• Published 19th May 2016
  • 6,774 Views, 96 Comments

The Villain - Gear Spring

The Mane Six now must face the ultimate villain.

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Chapter 1

His head was swimming once the spell finished casting. When he touches his forehead, he is alarmed that his scales are gone and are replaced by fur. He checks his hands, shocked to find that they have become hooves. Touching face, he traces the long stallion muzzle all the way up to the horn protruding from his skull. The hooves continue along the back of his neck, feeling the long flowing mane.

“I did not expect to become a unicorn,” even his voice is deeper fitting his new body. “I suppose with half the materials belonging to ponies, it would make sense.”

Suddenly, the lights turn on in the hall. The door to Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom flings open, and he can see her shadow stretching out onto the carpet.

No, he curses under his breath. I cannot let he find me out so soon.

He extends his hoof to run, but it melts into shadow when it touches the floor. Shadow envelops his entire body, transforming him into an umbral creature. In his smoke-like form he slips through the cracks of a nearby door. The princess walks in the halls, finding it empty. Rubbing her mane curiously, she shrugs and closes the door. The hallway is again blanketed in night.

Inside, the umbral form solidifies back into a unicorn. The room is fortunate enough to have a mirror, showing the pony he has become. His coat is an ashen gray while his mane is black with a few blue stripes coursing down his back. Looking at his flank, he finds the mark of a dragon skull hidden in the crescent moon. There are stars decorating around the moon itself.

“An interesting mark,” he surmises, “I see there are some resemblances of the others in this new body.”

A smile comes, revealing longer fangs.

“The only thing that is left of me are my eyes,” he looks closely in the mirror. “And yet, I wonder.”

Closing his eyes, he concentrates. There is a flash of green light that swallows the room. When it fades, he opens his eyes. Now standing in the mirror is his baby dragon self once more.

“It looks like I inherited more than just looks,” he grins. “All of their powers belong to me.”

Transforming into his unicorn-self, he smiles again.

“I think I know just what to do…”

An uproar stirs Twilight Sparkle from her slumber. Crawling out from under the sheets, she shakes the slumber from her mane. The chorus of a dozen ponies continue to sing from outside her castle. With a yawn, she teleports to the front doors. Pushing them open, she finds nearly half of the town standing in her lawn. Many have looks of fright while others are only bitterness.

“What’s wrong every-pony?” she asks, walking down the steps to join them.

“It was horrible,” a bearded pony she recognizes as the town’s builder. “He came out of nowhere in the middle of the night and laid half of Ponyville to waste.”

“Who?” Twilight wonders.

“Tirek,” the crowd shouts in unison.

“What?” the princess gasps. “That’s impossible, he was banished back to Tartarus after we defeated him. Are you sure it was him?”

It is the mayor that steps forward, “Every-pony I have talked to says they saw the same thing. And I saw him with my own eyes. I will never forget the look of that centaur for the rest of my life.”

This is not good, Twilight thought while she chewed on her bottom lip. If Tirek escaped again, we better find him before he sucks up the power of all of Equestria. I don’t know if we can summon that power from the Tree of Harmony once more.

“Please, everyone, settle down,” she calls out to the disturbed crowd. “I will speak with Princess Celestia about the matter. In the meantime, please remain calm. We will get down to the bottom of this.”

There are murmurs among the other ponies as the princess closes the doors to her castle. Stepping through the halls, she sees a small purple dragon coming out of one of the many doors in this maze-like castle. She runs to him.

“Spike!” she shouts as she nearly collides with him.

“Twilight?” he tilts hi head, “What’s wrong, you look like you saw a ghost.”

“That’s exactly what happened,” she says. “I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia immediately.”

“Is it that serious?”

“Yes,” she says.

Spike is forced to follow the distressed princess into her throne room. Following up behind her is the baby dragon. With a quill and scroll already in hand, he waits for Twilight Sparkle to recite a message meant for Celestia.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” she starts as per usual. “I have dire news. Ponies in Ponyville have been reporting signs of Tirek attacking during the night. I need to find out if he has somehow escaped from Tartarus. Please, let me know as soon as you find out. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. Did you get all that, Spike?”

“Of course,” he says by finishing the message with a final dot on the scroll. Rolling it up, he wraps it neatly in a red ribbon. He takes a deep breath and spews green flames from his mouth. The embers lick at the paper before igniting it in the same emerald hue. The paper is reduced to ash, and then is blown along the breeze right out a window. Both he and Twilight watch as it is carried off by the magical stream of air.

Twilight looks at him nervously, “How long do you think she’ll take to—”

A dragon-belch cuts her off as Spike spews a scroll similar to the one he just burned.

“Oh, that was quick,” she smiles.

It is enveloped in her magic as she unfurls it to read the message from her fellow princess.

Dear Princess Twilight, she reads to herself, I am troubled by the news that is occurring in Ponyville, but I assure you that Tirek is not behind the attacks. I have paid a visit to our friend in Tartarus, and found him to still be caged. Cerberus has been quite adamant at his guard duties as of late. I think he might still feel ashamed for letting Tirek slip through the first time. I find it troubling that there is some-pony posing as Tirek. If you ever need help, Twilight, please let me know. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia.

“Well, what does it say?” Spike asks.

“It’s not him,” Twilight sighs. “Not the real him anyways. What we might be dealing with an imposter.”

“Well, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to watch Ponyville closely tonight, in case he decides to come back. And when he does, I will find out who he really is.”

While ambitious, Twilight Sparkle is in a deep slumber just before the moon reaches the deathly quiet sky. As she is in a deep sleep, a blanket wrapped in a haunting green glow is draped over her, keeping the chilling dark winds away. Reaching her side is Spike taken on the guise of his new body. His fierce emerald eyes look upon the princess.

You sleep far too sweetly, Twilight, he looks at her with contempt. It would be so easy to slit your throat right now, or rob you of your breath, but I won’t. No, that would cut short the delicious revenge. I will not waste your life when I have much more planned for you.

He grins as he marches forward to the edge of the balcony. Looking down, he sees that they are hundreds of feet above. The front hooves reach over the railing, as he kicks his back legs and plummets down to the ground below.

“Princess Twilight!” a deep, booming voice shakes her from her sleep.

Eyes flutter open only to gaze upon the colossal form of Lord Tirek towering over her and her castle. She takes fight just in time as his enormous fist crashes into the balcony. Rocks and debris crashes down, smashing the topiary. The princess soars overhead, the tip of her horn emits a small dot of magical energy. It grows rapidly to the size of a bowling ball before she points it at Tirek. A beam rips through the night air and crashes down upon the centaur. He flinches for a moment, but then bats it away. The beam redirects upwards to the sky and is lost in the abyss.

“Is that all you have?” he guffaws. “Where is that power from before?”

Between his horns, a giant ball of fiery magic forms and he answers with a laser of his own. Twilight spirals out of the way, but becomes encased in that same orange-like glow of his magic. He throws his arms downwards, and the princess is dragged from the sky. Before her body hits the ground, Tirek snatches her up and puts the squeeze on her. She lets out a painful cry that fills the night.

“Without the magic of the other princesses, you’re nothing,” he mocks. “You are nothing. You have always been nothing…”

He squeezes harder, forcing tears to run down her face. Through her watery eyes, she looks on the smiling centaur, and shakes her head.

“You’re wrong,” she says softly. “Even when you had the alicorn magic, you still couldn’t win. I have much more than that. I have the magic of my friends. And there is nothing you have that can overcome that!”

Suddenly, Tirek is repelled backwards by a magical force. Blinding light makes him shield his eyes until the glowing ceases. When he looks, he finds Twilight encompassed in color. Her mane long and flowing. A magical aura glitters around her.

That’s impossible, Spike gnashes his teeth as Tirek. She is able tap into the rainbow magic without the others being present?

A purple star forms in front of Twilight Sparkle. She fires a magical beam, and the laser amplifies once it passes through the star. It strikes him and knocks him back.

Dammit, I underestimated her…

Just before she attacks him again, the giant centaur turns to black smoke and disperses. The princess looks down confused as the entire body disappears without a trace. Her eyes scan the area, and that is when she spots some-pony. Standing on the rooftop is a unicorn with eyes of emerald.

“Hey, you!” she calls out to him.

But he vanishes into the darkness.