• Member Since 16th Nov, 2012
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Comments ( 41 )

Like that was going to happen! No, Diamond Tiara refused to admit defeat. She refused to give any of them the satisfaction that they were getting to her in any way. That’s why she was running towards Ponyville in the dead of a winter’s night dressed only in her sweats for warmth. She refused to play by the rules of those who were beneath her.

So, who else wants Reasonable Voice Dead?

You know... I can't tell what to make of this. With how cartoonishly wrong-bad the cardboard cutout antagonists are, I just can't tell what mood the story is going for. Is it supposed to be funny? Or tragic?

Sadly, I have met people like this in real life

First, great start. Second, Love you stories. Third, PRIME OBJECTIVE, KILL REASONABLE VOICE.

Over all, love this first chapter and hope to see some new ones too. Hope Luna will not get her school shut down and I hope Voice gets fired from her job since she really only likes one princess and not the others.


Since didn’t produce results,

What does that mean? it's in the second paragraph.

Well we know that Reasonable Voice is a stooge for Celestia. I get the feeling that she still wants the school closed. Hopefully Diamond Tiara and Reasonable Voice get their just deserts in this story, finally.

Does celestia even knows what is happening with her sister right now? It's either Luna is not telling her because of her pride or she is being neglectful again. And reasonable voice is seriously annoying right now. I hope Celestia brings down the hammer her soon.

Wow...I don't think I've ever seen a pony as inappropriately named as Reasonable Voice.

correct me if i am mistaken, but does not such an investigation as Reasonable Voice wants need to be carried out by an impartial inspector? otherwise any 'finds' would be worth less than the paper theyre printed on...

*blink* have you ever seen the legal system in Equestria? Twilight was going to allow Fluttershy to be held in indenchered servitude in the Rainbow Exchange while in the comics a bunch of bull squatters were going to take over Applejack's great uncles farm.

7259959 is that how the system works in ur story? doesnt seem to be since the schools r aparently under what i would asume to be an education commitie...

All in all, Voice might have a point in that the school is a bit atrocious, but she gathers her info from a very biased and selfish brat who's been nothing but trouble for the school and the ponies inside. Not to mention that in reality, she is little more than a racist, corrupt bigot who thinks that Celestia is the one true ruler of the nation, despite Celestia telling otherwise.

Pretty sure that defacing the purse of the official insignias is illegal. And telling off the other rulers of the nation is borderline treason and stupidity of an enormous level. The only reason keeping her within the government is her connections with certain officials who are corrupt themselves and think nothing of the nation.

She also conveniently forgets that the school is a military academy, with the purpose of ensuring that Equestria's military, which was a sham if the 2nd Starlight Glimmer incursion was a pointer, remains strong. That was the result of Celestia deciding everything by herself (It's a plot I never liked personally, but I will acknowledge that is what the author wrote and what the author writes is decided in their fanfiction). Reasonable Voice isn't exactly in the highlights of logic here, given what happened.

The only thing she can fault on is- ...you know what, no. I can't find a single thing here that she can really have a point on. If someone else can despite their overwhelming urge to see her die in an interesting fashion over a period, please let us know.

Drat I was hoping that Diamond Tiara past actions would get found out and she would have karma pay back in full. Still nice to see Luna get cleared and Reasonable Voice get her just deserts. I was sacred that Celestia's plan would fail but it worked out in the end and she will give a fair review of her Chairmare.

I gotta say, this was a surprisingly short story. That's not a bad thing, I just thought it would be a bit longer. I loved it and hope to see more stories from you in the future. Including more in this series.

Damn! Good to see Diamond's father finally call her on her behavior like that.

Gotta say, though...

Grenda blinked at this. “Did your parents get you mixed up as foals or something?”

Best line of the chapter right there.


As much as I enjoy this sequence of stories...I find I have trouble enjoying them fully. The clop is excellent, and the story is even better...but I have a hard time parsing my mood between the two, meaning I have to either skip over story until I get to clop, or skip the clop to focus on the story. Either way, I can't enjoy any given chapter to the fullest, and I hate it.
I'll keep reading, since I'm hooked on the world being built here. I just wish there was a way around this Catch 22 for me.

This was a good read and a great story but you have one thing wrong about the story and it's this

Not only did they have similar names, but both their coats and mares were the same color.

Sercet agenda and Fishy Business..... Yeah those name inspire confidence. I am glad Reasonable Voice got shafted(for now anyway) Now the only thing left is whether or not Diamond will get exposed and it's good that Celestia will help out if anyone start some shit.

So this is it. The headpiece wearing beast has been tamed.

7339511 no, not tamed...that will take longer, but she has been informed that the rose petal trail has ended...

7333267 as u said, 'Reasonable' Voice is a racist, bigoted mare who is looking for any possible excuse she can find or fabricate to reassure herself of her own 'importance' as Chairmare. a title she thinks gives her carte blanche to throw her weight around (too bad for her that weight is less than the single cell she calls a brain). there is nothing for her to actually fault about Lunas school, save that she hate the fact that its not under her control and she doesnt believe that any Princess but Tia actually matters to Equestria...

And there it is! :pinkiecrazy: When our minds ran a scenario with our chosen host in this story. We would often toss about the idea that the only reason Diamond Tiara was still there. Even though her teachers and fellow students wanted her gone was because our host made a "deal" with Filth-more Reginald Rich that if the school could not change his daughter for the better. He would be free to disown her and write her out of his will in the event of his passing. Leaving her to properly fend for herself or ever so tragically die trying, in some manner of mind you. well done dear author, well done indeed you have earned a like and a fave from us. :twilightsmile:

by the way Author, i think i should point out that Reasonable Voice did in fact commit a crime here, and it was last chapter or even last story...lèse-majesté, she insulted royalty, to their faces no less. its a very serious offense, and very often considered treason and punished as such...

I'm still not sold on this school. That they found nothing is... odd, considering they've got students threatening each other. Rude has been so submissive to Luna, I think it's more a case they don't want to find anything, lest they anger the princess. Can't have that.

“Because I believe in second chances,” said Luna calmly. “No matter what mess we make with our own lives, there is a chance that it can be fixed. And with good friends by your sides, we can move forwards. Yet not every change can occur thanks to a magical rainbow. This is why you are here: to become a better you. Sadly, you have not taken advantage of this and are now at the end of your rope. If you fail now, you will fall down into a pit so deep that you will most likely never escape from.” Luna then let out a soft sigh. “Now I think you have some studying to do. If memory serves me right you have a test in two days. I expect at least a C.”

Keeping her there, where everypony hates her, her fellow students threaten her, the teachers look for every reason to punish her, where she has nopony to turn to, least of all you, to make her a "better pony"? That's your plan? I hope you do more than that. I hope you do more than that. This isn't just Diamond Tiara's test, it's yours as well, and yes, you can fail it.

Am I the only one who gets a 'Trump' vibe from Reasonable Voice?

I find Reasonable Voice to be a disgusting excuse for a mare and should be sentenced to eternal suffering in the realm of Coldharbour, the realm of Oblivion ruled by Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination!

Reasonable Voice's behavior has me seeing so much red that its a miracle I can type this. Most ironic shit I've ever seen.

This bitch NEEDS to die. And Diamond Tiara. It's a fucking military school! What do you think would happen?! When you fuck up you pay for it! Raging cunt. While some people simply are better than others, you don't fit the bill by any measure.

Is there going to be more of this?
I'd sure hope to see what happens to DT and Voice.
Really like the story so far.

They definitely found somethings :coolphoto: but nothing that would allow Chairmare to shut the school down like she wanted.

So does anyone else suspect that "Reasonable" Voice switched names with "Rude" Voice at some point, or that their parents mixed them up somehow ?

SUrprised no comments on A dangerous Mix

Yeah not a lot came to mind that did not involve Dimond Tiara, and i did not feel like talking about her problems, as was rather obvious when she actually considered causing someone to die just to get away, and did not appear to have a problem with it :pinkiecrazy:

Though i guess i was also pretty suprised that ger physical condition was as bad as when she arrived, whether she wanted to or not her physical capabilites should have improved at least a little... or did i miss something ?

Not did i feel like taking about the Chairmare, though i guess i got a little curious hos someone as "rude" as her got to her current position.

depends on the royal King Charlemagne supposedly had an adviser who's job was it to insult him to keep his humility in check.
sun tzu often insulted the royalty of his time and got away with it because he was such a respected military mind that it would do more harm than good
queen Elizabeth willingly let her people hurl insults toward her and her court as long as it didn't extend past words she would't pull that
my bet celestia was channeling Elizabeth since she said she wouldn't do anything unless reasonable voice did more than sling words like so

She knew what he was hinting at. That Reasonable Voice might try to…edit their findings. Or perhaps stray off topic or the like. It was something that Celestia had to admit was a possibility.

“If that happens,” said Celestia as she looked forwards again. “Then I will personally deal with it. And Reasonable Voice and those assisting her will pay a very high price

Celestia might not, but shes not the Royal who was insulted, now was she?

read the first story tiara purposely behaved because she wanted out so she can continue being spoiled and more than likely that caused her not to condition herself for the harsher training regiments hence possibly why she still was still not in shape, could be wrong but that's the best i could come up with

Re-read this and I was wondering if we might get some sort of follow up? I'm curious to see it Diamond Tiara finally learnt her lesson. I hope she would after seeing Luna's little display.

a black tungsten ring with a silver band running down the middle on his ring finger. The tungsten right would never scratch or break, making it the perfect ring for a stallion like Big Mac.

Sounds pretty sweet, yeah? But it’s also pretty much impossible to cut off in the event of swelling. So slam that hand in a car door and hey, you didn’t really need that finger, did you?

Christ on a cracker, she is just an enormous fucking cuntwaffle, isn’t she?

“Damn it, sister, you just had to get rid of the laws against lèse-majesté, didn’t you?!”

I have to say, that i like the story, but the porny bits just don't fit in. The topics in it just don't mesh well enough with steamy sex parts.

I'm all for second chances but the line Tiara crossed is beyond redemption. Zecora and three students went through an extremely traumatic experience because of her pettiness forget a last chance I'm amazed she's not in prison.

Probably is proving she did it

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