• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 2,231 Views, 26 Comments

Diamond in your eye - Shadow rift

Second person story starring you and Rarity. In school...

  • ...

Chapter 3 beta

It's getting later... You think to yourself as you continue walking down the streets of town, past various bakeries and food places as the light inside of them grows ever so brighter and the sun and sky in the window's reflections growing various shades of red, orange, pink, and yellow to turn into a sherbet of varying levels.

You never really did like this time of day. Not for the fact that the sky never looked beautiful but more or less for the feel. In the mornings, it was alright, and especially in the fall season. But this in the afternoon and during the winter time, and not only feels out of place, but also unnatural. You could never explain why, but you could... Feel why. You could feel why it felt weird, but explaining it to others would be a Herculean task that would probably just be in vain.

Worst yet, it's starting to get cold, and though you're wearing two layers of clothing, you can still, for the most part, feel Jack Frost nipping away at your skin. He were real, you'd be beating the crap out of him. It should be impossible to be this cold under this many layers of clothing. Yet it's happening right now.

Eventually, it gets far colder that you're surprised that ice has frozen over the stores. To be fair, some of them have heaters going, and you know because you pass by some and can feel the heat radiating off the windows and out the doors, giving you some relief, but hen there are other stores that you're sure would have at least a few Popsicles of ice hanging down their windowsills and ceilings. Case and point, the local bar should have at least three icicles hanging down from them. Yet it doesn't.

What does it mean?

It means you're losing your mind because of this cold or are so bored you're noticing something as stupid as this.

The idea of turning back and heading for home is all too realistic and tempting to you now as you continue to drudge through this cold. Yet you decide to go on out of spite and because you know you may never have a chance like this again. If you make it through this, you'll be with the girl of your dreams, and if not, getting a chance to actually meet her AT HER HOME would be like opening a portal to your favorite show and being an active part of the universe and lore of its story.

Zero to none.

You're almost there... Just keep going Windy...! You think to yourself as you finally make it to the street she lives on, anxiously looking around for her home address as you take the slip of paper she gave you, looking down at the paper before looking up at the house in front of you about 8 times before finally finding her home, a large two story house that is mostly white in color, with a nice green lawn and little bird pool right in the center of it.

It's clear to you that this house must've cost a fortune. And either by three factors; the cold, the thought of actually meeting Rarity at her home, or the house itself and it's large scale, you're numb.

You're scared, nervous, and a little bit on the intimidated side, but you're also fucking cold. And if there's one thing that the cold where you live has taught you anything, it's that keeping warm is more important than any freaking fears.

Checking the windows, you're glad to see that there seems to be a light emanating from within the house. Good... You think to yourself, growing a pair and finally going up to her door and knocking on it three times, but caught off guard when you hear giggles coming from within the house itself, accompanied by a few whispers. You weren't expecting her to have company... She never said anything about-

"Hello?" You hear from behind the door as it cracks open a bit, barely enough for you to even distinguish who it is. But it doesn't need to. You already know that the voice who's speaking to you is far from Rarity. So far, it could land on the moon. It's far more rough than Rarity's, and lacks the British accent you've come to love about her. "I'm hear to see Rarity..." You begin, furrowing your brow and looking up at the sky, a dark blue now as clouds begin to cover half of the sky, "I was told she lived here."

You hear a large "ooooooooo..." Come from within the house and a giggle from the raspy voice inside the house. "Who is it... And why did you come...?" The voice asks, seemingly holding back a giggle. "I'm Windy. Windy Ridge. I'm suppose to meet her here to get started on our project for Miss Luna's class." You say, crossing your arms and slowly beginning to lose your patience and body warmth.

Another "ooooooooo..." Comes from the home as you say "I'm suppose to meet her here..." Along with another suppressed giggle from the voice from behind the door. Fed up, you're thinking about just heading back home when you suddenly remember that you're only way of getting home would be to call Shadow and Astra and have them drive you home. The only other option you'd have is to walk, and walking home now would probably turn you into a frozen husk. Going with Shadow would be even worse, because if he knew that he had to drive your sorry rear end back home and that you gave up your one opportunity to be with Rarity.

So it's either brave through whoever it is behind the door, weather the cold, or get a guilt trip from your friend for the next 30 years.

You finally come to agreement with yourself as you shake your head, thinking about your next course of action carefully before saying anything. Decided, you carry on. "Look, it's freezing cold out here and I need to get this project done. Please just let me in. The last thing I need is either a failing grade or my body found on the street frozen solid." You say with a hint of annoyance, hoping that this is even the right house and that whoever it is speaking to you right now feels bad enough for them to let you in.

You don't get much of a response at first. For the most part, all you can hear are a few indistinguishable whispers coming from inside for an arbitrary amount of time. Eventually, the whispers cease, with the finally decision being the voice from behind the door say, "alright." And open the door.

Oh this is gonna be fun...

Comments ( 3 )

Is he really that much of a douché?

So... Im guessing this is dead?

Ill take the fact you never bothered to reply as a "yes this story is dead but I cant be arsed to set the status to cancelled"

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