• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 330 Views, 1 Comments

Consonance - Harmony Muse

Second Story in the Harmonyverse, Harmony Muse and many others gather in the Crystal Empire to take part in the hoof to hoof combat event of the Equestria games. Takes place concurrent to the Season 4 episode of the same name.

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Act 1: Chapter 3: Idube

“Next stop: Adansonia,” the train conductor announced as he moved between the passenger cars. The trip through the dark continent's interior was incredibly pleasant, and surprisingly wasn't dark at all. Wide open grasslands and green hills were contrasted by the rolling sand dunes that could be seen off in the distance. On the horizon stretched a low mountain range which was punctuated by a solitary and massive, snow-capped mountain. The Heart of the Continent as many called it, was the tallest mountain in the region. Below in its shadow stood a number of long dormant and extinct volcanoes. A fascinating tale of the land's violent and fiery primordial past written in stone and bedrock. There was a history here that seemed to span much further back than any other place ponykind had been to so far.

Rosie Air wistfully stared out of the window as the plains slowly rolled by. Dotted here and there were small villages, each one having their own flavor. A community of Bongos in one dusty town. A village full of Baboons kept watch over their territory with a large troop contingent while Gerenuks, Hartebeasts, and Impala all wandered about under the bright sun grazing on the tall grasses. Rosie herself gingerly nibbled on a slice of carrot cake that was brought to her from the dining car as she tried to savor each bite, making the cake last as long as possible.

Time seemed to fly past as the Envoy Pony switched between gazing out towards the passing landscape and to her book. Another exciting expedition of the world's most famous globetrotter and adventurer, Daring Do! Rosie's ears would lay back and flick forward, her tail would swish, and her feet would tamper at each twist and turn in the novel. Of course she knew the ending as she'd read the trilogy several times. This particular novel was the first in the series, Daring Do and Mallard's Fortune. The other two books Daring Do: Between Bandits, and Daring Do: Mallard's Mendacity rested neatly in her saddlebags. After riding the emotional roller coaster of writing, Rosie sat back in her seat with a satisfied sigh. “I hope the fourth book is as good as the series. Bandit's Ending will have to be a masterwork for it to compare to the others to finish off the series.”

Rosie was pulled from her thoughts as the train slowed to a crawl and the conductor made his rounds through the cars calling out, “Now arriving: Adansonia! Now arriving: Adansonia! Please secure your belongings and prepare to detrain!” With a practiced flip, Rosie placed her novel into the saddlebag with her other books and latched the flaps. Slinging them over her back, she grabbed onto the gold embroidered satchel and eagerly awaited her arrival at the station.

The train's wheels squealed to a stop before letting out a billowing hiss of steam. A misty vapor covered the landing platform for a moment hiding the view just before the doors to the passenger cars opened. Stepping out onto the platform, Rosie was greeted by the hustle and bustle of a town that rivaled those of her Equestria home. The excitement of being in someplace new was almost overwhelming and she found herself nearly skipping and prancing along the main boulevard. And while she could have been in the middle of Manehattan or Fillydelphia, there was one key difference that readily became apparent. Not only was the décor quite different, but the ponies themselves seemed exotic! While she was used to the trotting of Earth Ponies, magical meanderings of Unicorns, and the flighty Pegasi, here she was surrounded by graceful Antelope, fleet-footed Gazelle, and while there were few Pegasus around, the ones with their heads in the clouds seemed to be the gentle Giraffe!

“Um... Actually Miss, I'm just really tall.” Smiled one of the aforementioned Giraffe. “As you can see, my feet are still firmly on the ground.”

Rosie turned from her normal ruddy color to a bright red of embarrassment. “Oh dear, I am so sorry! Did I say that out loud?”

The Giraffe lifted his head and let out a deep and raucous laugh. “It's fine, little one! You're obviously new to these lands. Let me be the first to welcome you to Baobab!”

“Why thank you!” Rosie bowed a bit. Before she could prance off, she saw the friendly local stride away. Their long legs carrying them with a natural elegance that she had seen nowhere else. It truly was a sight to behold to her unfamiliar eyes.

The main street was lined with shops selling a variety of goods. It seemed everything could be purchased here from exquisite jewelry, to wooden masks and carved sculptures. Other shops catered the local and regional cuisines. Simple salad shops, street vendors selling oddities on skewers or wrapped in flatbread, high-class restaurants with their high-class clientele, and low-class bars bubbling over with the local rabble. Rosie felt both in awe and at home. Had she the time, she'd definitely come back and try a sampling of the local flavor and culture. Returning here would be a highlight of her life to be sure! Looking up the street, she could see that it curved as it climbed a gentle hill. At the other end of town was the inescapable presence of a giant tree which dominated the skyline. As she drew near, the taller and more magnificent that the tree seemed to become.

Continuing up the road, it was easy to notice that the buildings became more ornate and even grander than the shops and apartments on the lower levels. The shift between the buildings wasn't subtle and was punctuated even more when Rosie Air overheard one of the residents speak out, "Have you been to the cloud district? No, I suppose you haven't." Looking around she saw a poshly dressed Gazelle being dismissive towards another on the street. 'Just like the Manehattan elite...' she thought to herself. 'It's funny seeing the contrast between people who think they are important versus those who truly are.' Shaking her head, she continued on her journey and found herself at the base of the immense Baobab tree. Beyond the tree and at the top of the hill, she could see a vast and dark woodland beyond the grasslands. The town of Adansonia sat on the border of two worlds -- the savanna and the jungle.

Standing on either side of the ornately carved and massive double doors were a pair of very large, very strong, and very mean looking Buffalo. About as imposing and strong as the Bison of Equestria, these Buffalo also look to come from a very powerful and reserved tribe. While they eyed Rosie with some measure of suspicion, they made no move to stop her from entering. Just a glance and a hefty snort. The interior of the giant Baobab tree was equally extravagant. Lit by ornamental chandeliers, the atmosphere and opulence rivaled that of either Canterlot or Crystalline castles! Along the carved pillars stood more Buffalo guards. Each one quietly standing at their post, giving Rosie the same looks of disdain as the previous.

At the end of the Great Hall sat a pile of silken pillows, each adorned with silver and gold tassels. In the middle of the pile was a creature who exuded dominance and commanded respect by his very presence. His tan fur was offset by a very thick and black mane. And yet while this beast was clearly the one in command, something felt off. Rosie's instincts started to kick in as she felt a twinge of fear creep up from her hooves to her forelocks. The lion's ears were laid back, his tail twitched, and he looked as if he were ready to pounce. The expectation of something about to happen sent shivers across her back.

And then it happened.

In an instant, three figures leaped out from the darkness! She didn't even hear nor notice them at first. Their quiet approach were like shadows as they moved from cover and pounced onto their target. Razor sharp claws tore and gruesome fangs bit. The attack was fast and ferocious. One of them grabbed onto the lion's tail, a second went for the head while the third jumped on his back. Rosie stood frozen in place, as if a spell of stone had been cast upon her. So stunned was she that she couldn't even hide her eyes.

The lion let out a mighty and pained roar as the trio of would-be assassins made their move and continued their attack. “Oh, moan of agony!”

“Wait, what?”

“Oh despair!”


“To think that my end would be nigh.”

“Dad, stop.”

“To think I would be deposed by my own heirs!”

“Daaad.. Stop it. You're embarrassing us!”

“Woe betrayal!”

The three lion cubs now sat there unamused at their father's antics. “Are you done yet?”

“Your mother and aunts should be returning from their excursion soon. Have you had your baths yet?”

“We don't wanna bath!” -- “We had one this morning before breakfast...” -- “...and then another one before they left!” The trio protested.

“Well, you can take one now, wait for them to return to bathe you, or I can do it here in front of our guest.”

“Fiiiine...” One of the three sighed. The cubs with ears laid back and tails tucked down toddled off and out of the Great Hall.

Finally giving recognition to her presence, the lion jumped down from his throne and circled Rosie, “Greetings!” He said in a deep and commanding voice. “You have entered the Hall of King Ingonyama.” The King completed his wide circle around Rosie and looked deep into her eyes, “Tell me, my little pony. What brings you to me?”

At that moment, Rosie felt very small. The air was heavy, as if it were about to crash down and erase her from existence. She wished she could be anywhere else. Her tail was tucked between her legs and her ears laid back, her legs felt weak and every part of her felt as it was about to tremble and quake. Every part of her being told her to run. To run away and find a place to hide. Yet there was something else. Something deep inside that pushed her forward. Taking a deep breath she let out, “I AM A ROYAL ENVOY FROM THE REALM OF EQUESTRIA, HERALD OF CANTERLOT, DOMAIN OF PRINCESS CELESTIA AND PRINCESS LUNA!” The volume of her own voice startled her and had taken a brief moment to compose herself. “I have come to bring to you an invitation to the Equestria Grand Games, your Highness.” She finished with an eloquent bow and expertly presented the missive from her satchel. Looking up she found herself nose to nose with the Lion. She could feel his heat from each steaming breath, and while she locked eyes, she wasn't sure how much was from determination, or from fear and an inability to look away. The tremors started to return and she quickly bit her lower lip to keep it from quivering.

The world began to shake as an incredible roar filled the Great Hall. Portraits clattered against the walls, the lighting above began to shimmer and sway, the Guard Bison's hackles stood on end, and Rosie knew that something terrible was about to happen and...

Wait, this wasn't the roar of an angered beast?

Instead what was heard was an incredibly deep and booming laugh. The kind of laughter that comes from the core, one of amusement and joviality. The King's wrinkled brow, narrowed eyes, and menacingly fanged smile quickly evaporated in to that of a benign and passionate ruler. His commanding presence remained, yet Rosie somehow felt all of the tension drain away. She even felt welcomed in that moment. King Ingonyama relieved her of her missive and returned to his place in the pile of luxury that would be his throne. With a single claw, he cleanly removed the seal and watched as the magical glow enveloped the scroll as it unwound for him to read.

His Just and Fair, the Royal Highness King Ingonyama of Adansonia,

Once again the Equestria Grand Games will be taking place. As a friend, I welcome you to join us in the Crystal Empire as it is more than a celebration of sport and competition. This year we celebrate the return of my sister, the restoration of the Crystal Empire from shadowy forces, and many other incredible triumphs of this new era. Please consider joining us for this momentous occasion as an esteemed guest.

With camaraderie and peace eternal,

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

“Ah yes, Celestia, the Queen of the Night. How wonderful of her to send this to me personally,” Ingonyama smiled to himself.

Rosie was taken aback by this. It was well known that Celestia was the one who made the sun rise and lit away the darkness. It was Luna that brought forth the moon and relived her sister to rest for the night. “Excuse me, your Highness, but, 'Queen of the Night'?”

“When she has the sun rise over her realm, it falls below the horizon and gives us the night at that same moment in this part of the world. Only during the twilight hours do we share both the moon and sun.”

“It made some sort of sense when put that way,” thought Rosie. The simple notion that what happens in one part of the world could affect what happens elsewhere was a concept that hadn't crossed her mind until now.

“I'm afraid that I am far too busy to join your celebration at this time.” The king said softly. “While I sit here at home tending to the cubs and important regal matters, my wife and her sisters spread across the realm each day to ensure that our borders remain secure.” Ingonyama sat up and beckoned Rosie to join him. “You see, there are three tribes who would prey upon the Grazers who live here in relative peace. Without my presence, the Bush Dogs, Jackals, and Hyenas would come into our lands. They would steal ponies away in the night; attack the young, the old, and the weak; and when not fighting among each other, would war against those who are under my protection. It's a matter of pride, after all.”

Rosie could understand the magnitude of the situation to some small degree. She knew of the stories of Timber Wolves that threatened Ponyville from time to time, yet they generally stayed in the Everfree Forest. For King Ingonyama to leave now to have a bit of fun could endanger so many others. “I understand completely, your Highness. I'll relay your message the moment I return to Canterlot.”

“One moment, little pony,” Ingonyama placed his monstrous paw on her withers. “I know of someone that would be an excellent representative of my realm. You'll find him with his team in the Sanctuary Patrol, deep in the Savannah. I'll have my best guide take you to him.”

While she craved the adventurer's life, the train ride out of Adansonia was quite a bit more eventful than Rosie Air would have liked! Everything up to this point seems a bit hazy now, but one thing that she knew for certain was that there was more trouble than she thought was worth the price. Rosie found herself clambering on top of the train cars as she made sure the embroidered satchel was secure on her possession. Inside was an ancient golden relic from a long lost civilization. Something she knew that her pursuers should not have as it's historical and artistic value would be squandered. Either melted down for its precious metals and stones, or sold off on the underground trade to some devious collector. No doubt to be used in some sort of nefarious dealings while in their dirty grasp.

Looking behind her, Rosie's eye narrowed as her ears laid back. Two of the rival treasure hunters had made it to the top of the passenger car while the others chased along the side of the train. The pony closest to her was a rather built ruffian while the group's leader wearing a brown fedora was close behind and hot on their hooves. Huffing, Rosie quickly turned away towards the rear of the train in an attempt to escape capture. With all of the commotion, a pair of curious Giraffe popped their heads out of the top of their train car to see what was happening.

“Look, dear. It seems this little pony has her head in the clouds.”

“Now, now. Don't be so aloof. She's obviously in distress!”

“Um, pardon me...” Rosie meekly said as she pushed past the two on-lookers and steadied herself for a jump to the next car on the rumbling train ride.

“Well, at least she's polite, dear.”

“Yes, but if she had her feet on the ground, then she wouldn't be here in the first place. Don't you think?”

Jumping down, Rosie rolled across some of the tarp covered crates on the flatbed car with the two treasure hunters close behind. She caught a glimpse of the larger ruffian and struggled to maintain her balance as the train jostled her from to and fore. The brute and the fedora-wearing treasure hunter were too close now! So close that she could feel their determined and angry breath hot on her flanks. Hopping over the connectors between cars, she quickly ducked into the next car and latched the lock on the door behind her. Turning around she gasped in fear and surprise as a familiar toothy grin met her gaze.

“Nice day for a swim, right?” The crocodile lay low in the tank of water. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“Maybe later,” Rosie's tail was firmly tucked between her legs as she edged her way around the water tank. At that moment, the two treasure hunters had broken the latch on the door and burst into the cabin. A quick leap and Rosie was in danger of being captured! She fell to the floor of the train car but the ruffian's grasp was unsure. A quick kick of her hind legs shocked the goon just long enough for her to scramble away. Unfortunately, a tumble and roll hand landed her right into a crate full of vipers! Covered in a writhing mass of reptiles, Rosie Air let out an ear piercing squeal and scrambled out of the crate in a near blind panic.

Diving out of the rear of the car, she wedged a loose plank of wood against the door in an attempt to bar her would-be captors inside. Feeling a strange wriggling under her saddlebags, Rosie disgustedly pulled a squirming snake from it's unfortunate hiding place and tossed it aside. However she was unable to breath a simple sigh of relief as one of the treasure hunter gang had immediately caught up with her from above. This pony, wearing a gray striped cap and charcoal gray, dusty shirt had leaped down from the reptile car and crashed into her. With a grunt and a shove, Rosie pushed her assailant away and scrambled over another flatbed car and it's hill of cargo. As she climbed on top of the next car to the rear of the train, the Gray Cap hooked one of her legs and caused her to stumble. This tumble so disturbed the passengers inside that Rosie could hear the grumbling of the Water Buffalo below.

As she desperately tried to regain her footing, Grey Cap tackled Rosie and grabbed onto the gold-embroidered satchel that she guarded so furiously. As the two struggled, the clomping and tromping so enraged the Water Buffalo that their horns repeatedly pierced the roof of the train car. One of the horned guards had gotten close enough to pierce the wooden structure in a rather uncomfortable area between Rosie and her opponent. Meanwhile, this distraction gave the other two treasure hunters enough time to fight against the barred door. With both of them turning their backs to the door, they bucked and with a loud, crashing bang, shattered the door and rushed outside. Rosie used that moment to roll away from Gray Cap and knocked him on the flatbed below. Unfortunately for her the single goon now became three as the larger ruffian had climbed atop the train car with Gray Cap and Fedora close behind. Turning to make her escape, she rushed across the car as the water buffalo continued to thrust their horns through roof, each piercing blow mere inches away from their unseen targets.

Leaping from one car to the next, Rosie had lost her balance and tumbled over on her back. Her eyes wide with fear of falling off, she desperately tried to scramble to her feet. This unsteady moment on her part was just enough for the others to catch up and she suddenly found herself nose to nose with the leader of the Treasure Hunter Gang.

“Come on, little filly. There's no way out of this! Return the relic!”

Rosie fruitlessly kicked and backed away, “It isn't yours!”

“You got heart, kid. But that treasure belongs to me.”

“It belongs in a museum!” Rosie glared defiantly.

“Just give it here, you little scamp!” Gray Cap quickly grabbed the embroidered satchel with his teeth. At that moment, a viper slithered its way out of one of Rosie's saddle bags and coiled around his face. Yelping in surprised terror, he let go of the satchel sending Rosie backward and crashing through an open skylight.

She found herself enveloped in darkness. The shaft of sunlight blinded her of the rest of the train car, yet her instincts kicked in warning her of an even greater danger. She felt more fear in this moment than she had from being chased a few seconds ago. All of her senses seemed to tingle at once. She could hear the soft padding sound of feet as they paced, the scratch of claws on the wooden floor with each step. A low, rumbling growl of a vicious predator, and through the darkness a glowing pair of menacing eyes stared back at her.

“You should not be here,” growled a deep and familiar voice.

“King Ingonyama?” Rosie squeaked. “I'm sorry, but I must bring this relic back with me. It is of utmost historical value! You must understand that!”

“That trinket?” Ingonyama paced around before moving into the shaft of light. His bared and fanged smile came nose to nose with Rosie. “No. I care little for that decoration.” The great Lion fell back into the darkness and once again all that was visible were his glowing eyes. Instead of disappearing with the rest of him, they were transfixed on the adventure pony. A hunter had found his prey. She sensed that the King was crouched down and ready to pounce. “You shouldn't be here,” the King repeated. She could no longer bare the tension as her entire body quivered from fear. “Now is the time for you...TO AWAKEN!” The Lion's snarling, scar-marked visage rushed into the light and at that moment, everything disappeared in a flash.

“EEEEEEE!!!” Rosie cried out in a blood chilling scream! Her eyes burned against the piercing daylight and every muscle in her body tensed up. A loud 'thump' could be heard as she struggled to escape. Looking around she was visibly frightened and confused as she was no longer in the dark and dusty train car. Somehow she had appeared inside of a carriage as a pair of Gazelle across from her looked on in concern.

“I'm sorry to have startled you,” the carriage driver tried to say sweetly. “But it is time for you to awaken, Miss Rosie. Also, you've dropped your book.”

Closing her eyes for a moment, Rosie tried to regain her composure. Had it really been just a dream? Taking a deep breath in case the golden relic had cast some sort of curse upon her, or worse yet, that the jovial King Ingonyama really did do something horrifically unthinkable, Rosie slowly opened her eyes to face reality. Looking down she recognized the tome that fell onto the floor as one of the 'Adventures of Young Daring Do' that lay unceremoniously awkward with its pages twisted and folded beneath its splayed cover. Breathing a huge sigh of relief, she could feel her face burn hot from embarrassment as she began to gather her belongings.

“So we've reached Sanctuary, then?” Rosie tried to refocus her thoughts away from the dream.

“Yes, Miss!” The driver smiled a big, toothy grin and stepped away from the carriage door. The twin Gazelle leaped from the car and bounced away into the savanna. “This is the mail stop. If you follow the path from here, it'll take you straight to the Elephant Village. You cannot miss it. There you'll meet with the Zebra who are patrolling the area.”

“Thank you kindly.” Securing her belongings, Rosie climbed down the carriage steps and out onto the dusty grassland road. Taking a moment to regain her bearings, it wasn't difficult to spot the well trodden path that lead to a giant white tree in the distance.

The hot and dusty dry air burned her nose as she took in a deep breath. The scent of dry grasses and the dirt road added to the local environment. It was amazing the contrast that this place had when compared to the river jungle of the Subcontinent. Rosie could barely see over the tall grasses and scrub brush that lined either side of the road. Trotting happily along the well worn path she could see a few stark white trees in the distance. Their boughs capped with bright green leaves, they seemed like guardians of the savanna. In the distance she could hear the braying calls of some of the local ponykind. They had a tone that was similar to the donkeys of Equestria, but somehow also very quite different. And yet even though the voices seemed exotic, there was also something very familiar. Something strange and mystical.

“They sound like...Zecora? These must be the Zebra that King Ingonyama had sent me to find!”

“Indeed they are.”

“Eep!” Rosie wheeled around in surprise and came muzzle to muzzle with a tall and brilliantly striped individual. “Oh, dear. Hello!”

“Good day, my lady! I apologize for the delay, so what did the King have to say?”

“I am Rosie Air, and who might you be?”

Taking a quick bow, the Zebra smiled, “I am Idube. It is quite nice to meet you.”

“Ee-dewb?” Rosie said quizzically. The name was as foreign to her as her present company.

“Close enough!” Idube said with a laugh.

“No, please. I must get it right. It is your name after all.”

The Zebra shrugged for a moment. “What's in a name? For if a Rose were to go by any other name, would she not be as sweet?”

“I, um...” Rosie felt a bit flushed. “Names are important. I think they are as important to our sense of self as is our cutie marks!”

“That kind of reasoning I cannot deny. If you feel you must, then please, continue to try!”

Rosie and Idube continued to trot along the dusty road as she persisted in practicing a single name, each attempt a slight variation on the last until the two agreed that it was just so. While Idube seemed easy going, he listened carefully. Not only to her but to the area around them. While one ear was angled towards Rosie, the other seemed to twitch and twist around at the same time. It didn't take long until the duo had reached a small encampment in the middle of the grasslands. A set of wooden cabins sat in the shade of a majestic and stark white tree. It's bark was smooth and the younger wood branches that grew from the trunk were an off-white shade. Like the bright color of someone's smile or a big, toothy grin. As if the tree itself seemed to radiate happiness.

“It's beautiful...” Rosie said as she gazed up in awe.

“That's Ivory. We're here to protect the trees while the Elephants are on their travels. Without the ivory, there would be no Elephants. Without the Elephants, there would be no ivory. There is a bond between they and this wood. Too many others would cut it down if they could.”

“Why ever for?” Rosie looked up towards Idube. That's when she noticed that five other Zebra had come around and were milling about, each curious with their new guest.

“Carvings, mostly,“ Idube replied. “The shapes captured in wood can bring some much joy. Just as a child would find in this toy!” Rosie inspected the carving that was presented to her. The fine details were intrinsic and incredible. She half expected the ornately carved pony to whinny and prance away.

“Wait, is that...Me?” Rosie's eyes widened in surprise. The tell-tale markings were becoming that more apparent the more she inspected it. The subtle shades of the wood matched her own coloring, and the wood grain itself seemed to form her own cutie mark. There was a brightness and wonder to the toy that seemed to mimic her own. It was like a tiny mirror reflection carved in ivory.

“Many others seek the ivory for its medicine. It is believed that ivory can cure and heal. However this is a gift that must not be taken. For if the trees were to be destroyed, then the land itself would be shaken!” Idube placed the carving between Rosie's hooves and had taken a step back.

“I can see that your duties here are quite important. Oh! Speaking of duties, the reason I'm here.” Rosie pulled out a scroll from her embroidered satchel. “King Ingonyama sent me here to find a representative for the Equestria Grand games! Since the King and the Pride are too busy with their duties here, he has decreed that one of you shall be a representative of Adansonia in his place.”

The Zebra looked at each other for a moment then huddled together. Rosie could barely hear what they were discussing as the herd spoke among themselves. After a moment, they turned back to her. “What sort of games will there be?”

“Well, there are several different types of events. There are different track and field games like a Four-by-Four relay, the long distance Marathon run, the one-hundred meter sprint, the four-hundred meter race, hurdle jumping, individual and team jumping, archery, running archery, javelin throw, hammer throw..” Rosie continued to list off several of the game's scheduled events.

Each of the Zebra seemed to perk up with the mention of one or another sport. With each event, they seemed to become even more excited. “We shall come!” Idube shouted excitedly. “In a weeks time the Matriarch and her sisters shall come for their rest. We shall then come to try this test. For me I think the combat games would be best!”

Rosie was taken aback by this declaration. “Wait, all of you...?”

“Of course, Miss Air.” One of Idube's companions stated frankly. “We are a team after all. For all of us to go would only be fair.”

“Well then, I suppose that's fine. I mean, there are the open trials to see if each of you can qualify for the events. King Igonyama was asked to join the games as a spectator. So naturally I assumed that you would wish to watch the games as well.”

“Watching is fine,” another of the other Zebra spoke up, “but participation is better.”

Rosie smiled and gave a formal curtsy. “Then I shall return home post-haste and tell the Princesses of your acceptance!” Though her mood seemed to change a bit when a howl could be heard in the distance. “Or perhaps after the sun rises tomorrow morning? It's the twilight hour and I fear it may be too dark when nightfall comes.” The Zebra looked at each other for a moment. Sensing a bit of hesitation, Rosie dug into one of her saddlebags and pulled out a number of take-out boxes. “I, um... I brought food from several restaurants in Adansonia. I suppose that could share?”

Idube smiled brightly and guided Rosie towards the common bunk. “You may stay in one of our huts for the night. I believe my friends here would think this to be alright!”

Author's Note:

Yes, we're back in business.

This chapter written by Lizzybell.

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