• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,370 Views, 91 Comments

A Scratch in My Heart - IAreBrony

Oh, look, another OctaScratch shipping

  • ...

Trouble With the Truth

Sometime around noon, the sounds of the city finally broke the quiet of Octavia's delicately furnished condominium. The gruff shouts of angry ponies, the yapping of small dogs, and the occasional cooing of a bird. Normally, these sounds would have been routine for the cellist, but then again, Octavia didn't normally drink herself into unconsciousness. When the sounds broke through her deer slumber, her bloodshot eyes slowly slid open. Her head was throbbing with pain and she felt like she was going to be sick. She probably would have if her mouth was not covered for some reason. Struggling to focus her vision, Octavia could barely make out the form of a white muzzle pressed against her own. Instantly, her head cleared and her eyes bolted open as adrenaline was injected into her bloodstream.

In front of her lay Vinyl Scratch, her new roommate, her signature glasses tucked messily behind one fuzzy ear. The DJ was snoring through her nose, a clear sign that she was fast asleep. Her soft, warm lips were melded with Octavia's own, and the cellist was nearly positive their tongues were not confined to their own mouths. Oh my, what should I do? If I try to leave, she might wake up, but if I don't she'll know for sure! Why in Equestria would I kiss Vinyl? I mean, she's nice and all, and beautiful, but I don't like mares! Do I?. . . Octavia thought to herself. Taking a chance, Octavia tentatively pulled her mouth away from her friend's. The unicorn stirred slightly, but quickly settled herself. Now for the hard part.

Apparently, Octavia had chosen the night before to climb on top of the white mare. After much tossing and turning, they had ended up lying on their sides facing each other, but still thoroughly entangled. Very slowly, she slid her arms and legs out of Vinyl's grasp. It was kind of cute, how vulnerable the rough and tough DJ looked cradling her friend's grey limbs. For a moment, Octavia was reluctant to pull herself all the way off the couch. She quickly reminded herself that any intimate feelings she seemed to have for Vinyl must just be the remaining alcohol talking. With a graceless thud, the grey mare landed on her back on the rug. Ever so slowly, Octavia righted herself and staggered into the kitchen. After hitting her head on the doorframe, she struggled to focus her vision as she attempted to pour herself some coffee.

Normally, she would add creamer or milk, but she was much too tired and hung-over to walk anywhere else. Staring at her own reflection in deep brown liquid, Octavia pondered her strange feelings for Vinyl. Well, I hardly know her, but that's never stopped relationships before. I like her enough to invite her to stay in my house with me. . . I also know that she's very beautiful. But she's a mare. . . I don't even like mares! I mean, I don't think I do. I've always like stallions, but I haven't felt this way about anypony in a while. Okay, pros and cons time. Cons: she's rude, she's loud, she's unemployed, she and I are nothing alike, she read my journal, so I know she doesn't respect privacy, and she was probably just as drunk as I was when she kissed me. That's a lot of cons. Well let's look at-

Octavia's thoughts were cut short as a hoof brushed lightly across her shoulder and a tall glass of water slid gently in front of her. When she looked up, her eyes full of curiosity and confusion, she saw Vinyl's sweet, smiling face. Surprisingly, the unicorn's glasses were propped up on her head instead of over her eyes. "Drink. It'll help a lot more than coffee," Vinyl said knowingly. Octavia had to force herself not to make eye contact with her roommate as she drank the water. It went down easily and was amazingly refreshing. Her parched throat felt as though it were crying out with joy at the touch of the liquid. Setting down an empty glass, she looked across the table at her roommate.

Vinyl's mane was even more disheveled than normal, but she managed to make it work. Her smile was cocked to one side in a casual smirk and her ruby eyes sparkled with kindness. Looking over at the mare, Octavia silently started her list. Pros: she's kind of sweet some times, she's cute, she's not terrible at making music, she likes to listen to me play, she's got beautiful eyes. . . Oh Celestia, her eyes are amazing. . . Vinyl just leaned back in her chair as Octavia lost herself in the DJ's eyes. Setting her chair down, Vinyl cleared her throat. "So, that was some party last night, huh?" The white mare asked with a grin. Octavia blushed lightly at the mention of the night before. "I mean, I didn't even know I could have that much fun with just one other pony!"

Octavia studied her roommate's face for any hints of anything more. As easy as her eyes were to read, they betrayed no other thoughts. She really has no idea what she did. Oh thank the princesses! They ARE merciful! "Oh, yes. I must admit, that was quite fun, and your taste in music was not as. . . Horrid as I had thought. Although, I must admit, I don't think I'll be drinking like that with you for quite some time," Octavia told Vinyl, who smiled at her drinking prowess. Her teeth were somehow perfectly white, much like her coat. "How do you manage to drink so much and never feel. . . Well, this?" she asked, gesturing to herself.

A rough but melodic laugh carried throughout the condo as Vinyl tossed her head back. Struggling to her hooves, Vinyl rose and put her shades on. Putting a hoof on Octavia's shoulder, she replied, "Years of practice, Tavi. Years of practice." With that, she hobbled back into the living room, leaving Octavia alone with her thoughts. Okay, Octavia, get a hold of yourself. She's your friend and you kissed while drunk. She has no memory of it, so it was probably just a spur of the moment thing. Yes, that must be it! But those feelings. . . I may need to go out and find a colt to spend some time with. Octavia hated telling herself that her feelings would just go away if she stopped thinking about them, but she refused to accept that she cared intimately for her new roommate.

Octavia rose from her chair and walked to the doorway out of the kitchen. Vinyl appeared to be lounging comfortably on the couch, possibly even trying to sleep again. Octavia decided there was only one thing she could do to clear her mind, so she crept upstairs as gently as possible. Vinyl lay quietly on the couch, trying her best to recall the events of last night. Much of it seemed to be the usual drunken haze, but this time with much more grey. She sat there with her eyes closed trying to make heads or tails of the night, but parts didn't seem real. Okay, so I remember drinking and laughing, and Tavi was there. . . Gah! Half of this crap seems made up! There's no way Tavi and I kissed; she doesn't roll like that. And even if she does, if I ask if we kissed, and we didn't, she'll think I was dreaming about it!

Vinyl picked up a pillow and slammed it into her face. Once she was sure no sound would escape, she screamed at the top of her lungs. When she stopped and uncovered her face, she heard a familiar, gentle sound. Hopping of the couch, Vinyl trotted closer to the noise. It seemed to be coming from upstairs in Octavia's room. Slowly the sound grew louder and louder, not just because Vinyl was walking up the stairs either. At the top of the stairs, Vinyl looked through the open crack of Octavia's door to see her standing there playing her cello.

The sing of the instrument entranced Vinyl, and she slowly edged the door open. Octavia played the string instrument with her eyes closed, so she didn't see when Vinyl gently sat herself down on Octavia's bed. The sound made Vinyl want to sleep in a way, but it also made her want to sit there all day and just listen to the melody. Neither of the mares had any idea how long they had been there in their own little worlds until Octavia pulled her bow from the strings for the final note and opened her eyes. She found Vinyl Scratch staring at her, her glasses sitting next to her on the maroon bed sheet.

Startled, Octavia asked, "Vinyl, when did you get here?"

Vinyl seemed to ponder the question for a few second before answering with, "No idea, Tavi. I just came in and you were playing, so I sat down and started listening. Hope I didn't bother you." Her answer seemed so genuine and innocent that Octavia just accepted it and waved a hoof.

"Oh no, you were no bother at all. In fact, I didn't know that you were there. But since you were here for most of it, what did you think?" The grey mare asked, setting the cello carefully back in its case.

"I loved it. It was awesome," the unicorn replied, sitting up on the bed.

Octavia smiled and reminded herself not to look at Vinyl's ruby eyes. "I'm glad you liked it. I wrote that piece myself, actually," Octavia told her roommate. Vinyl's mouth dropped open when she heard that.

"You wrote that all by yourself?" The DJ sounded truly amazed for once.

"Well, yes, I did. It's just a simple piece I wrote, really," the modest cellist mumbled, a small blush creeping into her cheeks.

"That was amazing, Tavi. Really," Vinyl insisted, setting a hoof on Octavia's shoulder and looking her squarely in the eye. The DJ's dazzling eyes and touch sent Octavia's stomach fluttering, and she gulped deeply.

"I, umm- I need to go to the store, actually. We're running low on food, so I'm going to go grab some," she said, stepping toward the door.

"Oh, well okay. I'll wait here, I guess," Vinyl replied as Octavia started down the stairs. Octavia wasn't but three steps from the door before Vinyl called down to her, "Hay, Tavi, about last night. . ." Octavia's stomach lurched and her heart raced at the mention. She had never been particularly great at lying, and she knew she'd break if she looked Vinyl in the eyes.

Tensely, Octavia called back, "What about it?" Vinyl appeared at the bottom of the stairs, and Octavia pretended to see something out the window.

"Well, I had this weird feeling. . . I think it may have just been one of those weird drunk dreams, but. . . Did we kiss?" Vinyl prepared herself for any kind of verbal abuse. Octavia, on the other hoof, practically had her heart burst out her chest, it was hammering in her ribcage like never before.

"I- Well- Let's talk when I get back from the store, alright?" Octavia nervously stammered.

Vinyl didn't even have time to look up and reply before she heard the door close and her roommate was gone down the street. That's either good, or really, really bad. Vinyl thought to herself. Nervously, she sat down and waited on the couch for the cellist to return. She barely took notice when sunset came and Octavia still hadn't returned. When night was almost upon them, Vinyl heard the door unlocking. Looking up, she found Octavia in the arms of some stallion Vinyl had never seen before. She went from surprised to filled with despair when she saw Octavia kiss the colt.

"Oh, hay," the blue colt said to Vinyl when he took notice of her. Still shocked, Vinyl waved slowly. It seemed Octavia had had more than her fair share of drinks as she attempted to pull the large stallion toward the stairs. The cellist didn't even notice the unicorn still sitting on the couch when she and the colt disappeared upstairs.

Inside, Vinyl felt like vomiting. She had no idea that Octavia could or would do something like that, and it made it even more crushing that it had come the way it did. Grabbing a few thick blankets and a pillow, Vinyl decided that sleeping on the front steps would be better than subjecting herself to the torture of listening to the two ponies upstairs. Opening the door and making herself comfortable as possible on the concrete outside the door, Vinyl pressed her face into the pillow has hard as possible and begged for the relief of sleep to take her. Eventually, the exhaustion of being up the previous night beat out the cold of sleeping on the street and Vinyl fell into a deep slumber.