• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 2,554 Views, 21 Comments

Warmth - link4

Fluttershy is always timit, but how does this play into her relationships? read onto find out how dating the town speedster goes for the 2.

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Celestia’s sun was setting as two pegasi watched in awe of its beauty. Fluttershy, a beautiful small pegasus like a flower late to bloom, had decided today was the day. She would ask her marefreind over...for once. It had been four months since she finally confessed to Rainbow Dash about her feelings. Sadly though her timid nature had kept the relationship going at a slow place.

“Umm...uh…Dashie?” she squeaked. Rainbow Dash held the delicate mare’s hoof.

“What’s up, Fluttershy?” she replied. Rainbow looked at the nervous mare who was stumbling with what she wanted to say.

Come on Fluttershy, you’ve made her wait long enough. Rainbow had already been more than patient with her. Fluttershy could see the longing in Dash’s eyes – always holding off knowing how easily startled and frightened she was.

“Uh…well, I um…was wondering if you would...” Her voice turned very high. “If you would spend the night?” Fluttershy immediately hid behind her mane; her cheeks turning rose red from the evident embarrassment. “If…um…you don’t…you know…mind?”

Rainbow smiled upon hearing the question, finally seeing her delicate flower opening up to her more, if only a little.

“Of course, I would love to! It’ll be more comfortable anyways,” Rainbow replied with a wink making Fluttershy blush even harder – her eyes wide in surprise.

Enjoying the sunset with her marefriend Fluttershy, Rainbow thought back to when her beautiful flower confessed and asked her out. She had wanted to spend the night from day one but knowing how shy the yellow pegasus was, Rainbow thought it best to allow her marefriend to set the pace. But Rainbow couldn’t help but tease her from time to time and quite enjoyed the reaction she received from Fluttershy at her suggestive hints.

“Come on Shy, let’s get inside before it gets too dark.”

Fluttershy grimaced at the thought of darkness. “Um…yeah let’s go, I um…I want to wash up.”

Fluttershy’s voice was barely audible to most ponies but years of being her Cloudsdale friend had made Rainbow well practiced in listening to her. She smirked, causing another cower of embarrassment from Fluttershy who knew she couldn’t mutter anything without the rainbow pegasus hearing her. Fluttershy ran into the cottage to avoid further embarrassment.

The yellow pegasus went straight to the bathroom to bathe before bed, feeling a little guilty for leaving Rainbow like that so suddenly. Hoping to soothe her worries in a bubble bath, the yellow mare tried to calm down.

Don’t take no for an answer, Fluttershy! Don’t give in until she agrees to keep you company in bed!

Not wanting to keep the energetic mare waiting, she washed up quickly so that she could be with the one that made her feel safe and loved. She trotted upstairs to her bedroom.

“Sorry…uh…for making you…” Fluttershy paused; nervous of what to say next. She muttered inaudibly the last word “wait” as her eyes caught her beautiful marefriend standing near the bed. She made her way over to her.
Do it, Fluttershy!


“Hmm?” was Rainbow’s response.

“I…uh…would prefer if you sat on the uh…bed.” Her cheeks turned rose red again as she edged closer to the awaiting pegasus.
To Fluttershy’s surprise, Rainbow walked away and headed outside, reappearing moments later with a brush. Sitting on the bed, Fluttershy queried Rainbow.

“Um…what’s the uh…brush for Dashie?” she asked, knowing full well the answer but surprised that Dashie would do so.
“Your hair of course, silly filly!”

Rainbow sat down on the bed next to the blushing Fluttershy. Fluttershy watched as Rainbow brushed her mane with tender love and care. She was nervous; this being the first time anypony had ever groomed her like this but also excited that it was Dashie doing it.
Rainbow smiled as she revelled in the feel of Fluttershy’s soft silky hair in her hooves. Seeing the yellow pegasus at ease was reassuring to her as she continued to work through the mare’s pink mane.

Rainbow didn’t take long to finish Fluttershy’s mane and began on her tail. Fluttershy, who had relaxed, eeped slightly at the brush going through her tail suddenly.

“Uh…I can do my tail…Dashie?” Her words met deaf ears however as Rainbow pressed on with brushing the rest of her tail; the rainbow pegasus enjoying the experience a lot that she couldn’t catch what her marefriend had said.

Putting down the brush after finishing her brushing, Rainbow Dash decided to press her advantage into Fluttershy’s relaxed state and began to preen her wings. She took it nice and slow; a first for her it had to be said – but Fluttershy was worth it.
Just be gentle, Rainbow. Be gentle and she won’t mind.

Fluttershy blushed furiously, uttering a questioning “wha-“ which was quickly silenced by Rainbow Dash. She decided to remain tranquil as Rainbow kept up the preening of the yellow pegasus’s wings; still a little moist from the bath she had had. She had to admit she was a little taken back by her marefriend’s forwardness. Preening another pegasus’s wings was one of the top three most intimate of gestures for pegasi done in private.

Yet she wondered how she was able to sit so calm and still under Rainbow’s touches. She was beginning to like this so much that Fluttershy could no longer keep her eyes.

Rainbow blushed slightly as she watched Fluttershy’s eyes close half way, her smooth head resting on the pillow. Her confidence grew as she noticed this.

“I’ll need the other wing now, beautiful…”

Fluttershy wasted no time in opening her other wing to full glory. As she did this, she caught the eyes of her wild marefriend and was mesmerised at the longing she again saw in them. A twinge of guilt struck her, knowing Rainbow was far more ambitious than just this. Once or twice, Fluttershy imagined she could see Rainbow holding her hunger back in those clear magenta eyes of hers. She really wanted to reward Dashie for being patient with her.

The yellow mare wanted more than anything to shuffle closer to her Dashie, and enjoy the comfort of her closeness as they slept.

“Uh…Dashie I um…was wondering if…maybe…we could-“

Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it any longer. Almost oblivious of her marefriend’s question, Rainbow pulled her in close and gently placed a warm kiss on her lips. She watched as the stun of the kiss took control of her yellow blossom.

Fluttershy just sat there frozen in surprise as Rainbow Dash gave her a kiss on the lips so gently a snowflake wouldn’t break. In the few seconds that the contact lasted, Fluttershy was overjoyed yet left craving more. When it ended, she opened her eyes wondering why her moment of bliss had come to an abrupt halt.

Retreating from her marefriend, Rainbow needed to be closer to her yellow blossom and so couldn’t help but envelop the shy one with her wings – clearly the most intimate stage of pegasi relations.

Fluttershy blushed fiercely yet again as she felt Rainbow’s wings encase her delicately. Fluttershy felt a warmth at her core, a sense of security that nopony else gave her. She nuzzled tightly into the protective wings holding her, relishing the strong scent of the rainbow mare holding her. Tears of joy gently and slowly fell from Fluttershy’s eyes and onto the Rainbow’s mane. She didn’t want to leave Rainbow’s embrace; she wanted to be like this forever. She smiled and sighed in contentment.

As peace began to claim Fluttershy, the yellow mare couldn’t ignore it as the warmth of the embrace only strengthened her will to shut her eyes. Listening to the now calmer breathing of her companion, Rainbow felt the rhythm make her eyes droop.
It wasn’t long before both pegasi were sound asleep; clinging lovingly to the lover of their life in a warm embrace.

Author's Note:

flower imagery... is a thing i'd like to try keeping throughout the story.
thanks to my editor Infinite Affection

turned out great! thanks man!