• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 11,180 Views, 145 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Gets Pregnant - Twilicorn

Twilight's pregnant, but won't say whodunnit.

  • ...

Girls, Guess What?

Pinkie looked her group of friends, and was glad once again that for this party, she had only invited her close friends. After all, not everypony appreciated Gummy's third birthday like the girls. Running a quick head-count, she was glad all four of her friends were there.

Wait. Four? She recounted, and was shocked to see Twilight absent from their numbers. Bouncing towards Applejack, she tapped the mare on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Pinkie? Sure is a great party, b' the way."

"Have you seen Twilight? She's super-duper late, and that's super-duper strange."

"Come t' mention it, ah haven't. Girls?" She asked, raising her voice.

"Yes?" Came a chorus of voices.

"Have any of you seen Twi?"

"I can't say I have, darling," sighed Rarity, concern filling her eyes as she spoke for all of them. Her sigh was cut off by Twilight elatedly running through the door.

"Hey girls, guess what?" She was bouncing more than a sugar-high Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash stumbled backwards, dizzy from her attempt at following her.

"What is it, dear?" Rarity spoke once again for all of them, but those words were enough for Twilight.

"I said guess!" Her bouncing slowed slightly, and the girls formed a semi-circle around her.

"Yer moving back to Canterlot?"


"You've met a stallion?"


"You're the Wonderbolts' manager?"

"... Nope."

"You're having a party?"


"W-will you tell us Twilight? If you don't mind, that is..." Fluttershy's quietness was almost blanketed by the music, until Pinkie threw the record off, the room now silent.

"I'm pregnant!" The room fell even more silent, if that was possible, and each mare had a different expression. Pinkie's face was slowly stretching into an overly large smile, nearly falling off her face. Fluttershy had a much smaller smile, clearly proud of her friend. Applejack was staring at her intensely, and Rainbow Dash's jaw was on the floor. Rarity's reaction was the most shocking, staring with almost disdain at the other unicorn.

"Are ya ready for this, sugar cube?" Applejack's hat cast an ominous shadow over her face, but Pinkie was the only one to notice this.

"Of course! Otherwise, I wouldn't've tried!"

"I hate to be rude," Rarity hissed, clearly meaning otherwise, "But you don't even have a stallion, as far as we know. Was it a one-night stand?" She spat the last sentence, and Twilight took a step back as Rainbow Dash flew protectively in front of her.

"No, it was not. I don't need to share my personal life with all of you!"

"Of course not, sugar cube." Applejack stepped in front of Twilight also, followed by a bouncing Pinkie and a skulking Fluttershy.

"I-I'm sorry girls," faltered Rarity, and without warning, she fainted. Within moments, Fluttershy was at her side, followed by the others.

"Get me some cold water and a cloth!" Commanded Fluttershy, and Pinkie had one at her side in a pink blur. Fluttershy gently applied the wet cloth to Rarity's forehead, humming a quiet tune nopony could hear. Rarity's eyelids fluttered, but then shut again. Fluttershy wet the cloth again, and this time Rarity's eyes remained open.

"I'm so sorry girls. It's just... I was so shocked by this. I expected Twilight to tell us everything, but she doesn't have to." Rarity turned her head to look directly in Twilight's eyes. "I'm sorry."

"That's no excuse!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "You can't just be mean like that."

"It's fine, Dash. I accept your apology, Rarity." Twilight smiled softly at Rarity, and Rarity couldn't help but be glad her apology was accepted.

"Hey Twilight? Who is the father, after all?" Pinkie was clearly confused, blinking her eyes slowly. "It has to be a stallion, and I'd say there isn't a lot of them, but then there's all the stallions in Canterlot, and Trottingham... it could be anypony!"

"That's right, Pinkie. But I'm not just going to tell you. There'd be no fun in that. I've created a treasure hunt, if you will, with clues to find who the father is. One of you," she added, pointing her hoof at each of them, "Already knows, and Pinkie-promised not to tell. So you won't. After all, breaking a promise is the best way to lose a friend..."

"Forever," finished Pinkie with a giggle.

"Now, I have the first clue written right here," declared Twilight, magically lifting a piece of paper. "The father of my foal, I'm sure you want to know. To discover the father, look in the domain of the farmer. Now, by discover the father, I really mean next clue, but this rhymes better, doesn't it?" Eyes all turned towards Applejack, though the farming mare was oblivious to their looks.

"At my farm? D'you mean Big Mac's the father?"

"I have the right not to answer," smiled Twilight teasingly.

"Well let's get looking!" Cheered Pinkie, already halfway out the door. The others followed, including Twilight. As they trotted down the path, they all stopped at Twilight's home.

"I'm going to stop here, but have fun, and whoever finds the clue is the one to tell me, but don't read it until everyone is back here. It won't take more than a month to find," she added tauntingly, before sauntering up the path and into the library, flipping the sign in the door to 'Closed'.

"C'mon!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, grabbing Fluttershy by the tail and yanking her to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Whoever finds it gets a free cupcake!" Added Pinkie cheerfully. "Unless it's me. In that case... I already have free cupcakes!" Rarity rolled her eyes, and eying the muddy path disdainfully, entered the farm.

"What should we do next?" Asked Fluttershy quietly, a light blush on her face. Pinkie chuckled, donning an investigator's hat and pulling a magnifying glass out of Celestia-knows-where.

"We investigate!" Exclaimed Pinkie, and within moments, the five were off, searching high and low through the farm for a clue, unsure of even exactly what they were looking for. Their search continued for many hours until the sun was just setting, and Applejack heard the familiar chiming of a triangle.

"Grub time. Ah'm sure Granny won' mind if y'all join us," yelled a tired Applejack, and the five mares crawled tiredly towards the farm.

Even Rarity's mouth began to water at the sight of the apple-filled meal in front of her. They all sat down at the benches lining the wooden table as Granny Smith and Applejack served them.

"Thanks!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash before digging into the apple pie slice in front of her. Her chewing was interrupted as she crinkled her nose and spit out the bite she was chewing.

"Rainbow Dash! You apologize this instant!" Demanded a shocked Rarity.

"Sorry, everypony. But there was..." She lifted a slightly-apple coated thin plastic bag, and wiped it off with a napkin. "I found the clue!"