• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 5,356 Views, 552 Comments

Perfect On Paper - NintendoGal55

Rainbow Dash realizes the perfect pony for her is actually Fluttershy

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Hey, Fluttershy!

So I'm in Port Pegasus now, it's a small town by the ocean to the west. And it's pretty nice! Never thought I'd like it, but it's got its charms! I've been here for a day or two as I write this letter, and I will be for a while.

The first night I got there, I was completely broke. So the bartender, she's a Zebra named Zara, offered me a job as an assistant. What the hay, I needed the money and I guess I wasn't in too much of a hurry! So I agreed and now here I am! The job's okay and she pays me well.

You can send letters to this address for a while, if you want to! I'll be here a couple of weeks or so, I don't think it should be a problem. It better not be!

Still missing you like crazy, Fluttershy! I miss all of you, and by now I think I'm getting more and more homesick than I realized. Yeah, Rainbow Dash, who always wants adventure and fun...is homesick. I can't help it! Ponyville is my home now, with all of you there. But I still need this, I can't give up now. I've made it this far!

And Tank! Give that little booger a hug for me, will you? It'll be like a hug from both his mommies.

Keep smiling, okay? The first thing I want to see when I come back to you is your smile.

I did NOT just write that. Jeez, being romantic is hard!

Am I doing a good job? Do you feel happy??? Loved???? Come on, work with me here!!!

You really bring out such a weird side of me, you really do.

But that's just why I love you. You're that awesome.

Anyway, I'd better put this down and get to work. I'll write you later, of course.

I love you!

Rainbow Dash

Dearest Rainbow Dash,

How wonderful! This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you in part of your journey! I hope it all goes well for you, truly. From your letters so far, in terms of your journey as a whole, I am very glad this is going well!

Our friends are doing just fine, though I'm sure they'll be telling you all about it in their letters to you! I'll leave it to them, but I will confirm that they're doing as well as can be.

I don't have too much to report on my end, I suppose. Elizabeak had chicks, all of which are so cute and very healthy! Angel Bunny has been better behaved, and of course Pinkie brings Tank over every now and then. He's doing just fine, but he does miss you very much. He's looking forward to seeing you, too! But he is holding up, he's quite a trouper!

I go to your house at least once or twice a week to make sure it's clean, and so far everything's fine with it, too!

As for me, I'm just going about my usual routine and spending some time with our friends when I can. Oh Rainbow, I miss you so much! It just isn't the same here without you, knowing you're not a short flight away, either. But I promised you that I would wait, and I am waiting. I promise you now that I will greet you with a smile! If it means that much to you, then I would be very happy to oblige.

You do your best and stay safe, okay? Dress warmly, be sure to eat right, take care of your belongings, and get plenty of rest. Overall, I hope everything will come through for you. I just want you to be happy, no matter what you truly want in your life.

I love you so much, Rainbow! And I always will, no matter what. Return home safely, my love!

Forever yours,

A chuckle escaped Rainbow Dash as she happily read Fluttershy's letter whilst in the backroom of the bar. Since she was just starting her day when the mail came, Zara allowed her to go read it in private in the backroom for a little while. The bar was opening, with some guests and patrons already breezing in for a morning drink.

Letters from her friends had come in, all of which Rainbow eagerly read, saving Fluttershy's for last.

“Good reads, hon?”

Slightly started, Rainbow looked up with mild embarrassment upon seeing Zara in the doorway as she came in to retrieve some bottles. She nodded, placing the letter into her saddlebag.

“Yeah, pretty much,” she said.

Zara chuckled, smiling toward her. “Well come on, let's get to work.”


Rainbow followed her boss out, carrying a couple of bottles in her mouth to help along.

It had been a few days since she started working at the Inn's bar, to which she worked as an assistant to Zara and even a stand-in when she had to step out for for a few minutes. Her job was to help replace any bottles of liquids on the shelves when they were empty, go around the tables collecting empty bottles and glasses so they could be washed after the bar closed, serving a costumer when Zara was busy with another, and simply learning the drinks, how they were mixed or blended, and so forth. Each day, Zara paid her some bits, while taking her fees for her room out of it each night.

Overall, it wasn't a bad job, certainly not something Rainbow dreaded. Not her first choice of a career, but at least she was making money. She even received good breaking hours, and even got to venture out into town with Zara to pick up supplies from the warehouse. At the same time, she liked the town and found it charming. At nights, before going to bed, she liked to go walk out on the boardwalk by the ocean, enjoying the views it offered. All the while wishing Fluttershy and her friends were there with her to see it.

“Tell me hon, what is your little marefriend like? I don't believe you talked extensively about her,” Zara mentioned. “If you want to.”

“I guess I can,” Rainbow shrugged. “Her name's Fluttershy. As you know now, she's a Pegasus like me. Really kind, sweet, smart, and has an affinity for taking care of animals, especially since she can communicate with them. Sure she's incredibly shy, has a hard time speaking up, can't really assert herself...but she always comes through, especially when you mess with somepony she cares about. Nothing can stop her when she puts her mind to something. Not the strongest flier, but when she tries her hardest, she can do it! And you know, she's different from me in a lot of ways, that might sound like a bad thing, but who the hay is ANYPONY kidding?! That's all part of why I love her! Because she's Fluttershy! Maybe I'll never understand, but she's the perfect pony for me, partly because she's different.”

“Mm, you're very insightful and passionate about it. I hear that a lot from customers when they talk about realizing that just because somepony isn't all like you doesn't make it a bad thing,” Zara remarked with a chuckle, smiling.

“Yeah! That's it!” Rainbow nodded wildly, nearly tipping over a bottle, which she managed to catch.

“I take it she's pretty?”

The cyan Pegasus snickered, shaking her head. “Pretty? Beautiful! She's got these eyes, these awesome blue eyes...! Her mane, all pink and soft as can be, and her smile! She's the cutest pony I know. But it's nothing compared to her heart!”

Chucking, Zara patted her back a little bit. “I see. A lot of ponies do come here often, talking about somepony they love who's waiting for them back home. They do say a lot of the same things, but there's always one thing that stands out to me when they talk about their significant other.”

“What's that?” Rainbow looked at her curiously.

“They always have some kind of a look in their eyes, and even a special kind of smile when they talk about the one they love. Someponies say that it's the mark of somepony in love,” the Zebra bartender replied, glancing toward her at the corner of her eye. “You don't have to take my word for it, but I see it all the time, and I just know. You have it too, Rainbow Dash. I can just see it in your eyes.”


“Don't mention it. But you know, given what you told me, there's something I want to show you.”

“Huh? Okay, what is it?”

Zara smiled in a knowing way before she tended to a customer. She then began mixing a drink before she responded to the Pegasus, “This one pony who came to town had this puzzle with him. It was a beautiful puzzle, one of the sun rising in my homeland. It's right here, in this frame,” she indicated to a frame on the wall behind the bar.

“Ohhh...” Rainbow gazed at it curiously. “I saw that when I first came in!”

“It's lovely, isn't it? But tell me, what do you notice about it?”

“...I don't know, looks ordinary to me.”

“Keep looking, hon,” Zara encouraged.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, but decided to humour her. She gazed at the puzzle, trying to see what was wrong with it. It was a red sky with a yellow sun rising over the dip in the horizon, with the shadowed silhouettes of elephants, lions, tigers, giraffes and buffalo in the distant foreground walking to the right. Nothing about it seemed out of the ordinary, to be sure, so Rainbow was wondering what in the world she was looking for. She could find nothing wrong with it.

At least, until she noticed one little puzzle square that was not of the same colour as the rest. In fact, it looked empty.

“There's a piece missing!” Rainbow pointed to it, “Why do you have an incomplete puzzle?”

Zara smiled and came up beside her to view the puzzle, “Because, I think it means something. A missing puzzle piece is a bit like a part of your life that's missing. I always felt that it kind of represented that kind of sentiment. Oh, it may sound silly, I know. It's just a puzzle with a missing piece I never found. But for that, I think it means a lot. The fact it took you time to find that it had a missing piece means exactly that, it takes time to figure out that something is missing in your life. More specifically, what may be missing. Where it's missing in your life, in your mind and in your heart.”

“...Wow,” Rainbow murmured, her eyes wide. “For some reason, that actually kind of makes sense.”

The Zebra chuckled, “I know it sounds silly. But think about it, if you wish. Now then, let's get back to work. The morning rush will be coming along soon.”

Rainbow took one last look at the puzzle, the incomplete puzzle with one missing piece. Something of a symbol of something that was missing in one's life. She could see where Zara was coming from, even if on the outside, it was just a pretty puzzle with one piece missing. She smiled, though, and then went back to work.

Dear Fluttershy,

You know, I normally would be writing to Princess Celestia about this kind of thing, I think any of us would, but I think I learned something interesting!

Zara, my boss at the Inn's bar, showed me a puzzle that has one piece missing. She keeps it in a frame behind the counter, right? Well you'd think it was just some pretty puzzle with a piece missing. But she said it's symbolic of the fact that life can sometimes be like a puzzle with a piece missing. An incomplete puzzle. There is no definite piece to fill it in. You know, it kind of makes sense! As I thought about it, I realized something.

You're my missing puzzle piece. Wow, that sounds really cheesy and sappy. But seriously! Up to recently, my life was a puzzle with a missing piece I never knew wasn't there! Sometimes it takes a while to find it!

When did I get so philosophical?! I need to get my head examined. What has love done to me?!

Aww, but I love you anyway. You know I do.

Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Awww, you're very sweet! That's such an interesting lesson to have learned, don't you think?

I could see where you were going, about the missing puzzle piece. It certainly is true that we come to a lot of times in our life where we feel we have a missing puzzle piece. It can be just about anything, big or small, it's still a piece of the puzzle that is yet to be found. Perhaps maybe Twilight might have a book on philosophy I could look into, I have to admit this is intriguing.

But anyway, I'm glad things are still going well for you! Right now, you're my missing puzzle piece, same for everypony else! We miss you!

I love you, Rainbow!

Forever yours, XOXOX


There was a Pegasus at the bar today. She looked like you! Okay, so her yellow coat was more golden and her mane was shorter. But I swear, at first glance, I thought it was you. But when I saw it wasn't, well, I gotta say, it kind of reminded me of why I missed you. Now, every time I see pink or yellow, I always have to turn to look at it!

That's not even counting the fact that I always have to tell myself it's silly. I know you're back in Ponyville! So what the hay? I don't even know.

Point is though, I miss you! It's been over a month! I wish you guys were all here with me. It'd be even MORE awesome. You guys would like it here, trust me.

I've got a picture of you with me. I keep it on the nightstand next to the bed I sleep in. Every night, before I go to bed, I look at it, and then out at the moon if it's out. Sometimes I feel like you're there with me. Talking with me. Like we're looking at the moon together, you know?

Hope you're doing okay! I'd feel better knowing you're still happy!

Take care, okay? I won't forgive you if you don't!!!

I love you!

Rainbow Dash

Dearest Rainbow Dash,

Hee! You always find a way to make me laugh, Rainbow! Reading your letters almost feels like I'm talking to you! Except without your wonderful voice filling my ears.

Awwww, and I miss you too! I sometimes see a light blue pony and start to think it's you, until I see the lack of a rainbow mane or tail. In fact, there was a rainbow today! It was beautiful. I thought of you immediately, but it felt so lonely, knowing you weren't there to see it with me.

Oh, Rainbow, I look at the moon every night. Wondering if you're doing the same where you are. It does help make me feel that much closer to you.

I will take care, don't you worry. I hope you take care of yourself, as well! You had better!

I love you too!


Dear Fluttershy,

Zara took me along to help her serve drinks at a wedding that was going on in town today. But that's not the best part!

When I told Zara about my being able to perform a Sonic Rainboom, she suggested it to the party hosts for the reception, and they asked me to perform one! It was AWESOME! Right over the ocean!!! I could not believe it!! Everypony thought it was great! Pretty awesome to perform it for ponies who had never seen it!

Another awesome wedding, thanks to my Sonic Rainboom! POW!

You know, I'm SO doing a Sonic Rainboom at my own wedding one day. Hooves down, no question, I'm definitely doing that. Hope you're okay with that!

Insert winking right here! Because you can't see me winking, but I am! Just did after I finished writing that! So, it's implied! I think you can picture me winking!

Somepony even got a picture of it! It's awesome! I sent you a copy, you'll get it with this letter. Don't worry, I told everypony else, but YOU get the copy. Go ahead and show it off, but it's yours to keep.

Oh, wait, you're probably asking me why, aren't you?

It's because of you I even performed it. I owe it all to you, Fluttershy. Every time I do one, I do it for you. I do it thinking of you. This time was no different. Don't tell anypony else that, okay? Especially not Rarity. But it's true. If I hadn't defended your honour that day, I'd never have done it. So I really owe it to you.

If that day didn't mean something to me, I'd have to be an idiot. But I know that no matter what, you're a significant part in why the Sonic Rainboom was possible for me to perform. Friend or lover, the fact it was thanks to you means the world to me. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel otherwise. But don't forget it, okay? Even in our worst times, that will never change.

And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back in time!

So thanks a lot! You deserve it!

I love you, and I miss you. Performing that Sonic Rainboom made me wish you could see it. I hope from now on, you'll never miss one again. Love you, Fluttershy!

Rainbow Dash

Dearest Rainbow Dash,

Oh, Rainbow! I can't even begin to tell you how much your last letter touched me. To think you feel that way when it comes to the Sonic Rainboom! I'm very flattered, no, beyond flattered. I really don't know what to say, except, well, it means so much to me.

Of course, you know I feel the same when it comes to that day. If not for that race, if not for you standing up for me, I would never have discovered who I am and where I want to be. As I said once before, it was thanks to you I even earned my cutie mark. I hope you never forget that, my love.

That's wonderful for you, of course. I'm so glad you were able to perform the Sonic Rainboom! Unfortunately for me, you were too far away for me to see it. Which is a shame, but oh well. Perhaps next time I'll certainly see it!

Good luck to you!

I still miss you too, and I hope you're doing all right out there. Take good care! I love you, I love you!


Dear Fluttershy,

Darn it! I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to bring out this side of me. Heartwarming! You have a real way with ponies, you know. Especially me and our friends!

You're just so much sunshine, you know? Sunshine! You're my sunshine! Hey, that's a good name for you! I'll call you Sunshine!

Tell anypony else and I will make you pay.

Darn it! I can't even threaten!!!

See what you make me do?!

Oh darn it, I want to hug you now!!!

Okay, I'm going to stop going crazy now.

Really, your words somehow touch my heart. Everything so sweetly said by you is impossible not to smile at, even if I try to hide it sometimes. And you know what? I'm kinda glad for that. I think I need to have somepony who can say things like this, and bring out this side of me. At least with you, it's so easy.

It's all part of why I love you so much.

By the way, there's one last thing.

After I finish this job, get enough money, and get back on the road, I'm coming home. I can't stand being away from you, away from home, away from our friends. Not anymore.

I'll let you know when I'm leaving.

Love you, my sunshine!

Rainbow Dash