• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 3,858 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digital War - Fear Ripper

While the boundaries of between dimensions were being torn during the Friendship Games, an unexpected repercussion occurred. The Digital world discovered their world. How will the Humane 7 when they get mixed in to the digital mayhem about to arise.

  • ...

Never. Mock. The cookie.

Author's Note:

Hey! I'm back! It's been a while, but y'know life gets in the way. Anyways I know this chapter isn't very long, but this was actually the first part of a longer chapter. I wanted to finish the whole chapter but i feel like i've kept you guys waiting long enough. The next chapter will be their first mission as a team! Oh and this chapter will introduce a major character. They might not seam like it but they will play a major part in the story later.
Well I've taken enough of your time. On to the story!

"Alright everyone, it's time to begin our first team meeting!" Brave Heart said.
It had been three days since the incident with the Fanbeemon horde, and since the girls became digi-destined.
At the moment him and the rest of the team were sitting in a booth of a Chinese restaurant called "Uncle's Place," which Brave suggested they meet.

(On the Roof)

"Alright digi-pals! While our partners are having their meeting, we'll have ours. Let's begin!" Dorumon said.
The Digimon half of the team were sitting on the roof of said restaurant, sitting in a similar fashion as their human partners with their own food.

(Theme song: Brave Heart. English cover by Pellekofficial)

"So Brave, why did we have to meet at this specific restaurant exactly?" Sunset asked while eating a bowl of fried rice.
"Oh, I'm friends with the owner and I get a discount. I felt a meeting over lunch would feel more official. Like heroes in disguise." He said munching on his won tons.
"Hey! Hands off my egg rolls, AJ!"
"Y'all were the one who plucked one of ma' pot stickers, so fair is fair!" Rainbow and Applejack argued.
"Hey, hey! Fluttershy, check it out!" Said shy girl turned towards the pink party girl, who had chopsticks in her mouth to look like walrus tusks. Which made Fluttershy softly laugh.
"Oh come now girls, we are in a public establishment." Rarity chastised her friends.
All the while, Twilight was sitting quietly while eating her chow mien and reading a book.
"Yeah, this is real professional." Sunset said with her voice dripping with sarcasm.
It was then Brave decided to speak up.
"Ahem!" he got their attention. "Alright, let's begin the meeting. I hope you all used the past few days to bond with your new partners. So let's share our experiences. Let's start with Twilight."
Said egg head smiled. "I feel that Lunamon and I had gotten close. We spent most of the time asking questions about each others worlds."

(On the Roof)

"Alright, according to the list Brave Heart gave me, we should talk about our experiences with our partners first. Why don't you start Lunamon?" Dorumon said, but no one answered. "Lunamon?" Their attention turned to the moon Digimon, only to see her asleep with her face in a bowl of rice.
"Mmmh, no more questions Twilight, I'm tired. When do I ask stuff?" She whined in her sleep.

(Back Inside)

"That's great to hear," Brave said, "What about you and Renamon Rarity?"
"Our time together has been absolutely delightful! We had so much fun together."

(Flash Back)

Rarity was sitting at her design desk, busy sketching her next dress design. Only she had a frustrated look on her face.
"Ugh! It's no good. I can't find the right inspiration for a dress with only these lifeless manikins to work with! I need a live model, but everyone is busy today. If I don't finish these designs now, I might lose inspiration!" She said in frustration. Only for an idea to make itself known on her face, "Oh I know! Renamon~."
Out of the shadows, Renamon appeared right behind Rarity.
"Yes Ms. Rarity?"
"Eeep!" Rarity jumped at her partners sudden appearance.
"Forgive me Ms. Rarity. I didn't intend to startle you."
"Aha ha, it's quite alright darling. It'll take me some time to get used to that." Rarity said sheepishly. "Now then, I wanted to ask you for a bit of a favor."
"You are my partner Ms. Rarity, anything you wish I will comply."
"Fabulous! I need you to model some dresses."
Not that Rarity noticed, but Renamon's faced turned red in embarrassment with the thought of wearing a dress.

(Flashback end)

"And she looked absolutely beautiful! The blue sun dress really complimented her fur. I even gave her a gift when all was said and done."

(On the Roof)

"Renamon, I love that ribbon on your arm." Lalamon said to the fox Digimon.
Like she said, on the upper forearm of Renamon's arm was a lavender ribbon tied in a bow with a bell in the center.
"Where did you get it?" Lalamon asked.
"This was a gift from Ms. Rarity. She had me model for her and wanted to give me something to show her appreciation. I said she didn't need to but she insisted and I accepted. As long as she is happy."

(Back Inside)

"Alright, next is Fluttershy."
At the mention of her name, the shy girl shrank back a bit,
"Oh, um, Lopmon and I have bonded nicely, I think. She doesn't like staying in my digivice for long so I let her out at home and convinced my family she was a stuffed animal. She has been a real help at the animal shelter."

(Flash Back)

Fluttershy walked through the entrance of the animal shelter with Lopmon in here arms. Lopmon was doing a very good impression of a stuffed animal.
"Alright Lopmon, it's only us and the critters so you can move now." Fluttershy said to her partner.
Lopmon jumped out of her partners arms, but then turned to her nervously.
"Is it alright that I be here, Fluttershy?" She asked nervously, "I mean, I don't want to get in your way and mess everything up. I don't know how to work in an animal shelter. What if I mess up and you start to hate me?" She rambled with teary eyes.
Fluttershy gently bent down to pet her Digimon partners head.
"Don't worry Lopmon, I won't ever hate you. I'm sure you will do great." Fluttershy reassured her. "Now can you help me hand out the pet food?"
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Lopmon nodded and continued to help.
The passing of pet food was going smoothly, until a white bunny hopped towards Lopmon, who was carrying a bowl of pet food.
"Huh?" Lopmon's attention was caught by the bunny, who seemed to be smiling at her. "You must be Angel bunny. Fluttershy told me a lot about you."
Out of no where, Angel pulled out a carrot and gave it to Lopmon.
"What's this?"
While the bunny and Digimon, Fluttershy observed the scene with a smile.

(Flash Back End)

"I think Angel Bunny has a crush on Lopmon now."
Everyone, bar Rainbow, "Aw'd" in the sweet story.
"That's adorable, how did Lopmon react?" Brave asked.
"She doesn't know."
"Wow really? I wonder how someone could miss such blatant acts of affection."
Immediately as these words left his mouth, everyone at the table looked at the male protagonist with a blank stare.
"Yeah, it's a real drag isn't it?" Rainbow said with sarcasm. Which went unnoticed by the lone male.
"Moving on, how are you and Lalamon, Pinkie?"
Their pink friend grinned from ear to ear as she shook excitedly.
"Lalamon and I are the best of friends! We've done so much together! I through her a small party, we baked together, and a bunch of other stuff!"

(Flash Back)

In the kitchen of the Pie residence was Pinkie Pie wearing a frilly pink apron with a heart in the center of her chest. Currently, she was icing the bottom rim of a white frosted cake with pink icing. Although she was not alone as Lalamon was floating next to her. The Bud Digimon was frosting the top rim of the cake with a squeeze bag she held in her short, stubby arms.
Pinkie sighed happily as she wiped sweat off her brow, "Isn't this fun Lalamon? What better way to bond with each other than baking sweets!"
Lalamon finished with her portion of decorating and set the bag down. "You're right Pinkie Pie, baking is really fun." Even though her face didn't show it, her tone of voice sounded happy.
"But..." Lalamon looked around the kitchen, to see that they were both surrounded by sweets. They had been baking all day, and baked almost all the sweets anyone could imagine. "Do we have to eat all of this?"
"Yup! Let's start eating!" Pinkie said as she dove into the mountain of baked goods.
"Oh dear..."

(Flash Back End)

"Oh, so that's why you gave us all our own cakes yesterday." Brave Heart said.
"Yeah, we baked a lot so Lalamon said we should share with you guys, and I agreed. We ate the rest though."

(On the Roof)

"Hey Lalamon, would you like to try some of my Sweet and Sour Pork?" Renamon asked.
The bud Digimon's face darkened,
"Please don't say sweet." She said.

(Back Inside)

"Alright, next up is Applejack."
"Well, me and Gaomon didn't do nothing special. We just worked on the farm."

(Flash Back)

In the middle of the Sweet Apple Acres, there stood Applejack with her Digimon partner Gaomon. Applejack took charge of the south orchard for the day. Being the furthest from the farm house, her family wouldn't see the Digimon.
"Alright Gaomon, my house is pretty full most of the time, so I have to keep you in the digivice. But that don't mean you can get lazy. Today, I'm gonna show ya' how to harvest apples the Apple family way." She said.
"Understood Ma'am." The dog Digimon said, standing at full attention.
Applejack sighed at his soldier like behavior. She started to surround the chosen apple tree with baskets.
"Ma'am, may I ask what you are doing?"
"I'm putting the baskets around the tree so the apples will fall in."
"Fall in? Are we not just going to pick the fruit?"
"Pickin' apples one-by-one is tedious and a waste of time. That's why we do this..." Applejack delivered a swift kick to the trunk of the tree. In turn making almost all of the apples in the tree to fall into the baskets bellow. "Then we just load them up on to the wagon."
She could see Gaomon's eyes slightly widened, as if he were surprised.
Gaomon regained his composure.
"Ma'am, if I may be frank with you. I was always taught that humans were weak and didn't hold much power. Yet you show much more power than any lesser Digimon that I've seen." He said.
"Anybody can be strong Gaomon. No matter who or what they are. It just takes time, effort, and patients. As well as the right reason for wanting to be strong." Applejack said.
Gaomon's eyes drifted to the ground, "Just like master used to say." He muttered quietly.
"What was that?"
"It's nothing Ma'am. Shall we continue to harvest the apples?"
Applejack wanted to ask what was wrong, but she left it alone seeing as Gaomon didn't want to talk about it. The rest of the day was getting Gaomon trained in harvesting.

(Flash Back End)

"It was kinda weird, but I decided to leave it alone. He'll tell me when he's ready to talk about it." Applejack finished.
Brave Heart nodded understandingly, "That's understandable, it probably has something to do with his reason being here."
The girls looked confused, "What do ya mean?"
"Have you ever thought of why our partners are fighting with us instead of with the domain they draw power from? Lord Fanglongmon gave each of them a choice on whether or not to join the cause or not, so I'm assuming they have their reasons for fighting for us humans."
The nodded, "Gee, I never thought about it like that."
"They will all tell you their stories eventually. Right now, let's move on. I believe you're next, right Rainbow?"
"Yeah! Veemon and I had an awesome time together. Turns out he likes soccer, but he mostly uses his head. He tried to shoot the ball into the goal with a VeeHeadbutt, but he missed and smacked into the metal rim of the goal. Hahaha!" she said.

(On the Roof)

"Hey Veemon," Coronamon spoke up, "Why do you have a bandage on your head?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." The blue dragon Digimon said.

(Back Inside)

"Alright, and last it Sunset."
"Huh? Oh yeah, Coronamon and I are doing pretty great. We didn't know how to act around each other at first, but we got to know each other and became friends quick. He's been pretty useful too."

(Flash Back)

Sunset was walking up the stairs of her apartment complex with a broken scooter in her hands. The school day had ended for the students of Canterlot High, which meant the students were sent free from their classes. Just as the fiery girl was about to leave, her freshman friend, Scootaloo, ran up to her with a panicked expression. Scootaloo had snapped the handles clean off the scooter during a stunt she was doing. She could only turn to Sunset, being the only person she know who was savvy with tools. Being the good friend that she was, Sunset accepted her underclassmen's request, but said that she would need time. She entered her apartment, and greeted by a smiling Coronamon.
"Hello Sunset! How was your day at school?" He asked.
"Same old, same old, nothing that new." She said, but the Lion Digimon's attention turned to the broken contraption in his partners hands.
"What's that?"
"This is a scooter, it's something you can ride on. My friend Scootaloo from school broke it, so she asked me to fix it for her."
She puled out her tool box to fetch her blow torch. She commenced to weld the scooter, only problem was that the torch wouldn't light.
"Ah darn, it's out of gas. I can't weld without a torch."
Then an idea popped into Coronamon's head, "No problem! I can be that!" He pointed his finger, and a small flame started at the tip. He used his flames to weld the scooter while sunset held it together. The finished product was the scooter back in one piece.
"Wow! Nice job Coronamon. Thanks."
"No problem Sunset!" She started to pet her partner, much to his delight.

(Flash Back End)

"Alright!" Brave Heart chanted, "It looks like you are all bonding with your partners very well. That's a great step forward in becoming an official team. That's item one on the list. Now let's move to the next, which is questions. I will now answer any questions about your Digimon partners, the digivice, ect."
There was a moment of silence between the group. As if none of them know what to ask.
"Any questions?"
Even more silence.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
Then their hands raised in the air.
"There we go! Now, how about we start with you Rainbow?" Brave Heart said.
"Awesome, I think we all saw that during your fights with Wendigomon. I know you're strong, but that giant ape shooting you into a wall should have landed you in the hospital. Is that red fire around you like some sort of force field?"
Brave Heart nodded at her question, "Not exactly Rainbow. The "Red Fire," is actually called DNA."
"DNA? Like deoxyribonucleic acid?" Twilight asked.
"No, it means Digimon Natural Ability, or as I call it 'DigiSoul'. You see, our bond with our Digimon partners isn't just for show, it also gives us the ability to use the "Natual Abilities" of Digimon as well, although to a smaller extent. Digisoul is the energy created from the bond between human and Digimon as well as your passion. The stronger your bond is, the stronger your Digisoul is, and how much you have of it. And the flames of your passion with focus it. During my fight with Wendigomon, my Digisoul took the blunt of the attacks, but it still hurt. If my Digisoul ever ran out, I would be left vulnerable."
Rainbow nodded understanding.
"Okay, Twilight, what is your question?"
"If I remember correctly, you said that when Digimon entered our world they needed to stay in the digital field to adapt until they could roam free. So why didn't our Digimon need time to adapt before they could walk around with us?"
"Like I was saying about the Digisoul, the bond is beneficial for both parties. The digivice is a symbol of the bond between human and digimon. While the Human gains Digisoul, the Digimon acquires the ability to remain in our world without the digital field."
The next to ask their question was Rarity.
"What were those little devices you inserted in your digivice?"
"I call them Battle Chips." (A/N: Props to anyone who get's the reference.) "You all remember how I upload the Digimon's data after I delete them right?" They nodded. "Well to explain that further, the digivice came with a neat feature that I downloaded onto my computer. It was a program that allowed me to use the data collected and construct them into weapons or abilities that can be used by both Digimon and Human partner." He pulled out the Sword Delete chip. "My Sword Delete, I made after Dorumon and I defeated a Snimon, who has blades for hands."
Sunset raised her hand,
"I was reviewing Coronamon's data, as well as the other Digimon on our team, they were different except that they were all Rookie level. What are these levels?"
"That's the stage of evolution they are currently at. You see, Digimon have the ability to "digivolve" in order to get stronger. The levels are as followed. Baby, which is the level it is when they hatch from their digi-eggs. In-training, a level where they are still aren't fit for combat and focus on learning. Rookie, where all of our Digimon are at now. Champion, considered the average level. Ultimate, that is considered the fully grown level of a Digimon. Finally Mega, where only a handful of Digimon achieve this level and considered the strongest of the strong."
"Wow, so our Digi-friends can be even stronger?" Pinkie asked.
"Yup! Bigger and stronger."
"Um, excuse me." Fluttershy spoke up in her regular meek voice. "I have a question too. If that's alright."
"Of course it is. What's your question?"
"I remember you said that a Digimon either draws power from the sun or moon. Which of our Digimon fall in to which side?"
"Ah! That is a great question. It's important to know who will be more effective in any type of situation during the time of day. On our team, the Digimon of the Sun are Coronamon, Veemon, and Lalamon. On the Moon side are Lunamon, Renamon, Gaomon, and Lopmon. So that is the arrangement of our team."
"Wait," Twilight spoke up, "You didn't mention Dorumon. What side does he belong too?"
Brave paused for a moment, "Well that's a bit hard to explain." Before he could explain any further, someone approached the table.
"Ah, if it isn't my favorite customer."
They all saw an elderly man standing at the foot of the table. He had grey hair that was slicked back, and he wore a traditional, red, Chinese Tang suit with gold accents with black slacks.
Brave Heart smiled, "Hello Uncle, sorry I didn't say hi when I arrived, I had to talk to my friends about something."
The girls looked at him confused, "Wait, this is your Uncle?" Rainbow asked.
"Ohohoho!" The man laughed, "No no no, my name is Dim Sum, but everyone calls me Uncle. I am the owner of this restaurant, hence the name, "Uncle's Place." You may all call me Uncle as well." The girls nodded with a smile. "It seems you brought me more customers. Though I never would have thought you would have brought more of those monster friends of yours. I already gave them their orders."
"What!?" The girls shouted.
"He knows about the Digimon?" Sunset asked.
"Yeah! Actually it was during one of my missions about a two week ago. Dorumon and I weren't as experienced and we let a Gatsumon loose of the Digital field." Brave Heart said.
"That pile of rocks tried to pick a fight with me." Dim Sum explained further, "I didn't take it seriously at first until he started to wreck my restaurant. If it wasn't for Brave Heart and his purple dragon friend then I would be out of business and probably not here at all." Uncle said with gratitude. "So, are all of you "heroes in-training," like Brave Heart? I'm assuming all of those other creatures up there are with you."
"Yes they are Sir." Fluttershy answered.
Uncle smiled, "Well, then you are all welcome in my restaurant any time. And remember, call me Uncle."
The girls giggled at his friendly attitude.
"Before I forget, here is your check." Uncle set down a check book with fortune cookies on top.
"Oooo! Desert!" Pinkie quickly swiped one and scarfed it down.
"Pinkie, darling. You know there are fortunes in those right?" Rarity said with slight disgust.
On cue, Pinkie let out a loud burp, causing the fortune to fly out. She quickly caught the fortune out of the air.
"Hey look a fortune! It says, "Danger looms in your future." She read.
Uncle frowned, "That's a very bad omen."
Brave Heart nodded, "Uncle's right, we must be very cautious."
"Pfft. Yeah right." Rainbow said, "You two listen to a cookie?
The sudden, strange noise caught all of their attention.
"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack asked.
"That was the melody of a Digimon. It sounded pretty close too." Brave Heart said.
Uncle looked at all of them seriously and said,
"Never. Mock. The cookie."
(A/N: More props to who gets that reference.)