's gonna be riding the pony soon my dude. Crescent's sign said, making me blush and earning a chuckle from the others

“I don’t even know if things work down there since I’m technically an undead.” I frowned.

Wanna find out? Crescent's sign asked. She was soon bonked on the head by Fluffy.

No Horny. Princess held a sign up, which only made me chuckle.

“Well...at least something decent is going on.” I said honestly.

"There you two are." We turned to the doorway, spotting Twilight there. Following behind her were her friends. "I was wondering how you both were doing."

"Doing fine really." Lilinette said.

“Finally feeling like life can actually be decent for a change so there’s that.” I shrugged.

"That's good, we'll be arriving near Griffinstone soon and-" Twilight stopped when she spotted Crescent, Fluffy and Princess.

“Yes, these are my new...pets.” I said carefully.

"I've never seen creatures like these before." She said, looking Fluffy over. "Part Snake, Part Dire Wolf, and their upper half body structure is similar to yours."

"They're adorable~" Cooed Fluttershy who was petting Princess.

“Yes they are.” I nodded in agreement. “And they’ll be with me until I beat Nightmare and two others that popped out of my head.” I said, which caused everymare and drake to stop in their tracks.

"Long story…" Lilinette said.

"So, what are these… pets?" Rarity asked.

"This is Princess, Crescent and Fluffy." Lilinette introduced. "Princess is a Den Mother Dire Wolf, Crescent is an Equis Naga and Fluffy is a Floof Noodle."

Rainbow chuckle. "Floof Noodle? Really?" She laughed, earning a light tail slap to her nose from Fluffy.

“Floof Noodles are apparently the hybridization of Dire Wolves and Equis Naga’s...which first of all I didn’t even know this planet even had Naga’s.”

"It doesn't…" Twilight stated.

Crescent raised her sign back up. also, different Equestria. We deal with the multiverse and beyond, so we don't always refer to the same world or dimension.

“Cause when you get teleported to another world because two personified drama masks wanted to have some fun, why question the multiverse?” I shrugged helplessly.

"The… what?!" Twilight shouted. "The- but that's only a theory!"

"Apparently not." Lilinette shrugged.

"Ah' don't quite get what's going on but I think it's best if ah' don't." Applejack stated.

“It’s not...too difficult to understand.” I said carefully. “Just like...imagine a world like this one, just instead of, let’s say your apple farm, instead of apples it farmed other fruits or veggies, like oranges, corn, banana’s, or other things. That’s at least a very rough explanation on multiverse theory.”

"Hmm… Bananajack?" Rainbow said with a grin.

"Don't even joke about that." AJ spat.

As the two bickered back and Forth Twilight started asking questions. "How can these… creatures know so much about the multiverse or anything along those lines?"

Princess brought up their sign. Long Lived

“Also considering we have three chibi’s of races not native to this planet but still of ‘Equis’ variety...I’d say they’ve been around.” I added.

"How old are they?" Fluttershy asked, looking over Fluffy. "I know reptiles can live long life spans but wolves typically live ten years or so and ponies can live up to eighty or ninty years or more depending."

Fluffy quickly wrote down in a notebook and turned it around.

In this dimension's time I'm 23.17 Decillion years old.

“I’m not even going to bother questioning that.” I started.

"That's pretty damn old." Lilinette said with surprise.

"That's older than our universe…" Twilight said, a mix of wonder and fear on her expression.

“Well...that kind of answers that ‘long lived’ thing.” I said honestly. “But...you sure this won’t derail my journey at all?”

Princess chuckled and raised a sign. Trust me, it’ll be fine. We’re here for cute stuff, not plot stuff.

Most we'll cause is some controlled chaos or little pranks at most. And in Crescent's case… well we can keep a leash on her. Fluffy wrote.

“Fair enough.” I nodded. “So how close are we to landing?” I asked, considering everyone else was probably paying attention to it.

"We should be at the landing site in twelve more hours." Twilight said, shaking her head.

“Good, if you need me I’ll be napping.” I said simply as I just stayed on the ground and closed my eyes.

Creeeeeeeeee- BOOOOM!

Mother fucker!

As I was dreaming about climbing MT Anime, it all came crashing down when the sound of tearing metal woke me from my thoughts and I was rudely brought back to the waking world by an explosion that blasted me from the couch and into the wall.

Wait a minute...

“The fuck is going on?” I asked quickly, wondering why I was on a couch when I fell asleep on the ground and wondering why the hell our Zeppelin is under attack.

As I awoke I spotted a sleeping Crescent still tightly wrapped around my left arm. Is she sleeping through this?

Looking around the area there was small tears around the place and fire and smoke here and there that began filling the place. Not good.

“Fantastic…” I muttered as I got up and rushed out of the room. “The hell’s going on?” I called out, trying to find anyone in this place.

As I began walking down the hallway The smoke began getting thicker.


Oh I don't like the sound of whatever the Fuck that is...

“Fuck…” I groaned as I drew my sword. “Hello?” I called out carefully.

Walking through the smoke was difficult. Not for the breathing. Being undead I didn't even notice it. The smell of burned oil and char was what hit me hard as well as the near zero visibility.

As I maneuvered the smoke I began to hear coughing. Following it I came to a broken down door. It was the cafeteria and I spotted a stallion, brown mane and yellow coat with a wooden spoon cutie mark.

I moved over quickly to the Stallion. “The hell happened?” I asked while helping the poor guy stand.

"Don't- *cough* I don't know. I was preparing dinner for the crew when suddenly something rammed us. We're six hundred meters, nothing that big should have been able to ram us that hard." He replied, regaining his senses properly.

“Keyword being ‘should’...” I said carefully. “Where are the others?”

"Captain Armor took the Element bearers to the bridge to enjoy the view, and the others are likely in the engine room. If we're still flying then that's a good thing."

“Yeah, that’s a good thing.” I nodded. “So either the bridge or the engine room...you get to the bridge cause there’s gonna be a whole lot less smoke.”

He shook his head. "I need to get to the Engine Room. The ship has a self repair spell matrix, and if it hasn't kicked in already then that means it might have been compromised. I can lend an extra pair of hooves and help them get it up and running again."

“Then someone’s gonna need to make sure you don’t get attacked by whatever the hell caused this if it’s still here.” I said honestly. “So lead the way Chef.”

Nodding I followed the chef along the hallways. A few turns and a stairway later we were on the Engine Room floor. I could hear the hum the engine gave off and feel the vibrations too. "Just a little further and we'll reach the main entrance door to the engine room." He coughed. Thankfully the smoke was far less down here and we could see more than two inches in front of us. Rounding the last corner, that's when we saw it.

It looked like… no, no, it fucking is… The thing was a skin and bones humanoid, naked and hissed at me with glowing yellow eyes. An Imp demon… from Doom… what in the Fuck?!

"How the hell did that get here!?" I asked in shock.

"The Fuck is that thing?!" The chef yelled as the Ink demon growled, rushing at us.

I rushed back at it, slashing my sword across the thing torso and again at the neck. Unfortunately it took after the game and even with the deep injuries continued to try and attack me. Eventually, I managed to decapitate the damned thing, the body falling limp as the head rolled off.

“Christ…” I groaned as I stabbed it’s head just to make damn well sure it stayed dead. “Alright, so random demon from a world not from here...goodie.” I shook my head. “Let’s make sure the engine’s are still running.”

Nodding, Chef and I made it to the engine room. Hot steam and the smell of pressured gas filled the air as ponies ran across the place. "Oh thank the stars!" One of the engine room ponies said as they ran up to us. "Copper Pot, go help the pressure co trope team, I can finally send somepony to repair the self repair spell matrix." The mare said as the chef, Copper Pot, nodded and headed off. "Thanks for bringing him here. You best head up to the Storage bay and Bridge. Reports said there was monsters all over the place."

“Sure your good down here?” I asked carefully.

"We'll be fine. Once we close the doors up we'll turn on the barrier spells. Nothing will be getting in here for several hours." She stated.

“Cool.” I nodded. “Where’s the Storage area?” I asked, not having went anywhere near the storage area this whole voyage.

"One floor up to the right."

“Thank you.” I nodded, running off to the storage area to help out where I was needed.

As I rushed through the smoke I came across more Imp Demons. Hacking through them was tiring. Fuckers can take hits like tanks. Damn, really wish I could glory kill these assholes.

“Wait…” I muttered, finding another Imp and using the butt of my sword to ram it into it’s face, hoping to daze it and test a theory on if I actually could if they were dazed.

It did, but I didn't see any special flashing lights. Damn, well, guess life can't be like a videogame-

I heard a faint yawn. Looking I saw Crescent was awake now on my arm. Wow she slept through all that? I'm almost envious.

“Hey, how can I glory kill these bastards and make fighting them faster?” I asked Crescent.

She seemed to think about that for a while. The imp demon regained its senses and tried to attack but to my shock she slapped it and sent it crashing into the wall where it exploded in a shower of blood and broken bones and gore instantly… Damn. After a bit she snapped her fingers and quickly brought out a sign that read.

I can give you something that will help, if you want?

“That depends on if there’s a draw back to it.” I said carefully. “Cause at the moment I’m on a time crunch in making sure people aren’t dying.”

She shook her head, giving me a smile as she reached into her shirt… huh. She then pulled out a small rolled up paper. Unrolling it, drawn on the paper was the image of some strange star or something within an oval.

“Uh...huh.” I started slowly. “So...what’s happening?”

She kept her smile as she grabbed my wrist and placed the paper on it, image side against my skin. When she removed the paper the image was on my skin. Is, is this like a temporary tattoo or- Holy hell!

New User Detected
Generating Profile
Profile Generated

Name: Mike Thest
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Sub-Race: Undead (Hollow: Vasto Lorde)

Interface Display Generated

I blinked as suddenly my vision… changed. I could see a mag in my upper right, and a green bar with my name over it in my name over it in the upper left. Between both was some form of lined compass. Currently, I'm facing the south east…

I looked down over at Crescent.

“Uh...thanks Crescent…” I said, until I saw some numbers pop up for her...and then more numbers...and then a whole fuck lot of numbers. “Okay that’s a lot of numbers…” I shook my head. ‘What did you give me?”

She flipped her sign around.

It's called The Assistant. Back home everyone has one.

“And Genie or Demon won’t get pissed at this?” I asked as I used my handy dandy new quest arrow to find my way to the Storage area.

Doubt it. They have them too. Course they might give Nightmare, Ann and Andy their own but that's just evening the playing field really.

“Well...sounds about right...but will you being here in any capacity also start ruining things?” I asked nervously.

Nope. Maybe. Ruin for the best.

“As long as it doesn’t make my job ten times harder and ruin the ratings on this story then I’m good.” I said, before stopping for a moment. “Wait...where the hell did that come from?”

I shook my head, Crescent moving from my arm to around my neck and I moved in. Another Imp demon and I spotted this time there was a small HP bar over its head. Thinking, I rammed the butt of my sword into this one's head and suddenly it's body flashed the orange glow.

As I was about to attack it I felt… something change as it felt like my sword was guided into slicing the Imp downwards. I clicked the thing in half from head to hips as it's body fell over in a shower of blood and… ammo?! Okay that wasn't happening before...

“Alright, what the hell changed?” I frowned. “Does it have something to do with that Assistant thing?”

Crescent just nodded and smiled.

Raising an eyebrow I took the ammo and continued on. I found the Cargo Bay and… fuck!

The smell hit me first. The rest was… well… if you've played Doom, any Doom, you know what I'm looking at. It's just…

Five Imps, Two Pinkies, and a Marauder...

“And here I was thinking I just had to deal with Shadow’s and Hollows…” I grumbled as I tried using Sonido without breaking stuff or ramming myself into the cargo or walls.

The imps we're thankfully easy to dispatch. My speed made that a non-issue. The Pinkies we're a challenge. They had natural armor and then there was the big guy. I didn't like how he was just watching me fight the others. Then again they are smart demons.

When the Pinkies we're dealt with the Marauder and I circled one another. He had a gun and a shield if I remember… and an energy axe… and a ghost wolf. Shit.

As we circled one another I noticed something… his eyes, while still the typical glowing red, also seemed to have… Locks? It was faint but it was there. "So you are my opponent this day?" Oh, it can talk.

“Yes...so the better question is, why are you here, instead of getting your shit pushed in by a guy in power armor?” I asked carefully.

"Punishment." He said, the two of us taking some steps back from one another. "Divines judged my sins, saw I held no regrets, and have delivered upon myself and countless others my eternal punishment." He said, pulling out his axe, the energy blades materializing… damn why does that have to be so cool?

“Well...that sounds all fair and good.” I nodded. “Are you sure we can’t just say I win and you leave?”

"No." He growled, as fast as I can move he was up in front of me. I dodged just in time to miss his swing.

Shit. If he works like in the game I have to hit him when his eyes flash. Can I even do that with a sword?

“Well...only one way to find out…” I muttered as I readied myself for their next attack. “Come at me ya enslaved bitch!” I taunted.

He did. His speed was just as annoying in the game. I managed to gut an uppercut swing on him when his eyes flash. Thankfully it did damage as his HP went down some.

“Cool, it works…” I muttered. “There’s hope yet for me in this fight…”

With some confidence in my venture I clashed with this living nightmare. Thankfully I was managing to time the swings perfectly.

Finally I gave it the final slice and Glory Kill decapitated it. The body was left there fairly whole… hmm…

I reached down, picking up their Shotgun and Axe/Shield. Huh…

New Items Obtained.

Hellfire Marauders Defensive Shield Axe.

Marauders Double-barrelled Shotgun.

Hmm… and the ammo I picked up seems to fit...

“Well...at least dad taught me how to fire a gun…” I muttered while trying to load it’s shotgun. “Not sure if I should...but considering half my abilities should involve marksmanship.”

Okay, so how the hell do I even open it to reload… ah, switch here… okay now-


I jumped, both barrels shot out at a a crate and it broke open into splinters, hay and apples- correction, applesauce...

“Shit…” I muttered. “Coulda swore I didn’t have my finger on the trigger and the safety should be on when I first obtain the bloody thing…” I grumbled. “How where the hell am I gonna put these things?”

Crescent tapped the weird tattoo thing on my arm with her tail.

“Um...alright.” I nodded as I tabbed the weird tattoo on my arm to see what it actually did.

To my surprise tapping it opened up a… menu, in my vision. It was kinda like looking at a phone screen. Settings, Internet, Photos? Inventory? No way…

I… touched it, and the app opened And I saw an option for depositing items. Clicking it I was told to raise up the items. I lifted the shotgun and Axe and watched as they turned into… pixels? Rapidly becoming Smaller and soon they were gone from my hands and back at the inventory menu, under Weapons, there they were… woah…

“Damn…” I blinked. “Didn’t expect...any of this.”

"There you are!" Lilinette yelled as she emerged from one of the nearby doorways. "Did you check the engine room?"

“Yeah, got the Chef down there to give a helping hand, and apparently we got demons from Doom Eternal.” I brought up. “Also, Crescent gave me this nifty thing.” I said while raising my arm up to show the tattoo machine.

"She gave you a tattoo?"

“It’s...apparently more than a tattoo.” I said honestly. “It’s called an Assistant and...well it’s basically an RPG pause screen.”

"... Okay, well, that aside, come on, we gotta get to the first deck." She said, the two of us rushing up through the stairway. "Shining armor has the rest of the crew safe in the command deck behind a barrier spell. We just have to break off the fucking tether."


“Seriously, the fuck happened while I was out?” I asked with a frown.

"Well, that crack was a giant ship made of blood and flesh shot into our ship and has been drip feeding these demons inside. We gotta cut it off or something otherwise who knows how many of these fucks will keep showing up."

“Is everybody safe?” I asked carefully.

"Everyone of importance." Lilinette stated. "I left Fluffy and Princess with them."

"Alright." I nodded. "Any casualties?"

"Mostly some of the guards and crew. Rarity got a nasty bite but Cherry Soda killed the thing before it took her whole leg off."

"Okay yeah...this is sadly going to be a terrible time for them." I shook my head. "And here I thought we'd be fighting Hollow's and Shadows, not actual demons."

"Well, considering our company, we'll need to get used to a variety of enemies."

"Cause why not…" I grumbled. "So I killed a Marauder." I brought up. "And got their gun and axe."

"... Dibs on the axe." She said as we reached a large gash in the side of the ship. Strong winds, demons and a large partly rotten hand connected by a chain where the wrist would be connected the Zeppelin to a giant part demon part spaceship amalgamation of flesh and metal flying next to us.

Oh fuck my life… unlife?

"Okay...gonna need to Cero this shit real quick before it gets worse." I said worriedly.

"So, any idea how to break that?" He asked, raising her sword and pointing it at the chain.

“Literally just said how.” I said while pointing my sword up and trying to charge my Cero. “Just blast the chain as hard as you can and hope for the best.”

"And if that doesn't work?"

“Got a better idea?” I frowned.

"Nope." She states as we begin to get to work.

Lilinette begins slicing away as the demons, always moving to avoid being hit while I charge my Cero. Come on, where's the weakest part in the chain…

The hand! I gotta aim for the fingers!

“Alright...time to shoot off some fingers.” I muttered while aiming my Cero at the clump of fingers holding onto our ship.

The flash of blood and gore wasn't as large as I was expecting. Thankfully I cut through the bones and the weight of the chains pulled and tore off the remaining flash as it fell off. Finally dislodged all that was left was the flying demons and that fucking ship.

"Alright, one problem down." Lilinette huffed as she sliced the last non flying demon in two.

“And now onto the rest of these assholes and the fucking ship…” I started as I swiftly cut down one of the pesky bastards.

Once the last of them was dealt with we just had to figure out how to deal with that fucking ship- Fuck it's got cannons!

"Any ideas?" Lilinette asked.

"Where are the others?" I asked. "Hopefully they know good shield spells…"

"I don't think a shield spell can get us over there."

“You just need to think out the box.” I said honestly. “And also, I don’t think you know what Arkanoid is so just gonna have to show you.”

"How about… revenge!" Before I could react, Lilinette was behind me and kicked me square in the ass. Hard enough to send me crashing against the demon ship.

That tiny little...

“I’m gonna kick your ass when I get back!” I shouted back at her, stabbing an imp in the face that was confused at my cartoonish entrance.

"Paybacks a bitch!" She yelled back. "That's for throwing me at that fucking shadow monster!"

“Yeah yeah!” I said while taking a step back, dodging an imp swing as I wrapped my arm around it’s head, grabbed it’s chin and snapped its neck. “Gonna get over here and help me out or do I have to do this by myself!?”

"Hold your horses I'll get there!" She yelled back while I got to work slicing apart demons.

Another Marauder showed up, eyeing me with the same eyes as the other… even down to the locks in the pupils.

“Cause of course there’s multiple of you.” I frowned as I pulled out my fancy new shotgun. “Now let’s see how many shots you’ll take from this.”

I fired. They rapidly raised their shield and blocked the buckshot. Growling I took my sword in one hand and the shotgun in the other. Okay, I can play your game.

“I’ve killed one of you before, I can kill another spineless bitch.” I growled. “Bring it!” I challenged.

They rushed, their shield switching back into an axe as we dueled. I had to rapidly deal with several demons who tried to get me while distracted.

When it was all over there was a lot of dead demons and I got a second set of Marauder weapons.

Crescent gave me a score of 9/10.

“At least someone thinks I’m doing well…” I panted. “Alright...so now I either commandeer this thing and make it mine...or blow it straight back to hell because it might be a demon spawner…”

As if to spite me, in multiple flashes of red and fire, more and more demons appeared. Thankfully no Marauders.

“And this is why I stopped trying to be optimistic…” I frowned as I reloaded my shotgun. “Cause whenever something possibly good happens, something or someone just has to spite me.”

Head to the engine room, it's the only way to stop both the spawner and the ship. Crescent quickly showed me that note. Nodding I headed off, following my minimal and compass that already marked the engine room for me. Sweet Jesus this is useful.

"Thank you for the Assistant, this is gonna help wonders." I said as I gave Crescent some deserved headpats as I ran.

Arriving at the engine room I discovered it was a mix of flesh and machine just like the outside of this thing. Okay now what looks important…

I spotted a glowing set of three pulsating heart looking things. That's probably it.

“Alright...time to do something really stupid.” I said while firing both shells into a passing demon as I grabbed two more shells as I tried to infuse it with my Reishi to make Cero Bullets. After a few moments of intense concentration and even more energy of mine that I’m still thankful is in the realm of stupidly high even for a newbie like me, they both glowed with blue energy. “Alright so...I don’t know what this will do, so let’s hope for the best.” I said as I loaded my shotgun and aimed it at the three hearts. “One super shotgun infused with Cero Bullets...let’s hope for the best.”

I fired.

Ouch… ow… ouch… fuck…

I woke up in a groggy haze. My vision began to return along with my other senses. I was laying down. Looking up I saw Crescent… she was coiled, using her body like a pillow for my head as she pet me.

“Ugh...hey Cresent...did you get the license plate for the truck that hit me?” I groaned, hating that even with my Hierro blunt force trauma is still a big thing to me.

Nodding, she handed me an actual license plate that read 'BRN IN H3LL'. I chuckled.

“Well, at least I have that now…” I shrugged as I started to get up. “Alright...so where the hell are we?”

She quickly wrote some stuff down. 'Crashed. Blew up the demon ship. It hit the Zeppelin but they managed a controlled crash some miles ahead.'

“Alright.” I said while getting up fully and looking around. “Now where would they have crashed…”

Turning a bit I spotted the crash. It cut a fair gash into the ground and various bits if debre and burning land. Getting up and letting Crescent wrap back around my arm and I headed off.

The demon ship was completely trashed but the Zeppelin from what I could still see was largely intact.

"Alright...hopefully the others are fine…"

After a few hours walk I found the others all set up in a makeshift camp. Cherry Soda, Shining Armor, and the Elements were all there. The rest…

"Yo." Lilinette said as she ran over to me. "I don't know what you did in that ship but for a second I thought a nuke went off."

"Fired Cero infused shotgun shells from this thing." I said while lifting up my super shotgun. "How's everyone doing?"

"Well. There's eight alive. The rest are all… yeah they aren't taking it so good. Well, all save Cherry Soda."

"Sounds about right." I nodded. "Princess and Fluffy helping them?"

"Yeah. Fluttershy especially…"

"Well...might as well ask an important question while it's on their mind." I started as I walked over to the group. "How's everyone doing?" I asked carefully.

The first to reply was Shining Armor. He shook his head but still looked distant. "We're… we're fine. Aside from… Rarity's bite… nothing more than cuts and bruises and… some trauma."

"Glad your all safe." I nodded. "So...just gonna rip the band aid off right here, what happens when people die on this world?" I asked carefully.


"In this instance a small team of either volunteers here or a group from a rescue group that arrives will retrieve the bodies." Cherry spoke up, not missing a beat and was rather calm.

"Now step two...what happens to their soul?" I inquired. "Cause it's best to know now before something happens to bite us in the ass...again."

"Depends on race actually." Cherry said. "If you believe it, Pegasi become one with the sky, keeping their air clean and blowing. Unicorns become one with magic, empowering each new generation. Earth ponies return to the land, keeping it fertile and pure."

“Alright...but what about other races?” I inquired. “Cause I’d rather not be shocked by Hollow’s existing and trying to attack us sooner or later.”

"Not too sure. Maybe Sparkle might know something."

“And...how well is she handling this?” I asked.

Cherry just looked over at the six. I did too.

Fluttershy was crying, clinging onto Princess and Fluffy like there was no tomorrow.

Applejack was sitting down, silent with her hat off and seemed to be thinking.

Rarity was next to Pinkie Pie. The pink mare seemed to be distracting herself by making sure her friends injury was kept clean while Rarity just mindlessly seemed to watch Pinkie work, only wincing a bit when pain hit.

Rainbow Dash was going through broken cargo, trying to keep busy and bury the memories of that crash and what she saw. She looked pissed as hell.

And lastly, Twilight was soaked, her purple coat not red and drying.

"It's not her blood." Cherry said. "One of the navigators broke her fall, but he didn't survive it. Woke up with him having bled out over her."

“Well…” I sighed out. “How...sensitive are ponies normally?”

"Well, Captain Armor here is struggling to find words. And he's supposed to be trained for this." Cherry stated.

"We… never had… live injury or fatality situations…" Shining said, still trying to collect his nerves.

"In any case, I believe the other six will need a bit more time.

I looked over the six again, seeing all of them so shaken and broken by it I just sighed out. “You two set up Camp, me and Lillinette will try to see if there’s any survivors or any crates that fell elsewhere.”

She nodded, pushing the Captain along.

Well, Luna wanted their eyes opened to the real world. I'd say this just about drowned them in it. Now Looks like I'll have to help them learn to swim in it.

“Well...if anyone can help them learn about death...it’s me…” I muttered to myself bitterly as I headed off to find survivors.

To be continued...