• Published 30th May 2016
  • 1,854 Views, 173 Comments

Rhythm and Rhyme - MyHobby

Sweetie Belle's relationship with Button Mash is tested when she is kidnapped for Ahuizotl's master plan. With the changelings suing for peace, Equestria nears a grand upheaval. Can Daring Do tip the scales?

  • ...

The Better Days

“—no matter who hates you for it.”

Caballeron jerked upright. The room had gone dark, the magilights dimming in the dead of night. He pushed the window slider open and saw that the blackness was as assured and unbroken as ever. The two young ponies lay on the far side of the room, Button Mash on his cot, Sweetie beside him on the floor. Ha. Some gentlecolt he turned out to be.

Yet even with that, the colt’s words echoed painfully in his ears. “Being a stallion means quietly doing the right thing—”

Caballeron flexed his shoulder. He expanded his chest with a wheeze. The ambrosia had done its work. No pain restricted his movements save for a minor ache where the sword had exited his back. His muscles were mended, his skin resurfaced. Removing the bandaged, Caballeron didn’t find a trace of a visible scar. The boy knew what he was doing.

If only Caballeron could say the same thing about himself.

The plan was a mess. There was no way Ahuizotl would give him the heart until the sun device was already activated. Caballeron didn’t want to be anywhere nearby when that happened. The mad god would start a war the world over. Everything would be ash and cinder.

Or worse, endless night. At least death by fireball was quick.

A pony could survive with half a heart, that much was obvious. But not for very long. Caballeron needed to find it soon.

The doctor stood up and grasped his spur. He latched the straps around his right foreleg and flipped the blade out. He gave it a few practice swings, found it satisfactory, and folded it safely away.

He needed to check in. Kiln would be expecting it; Rhombus, too. But Kiln would be the one answering.

For once in his life, he’d rather talk to that lovesick, sarcastic, sadistic pegasus than his best friend.

Caballeron opened the door and trotted through the corridors. He already knew where to go. He’d spent enough time looking around the flagship for any sign of his heart. The communications room had been a storage locker, back in its time. Ahuizotl had placed a magic mirror for communications to various world leaders. Andean Ursagryph, Mangle of Beefland, and several others had been contacted. Thus far, the responses had been varied, bordering on negative. The sultan of Saddle Arabia required proof that the device would work before he threw his lot in with Ahuizotl. The zebras claimed that fighting Celestia would be a fool’s errand. Chrysalis II of the changelings had thrown Ahuizotl out on his rump.

Caballeron stood before the mirror. It was a full-length mirror, able to shown the entire body of a normal pony. Caballeron tapped its surface and waited.

Time and space warped themselves to suit his wishes. Kiln’s face appeared from the small pocket mirror he carried around. “I can’t talk long, Poni. Good tae see ye.”

“I’m on board the ship. I’m well.” Caballeron, for the briefest of moments, thought that the conversation could pass quickly. “We’re headed for—”

“Felaccia, I know.” Kiln shook his head. His big orange sideburns blocked Caballeron’s view. “We cannae go through with this, Poni. If Ahuizotl gets that device runnin’, it’s war. Do ye ken what a war of the sun would do? What’ll happen tae our families? What’ll happen tae me daughter? Please tell me ye’ve found yer heart.”

Caballeron sucked in a deep breath. “No, Kiln. Of course not.”

“Horseapples.” Kiln gazed at something out of sight, then muttered darkly at the mirror. “I suppose Merry will have tae raise all o’ us from the grave.”

Caballeron’s heart broke at the sight of the stallion. He was holding onto a worthless hope. A hope that by helping Caballeron reunite with Merry, they could raise both Happy and Amber Waves out of death. He held that same hope as Merry…

Kiln’s hope was worthless for the same reason hers was.

“Being a stallion means doing the right thing—”

Caballeron’s throat constricted. “Kiln…”

“—no matter who hates you for it.”

Kiln peered with narrow eyes. “Poni. What’s eatin’ ye?”

Caballeron sighed to himself. At least with the truth, Kiln would leave this wretched life. Reconnect with his daughter. Find his peace with Amber’s death. Perhaps with time, he could forget his friendship with Caballeron had ever happened.

“Merry will never bring Amber back.” Caballeron loathed the words as they left his mouth; words that should have been spoken decades ago. “Because she’s the one who killed her.”

Kiln shook his head. His eyes looked dazed. “What?”

“She was babysitting my son and his friend that day.” Caballeron reached a hoof out to lean against the mirror. His strength of heart and body both failed him. “They went out to play, but they went to the Everfree instead of Whitetail Woods. When he fell into the river, it was a simple freak accident.”

He shut out Kiln’s face by squeezing his eyes closed until his head hurt. “But Merry blamed Amber. So she brought her out to the Everfree and forced her to eat Poison Joke until she died.”

They were silent for a long, agonizing moment.

“I hope ye burn in Hell, ye dastard,” Kiln said quietly.

The image vanished, and Caballeron sat in the shadows.

“The sun has set
The skies bleed red
And we are both alone
When all is said
We’re both half-dead
The consequences leave us cold as stone”

Caballeron’s house was in order. What was left of it, in any case. Now, it just left Ahuizotl and that heart.

Poni was beginning to believe that he’d never be whole again.


Apple Bloom stood at the edge of a precipice. It was the outermost part of Canterlot, overlooking Ponyville down below. To her left, the open air was clouded with storms and bleary seas. To her right, the Undiscovered West swallowed up the last sparks of the sunset.

Spike sat in an uncomfortable wheelchair. It was designed for ponies, and so had nowhere to put his tail. The bandages on his shoulder and arm turned a faint green as the still-bleeding wounds leaked into the fabric. He heaved a sigh and moved a finger to touch her foreleg.

Apple Bloom glanced back at Night Light, who spoke quietly with Twilight Sparkle and Celestia. She had stopped trying to listen. Blood was pumping in her ears too loudly. Her heart had sank too rapidly. There wasn’t really anybody to talk to about it. Spike was warbling in and out of consciousness, and she didn’t want to burden him. Not when he was already still mourning for Daring Do.

Dragon Lord Ember’s reply had come back, and she said the only way to save Spike was to bring him to the Dragon Lands.

Ahuizotl’s swords were ancient magic weapons specifically designed to kill dragons. Forged by the griffons several thousand years ago, they could cut through scales like they were nothing.

Scales, as it turned out, were made of magic. Dragon magic, which no one had studied in any great detail. All Ember could say was that there was a spring with restorative properties in the Cauldron, her capitol city. A dragon was en route to pick him up and carry him away.

Celestia walked to the edge to stand beside Apple Bloom. The princess looked down at her, pressing her lips together. “He’ll be back soon. It’s only until the spring does its work.”

“I know.” Apple Bloom let her ears droop. A light snore lifted from Spike, who had fallen asleep for the thirtieth time since they’d arrived. “Any idea how long that’ll take?”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “I don’t know. Dragons have always been a mystery to me, no matter how much I’ve researched. No matter how many friends I make.” The princess smiled at Apple Bloom. “He won’t be alone, though. Ember and Shardscale both care very much about him. They’ll see to his safety.”

A breeze tugged at Apple Bloom’s mane. She took a hesitant step away from the ledge, not wanting even the slightest possibility of a fall. It was a pretty view, though. As she watched, Ponyville glittered more and more brightly, the lights of homes and businesses flicking on.

But Carousel Boutique remained dark.

Scootaloo and Rumble were somewhere in the castle, getting cleaned up and bandaged respectively. A tiny bit of Apple Bloom smiled when she realized Rumble was set to receive his first medal, after suffering that painful wound to his wing. The smile dimmed when she realized the wound also meant he couldn’t jump back into battle. Ambrosia, miracle cure that it was, still needed a week to fix a broken bone. Scootaloo also required more rest than she was willing to admit. Having her magic removed and her body overworked had taken its toll.

They needed rest, recuperation, and perhaps recreation.

“I’m the only one who’s goin’ after Sweetie and Button,” she said at last. “Ain’t I?”

“Not by a long shot,” Celestia replied. “Luna is already leading the navy into battle. Care Carrot’s team is sure to welcome you back.” Celestia rested a wing on Apple Bloom’s back. “Sweetie Belle will be overjoyed to see you again.”

Apple Bloom nodded. The wind grew stronger, pulling at the ribbons in her mane. “Yeah. She’ll need a friendly face.”

Celestia glanced behind her, to the city-state of Canterlot itself. “You have free reign of the potion supplies and recipes at the School for Gifted Unicorns. I suggest that you spend some time with the professors there and kit yourself out. Professor Sunburst should be helping a few students with late projects.”

“Sunburst?” Apple Bloom held her mane out of her face. “Ain’t he Starlight Glimmer’s friend?”

“One and the same.” Celestia turned back to the vista and squinted into the darkness. “He moved out of the Crystal Empire when Flurry Heart transferred to the school. He’s done well for himself as a jack-of-all-trades tutor.”

The wind grew stronger yet, making listening difficult. Celestia gently pushed Apple Bloom back and called to Twilight and Night. “She’s here! Make room!”

A shimmer of lavender magic grasped Spike’s chair and wheeled it off to the side. The five of them moved to pavement and watched the grassy patch at the edge of the southern castle grounds. The cemetery stood behind it, nearer to the peak of the mountain. Daring’s pyre still smoldered.

A tremendous gust of wind blasted their faces, causing Apple Bloom to fall to her rump. The ground shook beneath them as an equally tremendous thing impacted the mountainside. When Apple Bloom felt secure enough to open her eyes, the sight threatened to rip a scream from her throat.

A full-sized adult dragon stood before them, her scales a glistening blue-green. Green fire leaked from the corners of her jaws. Sharp eyes glowed, beating out the evening starlight for intensity. Teeth like sharpened, curved swords appeared as she opened her mouth.

The dragon lifted a single claw and waved gently. “Sup?”

Apple Bloom’s knees knocked. She opened her mouth more out of shock than to speak. “Hoooly—!”

“Hold up.” The dragon lifted a pointer claw. She breathed a gout of green flame and twirled her claws through it. First she drew forth a sheet of paper the size of a barn, then she conjured a feather pen—probably one made from a Roc’s feather. She took both from midair and began to scribble frantically. “Sorry. Force of habit.”

Apple Bloom looked to Princess Celestia, her eyes threatening to pop right out of their sockets. The princess let out a giggle. “Shardscale is the chronicler of both the dragons and of Equestria. She records everything she sees.”

Scribble, scribble, scribble.

“Very thoroughly.”

Shardscale ended her sentence with a plate-sized period. “Gotta say, Princess, it’s pretty rad to have you up and about again. Sorry I haven’t been able to visit since the attack.”

“We both have our duties, Shard.” Celestia ruefully rubbed the scar on her chest. “Even now.”

Apple Bloom thought back to when Applejack had met Shardscale. How had she described it? “Incongruous;” that was it. The dragon’s low, rumbling, yet distinctly female voice, spoken with all the gravitas of a teenager surfing around Seaquestria.

“Oh yeah, yeah, that.” Shardscale bent low to look Spike in the eye. The younger dragon, woozy as he was, seemed content to blink rapidly. “Yo, Spike! Been a minute! How’re you doing, dude?”

“Uh.” Spike shook his head, but seemed unable to clear the cobwebs. “Been better. Good to see you, Shard.”

“’S what I hear.” Shard’s glowing eyes sought Celestia. “They found the Wyrmslayer Blades, huh?”

“I fear so.” Celestia tipped an ear towards Spike, her mouth pulled down in a frown. “We will seek every avenue to see these weapons seized or destroyed.”

Shard raised a couple of talons. “Two guesses which one Dragon Lord Ember wants.”

“Seein’ what they can do,” Apple Bloom said, “I’m inclined to agree with her.”

Shardscale opened a filmy ear wider. She raised an eyebrow and blew another breath of fire. From this one she pulled a notepad that was absolutely covered in scribbles. It was also about the size of an apple cart. “Oh hay! Hay! You’re Apple Bloom right? Applejack’s little sis!”

Apple Bloom found it in herself to grin widely. The delight in Shard’s voice spread into her chest, easing a bit of her anxiety. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Dude! Psyched to meet you!” Shardscale pointed a talon at Apple Bloom. The tip of the nail hovered way too close for comfort. “Applejack’s one of the coolest ponies I’ve ever met! How’s she doin’?”

Apple Bloom’s eyed the sharpened point. The claw refused to move away. “Yeah, uh, she’s okay…”

Shard tilted her head to the side and smirked. “Gonna leave a girl hangin’?”

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief as realization took hold. She reached a hoof out and bumped Shardscale’s claw. “Sorry. Ain’t never really spent time with full-sized dragons since Big Spike came to town. An’ he was kinda a dog.”

“Oh, totally. Big Spike, Sirenbane.” Shardscale scribble, scribble, scribbled with her pen, her eyes taking on a distant look as she drummed up memories. “Wrote a paper on him last year. Raises a few existential questions, but I guess that’s for the philosophers to work out.”

Twilight Sparkle scratched beneath her ever-present gemstone necklace. She levitated a suitcase towards Shardscale. “This should tide Spike over during his visit. A few books, his favorite gemstone snacks, a scarf in case it gets chilly—”

“In a volcano?” Night Light said.

“—a pen and paper so he can write…” Twilight Sparkle frowned at her father. “You never know what sort of situations he’ll find himself in. If Shard flies at a high altitude, it could be really cold up there.”

“Actually, my inner fire’ll keep us warm.” Shard shrugged. “Perks of bein’ a dragon.”

“Then the scarf is so he doesn’t have to lay his head on a rock.” Twilight Sparkle sighed. She hugged Spike from behind, one foreleg over his good shoulder, the other touching his good forearm. She waited for a moment, her muzzle scrunched as she puzzled out what she wanted to say. “Stay safe, Spike.”

“Hmm?” Spike blinked his eyes open. He took a sip of a soda clutched in his hands; something to keep his blood-sugar up. “Yeah. Thanks, Twi.”

“Hold up! Hold up, you!”

Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder to see Rarity and Applejack tramping down the path towards the small farewell party. Rarity waved a kerchief as she trotted, her eyes suspiciously free from their usual hint of mascara. “Hullo there! You wouldn’t leave without letting us wish you adieu would you?”

Applejack stopped beside Apple Bloom and reached as high as she could to hug her around the neck. Apple Bloom draped a foreleg across her sister’s shoulders. “AB, I can’t tell ya how glad I am to see you okay.”

“Feelin’s mutual, AJ.”

Rarity gave Spike a kiss on both cheeks and took a measured step back, her breath shallow and her voice strained. “Do take care of yourself, Precious Scales. You’ll be needed for far more adventures in the future.”

“Yeah, that figures.” Spike let out a faint chuckle. He glanced around at the collected faces, then stopped on Night Light. “Tell Mom I’m gonna miss her, okay?”

“She’s going to miss you, too, Spike.” Night Light gave the young dragon a hug and a kiss on the forehead. He ruffled Spike’s filmy ears. “Get yourself healed up. And don’t be a stranger.”

Applejack lightly, playfully swatted Spike on his good shoulder. “Keep your nose clean.” She tipped her hat to Shardscale. “Been a while, Chronicler.”

“Too long, Lord Mayor Applejack.” Shardscale winked over her sheet of notes. “I’m planning on covering your reelection this year.”

“Hooey to that, I’m skippin’ out the first chance I get!” Applejack flicked a tail as if to dispel a cloud of flies. “Back to the farm for me. It’s Merry’s turn to fix the dang roads.”

“Suit yourself. I’m still hovering around Ponyville this November.” Shard’s gentle smile became a weighted frown. “Anybody else have a goodbye?”

Rarity stood beside Twilight and Applejack, leaning on them for support. She looked dead tired to Apple Bloom’s eyes. “I love you, Spike. We all do.”

Spike bobbed his head. “I love you, too.”

Apple Bloom brought her face close to Spike’s. She looked into the glowing, green, mesmerizing gemstones that were his eyes. She closed her eyes and softly kissed his lips.

Spike kissed back.

Apple Bloom stopped.

She hissed a sigh, touched her forehead to his, and cleared the path to Shardscale.

“All aboard the Academia Express,” the full-size dragon said. She lifted Spike in a single claw and placed him in a basket on her back. She went to the edge of the cliff, made a little hop, and stretched her wings to their full windstorm-inducing length.

The gust of her departure threw Applejack’s hat from her head. Apple Bloom caught it in her teeth, held it out to her sister, and raised her head above the others gathered there. “Alright. Who’s gonna help me make potions?”


Scootaloo felt her frogs tingle as they were cleaned by her bubble bath. She dunked her head beneath the warm water, ran her hooves through her mane, and came up sparkly and satiated. The glistening gilded bathtub heated the water and frothed it with equally enticing spells.

Staying at Canterlot Castle was pretty swanky, yeah.

She leaned on the edge of the tub, letting her forelegs dangle in the cooler air, allowing them respite from the constant massaging heat. “Dude. You gotta try this thing.”

Rumble lay on a nearby pile of cushions, his wing encased in a prison of plaster and fabric. He pointed at the offending appendage. “The cast can’t get wet. It’s sponge baths for me for the foreseeable future.”

“Ugh.” Scootaloo sunk all four legs in the tub and flicked her wings up. The purple feathers shimmered with thrown water. The droplets sparkled and hovered in the air, collecting around Scootaloo in a loose cloud. Subtle flicks of her feathers sent them spiraling around in a dance. She stared at Rumble over the rim of the tub. “Hay.”

He was in the middle of biting into a sandwich. He turned her way with bulging cheeks. “Mhwa?”

She lay her chin on the tub’s edge. “It’s really great to see you.”

Rumble chewed frantically in an effort to respond. “I missed you, Scootaloo. I mean, I know it’s cliché, but I thought about you every day.”

“I thought about you, too.” Scootaloo touched the water droplets together. She let them collect on the tip of her nose as a bubble of liquid. “A lot’s happened while you were in basic. I really… the letters are nice, but I wanna talk to you for real.”

Rumble took a smaller, more manageable bite. “I guess we need to make the most of the time we’ve got. Life advice, right there.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” She rolled onto her back and tossed the bubble of water to herself. “It’s just… since you left, it’s been one weird thing after another. Like, not all of it’s bad, just weird. Didja know Spike and Apple Bloom went steady? Like, they’re dating in public now.”

“Wow. Good for them.” Rumble fluffed up his pillow to sit higher. He and Scootaloo were just able to see each other over the side of the tub. “If they can make it work… good for them.”

“I know, right?” Scootaloo snickered. “Just a couple years ago, Apple Bloom was throwing rocks at my window lookin’ for romantic advice.”

Rumble raised an eyebrow. “You told her to confess her feelings by kissing him, didn’t you?”

“How’d you know?”

“Putting two and two together.” Rumble smiled and leaned forward just a little, his eyes gazing upon semi-distant memories. “Just after the big storm, Button had us all get together at his place. Spike had a lot to say, lemme tell yah.”

Rumble’s smile aged into a wrinkled, sagging frown. He gazed at his injured wing. His voice grew quiet. “I hope they’re alright.”

Scootaloo matched his expression. The sight of Rumble lying alone, the weight of the world on his shoulders, sent sympathy pains through Scootaloo’s wings. She flicked a droplet at him and hit him square in the forehead. “So, like, the weirdest thing that happened is probably the golden apples growing in Fluttershy’s garden.”

“When did that become a thing?”

“After Pumpkin and Pound Cake stowed away on the expedition to restore Discord’s memory.” Scootaloo waved a hoof before he could raise the question. “Long story. The short of it is that Discord rules the far side of the world now, and Fluttershy’s growing the apples to make sure that someday… someday he’ll be able to live in Equestria again.” A lump found its way unbidden into Scootaloo’s throat. “Someday he’ll be able to help us out again.”

Her wings sagged, and the droplets fell back into the tub, twinkling and plopping all the while. She lowered her head until her mouth was submerged, only her nose supplying her with needed air.

“Speaking of people you miss,” Rumble said, “looks like you miss him an awful lot.”

“He turned out to be a really cool guy. Even if he is a jerk.” Scootaloo blew bubbles, which didn’t nearly hold a candle to the suds the bathtub was already producing. “How about you? What’s a year in the Royal Guard like?”

“Well, if there’s one thing Centurion Stonewall believes, it’s that the best offense is a good defense.” Rumble rubbed his shoulder muscles. “A brick in the wall takes a lot of punishment.”

Scootaloo wrapped her forelegs around her torso and smiled. “Ah, so you are no longer a pony-at-arms. You have been promoted to flying brick.”

“Bricks get the message across.” He shrugged, a sardonic grin twisting his muzzle. “What can I say? I spent months getting pushed harder than I’ve ever been before, farther from my friends and family than ever before. I finally get my first assignment, and it’s taking on a dozen-or-so cultists with one wing speared to my back. It’s going pretty good, for what it’s worth.”

Scootaloo yawned and stretched. She leaned herself against the edge of the tub, tiredness seeping through every portion of her body. “For what it’s worth, I really appreciate it.”

She stepped out of the tub and, forgoing towels, slid most of the water out of her coat with a flash of pegasus magic. The tub gurgled as the bath swept its way down the drain. She lay down next to Rumble and shut her eyes, her cheek bunching up against his chest. “I missed this. This is nice.”

“I, uh…” Rumble laughed once, a smile breaking out over his face. “I agree. This is very nice.”

Scootaloo snorted herself awake. She shook her head, looking at him with a decidedly unalert expression. “Didja say somethin’?”

“Nah.” He slid his good wing over her shoulders as she curled up against him. “I didn’t say anything.”

The door to their suite rattled rhythmically with a hoof providing percussion. Scootaloo grumbled and covered her head with Rumble’s wing. “Go ‘way. M’sleepin’.”

“Scoot?” A familiar voice broke through the fog and struck Scootaloo right in the heart. “You in there, sis?”

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo leaped to her hooves, wakefulness returning to her in a blast of energy. She scampered across the room to the door and practically threw it open. The rainbow-maned pegasus on the far side embraced her in an instant, and it was just as immediately returned.

Scootaloo felt tears well up behind her eyes. “Oh my gosh, it’s good to see you.”

Rainbow Dash sniffled loud and long, careful to keep her snot away from Scootaloo’s mane. “Aw, Squirt. I was so freaking worried about you, and I couldn’t get away from Cloudsdale, and I totally should have been there—”

“Hay, come on.” Scootaloo put her hooves to Rainbow Dash’s shoulders and held her at leg’s length. “You did what you could. You’ve got responsibilities—”

“You’re my responsibility, too.” It was only now that Scootaloo could see that most of the tears weren’t fresh. Rainbow Dash’s red eyes and matted coat suggested she hadn’t been sleeping well the last few days. A flurry of hiccups turned Dash’s cheeks red with frustration. “You gotta know I wanna help you.”

“I know.” Scootaloo brought Rainbow closer, with a firm, loving hug. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Rainbow shook her head, even as she sighed in relief. “I just wanna be able to do more. Nothing I do ever seems to help these days.”

Scootaloo propped up the drooping Rainbow Dash. She smiled at her with what she hoped was a convincing encouragement. “Look at it this way: You’ve always had what I needed.”

That got Rainbow to smile a little. However, It didn’t prevent a slightly sarcastic response. “If that were true, you’d have blue wings instead of purple ones.”

“I’m talking emotionally, mentally, physically, you’ve always been there.” Scootaloo took her by the hoof and pulled her towards a comfy chair in the corner of the suite. “Say, you’re tired. I’m tired. Rumble’s tired.”

“This much is true,” Rumble said.

“So why don’t we all take a load off and talk till we pass out?” Scootaloo dragged the chair inch by inch until Rumble made more headway by pushing it from behind. Before long, the chair and the cushions were all in close proximity. “Take some time to catch up. With each other, or with our sleep, whichever comes first.”

Rainbow Dash nestled into the chair. She faced the other two pegasi, the light in her eyes a mixture of sadness, pain, and sheer, unspeakable joy. “Sure thing, Squirt. That’s a great plan.”


The potions lab was quiet, save for the few students working on late-night projects. Apple Bloom was simultaneously invigorated and cowed by the sheer volume of ingredients available. Two entire walls held cabinet upon locked cabinet of pickled animal parts, rare flower petals, tufts of cloud, zap apple juice, and anything else she could hope to use.

Applejack stood beside her, fanning her face with her hat. “Hoo… I can’t make head nor tail o’ any of this, AB.”

Rarity peered into the laboratory, her lips lightly pursed. “We are not the subject matter experts, unfortunately. You’re certain we won’t be in your way, Apple Bloom?”

“Not so long as y’all can read labels.” Apple Bloom kept her voice low as she skimmed through a cabinet. Eye of newt. Scale of dragon. Hair of a rabid dog. She gave that last one a wide berth. “Anybody here seen Professor Sunburst?”

A unicorn mare near the back of the room waved. “He said he were lookin’ fer recipes on account o’ some fancy princess business. Said he’d be back in a mo’.”

“That’s probably my business, too.” Apple Bloom nodded politely. “Thanks, miss…”

“Ember Waves.” Ember lowered an eyebrow and adjusted the white lab coat she wore. “An’ there’s nae ‘miss’ aboot it. If’n ye don’t wanna use me full name, call me Em.”

Apple Bloom grimaced, though she turned her face away to hide the expression. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to offend.”

“Ye didn’t.” Ember poured a measured beaker into a larger cup. “Now afore we get off on the wrong hoof, what’s yer name?”

“Apple Bloom. From Ponyville.”

“Ponyville?” Ember muttered the town’s name. She took notes on her mixture’s reaction, her horn glowing with a sea-green tinge. “Ye’re a new student, then?”

“Naw. The lab’s on loan.” Apple Bloom jumped as a lab coat slipped itself onto her shoulders. Rarity circled around her, attempting to cinch the garment tight.

“Sorry, dear, but it’s safety first with this sort of thing.” She peered over her red rimmed glasses at Applejack. “Grab the safety goggles, would you? No sense poking out an eye. Or melting it into goop.”

Apple Bloom tugged at the collar of her new coat. “Huh. Didn’t think they’d have one that fit me.”

“Celestia uses the lab from time tae time.” Ember corked her potion and slid it next to a few others on the table. She leaned on her forelegs and pushed her safety goggles onto her forehead. “Staff prides themselves on havin’ soomthin’ for e’erypony.”

“Indeed we do!” A nasally voice preceded a unicorn stallion’s entrance into the room, followed closely by Twilight Sparkle. The both of them carried large tomes in their telekinetic bubbles, clearly noted as reference books. His silver-speckled robe swished around his ankles as he set his books on a nearby table. He had to look up to see her face, but then, so did most ponies. “The name’s Sunburst, and I’m at your service tonight. We should have practically everything you need for some high-level potions.”

Twilight Sparkle set her books on top of his. Her wings fluttered, lifting her off the ground to survey the room. “You’re gonna love it, Apple Bloom. They’ve got everything in here! What do you wanna start with?”

“Hmm.” Apple Bloom filed through her thoughts. A few choice recipes appeared in her head, along with ideas for several others. “I thought some invisibility potions would help with the sneakin’ around this time. Woulda made some myself, but didn’t have nearly the ingredients. Mayhap more o’ my piranha plant potions. Somethin’ combustible wouldn’t go amiss…”

“Blimey!” Ember trotted up to their table, her jaw all but hanging limp from her head. “Worrya be gettin’ yerself intae if’n ye be needin’ such?”

Apple Bloom thought about that for a good long moment. “Huh? Sorry, I don’t quite unders—”

“I’m askin’ ye what’s all this for.” Ember waved a hoof over the tomes, her eyes straying to the princess not two meters away. “If I didnae know better, I’d think ye were goin’ intae a war zone!”

Sunburst absently tugged on his dangling goatee. “It’s not too far from the truth.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight Sparkle said, raising her head above Ember’s. “This is official princess business, and we can’t really divulge that sort of information.”

Ember snorted. “Then maybe ye could take yer entirely too interestin’ official princess business an’ take it tae an official princess laboratory? Instead o’ the student lab? If’n I can’t be entertained, I’d at least like tae be left in peace.”

Applejack threw a foreleg around Ember’s shoulders and dragged her none-too-gently towards her work station. “Alright, Em. We got just as much a right to the lab as you. Maybe moreso. Just like we got a right to be secretive-like, an’ you got a right to have a bee in your bonnet.”

“Ach.” Ember scowled under Applejack’s strong grip. “If’n I had a bee in me bonnet, I’d more’n likely shove it up yer ar—”

Applejack gave her a hearty, friendly slap on the back that nearly knocked her to the floor. “Glad we could come to an agreement! Take care, sugarcube!”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “Sorry ’bout that, Ember.”

Ember rolled her eyes. She pulled away from Applejack and stuck her tongue out. “Word o’ advice: Get somethin’ tae blind ’em. They cannae kill what they cannae see.”

“Sounds good to me.” Apple Bloom glanced around the gathered would-be potion makers. Of the bunch of them, only Sunburst and Twilight had any experience. Still, potion makers they would be. “Alright, folks. Twi, Sunburst, y’all look for those recipes. Applejack, Rarity, you an’ me’re gonna look for the ingredients I can remember.”

Rarity gave her a curt nod and reached out. “For Sweetie Belle.”

Twilight Sparkle put her hoof atop Rarity’s. “For Aunt Yearling.”

“For Button,” Applejack said, adding to the pile.

Apple Bloom laid her hoof next, meeting eyes with Twilight as she said what they were both thinking. “For Spike.”

Twilight smiled at Sunburst, inclining her head to invite him in. “How about you? Do you have something worth fighting for?”

Sunburst tried to speak, but it mostly came out at a stutter. “Ah—of course. I mean, I don’t have nothing to—that is, it’s…” He heaved a sigh and put his hoof on the pile. “For Equestria?”

“For Harmony and such.” The assembled ponies turned on Ember with wide eyes as she pushed her way into the huddle. She grinned at them. “Me assignment’s done, and I don’t have tae know why ye’re brewin’ in order tae see it brewed. I know I wanna see how an invisibility potion’s made.”

Applejack pulled a long face. “Anythin’ I can do to dissuade yah?”

“Hmm…” Ember tapped her chin. “Nah.”

“I’m all for the extra help.” Apple Bloom gave her older sister a smirk. “Shall we?”

The group threw their hooves in the air, raising a whooping cry.


Confuto, High Priest of the Painted Ones, trotted through the corridors of the Hesperus Mactans. He had seen from the ambient magic readings that an unauthorized message had been sent with the ship’s magic mirror. The device was one-of-a-kind, able to send messages the world over with a single spell. Such power would not be abused while he was in charge.

He never made it to the mirror. He was halted by a metaphorical icicle to the heart. “Confuto.

Confuto swiveled his head in every direction imaginable, and found nothing. “Who dares? Show yourself!”

Magic traced its way throughout the hallway, crafting the outline and skeletal structure of an equine individual. The walls opened, emitting metallic assemblies that scuttled across the floor with a mind of their own. Armor was assembled from the pieces, topped with a two-horned crown. The ghostly image stepped into it, and the device moved like a living, breathing individual.

Confuto stood rooted to the spot, unable to react. His throat constricted; he was able to release a mere squeak.

Confuto, you are Ahuizotl’s most loyal acolyte.” The living suit of armor walked towards him with long, lanky strides. “I have a mission of utmost secrecy for you.

Confuto latched onto Ahuizotl’s name like a shipwreck victim to a life preserver. “Surely, Ahuizotl would give me such a mission himself.”

Ahuizotl will not learn of this mission.” The armor tilted its head. “Only you and the few I send with you.

Confuto’s throat bobbed. “I will do nothing without Ahuizotl’s direct approval. He is the law, and he is the almighty god of the Paint—”

There is no god but the Creator.” The horns on the helmet glowed a fiery green. “I tire of your pontificating.

This time, Confuto’s tongue was not silenced by fear or confusion, but by the iron grip of magic. His very thoughts grew fuzzy as the armor’s magic wormed itself into his head.

You are to find the changeling queen, Chrysalis the Second, in Canterlot.” The armor filled his vision, his thoughts, his whole being. “You are to bring her to me unharmed. Should you fail, you shall live the rest of your long, long life knowing aught but pain.

“I will…” Confuto had been doing something, had he not? But then, was not Queen Cicada’s desire more important? “I will find Chrysalis the Second. She is… You shall restore the changelings through her.”

You shall keep this a secret.” Cicada’s power molded his mind like putty, running his gray matter through its grasping tendrils. “Or you shall pluck your own eyes out.

She pointed towards the heart of the changeling flagship. “Go. The others are already waiting for you.

“As you command, Queen River Cicada…” Confuto trotted back the way he came. The quickest way to Equestria would be through a dragoncopter, but those only carried two ponies. She had selected two acolytes and one six-legged automaton to be his allies.

How did he know that? He hadn’t known that a moment ago, had he?

Of course, he remembered now. His queen had many powers, and the ability to implant information was her greatest aid to efficiency.

The others already stood beside a Strutter. This one was beetle-shaped; large armored plating shielded attacks from above, while a heavy spellcaster sat on the prow, ready to fire magic with all the power of a lightning bolt. An automaton huddled in the back, while the ponies manned the controls.

He examined the automaton closer, and recognized some scratches on the back. “She chose Dissero for this mission?”

“Our queen decided to send only the most loyal Painted Ones on this mission.” One of the acolytes, Lapsus, regarded Confuto with a slightly distant gaze. Perhaps his mind was on other things. Fool. He should focus on the task at hand.

The other pony, Insurgo, spoke at a low drone that didn’t quite sound equine. “This task is a great honor for the Painted Ones. Soon, the changelings shall rise again.”

Confuto furrowed his brow. There was something very important that he was forgetting. Something critical. Ahuizotl would need to know…

But he supposed that if it was important, Queen River Cicada would tell him about it.

“We are cleared for take-off.” He climbed behind them, belting himself into the seat. “Let’s move before we get too far into the storm.”

The four acolytes, three with their minds hopelessly scrambled and one trapped in an artificial body, flew off into the night.

Cicada watched them go, then allowed her armor to disassemble. Her magic dissipated throughout the inner workings of the Hesperus Mactans, controlling every facet, leaving nothing to chance.

Nor leaving it to the will of a mad god.


Martial Paw sharpened his rapier spark by spark, swipe by swipe. He examined the edge, keen as could be. He gave the sword a few practice swipes; it would cut flesh as easily as it cut through the air.

“This blade has been honed
By the finest whetstone
A weapon that’s destined to kill

“Though I’m sorely outmatched
By the plan this god hatched
I have one final job to fulfill”

He gripped the turner vollygun Andean had given him. Four rounds were loaded into the chambers, ready to be unleashed with a pull of the trigger. He clicked the safety lever into place and mounted the holster to his belt. He slid his rapier into its scabbard and tested his weight. He was able to hover and fly without difficulty.

He leaned against the window to his suite’s balcony, his talons scraping the glass. He looked out over Canterlot. Night life bustled beneath the castle, carrying on despite the goings on of the kingdom. Even those who had fled the arrival of the changelings were starting to return, strangeness having once again become commonplace.

“Now it’s time to take charge
Or it’s time to take flight
And I’m consumed by one simple thought

“I will rip out his heart
Tear his kingdom apart
And I’m striking, I’m striking, I’m striking!
Strike while the iron is hot!”


Magic swarmed around the potions lab as the brewers made their magic. Apple Bloom and Ember worked closely to keep the harsh chemicals from exploding. Twilight and Sunburst strove to translate and adapt ancient potion recipes to a modern environment. Rarity and Applejack never stopped moving, carrying ingredients to and fro.

Apple Bloom watched the color of a potion change from blue to green, indicating that it was ready.

“A trustworthy crew
A powerful brew
For the battle that’s soon to be won

“Despite all the strife
It’s part of my life
And I’ll sail over the horizon”

She corked the bottle and trapped the rapidly developing magic inside its protective barrier. She added it to the collection of finished potions that occupied the table behind them, bubbling and sparkling with a multitude of colors.

“Now it’s time to make good
Or it’s time to make way
And I’m marching forth, ready or not

“I must fight for my friends
From now until the end
And I’m striking, I’m striking, I’m striking!
Strike while the iron is hot!”


Blankety Blank stood before the smoldering pyre, empty save for a scant few ashes that had not yet been taken by the mountain wind. He sat in his usual pony disguise, white coated, white maned, pink eyed, earth pony. He didn’t want to go to the castle, knowing that Chrysalis was staying there. He couldn’t go to Ponyville and be back in time to leave for Felaccia. He was trapped between a place he couldn’t go and a place he didn’t want to be.

Care trotted towards him, a jacket keeping out the night chill. “Blank! You need some sleep. We’re leaving in the morning.”

“I k-know.” He shook his head, accepting the warm half-bodied hug she gave him. “I just don’t wanna be anywhere.”

They sat together in the cemetery, the aftereffects of Shardscale’s flight tugging at their manes and clothes. Care tucked her braided ponytail into her jacket and pulled the hood over her ears. “Why don’t we stay in the airship? I still have Martial’s docking pass. We’ll spend the night in the cabin. The Vanishing Point is more ‘nowhere’ than ‘somewhere,’ right?”

Blankety sniffled. He stood, and Care followed him towards the air harbor. “It’s a good idea, Care. A g—really good idea.”

They were alone on the road, this late at night. It was a fairly quick walk to where their ship was moored in the midsized-ship area. They climbed the plank, opened the door to the cabins, and found their chosen cots. Blank stared at the ceiling, his heart aching.

“Now it’s time to defend
Or it’s time to despair
All these goodbyes have been an onslaught”

Care rolled over in her cot so that she could see her friend. Her legs dangled as she sent him an affirming nod.

“But we’ll grow stronger still
With our cast-iron will
And we’re striking, we’re striking, we’re striking…
Strike while the iron is hot

Author's Note:

"Strike While the Iron is Hot" is based on "Ready as I'll Ever Be" from Tangled: the Series.

I haven't seen the series itself, but if that song's an indication, it's a worthwhile thing.

The title of "Big Spike, Sirenbane" was awarded to Spike T. Dog by BenRG in the comments section of In the Absence of Sunset Shimmer.