• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.


It is a period of turmoil. Prophecies about the return of the dreaded NIGHTMARES are being fulfilled, and Dark Harmonists are stepping out of the shadows, as if jockeying for power and position. Many in the galaxy fear a collapse into chaos.
In this troubled time, young Harmonist Padawan Twilight Sparkle is sent on a mission to a small moon near the Outer Rim, tasked with finding Harmony-sensitive individuals.
Accompanied by her adoptive brother, Trespic, Twilight Sparkle goes; unaware of what the moon holds in store….

Happy Star Wars Day!

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 33 )

Now tracking this story! I get the feeling that just about everyone on this moon will be a harmonious sensitive. Looking forward to the next chapter.

*Snickers* Alright, if you're doing more with this, I'm game.

The mind trick to get what I want, Twilight that is not a very Harmonious thing to do. I get the feeling that this is also Harmony kicking her in the butt for how bad she was tempting fate throughout the chapter. Yes Twilight this is where you will be finding almost everything you have been looking for. So how do Harmonists view love and relationships in this universe?

It's subtle, but mind tricks on the Light Side have to be statements the subject would agree with, otherwise it fails. The trick, then, is wording your statements so you both get what you want. This is in direct opposition to the Dark Side style, which has no such restriction.

Harmonists have to make connections. Strength comes from Harmony, and you can't have much Harmony by yourself; you need to work with others. This is one of the main reasons I changed all the vocabulary.

Love, then, is the ideal (but thought by many to be unobtainable) end game, because you've joined two people together in perfect harmony. Marriage is uncommon, but not unheard of, and would be considered a time of celebration.

So Twilight got Skywalkered! In the first part too! Now how will she come back from this crushing defeat is the question?

Why do I think Sunset will fall sometime during this story? Still it is good to see that Spike was able to knock some sense into Twilight before she actually failed her test. Looking forward to the next chapter!

That was a great scene where Twilight and Applejack where talking and Twilight admitted that she game a minor injury to Celestia that looked like a hickey. I am sure it was a subconscious reaction but that was daring of Celestia to just leave it. Great chapter and looking forward to the next one!

Rainbow Dash that was at the same time very funny and not funny at all.

Ah the basics of Lightsaber combat. I get the feeling that Rainbow will be one of the better fighters, once she gets the chip off her shoulder.

Interesting stuff here so far. Twilight finds a moon seemingly full of harmony-sensitive people, but none are interested in going through the training. Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie Pie were really perfect. And it took me until the end of that scene to realize what Y1-O1 referred to.

Wow Twilight and her new friends got their butts handed to them. And no Fluttershy in sight. Not that I expected her to fight, but I did expect some kind of reaction from her. Maybe her absence or inaction will be explained later.

Great training sequence with Twilight finding a way to relate Harmony to the other five.

Interesting. I hope you decide to continue this. I want to see what happens when the 6 confront Nightmare Moon in this version.

Poor Twilight, all of her apprentices are going to test her. Hopefully they can start showing some improvement. Also great to see this story back!

Nice to have you back

Well I see a breakthrough has been found for Rainbow. I bet Rarity will be learning the second form, the dueling one.

“How are we getting home?”

Excellent chapter
First :pinkiehappy:

Well I bet Silver Spoon is being held hostage or threatened by Nightmare Moon. Hopefully this will not scar Diamond Tiara too much as she will always carry the taint of the Dark Side.

No matter the universe, somethings never change.

Well at least Applejack quickly caught on to the jamming of the coms. Now how will 5 barely trained apprentices help stop a near master?

Why do I feel that Diamond Tiara is kinda easy to distract this way? She is very strong willed but kinda stupid, not the best combination.

2 elements down, 4 to go.

Ouch I get the feeling that Rainbow will be an even bigger hothead if she is anything like Han.

What’s it there about Rarity scene? I might have miss or something?

Why is nightmares in all capital letters?

For the same reason DEATH STAR is in all caps in the crawl for A New Hope. Just to stress their importance to the story.

...eventually. I’ve got six more episodes sketched out, but they’ll need work before they’re ready.

I had thought this fic was dead and didn't realize you had updated it until I checked my favorites shelf about a month ago. :facehoof: Now I've finally finished reading it and there's a lot to like about it. RD's character arc was good, and it actually makes the Nightmare Moon storyline work better if the Mane 6 have time to bond first before they go into the Everfree Forest to stop NMM. It makes more sense than if they just met less than 24 hours prior like in the original pilot.

The final fight scene was a little hard for me to follow, but I doubt I could write a coherent fight scene with seven characters at once. :applejackunsure:

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