• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 6,831 Views, 373 Comments

The Secret of Motherhood. - EclipseSight

A secret Starlight would have prefered to hide even from herself is out in the open. Will the truth drive a wedge between her and her new friends? Or will it draw them closer?

  • ...

It's My Burden.

Locked tightly in her cell of unbearable agony, Starlight was oblivious to the steadily growing crowd. Her rapidly fracturing mind was struggling to repair itself, only to rupture from a completely different spot in her mental landscape. Forked crackles of electricity blasted through her memories, splintering the thoughts into a myriad of fragments. Searing white fault lines were left behind, forcibly separating what should have been intimately connected.

Then, without precedence or reason, the agony slowly began to recede. The web of scorching fissures began to fade, cooling from a blinding white to a dull, dying red. There, they smouldered, as the fragments of Starlight's consciousness slowly stitched back together.

Even with the pain reduced to a dull throb, Starlight could not describe herself as feeling fine, or anything remotely close to that. Her mouth was filled with the vile taste of iron, her breaths were ragged, with each one stabbing at her oxygen deprived lungs and her whole body felt feverish. Though, her physical condition was nothing to the guilt, self loathing and despair battling for dominance inside her.

With momentous effort, she was able to put one hoof in front of the other. The next step was another matter, and she pitched forwards into the dirt. Her face would have slammed into the dusty ground, which would only escalate her misery, if not for the timely intervention of another pony. Starlight found all of her weight suddenly supported by what felt like someone's back. The momentary relief allowed her to regain just enough strength to sink to her haunches, in a slightly more dignified manner than she would have previously.

Now that she could properly feel her surroundings again, she blinked rapidly, eyelids fluttering to clear her sapphire eyes. Blurred shapes started to appear in her vision, swaying and multiplying arbitrarily. Panic began to once again rise within her as she realised that no amount of blinking would bring anything into focus.

Party Favour looked down at the pony who had once held him and all the others under an iron hoof. To see her now, he would never have believed she was capable of such tyranny if he had not been witness to it. He reached out to place a comforting hoof on her shoulder, it was the only thing he could think to do, only to quickly shrink back in alarm when she frantically tried to scramble away from his touch.

Realising the severity of the situation, Night Glider lept into action. Her raspy, commanding voice overshadowed the murmurs of the onlookers, forcing all attention onto her as she flew over the crowd. “Right! C'mon everypony! Nothing to see here! Back up a bit! Unless you all want to end up flat on your haunches again!”

There were two things the citizens of Our Town knew all too well; one did not not cross Night Glider when she was being serious and, more recently, one did not overwhelm a distressed Starlight Glimmer. As if someone had just let off a stink bomb the crowd dispersed, leaving Starlight alone with the four who had been instrumental in her first defeat.

Finally, whatever fog had been obscuring Starlight's senses was lifted, and one last swipe of her eyelids revealed the world around her, back as it should be. Staggering to her hooves, she tried to ignore the relentless pounding still wearing away at her brain and form a coherent sentence. She had to try and alleviate this situation, before it escalated. Considering her previous failure, she counted herself lucky that she was able to force out what she did. “S-sorry...teleport, went a little wrong...”

It was not exactly a lie, but their concerned looks told her that she was not fooling anyone. Anger flared up within her. Pity was the last thing she needed right now. As she tried to force her tongue to articulate that there was nothing to worry about, another stabbing pain shot through her head and cut her off. “I-Inside now...please...” she whimpered, using as little words as possible to avoid aggravating her head any further.

“My bakery is the closest...” she heard Sugar Belle say, the kindly mare's voice laced with worry. Double Diamond and Party Favour nodded and together they helped shoulder Starlight towards the bakery.

Sugar Belle rushed ahead and opened the door, ushering them inside. Having dealt with the crowd, Night Glider sped in as well. Starlight slumped as soon as she was able to, sprawling herself onto the floor. Sugar Belle quickly flipped the open sign to the closed position, then shut the door. Now in the cool shade, the four villagers turned to their former leader.

“What was that?” Double Diamond asked, breaking the ice when it was clear no one else knew what to say.

“The result of several powerful spells being broken...” Starlight answered flatly, moving into a sitting position. Her head still throbbed dully, but the ache was much more subdued. Her faculties were hers to command again. “It's nothing you need to worry about...”

The four ponies exchanged nervous glances. Before Starlight could ask what the problem was, Night Glider practically exploded. “What do you mean its nothing we need to worry about? You popped in front of us with the biggest headache I've ever seen! Do you know how long you were standing there?” she asked, ending up in Starlight's face for the last part.

Starlight would have backed away, if she had not already been using the wall for support. All she could do was turn her head, as Night Glider's frustration struck her cheek. “N-No...I don't.” She had a distinct feeling that she was not going to like the answer.

“Twenty minutes!” Night Glider hissed, backing up and throwing her forelegs into the air. She winced as one hoof struck the ceiling, but carried on unimpeded. “You were out for twenty minutes, and not one of us was able to rouse you! What kind of spell causes that?”

Stunned, Starlight looked down at her hooves, not surprised to find them trembling. For twenty minutes she had been completely dead to the world, while her mind had some kind of magical meltdown. Twilight had been right, breaking those spells so forcefully had been foolish. Realising that she was still required to answer, Starlight swallowed. “Uh... memory spells specifically... I needed some answers and I might've forced them upon myself too early...” In a much lower voice, which even she could barely hear, she added, “In more ways than one.”

Before Night Glider could retort, Sugar Belle stepped in with a more levelled approach. “Is there anything we can do? To stop it happening again? I... I don't think I could watch that again...”

Hearing the distress in her fellow unicorn's voice, Starlight felt her heart sink like a stone. Sorrow filled her but she had to shake her head, then immediately stop as the action brought forth another bout of stabbing pain. “I don't really know. I only remember some of the spells I cast, some were completely made up. I'll just have to hope it was a one-time thing. Well, two-time thing.”

“It's happened before?” Party Favour asked, prompting Starlight to turn to him.

She nodded, slowly and deliberately before continuing in a matter of fact voice. “Yeah. Once, though that one had a catalyst. I'd basically found what I was looking for.”

Still bubbling with concerned frustration, Night Glider flared up again. “Okay so, what was it? You keep beating around the bush with this! What were you looking for? And why did it drive you here? Why did-” her tirade was quickly interrupted by Double Diamond.

“One question at a time,” he said, his deep accented voice leaving no room for arguments.

Night Glider fell silent, lowering herself to just above the ground, forelegs folded as she stared intensely at Starlight. For a moment, Starlight withered under the steely gaze. Closing her eyes, she shut out the small bakery and looked in on herself. She knew she would not be able to tell them, not while keeping her composure anyway. To try would only drive her deeper into the dark hole she had dug herself into. She had dragged enough ponies down with her already...

An expectant air hung over the room, as they waited patiently, or impatiently in Night Glider's case, for her answer. Starlight tasted bile in her mouth, the acrid liquid burning her throat and melding with the lingering taste of blood. Swallowing, she shook her head firmly, ignoring both the pain in her head and the retching sensation trying to make her gag. “I...I can't answer that,” she said quietly, pushing off the wall and walking past them. “It's just... something I need to solve on my own.”

“Can't we help?” Party Favour asked, even as he was frozen in place, watching the lilac unicorn walk around the room.

Much more forcefully than she intended, Starlight barked out, “No!” Immediately, she recoiled. Every one of the four had flinched visibly at her outburst. No matter how much time had passed, or how jovial their interactions had been during the Sunset Festival and no matter how much they forgave her, the ponies of Our Town would always be wary of her. That only strengthened her resolve to keep her problems her own but she proceeded more tactfully. “I'm sorry... it's just, not something I can talk about. Things have spread too far already... I can't let anyone else get involved...”

She trailed off, slumping against the wall as she tried to think up a solution, any solution. She owed it to everyone, to Scootaloo, she had to be the one to fix this mess. Her head was only hindering her, it had not yet relented in its constant throbbing. Whatever she had done to herself, was going to be persistent. If only she was back at the library, she might be able to find a spell to at least alleviate the agony. Her ears perked up. A spell...that was it! If memory served her, she still had some books in her old house that would be of some use.

“Got it!” she exclaimed suddenly, shattering the uncomfortable silence. All queasiness forgotten, she launched herself out of the door. Her four friends were left behind, as Starlight charged through the long street. Several ponies stopped to stare but none tried to interrupt her. The hard look in her eyes persuaded them that would be a bad idea.

Upon reaching her old home, Starlight skidded to a halt. The door was still lying flat, having not moved since Night Glider had knocked it down. Now moving much more slowly, Starlight stepped into the abandoned building. This was where her old life had started to unravel.

Desiring a little privacy, she unceremoniously grabbed the fallen door and slammed it back into place. The hinges quickly reattached to the walls and the lock clicked into place. Several hacking coughs shook her very core, as the billowing clouds of dust she had inadvertently stirred up tried to take shelter in her lungs.

Her old domicile was covered in the clogging substance. It clung to every nook and cranny, forming a thick blanket over her past. It seemed so, surreal...to be back here of all places. In all of her previous visits, she had avoided it like the plague. She had done so many horrific things in this place and was about to do another. Taking care not to disturb anything else, Starlight quietly moved into the room. Her path was marked by her hoofprints in the carpet of dust, just like her mistakes marked her path through life.

“It's been a while...” she muttered, gently touching a small stool. It was distinctly unremarkable, as everything would have been under her vision. Equestria would have been just like the stool, plain and boring. Without even bothering to brush away the dust, Starlight flopped down onto the small chair and leaned her chin on a hoof. “Back then I might have been completely despicable, but at least I knew what I was doing!”

Her frustration shook the small cottage, dislodging even more irritating dust. Annoyed, Starlight got back to her hooves and began to stalk around the home, horn aglow. Her spell spread across every surface, mercilessly erasing any dust that the agitated unicorn threw up in her wake. Soon the old home was as clean as the day she had left it.

Usually, restoring order left her with a glow of satisfaction but today she felt only sorrow, if it was there it had been lost in the hollow pit gouged into her heart. In a feeble attempt to lighten her dark mood, she snorted, “Well at least I won't choke just by moving anymore. Now... I guess I should get to work. I need to fix this.”

At that, Starlight began to mow through her sparse belongings. The mindless, meandering search put a lot less strain on her fragile mind than trying to memorise where she had left her books. If she threw her belongings around enough, sparse as they were, she would find what she was looking for eventually.

On her second pass, she heard it. The faint, hollow rattling of loose floorboards. Eagerly, she ripped them up and tossed them to the side, revealing a stack of spell tomes as high as she had been able to manage. One by one she pulled out the literal treasure trove of information until no less than twenty books were now floating around her. Raising an eyebrow, she glared at each one with a critical eye. “...I swear I only had ten...”

Upon further inspection, she found that she indeed had only hidden ten books. The rest were...a faint shudder ran down her spine, and her face became a picture of disgust. “Okay...I assume the muffin one is Sugar Belle's, and Party Favour has a thing for balloons but why is this all about snow...ugh, never mind I don't want to know,” she muttered, cheeks tinged with crimson as she threw the books out of sight.

“Now...where was I?” Starlight asked, trying to get herself back on track. Grabbing the first book, she started to quickly skim through it. She knew the spells she needed were in one of them, having used them before. Hopefully, her advancements in spell-craft would be sufficient for the job.

As she was racing through the fourth book, an incessant knocking filled her ears. For a brief moment, worry rose within her. However, it was quickly quelled by the logical part of her brain. None of her friends, if she could still use the term, would have found her so quickly. “Not even Rainbow Dash is that fast... Pinkie Pie maybe, but she isn't focused enough. Must be Double Diamond and the others...”

She contemplated ignoring it. The sooner she got this spell done, the sooner she could be on her way. She did not need any more concern, or talking for that matter...it hurt too much. That thought was short lived when the irritating pounding rose to a frantic hammering. Sighing heavily, she started down the stairs towards her newly repaired door. “Alright alright! I'm coming!” she yelled out. Presumably, it was Night Glider who was currently engaged in knocking down her door. “Are all pegasi this impatient?” she asked herself scathingly, before shaking her head. “No, wait, Fluttershy answers that for me. Though, her brother...” she let herself trail off as she reached the door.

Being of a much flimsier construction, and having been hastily repaired, this door, unfortunately, was unable to withstand the relentless assault of an impatient pegasus. As Starlight reached it, the abused door gave up and collapsed inwards. With a loud yelp of surprise, she dove to the side, barely avoiding worsening her headache. Months of avoiding falling brooms and buckets were finally starting to pay off.

Snapping her head up, she began to glare sapphire daggers at the quartet of ponies outside her door. The trio outside had the decency to look sheepish but a gust of wind tousling her mane told her that Night Glider was already in the room. A pair of hooves suddenly wrapped around her middle, gently pulling her upright. A small petty voice inside her head wanted to resist but she ignored it and allowed the dark pegasus to help her up. Without turning around, she snorted. “I am not even going to bother repairing it this time.”

“I'm good at breaking doors!” Night Glider huffed, though she averted her eyes from the back of the unicorn's head. “Anyway, you just ran off on us! What's the deal?”

“I had an idea that's all...” Starlight sighed, levitating the fallen spellbooks. All at once the four ponies looked like they had swallowed a lemon, confirming her theory that they had been the ones using her hiding spot. “Yeah, I'm not even gonna ask... Look, I'm sorry for running off but I need to do this...” she sagged to the floor and began to read. “I need to fix this...” Any elation she usually felt at the thought of magic was gone. This was going against everything they had been trying to teach her.

“Fix...what exactly?” Double Diamond asked, stepping through the now empty doorway. The fallen door creaked under his hooves, a sorrowful ballad about shoddy workmanship, a plan gone wrong and a destruction-happy pegasus. By the time Sugar Belle stepped over the door, it split in two with an audible crack. Starlight groaned and her hoof hit her face with an audible thunk. Was this really the way? “If that isn't a metaphor for everything I try to fix... Maybe I shouldn't do this... These books... these spells...”

Quietly, she turned one over in her hooves. The cover was like any other spellbook, adorned with gold lettering and several arcane symbols. Most of them were complete nonsense, just there to make the book more appealing. “They were hoof-picked by me when I wanted to change Equestria, to remove everything I felt was wrong.”

“What's in them?” Double Diamond sat down in the doorway, his strong back providing a makeshift barrier to any prying eyes. “The equalisation spell?”

“The components for it yes... along with shield spells, repulsion spells, defence spells, and memory spells. I thought I could use the memory spells to undo any mistakes with the equalisation process and try again. I never had to... It was, brutally effective, as you all know.”

Unease settled in the room, as the four ponies squirmed uncomfortably at the memories being dredged up. The equalisation cottage had only recently been adapted, during Starlight's last trip. She had used her magic to warp it into something completely recognisable. That room, once cramped and soulless, had been transformed into a spa. It was all she could think of at the time. It occurred to her to ask if it had ever been used but now was not the time.

“I could fashion a spell to erase the mistake I made, and everypony would never need to know.” She was talking more to herself, but knew that the others were listening intently. She was trying to convince herself to go through with the plan, her only plan. “It wasn't fair to bring them into this... I know that now. I should have listened to myself, and prevented all of this. But at least I can make it...go away. It was better before all this...everyone was happier.”

A softer hoof than Night Glider's came to rest on her shoulder. The thick, puffy mane of Sugar Belle's tickled her cheek, all too reminiscent of Pinkie Pie. “Well... I know none of us don't know what's going on...but, maybe if you just apologised...”

“I'm sure Princess Twilight and the others would understand if you just explained what happened,” Party Favour tried, coming to Starlight's other side. Evidently, that had been the wrong thing to say, as Starlight suddenly launched herself back into her action.

“No! No! I am not having that again! Ponies shouldn't have to understand that I made another mistake, they shouldn't have to listen to my apologies! Scootaloo shouldn't have to have gone through all this! She shouldn't have to know that her mother is a complete evil failure!” Breathing heavily, Starlight began to once more hunt for the spells she needed. Several times, she had to blink. Her vision was constantly filling with water.

In all of thirty seconds, she had found the section she was looking for. Her eyes began to move back and forth, mouth muttering the words over and over. Whatever pain her head tried to distract her with was completely fruitless. She would deal with whatever consequences such a spell would have on her health later. As long as she was able to erase this, everything would be fine.“I need to erase every memory of me ever having been a mother- no wait! I can't! If I do that then I'll need to go after Princess Celestia and that'll be completely impossible... I'll just...have to erase the results...”

Her fury had dissipated, bleeding out of her as sorrow filled the void. Tears now streamed unchecked down her cheeks, blurring her sense of sight. Still, she forged ahead, her outward mutterings focusing her to the exclusion of all else. Her horn glowed brightly as the spell began to form. Shimmering teal light filled the cottage, spilling out of the windows. Even in the bright sunlight, it was noticeable throughout the town.

At a loss, Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, Party Favour and Night Glider could only watch as the pony in front of them descended into disaster. Each of them had tried to erase their own selves, believing a life without what made them special would have been preferable. They had come to Starlight for that, only to be proven wrong by Twilight. No matter her reasons, Starlight had tried to help them all at a time when they were at their lowest. Now, they had to return the favour. Double Diamond turned to Night Glider. “We'll try and keep Starlight from doing anything too rash, you need to get to Ponyville and tell them what's going on!”

“We can't let her do this!” Sugar Belle agreed, looking between the two stallions. Night Glider had already sped off, flying as fast as she could manage towards Ponyville. “We almost destroyed ourselves trying to give up a part of us.”

Party Favour shook his head. “We won't...” he said softly, turning back to Starlight. The magic she was weaving had grown in intensity, now causing the air to hum faintly. Whatever they were going to try, it would have to wait until she was finished, or they ran the risk of causing the spell to backfire. With Starlight's power, the whole house would probably be reduced to ash.

“-need to make sure all memories are completely wiped." Starlight's rapid muttering still had not ceased. "Better double the Erasia Kinesis, and add an erasing spell just in case. To isolate those particular memories I'll use the same spells I used to block my own... Hopefully without anything left to relapse on, there won't be any side effects...but to make sure I'll add Sedantis' Soothing...”

Gradually, the blinding light began to dim, though Starlight's concentration had not wavered. She was coming to the home stretch, and soon her wretched spell would be finished. A mantra had crept unbidden into her head, threatening to drown out her muttering. “Don't cast spells on your friends!” Rainbow shouted repeatedly. Twilight joined in after that with her own shrieks of, “That's because it is really bad!” Over and over, the voices of her friends repeated in her head, trying to dissuade her from her task.

“I'm sorry...” she whimpered, lowering her head and aiming downwards. The finished spell poured from her horn, landing on a blank page. The liquefied magic was like ink and was quickly absorbed into the thirsty paper. For a moment, the yellowing canvas remained blank, glowing faintly with Starlight's signature aura. Then, words began to form, scratching their way across the page and in only a few seconds the completed combination of spells was fully realised in front of her. No clause had been omitted, there was no room for error. It would find the desired memories and destroy them until there was no trace left. The recipient would go on as if nothing had happened with no chance of recall.

Stumbling backwards, Starlight threw up. Her body rejected the very idea of what she was about to do. Before she had simply been naive and foolish. She had been new to the idea of friendship and had grown from the experience. This was going against everything she had ever learned, about being a good friend, about being a good pony.

“You don't have to do this,” Double Diamond spoke from behind her, causing her to whirl around. In her frenzy, she had forgotten they were still in the room.

Starlight took a hold of the spell in her magic and ripped it from the book, effortlessly brushing away Party Favour's attempts to slip it out of her grasp. Even with Sugar Belle's help, or the entire village's population of unicorns, they had no hope of wrestling the scroll away from her by force. “I know what you're trying to do...” Starlight sighed. “But there's no other way...”

“There's always another way! We thought that too and look what happened?”

Starlight paused when Party Favour stepped in her way. Her eyes still burned and her stomach readied itself to expel more of its contents. She did not want to do this but she could not see any other option. Still keeping an iron hold on the spell, she started to walk around the sky blue unicorn but found her way blocked by Double Diamond and Sugar Belle. All three were standing rigid, faces hard with determination. They were not moving.

“I could move you all...or teleport around you,” Starlight pointed out, voice lacking any emotion. “You're only delaying the inevitable. My mind is made up.”

“Is it?” Double Diamond asked, staring down at her. “Because if it was you would have done it already.” Starlight gritted her teeth but said nothing, and Double Diamond took the opportunity to continue. “You may think this is for the best, but it isn't just your choice to make.” He fell silent for a few breaths as if gathering the courage to enact the final blow. “What if Scootaloo would rather know her mother, no matter how much her mother thinks she's failed?”

Starlight fell backwards as if struck, mouth hanging open as she stared up at Double Diamond. He looked away briefly, then locked eyes with her again. “We all make mistakes but erasing them doesn't make them go away. It just adds another mistake that we would have to erase. Where would it end? Would it end? Would you try to erase the time you spent with us? Or the time you travelled back in time?”

“That's different!” Starlight protested, choking on her own words. Her legs were threatening to fail her, her grip on the scroll began to loosen. “You have no idea what you're talking about! I'm not erasing this for myself! I'm erasing this because it should never have happened in the first place!”

“But it did!” Party Favour cut in, moving closer to the quivering mare. “It happened, and that's okay. Things happen and we deal with them. Erasing them only makes it harder down the line. You'd always be left to wonder, to second guess yourself.”

Swallowing hard, Starlight brought the scroll up to her eye level. They were right, she knew they were. Erasing this was the cheap way out, the easy way out. It was no better than running, something she had been doing her whole life. Scootaloo had been taken away in the first place because she had been too weak and had chosen to run away. Was she really still that weak?

Quietly, she lowered the scroll, exhaling heavily. Taking a chance, Sugar Belle reached out with her magic but just like Party Favour she was easily overpowered. “No... I'm not saying I'm not doing it...” Starlight explained softly. “I'm just...taking the time to think. You all sussed out the situation on your own. So if you have any ideas, let's hear them.”

Sugar Belle sat down, as Party Favour and Double Diamond; Starlight remained standing. With the atmosphere now calmer, Sugar Belle opened her mouth to speak. A loud whistling sound caused any words to die in her throat. Starlight had heard it too, now tense as a drawn bowstring. Before she could erect any form of defence a cyan blur barrelled into her, and she found herself rolling across the room.

She came to a stop pressed up against the wall, feeling like she had taken a ride on a roller coaster. Not even her first attempt at teleportation had been so disorientating. All dizziness was quickly chased away when two hooves clamped onto her shoulders and pinned her to the wall. Flicking her sapphire eyes upwards, she came face to face with the fiery rubies of Rainbow Dash...and the pegasus was furious. Mentally, she cursed herself. She had completely missed Night Glider's absence. Now of the three ponies she had least wanted to see, one of them now had her completely at their mercy.

Author's Note:

And there's chapter 10, part 2 of my little deviation. Next chapter things come to a head, and Rainbow and Starlight go up against each other. Poor Starlight is not in a good way, no matter how much she tried to hide it. She's reverting back to the only way she was ever comfortable with, even if it was a false comfort. A lot more is going to be revealed next chapter so stick around. Hope you all enjoyed. Have a nice day!