• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 329 Views, 1 Comments

Consonance - Harmony Muse

Second Story in the Harmonyverse, Harmony Muse and many others gather in the Crystal Empire to take part in the hoof to hoof combat event of the Equestria games. Takes place concurrent to the Season 4 episode of the same name.

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Act 1: Chapter 1: Ashva

Act 1: Chapter 1 – Ashva

The damp heat of the subcontinent clung to every hair and patch of fur on Rosie Air's body while Allnut stood at the helm of the tiny riverboat. Billowing white clouds poured out of the stacks as the Muddy Queen chugged up the wide and twisting river. On either side, thick jungle wood, underbrush, and large ferns crowded the shores where deep roots disappeared into the murky brown waters below. The large lace fan was barely enough to keep herself cool, much less drive the flies away as Rosie desperately tried to make herself comfortable. She didn't know what to expect being in these exotic lands. Maybe a lost tribe of wolves lurked in the underbrush, ready to pounce. Or perhaps she could have a pleasant conversation with a local Dugong as they lazily drifted along with the currents. Trading stories of where they came from, where they were going, and just silly little things in general.

Rosie loved the silly little things. They made every day an adventure. But what Rosie did not expect was the long and agonizing boredom. There was little to do and even less going on. Which made the hot and sticky weather all the more terrible. Hope upon hope, the ruddy colored pony leaned over the railing to see if just maybe one of those fascinating Dugongs would show up. After all she'd never met one, and they must be fascinating conversation!

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Allnut slurred his words.

“And why ever for not, Captain? Surely you can see as I do that there is little here but boredom and flies.”

“What you can't see are the crocodiles. They like to lie in wait for somepony to lean in. Then without warning...SNAP! They pull you under, never to be seen again.”

The pause and sudden loudness of an otherwise quiet pony at the helm of the boat surprised Rosie. It took her a brief moment to regain her composure. “Preposterous.”

“Oh no? Well look over there near the far shore.” Allnut pointed his chipped hoof towards the other side of the river. “That, if you can see it, isn't a log or exposed bit of muddy stone.”

Squinting her eyes she could just barely make out what Allnut was pointing at. Then she saw it. “Nice day for a swim, right? Would you like to come over for dinner?”

With a wink and a large, toothy smile, the crocodile did in fact seem to be there before slipping below the surface. “Oh. Oh, dear. So, it is true.” Rosie sighed to herself. Maybe that's why there were no Dugong in these waters. She began to imagine all sorts of tragic stories as she sat back to fan herself. 'Those big, nasty, scaly reptiles must have done something rather unpleasant! Or maybe...No.' Rosie shook her head to clear her mind.

“So what's a pretty filly like you doing all the way out here on this rickety tub, anyhow?”

“Hmm?” Rosie was brought out of her own head. “Oh! Well you see, I'm an envoy from Canterlot and I've come to bring an invitation to somepony very important. I'm sure you've heard that there will be a grand competition where ponies from all over the world will gather together in the interest of camaraderie and sport!”

“So you're a messenger pony.” Allnut slurred again.

“Well, it's a bit more than that. Definitely a lot more dignified than a simple messenger pony. The care and nuance required here is quite a bit more than sending a pegasus over with a parcel and register board.” She proudly pats the gold-embroidered satchel at her side. “This is a task of utmost importance!”

“As you say, miss.”

Rosie sighed once more and resumed fanning herself. These moments were all too brief. It'd been nearly a week on this little riverboat, and the journey was expected to last a few days longer. She lamented the fact that the Captain and pilot of this boat weren't more...interesting. He certainly wasn't one for conversation.

The days passed slowly as Rosie tried to find some way to amuse herself. At this point she wished she had brought more than one book to read. By now she'd read through this particular tale of Daring Do three times over. “I wonder if she had to practice such patience on one of her grand adventures,” she said mostly to herself. Fighting tomb robbers, outwitting powerful creatures, making incredible discoveries, and uncovering a hidden past that would otherwise be lost to time. Lost to us all! Did Daring Do have to sit idly by on a little boat with a dull pony who slurred his words while the world slowly passed her by? Oh, to have such grand adventures, travel to foreign lands, and see exotic denizens the around the globe. To be a true Globetrotter would be such an incredible life.

It was at this moment that Rosie noticed that the chugging engine's chug started to slow down. The paddle wheels slowed their turn, and the boat began to drift away from the middle of the river. Looking around curiously, she began to wonder if something had gone amiss.

“We're here, miss.”

“Here? Pray tell, where is here?”

“Your destination.” Allnut reminded her. “Soon as I hitch up to the dock, you can disembark. Just follow the road up the hill and it'll lead you to a mountain-side. Climb the steps to the top and you'll be at the temple.”

Destination? Disembark? That's the first time she ever heard Allnut say something with so many syllables. Actually in the past week and a half, this is possibly the most he's said at one time. “Ah, yes. Of course. Thank you kindly. I'll be sure to let others know what a wonderful host you've been.”

“Don't mention it,” Allnut said as he tipped his head. A gentle bump had Rosie a bit off her footing as the boat came up against the wooden dock. The expert boat hand tossed the mooring line onto a post and secured the vessel. “Enjoy your trip, Miss.”

“Yes, of course. And thank you again.” Rosie took her embroidered satchel, packed her favorite book into her saddle bags, and hopped onto the dock. Looking down the dusty path, she could see the stone steps wind their way up the mountain side. Now that the boat ride was over, her spirits began to lift. With a gleeful smile and a shiver down her back, she happily pranced towards her goal.


The old stone temple looked as impressive as it was ancient. However the exterior didn't look anything like the ruins that are described in the adventure books or the photos taken at restoration sites. There was a pristine facade to the stonework, trees grew in maintained planters,, the walkways were swept clean, and the walls were covered in brightly colored plaster. The clay tiles that adorned the tops were similarly brightly colored. For a place of reverence, there was something surprisingly cheerful and welcoming in the air. There weren't just a single building, but an entire complex with a massive centerpiece. Each outcropped building had its own theme and color to it. One structure had a dark grey color tint where the roof was a bright blue dome that was supported by a number of elephants adorned in armor. Another was a tall, slender building where each alcove showcased a statue of different creatures – wise dragons of the East, Camel traders from Saddle Arabia, Eagles from Clifface, Bovines in their majestic robes - and unexpectedly, a trio of recognizable figures in the form of an Earth Pony, a Pegasus, and a Unicorn.
Moving deeper into the temple complex each building seemed to become a lot more ornate, a lot more grand and colorful. Milling about were the residents attending to their duties. Cleaning the walkways, tending to gardens, feeding the birds, painting portraits, softly playing music, or simply meditating.

And yet the central building continued outshine them all. A massive edifice that had stood there for thousands of years. The sounds of masons chipping away at stone could be heard below the scaffolding of what appeared to be a new addition to the grand temple itself. Leading into the entranceway were impressive and intimidating statues of two griffons, one with it's wings splayed with the other its wings tucked back. Both looking serene in their expressions. As if the wisdom of the ages had been captured in granite.

Inside of the grand hall one could hear the gentle murmur of chanting, it's walls dully lit by candelabras and...electric lights? All is quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. That is until the rapid clack of hoof against stone interrupted the hall as a young pony dressed in a bright blue sash rushed towards the central altar.

“Teacher! Teacher! Teeeaaacheeerrrr!” The young colt cried out as he ran.

Without opening his eyes, the teacher lifted his head to regard the interruption. “Please, do not run inside of the temple. You wouldn't want to lose your footing and slide into the pool again, would you?”

“N-no, of course not, Teacher,“ the colt panted. “I have a message for you! Well a message from a messenger. Er, what I mean is a message of a messenger from another messenger who sent me to deliver this message...”

The elder teacher opened one eye to regard the student and could sense a mix of eagerness and fear in his young pupil.

“Um... That is to say, we have a guest.”

“A guest you say? Well then little one. Show them in. It's been quite a while since we've had a guest!” Craning his neck, and spreading his wings, it was possible to hear the old bones pop and creak. Each joint seemed reluctant to move, but with practice and ease, the teacher stood from place at the center and moved towards the door. His footsteps a curious combination of talons scratching and the clop of hoof as he gingerly plodded across the great hall.

“Oh dear, you're a... You're a...”

“I am Ashva the Hippogriff. Master of this temple, High Elder of the Order of Colors, instructor of many, student to all, and a cupcake fanatic.” The half-eagle, half-horse smiled a big, toothy grin. “And to whom am I addressing?”

“I am SO sorry!” the pony bowed deeply in reverence. “I am Rosie Air, envoy from Canterlot. And I have been sent to personally deliver to you an invitation to this season's Grand Equestria Games.” Rosie tried to maintain her composure as she fumbled with the latches on her satchel. “Please accept...Um, please accept this message Master Ashva of the High Order of...”

The hippogriff sat back on his haunches and raised his clawed feet in a gesture to try to calm his visitor. “Please, just call me Ashva. May I address you as Rosie?”

“Why yes, of course!” Rosie said while finally fishing a scroll out of the gold embroidered satchel and handing it to him. Taking the scroll between two of his talons, Ashva breaks the seal with a third. Before he could unroll it, the scroll slips from his grasp and levitates before him and reveals its message to the old teacher.

Kind and Gentle Master Ashva,

Please consider this an invitation to join us at the Equestria Grand Games this year. We would be greatly honored by your presence as a guest, or if you like, we would even have you as a judge of one of our competitions. It has been far too long since we've had the pleasure of your company and I feel that we have much to relate.

With deepest regards, Celestia and Luna.

“...and Luna? It would seem that a lot has happened, indeed.” Ashva looks up with a warm smile. “Miss Rosie, my answer is yes. I would love to make a trip to your grand games! Tell your event organizers that I shall take my place among those competing in the combat arts tournament.”

“Teacher?” The colt in the blue sash looked up in surprise. “But, but, you... You don't fight!”

“Oh, but I do. When I was a young ruffian not much bigger than yourself, I would get into fights all of the time. That's one of the reasons I came to this temple oh-so-long-ago. The teachers then trained me to harness my energy, focus my anger, and taught me the ways of a warrior.”

“Wow...” The colt was nearly speechless.

“Perhaps some day, if you so chose, you too may join the Warriors' Enclave. But until that time, we have preparations to make.” Ashva turns back to Rosie. “You have my answer.”

“I'll return right away!” Rosie Air cheerfully smiled. “Though I do not doubt that everypony will be quite surprised that you'll be joining us in the games as a competitor!” Rosie takes a few steps back and starts to quickly trot away.

“Please, don't leave just yet.” Ashva raced next to Rosie with unexpected speed, grace and agility. “Why don't you stay for a little while? Come in, have some tea. Or perhaps some apple cider? We also have a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables from our gardens.”

“I would love to. Unfortunately I had chartered a riverboat and it's taken me nearly two weeks to get here. The boat captain is expecting my return. Plus I'm expecting another week’s travel back downstream. Also I have other invitations to deliver, and...”

“Two weeks? My, my, my. Didn't you know that a train stops just outside of the temple complex? It'll take you less than six hours to get back to Kowkatta.”

Rosie's color paled for a moment at the realization that the dreadful trip may not have been as enduring. But the idea of a meal of fresh fruits and veggies was too much to pass up. Turning around she happily looked up at the hippogriff. “Well then. In that case, I'd love some tea.”

Author's Note:

This chapter courtesy of Lizzybell. Everybody give her a big hand!