• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 3,857 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digital War - Fear Ripper

While the boundaries of between dimensions were being torn during the Friendship Games, an unexpected repercussion occurred. The Digital world discovered their world. How will the Humane 7 when they get mixed in to the digital mayhem about to arise.

  • ...

A Hero(?) Arrives

(POV: ?)


Explosions broke the sky.

The sound of blades clashing and guns being shot rang through the air. The battle field looked like a waste land, With strange looking creatures fighting one another.

I don't know what was going on. Seven other creatures surrounded me, but were beaten and on the ground. They all struggled to even stand. They didn't feel hostile like the others, for some reason my heart was in great pain to see them like that. High up in the sky, which was for some reason had both the sun and moon, stood two more creatures on opposite sides.

On the side with the sun was a humanoid, dragon like, armored creature, and on the side of the moon was an armored wolf figure. The dragon lifted its claws and summoned a large ball of energy, and the wolves armor unfolded revealing multiple missiles. They were preparing to launch their attacks.

Suddenly, a fire started to burn in my chest. My body began to move on its own. I somehow flew towards the two creatures to intervene in their battle.

"That's Enough!" I shouted.

It fell on deaf ears as they launched their attacks, both barreling towards me.


(Dream End)

I slowly opened my eyes, I raised my hands to shield them from the sun. I groggily sit up, yawning all the while.

Oh! Hey, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Brave Heart, the hero of this story! That's all I'm allowed to say for the Mr. Terminusmag not to get mad at me. I'll just rebuild the 4th wall and get on with the story.

I was sitting atop the roof of Canterlot High, the high school I was currently attending. It looked like a normal High school, but it also kind of looked like a western style castle.

"*Yawn* Man, what a weird dream." I said to myself as I laid back down.

Although, I suddenly saw someone looking down at me in my peripheral vision, which startled me.

"GAHH!" I screamed as I shot back up. I heard a chorus of female giggles behind me.

I turned to see seven of my friends.

The first girl was the same age as the he was. Her hair was a dark purple color with a pink stripe on her right side, also tied into a bun. Her face adorned square, black rimmed glasses covering her violet eyes. She wore a dark purple sweater vest over a light blue, long sleeved dress shirt with gray cuffs. Her skirt was a purple plaid skirt that reached her mid thigh, along with purple knee socks with blue frills on the end.

Second was a girl with long blond hair tied into a braid, and a brown cowgirl hat on top of her head, and green eyes. She wore a white and green collared shirt, with a blue jean skirt and a belt with an apple in the center. On her feet were brown cowgirl boots with red apples on each of them.

Third was a girl with rainbow schemed hair along with light violet eyes. She wore a short sleeved, dark blue, button up shirt with the it unbuttoned, revealing a white t-shirt with a storm cloud with rainbow lighting. She also wore blue sneakers with rainbow socks, and a maroon and white skirt.

Fourth was a girl had long, curly, dark purple hair down to her waist with a three diamond hair clip. She wore a long sleeved, sky blue top with a moderate purple skirt with the same three diamonds like her hair pin. Finishing off with dark purple boots with a single diamond in the center.

Fifth was a girl with dark pink, curly hair down to her back, along with blue eyes. she wore a blue shirt over a dress with a white top with a heart in the center. The skirt was pink with three balloons on the side. On her feet were sky blue tennis shoes with white laces and pink bows.

The sixth girl had long, light pink hair with a white butterfly clip. Her top was a plain white tank top, and her skirt was a light green with three pink butterflies. Her boots were also light green, her socks were dark pink with white polka dots.

The seventh and last girl had red and yellow hair along with cyan eyes. She wore a black leather jacket over a sky blue dress. Underneath the dress she wore blue skinny jeans, on her feet were black, high heeled boots with silver buckles.

These seven were Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer.

These girls are my closest friends. It's hard to believe that it had only been two months since I transferred to Canterlot High. I remember it as if it were only two months ago.

(Flash Back)

(3rd Person)

Brave Heart could be seen wandering the halls of Canterlot High. The school day had ended but there was still a significant amount of students around. They were all either hanging out, going to clubs, or activities of that nature.

Actually, tomorrow would be his first official day of school. He had arrived today to acquire his schedule from Principal Celestia. At the moment, he was touring the campus for himself, until he came across the school music room.

Being one who enjoyed music, he went in. He slowly entered, so to not distract anyone who might be in there, but only to find it empty. The only thing that stood out was the lonely acoustic guitar sitting on it's stand in the middle of thee room. Seeing as he was alone in the room and the guitar was just there, he picked it up and started playing.

(A few moments later)

Sunset Shimmer was shuffling through her locker, packing up her stuff for the end of the day, along with her friend and locker neighbor, Twilight Sparkle (Sci Twi).

"Hey Twilight, are you doing anything after this?" Sunset asked.

"Um… nothing comes to mind. I have some homework but that won't take long." Twilight replied.

"Well me and the others are going to the Cakes Shop after band practice. If you don't mind waiting a while, you can come with us."

"Oh sure! I like hearing you guys play anyways."

"Sunset! Twilight!"

The two turn from their lockers to see the five other members of the group. They both smiled, and joined the rest of their friends on the way to the music room.

"Y'all ready for band practice?" Applejack asked.

Sunset nodded, "Yeah, I can't wait to show you my new acoustic."

"You can play acoustic? Awesome! It'll add a whole new sound to the Rainbooms!" Rainbow Dash said.

As they approached the Music room, they notice the door open ajar. They get closer and start to hear someone playing the acoustic guitar and singing.

(Play Brave Heart Acoustic by Pellekofficial but guitar by Hadaru)

Now and then I know you want to quit and give up.

But keep on going.

Cause only you can walk the path that has been,

laid out only for you.

We rise and fall,

I can't recall if I've ever seen,

you afraid or insecure.

You're not the quieting type,

you stand your ground.


The days and the dreams you have.


The people you care about.

you'll be the hero that we need, but didn't deserve.

I know,

That power's still in your heart.

And when,

the fire is lite, it will

explode and our wishes, however ambitious.

Will open a brand new start.

Show me your Brave Heart.

They were all curious and enter the room gently and saw a lone boy in the room playing the guitar. He had Jet black hair and standing at about 6.3 in height. He was wearing a black, assassin style hoodie with grey outlines and the zipper off to the right of his torso instead of up the middle like most hoodies. His jeans were light blue, and he wore black sneakers. Around his neck was a pair of goggles with red lenses. From the look of his body structure, he had a lean, muscular frame.

Not all days are sunny, sometimes rain will appear,

from a blue sky.

But make the rain you friend.

Find an umbrella and keep

Your head up, smile through the night.

No map could lead,

you to your ultimate destiny.

Only you really know,

that is the beauty of being free.


Faster than the wind.


Farther than the sky.

Discover a side of yourself, you never knew.

I know, courage deep in your heart.

And when,

the time is right your story will

Unfold and the trials, the tears and the miles.

You walk to a whole new start.

Show me your Brave Heart.

The girls looked impressed by the unknown males playing and singing, and had small blushes on their faces.


The days and the dreams you have.


The people you care about.

You'll be the hero that we need,

but didn't deserve.

I know,

power's deep in your heart.

And when,

the fire is lite it will.

Explode and our wish's,

however ambitious will grant!

As I hold your start.

He finished his song, and the girls clapped for him. Although, that did startle him as he turned around too quickly, making his foot hit the edge of the stool which caused him to face plant. Which made the girls laugh.

The boy had stood up, rubbing his bruised nose.

"Ow, that didn't look very cool, did it?" He asked.

"Not at all, but it was kind of cute." Sunset said, making the boy blush and laugh sheepishly. "That was a cool song you played on my guitar."

"Oh! This is your guitar? Sorry! It was just sitting here, so I couldn't help myself." Brave said and gave the guitar back to her.

"It's co-"


A sudden gasp cut her off. Out off nowhere, Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared in front of Brave with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"You'renewherearen'tyou?Ofcourseyou'renewcauseIdon'tknowyouandIknoweveryoneinschoolandIdon't know you. What'syourname?Wheredidyoucomefrom?Doyoulikeparties?Doyoulikecake?Doyouwanttobemyfriend?"

Before Pinkie could fire off any more questions, Applejack covered her mouth with her hand and pulled her away.

"Alright, that's 'bout enough of that sugacube. Sorry 'bout her, she's kinda always like this."

Brave Heart just smiled nonchalantly, "Haha! It's no problem. Anyone with that kind of energy is alright in my book." He said, making Pinkie smile brighter. "Oh and to answer your questions, my names Brave Heart. I just transferred here from Ocean Bluff, California. Yeah, I like parties and cake, especially when the two are together. And I'd love to be your friend."

"Yay! I made a new friend!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well since we're on introductions," Sunset said, "I'm Sunset Shimmer. It's nice to meet you." She held her hand out, and shook Brave Hearts hand.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Howdy! Name's Applejack, pleasure to meet y'all" She also shook his hand.

"Same, and I like that hat you're wearing."

"Thank you kindly."

Rarity approached next.

"Hello darling, my name is Rarity, and I must say you have a fine sense of fashion. Although, I do have to question the goggles."

"Nice to meet you Rarity. As for the goggles, i feel like they complete my look, as well as help the image I want to portray."

Before she could question further, she was interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"Yo! You're new so you may not know me, but I'm a pretty big deal around here. I am the one and only, Rainbow Dash! The most Awesome girl around!" Her friends rolled their eyes at their friends usual behavior.

"Ha! I like your spirit! You look pretty awesome to be, so let's be friends!" Brave Heart said as the two shook hands.

Rainbow looked at her friends with a smug look, "See! He get's it." Which made her friends sigh.

Brave Heart noticed Fluttershy trying to hide behind her hair. Seeing as she wasn't going to speak up any time soon, he approached her slowly.

"Hello, may I ask your name?"

Fluttershy mustered up enough courage to stagger forward I-I-I'm Fluttershy." She said in a low whisper.

"I'm sorry, could you say that again?"


"Fluttershy? What a cute name." She blushed redder and tried to hide again.

And lastly, Twilight.

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, I hope we can get along."

"Like wise."

Now that the introductions were over with, the group began to engage in small talk.

"Hey, that was a cool song you were singing. Who's it by?" Rainbow asked.

"It's an original. I wrote it as my there." Brave said. Which confused the girls.

"Theme? Theme or what exactly?" Applejack asked.

Brave Heart smiled proudly, "Every hero needs a theme! It's like a part of their identity."

"Hero?" They all asked.

"Yes! That is my one, true goal in life!" He pounded his right fist over his heart.

"To be a hero!"


From that day on, Brave Heart carved his way into their little group.

They had grown close to them, even closer than her realized.

Twilight sighed, "Skipping class again? Brave Heart, I am disappointed in you."

The lone boy smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah! You should have invited me!" Pinkie Pie said as she dropped down and sat on his lap, which made Brave blush. "We could have spent some quality time together."

The other girls shot Pinkie an annoyed look.

Yup... very close.

Rainbow stomped forward and yanked Brave by his right arm to off the ground onto his feet, causing Pinkie to fall on the ground.

"Why would he invite you? Wouldn't he rather skip with someone more awesome? Like me!" She said.

Twilight also stomped up with a frustrated face, and yanked on his left arm.

"He shouldn't be skipping at all! He should have been in class like the rest of us." She said and directed the last part towards Brave Heart, half scolding him.

"Yes, quite right." Rarity decided to speak up, "Your grades are just on the border of average, so you have no room to slack off.

Sunset Rolled her eyes, "You two are just sore because he wasn't in chemistry and you had to pair with each other instead of Brave."

"No We're not!" They both yelled, with equal blushes.

Seeing that an argument might start Brave Heart spoke up.

"Hey girls, let's all cal-!"

"Stay out of this!"

But was swiftly silenced.

'*Sigh* Why are they fighting? Did I do something?' Brave Heart thought.

Yeah folks, he's that kind of protagonist.

The argument had subsided after a few minutes.

"Well, schools already ended and we don't have band practice, so how about we go to the Cakes shop?" Sunset suggested.

Everyone happily nodded in agreement as they started to leave the roof. Suddenly, Brave Heart froze, and his eyes widened. This didn't go unnoticed by Applejack.

"Y'all right Sugacube?" she asked, which gathered the attention of the rest of the group.

Brave Heart snapped out of his daze, "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Actually, I got to get to work tonight. Sorry."

Applejack eyed him suspiciously.

"Y'know," Rainbow spoke up, "You never did tell us what this "job" was. Why is that?"

His eyes shifted around nervously, obviously trying to find an answer.

"Hahaha! Rainbow, don't you know? A hero can never speak of their secret identity as a hero!" He said.

The girls, still bar Pinkie and Fluttershy, rolled their eyes. They all had a 'Here we go again." expression on their face as the lone male began one of his hero lectures.

"Heroes conceal their identity while doing their heroic deeds so the villain can't find out their personal lives! If that happens, then they will go after the ones he most cares about in order to destroy him! Alas! The hero must keep this secret from the ones he cares about to protect the. It's not that the hero doesn't trust them, in fact it kills them inside because they can't tell them. But if the ones they care about knew it would get them involved and put them in even more danger!" He then puts his arms around Pinkie and Fluttershy, and pulled them into a hug. "I'm sorry girls, but I can't tell you only because I care about all of you too much!"

The girls sighed at their male friends statement, and in relief that he was finished. Fluttershy had a fierce blush for being so close to him. Pinkie also had a blush, but also hand a large smile and wrapped her arms around him in a huge.

"Aw~ We love you too Bravey." She said.

"Now, I must go!" He pried Pinkie off and ran away.

The girls sighed, "There he goes again." Twilight said exasperated, "He's been dodging the question for weeks."

"And I don't think he's gonna be tellin' us any time soon." Applejack added.

Silence fell upon them until Rainbow Dash spoke up, "I say we follow him!"

The girls looked at her curiously.

"But Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, " Wouldn't that be invading his privacy?

"Think about it. It's obvious he doesn't have a job and he's a horrible liar. He won't tell us what he's doing most of the time, so we have to figure it out ourselves. Besides, remember a week and a half ago, when he had those bandages on his arm and face?" Everyone nodded, "I doubt that he got those from, "Falling down the stairs." He could be hanging out with some thugs. As his friends, it's our job to help no matter what!"

They all exchanged looks, but then agreed to their rainbow friend.

Off they went, on a journey to uncover the mysteries of their male friend.

It didn't take long for the girls to spot the hero junkie. They followed him down town, they were well hid with the hustle and bustle of people going around. They were unsure of where he was going, it seemed that he was looking for something. The snooping was rather uneventful, until they saw him walk down an alleyway. The girls ran to the alley's entrance, but hid behind the corner and stuck their heads out/

They saw Brave Heart standing in front of some strange, thick fog.

"Man, this is a big digital field. Do you sense anything partner?" He appeared to talk to some sort of red, digital watch on his wrist, which confused the girls.

I only sense one, champion level at best." A voice came out of the device.

"Alright, it's hero time!"


Brave Heart ran into the fog.

The girls looked shocked.

"Did his watch just talk to him?" Rainbow asked.

"Digital Field? Isn't that just normal fog?" Sunset asked.

"Fog shouldn't be concentrated in just one spot. It's unnatural." Twilight said.

"Let's stop chatting and keep following him!" Rainbow ran into the fog, with the other girls in tow.

They could barely see in front of them, but eventually approached a metal fence. The fence surrounded a basket ball field, and Brave Heart standing in the center.

"Helloooo~! Is there any digimon in there?" He yelled.

'Digimon?' were the girl's thoughts.

Suddenly, something large dropped down from above and landed right in front of Brave Heart.

It is a bipedal, muscled creature covered in brown fur, though its face, upper back, elbows, hands, and feet are red. It has red eyes and a large mouth. Its head is covered with a grinning plush that has three horns, while it has two bone-like protrusions on its upper back. It has a white bandage on its left wrist.

Brave Heart looked at his watch, and a circular holographic screen popped up. It showed a picture of the creature in front of him.

Digimon Analyzer:

Wendigomon- Champion Level- Beast man type- Virus Attribute.

Special Attacks: Cable Crusher and Coco Crusher.

His intelligence can be compared to a sack of hammers.

Brave Heart read outloud.

"Well, this will be fun. Ready partner?" He said to his watch.


Brave Heart thrusted his hand forward.

"Dorumon! Realize!"

Blue code protruded out of the watch and formed a cocoon in front of him. When it dissipated, there stood a beast-like Digimon with purple fur on most of its body. It has two large hind legs and two front arms, each of which has three black claws, as well as a large tail. The fur on its chest, paws, snout, and the end of its tail is white. It has two pointed ears with black stripes and two very small black wings. On its brow is a triangular red gem, indicated to be an old-style interface.

Digimon Analyzer:

Dorumon- Rookie Level- Beast type- Data Attribute.

Special Attacks: Dash Metal, Dino Tooth, Metal Cannon, and Hyper Dash Metal

No other data available.

The moment Dorumon appeared, Wendigomon narrowed his eyes at the two.

"So, you're the human and his digimon pet that keeps foiling us. I will destroy you and conquer this world for the moon!" It yelled and brought its giant fist down. Digimon and human both dodged the fist in opposite directions.



Dorumon ran towards the Wendigomon ready to attack.

"Cable Crusher!"

Wendigomon threw his arm out like a ball and chain, towards Dorumon. But Dorumon was faster and jumped over the attack. He used the arm cable to run up closer until he was right in front of the Beast-man.

"Dash Metal!"

Dorumon fired a large metal sphere directly at the Beast-man's chest. The force of the attack made the beast-man stagger back as Dorumon landed on the pavement.

"You wanna jump in any time Brave?" Dorumon said to his partner.

"Give me a sec." Brave Heart said as he pulled out what looked like a computer chip with a picture of a sword on it. He inserted it into his slot in his watch.

"Download: Sword Delete!" once again, data came out of the watch. Although instead of forming into a cocoon, it gathered in Brave Heart's right hand. When he grasped it, the data dissipated and a sword appeared in his hand.

"Alright, ready!"

Wendigomon regained its balance and retracted its cable arm.

"Dorumon, keep his arms busy, I'll go for the legs."

Dorumon look at his partner with hesitation, "Are you sure?"

Brave Heart smirked, "C'mon partner, trust me. We'll be fine."

"Alright, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Yeah, well so do I."

Brave Heart ran directly towards the beast-man's feet and slashed them with his blade. Instead of blood, read data spewed out of the gashed, which glowed purple.

The beast-man dropped to its knees and Dorumon took this chance to attack. Dorumon jumped into the air ready to fire his attack. But suddenly, the beast-man grabbed Brave Heart with its giant hand and threw him at Dorumon. They collided in mid-air.

"Coco Crusher!"

Two vertical rows of hollow studs appeared on the beast-man's abdomen and shot out some sort of projectiles. The attack hard and forced the two to crash into a wall behind them, causing dust to fly everywhere.

The dust cleared, revealing Dorumon trying to recover, while grunting in pain. Same could be said for Brave Heart, except for some reason his body was covered in some sort of red aura. While they were getting up, the sword in Brave Hearts hand had burst back into data and disappearing.

"Damn, I got to remember to up the durability on those things." Brave Heart said, "You alright partner?"

"Just dandy." Dorumon said with sarcasm, "But we should finish this up."

Brave Heart looked at his watch, which showed what appeared to be a Health Gauge from most video games.

"Yeah, my digi-soul won't hold up against another attack like that."

"Hahaha!" the beast-man laughed and started to taunt the two, "You think you can defeat me? A digimon pet and his human master defeating a soldier of the moon? We will take this world and prove our superiority to the sun."

Although, its heckling was ignored by the two partners.

Brave Heart looked at his partner, "I have a plan. I need you to charge up Metal Cannon, I'll distract him and signal you to fire."

"Seems kinda risky."

"C'mon partner, we've dealt with tougher guys than this. Remember, a hero never gives up, no matter what the odds."

Dorumon gained a determined look and a smirk to match his partner, "Alright!"

Brave Heart faced the beast-man with a cocky smirk and pulled out another computer chip, but this one had a picture of a boot with speed lines behind it.

"Download: Hyper Stride!"

His body glowed red for an instant, and the next he vanished.

He then reappeared in front of the beast-man's face. His fist was covered in red aura that blazed like a flame, and he delivered a powerful punch to the beast-man's face. Brave disappeared again, and reappeared at the beast-man's side. Delivering another punch. This process continued until Brave delivered an uppercut to its chin to disorientate it. While the beast-man staggered, Brave jumped back to his partners side.

"Dorumon! Now!"

Dorumon could be seen being surrounded by a purple aura.

"Metal Meteor!"

Dorumon shot a much larger, flaming metal sphere at high speed towards the beast-man. The attack hit it and went threw its chest, leaving a gaping hole. Not a second later, Wendigomon's body burst into red particles that floated in the air. Although, some of the particles gathered in the center and formed into a large white egg with brown spots, and it was the size of a basket ball.

Brave Heart raised his watch into the air,


The red data in the air was swiftly sucked into the watch device, and the egg landed in his arms.

"Haha! Victory is ours!" Brave Heart said thrusting up a peace sign and holding the egg under his arm. Dorumon was next to him, posing with his claws up and his tail curved up as well.

They held the pose for three second, until Dorumon spoke up.

"Um, hey Brave? Do we have to pose heroically after every battle?"

Brave Heart dropped his pose and half heartedly glared at his partner.

"Yes! It's in the hero manual. Did you even read the copy I gave you?"

Dorumon hung his head in shame, "I may have skimmed over some parts."

"*Sigh* Well we won anyways. Let's go home, I'm hungry."

The two turn to leave, but froze immediately when they spotted the girls behind the fence.

The girls mouths were agape at what they just witnessed their male friend do.

Brave Heart and his digimon partner started to sweat nervously.

"H-h-hey girls, what are you doing here?" He stammered, "Crazy fog right? I heard on the news that fog can cause hallucinations. Oh, and have you meet my dog, Dorumon?"

"Bark?" The two lied rather badly.

The girls obviously didn't buy it and gave the two a collective dead panned stare.

Brave Heart slumped his shoulders.

"I got some explaining to do, don't I?"

Author's Note:

Hey there everyone. Terminusmag1 here. And this is a new story idea. I got ito the new digimon game recently so I thought it would be cool if I could write up a EQG Fic with my own digimon storyline with MLP influence. I hope you like it.
Oh and if you didnt figure it out it has a harem element. The girls won't like him for no reason. Each romantic encounter will show up in future chapters for dramatic effect.
Disclaimer: I dont know anything but my oc and the storyline.