• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 6,924 Views, 115 Comments

Faded Rainbow - Trinary

Rainbow Dash deals with feelings of embarrassment and bruised pride when the town laughs at her.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

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A little while later found Rainbow Dash ensconced in a hospital bed. The all-white room was boring as hay but at least they gave her extra blankets to cushion the bed with. When the nurses started cleaning her up a lot of her singed fur had fallen off, leaving the pegasus with a number of pink bald spots in some uncomfortable places. Fortunately the blanket covered most of them.

The door to her room was left open but she still heard somepony knock. Looking up she wasn’t surprised to find her friends—after Rarity re-did their manes and coats—outside. “Hey guys.” Rainbow gave a small wave. “Come on in.”

“Feeling better?” Twilight asked as she, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy walked in. With them were Rainbow Dash’s rescuers—Ditzy Doo, Big Macintosh, Zecora, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Ditzy’s daughter, Dinky Doo. To say it got a bit crowded would be an understatement.

Rainbow shrugged her wings then winced, regretting it. The nurses had popped her dislocated wing back in its socket but it still hurt like a bucker. “Yeah, I guess I am. The docs gave me plenty of liquids and said I’m looking good. My heart’s fine and brain’s okay.”

“That’s debatable.” Applejack drawled wryly.

“Ha ha.” Rainbow didn’t seem bothered. “At least they found something when they scanned my head. The only thing they’d find in yours would be apples.”

“Oh, everypony was worried about you.” Fluttershy shyly added, hoping to defuse an argument. “They saw that you had just been through a terrible ordeal…”

Twilight, Rarity and Applejack gave each other a quick look and a wince before none too subtlety shooting Rainbow Dash a glance for her reaction. Rainbow sighed at the thought of everypony speculating about her and her less than ideal appearance but decided to wax philosophical about it. “Heh, it’s better than what they could’ve been talking about: crispy-fried pegasus crashes into town. Feeds family of manticores for a month. News at eleven. So, how’s Ponyville? Everypony okay?”

Twilight smiled and gave Rainbow Dash a quick nuzzle. “They’re fine. There was a little damage done to the apple orchard but nothing that can’t be fixed. Seriously Rainbow, are you feeling okay?”

“Well, I’m feeling pretty sore.” Rainbow shifted around. “And it’ll take a while for everything to grow back.” She ran a hoof through what was left of her mane and wagged her good wing, bereft of many feathers, for emphasis.

Rarity smiled. “Never fear darling. Between Zecora and myself we’ve managed to brainstorm a few ideas on how to get your feathers, your hair and your coat back to their simply marvelous state in no time at all! Why, if it works I can sell it to Aloe and Lotus. Rarity’s Rejuvenating Luxury Lotion!” Her eyes lit up.

“AAAAAAND we can throw you a Rainbow Dash Saved the Town and Isn’t All Spotchy and Bald Party!” Pinkie Pie hopped up and down in place. “There can be cake and ice cream and streamers and—”

“Pinkie Pie, later.” Twilight looked at her. She turned back to Rainbow Dash. “There are a few things we wanted to say before you get swamped with well wishers.”

“Oh. Okay.” Rainbow tried to get comfortable. “Um, go ahead?” She expected a lecture on the recklessness of flying through a storm or rushing on ahead or something. What she got instead was a surprise.

“I know we’ve all spoken to you a lot lately Rainbow Dash. Not because we like to lecture you or because you aren’t smart, but because we’re friends and because we care.” Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow’s leg. “I think we spent so much time trying to help you try to get over your embarrassment and trying stop you from doing something to hurt yourself, that we forgot to tell you that what you went through—unpleasant as it was—is something that all of us have had to deal with. And maybe you needed some perspective on that.”

Rainbow looked up at Twilight, confusion clearly written on her face. “Ever since I was a little filly and I got my Cutie Mark and became Princess Celestia’s personal student and protégé, I’ve always felt a lot of pressure. Not from Princess Celestia, but from myself and other ponies’ expectations of me. When I started going to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns I felt like I always *had* to succeed because Princess Celestia took so much time to be my teacher, and that I’d letting her down if I ever failed. And other ponies who heard about how my exam went imagined I was this super talented, amazingly powerful unicorn from the first day I set foot in school.”

“You kinda ARE Twilight.” Rainbow pointed out with a grin. Twilight flushed.

“Well, aheh, not from the very start. The expectations the other teachers—and even students—set for me were so high that when I met them they would just make them higher until I failed and then they’d start talking and muttering about how I wasn’t so talented and wondering what Princess Celestia saw in me.” Twilight looked down. “And *I* would wonder what Princess Celestia saw in me…”

Rainbow’s face softened. “Twi…”

“It’s okay.” Twilight said softly, shaking her head. “But it was a lot of pressure to be under for a filly. Maybe that’s why I started getting so into my studies and avoided other students. I wanted to try so hard to show everpony why Princess Celestia chose me I had to do everything perfect so I wouldn’t let her down a-and to make her proud of me.” She sighed. “And, you, well, you pulled off a Sonic Rainboom when you were just a filly. And I’m guessing there was a lot of pressure to do it again or to live up to that greatness. Right?” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Yeah…a lot of that stuff you talked about it…does kinda sound familiar. A bit.”

“We’ve all got our luggage sugarcube.” Applejack agreed. Twilight gave her a look.

“That’s baggage.”

“Same difference. You know how important it is to me that I be seen as the hardest-working pony you ever did see. Having to ask for help, well, that seemed like an admission of failure, like I was lettin’ mah family down. It was plum humbling for me. But it didn’t make me any less of who I am.”

Rarity nodded. “Just as dear Applejack does, I too have a vested interest in being seen in a certain light. I care about being seen as the most fashionable pony, with my own high expectations to live up to. We all do, really. Coming up short now and again, while unpleasant, reminds us that we’re only ponies. No pony is perfect.”

“And, um, you were there when those bullies at Flight Camp teased me for being a weak flier…” Mewed Fluttershy. “H-having you there to stand up for me made everything so much better. I want to be there for you, just like you were for me.”

Pinkie Pie chimed in. “I remember when that mean old Discord made it seem like everypony was laughing at me. It was horribleiffic! It made me stop liking laughter and not like my friends anymore…” She sniffed. “I’m sorry that some meanies do that sort of thing Dashie. But you’re friends will never laugh at you, only with you! And any pony who will really laugh at somepony else’s misfortune…” She made a face and blew a raspberry that lasted a good thirty seconds. Rainbow had to hold up her hooves and hide behind her wings to avoid getting a good soaking.

Rainbow shook her wings. “Uh, thanks Pinkie. I appreciate the thought, but to quote Spike: say it, don’t spray it!”

“Rainbow Dash!” She turned just in time to be tackle hugged in bed by an orange blur. Unable to wait any longer, Scootaloo had burst into the room and buried her face in Rainbow’s chest. “You’re okay you’re okay you’re okay! You—are okay, aren’t you?” She looked up, her eyes moist and sniffling slightly.

“Aww, squirt.” Rainbow cracked a smile and felt like she could allow herself to have a mushy, uncool moment for her biggest fan. She hugged the filly and rested her snout in Scootaloo’s mane. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

“Awwwww…..” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said in unison, their eyes wide.

Rainbow felt her face warm, but smiled widely. “I hear that I have you three to thank for that.”

The two fillies looked down and scuffed their hooves modestly. “We just helped, really.” Sweetie Belle squeaked modestly.

Apple Bloom nodded quickly. “Yeah! It was Der, er, Ditzy Doo who caught you and Zecora gave you a potion and it was Big Macintosh who brought you to town!”

“I know.” She turned to her saviors. “And I owe them all big time.” She nodded to Ditzy, Zecora and Big Mac. “But don’t sell yourselves short.” Rainbow smiled. “You three are *my* heroes.”

Scootaloo looked up. “R-really?!” Her voice cracked with sheer glee.

“Absolutely.” Rainbow felt a small hoof tapping her arm. Turning her head, she saw a little gray unicorn filly with a muffin balanced on her back. “Hey Dinky!”

“Hi Auntie Rainbow!” Dinky chirped. “I made you a Get Better Muffin!”

“Thanks Dinky, I’m sure I’ll be enjoying this before they make me eat hospital food.” Rainbow mussed her mane. “You’re a seriously cool little filly.” She winked at her and then at Ditzy. “You must get it from your mom.” Dinky and Ditzy wore matching red faces, Dinky beaming with pride as she hopped in place. “In fact,” Rainbow went on. “I think the four of you deserve a special treat.” She turned to Pinkie and winked.

“Oh you mean like an extra super duper special filly party at Sugarcube Corner?” The party pony hopped into place.

“You betcha! And when I’m outta here and back in the air, I can think of four fillies who are getting the coolest ride ever, courtesy of me!”

“Whoa!” Dinky and the Crusaders said in unison, their eyes wide.

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle grinned.

“Golly! I’ll be able to fly!” Apple Bloom cheered.

“I’ll be like mommy!” Dinky cheered as she ran over to hug her mother.

“That would be the coolest thing ever!!!” Scootaloo’s eyes watered with sheer bliss.

Rainbow Dash soaked it up. Seeing them smile somehow made her aches and pains seem to fade. “Sure would…except for maybe a certain pegasus getting some one on one flying lessons.” She winked at Scootaloo. “Think there’s any pegasus fillies in town who would like that?” Scootaloo looked gobsmacked. She opened her mouth but no sounds came out. It was remarkably Fluttershy-like. “Uh, Scootaloo?” Rainbow tapped her head.

Scootaloo’s eyes rolled upwards and she collapsed on Rainbow’s chest. “So…awesome…” she murmured in her sleep.

“Uh, little help?” Rainbow said as her friends giggled.

Twilight’s horn glowed as she gently levitated Scootaloo off the bed and onto her back. “That was very sweet of you Rainbow Dash.” Twilight smiled warmly.

“Sweet?” Rainbow pretended to pull a face.

“I’m sorry. I meant that was really awesome and cool of you.” Twilight gave an ironic grin as she rolled her eyes.
Rainbow chuckled. “Nah, it’s okay. Sweet’s fine too.”

The unicorn hesitated. “About the Wonderbolts…they’ll be on their tour by the time you get out of the hospital. If you want I can ask the Princess to—” Rainbow shook her head.

“You know what? Don’t bother.” She raised her head. “I want to join the Wonderbolts on my own terms. Not because a friend pulled some strings. Not that I don’t appreciate it,” She added quickly seeing Twilight’s eyes widen. “But…I don’t know. I feel like I gotta stick around Ponyville for a while. Take care of some stuff, you know? Work on the weather, train some more so that when I do audition I’ll be even more amazing and awesome than I am now.” Twilight smiled warmly.

“Well, I’m just glad that you’re not planning on leaving us anytime soon.” She gave Rainbow Dash a hug that soon had everypony joining in. It only stopped when Pinkie stepped on something that emitted a long loud beep that got the nurses running in. They left when they saw nothing was wrong but it did get everypony to back up a little.

Twilight cleared her throat, trying to get past the awkward moment. “Before I forget…Spike *may* have happened to mention what was bothering you for this last week or so…” she started slowly.

“Oh no…” Rainbow’s face colored as she started drawing her covers up, leaving only her eyes visible.

“No, no it’s okay!” Twilight assured her. “A lot of ponies felt really bad that they laughed, and they realized that all of them had gone through something similar at one point or another in their lives, so they decided to make a holiday.”

Rainbow was understandably confused. “Come again? A holiday of when Trixie shocked me?”

“Er, no, not that. This is a holiday for embarrassment.” Twilight fumbled for the right words. “It’s about friends telling other friends some of their more, hmm, less than flattering moments in the hopes of moving past them together. It’s a day for everyone to remember how cruel it is to laugh at another pony’s misfortune and to remind them of the importance of being there for one another.”

“And there’s a few ponies around town who wanted to stop by, wish you well, and maybe unburden themselves a bit.” Applejack added.

“If that’s okay with you, that is.” Fluttershy said.

“I guess that’s cool.” Rainbow shrugged. Really though, this is the best they could come up with? No parades, no floats?

Twilight caught Rainbow’s expression and smiled. “I *think* the Mayor might be by later to arrange something for you…I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a place that loved to arrange celebrations and holidays as much as Ponyville.”

Rainbow’s mouth twitched. “That’s Ponyville for you…most awesome place to live. Ever.”

“Awww, it’s awesome because all of the best ponies live here!” Pinkie bounced, somehow managing to wrap her hooves around everpony in the room. “And we’re all here because we all owe our Cutie Marks to you Dashie!” Then she started singing. “We found it, the Rainbow Connection! The lovers, the dreamers and MEEEEEE!”

“…Pinkie, where did that come from?” Twilight asked her in askance.

“Well, it was either that or ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’ but that doesn’t work since Rainbow’s not green!”





“Pinkie Pie you are SO random!”

After a few more minutes of well wishes and hugs, Rainbow’s friends and rescuers left her in peace. Shyly, Carrot Top poked her head in. She was carrying a bunch of carrots in her teeth that she gently deposited on the nightstand. “Hey, Rainbow Dash.” Carrot Top fidgeted. “I hope you feel better soon.”

“Thanks CT.”

“Yeah…” Carrot Top gave a quick peak over her shoulder and then lowered her voice. “One time in school I meant to give a colt I had a crush on a big bushel of my best carrots so he’d like me. I worked for months on them: planting them, watering them, fertilizing them, caring for them. Finally I harvested them and put them in a bag…but I was in such a hurry to get to school that I grabbed the wrong bag. Aaand I asked him—and gave him a big bag of fertilizer.” Carrot Top colored.

Rainbow bit her lip. “Oh geeze, I’m sorry CT.”

Carrot Top smiled weakly. “It stank to high heavens, I got detention for bringing it to school and that boy never looked at me again. After that, everytime something smelled rotten in school somepony would just say that I must be about to ask somepony out.”

“Ooof. That’s rough.” Rainbow sat up and shared a brief hug with Carrot Top. “Thanks for telling me. You didn’t have to—”

“But I *wanted* to. And so do a lot of other ponies.” Carrot Top fidgeted. “Anyway, feel better soon Rainbow. Feel free to drop by my place anytime.”

And so the day went. Ponies would come into Rainbow Dash’s room, leave a gift or card and then tell her some embarrassing accident or incident. Rainbow Dash found out why Big Macintosh was injured right before the last Apple Bucking Season...neither one of them could look each other in the eye for a good minute after that. Bon-Bon brought by her signature treats and confessed to how big a foal she made out of herself when she and Lyra started living together. Berryshine Punch, or Berry Punch to her friends, recounted the one night of carousing that earned her the reputation as the town drunk even though she rarely drank to excess and almost never drank alone. Seaswirl admitted that despite her love for the sea and her knowledge of fish and swimming animals she could never keep a goldfish alive for more than a week.

Even the Mayor came and confided that she made a major flub during a speech she made when she was first campaigning for public office many years ago. It was the sort of flub that cost her that election. It involved a spoonerism and the name of a group of Filly Scouts, the Friendly Ducklings.

Rainbow Dash listened to each story, trying not to smile or laugh except in support of the pony unburdening herself or himself. They would share a sympathetic look and a chuckle and wish each other well. Finally, the procession of pony well wishers ran out and Rainbow was looking forward to a well earned nap. She had just laid her head on her pillow when she heard the gently clip-clop of hooves on the tiled floor.

“Hrrrrmm….I was just nodding offfff…” Rainbow whined as she raised her head up and squinted. Then her eyes widened with shock when she saw who her visitor was. “Princess Celestia?!”

The ever regal looking princess dominated any room she was in with her sheer brilliance and presence. The fact that she could just barely fit in this room in no way detracted from that. Rainbow wondered if she was supposed to bow, but then wondered how you bow if you’re lying in bed and weren’t able to get out of it. Celestia however took the initiative and smiled warmly. “Hello Rainbow Dash. I’m sorry if I disturbed you, but I think you and I need to have a little talk.”

“Oh. Okay.” Rainbow felt her heart sink as she hung her head, studiously examining her blanket.

“Why the long face? Why do you think I’m here?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I guess you’re probably gonna say what a lousy example of loyalty I’ve been lately and find somepony else to be one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and…” Celestia brought a hoof up under Rainbow Dash’s face and tilted it upwards.”

“Rainbow Miriam Dash, you are a fine bearer of the Element of Loyalty. The best. The Elements of Harmony chose you for a reason.”

“But I quit! I turned my back on the town and practically everypony in it! I pushed my best friends away when they were only trying to help me and…” Celestia gently placed her hoof over Rainbow’s mouth.

“You came back and saved the town and its ponies, throwing yourself into tremendous danger and risking your life in the process. While it might have been wiser had you waited for aid, your courage and devotion can not bet denied.”

“Yeah, well, I guess the elements made me come back and be loyal then.” Rainbow muttered. “I know I wasn’t feeling all that loyal.”

“Is that what you think?” Princess Celestia raised a royal brow. “That the Element of Loyalty is this mysterious and powerful object that control how you think and act?” She chuckled. “No, it wasn’t the Elements of Harmony that made you come back. That was all *you* and you alone.”

Rainbow Dash shuffled on the bed. “I was so angry with them…” she said at last.

Celestia sat down next to the bed. “I know you were. And it’s not for me to say whether it was right or wrong for you to feel that way. But being angry is not the same thing as being disloyal. Surely, you’ve had a fight or two with your friends.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow found it hard meeting Celestia’s gaze for more than a moment or two. “But I’m supposed be this representation of loyalty or whatever. And I blew it.”

What Celestia said next through Dash for a loop. “Can you characterize me in one word? Just a single word?” She asked out of the blue.

Dash thought. She wished she were more like Twilight for a minute. She knew a lot of really big, weird, random words. Maybe one of them would’ve fit. “Um, well, I don’t—I can’t.” She finally conceded.

Princess Celestia didn’t bat an eye at the admission. “What about Twilight Sparkle? Can you sum her up in one word?”

Rainbow rubbed her face with her hooves. She hated this sort of thinking exercise. There wasn’t any point to them that she could see. To her they were just to see if she was ‘clever’ according to some other pony.

“No…” Rainbow Dash yielded, knowing the Princess probably thought she was just a dumb jock by this point.

“…And yourself?” Celestia asked her tone even.

Rainbow couldn’t resist a groan this time. “No, I can’t. I’m not smart enough.”

Celestia smiled. “Then you’re in good company because I can’t do it either. No pony can do it, because no pony CAN be summed up in a single word, or even in a thousand. Everypony is vibrant and full of characteristics, traits, and tendencies shaped by their experiences, their upbringing and their own ponysonalities. And all of them have their own contradictions and inconsistencies. No pony is always clever or foolish, always brave or fearful, or any other attribute you can name. Being a bearer of the Element of Loyalty doesn’t mean that you are—or should become—a one-dimensional pony characterized only by being loyal.” She gave Dash a knowing look. “All it means is that you best represent that element. But loyalty is an ideal and ponies—you and I included—are made of flesh and blood with all the imperfections and flaws that come with it. No pony is ever going to perfectly and completely embody an ideal. To do so they would have to surrender their own uniqueness and character in favor of becoming a concept which is, in any case, impossible.”

Rainbow looked like she was following, but not completely convinced. Celestia went on. “Even your friends have had their moments when they have not acted in tune with their element, haven’t they?”

Dash closed her eyes as voices from her friends filled her mind.

“I don’t need NO help from NO pony!” Applejack’s lie.

“Look upon me Equestria! For I. AM. RARITY!” Rarity’s selfishness.

“I know how it *goes* alright!” Pinkie Pie’s anger and seriousness.

“You are going to LOVE ME!” Fluttershy’s rage.

“If I couldn’t find a problem, I’d make one!” Twilight’s poor judgment and abuse of magic.

“…I guess so.” Rainbow said quietly.

“Do you believe that this makes them any less worthy of representing their Elements of Harmony?” Celestia asked her softly.

The cyan pegasus shook her head. “No…of course not!” She paused and then muttered. “Just like I’m not.”

Celestia nodded as if to say ‘well, there you go then.’ She shuffled her wings, getting comfortable. “Each of the Elements of Harmony comes with their own contradictions and complexities. Loyalty for instance can be loving and tender, but it can also be fierce and protective. Those to whom you feel loyalty towards you would defend to your last breath. The flipside, so to speak, is that you can be suspicious, even hostile towards those you don’t know and don’t feel any loyalty towards.”

Rainbow Dash thought. A while flash seemed to go off in her mind: Accusing Twilight Sparkle as a spy when Nightmare Moon appeared and threatened Ponyville, her hostility and suspiciousness towards Zecora, how easily Trixie ruffled her feathers especially after what she did to Applejack.

The alicorn went on. “Loyalty is a wonderful thing, but when it is misplaced or blindly clung to, it can lead to tragic results.” Another flash seemed to go off in Rainbow’s mind. Gilda. “…But the greatest strength of loyalty is that it can be extended to encompass others.” Another flash. Little Strongheart and the buffalo. “…however when loyalty is divided and torn between different places or ponies, it can be truly tragic for the bearer.” Flash. Discord. Ponyville or Cloudsdale? Cloudsdale or Ponyville?

Rainbow Dash held her head in her hooves. Celestia paused and gave her a nuzzle, stunning the young pegasus. “I know that this seems a bit overwhelming.”

“J-just a bit.” Rainbow massaged her temples. “Um, is there anything else I should know?”

Princess Celestia thought for a moment. “Loyalty is not something that can be forged in a moment, though sadly it can be lost. Loyalty can make you stronger and make you capable of things you’ve never dreamed of. The greater your loyalty, the greater your strength. However, this comes with a price. When your loyalty encompasses more and more ponies, there is a risk that your competing loyalties might clash or you might become overextended. However if you are too exclusive with whom you give your loyalty to, you risk shutting out everyone outside of a small circle of friends. It prevents you from growing, make new friends and new connections—which doesn’t mean abandoning old ones.” She added, seeing Rainbow Dash about to protest.

Rainbow sighed. This was all just so much to take in. “Loyalty is complicated huh?”

Celestia chuckled. “It is, but it’s not just you. Pony philosophers have been wrangling over the true meaning of loyalty since time out of mind. And it’s not just loyalty either: all of the Elements of Harmony contain their own hidden depths.”

“It all seems so much…deeper than me though.” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean I was so disloyal—” Celestia looked at her firmly and Dash, conceding the point, corrected herself. “I mean I *wanted* to be disloyal. I just wanted to toss everything I felt for Ponyville and the ponies in it in a bag and throw it away.”

“But you couldn’t and you didn’t. That’s what makes you so loyal.” Celestia nodded. “It is easy to be loyal to ponies whom you never quarrel with, or who do whatever you say. But only the truly loyal remain by the side of those who are capable of upsetting them deeply.”

“I’ll always be there for my friends.” Dash affirmed. “Always. I’ll follow them through anything!”

“An admirable sentiment.” Celestia smiled. “But don’t let loyalty make you think that your friends can never be mistaken or wrong. If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?”

Rainbow Dash thought then she remembered something she once in heard in school: a rarity in itself that she remembered it, she rarely paid attention. But somehow this always stuck in her mind. “If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t follow. I’d be at the bottom to catch them when they fall.”

Celestia smiled. “And *that* my little pony, is a most excellent answer. Twilight Sparkle told me that you were having issues trying to learn whom you should listen to: your friends, your fans, your neighbors or yourself. The answer is all of them and none of them.” Rainbow could’ve sworn she felt herself go derp eyed. The princess chuckled. “You learn as you grow older that wisdom comes from many sources: that sometimes even wise ponies can be wrong and foolish ones right. You have to look at each question in the concrete and judge if an opinion or idea is correct or not.”

“However, in forming opinions as to how you see yourself you must remember that there’s a difference between fans and followers on the one hoof and friends on the other. Your friends, for instance, supported you even before they knew you could perform a Sonic Rainboom. Your fans came around only after you did it. It’s alright to have supporters and fans, as long as you realize that they aren’t necessarily your friends. They might become friends if they learn to appreciate you for you, not the things you can do for them. But not all of them will.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. Hoops, Dumb-bell and Quarterback would probably still be calling her Rainbow Crash if she had botched the Best Young Fliers Competition. “I think I get what you’re saying.” Rainbow said.

“Then you have a heads up on me.” Celestia said ruefully. “It took me ages and a lot of mistakes before I realized that many ponies agreed with me simply because of who I was. It took a long time to distinguish between when a pony agreed with me because they were genuinely convinced that I was right, or if they agreed simply because I was the Princess, or if they simply wanted to stay on my good side.” She rolled her royal eyes. “I love all my little ponies, but honestly a lot of the ponies at my court can be rather ridiculous. Do you know how long it takes me to break in a new councilor or advisor? To convince them that they can—and should!—disagree with me without fear of being banished to the moon?”

“H-heh, yeah, imagine that.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. Then she yawned. “Oh, er, sorry.”

“That’s all right. I’ll leave you to your rest in a moment then.” Celestia rose. “I’ll leave you with two final things. The first is a story and the second is a reminder. The story: when I first took on the responsibility for raising the sun and the moon I had a few…challenges.” She put on a wry grin. “I found raising the moon surprisingly difficult. The first time I attempted it I had the poor judgment to do it in the middle of my court—I was trying to assure them that despite Luna’s….absence…that the cycle of the sun and moon would not be broken.” She sighed. “I underestimated how difficult it would be to gain a ‘hold’ on the moon with my magic. Luna’s magic was always more subtle than mine. Where the sun requires a lot of power to move it across the sky, the moon requires a lot of precision and finesse. It took more…concentration than I was used to. I bowed my head and my front legs buckled. Eventually, I was able to do it but only by staying like that all night. The result being that the royal court ended up staring at my upturned rump the entire evening.” Celestia’s eyes twinkled. “And that is why it is called ‘Mooning.’ ”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped and before she could help herself she was laughing hysterically at the Princess’ faux pas. She rolled on her back and clutched her belly. “AHAHAHAAHAA---!” Soon she realized that laughing at the ruler of Equestria might not be such a bright idea, so she bit down on her lip until the laughter was reduced to a few strangled giggles, though her eyes still danced with merriment. “S-sorry.” Dash giggled, her lip trembling.

Celestia smiled and shook her head. “It’s quite all right.” She stood. “You have my fondest wishes for a speedy recovery Miss Dash. And now the reminder: remember…you are loved here. However you choose to see yourself, never forget that.”

“T-thank you, princess.” The alicorn dipped her head regally and then she left Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts.

The cyan pegasus rested her head down on her pillow which felt like it weighed a ton, filled to the brim with swishing swirling thoughts that couldn’t quiet themselves. Finally though, exhaustion and fatigue won out over vague confusing thoughts as Rainbow Dash drifted off to sleep.

Rainbow Dash made a quick recovery. Her friends and rescuers visited her everyday which helped make the time pass faster. Rarity and Zecora were as good as their word. In under a week that new lotion—which smelled like a Diamond Dog’s underarm—had helped her mane, tail and coat grow back to their normal length. Her bald spots were gone, her wings were back in action and she had her old job back! The Mayor looked like she was about to cry tears of joy when Rainbow told her. “I guess she REALLY likes Winter Wrap Up to stay on schedule.” She mused.

As she took a leisurely flight around town she was greeted to the sight of almost everypony stopping whatever they were doing and waving to her or sharing an awkward grin. Rainbow waved back. Most of them had visited her in the hospital and traded an embarrassing story or two with her. Somehow the shared experience had made Rainbow feel…closer to other ponies in town somehow. And that just made her feel closer to the town as a whole.


“Haha, nice one!”

…of course there was always room for an exception or two. Turning she saw a pair of unicorns making faces and loudly laughing at Ditzy Doo as she made her mail run, studiously trying to ignore them. It was Sticks and Stones, the local town bullies. Rainbow always thought that they were well named: neither of them was granted with more intelligence than the items they were named after.

By the slight tremor in Ditzy’s steps Rainbow saw that she was about at her limit. She decided to intervene. With a sudden fwoosh she zipped in between Ditzy and the two unicorns. “There a problem here?”

Sticks and Stones looked at each other uneasily. While they would mock anypony at the drop of a hat they knew that insulting the pony who had just saved the town would be an exercise in futility. “Um hey Rainbow Dash.” Sticks gave a smile that was more of a sickly grimace. “No, no problem here! Right Stones?”

Stones shook his head. “Nope!” He gave Ditzy a look. “No problem here, right Derpy, er Ditzy?”

“…It’s fine Dash. Really.” Ditzy gave her friend a weak smile. Rainbow gave her a long even look, then glanced quickly back at the two bullies. They gulped in unison.

“Okay.” Rainbow Dash said evenly, shrugging her wings. “It’s good that things are fine. Because if I thought for even a second that some dumb bullies were hassling a good, close *friend* of mine and one of the coolest pegasi EVER then I’d be going Sonic Rainboom on their rumps.” She raised her voice so that ponies up and down the road stopped to look. Sticks and Stones paled. “Heck, if they thought being struck by lightning hurt, they’d be totally BLOWN AWAY by a Sonic Rainboom being done right over their thick skulls.” Rainbow gave a cocky smirk. “Of course, everything’s fine so why even talk about it?

“Y-yeah! Heh heh heh.” Stones looked like he was going to faint.

“So um, you feeling okay?” Sticks asked, trying to keep Rainbow off topic. “All your fur grow back?” A tiny little smile, like that of a malicious rodent, passed his face. “I know I wouldn’t want to be seen around town with my rump bare.”

Rainbow tossed her mane breezily. “Pfeh. You two are just jealous that my rump looks better than your faces, lightning strike or no.” Sticks did not expect a quick comeback from somepony who had been so vulnerable before. Other ponies watching the exchange shared a quick giggle and the two bullies beat a hasty retreat.

Ditzy Doo walked up to Rainbow Dash and gave her a quick neck hug. “Thanks Rainbow.” She said softly.

“Heh, anytime.” Rainbow smiled. “C’mon, let’s go pick up Dinky from school. Race ya!”

The two pegasi sped away to the school house. Ditzy Doo ‘somehow’ won the race and arrived just in time to greet her daughter as Dinky galloped out of the school house and tackle hugged her mother, squealing “You won, you won!” Rainbow Dash smiled.

From her balcony where she was watching, Twilight Sparkle smiled even more. “Spike? Could you take a letter please?” She started humming to herself as Spike went to grab a scroll and a pen. “Life’s a happy song, when there’s somepony by your side to sing alooong!”