• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 6,831 Views, 373 Comments

The Secret of Motherhood. - EclipseSight

A secret Starlight would have prefered to hide even from herself is out in the open. Will the truth drive a wedge between her and her new friends? Or will it draw them closer?

  • ...

Moving Forward.

“So, your foal is a pegasus?” Rainbow asked, bringing her hooves to her face in excitement. When Starlight nodded her grin became as wide as her face. “That's awesome!”

“It narrows it down at least,” Starlight replied, though she could not share Rainbow's enthusiasm. She could feel Twilight's gaze boring into her, as if the alicorn expected her to keel over at any moment. Twilight had also been...unusually quiet, only making the unicorn feel worse. This was her fault.

“While I do agree that it narrows things down,” Applejack said with a heavy sigh. “It doesn't really help us in the meantime. We still gotta wait for Canterlot Records to get back to us.” Looking directly at Starlight she added. “I'm sorry sugarcube. I was hoping this would be a bit for fruitful for ya.”

“It's alright Applejack,” Starlight replied, putting a small smile on her face to placate the farm pony. “It's...better than nothing and more than was reasonable to expect. I'm just grateful for you all being here.”

“Of course we're all here!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “What sort of friends would we be if we weren't?” The party mare chuckled and waved a hoof. “Plus, the more help we give the quicker this is all over. Right?” she asked, drawing out the last word so much that Starlight wondered why she was not turning the colour of a blueberry. Then she realised just who she was wondering about.

“Yes, the sooner I can put this behind me the better,” Starlight agreed.

“Yes quite darling,” Rarity said daintily. As one of the three privy to the exact events leading up to this discussion, she had her own reservations. Perhaps convincing Starlight that closure would be good for her had been premature. After all the mare was still wrestling with her own inner demons. However, there was no room for going back on their words now. They would simply have to make do with the cards they had been dealt.

“So, umm... do we have any other ideas?” Fluttershy asked. “Or do we just wait for a response from Canterlot Records?”

Twilight flicked her ears. She had considered this carefully. Getting this over quickly would be beneficial but rushing would only end in ill. Today had opened her eyes to just how deep some scars could run. Starlight's reckless behaviour had shown her that. As she was about to voice her answer to Fluttershy's question, she was interrupted by a loud yawn.

Spike, despite his best efforts, was waging a losing war against the grip of sleep once again. Unbeknownst to them all, night had long since fallen. Enveloping Spike in her magic, Twilight carefully levitated the young dragon onto her back.

“I think...we should wait to answer that question tomorrow. It's been a long day, for all of us.”

“That's true. Now that Spike's started he's got me...” Applejack yawned, as if her body was proving her point. “Going... Night ya'll.”

“Bye everyone,” Fluttershy whispered, giving a quiet wave before following Applejack out. Rainbow was close behind the pair, after saying her own farewell. Only after she had hugged Starlight thoroughly did Pinkie Pie depart, leaving the lilac unicorn with a warmth burning in her heart. Soon the only pony in the castle who did not call it home was Rarity. Smiling warmly she said,

“I'll help you tuck poor Spikey Wikey in. This really has been a tough day for him.”

Twilight was about to protest, it was hardly necessary after all, but the small noise of elation Spike produced stopped her. It would make him so happy. She always enjoyed seeing him happy. At times she admitted she could be somewhat oblivious but she always wanted what was best for him. Deciding to let her number one assistant have his moment, she agreed.

“Okay then. Let's go.”

While Rarity was giving Spike her own brand of special attention, Twilight gave Starlight a small nudge. The lilac unicorn turned and faced her mentor with a quizzical stare. Smiling knowingly, Twilight asked,

“You know why she stayed behind don't you?”

“Hmm? Oh... yeah, I do,” Starlight replied. Turning back to the adorable scene, she focused her gaze on Rarity. As much as Rarity adored Spike, everyone involved knew her motives for staying behind.

“She really didn't have to,” Starlight added under her breath, pushing back a yawn. “I mean...it's not like we would get into an argument heated enough to destroy the castle... I think both of us would do better in an empty room for that.

Twilight snorted at that, the sound emerging before she could suppress it. “Well, yes that is true. Which does remind me, have you heard what Spike has been calling us? The Mistresses of the Freakout I think it is.”

It took everything Starlight had to not keel over, howling with laughter. Despite her best efforts, a continuous stream of small snickers overtook her. Beside her, Twilight continued to giggle softly. Only when her sides felt ready to split did Starlight surface.

“Well...” she wheezed, still making an effort to be quiet. “He...isn't exactly wrong.”

“No I suppose not,” Twilight said thoughtfully, only to be interrupted from any further speech by Rarity.

“Okay, he's asleep and dreaming away.” the alabaster mare stated, idly running a hoof through her mane. Definitely needed a wash before she retired. Despite her best efforts a day with Pinkie Pie left it somewhat...uncharacteristically messy.

“Thanks Rarity,” Twilight replied gratefully. “I appreciate it.”

“Anytime darling,” came the reply. “Now, I do have to get back to the Boutique for some beauty sleep but is there anything else before I go?”

“We'll be fine,” Starlight answered, having finally gotten herself under control. “I umm...” she started, before descending into a mess of half words and stuttered noises. How did one convince their friend that they and another friend were not going to have a fight that would tear down the walls around them?

Thankfully, Twilight took over. “I apologise if my outburst earlier made you worry. We should be fine...Thank you.”

“Oh darling I'm not worried about that,” Rarity soothed, a ladylike laugh accompanying her words. “I just, how do I put it, want to offer my support. It is no secret to us that you are both a little...prone to stress.”

Both mares had to roll their eyes at that. This was after all coming from the mare who had a fainting couch on hand and could go from zero to excited screaming in half a syllable. Nevertheless, she did have a point.

“We know,” Twilight said gently. “I will admit that I am not handling this situation as well as I could be but,” she thought back to her breakdown in the library. Not wanting her friend to worry more, she forced a smile on her face. “I'll be fine. Honestly.”

Nodding, Rarity said gently. “Okay, if you're sure, but I simply insist that you both accompany me to the spa tomorrow. The others can come as well of course but I simply will not take no for an answer where you both are concerned.”

Completely taken off guard, both mages could only stare dumbfounded at their friend. Taking their silence as agreement, or at least acceptance, Rarity smiled.

“Now, I shall leave you both to rest. Goodbye darlings. Do not worry about escorting me out, I know the way.”

With a friendly wave of farewell, Rarity made to leave. Shaking herself out of the stunned stupor Rarity had struck her with, Twilight cleared her throat.

“Thank you again Rarity. We'll see you tomorrow.”

“You'll thank me for it,” the fashionista assured them, turning and making her way towards the exit of the castle. Once they were alone, Twilight turned to Starlight.

“We should probably turn in. Are you sure you're okay? No headaches, dizziness?” Twilight asked, reaching up and gently touching a hoof to Starlight's forehead.

“Nope,” Starlight replied, gently pushing Twilight's hoof back down to earth. As she moved towards her room she added, “I'm fine. You don't need to worry.”

“I know,” Twilight sighed. “I just... don't want to see you hurt.” Falling in step with her student, she accompanied Starlight to the room she had picked out all those months ago. Starlight recalled the day well. She had been tired, alone scared and confused when Twilight had opened her home to her. Now those same feelings simmered within her once more. However, this time she was not alone. They were in this together, and that meant this went both ways. Sucking in a breath, and a good dose of courage, Starlight shot the same question back at Twilight.

“What about you? How are you doing?”

Suddenly flustered, the princess fumbled over her words. It should have been so easy to just pretend she was fine, but something about Starlight's eyes unnerved her. They were probing and all too knowing. After a pause that was all too long, she was finally able to gather enough composure to speak calmly. “What? Me? Oh yes. I'm perfectly fine thank you, just a little tired” she said, before trying a fake yawn which finished with a smile that was all to wide.

Watching the pitiful attempt at lying, Starlight just sighed. While her social skills were still lacking, Twilight had forgotten who the master manipulator between them was. When she was done with her teacher's fumbling, Starlight just fixed her with a deadpan stare. The effect was immediate, and Twilight fell silent.

Easing her expression, Starlight rested a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. The urge to press and twist until she knew everything wormed away at her. While she was certain that her old ways be used to worm her way into Twilight's head, she refrained. Honeyed words and false promises were not her ally here, patience was.

“Twilight...I'm sorry but that isn't going to work on me. You're talking to the master of that technique.”

Seeing the defeated slump of her friends shoulders, Starlight cringed. Had that really been the right thing to say? Cursing her lack of knowledge, she tried to think of something. Disgust rose within her when the only answers which presented themselves to her involved casting a spell or three. A small snort of laughter caused her to blink in surprise.

“Thank you for admitting one of your secrets,” Twilight eventually whispered. Starlight felt a nudge on her shoulder as Twilight bumped her. “I'll need to be more watchful of that in the future.”

“...I am really bad at this,” Starlight groaned, a loud smack sounding as her hoof connected with her face.

Twilight shook her head slowly, her mane being thrown around by the movement. “You're concerned about me, and I thank you for that. For now, please...focus on yourself. I don't want to put any more strain on you you are already under. Just like I told Rarity. I'll be fine... just... please don't pull any more hazardous stunts like that again?”

“Got it!” Starlight agreed, performing a salute with her hoof. One shared chuckle later and the pair were outside Starlight's room. The simple wooden door was a big giveaway in the otherwise crystal castle. Something about wood just felt a lot more familiar to her. Being a powerful mage with expertise in transfiguration had its perks.

“Well, this is my stop,” Starlight said, using magic to push open her door.

“Good night Starlight,” Twilight replied warmly, giving her friend one last nudge with her wing before making her way to her own room.

Two doors slowly thumped shut, and two purple ponies sagged against their cool surfaces. Both were well out of their depth and had no idea how to help the other. Listless, dragging steps carried them to their beds. After flopping onto the warm soft mattresses, they closed their eyes and hoped sleep would overcome them quickly.

Life had other plans, as Starlight discovered. Her bedclothes ruthlessly chafed against her as she tossed and turned for what felt like hours. Frustrated, the unicorn groped around with her magic until she found the windows. With more might than she intended, she threw them open. Chilled night air rushed into the room. Ignoring the shivers that racked her body, she instead rose from her bed and looked out upon the town down below.

It was so peaceful and quiet. Just like any other small town...just like her town had been. Every night she had opened her window and looked down upon the community she had created. Closing her eyes, she allowed Ponyville to be replaced by the uniform cottages and dusty street of her little village. Things certainly had changed since then, more than she could ever have imagined. Opening her eyes, Starlight found herself looking upwards, towards the stars. She had been named after their gentle light, so distant and unassuming. A rather fitting name in her opinion, recent events notwithstanding. Before all of this she had little ambition beyond living her quiet life to the fullest. Sunburst's departure had lit the spark that would cause the small glimmer of starlight to collapse into a dangerous black hole of...

She sighed and shook her head. That was not what was keeping her up this night. Instead her thoughts were split. Most prominent were her worries about just how she would handle the outcome of this venture. If it turned out that her foal was simply enjoying the Canterlot high life then she would have to simply try to be content. As difficult as this would be, it was her only option. Anything else would simply be unfair to the young filly. The other option was...something she was trying not to think about. Old feelings of anger were already struggling to take hold of her. Thanks to the selfish actions of entitled ponies her life had spiralled uncontrollably. Suppressing her hatred left her drained and tired, yet still she could not sleep.

Her thoughts then turned to Twilight. The alicorn had been an island in a storm since their second meeting. Despite this, their rocky start put a strain on their relationship. Factoring in her increasingly apparent lack of social skills and Starlight was sure she was not qualified to deal with whatever was ailing Twilight. Even so, she could not sit around and do nothing. Indecision was binding her in place. She could throw caution to the winds and potentially make things much worse, or she could do nothing and hope things would get better. Which they rarely did. Another option was to go to their friends about the problem, but she was held back from that as well. There was every chance she was simply misreading the situation and being paranoid...

Sighing heavily, Starlight allowed these thoughts to claw at her. She hoped that the cold night air would offer some clarity but as the night wore on to morning it became clear that her problems would persist. Giving the now pink sky one last glance, Starlight dragged herself over to her desk and pulled out a small hoof mirror.

Unlike Rarity, spending a long time in front of mirrors was something Starlight preferred to avoid. A quick dose of magic usually got her appearance up to scratch every morning. However, this particular morning required almost half an hour to remove the evidence of her sleepless night from her visage.

Stifling a loud yawn, Starlight exited her room and walked to the kitchen. Her mind still buzzed with her troubled thoughts, drowning out the call of her soft, warm bed. Grumbling, she forced her hooves to carry her away from her room and towards the kitchen. Coffee, as much as she despised the bitter liquid, would hopefully give her a much needed boost. Anything would be better than this haze of exhaustion smothering her.

In her muddled state, she barely noticed that she had drifted towards the wall. By the time her shoulder was dragging against the smooth crystal surface, she was too tired to care. Lost in her own thoughts, she was unprepared for the wall to suddenly vanish from beneath her shoulder. For a second she hung in the air at an impossible angle, before slumping sideways. A very irate, yet concerned, dragon cushioned her fall.

Startled into a semblance of wakefulness by his cry of surprise, Starlight shoved herself away from Spike. “Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't realise where I was going! I... you're not hurt are you?”

“Relax,” he soothed, waving her down, “I've got thick scales and I've had a lot worse than a unicorn fall on me...You, don't look so good though.”

“Huh? Oh. I'm fine, just had a little trouble sleeping is all,” Starlight said, trying to brush off his concern. She knew it was exactly the same sort of “I'm fine,” that Twilight had given her last night. Spike's face told her that he was not buying it one bit. For once, she found herself wilting under his piercing gaze. If she had been in a better state, the switch in roles would have amused her. Sighing heavily, she shook her head, “Okay maybe I'm less fine than I'm saying.”

“Thought so...You wanna talk about it?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. In truth all he had wanted was a glass of water before he partook in another two hours of sleep. The crack of dawn was Starlight and Twilight time. However, if a few hours less sleep would help his friend then he would gladly lose it. After all he could simply make it up later.

“I... think that might be a good idea,” Starlight muttered, taking note of just how badly she was shaking.

“Let's go somewhere more comfortable than this hallway,” he suggested, leading her away without waiting on an answer.

Merely a few minutes later, thanks to Spike's years of practice, Starlight was sitting on the comfortable sofa and had been supplied with a steaming mug of coffee. She would have drained the boiling concoction if doing so would have left her tongue intact afterwards. Instead she let the first sip suffuse her with warmth. The kick would come later, but the taste was enough to widen her eyes and clear her clouded mind.

“Thanks Spike,” she murmured, gently giving the dragon's head scales an affectionate rub.

Grinning, he flashed her a wink. “No problem. Twilight has a lot of sleepless nights herself. It's nothing I'm not used to.”

“I wonder how many of those I've been the cause of...” the unicorn grumbled darkly, her bitter tone making the coffee seem comparatively sweet.

Fighting the urge to sigh, Spike kept his voice level. “What do you mean?”

“Something's wrong Spike. With Twilight I mean... I don't know what it is or how I know... I just know! I did something stupid and I think that only made it worse because she got angry at me and then quiet but when I tried talking about it she brushed it off and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it because I still don't know the first thing about friendship!”

“You knew enough to tell me about it,” Spike corrected, deciding it was his time to butt in. When Starlight looked ready to protest he pressed a claw onto her muzzle, effectively silencing her. “ You really have to stop doubting yourself.”

When any back talk died in her throat, Starlight buried her face into the coffee mug. Rolling his eyes, Spike reached out and placed a claw on her shoulder. “We're all going through a lot right now...you most of all...I think Twilight's just trying not to worry you...” Here he gave her a reassuring hug, “Leave it to me. I'll get to the bottom of it.”

Starlight nodded, feeling a little more at ease. If anyone could help Twilight, it was Spike. His stalwart dedication and willingness to help was inspiring. Still holding her mug with magic, Starlight flopped against the sofa. This was where the whole episode had started, and there was a long way to go. Feeling her eyelids starting to droop, Starlight took a longer swig of coffee.

“Maybe you should try sleep for a bit,” Spike suggested, watching her struggle to stay alert.

“No can do...” Starlight replied, furiously rubbing her eyes. “Rarity is coming to take us all to a spa visit. She made it perfectly clear we do not have a choice in the matter.”

“Really?” Spike asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement. His energy was infectious, flowing into Starlight and giving her a much needed spark. Or perhaps that was just the coffee doing its job.

“Yeah... Though I don't know when she'll arrive.” Starlight shrugged, unable to prevent herself cracking a small smile at Spike's antics.

“Rarity is usually something of an early riser. Nothing like Applejack, but she does like to make the most out of each day,” Spike mused, bringing a claw up to his chin. “I'd say she'd be here in about 2 hours.”

“Not enough time to sleep then,” Starlight reasoned, thankfully now feeling a little more alert.

“Guess not,” Spike relented. He would have suggested that Starlight try to at least nap on the sofa but reasoned that would be a fruitless endeavor. Especially since she had over half a mug of coffee inside her.Plus she was probably still worrying about Twilight, and whatever else had kept her awake. He had hoped she would have the whole day to crash after the coffee kept her awake enough for him to help her. “Is there anything else you want to talk about?”

After barely a moment of deliberation, Starlight shook her head. Despite the number of doubts, fears and insecurities bubbling within her, she had given Spike more than enough to worry about. Slow hoof steps caused her ears to pin back in alarm. Knowing that there was only one other pony who would be in the castle at this time of day, Starlight winced. If Twilight found them she'd only worry more, the last thing Starlight wanted. Keeping a clear head while his friend panicked, Spike spoke out,

“Don't worry. I'll talk with Twilight. Do you think you can whip us up breakfast in the meantime? This might take a while and we'll all need food.”

“Huh? Oh...yeah right. Good idea,” Starlight said hurriedly, vanishing in a flash of magic. Rolling his eyes, Spike turned to the second emotionally charged pony he was going to deal with. Maybe he really should start up a business. Though, ponies like Twilight and Starlight were generally few and far between. Having two under the same roof was certainly...interesting. Interesting in the same way watching an active volcano erupt was interesting.

“Was Starlight just in here?” Twilight asked. “I... thought I heard talking.”

Seeing his caretaker so frantic, Spike felt his heart twist. Evidently he was the only one in the castle who had gotten any sleep. Glad that he was going to nip this problem in the bud now, he patted the cushion next to him. It was a simple gesture, beckoning Twilight to sit. The alicorn found herself almost compelled to follow the silent command. When she was comfortable, Spike offered her the half cup of coffee that Starlight had left behind. She took the mug and sipped it, allowing the bitter taste to purge the fog from her body.

“She's worried about you,” Spike said gently, letting the words sink in before continuing. “And so am I...”

Twilight sighed and stared into her mug. Last night had been a lie, she was not fine. Her lack of sleep attested to that. All of the times she had pleaded with Starlight to be more open now felt hollow. How could she ask her student to open up when she was not leading by example? Opening her mouth, Twilight tried to speak but no sound would emerge. Closing her mouth again, she squeezed her eyes shut. Why was it so hard to admit that she needed help. Her breakdown in the library was clear evidence that she needed help, yet she could not ask for it. A warm scaled hand gently touched her shoulder.

“I'm here...we all are...” Spike whispered, slowly rubbing Twilight's shoulder. Seeing her so distressed hurt him, but he had to stay strong and firm. “You can tell me anything... you know that...”

“I know...I... I... just... I don't know how to say it... ” Twilight murmured, before suddenly breaking down into sobs and letting the words just spill out. “I, had an... episode in the library, yesterday. I just... felt so...guilty...guilty about what happened. It... It happened in my home city... I was probably studying at the time... or having tea with the princess... how could I just...”

Spike just let her talk, listening as she ranted nonsensically about how she could have, should have done something. Several times her sobs overwhelmed her, but just Twilight had done for Starlight, he let her finish at her own pace. Only when she had finally talked herself dry did Spike give his own perspective.

“And I was eating gems or making messes... Twilight... nothing that happened back then was your fault... You had no idea what was going on. The only ponies who are at fault are the ponies who thought it was a good idea to...do that. No one can protect everypony from everything... not you... not Princess Celestia... not anyone. We can only do the best with what we know, and you helping Starlight right now is doing the best with what you know. Blaming yourself doesn't help anypony...”

“I know... I know... I just... can't get it out of my head.” Twilight whimpered, bringing a hoof to her temple. “I was hoping to be able to keep it from everyone until this had been dealt with but...”

“Yeah you are not very good at that. Even if no one knew quite what was wrong, we all knew something was...”

“I know... but... I couldn't let Starlight know what was going on. She'd blame herself...and I don't want her doing anything even more reckless...”

“Twilight, I know you want this to go as smoothly as possible, but do you really think she wants that at your expense? You're her friend...her best friend actually. She cares about you. Keeping her in the dark is not going to help her. You both just need to be honest with each other. I'm sure she'd want to be there to help you. It would help her too...It helps me when I'm in her position...”

Twilight let out a breath she scarecly realised she had been holding. As the rush of air escaped her lungs she felt a weight lift from her. The guilt was still there, but once again Spike was reminding her that she was not alone. She was not alone, and all she had to be was her best...not perfect, just her best. Wrapping a hoof around the dragon she pulled him into a tight hug. There were definitely some gems in store for his breakfast this morning.

“Thanks Spike... I needed that.”

“No problem,” he said, glad to see the smile brightening up Twilight's face. “Now we better go rescue the kitchen from Starlight. I told her to go make breakfast...”

This statement caused a chuckle to escape Twilight. Hopping from the couch, she placed Spike onto her back and started to trot towards the kitchen. Unless Starlight had transfigured a spoon into their breakfast, she was pretty sure a mess was awaiting them.

As she had expected, the kitchen was a mess of flour, oats and honey. Starlight herself was coated in a protective barrier which prevented any of the mess from sticking to her coat. For a unicorn who could give an alicorn a run for her magical money, the kitchen was her one weakness. When she saw them come in, Starlight quickly cleaned her mess with a lazy brandishing of her magic.

“Having trouble?” Spike asked, chuckling as he took his place on the counter and quickly got to work with whatever she had left out.

“A little,” she said sheepishly, bringing her hoof to the back of her neck.

“I think maybe Spike should take it over from here,” Twilight laughed. Starlight nodded slowly, unsure just what she was supposed to say. She had went to Spike behind Twilight's back and she had no idea what Spike had told her. Maybe she was just being parano-

Her mind blanked when Twilight enveloped her in a soft hug. Relieved, Starlight wrapped her hooves around her teacher's neck. Neither of them spoke, content to simply share the moment buried in the other's fur. Twilight still felt the ache in her chest as she felt Starlight trembling against her while the exhausted look in Twilight's eyes twisted Starlight's stomach.

“We're a bit of a mess aren't we?” Starlight mumbled into Twilight's mane.

“A little...I'm sorry I made you worry...” Twilight whispered, similarly muffled by Starlight's mane. It smelled suspiciously of honey. “We'll get through this... together.”


Breakfast was uneventful after that, though Spike did insist on giving Starlight cooking lessons at a later date. The baked honey oatcakes he had made were delicious, as both Twilight and Starlight kept repeating. Keeping to her silent promise, Twilight allowed Spike to dig into his gem stash, just this once.

Not long after, Rarity made good on her promise to treat them all to a spa date. Everyone else had turned out to be busy, having lost a whole day helping Starlight yesterday. Not that she was ever going to bring that up in the unicorn's company. Twilight had to admit she was looking forward to it. The last time she had been to the spa her friends had been kicking her out of the castle for a day so they could decorate it. It was always a welcome experience. Aloe and Lotus certainly knew how to look after a pony.

Rarity insisted on a long relaxing session, knowing that the two stressed magic users needed all the relaxation they could get. Aloe and Lotus were only too happy to oblige their number one customer and led them to a more private part of the spa. None of her friends protests would sway her from providing the very best for them. Though, for all of Rarity's planning, she was unprepared for one outcome.

Half way through the most relaxing massage Starlight had ever felt, the inevitable happened. Her breathing slowed to a steady crawl and her thoughts stilled. Tender hooves slowly working out the tension in her muscles, coupled with the slow rhythm of her heartbeat, lulled her to sleep. Twilight lasted a little longer but soon both ponies were out cold, no longer kept awake by their worry. Lotus and Aloe had been prepared for this. From the state of the two when they had arrived it was a wonder they had lasted this long. This had not been the first time ponies had fallen asleep in their care and it most certainly would not be the last. Privacy curtains were brought in and drawn around the pair, allowing them to sleep the day away in peace.

In an effort to allow the pair their rest, Spike intercepted the mail mare before she could reach Twilight. While usually the sentiment that mail must be delivered directly to the recipient no matter where they were was commendable, occasionally the mare could be a little overzealous. After ripping open the envelope, Spike sighed. In an effort to impress their newest, or second newest, princess, Canterlot Records had been prompt and accommodating. They had an appointment later today which they could fit Twilight into. Thankfully they still had several hours and Spike was going to make absolutely sure that Twilight was only disturbed at the latest possible moment.

Author's Note:

This one was a rollercoaster to write. I thought about extending Twilight's silence but I then decided against it. It isn't a Twilight thing to do and her friends know when something is up. Spike's talk wasn't a fix but I feel it was something that would happen and didn't want to force it not to. I tend to let my stories write themselves. Life isn't a logical progression from A-B sometimes it starts at C, goes to G then jumps back to A.

Hope you all enjoyed. Next chapter will arrive as soon as possible. For anyone who hasn't already guessed, the identity of the foal and father will be revealed next time. Have a nice day!