• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 11,182 Views, 145 Comments

Twilight Sparkle Gets Pregnant - Twilicorn

Twilight's pregnant, but won't say whodunnit.

  • ...

The First Clue/Finding the Second

The five mares finished the meal at lightning speed, even Fluttershy, and they zipped towards the library through the dark night. All of them were out of breath as they arrived, and Rainbow Dash was the only one with the strength to knock. They all stood with abated breath until the door slowly opened, thanks to a small purple dragon. He could barely speak before being trampled by the others, running towards Twilight.

"I found the clue!" Cheered Rainbow Dash, a burst of adrenaline causing her to speak faster than Pinkie on a good day.

"Well then, let's hear it," said Twilight with a smile. Rainbow Dash struggled with the plastic wrapping until Twilight gently pulled it off, and Rainbow Dash flashed her a grateful grin before reading.

"The colt has a father, as I'm sure you all know,

but to find it, you move awful slow!

I can assure you, in Ponyville they reside,

More specific than that I cannot provide."

"Twilight dear?" Rarity interrupted the short bout of silence that filled the library. "When's the foal due?"

"Glad you asked. Let's see, it's June, and the doctor said the baby was probably conceived about five months ago since I'm just starting to show, and the average gestation period is about ten months... November, or maybe a bit sooner or later. Now, I'm assuming you girls want to review the clues, so just ignore me."

"Thank ya Twilight," sighed Applejack as she collapsed on the ground, followed by Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and finally Fluttershy.

"Now, so far we know that the father lives in Ponyville," declared Rainbow Dash, seemingly taking charge.

"An' we know one o' us here knows who the father is," added a suspicious Applejack.

"But who would keep a secret like that from us?" Whispered Fluttershy, looking at each of them worriedly.

"Well, when Twilight has the baby, we'll throw her a party!" Pinkie's outburst was ignored by the others as they each stared suspiciously at each other.

"Well either way, we'll find out when we do. Now who wants to get some sleep?" Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings tiredly, accompanied by an overly-loud yawn.

"You can stay here," offered Twilight, "And help me plan!"

"Plan what? The party?" Pinkie was still bouncing around, despite the sleeping blue pegasus next to her, jumping over her back and forth.

"No! What do to when he-or she-is born. I'll be staying here in the library, and the foal will stay with me for a while, but what about when they need their own room? I suppose I could use my old Griffon room, but it'll need cleaning..."

In the morning, the girls were more than glad to make breakfast for Twilight, creating a buffet-sized meal for her. "I can cook, really girls," she sighed, but sat down and began to eat. She was about halfway through the meal when something dawned on her. "Did you read the back of the note?"

"No," came a chorused response, and Twilight smiled.

"Each clue will have a front and back. The front has a clue about the father, the back a clue about where the next clue is. When you're done you can-" She was cut off by a gust of wind and a rainbow blur. Rainbow Dash sat at the table with a grin, ready to read the second clue again. "Or you can read it now," she sighed resignedly.

"Your second clue isn't hard to find,

located somewhere way up high.

A cloud walking spell you may require,

to end up in the home of a high-flier."

Rainbow Dash stared confusedly at the letter, when it dawned on her. "My house?" She asked, staring at Twilight.

"I'm not going to say. But if you want that cloud walking spell..."

"Yes!" Cheered Pinkie, jumping in front of Twilight.

"Alright," sighed Twilight, and closed her eyes, recalling the spell as she cast it on the mares around her. "Now have fun, and be safe!" She realized she was speaking to an empty room, and turned around, magically lifting the dishes. "This is so much more difficult than it should be..."

The five mares had finally made it to Rainbow Dash's home, having been carried up there by Rainbow Dash one-by-one. They sniffed around, searching aimlessly for some sort of rolled up piece of paper. This time, Pinkie was the one to find the message, and much faster than the day before.

"Lookie-lookie-look!" Exclaimed the pink pony, pointing wildly out Dash's bedroom window. The others gathered round, staring out the window, and they all facehoofed simultaneously.

"How could I have missed that?" Muttered Dash under her breath, but Pinkie was too busy bouncing around to hear her.

"You may recall that I never said

that the father was a stallion.

The next clue you can't discover

until you've had time to recover.

The next clue you can take

by looking inside a cake!"

"So the father could be a..."

"Mare." Fluttershy whisper-finished Rarity's sentence as Rarity collapsed to the ground, her eyes closed. Fluttershy gently lifted the unicorn, laying her on Rainbow Dash's shockingly-clean bed.

"Well tha' sure does narrow i' down," said Applejack sarcastically, looking around the room. "Can ya take me home, Dash?" The rainbow maned pegasus nodded, and leaped off the cloud, Applejack securely on her back as they glided towards Sweet Apple Acres.

The other ponies were carried home by Rainbow Dash, and she dragged herself up to her cloud home, collapsing tiredly on the bed with a sniff.

"Really Twi? You bend that way? You shoulda told me that." And she fell tiredly asleep.

Twilight looked up at the cloud message in the sky, and waved her horn, magically vanquishing it. "Red herrings are entertaining," she smiled, and looked over at the sleeping Spike. Standing from her couch and setting her book down, she trotted around, magically extinguishing each candle, then finally the main lights as she cantered up the stairs and into her room.

Flopping down on the bed, she magically summoned her book. Lighting a candle next to her, she opened the book, letting the bookmark fall to the ground as she read "Parenting for a Single Mare".