• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,371 Views, 91 Comments

A Scratch in My Heart - IAreBrony

Oh, look, another OctaScratch shipping

  • ...

It All Comes Together

The door flew wide open, letting a shaft of moonlight sneak into the small living room and light up the space. Normally, a professional would take great care of their instrument, but in this case, Octavia had had enough that day. Sleeping with some strange pony, being confused with Vinyl, a long practice, and playing her flank off at a big concert. It was tiring stuff, and she barely made it to the couch before flopping down onto it. The gust of air from the impact was just enough to carry a small piece of paper off the table and onto Octavia's nose. She barely felt anything but the throbbing in her head and her legs, but she opened her eyes to peer at the note.

"What's this?" She mumbled to herself as she slowly grabbed the note. Sitting upright, she knew the note was from her roommate. In the darkness, she found it easier to repeat parts of the letter out loud. "Dear Tavi. . . Fantastic friend. . . I like you, Tavi. . . Dreams were shattered. . . Sorely mistaken. . . The hard part. . . far away from Manehattan. . . A chance for us. . . Best friend I've ever had and the most beautiful pony I've ever met. Love, Vinyl. . ." By the time she finished reading the note, Octavia felt sick. The message and feeling behind the note hit her like a wall, and the dried tear stains made it all that much harder on her.

She leaned her head back until she was staring straight at the ceiling above. She's gone? Just like that? I can't believe it. . . And she liked me. . . And I knew it, and I went and bucked up. I had to go sleep with some random colt. Why did I even do that! Just to remind myself of a false reality! Octavia was so frustrated with herself that she slammed her head against the wall. Just admit it, Octavia. . . You like Vinyl. Or liked. . . She's gone because of you, and she might even lose her career because of it. . . What have I done? Where could she be? The tears were rolling down Octavia's cheeks at this point. She was hurt by her own stupidity, and that made this realization that much more bitter.

If anypony knows where she would go, it would be the Doctor. . . Octavia decided. Wrapping her scarf tightly around her neck and muzzle, she began her walk to Vinyl's old apartment.

"Where is she?" The determination and threatening nature of her tone would have terrified many a pony, but not the Doctor, no so easily. No, he only felt like wetting himself. Backing himself into the corner of the hallway, he looked around nervously.

"Look, Octavia, I know you miss her, but she made us swear that we'd never tell anypony, especially you," the colt admitted. Using her anger as fuel for her strength, Octavia pushed a hoof into the Doctor's chin and lifted him up, his back pressed against the wall tightly.

"Where. Is. She," Octavia growled, and the Doctor attempted to gulp in fear.

"She'd kill me if she knew I told you!" The brown colt said, attempting to rationalize his stance.

"I'LL kill you if you don't tell me!" Octavia shouted. Sighing, the Doctor resigned himself.

"Fine. Let me down and I'll tell you," he groaned, and the mare set him down. Rubbing his neck, he told her, "She moved to Ponyville. With her cousin."

Immediately, Octavia's mind went to the few times she had been to Ponyville. Fastest way would be by train from here. Best start there. She thought to herself. Looking up, she said to the Doctor, "Thank you for your cooperation, Doctor Whooves."

Bitterly, he grumbled, "Not like I had much of a choice. . ." Without dignifying his response with a reply, Octavia took off toward the door. Once on the sidewalk, she began at a gallop toward the train station. Last she remembered, it was hardly fifteen minutes away, but she felt like she had been running forever before she could finally see it in the distance. She had a stitch in her side for the past mile, and it made her want to stop and give up, but that wasn't an option.

Every minute counted, and even then she had no idea if she could make a train to Ponyville tonight. Still, she cursed herself repeatedly on the way there for not being more physically active. Eventually, her gallop slowed to a canter as she came to the station. It was a wonderfully made place that was situated on the edge of town, leading trains into its first story while the second story served out tickets. Octavia came to the second story, the one level with the street, and began searching for signs talking of Ponyville.

She saw ones for Las Pegasus, Stalliongrad, Baltimare, even Canterlot, all closed for the night, but none for Ponyville. Her head hung in despair as she heard a loud whistle and a loud voice all out, "All aboard for the last train to Ponyville!" Her heart sped up as her mind comprehended that the call had been sounded downstairs. Using whatever adrenaline she had left, she bolted to the stairs, skipping every other step. Normally she would have worried about breaking her neck, but not now. She had a train to catch.

When her hooves hit the first floor, she realized there was only one train in the far left corner on the station, and it was slowly starting to roll. Well, that certainly helps narrow it down. Kicking into a gallop again, Octavia raced for the back of the train as it tried to get away. She would never make it to a door, she realized. Her only option was to try and jump onto the small, flat space connected to the end of the last cab. Pushing her legs harder than she had when carrying Vinyl back to her home, she surged onward to the platform just as the train was gathering real speed. It was now or never. She bunched her legs up and leapt through the air.

She hit the platform and tumbled and slid, barely catching herself as loose strands of her mane dangled off the edge of the platform. Had she slid just another hoof further, she would have missed the train entirely and probably seriously injured herself. A little frightened by being in the unenclosed space on a fast-moving train, she opened the door on the cab and crawled inside. Once inside, her pulse finally started to slow. She thought back to what it took to catch the train, and she laughed at her own wonderful, dumb luck. Without another thought, she continued to laugh until she finally got the long-deserved rest she so desperately desired.


In a small, unfurnished home in Ponyville, a lone mare sat on the floor, staring at her computer screen. It told her it was about fifteen minutes past two in the morning, but she didn't care. The bottle of Applejack Daniel's beside her said it was whatever time she wanted it to be, and in her head it was drinking time. She took another gulp of the liquor with a satisfied sigh and tried to focus her eyes on the screen. Reluctantly, she took off her shades to see better, and it helped a lot. She could finally see the media player open and the song names as she selected one and the intro started.

A slight smile came to her lips as she thought of the last time she had heard the song. Octavia's house, only a short while ago, when the pair of them had shared not only drinks and a couch, but a kiss, she was sure of it. The memory of her only friend and that she was gone forever plucked at her heartstrings, and she took a big drink of the liquor beside her. "I need some air," she grumbled to herself before sliding away from the computer, but levitating the Applejack Daniel's after herself. The front door to her home opened up to a beautiful, white moon, and Vinyl finally realized what she had missed most in the city.

It wasn't the friendliness of the country foalk, or the fresh air, or even cute mares, it was the moon. Behind skyscrapers, the moon could hardly be seen in its low arc, and it truly was a sight to behold. Or so Vinyl thought to herself before taking a long drink of her alcohol because, while she now had the moon, she had lost her best friend and true love. Her eyes twitched as a streak flew through the sky, and she recognized the pegasus.

"Oh my gods. . . YO RAINBOW DASH!" She called, probably waking her neighbors, but she didn't care. The dot in the air stopped mid-flight to look at her as she waved, and it grew quickly as Dash approached her.

"Yeah, who wants to kn- Vinyl is that you?!" Dash said, blown away. She zoomed through the air and embraced her old friend who smelled like hell. Letting go, Dash made a face. "What's with the smell, Scratch? Been drinkin' again?" Vinyl grinned as she held up the bottle for Rainbow Dash to see.

"'Course I been drinkin' again, what're you, stupid? Now get in here and help me finish this baby off! I got two more to split, as well," Vinyl told Dash with a smile. Dash pulled her hoof back from Vinyl's and scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably.

"I dunno, Scratchie. You get frisky when you're drunk, and I'm kinda with somepony now and-" Vinyl's eyebrows rose immediately and she laughed.

"No foolin'? You finally found somepony to take your sorry ass in? That's fantastic! I'll drink to that," Vinyl Scratch said with a laugh before taking another gulp of her Applejack Daniel's.

Dash just chuckled and punched her friend's shoulder. "You big idiot, you'll drink to anything!"

"Amen, I'll drink to that!" Vinyl replied, and Dash couldn't help but laugh as she took another drink. "So who's the lucky colt, Dash? Finally land the stallion of your dreams?" Vinyl asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

Dash turned slightly pink at the mention. "No, I gave up on Soarin' a long time ago. Actually, it's, umm, it's Applejack," Dash mumbled under her breath. Vinyl cocked an eyebrow for a moment.

"Applejack?" Dash nodded. "As in," Vinyl levitated the bottle of liquor into view and pointed to the mare on the front, "this Applejack?" Dash nodded. Vinyl nodded thoughtfully before grabbing her friend's hoof and tossing her inside.

Dash hit the floor with a thud just before Scratch closed the door. "What the hay was that for, Vinyl?" Suddenly, her old friend was at her hooves, practically in tears with her head bowed.

"You gotta help me, Dash! I'm going nuts here! Everywhere I look, there's something that reminds me of her, and I don't know what to-"

"Slow down, Vinyl!" Dash cried, lifting the unicorn up. "Start from the beginning," she ordered, and Vinyl nodded, sniffling.

"Okay, so there was this concert. . ."


"Miss, what are you doing back here?" Octavia's eye bolted open at the stallion's voice, and she realized she had fallen asleep.

"Oh, I, umm, well you see-" Octavia started, but the old stallion raised a hoof.

"Calm down, miss, I'm not going to get mad at you, I just think the chef's cabin is a tab odd for a place to take a nap," he joked, and Octavia relaxed and smiled.

"Thank Celestia. Well, you see, I need to get to Ponyville very badly, and this is the last train there. I almost didn't make it, and I had to jump on at the last second, and I haven't slept in a while, so I guess I just fell asleep here," she said nervously. She shrank down as she awaited her punishment for sneaking onto the train without a ticket. The stallion scratched his grey beard for a moment.

"What's so important about Ponyville?" He inquired, and Octavia swallowed uncomfortably.

"Well, you see, my friend, she moved away without telling me, and I want to see her again to tell her. . ." Her voice faded as she realized she didn't know what to say. "I- I don't know what I'm going to tell her," Octavia mumbled.

The old stallion smiled kindly. "Why not tell her the truth?" He asked knowingly, and Octavia furrowed her brow at him.

"Whatever do you mean?" The old stallion chuckled.

"Miss, you just ran your flank off to get onto this train, the last train to Ponyville, instead of waiting until tomorrow when there were sure to be less chances of hurt yourself. But you did it anyway, just to go see her. Sure seems pretty clear to me what you want to tell her," he explained, and Octavia's eye grew wide with realization as the stallion spoke the truth. There really was only thing she could say to Vinyl to explain her showing up out of the blue. . .

"Thank you, sir, I needed that," Octavia said with a smile. The old stallion smiled back and stepped aside.

"Now then, wouldn't you much rather wait in the passenger cabin than in the kitchen? I'm not sure the chef will be as kind, he's a bit of a jerk." Octavia smiled and rose, walking with the old stallion until they got to a set of open seats in the passenger cabin. "Now, then, you catch up on your sleep, I'll wake you up when we reach Ponyville. Sound good?" Octavia smiled and nodded, so the stallion walked away with a bit of a spring in his step.

Octavia just looked out the window at the countryside rushing by while thinking of how to greet Vinyl at her new home. She smiled. "I know just the way," she muttered under her breath, and leaned her head back to fall back asleep.


"So you're telling me you met a mare, some stuck-up bitch, outside one of your concerts, and you went to her house to apologize, and you ended up falling in love with her, but she wasn't interested, and after you moved in, she broke your heart, so you moved to Ponyville to get away from the pain? That about it?" Dash said, sounding somewhat skeptical. Vinyl thought for a moment, eye pointed to the ceiling before nodding.

"That's all of it. I figured since you and Applejack, and all, you might be able to help me out here. . ." Vinyl mumbled, and Dash threw a hoof around her friend.

"Scratchie, the only thing I have to say is. . . You're a moron." Vinyl raised her eyebrows and Dash nodded. "That's right, you're a moron. You let her go, Vinyl. You loved her, and I'm positive you could have made her love you back, but you went and did what you always do: you chickened out. You've been doing that for years, and you did it again. Just think where you would be if you hadn't chickened out. You'd be ultra famous, the most popular DJ in the world, living happily wherever you wanted, with plenty of friends. Hell, you might have even been married to Spitfire, Celestia knows you guys had a thing going for a while! But you couldn't grow some balls and take a risk, so here you are again," Dash ranted, and Vinyl nearly felt like crying. She put her head in her hooves and shook it.

"You're right, you're right, you're right. . . I'm a loser, and a failure, and a chicken, and I don't deserve to be happy." Vinyl looked up as Dash spoke her name, and her head snapped to the side quickly as a hoof met it quickly.

"Forget that! You DO deserve to be happy, you just don't get it! You need to take a chance, and then maybe MAYBE, you'll get it," Dash told her friend, and Vinyl frowned. Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around the unicorn and pulled her close. "Listen, sweetie, it's all about the risk. When AJ and I got together, I took the risk of telling her I liked mares. I was scared, but she told me soon after that she knew what I meant, and that she felt the same way. And now it's two months later, and I've never been happier. It's all because I took the chance on her, and it paid off."

Vinyl nodded understandingly for a moment before taking a short sip of Applejack Daniel's that would have been a long gulp if Dash hadn't snatched it away. "Stop that! I want you to get your shit together and march back to Octavia's house and tell her how you feel! You got that?!" Dash shouted, and Vinyl stood up, fire in her eyes.

"Yeah!" She shouted back.

"I can't hear you!" Dash shouted.

"YEAH!" Vinyl cried back, and Dash cheered with her for a second before a soft knocking at the door caught both their attentions.

Dash flew to the door hesitantly, mumbling, "Please don't let it be AJ, please don't let it be AJ. . . " When she opened the front door of the home, she was greeted with the sight of a grey earth pony wearing a pink bowtie with crystalline lavender eyes. The mare cleared her throat.

"Umm, excuse me, but isn't this Vinyl Scratch's residence?" The mare asked, and Rainbow Dash realized the fancy-speaking pony in front of her was Vinyl's ex-roommate.

"Oh, umm, yeah it is," Dash stammered.

Octavia cocked an eyebrow before her eyes grew wide and she blushed furiously. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I was just- I'll come back another time, if that's okay with you. . ." Wheels spun in Dash's head for a moment for she connected the dots. She dropped right out of the air and turned bright red.

"Oh, shit, no, we're not- I was just- Scratch is just- I'm taken!" Rainbow Dash sputtered. "I'm just gonna go now. . . VINYL!" Dash cried just before taking off. Vinyl came to the door, admiring the floorboards.

"Yeah, what is it?" She asked nonchalantly before looking up and her red eyes grew wide. "Tavi! How did- When did- You're- Ponyville- WHAAAAAT." Vinyl said very unintelligently as Octavia blushed.

No sooner did Vinyl shake her surprise away before a hoof went sliding across her face fast enough to make her neck crack. Rubbing her cheek, she looked back to Octavia, who looked slightly perturbed. "Vinyl Scratch, in all my years, I have never met anypony as frustrating as you! You keep me up at night, you become my friend, I let you into my home, you kiss me, and then you run off to another town, telling me you love me in a NOTE, for Celestia's sake! Why, at times, I wondered why I was even coming here, but I had to do this! I can't simply let you get away with this after turning my life upside down!" By this point, Octavia seemed practically furious.

Vinyl's ears leaned back against her head as she pouted. "I'm sorry, Tavi, I just didn't have the guts to do it myself, and I can't tell you how-" The words were muffled as Octavia pressed her lips tightly against the white unicorn's, and Vinyl's thoughts melted away. A long moment later, Octavia pulled back and looked at Vinyl.

"And how dare you try and run away without letting me do that first!" She cried, and Vinyl looked at her confusedly.

"But why did you- Why are you here, Tavi?" Octavia smiled sweetly and gave Vinyl another quick peck before the DJ could even react.

"Because I love you, you big idiot. I couldn't let you leave without saying that. And I'm sorry I was so weird before, I just- I've always been so sure I like colts even though I was hardly ever with any, so I thought that if I loved you, something was wrong with me, but I was just being stupid, and so I took a train here to tell you how I felt, but I didn't really know while I was on the train, and so this stallion, he-" Her ramblings were silenced by a passionate kiss from Vinyl. They stood there for a moment, one pony in the house, one out, lips locked together.

Vinyl pulled away and looked back at her friend. "You talk too much. . ." She whispered before kissing the grey mare again. All their problems, all their animosity, all their anger, melted away with that single kiss, and they both knew that, no matter where they lived, they were always home as long as they were with each other.


"So, Tavi, what do you say we break in this new bed?" Vinyl joked, and Octavia slapped a hoof on her new marefriend's chest with a giggle. She trotted inside and looked around before walking over to the bed. The earth pony looked back at Vinyl as lustily as possible.

"Are you coming? I can't do this by myself," she said in a sultry voice. The cogs in Vinyl's head spun for a moment as she tried to think of a response.

"Buck yeah," was all she could muster before kicked the front door closed, and outside the faint sound of an excited shout of, "Cannonball," could be heard before a crash and two fits of laughter. And so it was that Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica became roommates once more, as well as lovers that were sure to stand the test of time.