• Published 19th May 2016
  • 6,789 Views, 96 Comments

The Villain - Gear Spring

The Mane Six now must face the ultimate villain.

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Chapter 2

“So, what you’re telling us is that it wasn’t Tirek,” Apple Jack questions.

Surrounded by her friends, the princess looks down at the drink sitting before her. She taps the tea with the tip of her hoof, watching her reflection ripple and distort before returning back to normal.

“I’m not sure what I saw,” she says, her voice a little disheartening. “When I was fighting Tirek, he suddenly disappeared. I saw a pony watching me from the rooftop.”

“How is that possible, darling?” Rarity asks.

“I’m not sure myself,” Twilight rubs her muzzle, and then turns to Starlight Glimmer, “Have you ever heard of a spell that allows you transform like that?”

“There are some minor illusionary spells I know of,” her protégé speaks up. “But the way you described it, they were able to be a perfect copy of him. Aside from changeling magic, I don’t know of a spell that can do that.”

“Um, does that mean we’re dealing with Queen Chrysalis again?” Fluttershy cowers under the table.

“I don’t know,” the princess says. “If we are, I want to know why she would bother turning into Tirek.”

“Maybe they teamed up?”

All the ponies look in the direction to see Spike waddling up to the table pushing a cart filled with teacakes. A violet hue covers the plate and floats the treats over to each pony. When it returns to the cart, the baby dragon frowns as there are only crumbs that greet him.

“You may have a point, Spike,” Twilight Sparkle. “If that’s the case, maybe I need to pay Tirek a visit.”

“Hold up,” Rainbow Dash slams her hooves down on the table, “You are just going to waltz to Tartarus and chat with Tirek?”

“It may sound crazy, but what other choice do I have?” the princess asks.

“I’m not saying it’s crazy, I just wanted to know if I could come. It sounds so awesome.”

Twilight smiles, “Alright, Rainbow Dash. So while Rainbow and I have a chat with Tirek, I want the rest of you to keep your eyes peeled. I feel there is some-pony behind this whole thing.”

Spike smiles as he takes the cart, wheeling out of the room.

Now that Twilight has gone away, perhaps I can have a bit of fun with her friends.

In the middle of the day, he trots among the other ponies without any glance. Bathed in his new body, he seemingly blends in with the others in town. Emerald green eyes glint as he stands before a towering building, layered like a cake. On the second floor are wooden horses dancing about in a circle. He marches to the entrance and pushes open the door.

Inside the shop there are many dresses hanging by the one side of the circular structure. On another side there are several mirrors all centered around a pedestal. As he closes the door, a bell rings loudly. Toward the back of the store, a pony with a snow white coat trots out. Spike stops, his heart thumping as Rarity stands before him. For the first time in his life, she has to look up at him.

“Hello darling welcome—,” her words trail off when she looks at him. “Oh my, who might you be?”

“I’m Spi—” he catches himself. No, Spike was that weak little dragon you thought so little of. I must come up with something better than that. “My name is Thorn Eclipse, but please just call me Thorn.”

She giggles, color rising to her cheeks, “Okay, well, Mister Thorn, what can I do for you today?”

“Please, Thorn is just fine,” he speaks charmingly. “I am looking for something to keep my neck warm for the approaching winter. I heard that you are quite the skilled seamstress.”

“Oh my, thank you” she giggles. “I believe I have quite the outfit, if you excuse me a moment.”

Rarity trots into the backroom, leaving Thorn to smile to himself.

After all these years, the way she looks at me is what I’ve wanted, he shudders, feeling something well up inside him. This sensation in my chest, I can feel my power growing. It’s more than what I’ve felt with her before. Could it be my changeling side?

Not much time passes when the pony of his dreams walks out with a scarf floating at her side. Her magic unfolds it, showing that bright red cloth is stitched as if it were a flame dancing.

“This will certainly match your beautiful coat,” she smiles. “And I have a feeling flames ae quite your style.”

“Indeed they are,” he grins as he walks up to her. “I thank you for your help.”

“Oh you know,” he flushes, as her magic drapes the scarf about his neck.

He feels a warmth run through him, “If you are not busy later, I would like to tour Ponyville. I’d want a lovely guide to show me some sights, perhaps.”

She giggles, “Well I suppose I could close the carousel a little early, for you that is.”

I cannot believe this is actually happening, he thinks, keeping his composure the best he can. “I thank you for that.”

Again she lets out a cheerful giggle, “Why don’t you take a look in the mirror so you can see for yourself.”

Nodding, the dashing unicorn picks himself up on the pedestal. Staring at him are three other versions of Thorn draped in his new scarf. The design looks as if his neck is wrapped in fire. He cannot help but smile. In the center mirror, he catches Rarity staring at him with longing eyes. That is when the smile fades from his muzzle.

Those eyes, they are the same I had when I pathetically pined for you, he thinks bitterly. Now that I have you looking at me the same way, I realize how vein you are. You care only for my appearance. Well then, Rarity, how will you feel when your heart is broken.

Stone-faced, he steps away from the mirrors, “I’ll take it, how much will it cost?”

“Well,” she smiles, “Shall we call it a gift?”

Uncaringly, he says, “I suppose we shall.”

“Where shall I meet you later?”

“Sweet Apple Acres,” he says, a devious grin spread across his mouth. “I hear they have superb treats.”

Without another word to her, he trots out of the Carousel Boutique, slamming the door behind him as he leaves.

At the farm, he finds Apple Jack at work bucking apples out of the trees. It is a single kick that clears the branches of the delicious fruit. Most of them fall into the buckets below, but one gets away, bouncing off the lip and rolling on the ground. A greenish hue hugs the apple as it floats back to join the others. Apple Jack turns to find a unicorn approaching her.

“Howdy there,” she greets him, “Thank you for the assist. I don’t reckon I’ve seen you around here before.”

“I just arrived in Ponyville today,” he says. “My name is Thorn Eclipse, what is yours?”

“Apple Jack,” she says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’d have more time to chat, but I’m mighty busy.”

“Perhaps I can help,” Thorn offers.

Walking over to a small clearing in the fields of apple trees, he rears back on his back hooves. His horn begins to glow, and the same magic envelops the bottoms of his front legs, emitting a light in the shape of horseshoes. Grinning to himself, he stomps down. The fields quake as a seismic ripple reaps through the farm. Apple Jack falls flat as the hundreds of trees lose their apples. A reddish rainstorm cascades onto the grassy floor, but are swept into the hundreds of buckets laid out already.

“Golly,” she gets back on her hooves. “How the plum tuck-it did you do that?”

“I’m pretty strong,” he says, “I just used a little magic to amplify the quake.”

“Well you certainly saved me a heaping heck of work,” she says. “Guess I got time now to chat.”


When their eyes meet again, Thorn’s flash red. Apple Jack stiffens as her eyes turn the same shade. Her eyes return to normal, but they become more longing as they fall upon the unicorn. A loving sigh leaves her lips as she stares at him with a smile.

“You know, I’ve never really met quite the dashing stallion before,” she says. “And you are so strong too. It’s hard to find such a strong male round here.”

“You are too kind, Miss Apple Jack,” he smiles. “Would you like to walk with me? I am actually supposed to meet someone near the farm.”

“I suppose I can,” she says giddily.

The two of them walk together to the fence bordering Sweet Apple Acres. As the sun is going down, Thorn spies Rarity making her away toward them. He turns to Apple Jack and smiles. Again his eyes spark crimson, and hers does the same. All of a sudden, she is throwing herself at him, pressing her muzzle against his. He acts surprised, trying to resist her approach. Parting, both of them look to find a devastated-looking Rarity.

“Thorn,” she gasps, “How could you?”

“I did nothing,” he defends himself. “She came onto me.”

“How could you choose her over me?”

Apple Jack seems to snap from the trance, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“No offense, Apple Jack, but he requires a pony with a bit more elegance.”

“Thorn likes a pony who can handle herself. Not some dolled up prissy pants.”

“Why, I never.”

“Of course you never. You never had to deal with a colt who likes a real pony.”

“Country bumpkin.”

“Stuck-up fool!”

The two begin slinging insults at one another, while Thorn stands there, smiling silently to himself. By his sight, he can watch a strange energy spew from their bodies as they fight for his affection. It is like a violet wisp that lingers on the ground before seeping into his body. It strengthens him, energizes him. He tries to hide his smile, but it is too much to contain his feelings.

I shall crush your friendship bit-by-bit, Twilight Sparkle. And when you can no longer use the Magic of Friendship, that is when I will tear everything apart.