• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 6,924 Views, 115 Comments

Faded Rainbow - Trinary

Rainbow Dash deals with feelings of embarrassment and bruised pride when the town laughs at her.

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Chapter Ten

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At home Ditzy Doo and her daughter hugged each other tightly as they huddled together on the couch through the flashes of lightning and the booming thunder. Carrot Top rubbed Dinky’s back from her place on the couch, with the little filly snuggled tightly between them.

“Make it stop!” Dinky cried her face wet with tears. “It’s scary!”

“It’s okay muffin, mama’s here.” Ditzy said soothingly. “We’ll be okay, we’ll all be okay.” Carrot Top nodded.

“All storms end Dinky. We just have to be patient for a bit, okay?” She smiled at her friend’s daughter as Dinky thought this over.

“I guess so.” Dinky sighed at last.

Carrot Top smiled. “We just have to take our minds off the storm for a while and I know just what can do it!”

“Really? What are you gonna do Auntie Carrot?” Dinky’s eyes widened.

With a wicked looking glint in her eyes, Carrot Top cooed. “Oh, it’s not what I’m going to do…it’s what the tickle monster is gonna do!” She gave an evil sounding laugh (nicely augmented by a well timed burst of lightning) as she grabbed Dinky and started tickling her belly.

“Noohoo!” Dinky squealed as she started giggling. “Not the tickle monster! Hee hee!”

Ditzy let her eyes wander as she watched Carrot Top tickle Dinky while her other eye looked out the window…she snapped both her eyes into focus when she saw a blue blur with a rainbow trail highlighted against the storm when the lightning flashed again.

She got up, getting her daughter and friend’s attention.

“W-wait! Where’re you going mama?!” Dinky protested as she wiggled away from Carrot Top.

“Mama’s got go help Auntie Rainbow make the storm go away.” Ditzy answered quickly as she got to the door. “I’ll be home soon.”

Dinky’s lip trembled. “But mama-! It’s scary outside! Can’t you stay here with me and Auntie Carrot? What if you get hurt?!” She scampered up to Ditzy’s side and hugged her back leg

Dizty Doo turned around and looked down. “I wish I could, but I need to make sure Auntie Rainbow doesn’t get hurt. I’ll be okay. I promise.”

Dinky looked up, her eyes wide. “P-promise?”

“Extra Super-Double Muffin Promise!” Ditzy nodded solemnly as she picked up her daughter and hugged her. Dinky snuggled up close to her.

“…M’kay. I love you mama.”

“I love you too muffin.” Ditzy closed her eyes as she gently rocked her daughter. Carrot Top quietly trotted up and slowly let Ditzy put Dinky on Carrot Top’s back. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Take care Ditzy.” Carrot Top said quietly.

Nodding once, Ditzy flew out into the raging storm. She kept low to the ground, barely even reaching treetop height. Ditzy tried to look for Rainbow Dash again but was nearly blinded by a number of bright lightning flashes that seemed to go off almost at the same time.

Rubbing her eyes, Ditzy saw glowing moving lights in front of her. “Oooh, pretty.” She cooed before blinking and shaking her head. “C’mon don’t be a Derpy Hooves! We gotta find Rainbow Dash.” She flew on ahead while she waited for the fireworks display in the sky to stop. By the time it finally did let up, she was over Sweet Apple Acres. Chancing a look up, she saw that most of the clouds in the sky were gone…and floating nearby was the reason why: “Rainbow Dash? What is that featherhead doing?” She grumbled as she started gaining altitude.

Before she could reach her friend, Rainbow dashed into the last patch of black clouds. Ditzy’s eyes widened and snapped into focus out of shock. A second later there was a loud flash of lightning and a pained scream.

“Rainbow!” Ditzy yelled as she zoomed ahead with an added burst of speed. Her eyes might affect her depth perception and make precision flying difficult; she was still a fast flier. It wasn’t just any pegasi that competed in the Best Young Fliers Competition after all. The gray mailmare had just about reached the now dissolving clouds when she spied Rainbow Dash’s limp form falling to the ground below. “Eeek! Hang on Rainbow Dash! I’m coming!”

On the ground Scootaloo had abandoned any pretense of coolness and started bawling her eyes out when she saw Rainbow Dash start to fall. “No! Rainbow Dash! RAINBOW DASH!!!” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom attached themselves to either side of Scootaloo, sniffling and crying softly.

Big Macintosh turned his head this way and that as if looking for something to help. Bucking apples wasn’t going to be the answer to this problem though. He sighed as he turned his head to the sky, spying a gray blur approaching the falling pegasus. “Is that a bird?” He wondered, drawing the attention of the three fillies skyward.

“Is that an airship?” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

“No! It’s Derpy Hooves!” Apple Bloom bounced.

Scootaloo sniffed. “Rainbow Dash is doooomed!” She covered her face.

Tucking her wings flat against her body, Ditzy dived. The air whipped through her mane and tugged at her cheeks and lips. Her eyes watered. “C’mon…c’mon…” She grew closer and closer to Rainbow Dash.

Ditzy reached out a hoof and…“Gotcha!” She yelled as she wrapped a hoof around Rainbow and flared her wings open. Ditzy was used to carrying large packages, but Rainbow Dash’s unconscious form was a bit more ungainly than a simple parcel. They descended, but at a slower rate.

“Look she caught her! She caught her!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hopped in place. Scootaloo stared in slack jawed amazement.

“No way…”

But Big Macintosh frowned. “They’re still falling mighty fast. We'd need something to soften their landing…”

Apple Bloom felt an idea click in her head. “Wait! That’s it! Cutie Mark Crusader Stunt Ponies!”

“…What now?” Big Mac blinked as the trio dashed into their clubhouse and after a frantic moment of searching and tossing things aside, came out with a small gray bundle. “Now what in tarnation is that l’il thing gonna do?”

“Watch!” Apple Bloom grinned as she grabbed a ripcord attached to the bundle in her teeth and yanked it out. Within seconds the bundle started to unfold and inflate into a giant cushion-looking device, like the type stunt ponies used to cushion leaps and falls.

Big Macintosh opened his mouth as if to ask why they had such a thing but wisely thought better of it. Instead he started tugging and pulling it with his teeth over to where Ditzy and Rainbow were going to land.

Ditzy never looked so relieved to see a landing zone as she did right then and there. Still holding Rainbow as firmly as she could, she made a hard landing right on the center of the stunt cushion. Flailing her legs before she could manage to right herself, Ditzy Doo dragged Rainbow off the airbag as Big Macintosh and the Crusaders arrived to help them down.

“Golly, that was sure somethin’!” Apple Bloom said eyes wide. “Are you okay Der—ah mean, Miss Doo?”

“The muffin train runs expressly.” Ditzy muttered before shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. “I mean, yes I’m fine. But I think Rainbow Dash needs help—”

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo yelled as she zipped up to her hero. “Are you okay? Say something?”

The singed blue pegasus was still. Scootaloo bit her lip as tears started to well up again. Then a familiar accented cadence made itself known from behind them.

“Just in time it appears I’ve arrived, to ensure our brave pegasus survives.”

“Zecora!” Apple Bloom smiled as the zebra stepped into view. She was wearing her saddlebags and they seemed full with vials and potions. “You’re here! You’re okay!”

“It is good to see you all well, as to what could have been I’d rather not dwell.” She nodded to the fillies, Big Mac and Ditzy. “When I saw the raging lightning flash, I guessed somepony would need my help and that it would be Rainbow Dash.”

“S-she got struck by lightning.” Scootaloo trembled. “Can you help her? Is—is she going to—?”

“Be still little pony and do not fear, Rainbow Dash will certainly be staying here.” Zecora fished around in her saddlebags. “This remedy is sure to aid those who have been hurt by the lightning’s sharp blade.” She tugged out a bottle and held it with her teeth.

Big Mac came over and relieved her of it. He examined it as he held it in his hooves. It was a thin bottle with a viscous purple liquid inside. Carefully he gave it a sniff as he tugged out the stopper, only to immediately regret it. “That’s one powerful brew!” He gagged, wiping the air with his hoof. “Ah’ve smelled hogs on a hot summer day what smelled better than this.”

“Strong it needs to be, to restart the heart of a pony.” Zecora said as she indicated Rainbow Dash with her head. “Quickly now do not wait! One must not delay or it will be too late!”

“Scale of the dragon that bit ya Miss Dash.” Big Mac said softly as he upended the vial and poured the potion into Rainbow’s mouth. When she didn’t swallow Zecora rubbed her throat. Big Mac leaned his giant head against Rainbow’s chest and listened. He heard a faint pitter-pat. Mac put his oversized hoof on her chest and pressed down. Then again. Once, twice and then…

Rainbow’s eyes shot open as she gave a shuddering gasp and a wheeze. “You did it! You did it!” The fillies danced around Ditzy Doo, then Zecora, then Big Macintosh.

Ditzy Doo zoomed over. “Rainbow Dash! How many feathers am I holding up?!”

After coughing and moaning for a moment Rainbow looked up at her. “…That’s your hoof Ditzy.”

“You’re okay! Kaloo kalay!” Ditzy reached down to grab her into a bone crushing hug only to draw back when Rainbow yelped at her touch.

“Ow ow ow!” She moaned. Ditzy backed up to give her some space. Scootaloo buried her head in Rainbow Dash’s side and refused to budge, her whole body trembling. Rainbow, not really cognizant of what was going on, rubbed Scootaloo’s back as Big Macintosh walked over and leaned down to give Rainbow a comforting nuzzle.

“S’okay Miss Dash, y’all are gonna be okay.” He said his big voice soothing. Zecora and Ditzy Doo traded identical glances as Big Macintosh leaned over Rainbow Dash, both of them giving a faint little sigh and feeling oddly envious of the slightly electrocuted pegasus. “Ah’m gonna git mah cart and we’ll pull you to town so you can get checked over. Okay?”

“Sounds…good.” Rainbow gave a weak, raspy sounding snort. “I think I’m gonna take a nap…” She closed her eyes and drifted off.

Zecora watched her chest rise and fall and nodded once. “She will be fine, though just how boggles my mind. Foolishly brave or bravely foolish, how she’s lived this long leaves me clueless.”

“That’s our Rainbow Dash.” Ditzy said with pride mixed in with a little annoyance, now that the danger was past.

Big Macintosh nodded as he started to lumber off to get a hay cart from the barn to transport her back to town. “Eeyup.”

When Rainbow Dash came to she was on her back, staring upwards at a clear blue sky, the sun just starting to dip down in the west. She felt herself laying on something soft. Turning her head, she saw that it was hay. When she turned her head back she saw three big-eyed fillies occupying her personal space.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re awake!” Squealed Scootaloo. “This is so awesome!”

“Are you okay Miss Dash?” Sweetie Belle asked gently.

“Don’t you worry none!” Apple Bloom said. “Why, we’re your personal Cutie Mark Crusader Nurses! Yaay!”

Rainbow groaned and it had nothing to do with her injuries. Chuckling, Zecora gently pulled the over anxious fillies away from the patient. She was hitching a ride on the hay cart too. “How are you? Is there anything I can do?”

“Z-zecora?” Rainbow Dash said weakly. “W-where am I?”

“Heading back to Ponyville with friends by your side,” She gestured to herself, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and to Ditzy Doo who waved as she flew overhead. “Thanks to Big Macintosh who is giving you a free hay ride.”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said from his place. “Howdy do Miss Dash?”

“Ugh, like I got struck by lightning?” Rainbow moaned as she felt all of her bruises and injuries, big and small, remind her that they were there.

“Sounds about right.” Ditzy said as she looked down on the cart. “Honestly Rainbow and they call ME derpy! Don’t ever DO that again!”

“Heh, you know me Ditzy…never leave Ponyville hanging.” Rainbow closed her eyes and blew out a weak breath. “…Think you can take the squirts home?” She asked hopefully as she opened them again.

Ditzy grinned and shook her head. “No way. If it wasn’t for them, we’d be a pair of pegasus pancakes. And if you think you’re in trouble now, just wait until I get home and bring back Dinky. I think she’s going to want to have a few words to say to you about flying into lightning storms…”

Rainbow groaned. “You don’t fight fair.”

“Calm now, be still. We are almost in Ponyville. You need to rest and regain your might. Otherwise it will be quiet a while before you regain flight.” Zecora spoke up. “You are still very weak and your recovery may more than just a week.”

“…Rhyming ‘weak’ with ‘week’ is lazy writing.” Rainbow said woozily.

“If you think you can do a better job, feel free to try miss literary snob.” Zecora replied airily, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth anyway.

When Big Macintosh rolled the cart into town ponies had already started stepping out of their homes and into the suddenly clear day. They talked and cheered as they checked their homes and businesses for any damage, gratefully finding very little. A few ponies noticed the odd procession of Ditzy Doo escorting Big Macintosh who was pulling a cart containing three fillies, the mysterious Zecora and an injured looking Rainbow Dash.

Ponies started whispering conversations, speculating on what had happened. Had Rainbow Dash injured herself doing some dangerous stunt? Was she out in the storm? Did Derpy Hooves crash into her? Ditzy winced at the nickname.

“Rainbow Dash!” Big Macintosh stopped the cart. Rainbow looked up to see a small stampede heading her way. Five ponies plus one dragon.

Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity ran down the street of Ponyville towards the stopped cart. Rainbow Dash sat up and struggled to get her hooves, ignoring Zecora’s encouragements to stay still.

“H-hey guys.” Rainbow smiled weakly at her friends, knowing she looked terrible. They sniffled and fidgeted as if they were fighting back tears. Finally Pinkie could stand no more.

“Dashie!” The pink pony squealed as she went to tackle hug Rainbow Dash, the others hot on her hooves.

“Wait!” Rainbow held up her front hooves but it was too late.

The five girls tackled Rainbow Dash. There was a loud flash and a snap and six startled shrieks as all the static electricity in Rainbow’s coat transferred to her friends, resulting in frizzy manes and tails and poofy coats.

Rainbow’s face lit up as she looked at the expressions on their faces and their ridiculous appearance. She started to snicker and shook her head in bemusement when she noticed the townsponies staring at her. Rainbow turned her head and for the first time got a full stock of herself since the storm.

Her feathers were singed, a number were missing and the rest were in a general state of disarray. Her left wing was hanging awkwardly, probably dislocated. Her mane was singed and frazzled out in all directions. Rainbow’s coat was pockmarked with blackened smudges where her fur was singed. They were especially clustered around her haunches, back legs, and rump. Spots of pink flesh poked through here and there where her fur was completely gone and her tail was a blackened abridgement of what it once was.

Rainbow Dash looked from herself to her friends and the watching crowd and back again. Then she closed her eyes and they started welling up with tears.

“Rainbow…” Twilight started to comfort her when the pegasus burst out with full fledged belly laughter, pointing at herself, her friends, the crowd and then back again. She couldn’t even get any words out. She flopped back onto the hay-filled carriage and started rolling from side to side in helpless laughter.

“Boy, that Rainbow Dash sure can be random, can’t she?” Pinkie Pie spoke up sagely. Everypony just *looked* at her. “What?”
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