• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 2,421 Views, 58 Comments

Rainwater Martini - Loyal

Berry Punch falls for the new bartender in town, who turns out to be a really old friend...

  • ...

Downpour/Ray of Light

"Wh-what do you need to talk to Lush for?" Carrot Top whimpered, plodding along after Berry Punch, who was adamantly walking down the street.

"To find out the truth." She muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Why, though? Why don't you trust me?"

"Because you're one of the two involved. If I get the back-and-forth from the only two people involved, neither can be trusted... Mom always told me a story about a baker and a farmer... The baker said the farmer was giving him bad ingredients, but the farmer said the baker was just making bad food, so it came down to someone else, I forget who, to settle the dispute..." She shook her head. "That's not important. If Raindrops is lying, Lush will be able to tell me. But if you're lying, Lush can say so, too. It's... yeah, it's hard to explain." She muttered. It all made sense in her head, she just couldn't explain it.

"Still... I haven't given you any reason NOT to trust me..."

"You haven't. But neither has Raindrops. Not in MY eyes, at least... Look, in a situation like this, I should be able to trust both of you, right? Well I'm getting two different stories... So I need someone else, trustworthy or not, to shed some light on the situation." She was right, wasn't she? It was either trust her friend and believe that the kind-hearted and admittedly frustrated Raindrops was a filthy liar and had left her, or believe Raindrop's story and come to grips with the fact that her best and only friend was greedy, a liar, and had done some pretty messed up stuff. She needed someone from the outside, someone who wasn't that involved, to tell her what the two had done truthfully. That person just happened to be the same she had trusted to refill her glass when it got a little low for the past... Who knew how many years. She turned down another street, saw it wasn't the one she was looking for, and turned back.

"Berry, we've been walking for an hour since we left your house... Are we lost?"

"Not lost." Berry said quickly. "Just looking for something that I don't know it's location... I'll know it when I see it." Names, numbers, details... Berry had never been good with any of those. Particularly street names. Ponyville wasn't very big, so she knew how to get to all the places that mattered by heart, not by street name. She had been to Lush's place once or twice for an after-last-call nightcap, but therin lay the problem. She had been completely toasted those times. Remembering his specific residence was going to be tough.

"Seriously, my hooves hurt..." Carrot Top whined.

Oh, go soak your head... Berry Punch thought to herself. They walked for a while longer, checking one more street, then another. Finally, they found one that looked familiar. Berry Punch walked down it, scanning homes, yards, trees... Looking for the one that seemed most familiar. Then it was there. A shriveled, dead brown oak in front of a decent-sized home. Without a second doubt, she plodded up to the front door, knocked three times, and waited. It was still relatively early in the morning, Lush and his night-owl lifestyle was either still asleep or just starting his day.

"One moment! Sheesh, is my newspaper subscription up or something?" She heard him mumble from the other side of the door. Haggard, wearing a bathrobe and slippers, Lush answered the door.

"Hey there, bar-t." Berry Punch said softly, a coy smile on her lips.

"Sunava... What the... How in the..." He peeked his head out, looked left and right down the street, then quickly pulled Berry Punch inside.

"Sheesh," Berry Punch said, chuckling as she stumbled a little from his insistent pull. "Ain't even gonna buy a girl a round, eh?" She saw, much to her surprise, that Carrot Top was left on the front porch. She knocked and hollered, to which Lush pushed the door open with a glare.

"You aren't welcome in my home. OR on my property. Go wait on the street." He grunted gruffly. The knocking and hollering seemed to stop after that. "That pony..." He mumbled, jerking his head towards the kitchen, indicating she should follow. "I don't know how you're still her friend. Honestly... Coffee?" He asked.

"Answers, actually." He just chuckled and started brewing a strong blend. Berry Punch sat at the kitchen table, patient for now. That, and she was honestly enjoying a few precious moments without Carrot Top. A quick glance out of a nearby window and the sound of hooves on hardwood told her Carrot Top was adamant in not retreating to the street. She was pacing on the front porch, looking worried and more than a little outraged. The sight actually brought a smile to her face.

"Alright then. You first or me?" Berry Punch blinked.

"Wait, you mean...?"

"I've got some questions of my own." He said gently, sipping at the steaming coffee.

"I... I guess, me first..." She said, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm an open book."

"Raindrops told me some things..."

"I'd imagine."

"About Carrot Top..."

"Hoo boy."

"And me in the hospital."

"Ooohh, THAT... I remember that. Couple o' months ago." He sighed and looked down into his mug, expression suddenly darker. That, and the early morning, made him look like one very tired, very grumpy old colt. Lush was a unicorn of considerable talent. His mark was that of a crystal-clear bottle filled with a light brown liquid. It was difficult to tell apart from his dark brown coat. His calling had always been the drink, and he was an expert on many types of liquor. While he took to bartending easily enough, his true passion was in drinking. Unlike Berry's former self, though, Lush knew his limits, and stayed well away from them. He had always hinted at a fairly dark story involving the one time he had really flown off the handle, but none had heard it, to the best of her knowledge... At the moment, he looked so old, but Berry knew him to be in his late twenties.

"Alright... When you went in, I didn't know about it until the next day. Raindrops landed at my front door, which was a pleasant surprise. She and I went to bartending college at the same time. We were okay friends, said hi now and then. Chatted. Nothing too serious. Which was why I got mighty surprised when she started yammerin' and stutterin' about one thing or another. The only thing I caught was 'Hospital' and 'Scared.' So, naturally, I jes' followed her. She took me to the hospital, and on the way I managed to find out it was you that was in. Well, no one knew where your limits were like I did, so I figured she had just given you too much, and you were in for some bad side effects, seein' she was the new bartender an' all..." He shook his head slowly.

"I was way mistaken. Anyway, when we showed up, that... That... HER. She was just sitting in front of your room, glared at us real mean-like when we walked towards her. Raindrops tried to pretend that she wasn't there, to just go in. Kinda hard to do when she moves in your way. I swear, you coulda lit a cigarette with the sparks between them two. Thinkin' both of them needed a day to cool off, I brought Raindrops back here, gave her a drink to steady her nerves, and talked her through it." Lush raised his head with a smile. "She loves you, you know that, right?" Berry Punch listened to his words with a tight throat. She managed a nod before speaking.

"Yeah... Now I do..."

"Anyways, we cooled off. A few drinks and some good sleep later, don' worry, we dinnit do anythin'. I slept on th' couch. We went back to the hospital the next day, ready to talk things out. Seems we were the only ones willing to do so. She had convinced the doctors to let her take over for you. Some technical hospital bullocks about you not bein' in the right state of mind to decide what was right for you." He scoffed and sipped his coffee some more, grimacing at the bitter taste. "She wouldn't even let us see you, let alone talk to you. Raindrops bought a card... Hang on..." He slid from his chair and went to a nearby drawer, rummaging about. Finally, he produced a slightly dusty envelope, floating it over to Berry Punch with magic. carefully, she opened the envelope, filled with what appeared to be confetti.


"Careful." He took it from her once more, his horn glimmering as he upended the envelope, gently shaking out a pile of shredded, torn paper. "It was a nice card, really. She left it on your window, but when Carrot Top found out, she had one o' the pegasus nurses fly up an' take it down. Tore it up on the spot. I gathered what I could, thought you ought to know how much she really cared about you." Berry Punch's hoof shook as she shuffled through the bits, trying to make sense of what was written on the card. She really couldn't... It had been so completely demolished, she couldn't even begin to make sense of what was written.

"Is... Is that all of it?"

"Oh, not even... You shoulda' seen it. Once Carrot Top found out she had gone to say goodbye to you, she damn near lost it. Went off like a rocket on Raindrops. That argument won't easy be forgotten by anyone." He chuckled softly. "Carrot Top was really inconsolable. Sobbing, screaming, just goin' off at the mouth, no one could stop her once she started in on Raindrops. An' you know what? Raindrops just stood there. She just took it. It started to look less like Carrot Top yellin' at a pegasus than a mouse tellin' a mountain to move. This is a pony I've seen toss beligerent drunks outta her bar with little more than a batted eyelash and a firm kick. She's done worse for lesser things. Iffen you ask me, she shoulda put Carrot Top in her place. 'Stead, she just flew off. No one saw her for a month. When she came back, she jes wasn't the same. It was only once you got back into town she got normal again. Started bartendin', laughin'... You mean the world to her, Berry Punch. Carrot Top wants you for herself. What's worse, she's willing to hurt anyone in her way. You need to have a long talk with her, make her see the error o' her ways, so to speak." He finished his first cup and poured another, leaving Berry Punch looking at the shredded card on the table before her.

"I gotta go." She scooted her chair back, drawing a look from Lush.

"Not until you've answered my questions." Berry Punch sunk back into her chair.

"R-right... Sorry..." She mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed. Second mug of black coffee before him, Lush took his seat at the other end of the table. He looked at her for a few long moments, sipping the hot liquid and scrutinizing her.

"Do you love her?" He asked softly. Berry Punch felt her throat tighten at the word.

"Y-yeah... I do..."

"Are you gonna go find her, so she can help you through this mess?"

"Yeah I am." She nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. For some odd reason, she felt tears begin to well in her eyes.

"Is anypony gonna stop you once you leave this house?" She looked up at him, her expression serious.

"Not a soul."

"Get goin', then." He waved her off, smiling into his coffee mug. She left through the front door, at least, she would have tried, if Carrot Top hadn't been blocking her way.

"Move." Berry Punch growled.

"No." Carrot Top stamped a hoof and lowered her head. "I want to know why you won't trust what I say."

"Because apparently, you've been lying to me. Now MOVE." Berry Punch took a stance similar to Carrot Top's, spreading her legs to steady herself, lowering her center of gravity...

"I'm NOT lying!" Carrot Top returned, huffing slightly. "You can trust me, Berry! I've been your friend longer than them! I know you better than they do! I LOVE you!" She scraped a hoof on the wood of Lush's porch, tears brimming at her eyes as she quivered visibly.

"If you loved me." Berry Punch said, her tone low. "You would have let me see my friends. Apparently, you just don't care about me." She straightened, looking down at Carrot Top. "If you LOVED me, Carrot Top." She stepped closer. "You wouldn't have acted the way you did. I think you need to take a closer look at what you think love is." Coldly, she brushed past, leaving a stunned Carrot Top waiting on the threshold to a very unfriendly house.


Raindrops didn't take long to find. She wasn't in her home when Berry Punch checked it, nor was she at the bar for breakfast, which they sometimes served. She was, however, laying on a cloud not too far from the town square. Berry Punch looked up and spotted the signature yellow coat she boasted, a hint of her blue mane. Smiling, Berry Punch sat her haunches down and called up to her.

"Hey!" Raindrops didn't move. "You, up there on the cloud!" Nothing. "You're a horrible kisser!" That got her attention. Snapping her head up, Raindrops swung around, scanning the ground until she spotted Berry Punch, grinning from her spot on the ground.

"You're a liar." She called down, a smile on her face.

"So prove me wrong." Raindrops jumped off the cloud, falling into a graceful dive aimed for Berry Punch. They met in a warm hug, two lovers embracing for the first time in what felt like ages. Berry had almost forgotten the clean scent of her mane, the blue strands clinging to her face and neck as they gently wrapped their legs around one another.

"I missed you." Raindrops whispered softly.

"Not nearly as much as I missed you..."

"That's two lies in one morning, Berry. You ought to know better." They shared a laugh, shaking against one another as the laugh slowly broke down into tears. Raindrops sobbed once, shaking as she clung tighter. Berry Punch couldn't help but feel her own lips curve into a soft smile as she rubbed her friend's... No, her lover's back... Raindrops broke down into a sobbing mess, her tears staining the magenta mare's hide as they embraced. Some passersby cast a glance or two their way, but none gave them more than an understanding smile. It took her a few moments, but Raindrops came around to it, sniffling softly as she pulled away with a smile.

"You okay?" Berry Punch asked, looking Raindrops in the eye.

"Now I am..." They kissed softly, the soft peck almost taking Berry Punch by surprise. She tensed slightly, feeling those soft lips against hers, the hoof cupping her muzzle tenderly... It ended much too soon, just as Berry was beginning to relax into it. With a soft breath, she nearly melted, feeling Raindrops hug her to support her. With a soft flush, Berry felt... Something... Something warm begin to stir inside of her.

"Your place or mine?" She whispered softly.

"I don't... Have a place anymore."

"What? Really?"

"Well, when you run away from your job for a whole month, the boss expects you to make back what he lost... I've been sleepin' on clouds for weeks now..." Berry Punch smiled at the pegasus analogy for homelessness, giving Raindrops a flick with the end of her tail as she tore herself away, turning down the road.

"Come on, silly filly."

"Wh-where?" Raindrops asked, trotting to catch up.

"Where else? You're gonna stay with me 'til you're back on your hooves."

"What?! N-no, I can't..."

"You can and you will." Berry Punch walked insistently, a reclutant Raindrops following behind.


"But what?"

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Berry Punch just grinned back at her.

"You have to ask?" They walked in silence, sharing more than one suggestive smile on the way. Berry Punch opened the front door of her home, swept them both inside smoothly. "Now, where were we-" She was cut off as Raindrops smoothly pressed their lips together, moaning as she pressed so tight against Berry Punch. She was so insistent, Berry felt the wall bump against her flank. The kiss was insistent, passionate... And maybe just a touch rough. Berry Punch's heart was hammering against her ribcage. She wasn't sure if it was the situation, the absence she had suffered, or the fact that Raindrops was VERY insistently pushing her tongue into her mouth.

"Mff..." She groaned, not entirely hating the feeling. Raindrops pulled away, panting slighlty.

"S-sorry..." She muttered, her yellow coat flushing at the cheeks. Berry Punch smiled in return.

"Don't you dare apologize for that." She muttered, pushing her lips back to Raindrop's once more. They stumbled over eachother's hooves up the stairs, into the bedroom, onto the spread. The kisses were turning much more heated, quite a bit more passionate...

"Berry, I-"

"Shh." She was silenced with a hoof against her lips. "Trust me." Berry Punch muttered. "I don't plan on forgetting a single detail from today..." Berry Punch never forgot the day Raindrops made her explode...



"I gotta say, you two look mighty fine together." Lush said, raising his glass as Berry Punch and Raindrops slipped into the bar together. They blushed slightly and took two of the other three chairs at his table. "How goes it?" They nudged eachother with a soft smile.

"Doin' good. Raindrops got a spot on the weather team, and since it's almost market season, I'll be helping out with the family." Berry Punch filled her friend in on the last eight months of activity. It had been a long and decidedly warm winter. Meanwhile, Carrot Top had decided to take some time for herself, and had sent Berry a letter two months ago saying she found a nice 120 acres out near Appleoosa just begging for a potato field. She was going to try to set up a farm while she re-evaluated her... Priorities. Berry had sent a return letter, wishing her the best, and forgiving her friend for her actions. Carrot Top was, after all, still her friend. Meanwhile, she and Raindrops...

"Berry, you're flushing. Don't tell me you haven't been drinking already?"

"Oh! N-no! I... I don't drink very often anymore..." She admitted, shooting an embarassed glare at Raindrops.

"So, why are your cheeks dark?"

"N-no reason..." She batted at Raindrop's hoof, which had been sliding places it ought not to underneath the table. Lush just shook his head and took another sip.

"Kids these days..." Lush thought he caught a soft whimper from Berry Punch, but it was lost as Raindrops called out an order for two beers... "Honestly..."

---------------- Notes from the Author ----------------

You know, this story was supposed to be done four chapters ago. I originally wrote it as a request for another user who has since stopped using fimfiction.net. It came to me in an odd sort of fashion, I'll admit...

For those of you who don't know, I'm primarily known for my other work "A Different Kind of Love" and "A Different Kind of Love: The Lost Chapters." Both of these stories are humanized erotic tales about a changeling. Upon finishing ADKOL, I opened up requests for the second story. As long as the pairing wasn't completely ridiculous, I would write a short, erotic chapter about any two ponies (*Cough* Humans *Cough*) and publish it within a week, give or take.

Suddenly, a wild I'mjustanotherbrony appeared! While all erotic fiction is technically ship, I hadn't actually written a legitimate "Shipfic" yet. That call changed when I'mjustanotherbrony directed me to a blog post of his, requesting a fic be written. Well, I had never even HEARD of Raindrops before that day. Needless to say, I had to do some research. She's an incredibly under-appreciated and obscure part of the show, and as far as I know, is only seen in the opening for a brief moment. (When Twilight and Spike hop out of the balloon after landing in Ponyville, Raindrops and Berry Punch can be seen on the left side of the screen before it wipes to the shot of the other 5 Mane 6 ponies.) These two look SO happy together! Once it was brought to my attention, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I saw this plot develop in my head... It took root, and I agreed to write the chapter right away.

What was originally supposed to be just another request eventually turned into this... This... Well, THIS! After the first chapter, I got even more of the plot rooted in my brain. I couldn't leave it as it was. I really couldn't. Unfortunately, it was shortly after the first chapter was written that I'mjustanotherbrony left Fimfiction, and couldn't read the remainder of the story that he was to thank for.

In short, if any of you know him, or have an alternate point of contact, I would appreciate it if you could let him know, or tell me what it is so I may inform him... It just doesn't feel right finishing a story without giving proper thanks to the one who inspired it, you know?

I hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Comments ( 12 )

Updated, then updated AGAIN! AND FINISHED!
Hope you enjoy ^.^

Okay, I really enjoyed this story. A lot more than I expected to, to be honest.

But what the hay is this about ImJustAnotherBrony leaving fimfiction? One of his last blogposts was about this story – here
Trust me as his editor when I say he's not going anywhere any time soon :rainbowwild:

Anyway, I liked this, and I look forward to seeing more writing from you :twilightsmile:

:yay: great. dunno if its good or bad that the story is over hehe, but since it's good for Berry Punch , i'm happy!

974887 I would suggest as new fan of your work of having different story for Carrot Top, maybe a couple month after this events of her truly reconciling with Berry and finding that special somepony (a stallion or mare).

This one's pretty good.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this read. I love the way you've portrayed your characters. However, I feel like it ended too soon, especially for Carrot Top. I kind of want to hear more about what happened to her. So, if you ever find nothing better to do, maybe you could write another story about Carrot Top? Please?:fluttershysad:

I just ran into the same problem with The Royal Equestrian Family, sadly... Too many ideas, too many fans, not enough time, and not enough motivation. I know I could very easily write a separate Carrot Top fic, about her own personal struggles, but I'm afraid I've got too much work piling up with my other stories. I feel comfortable about how the story ended, and while I may come back to it in the distant future, I doubt it'll happen anytime soon.

980156 Oh well. I'll look out for it.
That's what fans are for. To keep you cool. :pinkiehappy:

"...made her explode...

You just HAD to put the worst fucking part of MLD in this story, didn't you? XD

In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed this story, wouldn't change a damn thing. :pinkiehappy:

I really enjoyed yet another of your works, Loyal, sir. I don't particularly care for Berry Punch, and I always imagined Carrot Top more in the style of "Let's find you a date!" style (thats a story if that wasn't clear). Raindrops, however, needs more works dedicated to her. If I find reason to continue my story, then I'm definitely including her in the end chapters that will be dedicated to background/side characters.

Thank you for making good fanfiction, and keep on writing. Or don't, and just Oppa Gangnam Style instead. Whichever's clever.

Hey! didja notice? Raindrops got a character tag now so you can properly tag your story! :pinkiehappy:

Awesome! I hadn't noticed! Thanks a bunch!

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