• Published 27th May 2016
  • 3,417 Views, 11 Comments

Through Dark of Night - AutoPony

After years of exile in Tartarus, Nightmare Moon finds herself back in Equestria, at the request of her sister. Celestia hopes to repair their relationship, but she enlists someone.... unique to guide Nightmare Moon along the path to reformation.

  • ...

Through Dark of Night

"Time to wake up."

My eyes snapped open at the melodic call of a familiar voice, as I jumped to my hooves in an instant. Even as queen of Tartarus, I had learned it was vital to stay on guard. Adversaries were only wiling to try things during slumber.

As my eyes adjusted and took in the sights, it was clear that this place was not Tartarus.

Daylight was my first clue, as it shone through the stained glass windows to my right, illuminating the spacious room in a dazzling rainbow of colors.

The years I had spent in my own kingdom had been in eternal darkness, something that had existed even before I arrived and took control. To this day, I'm not exactly sure how long I resided within that realm, considering the lack of any day and night cycle.

The more pressing question for me at that point was the identity of that voice. I had heard it before, but I was unable to put my hoof on a name.

"Welcome back to Equestria, sister," the voice called out, causing me to whirl around as a towering set of oak doors began to creak open.

Sister. I hadn't heard that term in ages as anger began to boil up within me. It came to a head as I caught sight of a pastel-colored, flowing ethereal mane.

"Celestia," I hissed, as I began to focus my magic, charging up a spell. To my surprise, the energy within me seemed to wither away and dissipate before taking form.

As I tried to make sense of my failed magic, the majestic white alicorn that I once called my sister calmly strutted into the room, stopping a few feet away.

"It has been a while since we last met," Celestia said with a warm smile.

"Not long enough," I grumbled under my breath.


"I said your mane looks nice," I blurted out, my retort dripping with sarcasm.

Even so, Celestia's radiant smile only seemed to get brighter.

"Thank you, I am trying a new conditioner right now," Celestia said as she tossed her head, her brightly colored mane waving from side to side. "But I assume you are wondering why you are here."

"I assume you would be right. And I assume you are the reason my magic is not working," I replied, not at all amused with her show.

Celestia silently raised a hoof up, directing my attention downward.

There, just visible to my eyes was some sort of collar. Made of plain steel, it was nothing fancy, but etched over every square inch were various archaic runes. None of these symbols looked familiar to me, but it was clear they were meant to drain or diminish magical ability.

"So you're keeping me for a pet? That's really cute," I snapped. In response, Celestia let out a slight chuckle.

"No, that is merely for precaution. I do not wish to fight you, Luna, be it verbal or physical," she said, her demeanor switching from light-hearted to serious. "I have brought you here from Tartarus because I want to give you a second chance."

"There is no Luna anymore," I growled, as I unfolded my wings in a display of defiance. "And I am not your sister."

Celestia winced a bit at my words, but did not waver in the slightest.

"I understand, Nightmare Moon," Celestia said quietly, correcting herself with a frown. "But I am still willing to give you an opportunity for life in Equestria, if you so desire."

She's actually serious about letting me live in Equestria, I thought to myself. Giving up such an opportunity was out of the question. True, I would be on a short leash for a while, but eventually, given an opening....

"Sure, yeah, great," I said as I rolled my eyes. I did not want to sound too excited, for fear of making Celestia suspicious. "I'll be a good little angel, following you around so you can teach me the wonders of friendship."

Celestia's smile seemed to brighten the whole room as she shook her head. "No, Nightmare Moon, I have somepony else that is going to help you."

Who in Equestria is she bringing in? Try as I might, I couldn't even begin to guess who would be tasked as my overseer.

"You may come in," Celestia called out.

Once again, the massive doors swung open with a reluctant groan as some..... thing wandered in.

Attired in plain dress clothes from head to toe, it walked only on its hind legs. Along with digits at the end of its forelimbs - not to mention opposable thumbs - it was the strangest sight I had laid eyes on in a long while.

"You sent a monkey to help me adjust. Absolutely hilarious," I groaned.

The creature stopped next to Celestia, just staring at me in silence. Celestia turned to the being, offering a reassuring pat on the back with a wing before speaking.

"This is Anonymous. He is a human not from our world, and he has offered to help you along your journey," Celestia said, turning her focus back to me.

Unique names were the norm in Equestria, but "Anonymous" was quite idiotic in my mind.

He continued to just stare at me silently, with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Taking a picture would last a lot longer," I snapped, growing tired of the silent gawking.

"It would, but I'm not sure if the camera would hold up," Anonymous says, breaking his silence.

Surprised by his witty retort, I assumed he didn't know who I was. Or what I was capable of, given time.

Meanwhile, with a glow of her horn, Celestia's magic weaved its way towards me, before its golden energy focused on the runic collar around my neck.

"I am allowing you some basic magic for now," she said as her horn stopped glowing. "As time passes, and I feel you have made progress, I will allow more leeway. Now, I will let you two get acquainted, as I have matters to attend to. Anonymous, let me know if you need anything."

He nodded as Celestia turned, walking out of the room.

"So, what's your name?" Anonymous asked as the oak doors creak closed. "I can't say I was listening that closely when I was waiting outside."

"You do not know who I am?" I said, bristling with irritation.

"Look, I'm sure in your mind, you're super important. Here, not so much," he said dismissively, unfolding his arms.

Already I could feel my temper steadily rising to the surface, in no mood for his smartassery.

"I am Nightmare Moon, Queen of Tartarus," I said as I proudly thrust my chest forward.

Anonymous didn't seem impressed in the slightest at my title. Instead, he began to slowly circle around me, as I kept a close eye on him.

"I figured you would have some sort of dark and edgy name. You certainly didn't disappoint," he said after a long pause.

"Oh, and what kind of name is 'Anonymous'?" I retorted.

"First off, we'll just shorten it to Anon," he said, continuing to study me. "And Nightmare Moon, Queen of Tartar Sauce is way too long."

"Tartarus, you imbecile."

"Same thing, right?" he said, blowing me off with a wave of his hand.

This has to be a joke, right? I thought to myself, while my temper continued to flare within. There is no way Celestia would let such a clueless being watch over me.

"It is just Nightmare Moon," I grumbled. "The rest is a formality."

"Mmm, I don't like that, either," Anon said. "How about 'Moon'?"

Needless to say, I was taken aback by his idea.

"You don't have to like it, it is my name," I hissed, as I clenched and bared my teeth for him to see. "It is NIGHTMARE Moon."

"I heard you the first time, edgelord," he muttered. Seconds passed by before he suddenly snapped his fingers "Darkie."

"What? No!" I cried, fervently shaking my head at the absurd name.

"You don't get a say in this, Darkie," he scolded. I felt myself sliding closer to the edge of full-out rage with every sarcastic, arrogant response I received.

"I am not your pet to command, mortal," I growled, continuing the battle within to restrain myself.

However, Anon seemed unaffected by my aggressive displays, as he instead turned and walked away.

"Come on Darkie, we'll head up to my room," he shouted back. With no other choice, I reluctantly rose to my hooves and tailed him.

Is this really what I've fallen to? I asked myself, unable to believe I was following somepony I could have easily crushed under my hoof. This is pathetic.

As I followed him through twisting corridors, curiosity and the awkward silence got the best of me.

"So, I assume you are not of this world. How did you get here?" I asked, trying to sound polite.

"Why do you care?" he bluntly replied.

I couldn't help feel a bit offended by his response, but I refused to let him know.

"I don't care. I was merely trying to make small talk," I shot back.

"Oh," he said, as he stopped at a door in the hall.

"'Oh?' That's it?"

"You said you didn't care, so I figured it would be a waste of time to answer," he replied with a smirk, opening the door.

"Just answer the damned question."

Anon's room was quite sparse, with very little decorum along the stark white walls. The high ceiling didn't help the feeling of how empty it was, with a simple bed, a desk, and a few other items of furniture.

As he turned towards me, he sighed, allowing himself to fall backward on the bed.

"Well, I don't remember anything until I woke up in Princess Celestia's chambers in the middle of the night, butt naked. That was a fun one to explain," he said, raising himself upright on his elbows. "But this isn't about me, Darkie. Why did you get sent to Toys 'R Us?"

"Tartarus!" I yelled.

"Right, that thing," he said, his finger pointed at me.

I was surprised, to say the least. I would have assumed Celestia had filled him in on our past, considering he was supposedly here to help reform me.

"Celestia and I.... have never quite seen eye to eye on things," I said, in an attempt to mitigate the more negative connotations of what really happened.

"That's what you call trying to bring about eternal night and murder your own sibling? That's.... interesting."

I did not bother to remain calm in my answer.

"If you knew what I had done, why did you ask such a stupid question?!"

Anon looked up at the ceiling in an attempt to avoid my glare.

"I wanted to see if you would tell me what you did, or if you would embellish the truth," he said.

As I felt my face grow warm in embarrassment, I began to wonder if this was all some sort of fun little game for him. If he was enjoying pushing my buttons, screwing with me.

"Enough questions for now though, we need to start getting you on the road to recovery," he said, my thoughts interrupted as he rose from the bed.

Without another word, he walked up to me and placed a hand on either side of my head, as I tried to back off in unease.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded.

"First off, this helmet doesn't exactly scream, 'I'm ready to change to a good pony.' So let's get rid of it for now."

"How about you take your hands away before I bite them off," I threatened, as I flashed my fangs at him once again.

"That's not nice, Darkie," he scolded.

"Stop calling me that!"

Distracted by his stupid pet name for me, I failed to react in time as his hands deftly removed my headpiece in one movement.

Frustration mounted as I felt my mane flow out in all directions, partially obscuring my vision as I scrunched my face in anger.

The room remained silent as neither of us moved, Anonymous just standing and staring at me. After almost a minute, he held out the helmet to me.


"Put it back on," he said. "I didn't realize how horrifying you look without it."

"This coming from a hairless ape?" I barked back, using what little magic I had to grab the gleaming blue helmet and place it over my head. I couldn't help myself as I smirked, as he seemed a bit offended at my jab.

"That may be, but at least I don't look like the result of a sloppy drunken one night stand between a horse and a dragon," Anon said, offering his own smug grin.

What confidence and calmness I had gained went right out the window in an instant.

"I'm sorry, for a moment there I thought you called me a HORSE!"

He only shook his head, not rattled at all by my yelling.

"No, I was referring to your mother as a horse," he said, pausing. "Actually, probably your father, considering the size difference, otherwise you dad would probably have split your mom in half."

"Enough," I blurted, as I rose from my haunches. I took a few steps toward Anon, until my nose was mere inches away from his.

"Listen here, human. I tire of your games, I am not a little toy for you to play with," I hissed quietly, pinning my ears back as my nostrils flared in retrained rage. "Maybe you think you are funny, but I assure you, they do not call me Nightmare Moon for nothing."

"Who's they?" he said with a smirk.

"Do you ever get tired of being a smartass?"

"No, but that's beside the point. Outside of this wonderful little meeting, I have never heard of you, be it from another pony or book," he calmly replied.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Equestria may not have loved me, but I guarantee after my rebellion, they respected me out of FEAR."

Without a word or warning, Anon turned away, walking towards the open doorway.

"Where are you going?" I asked, suspicious.

"Follow me if you don't believe me. I'm heading to the library right now," he said, before disappearing around the corner.

With a huff, I once again trailed behind him.

Why did I agree to this crap?


Frustration only mounted as hours passed, as book by book I worked my way through the castle's library. I was looking for any mention of me, be it by my former name, or who I was now. It wasn't going well, as I grabbed the last book on the shelf in front of me, flipping through it quickly.

Nothing, once again.


I shot Anonymous a glare as I looked up from the book. Slamming it closed, I heaved the book to the floor, unable to accept the truth.

"You are pulling something here," I snarled. "Clearly you or that neapolitan horse are hiding books that DO reference me. I refuse to be pulled in by your ruse."

His cocky demeanor didn't dim at all, as he held out a book in his hands. "There was this one. Remember?"

"A fairy tale book, you dolt!" In a rage, I swiped the book from his hands with my magic, opening it and ripping it in half. Both sides were also heaved to the floor.

"NOW there are no books about you in the archives," Anon said, looking down at the mess of pages.

His remark only made me angrier, and more determined than ever as I seized him by the wrist.

"Hey, be nice now," he said, sounding genuinely worried and a little surprised. It made me smile a bit until I began to drag him along.

With what little magic Celestia had allowed me, I found it difficult to move Anonymous, as I grimaced in exertion.

"I'll follow you, you don't have to drag me," he said behind me. I was relieved to hear his offer, but I made sure he didn't catch wind of that.

"Fine. But you will not be looking so smug once we get out in the streets."

"Whatever you say, Darkie," he said with a sigh. I still hated that name but didn't see much sense in arguing. After all, it was probably what he wanted.

I led Anonymous through the twists and turns of the castle, eager to find the streets of Equestria once again before my eyes. It took nearly twenty minutes of walking in silence before we reached the gates, and out into the streets of Canterlot.

Evening has descended upon the world, as the bustling crowd of the city had thinned out somewhat by this time.

Surely I will get a reaction from somepony here on the streets, I thought to myself. I stood up straight and puffed my chest out, pointing my nose skyward in the traditional royal pose.

After almost a minute of silence, I opened my eyes. To my dismay, nopony seemed to have batted an eye, as they continued along with their evening.

"So, you're quite a renowned pony, huh?" came Anon's scathing voice from behind me.

"Nice costume, but Nightmare Night is a few months away," a voice spoke. As I looked down to find the source, a young colt had made his way up to me, standing and looking upward.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked, unsure of this 'Nightmare Night' he had mentioned.

The colt rolled his eyes. "You know, Nightmare Night? When all the spooky stuff comes out? I mean, that's a decent Nightmare Moon costume, but it's only July."

Irritated by his impolite tone, I lowered my head to his eye level, giving him a good look at my feral eyes and razor-sharp canines.

"Little foal, I AM Nightmare Moon."

The youngster didn't seem at all impressed. "Sure, whatever you say. Except for the fact she isn't real," he said, before abruptly turning away and walking off.

This is a joke. a sick, twisted joke, I thought as I trembled with bottled up anger. This was the exact reason I had so hated this world in the past - nopony seemed to care who I was.

"So, do you believe me now?" Anonymous asked.

As I reached my tipping point, I whirled around to face him, startling Anonymous enough to take a few steps back from me.

"NO, I do NOT believe you!" I shouted, causing a few passing ponies to stop and stare as the scene unfolded. "I don't know how you did it, I don't know what spell Celestia cast, but I refuse to believe I have been forgotten to time!"

To my surprise, Anonymous didn't back off. Instead, he seemed angry, as he took a step towards me.

"You never will get it, will you? You are NOTHING to this world, you have NO reputation. All you have is an over-inflated ego and sense of self-importance," he yelled.

It was at that point I lost it.

In a blind fury, I swung a hoof at Anonymous, catching him across the face hard enough to throw him to the ground. Instantly, Anon's hand went to his face as blood seeped from his nose. At the same time, the crowd that had gathered around the two of us let out a collective gasp, staring at me in shock.

I couldn't take it anymore, as I opened my wings and threw myself into the air, trying to get away from it all.


With much of my magic being sapped by the arcane collar around my neck, I had no choice but to return to the castle. I spent a good hour flying, trying to relax a bit, before landing on the balcony leading to Anon's room.

By that time, night had completely descended over the land. The sky was clear, allowing the moon and stars to illuminate the dark landscape.

To my relief, Anonymous was not in his room when I returned. Seizing the opportunity, I threw myself onto the bed, exhausted both physically and emotionally after the long day.

All I could think about was how big of a mistake it was agreeing to return to Equestria. Not only had this day gone terribly awry, but it also jogged my memory of why I had so loathed it in the first place.

Nopony seemed to care about me. They hadn't paid much attention years ago, and now they did not even know who I was.

It really did not matter, considering what I had done to Anonymous. It all but sealed my fate to return to Tartarus. Not that I was bothered leaving this world behind.

"Are you alright?" Anon's voice quietly interrupted my thoughts as I gazed out at the sky.

"Leave me alone," I muttered, not bothering to look at him. I assumed he was there to gloat how he was right, or to show me what I had done to his face.

Rather than listen to my demand, he sat beside me, the bed sinking a bit.

"I said go away!" I yelled, my voice trembling. Try as I might, I could not help but turn and look at him.

Even in the dark, I could see the ugly bruise my hoof left just below his left eye, as well as a bit of dried blood just under his nose.

My mind could not fathom how even after hitting Anonymous, he calmly sat beside me.

"No," he simply stated, his hands folded in his lap.

I shook my head as I tried to keep calm. Unlike the rest of the day, it was not to keep my anger bottled up, but my sorrow.

"Why? Why do you belittle me all day today, show me the ugliness in this world I had forgotten, and yet sit beside me now?" I asked, trying to sound in control.

"Because you're not alright," he said in a soft tone. "I didn't mean what I said earlier."

I felt his hand lightly stroke my mane. Rather than fight it, I allowed him to do so, as the dam inside me burst.

"It doesn't matter, you are right," I mumbled, tears beginning to cloud my vision. "Nopony cared about me, respected me or my nights in the past like they did my sister and her daylight, so I changed to make them at least respect me out of fear. Yet they still do not care. They do not even remember me, not even who I once was."

"I care."

"Yeah, right. Even if you did at one point, I ruined that," I said, pointing to the bruise upon his face.

"Well, I kinda deserved it, to be quite honest," Anonymous said, cracking a smile. "But I somehow had to get through to you and break that ego."

"It still does not matter. You are but one pony,"

"You don't think your sister cares? I think she cares a lot, considering she's giving you another chance," Anon replied.

My breath caught in my throat just as I was about to argue. Even in my self-pity, I knew he was right.

Despite what I had done in the past, here I was back in Equestria. Not from demands of the ponies of Equestria, not of my own doing. But because Celestia wanted me here.

Anonymous didn't wait for me to say anything, as he rose from the bed and walked across the room to his desk.

"I don't think you realize how much you *were* respected, and still are to this day. Indirectly, of course," Anon said as he sat back down. Within his hands was a small calendar, which he held for me to see. Carefully, he pointed to various days in the month, each containing a small, circular symbol.

"Do you know what those are?" he asked.

I rubbed my eyes as I strained to read the small symbols. As my eyes focused, I could see each one of them referred to a phase of the moon, from a new moon to the full moon.

"Ponies.... keep track of the moon?" I stuttered. I had never heard of such a thing.

"Yes, they have for a long time. Hell, in my world we do as well. They keep track of the stars, too," he said. "Not only for navigation, but to marvel at the beauty of the night sky."

Once again, Anonymous rose off the bed, this time heading over to the balcony. As he stopped at the railing, he beckoned for me to follow with a wave of his hand.

Slowly, I climbed off the bed and joined Anon, rising up on my hind legs to rest atop the railing beside him. He pointed down below to the houses of the city.

Few lights remained on in Canterlot as I quickly scanned the city. But as I looked closer, I could see ponies gathered on the rooftops, their eyes pointed skyward.

"What is going on?" I asked, perplexed by the sight as I turned to Anonymous.

Anon only smiled as he looked upward towards the sky.

Following his gaze, my eyes were met with the shimmering lights of a meteor shower. I could only stare awestruck as the lights shot across the sky in a brilliant display. Seeing such a sight and knowing others were adoring this show only caused the tears to return, as they streamed down my cheeks.

"We're all guilty of losing sight of the little things, Darkie," Anonymous said, breaking the quiet. "And yet, it's the little things that mean so much. True, ponies aren't normally up and about at night like they are during the day, but it is your night that allows them to rest, to relax after a long day. You and your night are just as important as Celestia and the daytime."

"I.... I never knew," I mumbled, looking into his eyes as he resumed stroking my mane. "This whole time, I was so jealous of my sister, that I made myself blind to the truth."

At that moment, I felt as if I was seeing the world after a long slumber. As well as embarrassed.

"It happens to the best of us," Anon said with a comforting smile. "Even to a princess of Equestria."

My ears drooped at the phrase, realizing I had abandoned those I swore to protect and watch over so many years ago.

"Not anymore," I glumly replied. Dropping my gaze to the floor, I turned to head back into Anon's room. "I have ruined what prestige I once had."

"It's not too late to change," he called back, causing me to pause. "What I said earlier was partially true, no one remembers you. But that also means you have the opportunity for a fresh start."

My breath caught by his statement, I turned back around as Anonymous stepped towards me, holding out his hand.

"All you have to do is let go of the past. What do you say?"

Even after everything I had said, everything I had done to him, Anonymous smiled. Silently, his eyes pleaded with me to take his hand.

A new start.

Leaving the past mistakes behind.

I choked back a sob as I placed my hoof in his hand, letting go of everything within me.

Instantly, it felt as if every fiber in my body took a deep breath, rejuvenated. The pain and strife of the past seemed to melt away, as I allowed the sensation to wash over, envelop me as I closed my eyes.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed as I opened my eyes again, finding myself lying on the floor. Leaning over me, Anonymous looked concerned, as well as a bit shocked while I regained my senses.

"What happened?" I asked. My own confusion turned to shock as I placed my hoof over my mouth.

Rather than the low, growling voice I had been accustomed to, my voice was suddenly at a higher pitch, melodic in nature.

"I don't know, but that's not all that changed," Anon replied, helping me to my hooves. As I slowly regained my balance, I could see he was not joking.

Before, I had been at eye level with Anonymous, perhaps even a bit taller than him. Now, I stood at his chest level.

Desperately, I scanned the room for a mirror, finding one laying on his desk. Using my magic, I levitated it in front of myself, and let out a gasp at the mare that greeted me.

My reflection was no longer that of a foreboding, black alicorn. Instead, my coat had lightened to a royal shade of blue, while my eyes had reverted to a calm, serene turquoise, full of life and optimism. But the starry, ethereal mane remained.

"I'm me again..." I whispered, unable to believe my eyes

"That's what you're supposed to look like?" Anon asked quietly. I couldn't help myself as I leaped at him, throwing my forehooves around his body.

"Thank you, thank you," I shouted, tears continuing to run down my face.

This time, the tears were of not of sorrow, but pure joy.

Never had I imagined I could get a second chance after events were set in motion so long ago. Then again, never did I think I would *want* a second chance here in this world, alongside my sister. Now, here I was, determined to make the most of this opportunity.

I felt Anon wrap his arms around my form, returning the embrace. We both sat on the floor quietly for a long time, just living the moment.

"What do you say we show your sister the new you, Nightmare Moon?" Anonymous said as he let me go. I looked up to see the playful grin on his face.

I smiled as wide as I could back, wiping my eyes with a hoof as I let out a giggle.

"Please, call me Luna."

Comments ( 11 )

Both adorable and funny, a winning combination. Though the one problem I have here is that it's hard to take a name like Anon in a non second person story seriously. You could have at least given him a name.

This was a truley wonderful fic, both funny as well as sweet and touching.

"I heard you the first time, edgelord," he muttered. Seconds passed by, before he suddenly snapped his fingers "Darkie."

Nightmare Moon is teenage Luna going through her emo-and-mascara face. Yeah, you heard me.

The room remained silent as neither of us moved, Anonymous just standing and staring at me. After almost a minute, he held out the helmet to me.


"Put it back on," he said. "I didn't realize how horrifying you look without it."

A thousand years of helmet hair will do that to a person.


A thousand years of helmet hair will do that to a person.

Especially with a mane that long. Yikes.

Nightmare Moon's true punishment.

Who knew Celestia could be so cruel?

Her color scheme is no coincidence. The elements are actually just overpowered magical mane conditioner. Don't tell Rarity. She'll have a stroke.

Tartarus, Tartar Sauce, Toys 'R Us...

Don't bother with trivial details.

"That may be, but at least I don't look like the result of a sloppy drunken one night stand between a horse and a dragon."

:trollestia:: "You know she is my sister, right."
Anon: " Which means... Oh..."

Good story!


:trollestia:: "You know she is my sister, right."
Anon: " Which means... Oh..."

They could be half-sisters.

You just got a like.

Awesome, absolutely loved it :twilightsmile:

Nice, short, and in the feels.

Comment posted by A random person deleted Sep 18th, 2018
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