• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 2,421 Views, 58 Comments

Rainwater Martini - Loyal

Berry Punch falls for the new bartender in town, who turns out to be a really old friend...

  • ...

Through a Haze

"Jeez, Berry, had enough?" The voice echoed mysteriously through her ears and she turned a bleary gaze towards the speaker. Blinking unevenly, she took another swig of her beer and smiled crookedly.

"Only if you've had enough of your FACE." She slurred, laughing as she wobbled in her chair. Downing her beer, she was just about to order another when two pairs of legs looped under hers, lifting her off the stool like she weighed nothing. Hooves scrabbling on the floor, she managed to kick over an empty stool and scoot a chair aside.

"Come on, Berry Punch. Time to go home." It was her friend, Carrot Top, who usually insisted on coming with Berry to the bar whenever she caught wind of her going out. Smiling, Berry draped her arm over Carrot Top's back, leaning heavily on her as the other pony dropped them at the front door.

"Make sure she eats something after she pukes. I swear, she had like, twelve beers and three shots." He said, shaking his head as the music and chatter died away behind them. Swaggering to and fro, Berry Punch and Carrot Top made it back to Berry's house, fumbling about at the front door before finally swinging inside.

"Gonna... HRK." Carrot Top pushed her face into the kitchen sink just as she heaved the first time, left her there while she fetched water. It was at that moment Berry Punch realized something...

I have a problem... That thought perpetuated all through the stomach-emptying ordeal, into the next morning. Nursing a cup of tea and a vicious headache, she sat on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and generally feeling sorry for herself. A gentle knock at the door made her lift her head slowly.

"It's unlocked..." Carrot Top peeked her head in, saw her friend, and smiled.

"Hey there... Just thought I'd check on you." She said softly, closing the door behind her. "Feeling okay?"

"Ugh, no... I swear, if I ever drink again, it won't be for another year..."

"If I had a bit for every time I heard that..." Carrot Top sighed.


"Nothing. Here, let me refill your tea. You need something to eat, too. I'll make you breakfast before I go to market today." That's right, it was Saturday... Carrot Top usually went to market in the mornings, which kept her busy throughout the night. It was Saturday nights Berry usually was able to drink alone. Somehow, though, the thought didn't seem that appealing to her.

"I don't think... I'm going to the bar tonight." She muttered softly, pulling the blanket around her chill shoulders.

"Really? That's a surprise." Carrot Top vanished into the kitchen, taking the empty cup of tea with her.

Was it really? Jeez... How in the hoof did I get so low? She shivered and sneezed, feeling a cold coming on. Carrot Top returned with a fresh cup of steaming tea, noticing Berry Punch's haggard expression.

"Oofdah, girlie... You need some hair of the dog that bit ya."

"No, please... No more this morning."

"Trust me, it takes the edge off. I'll make ya a Bloody Mare. You won't even taste it." She patted Berry Punch's flank through the blanket with a soft smile.

"Th-thanks, Carrot Top..." She muttered softly, sipping the scalding hot tea carefully. The smell of sizzling eggs and hashbrowns made her move to the table in the kitchen, and she drank the tea and alcohol in equal measure. Feeling marginally better, she and Carrot Top chatted about nonsensical things, how well her garden was doing, if she and Big Mac had gone on another date recently. Carrot Top turned the conversation around with a simple question delivered with a smile over her shoulder.

"What about you? Hearts and Hooves day is around the corner. Got somepony special in mind?" It should have been a simple answer. Berry Punch had always answered questions like them with an off-hoofed 'Nah' or 'Not this year' but what was keeping her from getting someone?

"I-I really don't..." She said, setting her tea cup down. The realization that she had never even thought of anypony else in such a way struck her suddenly. Sure, back in school, she had a crush, but he ended up going off to Trottingham for college, and she had discovered the drink later on that year... Since that time, she had been dominated by alcohol. Not that she minded, she had tons of great memories. Like that one time she had... She had...

"Berry?" Carrot Top asked. "You're crying..." Lifting a hoof to brush at her face, Berry Punch saw it was true. Her hoof glistened with moisture, and she felt her chest shake with the effort of holding back. Unable to handle it anymore, she broke down, collapsing onto the table with a cry of despair.

"I'm hopeless!" She wailed, blubbering helplessly. Carrot Top rubbed her friend's back, trying to comfort her.

"There, there... You just haven't met anyone special is all. Come on, pull yourself together, girl." She nuzzled Berry's neck gently, staying with her until she managed to bring the tears down to a sniffling, quivering sob.

"S-seriously... Who would want to date me anyways?" She whimpered, waving a hoof over her body. "Look at me... Unassuming, plain old Berry Punch..." She sniffed the air tentatively. "And I smell like a bar."

"Probably because you spend all your time in one. Come on, go get yourself a shower, I'll have breakfast ready for you by the time you're done." She slipped off with a prodding push from Carrot Top, urging her down the hall. She slipped into the bathroom and cranked the water on hot, losing herself in the steam and her thoughts. She didn't cry again, but the clenching feeling of lonliness grasped her heart and wouldn't let go very easily. Still, the hot water and soft soap left her feeling a lot better for the hangover, and when she toweled off, her body felt refreshed and renewed, if still a little slow. When she returned to the kitchen, however, all that was left was a hastily scrawled note and breakfast.

'Had to go to market, will be back to check on you tomorrow. Behave!' the last word was written bigger and bolder than the others, and she smiled at that. At least she had Carrot Top, who was always a good friend to her... She ate her breakfast and curled up on the couch with another cup of tea, thinking long and hard about who she was going to ask to Hearts and Hooves day...


"Nothing! I swear, no one comes to mind! Not a single one!" She slapped the table with a hoof, making the plates clatter slightly. In the din of music and chatter, it went seldom noticed by anypony aside from her and Carrot Top.

"Really? You have got to be kidding. What about that one pony, eer... What was his name..." Carrot Top gestured with a hoof, trying to conjure up a memory. "You know, his mark is an hourglass?"

"Naaw, he ain't my type." Berry Punch grunted and threw back another swig of beer. She was drinking carefully today, making sure to take it easy. Carrot Top had to be helping, she saw her whisper to the waiter more than once.

"Well, there has to be SOMEpony in town who will go out with you." She said, looking out over the gathered bodies in the bar. "What about him?" She pointed to a stocky colt sitting alone at the bar, nursing a whiskey.

"Too ugly."


"Too fat."

"That one?"

"Eew! Just... EEW! No!" They laughed and ate the greasy bar food for a little before setting on some other topic of conversation. Stomachs full and drinks in hand, they took two seats at the bar, chatting loudly about an embarrassing moment Carrot Top had had at the market last week.

"And just when I went to pick it up, we-"

"Excuse me, ladies." Carrot top was interrupted, both her and Berry Punch looking up. "Can I get you anything to drink?" The pale yellow mare was actually quite beautiful... She had a long, well-kept mane of aqua blue, and her mark was that of three raindrops.

"Wh... Where's Lush?" Berry asked, inquiring about the usual bartender.

"He got sacked. Turns out he was taking money from the register or something like that. I dunno. I just started. Name's Raindrops. You name it, I can mix it!" She smiled and laid a hoof on the bar, leaning in close. "Seriously, ask me anything." She ruffled her wings. A pegasus. Smiling, Berry Punch decided she had better test the new bartender.

"Make me a Manehattan." Raindrops just smiled and slipped off, busying herself.

"Berry, I don't think you should-"

"Just one drink. I wanna see if the new blood can handle herself." Berry said.

"You've had three beers already. You know what they say... 'Liquor before beer, you're in the clear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker.' Just take it easy, okay?" Carrot Top finished her second beer, casting a worried glance at Berry Punch.

"I'll be fine. This'll be my last drink tonight. Though I might settle for one more beer after this one." Just as soon as she turned to look at the new bartender, a martini made it's way to the bar before her. She blinked down at it.

"Manehattan. This one's on the house." She curled her lips into a devilish smile, winking just as Berry took the first tentative sip. No way she could have banged one of these out so fast. She swirled the drink around her tongue before swallowing with a look of disbelief on her face.

"No way. This is probably the best Manehattan I've ever had. Like, ever... how in the hoof did you make one so quickly?" Raindrop just gave her a sly wink.

"A gentlecolt never asks, and a mare never tells. Come on, let's get another." She clapped a hoof onto the bar, leaning in as Carrot Top ordered a drink.

"Got it! Fuzzy Flank, comin' right up!" She trotted off and started building the drink, pouring two or even three liquids in at the same time. Berry took another sip as she watched her work. admiring both talent and grace in equal measure. "On the house as well. Name's Raindrops, don't forget!" She left the drink in front of Carrot Top and went off to take another order, plopping four beers onto the bar for a group of farmers coming in after a long day out.

"Look at you." Carrot Top said, nudging Berry Punch suggestively.

"What?" She asked, tearing her eyes away from Rain Drop as she worked.

"I never figured you for the type to go after other mares."

"WHAT?!" She glanced around furtively, leaning in close to Carrot Top. "Where did you get THAT idea?" She whispered fearfully.

"You fancy her." Carrot Top gestured with her drink, which was obviously tasty, if she could drink half of it that fast. Or had she really been looking at the bartender for that long? "I've never seen you stare so intensely at somepony for so long." Biting her lip, Berry Punch glanced back at Raindrops before leaning in closer.

"Is it obvious?" She asked softly, almost afraid of the answer.

"Well, to anypony else, no. But I've known you since we went to school together. To me, it's plain as day. Come on, now. Do you really fancy her?" She asked. Berry gnawed on her lip before hanging her head with a slightly ashamed nod. She was never one to think somepony could take themselves by surprise. Obviously, she was wrong.

"Yeah, kinda... Actually..." She admitted. "I dunno, something about her... Just... I dunno." She sipped at her drink, afraid to look back at Raindrops, who was busy swapping out an empty keg with a full one. "I need another drink." She muttered.

"Not here, you don't. Look at you, flustered over being called out. Come on, let's take a handle home tonight. Lucky for you I don't have anything going on tomorrow, so I can stay over. That's alright, isn't it?" Berry nodded and finished her martini before slipping off the stool.

"Yeah, come on... Let's just... Let's go." She slapped down twenty bits, more than enough to pay for the drinks, food, and an exremely hearty tip.

"Hey, isn't this too-"

"Come on!" Berry Punch grabbed Carrot Top's foreleg and dragged her out of the bar, walking fast with her head down.

"Jeez, calm down..." Carrot Top pulled her arm away and trotting to catch up. "Not like it's that big a deal or anything... Hey, slow down! Liquor store isn't even close closing yet!

"I REALLY need a drink." She was blushing furiously as they swept into the liquor store. The sanitary linolieum tiles gleamed as she grabbed a bottle of vodka and set it on the counter.

"Four bits." She pushed them across the counter and took the bottle, walking as quick as she dared.

"No mixer?" Carrot Top asked.

"I've got it at home." She was suddenly feeling very rushed, for some reason Berry Punch couldn't describe. She left the store and trotted home, Carrot Top keeping pace with a worried look. They pushed through the front door, Berry Punch shutting it behind Carrot Top firmly.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked, looking at Berry Punch with a concerned draw to her brow.

"I'minlovewithanothermare." Berry Punch sputtered quickly, breathing heavy from the exertion and embarrassment.


"I'm... I'm in love with another mare!" She said hurriedly, flushing even brighter. Carrot Top blinked.

"And?" Berry Punch looked up, her mouth wide open.

"Wh... Wha- how... How are you taking this so well?!" She put her hooves on Carrot Top's shoulders, shaking her friend. "I just confessed to you I'm a lesbian! Or at least bi, hell, I don't know! How are you okay with this?!"

"Who isn't?" Carrot Top shrugged the hooves off her shoulders and grabbed the vodka. "I mean... Lots of ponies these days are. Can't blame them, either..." She twisted the cap off and took a small swig, grimacing. "Where's that mixer..." She padded off into the kitchen, leaving a dumbfounded Berry Punch on the threshold. They both settled in at the kitchen table, a heavy mix of vodka and orange juice before them.

"I mean, is it really okay?" She kind of felt bad for not really knowing the sexual norm of Ponyville citizens these days... Damn it to the hoof, she was around it enough. Too bad all her memories of seeing other couples, straight or not, were so damn fuzzy and hard-to-grasp.

"Of course it is. I mean, so am I." Carrot Top was talking about this whole thing like it wasn't a big deal! What the hay!

"How can you be so calm?" Berry Punch asked.

"It really isn't that big of a deal, hon. You're blowing this way out of propotion." Grimacing, Berry Punch stared at her drink, swirling the contents around her glass with a frown. "I'm more surprised you weren't up until now." Carrot Top just got a glare in return. "What? Honestly, I thought you were into other mares from the start. Why else did you think I've been friends with you for so long?"

"Well what about you and your dates with Big Mac?" She asked.

"Pfft. No more of a date than just taking a walk. Big guy's so big and shy, doesn't say a word aside from 'eeyup' or 'nope' all night. I gave up on him a while ago. We're more friends than anything, now." Carrot Top flushed a little more, either from the drink or memory, Berry Punch couldn't tell. "I dunno how to put it... Some mares just know better how to please you than a colt. This one time with-"

"DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" Berry Punch wheeled away and started pacing in the kitchen, shaking her head as Carrot Top burst out laughing. Well, she sort of did, but not from her one friend. Even now, thinking of Carrot Top as anything else seemed wrong. But somehow, the entrancing Raindrops didn't... Frowning slightly, Berry punch swiped her drink off the table and downed it, crunching an ice cube before refilling.

"Don't tell me you've never-"

"Not with anypony." She said, almost tossing the vodka back in the freezer.


"Not yet." She plopped back down in the seat tiredly. Carrot Top sobered slightly with a few more chuckles.

"That's a surprise. I honestly thought you'd done it with your friend from High School... What was her name again?" Berry Punch remembered a vague pony from her High School days, a good friend who had been there through thick and thin. But that was years ago... She strained to remember a face, a name, anything... She was starting to get frustrated. The only ponies she seemed to recall from the recent years were Carrot Top, the bartender Lush, and a few select drinking buddies. Of them all, Carrot Top was the most prominent, having been the pony to carry her home and take care of her.

"Hell, I don't remember..."

"Aah, no big deal. Come on, another drink." Carrot Top was obviously feeling it, her speech getting slightly more and more slurred as the night went on. The two of them burned it down, sharing the bottle, and she was almost certain a few kisses. Apparently Carrot Top learning she was eligible and interested in other mares was an open invitation. She couldn't say she hated them, just that the next morning, she didn't remember any of them. She woke the next morning feeling warm and fuzzy, her head only slightly foggy. When she rolled over, however, it all changed. Carrot Top shared her bed, breathing heavy and even. When she felt Berry waking up, though, she came out of it, smiling at her.

"Mornin'." She said offhandedly, smiling at Berry Punch.

"G-good... We didn't, did we?" Berry Punch had to ask. Carrot Top blinked, then furrowed her brow trying to remember. She always had a better memory than Berry did.

"No... I mean, I think we kissed a few times, but by the time you passed out, I didn't want to go downstairs to the couch. Just kinda curled up here." Noting the visible sigh of relief from Berry Punch, Carrot Top just grinned and kissed her friend's cheek. "Woulda been nice, though." Laughing at the glare, she slipped out. "I'm gonna go home for a shower. Want me to come back over?" She asked, shaking her mane out. Berry Punch shrugged as she rolled out of bed.

"If you want, I guess... I'm just gonna stay home today."

"I should probably catch up around the house and take care of the garden... I'll see you Friday?"

"Yeah, see you."


"What?" Berry Punch looked up right as Carrot Top stepped forward, pressing her lips firmly to Berry Punch's.

"Mff!" Carrot Top stepped into it more, sealing their lips together. In the early-morning fog and conflicted emotions about mares in general, Berry Punch could do little else than stand there, her knees steadily growing weak. Carrot Top's scent filled her nostrils, which were flared anyways. She inhaled deeply, her eyes slowly fluttering closed. The soft feel of the pair of lips against hers made her shiver slightly, afraid of what this meant, afraid for it to end... Quick as it had begun, it was over, Carrot Top just smilling at her huffy expression.

"Now imagine that was Raindrop-"

"OH GET OUT!" Berry Punch cried, exasperated as she tossed a pillow at her fleeing friend. Once the door shut downstairs, she flopped onto her bed, groaning inwardly. Left alone to her thoughts, she rolled over into the blankets and lay there for a long time. How much am I smitten with her? Should I go talk to her? What should I do? These questions and more plagued her mind that day, throughout the shower, making breakfast, cleaning up... Before she knew it, it was almost eleven at night. She had been obsessively scrubbing the kitchen sink clean. Tsking, she tossed the sponge aside and rinsed out the suds before going to bed. Friday, she decided, she would go back... The thought made her both happy and fearful at the same time...


"Ask her already! How hard can it be?!" Carrot Top nudged Berry Punch with her shoulder, urging her on.

"I can't! I swear, one drink isn't enough to get me THAT loose." Blushing slightly, Lily ducked her head down as Raindrops swept past, delivering a drink to another patron. The bar was unnaturally busy that night, they had been lucky to swipe two seats as another couple left.

"So get another drink! Means you still have to ask her." By Celestia, Carrot Top knew how to grin like a demon when she had to. Berry Punch glared at her, but that look quickly shifted into fear as she called out to Raindrops.

"Bathroom!" She gasped, slipping off her stool with an embarrassed flush. She heard Carrot Top order two drinks for them, groaning softly as she pushed into the mare's room. She returned to a couple of drinks, Carrot Top already a ways through her own. Picking hers up as she slipped back onto the stool, something caught her eye, though... It was a note scrawled on the napkin.

Off at 2. Nightcap? Your place. She looked over at Carrot Top, who was hurriedly swigging her drink down.

"Don't tell me..."

"I gotta go, need to get ready for Market tomorrow."

"Don't do this to me..."

"Lots of stuff to prepare."

"I'm not ready."

"Haven't even pulled the radishes yet... Sheesh." Carrot top clinked down her share of the tab and slipped off. "Oh. And good luck!"

"You bitch." Berry Punch turned back to her drink with an even deeper blush, feeling a gaze on the back of her neck. She looked up at Raindrops, smiling softly down at her.

"Well?" Berry Punch couldn't bring herself to say anything. Raindrops, instead, took the empty glass leftover from Carrot Top and shot Berry Punch a sly wink as she slipped away. Her cheeks had to be glowing red-hot from the heat she was radiating, the flush almost burning her muscles. She turned the napkin around and around, reading the note over and again. To her fortune, there was a pen laying nearby, almost certainly left over from the note written before her. She hastily scrawled her reply on the back side of the napkin and left it with the payment at the bar.

122 Hoofington LN


She spent the remainder of the two hours left pacing worriedly, taking a shot of rum to ease the edge on her nerves. Feeling a lot more warm and only slightly less nervous, she answered the knock at the door shortly after 2.

"Heya, Raindrops." She said, welcoming the Pegasus into her house. She carried a six-pack of wine coolers, smiling as she set them down.

"Berry Punch, right? I bet you don't remember me."

"You mean from the bar? I just saw you, like, three hours ago..."

"No, silly filly! Here, I bet this helps." Raising a hoof, she scooped her hair back into a high ponytail, and the image suddenly struck in her mind.

"Oh my... From High School!" realization suddenly flooded Berry Punch's memories, Raindrops' face sticking in with that void of a friend she couldn't remember. The two embraced, laughing at the happenstance.

"Carrot Top actually reminded me. I gotta say, when I saw you two last week, I couldn't even remember." Raindrops smiled and offered her a wine cooler, popping the top and taking a swig. "Hell, with all I drank through college, I'm not surprised." Chuckling, she and Berry Punch sat on the couch, and proceeded to catch up. Raindrops told Berry Punch stories from her college days, recounting wild frat parties and lost loves, while Berry Punch listened intently. So many lost memories of hers were flooding back, from childish pranks to drama and everything inbetween.

"Did you ever make it with what's-his-face?" Berry Punch asked, finishing her second wine cooler, feeling pretty well toasted by now.

"Who? Filthy Rich? Naah... He kind of turned out to be a snob in the end. What about you? You were head-over-hooves for Hoity Toity way back when. He ended up moving to Canterlot, too..." Berry Punched waved a hoof drunkenly.

"After he took off, I kinda forgot about him. Was it really Hoity Toity? Wow, I'm way out of it..." She sighed and accepted the third and final wine cooler, clinking her bottle with Raindrops' before drinking nice and long.

"So, what about now? I mean, Hearts and Hooves day is next week. I was gonna ask if you had somepony..." Now it was Raindrops' turn to blush. Berry Punch returned with a soft blush of her own.

"I haven't had anypony for a long, long time..." She muttered, suddenly feeling a little downtrodden.

"Tell me about it... Ever since I moved back to Ponyville, I haven't found anypony worth it." She was so thankful the topic of conversation had changed... Still, her words echoed in Berry Punch's ears... Blushing slightly, she couldn't help but ask the question that had been plaguing her mind for the past few torturous hours.

"Would you... I mean... D'you... Wanna spend Hearts and Hooves day with me?" Silence reigned. Raindrops swirled her drink around her bottle slowly. Berry Punch couldn't bring herself to look at her guest.

"One condition." Raindrops said, finishing her third wine cooler. She set the bottle with the others on the floor as Berry Punch looked up. "I leave here with a kiss." Those words made her heart jump. It hammered against her ribcage now, her breathing suddenly a lot more shallow than it should have been. If she was drunk, it didn't feel like it anymore. Everything seemed to snap into sudden, sharp contrast as she fought with the words to say. Then it became clear as day. What she had to do. Slowly, she leaned across the couch, eyes closed. Apparently, Raindrops was much of the same mind.

Their lips met smoothly, not rough like when Carrot Top had kissed her the other day... It was a gentle, sweet touch... The kind that warmed Berry Punch more thoroughly than a hot shower. She whimpered into the lips pressed against hers, one hoof rising to cup her cheek softly. She felt the pegasus wings wrap around her, drawing her into a sweet embrace. The soft scent of alcohol and rain water filled her nose, made her inhale more deeply. She felt herself lose track of time and space as Raindrops' tongue brushed her lips, almost as if asking entrance... Who was she to deny it? Her mouth opened, their tongues met, and she melted into the embrace. Just as soon as she felt herself growing more and more heated, it ended. Blinking, she looked across at Raindrops, who had a sly smile and a soft blush on her cheeks.

"Save it for later, lovergirl." She teased, kissing Berry Punch's neck softly before slipping away. The burning feel of that kiss stayed with her as Raindrops opened the door. "I'll see you next week, then. Ta." And she was gone... A chill breeze blew in the front door, and Berry Punch suddenly felt so cold... Getting up, she shut the door, the memory of the warm kiss still fresh in her mind. Deciding she had had enough, she skipped the remainder of the last wine cooler and went to bed.


"So? How did it go?" Carrot Top whispered softly, leaning close to Berry Punch. She flushed and turned her head away.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Your cheeks say other wise. Look at you, blushing like a bride! Ooh, details, deatils, girl! Tell me about it!" The bar was slow that night, next to nopony there that late. It was a Sunday, the end of the week. Though for Carrot Top and Berry, who made their living during Market on Saturdays, it might as well have been the weekend. Berry Punch sipped her Bloody Mare and grimaced.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it." She repeated softly.

"Oh come ON... Don't tell me you struck out?"

"No, not that..."

"So did it..." Carrot Top gasped as if realizing something, leaning close as a few glances were shot their way. "Don't tell me you popped your cherry!"

"NO!" Berry Punch felt her cheeks heat even more as she whirled on her friend, drawing curious looks. She ducked her head down and glared at Carrot Top, who was struggling to keep from laughing. "Look, we... We just kissed, alright?"

"So you struck out."

"No..." Berry Punch sighed. "I got her to agree to spend Hearts and Hooves day with me."

"So why do you look so sad?"

"I... I don't know if I should feel this strongly for her just yet." She dropped her voice as the mare in question walked up with a smile.

"Hey Carrot Top, Berry. Can I getchya anything?" She winked at Carrot Top slyly, who took a few long, awkward moments to look between the two of them.

"Pictures, for one." She said with a sly smile.


"I'm down." Raindrops hopped over the bar and draped a hoof over Berry's shoulder, cutting her off. Berry could only blush brighter as she stammered, trying to wriggle out from underneath the leg across her back. Raindrops just pulled her lips around into another hot, passionate kiss, just as Carrot Top snapped a picture.

"Hmm. Just as good as last night." Raindrops teased, smiling deviously as Carrot Top fought to keep from falling off her stool with laughter.

"Shut up, you." Berry swiped a hoof at Carrot Top's shoulder, leaning in to Raindrops gently. "Did you think of what you wanted to do for Hearts and Hooves day?" She asked quietly.

"Nothing special... If you don't mind."

"No, that's fine.... So, what, just hang out?"

"Sure. We'll drink, catch up some more... Kiss." Another sly smile that made Berry Punch shiver, and she shot a glare at Carrot Top, who was looking at both of them suggestively.

"S-sounds good..." Berry Punch whimpered, sneaking a quick kiss before Raindrops went off to refill beers.

"Soooooooo..." Carrot Top leaned in close to a flushing Berry Punch.

"Shut up..."

"Last night, eh?"

"I said shut up."

"Come on, tell me about it!"

"I told you, we just kissed... I guess I owe you, though." She whimpered, hanging her head. "I'd never have remembered her if you hadn't..."

"Damn straight you owe me." She teased, finishing Berry's drink quickly. "Spicy. Anywho, what are you two doing, then?"

"Nothing, really..." Berry wasn't even sad to see her drink go. She wanted to remember today, embarrassing moments aside. "Just going to hang out and catch up... It's been so long, and we didn't get much of a chance last night. She took off right after that kiss." The memory made her sigh, leaning her cheek on her hoof as she put a leg on the bar. Carrot Top mimiced her from the other side, grinning stupidly.

"You think you're gonna get laid?" What normally would have made Berry Punch sock her friend and blush furiously just made her shoot a playful glare at her.

"Perhaps... I doubt it. We hardly re-connected... Not to mention I've never done it with anypony else." She sighed and smiled at her newfound girlfriend, working hard at the other end of the bar. "Though it wouldn't be the worse thing ever..."


The big day arrived shortly after the beginning of next week. Grapes, Berry Punch's main stock, weren't in season just yet. She made her money selling them late-spring, early-summer, and spent the rest of her time drinking. Carrot Top, however, was busy that Saturday. Thankfully. She couldn't bother Berry Punch on the day she'd been looking forward to so much. She followed the directions to the address given to her, a house just on the other side of the bar from where she lived. When she knocked on the front door, it opened almost immediately, Raindrops looking just as stunning as ever. She welcomed Berry Punch inside, taking the handle of vodka and a bottle of soda from her.

"Glad you found this place. I was starting to worry."

"Fashionably late, as always." Berry Punch smiled and leaned in for a soft kiss, which Raindrops gladly gave her. They started drinking right away, sitting side-by-side on Raindrops' couch, talking a laughing as they slowly warmed up and the sun began to fall.

"Whoo... Feeling it tonight. I can't keep up with you, Berry." Raindrops muttered, swirling her drink around slowly. It was only her fourth.

"What, think you've had enough?" Berry asked, finishing off her fifth glass of soda and vodka mixed.

"Probably..." Berry Punch smiled and took the glass from her, tossing it back like a pro.

"Then quit, ya sissy." She teased, feeling warm and loose, just a bit tipsy. Lauging, Raindrops kissed her deeply, wrapping a hoof around her gently. Berry Punch leaned into the kiss heavily, groaning as she returned the embrace.

"Berry." Raindrops whimpered inbetween kisses. "I don't..." They broke apart slowly, Berry fearing the worst from just those two words. She heard anything from 'Don't want to go farther' to 'Don't love you' and everywhere inbetween. Instead, Raindrops caught her by surprise. "I don't want to be alone tonight... Please, could you sleep over?" She almost sighed in relief. Nodding, she nuzzled into Raindrops' mane, inhaling the clear scent deeply.

"You only had to ask." She said softly, pressing close. Raindrops gently stood up, both of them stumbling a little as they made their way back to the bedroom. Before she knew it, Berry Punch and Raindrops were beneath the covers, kissing heatedly... A hoof on her chest, though, stopped her.

"Please..." Raindrops whimpered. "N-not... Not when we're drunk? I... I wanna remember my first time." Berry sighed and started to leave, to go to the couch, but Raindrops pulled her tight. "I didn't mean leave, silly... Just... Lay with me? Please?" That soft, whimpering tone of hers made Berry Punch's eyes close, her body relax against the warm embrace.

"I love you, Raindrops..." She whispered softly, closing her eyes and resting her back into Raindrops' hold... The words that whispered into her ear carried her off into the night.

"I love you too, Berry Punch..."

---------- Notes from the Author ----------

I wrote this as a request to ImJustAnotherBrony, but I rather enjoyed it. This pairing works extremely well, and after just a little research, damn near wrote itself. I feel Carrot Top as the sexy, devious, but well-meaning friend lent quite a bit of depth to a rather dry and somewhat difficult-to-write ship. I normally write clop, so staying away from that was a little difficult as well. Still, I think it all came together well in the end. I hope you enjoyed reading it ^.^


While this was originally supposed to be a one-shot, I've decided to make it as close to full-length as I can. I'm writing the second chapter now, with at least one more to follow after that, perhaps more if I can see the story going where it's headed in my mind. In addition, Her name isn't "Rain Drop" it's "Raindrops" so I've gone through and fixed that. My apologies for the clerical error :P


Caught a few more grammatical errors throughout, missing a "T" in one bottle, and a mention of "Nobody" instead of "Nopony" so I apologize for the sloppy editing, in addition to the lateness of this one. Anywho, thanks to everyone for the read ^.^