• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 2,554 Views, 21 Comments

Warmth - link4

Fluttershy is always timit, but how does this play into her relationships? read onto find out how dating the town speedster goes for the 2.

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The Soft, gentle light of Luna's moon enveloped Fluttershy as she lay in bed, events mere hours past coming back to her. She blushed remembering the comfortable blanket holding her so affectionately. She sighed contentedly as her thoughts wandered back to Rainbow preening her wings and she smiled softly, thinking how comforting and secure it was. Fluttershy's eyes drooped, and as she fell back asleep until morning. Something in her mind clicked, changing her ever so slightly towards Rainbow Dash.

Next morning ~Rainbow Dash P.O.V~

She didn't mind not being able to move. Not only was Fluttershy not awake yet, but she enjoyed holding her in her wings. she could hear the birds singing their beautiful melody outside, the strong caress of Celestia's sun flowing in from the window. She dared not open her eyes as she feared losing the blissful peace she felt. The minutes felt like seconds in her happy state, until 2 hours later she could hear her angel stir in her hold.

As much as she didn’t want to, she opened her eyes. As she did, she saw a pair of the most beautiful eyes filled with adoration staring at her. She blushed slightly as Fluttershy nuzzled her neck, but what surprised Rainbow was the lack of hesitation in Fluttershy's movements as she actively cuddled with Rainbow.

"Morning my pretty filly" Rainbow said after catching herself from enjoying the warmth and smell of the mare in her grasp. "You sleep well? I know I did" she sighed lightly being happy as ever.

"Mhmm..." was the only response as Fluttershy gave accompanied by a nuzzle of muzzle against muzzle.

Rainbow blushed at this, not used to her usually delicate flower being so forward with her affection. Not to say it was unwanted, she would ask later as to enjoy it for now. She went to fold her wings, as she did Fluttershy surprised her and wrapped her hooves around her. resting her head on Rainbow's chest, moving her head around a little before settling in.

Rainbow was a little uncomfortable at this, at the risk of doing something she tried to get Fluttershy out of the room so she could cool off a bit. "I think your little critters need some uh...breakfast" she was rewarded with Fluttershy jumping at her words.

"Oh my gosh! My poor little friends..." Rainbow didn't hear anything else as Fluttershy disappeared downstairs.

"That was awesome" she thought sounding squeaky even in her own mind. "but that was a little different than usual" taking note of Fluttershy's behavior, she decided it was time to freshen up for the day and headed to the bathroom.

~Fluttershy P.O.V~

She awoke to birds singing beautifully outside and the warm sun shining through window but to Fluttershy was the greatest warmth she felt was Rainbow, having kept her beautiful and strong wings around her all night. Wanting to see Rainbow sleeping. She turned to look and as she did Rainbow Dash's eyes opened making her blush hard, despite being surprised Fluttershy kept her gaze as she saw the prismatic mare’s eyes in full glory for the first time.

She was stunned by what she considered absolute beauty. "They're like sparkling jewels..." she thought to herself hypnotized by Rainbow's ogling. "Oh my...she is ogling me...what do I do...should I look away?" she thought before an idea came to mind. "Mhmm..." she said when Rainbow broke the silence asking if she had slept well.
It was all she could manage. Still a rather quiet response she didn't care, she was happy and the beauty she saw in Rainbow's eyes were too much for her. before she had noticed Fluttershy had nuzzled Rainbow muzzle to muzzle, wrapping her hooves around her in an attempt at a closer cuddling.

"I think your little critters need some uh...breakfast" she heard Rainbow say, yanking her out of her little world. "Oh my gosh! My poor little friends..." she managed to say as she darted downstairs to care for her dear little animals.
As she filled all the bowls with food and water, she thought about her behavior moments ago. "I hope I didn't worry her. behaving a little out of character" Fluttershy thought to herself, knowing full well she wasn't usually as forward with physical contact.

Almost an hour and a half passed by the time she finished caring for both indoor and outdoor animals. She made her way to the kitchen in hopes of making breakfast for the two of them. She decided on fruit salad with an addition Fluttershy thought Rainbow would like pitted cherries with the seeds magically removed. Of course, she had apple cider stocked up. Fluttershy knew how hard it was to get any in-season let alone off season.

She looked forward to the picnic later that day, before she could plan her thoughts. She stopped as soon as Rainbow Dash walked in. Fluttershy was mesmerized by Rainbow's mane, wilder than when she left the blushing mare to feed her animals. She loved Rainbow's wild nature, it was what made her so beautiful to Fluttershy. "Breakfast is...um...ready" Fluttershy said noticing how long she had been staring at Rainbow.

~Rainbow Dash P.O.V~

Rainbow had finished washing up fifteen minutes ago, not being fond of fancy smelly stuff she went for a short fly. She reveled in the air caressing her wings and blowing her mane around. She felt at home in the air, although she was only allotted 30 minutes of flying before having to go back in the second floor window. She felt bad going out without telling her host, so she headed downstairs to see what Fluttershy was up to.

Rainbow's jaw nearly dropped as she saw the extravagant spread before her. fruit salad, apple cider, hay bacon, Rainbows mouth watered at the sight. "Breakfast is...um...ready" said Fluttershy snapping her out of it. "Wow this looks good! You didn't have to make all this you know..." Rainbow said trying not to focus on the food. "It's ok Dashie. I was hungry anyways" Fluttershy said but Rainbow knew this was just her way of being nice, which was fine with her, it all looked great. She took a seat at the table and waited, eager to partake in the meal. "Um...go ahead and dig in Dashie...you must be hungry after your short morning flight" Fluttershy said making Rainbow Dash nearly jump out of her chair.

"Wha-huh? But how did you know?" asked Rainbow Dash confused.

Fluttershy giggled when asked this "Silly Dashie, I know you can't resist flying" Fluttershy had nuzzled against Rainbow Dash's neck at this point "Besides, your mane is a bit wilder than usual and you smell great" they both blushed at this, Rainbow slightly more so.
"Sorry for sneaking out Shy" Rainbow said her ears drooped. "It's ok...I thought you would've anyways" and with that Fluttershy gave Rainbow a quick peck on the cheek and went to her seat, while leaving a very sheepish mare ready to eat.

As usual, Rainbow dived right into her meal. especially relishing the cider, she finally finished her breakfast. After an hour later, Rainbow was painfully aware however, that Fluttershy had half as much as her, and also felt a little awkward eating a while as she sat there. Thinking of cleaning the dishes to make up for her hospitality, Rainbow started cleaning the table despite the meek protests of Fluttershy.

~Fluttershy P.O.V~

Knowing it was futile to try and argue the point, she caved in allowing Rainbow to clean up. Instead she occupied her time preparing the picnic Rainbow asked her out on for today. All she was told was that she set it up couple weeks ago, and that it would be on a cloud. Fluttershy was skeptical of being on a cloud, but pushed it out of her mind. Rainbow Dash would be there, "I have no need to worry" she beamed at the thought as she finished her preparations.

As she sat her basket down, Rainbow trotted in stretching as she firmly planted her flank on the sofa. With a few hours until they needed to head out, she decided to take it easy for once, and joined Rainbow on the sofa. "Um...thanks for uh...cleaning up" she said.

"You're...welcome" Rainbow replied, yawning. Fluttershy giggled at this, apparently Rainbow doesn’t do this much for herself. She cuddled up to Rainbow and they lay there relaxing in each other's company, until eventually Rainbow had dozed off tired from her morning flight mixed with dishes duty. Enjoying the moment, Fluttershy decided to join Rainbow Dash until the picnic, and she too took a nap.