• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 4,408 Views, 65 Comments

Tails of Fate - CroisSunnyPlay

A man who gets displaced as Tails the Fox right after seeing his daughter die. Will Equestria and it's ponies help him find again what he lost, or is he destined to be a Lone Fox for the rest of his life?

  • ...

Fox in the Woods

Tails of Fate by CroisSunnyPlay
Sonic the Hedgehog is owned by SEGA
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro

((Third Person POV))

Inside the Everfree Forest, a timberwolf was searching for it's next meal. It sniffed the air and followed the scent that it knew all too well.

"Hey girls, did any of you heard something?"

Ponies. The perfect prey.

"No, why do ya ask?"

"I just had the impression that... Nevermind, let's just keep moving."

"Yeah, the faster we finish, the faster we can get out of this place."

The timberwolf watched from the shadows of the bushes, and if it could, would have smiled. Three little fillies, alone by themselves. Too easy. It just had to wait for the right moment to attack.

One of the fillies, the orange pegasus, turned in the direction of where the timberwolf was hiding.

"This time I'm sure I heard something..."

What happened next was a flurry of movement. The timberwolf jumped out of it's hiding place and attacked. The fillies screamed. Something appeared between them and the timberwolf and knocked it backwards.

The timberwolf stood up again and growled at the creature, but didn't move. It knew this creature all too well, and dared not attack it. The creature shook it's head and threw something in front of the timberwolf: A dead cockatrice.

"I know it's not much, but you better take it. After all these years, I see that some of you still don't want to keep away from the citizens..." The creature said to the wolf.

The timberwolf sniffed the corpse, grabbed it and ran away, leaving the creature and the fillies.

((??? POV))

I watched the timberwolf run away from me. When I was sure that it wasn't coming back, I turned my attention to the three fillies behind me. And if what I have learned in these last years is right, the one with the wings is a pegasus, the one with the horn is a unicorn and the one with neither is known as a earth pony.

They were huddled together with their eyes closed. Poor things, they must be too scared to even move. I approached them and whispered in a barely audible voice.

"Don't worry, you three are safe now. The wolf is gone."

They opened their eyes and looked at me, but gasped and started trembling. I don't blame them, I must look really scary with all these blood splotches in my fur.

"Please don't hurt us!" The little white unicorn said.

The frown on my face softened a little. "Don't worry, I would never do any bad to little fillies like you."

"R-really?" I nodded. They sighed with relief and got up.

"Thanks fer helping us, Mister." The yellow earth pony said. "But ah must say, ah've never seen anything like ya here on the Everfree..."

"That's because I don't usually talk with ponies. I mostly keep hidden. But I'll let you know that I'm a fox."

"Huh, then we have never seem a fox like you before..." Said the orange pegasus. I noticed that they were mostly looking at the two tails moving behind me. "You have two tails?"

I nodded. "Let's say that I'm a special kind of fox, then."

"Wait... Aren't you the creature that they talk about in the legend books?" I heard the unicorn ask me.

Well now. Been here a long time, but never heard of this 'legend'. I shrugged. "No idea. I don't go out of the forest that much, so I haven't heard of this legend. So, now that you're out of immediate danger, may I ask your names?"

"Oh, right. Ah'm Applebloom, nice ta meet ya." The earth pony said, pointing to herself. I noted that she has a little southern accent. Huh, interesting. Next was the white unicorn.

"I'm Sweetie Belle, it's a pleasure to make your... uh... make your acquaintance! Yeah, that." Hmm. It's like she is struggling to sound polite, just like the people- or in this case, ponies- that live with someone that is upper-class or something like that. Lastly, the pegasus stepped up.

"And I'm Scootaloo, the awesomest filly you'll ever meet!" Wow. Talk about boasting. I wonder why I'm suddenly thinking about chickens... The three of them then approached each other.

"And together we are... THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!"

OUCH! My ears! Why they have to be so loud? I quickly shook my head and addressed them again. "Well, it's nice to meet you three, but what were you doing here on my forest?"

"Your forest?"

"I live here. It's a home to me. So I call it 'my forest'."

"Well, ya see... We were trying ta get our cutie marks in forest survival, but we kinda... got lost." Applebloom said, rubbing the back of her neck with one hoof. I'm not even going to ask how they know what forest survival is.

"Then you better go home before it gets dark. It's dangerous out here at nighttime."

Scootaloo seemed to sadden a little for some reason. "Yeah, home..." She said. I noticed it and realized something. Could it be? At this age, is she really...?

"Anyway, I have to ask you three a favor."

"A favor? What kind of favor, Mr. Fox?" Sweetie Belle asked. Great, now I'm really feeling old...

"I have to ask you to not tell anyone that you met me, okay? It has to be a secret, at least for now."

"But why?" Ah, children innocence. It almost made me smile. Almost.

"Look, I know how the pe... I mean, how the ponies would react to me. And besides, do you really think that someone will believe that you met a talking fox with two tails?"

"...Ah guess yer right. Well, at least we know how ta find our way back from there, thank ya, Mr. fox. Are we going ta see ya again?" Applebloom asked.

"Who knows, Applebloom... Who knows..." I said before jumping up on the trees. I didn't leave them, and kept close in case something more tried to attack them. I watched as they looked around a little before shrugging and trotting in the direction of the exit of the forest. After some minutes of following them, they finally exited the forest just as the sun was starting to set. I took a look around and decided to sleep where I was, after all, no predator in it's right mind would try to attack me, I'm too strong for them. So, with one last glance at the sunset, I closed my eyes and let sleep overtook me.

I woke with a start. I took a moment to stretch and admire the sunrise. After that was done, I took a quick bath in the nearby river. After cleaning most of my fur, I got back to my training. Ever since landing here over eight hundred years ago, and after overcoming the sadness of losing everything that I had, I considered this a second chance and started to adapt, but I still don't understand how I'm not growing old. I may not be happy at all, but I'm alive.

I sighed. Seven hundred years, and I only exited this forest two times... I took out the dark blue Chaos Emerald that I always carry with me and stared at it. This is the only thing that help me remember of her. I'll always love you...

I was brought out of my train of thought as the Emerald began to pulse with energy. I have had a long time to understand the Chaos Emeralds, as they somehow are now linked to me. This pulse... I didn't like it. I knew what it meant: Someone is approaching the Master Emerald... And that makes me feel stupid for leaving them out of the hiding place.

Without wasting time, I tightened my grip on the Emerald in my possession and got ready to teleport back to the place where I kept the others. Whoever is messing with them, they better have a good excuse, or they are going to have a hard time.


Author's Note:

A story about fights...
A story about feelings...
A story about adventures...
A story about a princess...
A story about a fox...
A story about a reencounter...
The story... of the Lone Fox.