• Published 25th Jun 2016
  • 1,419 Views, 4 Comments

The Anon Club - Grasshopper Keller

Prequel to the 'Reunited' series with all of the original characters meeting up to speak about their crushes to one another.

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Meeting Is In Session.

It was just two weeks after the Friendship Games, when the two schools ended the event in a tie, that seven unlucky boys within those schools had decided to meet in a classroom for their club activities. And as such, the 'Anon Club' was a club where the unknown male students had all decided to meet for an emergency session.

And so it was that the boys of the Anon Club had decided to talk about what had happened during the FG.

"Okay, seriously! How the heck are we even still here?" one boy, named Jason Portsmuzzle, decided to ask. "I mean, I can understand how all of you fellas don't treat me like that professor named Klump, but even I wanna know how this portly guy got roped into something like an emergency meeting?" he added with a tiny chuckle.

"Your own humorous attempts against your bit of weight put aside," another boy, named Johnny Steel, spoke up, "We have all come here to discuss not only how this school of ours can recover from what had happened in the FG, but also how we can initiate Clock Work into our club," he said, pointing to a new pleb who stood near the door with a somewhat nervous demeanor on his face.

"W-w-wwell, I... uh-- (ahem.) I hope I'm not intruding on you... uh, sirs," he chuckled just as nervously to the group.

"You don't need to be so fidgety around us, dude," Bill Logan, the leader of the group, spoke up to the new and nervous guy, beckoning him to sit with the other guys at the chairs. Clock had already taken his first few steps when he saw the chairs circling around his own. It was empty, but that was soon remedied as he took his place within the circle. "There, you see? No problem, huh?" Bill smirked with a clap of his hands.

"Yep," Buckeye Falls, another member of the group, nodded in agreement. "And I can bet that by next week, you can tell us all about your new crush," he giggled with a smirk as his hand covered his mouth.

"My bet is that it's Twilight Sparkle from your former school," Thomas Bits, another member of the club, teased the guy.

"It's not her, okay?" Clock tried to defend himself, hoping that the rise of the heat would not show in his cheeks. It showed.

"Alright, alright, guys!" Guiding Sun, the secondary leader of the group, calmly said to them with some authority in his tone. "If anyone here is going to admit their crush, we must be specific as to why we have a crush on them, along with being specific about our reasons why," he said to the other guys.

"If I may, please?" Jason then spoke to the group with his hand up.

"The head of the senate recognizes the chairman from the Port town," Bill pointed to him with a pseudo dramatic voice.

"If this pudgy guy can admit that he has a crush on some girl in this school, then the rest of us should, too," Jason pointed out to his fellow club members while making yet another attempt to make fun of his own body.

"I thought we made it clear that you shouldn't--" Tom tried to say before being interrupted by the same speaker.

"Hey! I am the only one that gets to make a few laughs come out of a few people about my size," he proudly declared to his good friends. "And I believe that I can speak for myself when I say that I have a reason for crushing on Rainbow Dash," he finished as he took back his seat.

"Do tell," Clock said, showing his interest to the topic at hand.

"That athlete is not only one of the best athletes in this school, compared to Mr. Cannonball here," he pointed to himself before continuing, "but she is also just one of the best guitarists that I have heard. But not only that, she is also attractive." The others nodded in agreement to his testimony. "And all I have to do is take just one glance at her-- an innocent one, mind you-- and I see someone who is able to motivate me into pushing myself to taking off the extra baby fat that I have on me. And I like that about her, aside from the fact that she is a royal team player in all of the sports clubs."

As soon as Jason was finished, Guiding decided to speak next.

"I might as well admit that it is her friend, Fluttershy, that caught my eye," he opened up. "While it is true that she is quite the timid flower, her inability to separate herself from her friends just speaks to me on a great level. I took a look inside the animal shelter that she works in, and it really makes me happy that she is quite the caring soul. And it just so happens that I want to make sure that I get a job at the zoo near here. And finally, I really believe that her kindness is what shines above the rest. Oh!" he snapped, before forgetting the last bit to say to the other guys near him. "And there is also the fact that she is just cuteness in a bombshell that plays the tambourine."

The other boys nodded with some chuckles.

"Applejack, for me," Buckeye then said, catching the attention of the club. "She just has that charm that all farmer girls have. I may not understand half of what she does, but I know that I can say that she is quite the honest woman. Whenever I sit at my table at lunch, just a few tables away, she goes on about how it's very hard work with her farming at her family farm. And she is quite a hottie bass player," he added the last part with a nod. "Anyone else?" he pointed to the other guys who didn't speak up yet.

"Rarity," Johnny rose his voice. "She is just a great and generous person that really hypnotizes me with her speech pattern, her attention to detail, and how much time she takes in order to look just.... gorgeous," he smiled from how he had seen her during his passing time between classes. "Her skills on the keytar, as I have seen, are exceptional. Her taste in clothes is well spoken, and her looks just make my heart skip a few beats," he finished as a small blush crept up his face.

"Since all of you had your turn," Tom said to them, "I better say that it's Pinkie Pie who has my vote."

"Why's that?" Clock asked him, curious as to how that one girl, in particular, snagged him.

"She is just adorable!" he nearly squeaked before composing himself. "I mean, her antics with making some of the best parties in this school are top notch! And even though she tends to ramble on a lot of things, I find her to be quite a catch.... well, if she could stay still long enough for someone to catch her," he chuckled, causing the others to laugh just as softly as he did. "But even with her talents as a drummer, she still packs a lot of that bubbly energy! But I still love that about her... and she is just hot, in my eyes," he honestly said, given that he still had those feelings in his heart.

"I do believe it's my turn, then," Bill cleared his throat. "Sunset Shimmer, for me, represents what every person must keep practicing every day. After her.... 'purification', I believe is the right word, she had been slowly earning the forgiveness of the entire student and staff bodies. And after the 'Battle', before the FG, I had even more of a reason to say to her that I forgave her of her crimes. I forgave her before all of those events had happened, but I had to be sure that I was in the clear to do so. Along with being another guitarist, whose skill rivals Rainbow's," he pointed to Jason, who humphed his denial- "And with how she is also just a great exemplary student, she also has my vote for 'Sexiest Girl'."

After Bill sat down, Clock was starting to fidget around in his chair. The sweat was pouring from his brow, almost making the floor slippery below him and the rest of the boys near him. The pressure was getting near to the point of breaking.

"Well, I think that we can all--"

"Fine, I admit it! I've been crushing on Twilight!" Clock busted out of his chest, interrupting Bill from his speech. "I'm in love with that adorkable cutie! And I want to take her out on a date and make her my girlfriend so badly, but that douche-bag named Flash Sentry (who has the worst guitar skills of all time, by the way!) has smitten her with some false promises!" As soon as he had allowed his outburst to be heard, he nearly collapsed on his chair in how exhausted he was feeling from how much he allowed his emotions to be bottled up.

"Now was that so bad to say, Clock?" Guiding patted his new friends shoulder.

"The worst thing about it all is that he, along with Blueblood, is snooping around to find us!" Clock shakily said to them. "They both want to find us, so that they can humiliate us!" he then moved his head to them.

"Are you sure that those cretins are in there?" a familiar voice spoke up from the door leading to the hallway.

"Just like I saw, Blueblood," another voice spoke up.

"We were not allowed to be here, right?" Jason whispered.

"Nope," Tom shook his head.

"Escape plan Delta," Bill suggested as he pointed to the window. They all went to the window and had it opened. And thankfully, even Jason would be able to fit through the escape route.

"But what about the chairs?" Clock pointed out in his fear-filled observation.

"Those two are dummies! They'll believe that it was some other club who left them there," Tom smirked. As soon as the window was taken from its place, the group had climbed up from the floor to the edge. As Jason went first, he had only encountered a tiny bit of difficulty. But it was all solved when a slight thump had been made. "You okay?" he asked his friend.

"Just get out here, and don't land your feet on my bowl of jelly," Jason pouted as he slowly rose from the ground.

"Really? I was hoping that it was a swollen bag of cement," Bill chuckled as he slid through the open window, thankful that there was no screen to block the escape.

"Just shut your trap, or I'll bruise it," Jason smirked at him as he saw the second person plant his feet next to his midriff.

"Right," Bill rolled his eyes. "Buckeye! Johnny! Tom!" he quickly called the other three, who also used the same method in a quick but methodical speed. "Guiding?" he called out to the second to last person in the room.

"Clock," Guiding said to the new guy as he handed him the glass that made the window.

"Yeah?" Clock acknowledged him as he held the glass in his hand.

"Replace that window after you move out here so that it doesn't shatter unless one of them touches it by accident," Guiding instructed him as his feet moved to the ground below him.

"Right, got it," Clock complied as he finally got to his feet and climbed up the railing of the window. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he quickly slid the glass between the top and bottom rails. As soon as he heard the click of the door, with no time to spare, he left the window exactly as planned.

Soon, the seven boys had moved to one of the shrubberies far from the right side of the school. And Johnny, Bill, Guiding, Tom, Jason, Buckeye and Clock looked over to where the two perpetrators would have caught them.

"Aw, man, if only I could hear what they're saying right now," Tom almost snorted, leading the others to chuckle with him.

"I think I got just the thing," Guiding said as he pulled up some kind of spyware from his backpack. As soon as it was turned on and tuned in, a pair of voices were screaming at each other.

"You sir, are the worst student that I have ever laid my eyes on," Blueblood, from what they heard, shouted from his side of the room. "Not only have you failed to find the Anonymous Club, but you failed to find Clock Work as well! I wanted to teach that miscreant how to respect the nephew of the Principal and Vice Principal!" the guy shouted in anger.

"Did you do something to him, bro?" Jason looked at the new member of the club.

"I accidentally spilled my soda on his ugly loafers," Clock admitted sheepishly. This made the other boys laugh softly.

"You think you got something against that nerd? Well I do too!" Flash proceeded to instigate the other guy in the room. "Twilight got a few poems that I didn't write to her, from some secret admirer! And I just know that it's that damn Clock kid!" As soon as he said that, the window fell from where it was placed at and shattered to the ground. Instantly, the alarm went off, scaring the two from the same room.

The seven boys roared their laughter when they saw how screwed those two students were.

"Aw man, Clock! Did you really allow that window to fall?" Bill chortled as he tried to address the guy near him.

"I had no ability to keep it in place, so I let it be there!" Clock snickered.

"Even this clumpy guy approves of what just happened!" Jason commented while laughing.

But as they laughed, the five-o had gotten to the entrance of the school. In a whoop of laughter, the boys decided to hightail it as they finally saw Blueblood and Flash get arrested for breaking school property.

A moment later, the fellowship had taken their seats at a local pizzeria, chowing down on a large pizza pie with a ravenous appetite. They all decided to allow their victory against those two bullies to be relived over and over again. More of their laughter echoed through the establishment, allowing the staff to have a giggle or chortle without a clue as to why they were doing so.

After two hours, the boys had stopped by a corner store to pick up some bottled waters to hydrate themselves. Running around from the school, to the restaurant, and to the street corner had made them almost exhausted. But from how much fun they all had, it was worth it. But it was just after they had stopped where a traffic light would signal them to take some other road that a mysterious person had walked up behind them and said:

"Well done, Anon Club."

Now this had scared all of them into looking back to see who it was. The feminine voice that they had heard was soothing to their ears, and yet it held much authority in it. As they looked back, they saw both Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna standing behind them with a smile that nearly knocked their feet off the ground. Two pairs of smiles that said that they were each very happy with what the same boys had done.

"You needn't be scared of us, boys," Luna assured them with her hands up to them. "Celestia and I had been given the call that Blueblood and Flash have been sent to a correctional facility for the next few months. Not only for their screw-ups at the events at school, but also for their many counts of property damage and bullying, among other things," Luna stated to them with a slightly wicked smile. In her head, she was thankful that she did not have to deal with them anymore.

"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "Those two boys have been a major disappointment at the school, thus allowing all eight of you to become the best examples of this school," she then said before waving her hand to the boys, along with Luna, as she then gave a wink to them all. And Luna did not fall behind with that gesture.

When the guys lost their vision on them, Clock said, "Did she just say.... 'eight' if us?"

"Behind you!"

Once again, a new voice had scared the group with a few yelps like before. They soon turned their heads and saw someone that closely resembled their age, if not a college age at best. Immediately, Bill and Guiding gasped at the guys face. It was a young one that they recognized; the same smile that gave them a better reason to smile.

"Leo Rock-Slide, sempai!"

Clock and the rest of the boys gasped as they quickly made the connection.

"The first Anon, of the Anon Club!"

"Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! Seems my reputation precedes me, huh?" the guy named Leo laughed. "But as such, even though I left the club in your hands, Bill, I still hold the right to adjourn the meetings when it is needed," he remembered with another chuckle. "And it's late, fellas. You should all get some sleep before tomorrow," he suggested to them.

"And why is that, sempai?" Clock asked him with a raised brow before feeling a yawn escape his throat.

"That should answer our question," Jason remarked before allowing his own yawn to leave him.

"We all need to get some sleep," Thomas nodded as his eyes closed up while stretching his arms out.

"Then by the power vested in me from our sempai, Leo Rock-Slide, this meeting," he yawned out before clapping his hands twice to say, "... is adjourned!"

Soon after, the seven boys from the high school had left for their homes as Leo had followed another path towards his flat. The sweet scent of car exhaust, along with the freshly mowed green grass at the park that he trotted across, had filled his senses with a melody that spoke of how nature and technology had truly worked together. More so when his phone began to go off, signalling that he was being called. With a click, he answered his phone.

"Yes, dears?" he said into the phone.

"We happen to be at your place, but where are you?" Celestia called from the other line.

"I just got the drinks that we need, my dears," he told them calmly as he held a bagged up box in one of his arms. "And when I get there, I want to see only one cloth on you two." He soon heard a wild shriek of joy from the other line. "So make sure that you two are ready. Alright, Tia?" he said to one of the women.

"Alright, Leo."


"Oh, very well then. But do hurry up, we grow im--"

"I'll be there, my loves," he chuckled before he hung up the phone. "And with great heart, I'll have you two in my arms!" he declared with his right hand clenched up to the sky.

Author's Note:

Here you go, everypony! A little side story for those of you who wanted to know where the main characters of the Reunited series met up at before the stories started.

And if you didn't know it by now, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna will be in the next story with the final character before the entire series is finished.

Comments ( 4 )

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH YOU REALLY GOT ME TEASING THERE, AND I LOVE IT!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

7336798 I'm happy that you love it, my friend. Because you'll get a chance to shine in the near future. :twilightsmile:

I read this story before reading through the Reunited series, and I'm glad I did. I really identified with Clock Work in terms of personality and with the fact that I also sort of have a thing for Twi (albeit Pony Twilght, not Sci-Twi); this made reading "Reunited Near The Library" all the more special for me.

8330956 I am really happy that you said that, my new reader. :pinkiehappy:

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