• Published 30th May 2016
  • 1,854 Views, 173 Comments

Rhythm and Rhyme - MyHobby

Sweetie Belle's relationship with Button Mash is tested when she is kidnapped for Ahuizotl's master plan. With the changelings suing for peace, Equestria nears a grand upheaval. Can Daring Do tip the scales?

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The Obstinate Alliance

Smoke clouded Twilight Velvet’s vision. The crash of magic against magic rattled through her brain as the spider’s assault continued against several hastily-erected magic shields. She picked herself off the deck and looked around for Stonewall. The pegasus mare fluttered around, barking orders as any good Captain of the Guard was wont to do.

An earth pony trotted onto the deck and was soon the focal point of Stonewall’s barrage. “What did they hit? How soon can we return fire?”

“They wrecked the engine room,” the pony said. He was covered in soot, the tips of his mane and tail burned off. “They demolished most of the engines. It’s like they knew exactly where to fire. Every single attack hit something of importance.”

Twilight Velvet stumbled up to their side, a hoof pressed against her rapidly-bruising shoulder. “Any casualties?”

“Twelve moderate to serious injuries,” he said, “but no fatalities. So far.”

Stonewall soared towards the cabin, where the communications officer was glued to her radio. “What’s the status of the other ships?”

“The front ships are a mess, ma’am.” The operator scribbled notes with the pencil in her mouth, pressing the earpiece hard against her head. “Rear ones got the shields up in time. Only four ships are flyable. The others are toasted. Dead in the sky.”

Twilight Velvet ran her eyes over the weapons mounted to the side of the Epona. None of them were harmed, but without generators to back them up, they’d be all but useless. She looked down at the spider scaling what was left of the castle. The thing was still two kilometers away. How had it hit them with such accuracy from that far?

The back of the automaton opened up, and several amber hexagons folded out from the interior. They aligned themselves in four broad wings and glowed with a rainbow of magic. Velvet’s stomach churned. “Of course it’s a flyder. Of all the—”

She spun around and shouted to the cabin. “Stonewall! It’s taking off! If you don’t pursue it, Ahuizotl’ll be lost forever!”

Centurion Stonewall smashed her hooves together. She gritted her teeth before barking at the radio operator. “Tell the functional ships to follow at… let’s start with four kilometers. Keep the blasted thing in sight, and give us constant positional updates.”

Twilight Velvet noted several dragonfly-shaped vehicles following the flyder through the sky. A few bulkier mechanoids joined the fray, soon coming to rest on the surface of the mothership. “They’ve got short-range strike craft.”

Stonewall landed beside her, her white coat and red-brick mane blackened by ashes. “Horseapples.” She paused as she watched the four able vessels trail after their target, then threw her head back to shout at everybody in earshot. “Bring us down! Make sure the landing party’s still ready! Be alert for Painted Ones and whatever else Ahuizotl left behind!”

Twilight Velvet gave her riot armor’s clasps a check and trotted towards the lower decks. “I’m going with them.”

Stonewall stopped her with a hoof. “What?”

“I’m going to make sure my friends and family are alright.” Velvet brushed her away, smiling with as much sincerity as she was able to manufacture. “Relax. I’ve still got it. I am a knight, you know.”

“As if you would ever let me forget.” Stonewall presented her a quick salute.

Velvet joined the ranks as the envelope was tugged downward by pegasi in the riggings. The loading doors opened, and the soldiers marched forth. They came to the throne room first. Velvet glanced around at the dismal remains of her daughter’s friends’ restorative efforts, forgotten and discarded so many years ago. Life had completely left the castle.

Behind the thrones, a cavernous opening lay bare. Straight down, into the heart of the Everfree Forest, lay the room the Spider had pulled a long, mechanoid-covered something from. There, to the east, lay the hole from which the spider had emerged.

Soldiers produced rope ladders and tethers, and pegasi scouted out the drop. They soon came back up, reporting that the enemy was all but removed from the compound beneath the soil. Unicorns helped to secure the ladders, while pegasi measured out the length needed. They descended little by little, step by step, hoof over hoof. Velvet kept her mind on what she was doing, rather than allow herself to be overwhelmed by pointless speculation. The cavern brightened with hornlight, though it was soon overtaken by magilights placed at regular intervals.

It was a large, empty room, with a pit in the center decorated with clockwork and cogs. She could see destroyed automatons being piled in the corner. Blankety Blank and Care Carrot stood beside Spike, who was lying curled up on the ground. Velvet’s heart raced. What had happened to her little boy?

She unclasped herself from the ladder and ran over to the three of them. Her legs burned at the sight of the gash in his arm and the terrifying wound in his shoulder. “What—Spike, can you hear me?”

“M-mom?” Spike shivered, his eyelids fluttering. “M-mom?”

“He’s in shock.” Care waved to a pony coming down the ladder, one who had a red cross as their cutie mark. “We need to get him medical care as fast as possible!”

Velvet cupped Spike’s cheeks with her hooves, planting a tiny kiss on his nose. “It’ll be okay, Spike. Mommy’s here.”

“M-mom.” Spike’s tail whisked back and forth as pain crossed his face. “Wh—where’s Apple Bloom? Is she safe?”

“I’ll make sure of it,” Velvet said. She stepped aside to allow the medic access. He brought out cleaning solutions to clear the wounds of dust and filth.

He paused, pursing his lips. “Is there something he can bite down on? Something he won’t just bite through?”

Blankety dragged a leg of a dismembered automaton over and placed it between Spike’s teeth. “S-Spike, this is g-gonna hurt a lot, buddy.”

Velvet held onto Spike’s claw and shut her eyes tight as the medic cleaned Spikes wounds. The young dragon screamed through the leg, the sound of metal groaning mingling with the repressed roar. The medic wrapped the arm in bandages to finally stop the bleeding. The shoulder was next, though it seemed to be a much more patchwork job, due to Spike’s odd physique.

The medic shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do much more here. He needs a real medical facility, with ponies who know how dragons work. But… I don’t think any of our ships are okay to fly.”

“We’ll take the Vanishing Point.” Care touched her hoof to Velvet’s shoulder. “It runs on a crew of two, so Blank and I can take him to Canterlot.”

Velvet brushed the top of Spike’s head. A strand of her mane found its way into her mouth, and she chewed accordingly. She sucked in a hesitant breath. “I’m going with you.”


Apple Bloom charged across the room, far outpacing Scootaloo, Rumble, and a cadre of other ponies. Velvet gave the newcomers a closer look. They shambled forward, their eyes lifeless and dull. They were the heartless, then.

Blankety gave Velvet a pair of saddlebags. “Here. It’s p-probably best if you handle the hearts. Those people will be w-wanting them b-back.”


Apple Bloom nearly collided with them on her warpath to Spike’s side. She sent a panicked look towards the medic. “What happened to him?”

When the medic couldn’t answer, Care stepped in. “Ahuizotl happened. The guy stood against Ahuizotl all by himself. We charged in as fast as we could, but…”

A stretcher was brought forth. A few soldiers carefully eased Spike onto the carrier and strapped him in. Velvet looked down at the saddlebags and shook her head. “I—I can’t. I have to go with my—”

“Velvet, we’ll take c-care of him.” Blankety gave Twilight a reassuring hoof to the chest. “We n-need you down here to help these p-ponies.”

“B-but he’s my son.”

“I know.” Blankety heaved a breath. “But I have to help fly the ship. I n-need you to distribute the hearts while the troops clear out the caverns.”

“Can’t Daring do that?” Velvet clutched the saddlebags tight, casting her eyes on her youngest. “Can’t she do either of those?”

“She’s not here, and Spike needs to move n-n-now.” Blankety Blank pressed against her, moving her closer to the soulless ones. “Please. Trust me.”

Twilight Velvet looked down into the bags. A rainbow of living color shone forth, dancing across her face and dazzling her eyes. She shut the clasp and brushed tears from her cheeks. “Hurry.”

They moved Spike quickly and carefully, and he was hoisted into the air on four ropes. Care, Apple Bloom, and Blankety followed them up, with Apple Bloom casting a quick glance downward at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo waved with a bandaged hoof. “Don’t worry about a thing, Bloom! We’ll save Sweetie Belle in time for supper!”

Velvet looked at Rumble, who looked like he rather needed a medic himself. Since he was the only one of their crew wearing Royal Guard armor, she figured he was ripe for a report. “Soldier. What happened?”

He stood up as straight as his wing injury would allow. “It’s a long story, ma’am. The short of it is: We got separated, but Apple Bloom found the captured ponies, Button Mash and I ran into the Painted Ones’ army of automatons, and Daring Do’s crew found their way here.” He glanced upward. “I guess Spike got himself into that mess.”

Velvet’s ear twitched. “Where are Daring Do and Martial Paw?”

“I don’t know, ma’am.” Rumble swiveled his head around. His mouth popped open and he pointed. “I think…”

Twilight followed his directions. Her heart collapsed in on itself.

Martial Paw staggered towards them, his eyes red and watery. His wings ragged and dirty. His gaze heated and pained. He clutched Daring Do in one arm, cradled gently, her head propped up with his talon.

Velvet dropped the saddlebags and ran to his side. She only needed to touch Daring to know. She only needed to see her up close to understand. She brought a hoof to Daring’s chin and nuzzled her cheek.

Her best friend was gone.

A large stallion standing among the heartless removed his hat and held it over his heart. His expression was not sad, but merely solemn. He gave Velvet a nod towards the saddlebags. “She gave her life so that these ponies might live. Mayhap ‘tis time to honor her wishes.”

Martial Paw stared at the stallion. “Kiln? Kiln?” He gently lowered Daring’s body to the ground, his breath becoming shallower and more labored. He let out a roar and charged, his talons outstretched and his beak snapping.

Rumble and Scootaloo stepped between Martial and his target and waved their hooves. “Hold it,” Scootaloo said. “Stop, dude, he’s cool! He helped—!”

Martial shoved them aside and clasped his talons around Kiln’s neck. He lifted the large stallion upward, until he was standing on his hind legs. Kiln let out a small squeak of breath as the life was squeezed from him.

“Dude! Stop! Marty!” Scootaloo punched Martial in the flank, hard enough to leave a bruise. “Drop him Marty! Marty!

Twilight Velvet touched a horn to Martial’s skin. The griffon stiffened, then fell limp. Kiln collapsed, coughing weakly in the wake of being throttled. He gave Velvet as grateful a glance as he could, then dragged himself away from the unconscious Martial Paw.

“Somepony restrain this griffon!” Twilight shouted, her voice hoarse. She picked up the saddlebags, her forelegs trembling. “And bring Dr. Yearling to… to the surface.”

She reached in and plucked a heart from those available. It glimmered a brilliant pink, to match the eyes of a mare near the middle of the huddle. She held the heart out. “Is this yours?”

The pony marched up to her, staring at nothing in particular. The closer she got to the heart, the more she gave Velvet her attention.

As Martial was bound behind her, and Daring was lifted on a stretcher, Twilight Velvet pressed the heart against the mare’s chest. “Everything’s gonna be alright, honey. It’s time to go home.”


Cadence tightened Shining’s chin strap with a flash of her horn. She looked into each of his bright blue eyes in turn, laying a kiss on the cheeks beneath. The bustle of warriors preparing for battle surrounded them as the Crystal Guard girded themselves. Shining smiled at her, touching his nose to hers. “’Dance, I think I know how to put on a helmet by now.”

“Hush and let me pretend I’m contributing.” Cadence stepped aside for a solider carrying a bundle of enchanted spears. “Warfare’s never really been my thing. That’s what you and Aunt Luna are for.”

“And war there shall be!” Luna’s gilded armor gleamed as she stepped into the war room. The Night Guard surrounded her, their bat-like wings folded against their armor. She hefted a spear with a tip laced with magic like midnight. “We shall chase Ahuizotl to the ends of the earth!”

Celestia approached next, walking away from the communications officer in the corner. “The Epona is unflyable, but salvageable. We’ll have to use the smaller vessels to pursue Ahuizotl.”

Shining Armor grunted as his armorbearer attached his quiver of lances to his back. “That means the Heartbreaker is the best ship to spearhead the assault. I’ll supply the shield so the spider-thing can’t cripple us again. What’s the word on griffon aid, your majesty?”

Celestia held back a groan with impressive control. She turned away from Shining to hide the frown she was less able to repress. “Perhaps I was too hasty.”

“You are certainly the master of understatement, Celestia!” Luna slammed the butt of her spear against the ground. “Without him, there would be no Canterlot. We are foals to deny his assistance.”

Shining Armor glanced between the two High Princesses, his ears lowered. He cleared his throat, and Celestia gave him her attention again. “Tactically speaking, I wouldn’t mind a few volleyguns backing me up.”

Cadence sighed. Tactical experience or no, she did understand the value in numbers. “Perhaps the four of us should approach the king at once… with Aunt Luna doing the speaking.”

Luna spread her wings to catch the attention of her guards. “Continue preparations and configure the formations for additional air support. We shall return shortly.”

No sooner had the four of them began the quick walk to Andean’s chambers, than they were intercepted by Chrysalis II. She ran at them full force, her legs wildly scrambling for purchase and speed. Her face was framed by a panic-strewn pink mane, and her strange, strange eyes blazed pink with a mixture of fear and hopefulness. “P-Princess Celestia!”

Celestia and Cadence exchanged a quick glance. It was perplexing to the both of them, it seemed. The eldest princess broke away from the others to meet Chrysalis down the hall. “What’s the matter? Where have you been?”

“She trailed me to Andean’s room,” Luna said, eyeing Chrysalis up and down. “She is not as stealthy as she believes herself to be.”

“Andean—” Chrysalis winced at Luna’s remark, but soldiered on. “Andean’s a traitor!”

What? Cadence felt like she’d been hit with a ball thrown from left field. She watched Celestia closely for her reaction—

And was once again blindsided, this time by Princess Luna marching forward with purposeful, vengeful strides. “I beg your pardon! These are not allegations to bring lightly, Queen of the Changelings! Andean is a friend and companion! A noble and steadfast warrior! A loyal ally! To accuse him of such nonsense requires more than doe eyes and a bleeding heart to sway me! We demand proof, or we shall treat your contempt of him with contempt of our own!”

Celestia spread her wings to prevent Luna’s approach. “What my sister means is that we would like to see what has led you to this conclusion. This is a very serious issue and, if true, requires swift action. If it is false, then we will find out just why you wish to sow doubt between Equestria and its allies—”

“I heard him talking with two other people.” Chrysalis leaped between Celestia’s words, one hoof outstretched as if grasping for a lifeline. “One named… M-Mangle. The other spoke with a… lilting accent. He said that if you continue to be ‘obstinate’—” Her voice shifted, taking on the timber and cadence of Andean Ursagryph himself. “—‘our only recourse is to accept Ahuizotl’s request.’”

Luna tugged Celestia’s wing out of her face and pressed it against her sister’s side. “I shall speak to him myself to find the truth of this.”

Celestia pulled herself away and held her head imperiously high. “We shall speak to him together, sister. I wish to hear from the proverbial horse’s mouth.”

Shining Armor resumed the approach, and Cadence moved to catch up. “My question,” he said, “is what Ahuizotl’s request really is.”

With little else to say, the five creatures found themselves at Andean’s door soon enough. Celestia knocked, and they waited with hushed breath.

One of Andean’s guards—Crested Barbary, if Cadence was correct—answered the door. Without a word, he opened the door wider to allow them entry. Celestia nodded her thanks, and she entered.

The room was one of the larger suites in the castle, specifically designed to harbor visiting griffon kings and their families. Andean had only made use of the facilities twice in his five-hundred years of ruling Felaccia; once during the hunt for Hurricane, once this year. The architecture was subtly shifted from the sweeping pegasalian pillars and rounded stained glass windows, instead featuring a more angular, barren appearance. The bed was open, shirking the standard curtains or veils. The bathroom was large, the bathtub having more in common with a public pool than anything else.

Andean reclined on a couch beneath the clear windows. Two smooth stones, gray in color and glossy in finish, sat in his palm, which he rolled between his talons. He turned his head to one side to look Celestia in the eye. “I suspect something has gone horribly wrong.”

Luna spoke before Celestia could open her mouth. “You have been accused of allying with Ahuizotl. How do you respond?”

Andean sighed. He stood, the scabbard of his sword scraping against the marble floor. “This is perhaps not the best time for a confrontation—”

“Andean Ursagryph—” Celestia stalked around Luna, her voice strong and her ire apparent. “—if it is found you have been consorting with an enemy of the state, of the entire world, then there shall be dire consequences.”

Andean placed his talon on the hilt of his broadsword. “Dire, you say. Consequences, you say. Indeed, Celestia, there would be consequences.”

His eye slipped over to Chrysalis, who shrank beneath the heat of his stare. “I suspect you overheard something you shouldn’t have.”

Celestia flicked an ear. “So you admit—”

“Let him speak,” Luna said. “Andean, please explain.”

Andean’s talon squeezed the hilt tighter. “Ahuizotl has indeed come to me, and several other world leaders. He says that he holds the secret to raising the sun and moon without the help of alicorns.” He raised a free talon to point at Celestia’s chest. “Considering the circumstances, I am inclined to hear him out.”

Celestia drew her head back. “Considering? Andean, you are a fool if you believe anything Ahuizotl says is worth listening to! He is a madcreature, bent on tearing the world apart and rebuilding it as his own twisted perception of paradise! For you to so much as meet with him would be utterly insane! The sun and moon belong to the ponies, and the ponies alone!”

Andean sneered. “Do they belong to the ponies, Celestia? Or do they merely belong to your inner circle? Or worse, are they on loan from you, untouchable save for under your precise guidance and command?”

Celestia stepped up to him to meet him eye-to-eye. “They were given into our safekeeping, so that their power would not be abused!

Andean lifted his head, gaining height on Celestia. He spread his wings to blot the sunlight from the window. “You speak to me of consequences, while ignoring the consequences that even now bare their sinister teeth! Celestia, you cannot keep the sun rising indefinitely!”

“It is my charge to—!”

Andean drew his sword in a single swift motion. He spun it in front of Celestia until it was pointing downward. With the whole of his might, he drove it into the floor so that the point was buried. A thunderous crash of lightning filled the room, the red pommel stone of the sword shining bright with magic.

Celestia fell to her rump. She stared at the sword with her mouth hanging open. Luna was by her side immediately. She brandished her spear, aiming it just above Andean’s head. Silence descended on the room as the thunder faded down the halls.

Andean released the sword. It stood on its own, its cross guard glinting in the light of Luna’s horn. He took a step back and folded his wings. The windows behind him had been blown out by the force of his strike.

“But a few years ago,” Andean said quietly, “you would have struck me down before the sword was out of its scabbard.”

He leveled his talon at Celestia’s chest, where the white scar held greatest prominence. “But you were unable to do anything. You were unable to so much as cast a shield. Nor could you grasp the sword. Nor could you teleport away.”

His talon touched magic. He pulled away from the shield Shining Armor had laced through midair between the king and the ponies.

“You could not defend yourself,” Andean said. “Just as you can no longer raise the sun. Do you deny it?”

Chrysalis shifted beside Cadence. The fear in her eyes had transformed. The changeling queen now looked at Celestia with what could only be a sense of betrayal.

Andean nodded. “You do not deny it because you cannot.”

Cadence had known. As had Luna, Celestia, Shining Amor, Twilight Sparkle, and a few relatives. Sworn to secrecy, of course. The knowledge that the assassin’s attack had done that much damage to Celestia… It would have been national suicide to reveal such. Cadence had taken her fair share of mornings. Luna and Twilight, too. They’d kept up appearances. They’d been careful to keep everything as it should be.

“You have been diminished, Celestia.” Andean sat and rolled the smooth stones between his talons. “The same could happen to any of your assistants. Yet all of this, and you have no backup plan. You have no way to control the sun or moon without the power of the alicorn. The old ways have fallen into disuse and obscurity. Any magical device is destroyed. Anyone who attempts any sort of control is demonized. You have not been given the sun. You have taken it by force.”

“You promised,” Chrysalis whimpered. “You promised we’d be safe.”

“Safe?” Andean snapped his beak, and Chrysalis shut her eyes. “Safety is hardly Celestia’s priority. Do not confuse security with safety. Do not confuse control with compassion. Celestia has inflicted her idealized vision on the world since the day she first wore her crown. One where the ponies are at the top, and all other species support her.”

“You are not being fair Andean,” Luna said. She laid her spear to the side and removed her helmet, letting her mane flow free. “She has brought a peace to this world that it has never before known.”

“How has she gone about this?” Andean counted down on his talons. “Some nations have been stifled, their agency taken away. Some nations have been declawed, any military might being forced to conform to Equestria. Still others have been nearly destroyed in her quest for peace.”

Andean Ursagryph glared at Celestia. “Have you ever told her the truth of why Felaccia is ruled by an Ursagryph? Have you told anybody?

All eyes turned to Celestia. She glanced around before turning a hard glare on Andean. “Felaccia was marching on Giraffrica with the intent to conquer the zebras. I stepped in and stopped them.”

“You stepped in without a request from the zebras.” Andean stalked closer, until he could rest a talon on the shimmering red pommel stone of his broadsword. “You teleported yourself into the command center the day before the battle was to begin. The griffon army waited in the valley below. We could see the light of your brilliance shining through the king’s tent. There was arguing. Shouting. And then…”

He raised his head, tilting his beak to indicate the sun. “A pillar of fire lanced down from the sky and obliterated the tent.”

“Berkut was planning far more than the conquest of the zebras!” Celestia stomped a hoof. “He would have marched all over the face of the world, bringing ruin upon all! You would have me stand by and do nothing?

“King Berkut Paw was none of your business!” Andean flapped a wing. The wind nearly caused the ponies present to lose their balance. “Neither was what you did next! You stuck this very sword in the dirt and claimed the next king would be chosen by trial of combat!”

Celestia kept up her stone-faced countenance, her wings spread. “I thought that was how your society decided these things.”

“With one-on-one combat. In a contained environment and with strict rules.” Andean flexed his talon. He allowed his wings to fall as his shoulders slumped. “Not the bloodbath it became after you left. And so the crown fell to the strongest among us…”

He wrenched the sword from the marble. He slid it back into its scabbard, just as sharp as the moment he first revealed it. “And now here we are, Celestia. At another tipping point in history. Once again you seek to bend others to your will, with dire consequences waiting on the other side.”

He drew close to her. Close enough that Cadence could see his breath stirring Celestia’s pinkish mane.

“And yet,” he whispered, “this time, you do not have the power to back up your ideals. This time you are at the mercy of your enemies, allies, and friends.”

He waved a talon at Luna, Cadence, and Shining. He stopped with Chrysalis, who cowered beside the bed. “Still, rather than embrace them as they are, you seek to conform them to you will. To deny them their own agency. To convince them that there is no other way.”

He brushed past her, and walked out of the room. “I’ll seek to raise the sun myself, because I’ll not see Felaccia die with Equestria.”

Celestia strode to the window and looked out on the courtyard. The Royal Guard airships took off one my one down the mountainside. “Then you’ll do so in opposition to us.”

Andean nodded, but did not look back. “So be it.”

“Dare ye not such tomfoolery!” Luna trotted after Andean and stopped him with a magical tug on his tiny brown tail. “Andean, you are a friend and far wiser than any give you credit for. But you are set to make a simpleton of yourself. We know of the danger, my friend. We have sought alternate methods of raising the sun ourselves. We will soon begin a class in the School for Gifted Unicorns that teaches the old ways.”

“But still it lies in pony hooves.” Andean stopped his long strides to turn to her. “Don’t you see? You keep so much to yourselves, and see so little merit in others.”

“But we were coming to gain your help.” Luna reached up to lay her hooves on Andean’s shoulders. “We cannot stop Ahuizotl on our own, not as it stands. Not without risking losing him again. We need the Blitzwings of Felaccia. We need the Stella and Corona airships. Together we can bring Ahuizotl down and—”

“And destroy his sun device once and for all.” Andean brought his beak down, and the low tones of his voice caused Luna to take a step back. “Because Celestia would never allow Felaccia to possess such a terrible thing.”

All eyes turned to Celestia. She simply shook her head.

Luna swallowed hard. “P-perhaps we could study it together?”

Andean’s eyes softened. He placed a gentle talon on Luna’s shoulder. “I’m afraid I must withdraw my offer to assist Equestria for the time being.” He continued down the hall, alongside his guards, and was soon out of sight, leaving the others in the ruins of his suite.

Luna paced back and forth, the color in her cheeks intensifying. Cadence touched her chest as she passed. “Luna, we need to move on with the—”

“The operation, yes, I know.” Luna lightly batted Cadence’s hoof aside. “I don’t suppose the changelings would offer their help?”

She frowned when she saw Chrysalis. The changeling queen huddled down, nearly out of sight, covering her face with her mane. “Queen Chrysalis? Did you bring warriors?”

Cadence moved closer to the changeling, but she skittered out of reach. She lowered her head to Chrysalis’ level, her brow furrowed. “Your majesty. If you can offer any help, we’d be happ—”

She stopped talking. She knew nothing she said was getting through. The queen was not capable of answering. Tears ran down Chrysalis’ cheeks of carapace. Her shoulder shook with silent sobs. She was barely able to breathe through the sorrow.

Shining Armor approached, laying a hoof on her shoulder. “Queen Chrysalis, are you hurt? I can call the medics—”

“Don’t touch me!” Chrysalis leaped back, her wings flared. Her tears burned ever hotter. “Please, just go! Just leave me alone.”

Cadence gaped at the display. Chrysalis tried to bolt for the door, but Luna stood in her way. “Chrysalis, if something is wrong, let us help you.”

“I’m sorry!” Chrysalis sobbed. “I’m sorry I ruined everything! I was so scared, and I thought you could help and… and Celestia was supposed to…”

She looked to the blown-open windows, yet remained where she was when she saw Celestia was still standing there. She slumped to the floor, covering her face with perforated hooves.

Cadence gave her mane and tail a double-take. The colors shifted ever-so-slightly. A tinge of purple appeared and refused to fade. The queen of the changelings almost seemed to shrink as she curled in on herself, wracked with silent sobs.

Luna grimaced, glancing away from Chrysalis’ shame. “Hardly the actions of a queen.”

“Chrysalis,” Celestia said with a slow breath. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

“N-no.” Chrysalis squeaked out the answer, her voice pitchy, losing the reverberation she’d had since she arrived in Canterlot. “I-I am the q-q-queen.”

Cadence squinted at the changeling. She was much smaller. Her mane and tail had lost every trace of pink, becoming a shade of light blue. Her horn sparked with green changeling magic, and her body briefly flickered with its power, but she could not maintain the disguise.

Luna shook her head. She exchanged a look with Celestia, filled with the confusion they both shared. “Chrysalis, how old are you?”

“D-don’t look at me!” Chrysalis crawled away from Cadence and ran headfirst into Shining’s armored chest. She choked out a final sob, her entire body shaking. “P-p-please don’t look…”

Cadence’s heart shattered within her chest. Shining Armor’s trusting, trustworthy blue eyes, full of strength and assurance, had gone wide in horror. His chest shuddered as his breathing became pained. His pupils shrank.

The changeling queen’s brilliant blue eyes became a stark, perfect mirror of his own.

“Sh—” Shining Armor’s tongue tripped over the truth. “She’s twelve years old.”


Twilight Velvet wandered around the ancient, decrepit changeling city. It was empty, devoid of life or anything worth investigating. Ahuizotl had cleaned it out.

In the room with the giant pit, where the spider had climbed from the depths and drilled through the ceiling, she found a pegasus stallion crumpled against the wall. His blue mop of a mane was singed, and what was once a very handsome face was covered in grit and grime. She checked for a pulse, found one, and called soldiers to tend to him. If he was a Painted One, he’d be shuffled off to Solitaire, the most secure prison for mortals available. If he was a victim of Ahiuizotl, he’d be returned to his family. If he had a family…

That was the way it had gone the whole day. Radio reports from the scout ships said the spider was angling away from Canterlot and heading for the ocean. What the mad god hoped to find there, Twilight had no clue. Pony airships couldn’t cross the ocean without heavy support. Adequate fuel, food, and radio contact were difficult to support in a flying machine. The navy would need to be assembled. Their allies across the waters would need to be notified. If Ahuizotl could cross the ocean, he could disappear, never to return.

At least until it was too late to stop him.

“Ach, Rhombus,” a large stallion said, lifting the pegaus onto his shoulders. “Ye went an’ did sommat foolhardy.”

Twilight Velvet gave the stallion a low glower. “You and Rhombus… you worked with Caballeron. You were the ones who kidnapped Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

“Aye.” Kiln tipped his hat and gave the Knight of Harmony a wide berth. “We were tryin’ tae free the doctor from Ahuizotl’s slavery. He was forced into it, ye see. The only way he’d be freed was to help Ahuizotl activate his sun device.” Kiln flicked an ear knowingly. “Ye see, only the doctor knows how the blamed thing works.”

Twilight Velvet scuffed a hoof in the dirt. “So what you’re edging for is to rescue Caballeron.”

“Without him, Ahuizotl’s out o’ luck.” Kiln tapped his nose. “It won’t stop him fore’er, but it’ll take him a wee bit longer to threaten the world like he intends.”

Velvet narrowed her eyes at the much larger stallion. “And you want me to delay imprisoning you so that you can help retrieve him?”

“Ye are a sharp lass, Lady Velvet.”

“I know your type, Kiln.” She flicked her horn to indicate the unconscious pegasus. “I also know that you and your pet psychopath back there are dangerous.”

“More than a mite, marm.” Kiln bowed his head as he was surrounded by Royal Guardsponies. “But we’re on yer side. I dinnae wish to see Ahuizotl’s bonnie blue behind on any sort o’ throne.”

“Say I let you come with us.” Twilight tilted her head, her horn glittering at the edges. “What can you offer that I can’t get from far more reliable sources?”

“Simply put, lass,” Kiln said, “we know where they’re goin’.”

“And that would be?”

Kiln chuckled, bringing his head to her level. “Felaccia.”