• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 5,356 Views, 552 Comments

Perfect On Paper - NintendoGal55

Rainbow Dash realizes the perfect pony for her is actually Fluttershy

  • ...

Morning Afterthoughts

Knock knock knock!

Rainbow Dash looked up from her pillow, which she had cried into yet again, as the sound both roused her attention and fed her throbbing headache. Even Tank, over in his aquarium, just croaked and slowly turned his head toward the source of the noise.

Knock knock knock!

She buried her face into her pillow even more, trying to block out the sound, hoping whoever was there would go away. However, the knocks not only remained, but also became faster and more insistent. Whoever was there had now started calling her name, but she could not make out the voice.

The knocking continued.

With a grumble, Rainbow Dash set her pillow aside and grudgingly trotted out of her bedroom and toward the front door. She didn't want to see anypony right now, but figured to see what they wanted and then send them on their way. Hopefully they would understand, right? Then again, unless it was Pinkie using her hot air balloon with or without everypony else, only a Pegasus would be able to access her cloud home.

“I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't get your mane in a knot!” She shouted irritably to whoever was behind the door. The knocking ceased, much to her relief.

Rainbow sighed, and then opened the door, answering it to Blazing Comet. The said Pegasus stood at her doorstep, eyes wide, and holding a white paper bag in her mouth.


“Hey Da-!” Comet placed the bag down on the floor in order to speak. “Dash, hey! Are you all right? ...Did you just get out of bed? No wonder, your mane's a mess and-” Now her smile faded as she studied her all the more. “...Have you been crying?”

“N-No!!” Rainbow wiped her eyes, shaking her head. “I-I'm fine! I wasn't crying!”

A stern glare came to the older Pegasus' face. “Don't lie to me, Dash. Your eyes are puffy and bloodshot, you have tear stains on your cheeks, and you look like a mess. You've been crying.” She then softened. “...Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

“No, I just...I had a rough night, that's all. Listen, I'm sorry about last night. I think it was unfair of me to just leave you out of the loop like that and I-”

“It's forgiven, and forgotten, Dash. No sweat,” Comet assured. “Look, I wasn't too thrilled either, and I think we'll need a bit of time to think things through. But, you know, I'm not ready to give us up just yet, either.”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow grinned. “Neither am I! That's good, I wanted to give us a chance before...well, giving up!”

“Well, great!” Comet took the bag, and gave it to her. “I brought you breakfast. Nothing much, I just got a couple things from that cafe you like down in Ponyville.”

“No way!” Rainbow dug into the bag eagerly, grinning. “Far out! A hot daisy and grass vegetable toast sandwich, a donut, and some toast?! Awesome! Thanks, Comet!”

“No problem, just wanted to give you a little something to say there's no hard feelings,” Comet smiled. “So...what happened with Fluttershy? Is she okay?”

Unseen to her, Rainbow's expression took on one of “oh crap” as she realized she was cornered. She didn't like the idea of lying to her own marefriend, but she also wasn't sure that telling her the entire truth was a good idea, either. After all, she had just found out that Fluttershy was not only in love with her, but had also been planning to tell her the same night that she had happened to get together with Blazing Comet. How was she going to explain that?

'Oh, nothing much! I just went to her house to bring back her stuff, I found her crying her eyes out in her room and wanted to know why. She eventually confessed that she was in love with me, and was even planning to tell me last night! But she couldn't because she saw you and I kissing and is now heartbroken and I hate myself for it! What a nice morning this is! Thanks for breakfast! Want to go out again?'

It was not going to be easy. But she had to do SOMETHING. She was crying, Fluttershy had a problem she ran off from, and she would have to think of a very convincing story in order to avoid the very awkward fact that she herself was now caught in a love triangle. A love triangle. There was another pony, not just any pony, who was in love with her and completely heartbroken about it. She wasn't sure how Comet would take to that.

Come to think of it, Rainbow realized something else. She hadn't even turned her down! Granted, she wasn't thinking clearly and also was told not to say any of that, but she wished she could have given her some kind of closure and not get her hopes up. What did that say about her?

Swallowing, Rainbow bit her lip, waves of fear coursing through her.

“...Fluttershy wasn't feeling too well, so she headed home and didn't want to ruin the mood. That's why she left her bags there. I went to see her...and it...turned out this little bird we once found together died. We were pretty sad about it,” the cyan Pegasus lied, glad that her marefriend couldn't see her face.

Thankfully, that was actually a true story, despite that the death of their little bird had occurred about a month ago. It had affected Fluttershy a lot more, but it didn't stop Rainbow Dash from shedding a few tears, especially since they had found and cared for the bird together.

“Oh...” Comet blinked, and then came into the house, closing the door behind her. “I'm sorry...I had no idea. You guys okay?”

“Yeah...we'll be fine,” Rainbow wiped her eyes, turning back around. “Don't even worry about it, it's just something we have to get through.”

“Still, I do give you guys and that little bird my condolences,” an awkward but still sincere smile overcame Comet's face. “Anyway, I can't stay too long, I have to get back to my aunt's place. I only had time to come here because I just dropped my sister off at school. I'm going to be pretty busy for the next day or two, but I was thinking. Maybe on Thursday, we could have a proper date? I'm taking you to Canterlot!”

A look of discomfort overcame Rainbow's countenance. “...You sure? Um, Canterlot's not really my thing, Comet.”

“Trust me, Dash, you will love it. I think it'll be just what we'll need, you know? Besides, I want to show you a great time! Besides...will these change your mind?” She smirked, and held up two tickets to a Wonderbolts show going on in Canterlot. “Since I'm a former Wonderbolt, I managed to pull a few strings! V.I.P seats, backstage access and all.”

“WOW!!!” Rainbow squealed in joy, tackling Comet in a huge hug. She held her tight, giggling like a schoolfilly. “AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME! Yes!! I'm THERE! Just so THERE!”

“So, then it's a date?” Comet smirked playfully, hugging her back.

“You bet it's a date!” Rainbow grinned widely.

“Good to hear! Dress up nice, too, I'm taking you to dinner also. My treat!”

“Whoa, hey! No no no! Let ME pay! Come on!”

“Uh-uh! I'm gonna pay and that's that!”

“Come on! You got those awesome tickets! You have to let me do SOMETHING! I'm not gonna do all the taking around here!”

“Too bad, because this is all a gift and I am not taking any returns!” Comet then smirked again, and kissed her, passionately.

Rainbow went limp, just about giving up the fight, and kissed her back. All of her troubles, sorrows, and uncertainty swept away like the wind in the moment their lips met. They held it for a few seconds, then parted ways, both smiling goofily.

“...Fine, but next time, I pay,” Rainbow managed, chuckling.

“All right, fair enough, Dash,” Comet smiled. “Well, I'm heading out. I'll pick you up at five-thirty, we'll head for the train station, get to Canterlot, have dinner, and them make the show for nine. Sound good?”

“Yeah, you got it!” Rainbow winked at her, nodding rapidly. “I'm there!”

Comet winked back before she trotted to the door, opening it and then spreading her wings. “All right, then. I'll hook up with you later, Dash! I'm off!” She waved, then flew off out the door and into the sky.

Watching her go, Rainbow Dash leaned against the door as a dazed, relaxed smile crossed her features. Heart pounding, shivers coursing up her spine, she felt weak in the legs. How she had managed to rise from the pits of despair all the way to the heights of pure bliss was a mystery! Not that she was complaining, all she could think of right then was that she had a date! A real date, in a meaningful relationship with somepony she really liked and who liked her right back. Nothing was wrong, things were looking up!

“YEAH!!!!” Rainbow kicked her door closed and did a little happy dance in midair. “I've got a da-ate! I've got a da-ate! Woohoo! Score one for me! I've got an awesome date with an awesome pony! I am ON TOP, baby!”

“Because I love you!”

Right then, she felt as if a dark storm cloud was looming over her head and raining mercilessly on her. She may have had a date, but that didn't hide the elephant in the room. Sighing a bit, the cyan Pegasus lowered down to the floor and trailed to her room. Tank looked at her with concern from within his aquarium, knowing what was wrong.

Taking him out of his aquarium, she sat on the floor, holding him in her lap as a means of comfort.

“What am I gonna do, Tank? I can't just go to her and say 'I don't love you'! It just doesn't feel right to do that! But I also can't get her hopes up, either!” Rainbow Dash bemoaned, looking down at her pet. “I never meant to hurt her, you know that, right?”

Tank nodded, looking up at her sadly.

“Good, 'cause I didn't. The last thing I'd ever do was hurt Fluttershy. Especially after what jerk I'd been back then,” Rainbow sighed, stroking a hoof along his shell. “I just don't know how I hadn't noticed! I mean, Fluttershy's really sweet, affectionate, and can get close to you when she likes you a lot...but I had no idea! I feel so blind for not knowing! Then I just ruined her hopes! Put it this way, it's like if the Wonderbolts came to me and told me I'd never be one of them. Ever! No chance of it!”

Though sympathetic and understanding, Tank gave her a pointed look.

“...Okay, okay, you're right. I know both those things are not the same thing. But you get the point on principle! It's about having your dreams crushed!” Wailed the daredevil pony. “I mean, Fluttershy wanted to tell me she loved me and hoped for the best! But on that same night, maybe even on that same moment, I came on to Comet and she had the unfortunate chance of seeing us together! What was I thinking? And now I might just lose my best friend!”

Tank blinked, slowly.

“Well of course I accept it! I mean, hey, she's got good taste!” Rainbow grinned. But then it faltered. “Seriously, it's not her fault she's in love with me. I guess it's just how she feels, and she likes mares, on top of that! I know it too, that you can't help who you like! Besides, she's my best friend. I know she means it! ...Especially after last night. I could never just stop being her friend just because she loved me. I know she wouldn't do anything to make me uncomfortable!”

Once again, Tank blinked and made a croaking noise.

“But really, I don't even care about that. She's still Fluttershy, and she's still my best friend. I need her, Tank! I can't just shove her aside! ...But what if she won't be my friend anymore? What if my rejecting her just ends it for good?”

Now Rainbow Dash looked immensely worried at the idea of that. Tank nuzzled her gently, and she looked down at him, realizing something.

“...You're right, you were with her for quite a long time before you became my pet. I think you'd know her like I do, somewhat,” she said softly. “She wouldn't just see being my friend as a waiting period to get with me. No...she just needs time to herself to think this through, right?”

Tank made a croak-like noise again as she looked up at her again.

Rainbow blushed a bit, but shook her head a little. “I don't know, Tank. I mean, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kinda curious. Hey, it's Fluttershy, my best friend, and she's in love with me! Don't you think I'd be a little curious about it all? You know, how long, why, when, where, what? All that stuff!”

There was silence from the tortoise, but he looked up at her with a curious gaze.

“Seriously though, fine. What if I wasn't with Comet, what if I maybe didn't feel that way for her? Fluttershy comes along and tells me she's in love with me. What do I do then? ...I have no idea, Tank! Well, MAYBE I'd give her a chance. Well, why not? But no! NO! I can't think of that! I have a date! I'm with Comet and I like her a lot! A lot! So Fluttershy being in love with me did throw me for a loop, I'm curious, and I feel guilty about hurting her like this. But I can't let it be a driving factor in my relationships! Especially not with Comet. I mean, really, now she's practically out of the loop! She's been such a great pal to me, and even had her own little courage to admit she wants to be with me! I can't just turn my eyes from it!”

Tank croaked again.

“So I won't, either,” said Rainbow, stroking her pet's shell again. “I'm going to put my all into my relationship with Comet, and I'm still going to stay friends with Flutershy! She doesn't have to know she's in love with me, it's none of her business, and I won't let it affect us! Ever! Yeah, things will be fine, Tank! I'll give Fluttershy some time, I'll talk to her, and then I'll be able to REALLY enjoy my time with Comet! It's perfect!”

Tank smiled a bit, nodding.

“Don't worry, I'm going to do all I can to make sure Fluttershy still realizes she's a good friend to me. Come on, in a strictly platonic and friendly manner, I love her to pieces! I'm still going to be there for her. She's still my rock, still the butter to my bread, the cherry on top of my sundae...the butterfly to my flower...” A soft, even somewhat dreamy smile overtook her countenance.

Puzzled, Tank croaked, snapping her out of it.

“Heh, sorry about that, buddy,” Rainbow chuckled. “The point is, Fluttershy is still my pal and I'm going to make sure she knows it! Comet's my marefriend, and I'm going to be a good marefriend to her. Plain and simple, Tank!”

Knock knock knock!

“Oh great, now what?!”

Carefully, Rainbow set Tank onto the floor so he could roam around a bit (key word: a bit) before she trotted off toward the door. In doing so, she quickly fixed her mane, checked that her eyes weren't bloodshot, flexed her wings, and then stood up straight and tall. Satisfied, she made it to the door, surprised whoever was there didn't knock further, but thought nothing of it for now.

Upon opening it, she found nopony there.

“...The hay? Then what, was I imagining somepony at my door? No, I couldn't have! I know for sure I heard something!”

Chancing it, Rainbow looked around, then up, and then down at her doorstep. Sitting there was a box, wrapped with a rainbow patterned ribbon. Just a box, with nopony there to deliver it. Left there at her doorstep, and then left after knocking on the door. Who did that??

Regardless, she was curious as to what it was. She took the box into her mouth, then brought it inside, kicking the door closed behind her with her hind leg. Then she went back into her room, sitting on the floor with Tank so that they could look it over together.

“Well Tank, looks like somepony left me a present! ...Funny, can't help but think I saw this box somewhere before...” Rainbow Dash tilted her head, staring down at it curiously.

Tank sniffed it, then his eyes seemed to brighten with recognition. Fairly satisfied, and all the more curious, Rainbow gently untied the rainbow patterned ribbon, and wrapped it around her hoof to save for later. She lifted the lid off the box, peering down to see what was inside. Only for her eyes to go wide and her jaw to drop considerably.

Inside the box, alongside a note, was a pair of high-quality flight goggles. The kind of brand that the Wonderbolts used. Not only expensive, but extremely durable and said to last for years. Her heart thumped, wondering who could have gotten this for her.

Taking the note out of the box to read it over, hoping for answers, what she found brought tears to her eyes yet again.

Follow your dreams, Rainbow Dash. No matter what you choose, I will always support you. Here are some new goggles to help make that happen, since you were saying earlier that you needed some new ones. These may be a lot, but you are worth it, Rainbow. You always have been.

Please enjoy them. And remember I'll always be there for you.

I love you so much, Rainbow Dash. Never give up on your dreams.


P.S. I had meant to give these to you last night. I left the original note in here, because there was just no reason to hide it. I do need some time, still, but I had wanted you to know that there are no hard feelings.

Re-reading the note over and over again, Rainbow Dash's tears were pouring from her eyes like twin waterfalls. Her heart wrenched and yet soared, her insides churned and yet quaked. Lips quivering, she placed the note down gently, then held up the brand new flight goggles. Examining them with care.

Placing them down as well, she looked at Tank, who smiled a bit, though sadly, and she wiped her eyes.

“Tank... Fluttershy's just the best friend I could ever have...” Rainbow sniffled, her voice breaking. “I don't deserve her...or her love... Why me, Tank? Why did she have to fall in love with an idiot like me? She should be in love with somepony who would love her like that right back! ...They really would be the luckiest pony in the world to have Fluttershy love them, you know. But at the same time, to know I could make Fluttershy that happy...that's just awesome! Making her smile is one of the best things ever!”

Tank croaked again, nuzzling her leg.

“Yeah, I know. I couldn't do that to her unless I meant it,” she sighed, looking crestfallen all over again. “Well, if I think of it, being with Fluttershy wouldn't be a bad thing!” She blushed, and then shook her head. “Nah, I can't think of it like that, Tank. I've got a girlfriend now, and I have to think of this with her. I can't do that to Comet, either. She's done so much for me, and I just can't hurt her. I'm gonna make sure she gets the treatment of loyalty! Because I'm Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty! With Celestia as my witness, I won't hurt anypony like that again!”

A smile came to Tank's face as he looked up at her.

“...I just hope Fluttershy will be okay,” Rainbow deflated once again, this time out of concern. “I want her to be happy, Tank. But to have the chance to make her the happiest pony she can be, but can't give it to her in the name of love...it hurts, Tank. I just hope she'll make it and that she'll be happy. I want all my friends to be happy, that's for sure. But Fluttershy...I want her to be happy the most. If anypony deserves happiness, deserves to have something and then have it given right back, it's her.”

Tank made a soft noise, laying his head on her hind leg.

Looking down at him, she smiled and gently petted his head. “I know what you mean, Tank. She'll find happiness, she'll be fine. I just really hope she does! ...Well, I'll test these babies later. I've got to go talk to Rarity.”

A questioning glance came from the tortoise.

Chuckling, Rainbow Dash picked him up and placed him back in his aquarium. “I need her to make me a dress for my date. All I have is my gala dress and bridesmaid dress! So I need something new and simpler, but still pretty, I guess.”

Inside the Carousel Boutique, Rainbow Dash entered the shop to find Rarity in the frontroom. The said unicorn looked up and smiled brightly upon seeing her.

“Ah, Rainbow Dash! What can I do you for, dear?”

“Well, Rarity...never thought I'd say this, but I'll need you to whip me up a dress before Thursday evening!” Rainbow Dash grinned. “I've got a date!”

“Oooh!!” Rarity trotted over to her, looking eager. “That's amazing, darling! I cannot believe it worked out, but that's wonderful! Oh, I knew you would give her a chance! You're ever so sweet to do such a thing! I can't believe she had the courage to tell you!”

“Yeah, well I-” Rainbow blinked, staring at her as her smile faded. It dawned on her a moment later that they were not talking about the same thing. Or the same pony, for that matter. Not only did that indicate that Rarity knew, but also assumed that she was on a date with-

She felt like a complete and utter louse all over again.

“...Actually, Rarity...I'm on a date with somepony else,” she confessed.

Rarity's own smiled faded as the realization set on her. The artistic pony could judge by the look on Rainbow's face that she knew how Fluttershy felt, and that it made her feel bad. All of a sudden, she regretted opening her mouth and assuming such a thing. How could she not have noticed? Now she understood why Fluttershy hadn't shown up this morning yet. Her own heart broke for her friend, and she knew she couldn't possibly feel angry at the daredevil Pegasus, either.

“...Oh, I see,” Rarity said softly, nodding. “May I ask who?”

“...Blazing Comet. We're going to dinner in Canterlot and to see a Wonderbolts show on Thursday,” Rainbow explained. For once, the very name of the Wonderbolts came out just when her heart wasn't in it to add the ever-familiar gusto she had whenever mentioning them. “Last night we kinda got together.”

Nodding once more, the unicorn headed toward her room, motioning for Rainbow to follow her. The Pegasus did so, following after her quietly. There was an air of tension all around, especially because of some certain unspoken matters at hoof that both ponies seemed to know that the other knew. Very much so. Even though the two didn't spend all that much time together in a one-on-one sense, Rarity could tell what Rainbow must've been feeling at the moment. The sadness, the guilt, the lack of spark...she knew.

Regardless, upon reaching her bedroom/inspiration room, the unicorn turned to Rainbow with a serious, but still sympathetic look.

“So you know then, how Fluttershy feels about you,” she said softly.

Hanging her head, Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, I do. It's...a long story. But I know. I... Rarity, I never meant to hurt her, I swear! I didn't even know she loved me until last night! I'm sorry! I didn't want to hurt her, but I couldn't just say something I didn't mean!”

Rarity held up a hoof to silence her, still looking serious. “I understand, darling. The fact that you had been honest with her and did nothing of any sort to lie to her, get her hopes up, or lead her on, I am glad of it and can respect that. I am not angry at you, Rainbow Dash.”

“You're disappointed in me,” the cyan Pegasus deadpanned.

Shaking her head, the white pony sighed. “No, I am not. I only am disappointed for Fluttershy, I must admit. However, I can see that this is hard for you too, dear. She is your best friend, and I suppose it isn't easy to know of her feelings, is it?”

“Well, no,” admitted Rainbow as she hovered above the floor, looking away from her.

“I know of how you feel, darling,” Rarity said softly. “You see, some years ago, there was a colt I once knew. His name was Tail Spin. We had gone to school together and I considered him a brother. The brother I never did have, honestly. But then one day, he took me out to Hoofington with his family for the day, and we went out to dinner. He confessed that he was in love with me...he had been for a long time. And as flattered as I was, I did not love him.”

“...What'd he do?” Rainbow queried, her eyes wide.

“Well,” Rarity sighed a bit, looking a bit sad. “I was honest and told him I did not feel the same way. He was quite sad, and avoided me for a week. When I finally got to see him, I told him that I respected and accepted his feelings, and would want to still be friends with him. He felt reluctant of that, especially since he had not wanted to 'burden' me with his feelings. I felt terrible for having hurt him, but he said he was glad I let him down gently and also didn't lie to him. We were still good friends after that.”

“Wow...gee, thanks for telling me that, Rarity,” Rainbow smiled a bit, lowering herself to the floor. “So uh...what did happen to that guy?”

“Oh, he got married last year!” Rarity smiled brightly. “A show entertainer, Rhythm Shaker, from Las Pegasus, in fact. They live there now, and they are expecting their first child, the last I heard! But that isn't the point. The point is...sometimes it isn't easy to have a dear friend who loves you and you do not feel the same way. But the best you can do is to understand their feelings, be honest with them, and remain their friend. If of course they do not wish to be your friend, you respect their wishes. And I know Fluttershy will do nothing of any sort to make you uncomfortable about this. But I do advise that you try to understand she will need time to feel better.”

“Believe me, Rarity, I know. We grew up together,” the cyan Pegasus waved it off a bit. “Is there anything I SHOULDN'T do?”

Thinking for a few moments, Rarity then nodded. “There is. For one, I think it would be wise if you didn't set her up with somepony, especially not anytime soon.”

“I don't do matchmaker,” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the idea of that. “But for the sake of curiosity, why not?”

“Because it makes for not only missing the point, but also can be awkward,” Rarity explained. “Let me put it this way. Suppose you told Blazing Comet that you loved her, and she rejected you.”

“But she didn't.”

“It's a hypothetical, Rainbow Dash. It doesn't have to be true. Anyway, suppose that happens, and then a short period after...Comet herself comes to tell you she can set you up with somepony. Maybe a friend or family member or somepony she knows. Would you feel upset?”

Rainbow Dash thought of it for a moment. That did sound pretty bogus and even kind of insulting, now that she thought about it. “Well, yeah! I just told her I loved her, then she sets me up with somepony else when she knows I like her. Kind of insulting!”

“Exactly that, yes! So that is not something you should do. Yes, Fluttershy is hurt and has lost a chance at being with somepony she loves, but that doesn't mean you should set her up with somepony. Another thing you should not do is start talking about the good times with your girlfriend right to her. At least not for a little while. At this stage of rejection, it's rubbing it in her face, even if you're not intending to do that,” Rarity advised.

“Kinda figured that, but okay!” Rainbow shrugged.

“Another thing you should not do, is to not start talking about how there 'other fish in the sea', basically that she will eventually find somepony. Again, not for a while. It isn't something a pony wants to hear from somepony they were rejected by. At this stage of rejection, they just need to be alone with their thoughts and feelings about everything and figure out what to do. They don't need to be reminded of that.”

“Got it! What else?”

“Well, you already know not to date her out of pity and guilt, of course. That is by far one of the worst mistakes you could make.”

“Hay yeah! I wouldn't do that to her.”

“Good,” Rarity looked satisfied. “An extension of that is not to express pity to them. Yes, understandably you feel bad for her and for having hurt her. But you must not express pity. That is, by far, the last thing they could ever possibly want. Another thing I'm sure you know, is not to be rude nor defensive to them. Aside from that, the most important thing is to give them space.”

“Isn't that something I kind of SHOULD do?”

Rarity gave her a pointed look.

“...Point taken,” Rainbow sighed. “...You know, if it makes you feel any better, I think I might've given her a chance if I wasn't into Comet.”

“...A little late to say that, but I understand,” Rarity said softly. “Now then, Rainbow Dash, what kind of a dress are you thinking of? You are going to Canterlot, so you certainly must look your best!”

“I guess...” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “Listen...thanks for this, you know. I didn't think you'd still do this.”

“Because of the circumstances? Heavens no! A lady should never let her personal feelings get in the way of her work. After all, Rainbow Dash, it is not as if you had done anything horrible to Fluttershy,” Rarity assured. “Come now, let's get you this dress.”

“Kay. And um...could you not tell anypony about this? I don't want our friends to know about how Fluttershy loves me, I don't feel that way and got together with Comet the same night that-”

“Fluttershy is in love with you?!”