• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 2,275 Views, 73 Comments

Fist full of Iron - Nosguy

A HiE story placed in Rust's universe, with a bit more bang

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(3) Fear of the unknown

A/N: Very Important- this kind of happened to me last night and scared the everliving hell out of me. So guess what? Now my character gets to experience every gruesome second of it too. Enjoy it!

"I sure as hell am not a centaur! Do I look like I have a horse body at the bottom! No I have feet. Giant feet! On elephant trunk sized legs!"

"Well maybe you're a satyr," thought Shining.

"No, I can't be. Explain the horns then why don't yo- Hey did these things get bigger while we weren't looking?"

Shining Armor tossed the book to the bed in surrender. "I don't know, and frankly, I give up. I don't know what you are. Maybe you're some new species." He snickered a little bit, "I bet Twiley would be asking you so many questions I bet." I chuckled to myself a bit too, slightly nodding my head. I moved the book over and laid down on the bed and thought for a minute, scratching at my chest bandage without thinking. I looked over at the mirror again.

I really do look a bit like Hellboy. I guess I do look like a satyr too though, but the horns... They just throw the whole thing off.

"Hey Shiner, is there anything in that book about demons? Or demigods? Or another book about those?"

"You can check and read that book, it might have a few things on there. Also, don't call me Shiner."

"Shiny okay then? I like Shiny," I gave him my stupidest grin as he groaned. "Shiner it is then." I picked up the book and started skimming through it. Since it was all alphabetic, it did not really take long to find. I read aloud so Shining could hear it.

"Demons- Chaotic creatures meant to cause havoc, while some take on a spiritual form in order to possess others, some have been known to take a physical form. These creatures have not been fully categorized for they have been seen as creations of Discord. Some gods and goddesses have taken to creating these creatures as their pets *See Lich, Gargoyles, or Basilisks for more information*. There is a theory that these creatures may also have been created to curb society from chaotic ways in order to prevent the second *scratched out* third coming of Discord. Another theory that has appeared is that these creatures are sentient beings too, and that they were created to be accepted as one in society."

Shining spoke up, "That's useful. At least we know one way or another you are helping society in some way."

"I guess, still doesn't tell me what I am though."

"That's because you're reading the generalization." Oh... well crap. Alright then, I skimmed a couple more pages and found something that looks very similar to me.

"Hey Shiner, what does this picture look like to you mate?" I flipped the book around as he took it in his magic.

"The Anung Un Rama, an extremely rare demon only seen once during the Discordian Era, where Discord at the time created him with the intent of him being a quote "Emergency Oh S%$T Fallback Plan." Implying that this demon is meant to be able to destroy an area on a large scale. The demon is noted to have one arm bigger than the other and can use said arm to punch a hole clean through stone. This demon, however, never was able to fully explore its powers because of Discord being overpowered by the sister Goddesses and then encased in stone. See picture below for full description of demon."

I looked at the second picture in the book showing Discord near a very elegantly built town holding the Anung Un Rama in his hand as if he was a button and in the caption was written "I'll do it. I'll f@#$ing do it, man." Well, I wonder what it would do?

I got comfortable on the bed as Shining Armor got up from his seat.

"I have to get ready for tonight with my wife, I want you to stay here, understand?"

"Yes, daddy, can I order pizza too?" Shining shivered a bit at that. What? Am I really that ugly?

"Just... just stay here for a while, I'm sure the servants can attend to your needs." Shining moved towards the door and grabbed his cloak as he left. I hopped off the bed and went to the window.

Wait... what happened to the wall I came through...

I looked at the walls and found one with some pebbles by it. I moved my hands around the wall and felt the stones, all of them feeling solid until I moved closer up, then my hand fell through the stones.

Ha! Illusion magic! Who'd da thunk it. Crap, I came through from that high up? I guess I fell through a few floors too.

I shrugged and moved to the door. I wanted something but I had to see if they had it first. I cracked open the door and luckily found the servant who fetched the royal vet earlier.

"Oi, mate," I called at him. He jumped and turned towards me. He was a gray unicorn with a black mane, dressed in servant's clothing. "Oi, I ain't gonna eat you. Can you do me a favor? What's your name?"

"B-b-b-beck, sir," he stuttered. He obviously was afraid of me. I stuck out my hand in greeting and put my kindest smile on my face. I have met people like him before, use to see them act like that all the time at events I went to, and I made sure that they felt welcome to the events, even if I did not know them.

"Very nice to meet you, friend," I told him.

"What is your name, sir?"

"My name?" Crap, never thought about that before. Well, might as well give him one of my nicknames that my friends called me.

"My friends gave me a lot of names, like Rehab and Cole, take your pick mate."

"Coal? But your skin isn't exactly coal colored."

"Yeah that's true, but it was short for my real name Colt, but some of the people where I lived never pronounced the 't' so Cole just stuck."

"How'd you get the name Rehab?"

"Well, I'll tell you the story but first I need a favor. Do you guys have tobacco leaves here? You know brown, whole leaf, you smoke it, it gives you yellow teeth, bad breath, lung cancer, but its relaxing and its good for social events and makes you look sophisticated." Beck nodded his head.

"Sweet, then do you think you might be able to get me some? I'll trade you a story and a favor for it, since I have no cash on me."

"I believe one of the gardeners keeps some for Prince Blueblood," he answered.

"Great! Take it from him, I hear he is kind of a prick anyway." Beck smiled at that, and nodded his head. He left saying he would be back soon from it.

About thirty or so minutes later with me staring out the window and watching the sunset, Beck returned. I squealed (what? I don't have an addiction, I just enjoy simple things) and hopped, no wait, bounded towards him, while simultaneously knocking a picture off the wall.

"Eh, I'll fix it later, so how many did you get me? A bushel?" Beck nodded his head and smiled at me. Well that was easy to warm him up to me. I looked at the leaves of tobacco just waiting to be plucked off.

"This is part of Blueblood's Zebrahican stock. They apparently grow it into a more smooth flavor compared to Trottingham's supply." I plucked a couple of the leaves of and ground it with my fist into a semi-coarse grind. The other one I gave a slight sniff in my hand.

"This... this has a very subtle scent to it. Smells like a bit of fermented... fermented wine perhaps?" I looked at Beck with a raised eyebrow.

"The way the Zebras grow it allows it to have its own unique flavor in each one," Beck told me. How much about growing tobacco does this guy know? I finished with the leaf I was working on and set the other leaf on the vanity.

"What are you doing?" Beck came up under my arm and looked at where I set the leaf. I never noticed how much taller I was then these ponies.

"Making one of the smarter ideas the Spanish have came up with."

"The who?"

"Ah just pay attention, mate." I took the ground tobacco leaf and sprinkled it in a perfect row on top of the whole leaf until it was a nice long hill, then I grabbed the edge of the leaves and rolled it into a perfect cylinder. I placed the roll into my mouth and looked at Beck.

"Right, now give me a spark, mate," I looked at him and pointed towards the roll. He looked at me curiously and his horn lit up, sparking the end of the roll. I breathed in quickly until the tobacco started to burn slowly. I snorted smoke through my mouth and smiled.

"And that, my friend, is how you make a cigarillo."

"We usually just eat them," deadpanned Beck. I laughed at that statement a bit.

"Well I hope you guys spit it out too, tobacco screws up your digestive system, but either way it still blackens your gums worse than charcoal." Beck grimaced and I pulled up a chair.

Wait... why do ponies have chairs if they don't sit like Lyra? Shouldn't they just sit on pillows? And for that matter how do they hold stuff with their hooves!! Fuck it, its magic, I don't have to explain it.

"Now mate, I can tell you the story now, or would you rather save it for later," I looked towards Beck, smoke coming out of my mouth in wisps. He looked at his watch and his pupils became pinpoints.

"It will have to be later sir, I have to help with the set up of the Gala!" He quickly got up and started walking towards the door.

"Wait the Gala is tonight?! Why doesn't anyone tell me these things!"

"Sir Shining Armor should have told you! Why do you think he left?"

"I hate being uninformed," I muttered under my breath, taking another puff from the little cigar. I waved to Beck as he left, and thanked him for doing me the favor of bringing smoking back into my life. Yes I know it is a bad habit, no I do not care. No I will not share it with ponies, they do not deserve to know this. Yes, I will smoke still, even with second hand smoke being a hazard. Deal with it.

Fifteen minutes later, I put out the end of my cigarillo and toss it out the window, hopefully not hitting anypony down there. I laid back down on the bed and decided it was time for me to take a nap.

Well an hour into it, I was passed out. At that point, however, I felt a presence in the room and I made a motion to get up, but to no avail. It was as if I had a boulder laying on me while I slept on the bed. I struggled to open my eyes and felt the presence move closer to my bed. My heart raced, I was mentally panicking because I could not show any facial features either. It was as if all my muscles decided that living was less important than nap time. I mentally screamed at my eyes to open even a little bit and they finally obliged. As my eyes cracked open and I struggled to keep them open, my heart froze.

Staring at me from the foot of the bed was a pony. Not just any pony, a pony without a face, and black tendrils for a mane.

Shit... Shit... SHIT!!!! I've seen it somewhere! I thought it was all bullshit but its true! Oh dear God!

Every fiber of my being wanted to run, but I was weighed down on that bed. The pony tilted its head and looked at me for a little while longer. Finally it turned and walked out towards the door. As soon as the door shut behind it I jumped out of bed to the door and looked out of the hall. Only to find nothing there. One thing stood on my mind though...

Why the hell is that thing here...

A/N:Got the idea for the second picture from this make it past 18 minutes or just skip to 15:36