• Published 12th Jul 2017
  • 4,408 Views, 65 Comments

Tails of Fate - CroisSunnyPlay

A man who gets displaced as Tails the Fox right after seeing his daughter die. Will Equestria and it's ponies help him find again what he lost, or is he destined to be a Lone Fox for the rest of his life?

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En Route to Canterlot!

Tails of Fate

((Third Person POV))

The rain was coming down heavy. He was soaked to the bone, but kept his speed, intent on catching up to the train wagons. He had to intercept them before they reached Canterlot.

In the middle of the sound of the rain falling, of the wagons moving, and of the thunderclaps overhead, Tails heightened hearing caught a distinct sound coming from the direction of the wagons.

"Help!" The voice was distinctively young, leading Tails to believe that a foal was inside one of the train carts. Tails sighed, knowing that now he couldn't simply destroy the wagons, he would have to search all of them to find the foal.

"My day only gets better and better..."

Tempestuous Trainline Zone

Mission requisites:
*Find and rescue the foal that is in one of the wagons;
*Stop the wagons before they reach Canterlot. Total wagons: 5

Speeding up his current pace, Tails began to collect the rings that were appearing on the way, but he had to keep following the wagons. Even with his heightened vision, it was raining heavily enough that he could only see some of the lights that the wagon emitted.

That was another thing on Tails mind: If pegasi controlled weather, then were did this rain come from? He put the question out of his mind as he noticed that he was nearing the first wagon.

As he was about to jump up on the wagon, he instinctively dashed to the right just as the sound of bangs rang over that of the rain, and from where he was he could see a machine gun mounted atop the wagon.

"Ugh, the frustrating part of waiting to go in. I hated this part on the games, and hate it even more in real life." Tails grumbled as he dodged the oncoming bullets.

It would be so much simpler if he could use Chaos Control, but it was apparently still recharging. Ironically, his Chaos Blast was fully charged already. He wondered if these game physics were playing with him but decided to ignore that for now.

Eventually the machine gun ran out of bullets and Tails wasted no time in tearing down the back door of the wagon to go in. Surprise surprise, he found robots. He let out a humorless chuckle.

"Seriously? He thinks these robots are enough? They are an annoyance at best." Tails said as he proceeded to take one of his staffs off his back and hold it in one hand. Casting a critical glance around, he saw that the wagon was fairly small, and his hearing didn't catch any sound that could be related to a foal.

He sighed. "Not on this one..." He then seemed to blur between the robots before stopping at the other end of the wagon, sheathing his staff again and opening the door to the front. He jumped out and started running again just as a explosion was heard behind him, and the wagon slowed down as it was destroyed from the inside by the robots exploding.

The same happened on the second wagon, but as Tails neared the third a very loud bang was heard as the ground to his right exploded, pelting his fur with mud and small rocks.

Tails, caught off guard, barely managed to dodge a second explosion to his left, followed by more explosions along the way. Tails looked at the wagon and saw the reason why.

"They have a proximity mine deployer!? That... Okay, I guess I underestimated Eggman for once."

Dodging the explosions was a pain, but Tails managed to enter the wagon unscathed, only to discover that the foal wasn't on this one too. In a fit of rage, Tails Chaos Blasted the wagon from inside, destroying it and the robots completely.

The same happened as he was nearing the fourth wagon, but this time over the sound of the explosions he heard the distinct voice of the foal.

"Please, somepony help me!"

Tails glanced at his Chaos Control bar, and, seeing that it was fully charged now, wasted no time in using it.


In a flash of blue light, Tails reappeared inside the wagon, noticing that this one was bigger than the others. Holding his staffs firmly on his hands, Tails made quick work of the robots around him as he proceeded to the end of the wagon, where he found a larger robot with two machineguns mounted on it's arms, one of which was pointed at the head of a crying colt. From what he could see of the colt, his coat was white with light brown splotches and his mane was a dark brown color with streaks that seemed one shade lighter. The colt seemed fairly small, but Tails didn't have time to continue his observations as the robot started firing at him, forcing him to dash around to dodge the bullets.

Gritting his teeth and focusing, Tails decided to throw one of his staffs at the robot. Carefully calculating the trajectory, he swung his hand, letting his staff fly and impaling the robot with it, who immediately stopped firing. Not wasting time, Tails dashed forward and pulled his staff free from the robot with one hand while he used the other to scoop up the colt. Checking to make sure he wouldn't fall off, Tails ran out of the wagon just as a loud explosion went off. Tails didn't question why the wagons exploded everytime he exited them, it was handy in this situation.

Sheathing his staffs again, Tails heard a whistling sound as a rocket missed his head by inches. 'Dammit, even the annoying rockets too!' Tails thought angrily as he dodged the barrage of explosive projectiles coming towards him. If the proximity mines where a pain, this was certainly worse. Tails had to rely on his instincts to dodge, as the visibility was very low and he had little to not time to react.

Having had enough, Tails moved the colt to the back of his neck so he could proceed with what he was about to do. "Hold on tight!" He shouted over the sounds of the rain and the rockets exploding somewhere behind him. Feeling the firm grip of the colt on his neck, but not enough to choke him, Tails turned his attention forward again and started to speed up. Behind him, his tails started spinning as his feet lifted some inches off the ground.

In seconds, Tails speed doubled and he easily caught up to the wagon. Jumping atop it and keeping his speed, he kept dodging the rockets. As he reached the front of the wagon, he saw the rocket launcher about to unleash a new volley of projectiles at him, but a precise hit with his staff made the launcher point downwards, at the wagon itself.

Tails was already some ways ahead as he felt the explosion shake the ground just as he caught sight of Canterlot's train station. Skidding to a stop in front of it, Tails took a second to catch a breath after the intense chase he was on some seconds ago as the storm cleared overhead.

"I seriously hate those robots..."

Mission Clear

Exp. 62 rings = 620 exp.

Current exp. 200.

To next level: 450.

Level up!
Tails unlocked: Soul Blaster.

Current exp. 820.

To next level: 1000.

Current level: 3.

In the heat of the moment, Tails had forgotten to collect more rings, but he didn't dwell on that as he turned his attention back to the colt still clinging to his neck.

"Hey, you okay?" Tails asked. His response was a trembling nod as he took the colt off of his neck and lowered him to the ground. He had a look of pure admiration as he looked at Tails.

"T-thank you so much, mister! I-I was so scared when n-nopony came to save me!" He spoke in a shaky voice. Other than a small cut on his cheek, he seemed fine.

"No problem. What's your name, little one?" Tails asked as he put a hand atop the colt's mane. The action seemed to calm him slightly.

"I'm Pipsqueak, but some ponies call me Pip."

Tails nodded. "My name's Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails. Are you feeling-" Tails sentence died on his throat at what happened next. He felt his Emerald pulse as the cut on Pip's cheek healed, looking as if it was never there before. 'Even this little colt seems to have Chaos Energy in him. This is starting to make less sense...' Tails thought to himself.

Shaking his head and deciding to put the matter aside for now, Tails once again addressed Pip. "Listen, I need you to stay here. Hide somewhere, I have to deal with a problem, and when I'm done I'll come back for you, okay?" 'God, that sounded wrong somehow...'

Pip nodded and went to hide inside the station. Tails turned his attention to the castle that was visible from his position. He didn't see any robot on the way, in fact, the very city seemed empty, not a soul was present. Tails took his Chaos Emerald out of his pocket dimension and was about to teleport to the castle when something on the ground caught his attention.

Picking it up, Tails noticed that it was a pendant that seemed to be similar to the rings on the Sonic games, but in a small scale. Tails didn't know what happened, but he started speaking automatically as he held his Emerald in one hand and the pendant on the other.

"I am the Lone Fox. If you're in desperate need of aid then call upon me and I shall assist you in any way I can. Beware, that if your intentions displease me, I shall not show any mercy."

The pendant flashed with blue Chaos Energy, and a small replica of his emerald now stood at the center of the ring. A small portal opened above his hand and swallowed the now modified pendant before closing again.

Tails blinked. "What the hell just happened?" He questioned himself. He sighed and decided that this too he should look into later. For now, he had a mad scientist to stop.

"Chaos... Control!"

Author's Note:

Shadow Sorry if this chapter feels rushed, I'm not good at writing fight scenes. Also, the cover art is what Tails' Token looks like.