• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 2,276 Views, 73 Comments

Fist full of Iron - Nosguy

A HiE story placed in Rust's universe, with a bit more bang

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(4) To withdraw destruction

I left the room, with fear and curiosity hovering in my head. I wanted, no needed to know why that thing was here. I've heard stories of it, I've seen the MarbleHornets's series of it that is meant to be a psychological thriller, but the fact that it is here? It... It was strange. I continued down the hallway as the lighting got dimmer.


I continued down my course and went down the stairs. It was the only way I could go. As I looked towards the end of the hall I heard very subtle hoof steps moving away from me and turn at the end of the hall. I quickened my pace, chasing after the entity with some subtlety. I think my nerves were starting to get the best of me, I may have been reborn as a demon, but I still had the emotions of a human. Strange isn't it? I turned at the end of the hallway to find a door cracked open that led to the outside.

Outside the doors I heard music and chatter. Was that Pinkie Pie? What is she doing with that... Never mind, I can fan girl squeal later. I quickly proceeded through the castle garden, doing my best to follow this... thing. I knew my basic creepypasta. I should not be stalked by the Operator, he only stalks those who had tragedies happen to them. I left the garden towards a building with large glass windows and I heard a conversation going on from near the entrance.

"Hey dumbass, I forgot to tell you I lie as well."

Okay... a conversation that reminded ne of Jersey kids getting in to a fight. I peeked around a hedge and saw a... bear? Fighting a unicorn with a two tone blue mane... Wait, crap that's Shining Armor! I winced as I saw him bounce around like a pinball inside his own shield. I looked towards the door and saw the Operator move into the building. As I watched him my chest wound started to itch something fierce, as if I had something try break out of the bandages.

"This is the time I shove your head through that wall for hitting me." I watched as the bear-thing took Shining Armor and shoved him horn first into a wall.

That does not look comfortable, not in the slightest...

The creature moved towards the entrance of the building as I walked towards Shining Armor.

"Sorry mate," I whispered to him as I tugged him out of the wall and laid him on the ground gently. "Mass murderers who cause psychological problems take priority." I stepped into the building which I now recognized as the Royal Archives from when Twilight broke in to stop time, and heard footsteps echoing from the dimly lit hallway. I followed the footsteps past the various subjects and categories in the archives, everything from survival to cooking, offensive and defensive spells, and the like, all the while my chest started getting worse and worse.. I heard the clash of metal on metal from up ahead and saw the bear-thing walk into one of the archives. I felt something behind me and turned around immediately to find-

"Oof!" I was tossed down the hallway by a strong force. I banged my head against the stone floors as I fell. I looked up in a daze to see the Operator walk down towards me, fading in and out of my vision as he did so. Time seemed to slow down with every single step it looked like it was taking, and I-


I must haved looked like a fool scratching at my bandages as the Operator came closer to me. It wasn't until I looked up that it grabbed me. At this point, I would like to say it was actually very kind, picked me up, dusted me off and invited me for tea. Dear God, that would be the exact opposite of what happened, it grabbed me by the bandages and lifted me into the air and tossed me into a stone wall, but he kept my bandages with him. I slammed my back into the wall and fell on my stomach gracelessly. I rolled over and groaned in pain, my chest still itching. I opened my eyes and looked at my chest to see a polished piece of wood stick out of my chest. Next to the grip was a piece of parchment rolled up. Slender Man moved towards me as I grabbed the parchment and read it quickly.

"Enjoy your little gift,


Your Game Master

P.S. Told you you could have it. Oh, and mind the AoE."

Slender Man moved closer as I looked at the letter and then the wood grip.

He... He didn't... This is gonna hurt isn't it

I grabbed the wooden grip in my barrel fist (what, you want me to call it the right hand of doom? That's just stupid) and started to pull. I gasped from the pain as the wood grip started coming out. Wait, was it near my heart? What the hell! I kept pulling as Slender Man moved even closer. The gun was covered in blood but I could see the enscriptions placed around the gun. What did they do? Off in the room where the bear-thing went I heard a yell.

"You want these books? Well you can have them! ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONA!!!!!!!"

Oh... shit... I pulled the gun out a bit faster until it finally came out of my chest. I gave my last gasp of pain as I got to fianlly get a look at the gun. It was the revolver from the bank, but custom designed, and it had a Latin phrase on the side.

Wait, that's from my family's Bible, only we have that written in it... That prick!

The phrase said Cape Locum Et Fac Secum in Latin, it means "Take a stand and make your mark." I smiled to myself a bit as I stood up to look at the Operator.

"Hey, bitch, you think its fun to torment others?" I pointed my gun at it. "You think its fun to kidnap kids and torture adults?" The creature tilted its head at me. I pulled the hammer back on the revolver. "Well you can go fuck yourself." A loud bang echoed throughout the hall as I pulled the trigger... and missed! What the hell! Don't the enscriptions enchant it with something? I mean serious-

"So long and we thank you for all your-" An explosion filled the room and rubble came crashing through the main hallway, hitting me and squashing Slender Man. I was launched outside through the stone walls, as if the Fates were telling me,

"You started here in rubble, and we'll be damned if you don't end your day in rubble." I went crashing into the Royal Garden as I heard more noises coming from the Gala. My very last thought that occured in my head was a very modest

Fucking... killstealing... bear...

And blackness overcame me.

The Bugbear is from Troutking's story which is here