• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 2,831 Views, 72 Comments

They Know You're Reading Them - Aureane

These two royal alicorns: cunning sun and gullible moon, go about their childish conversations and attitudes whenever nopony is looking-- well, except for a certain Purple alicorn. And you're involved, too.

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V: When You Think About Luna (Pinkie's Cake)

Luna is snoozing about in dreamland, and you can't help but wonder just how she fell asleep within a matter of seconds. She must have been overwhelmed from the pure thoughts of Trixie and Twilight hugging her to their arm's content. Her cast shakes about as she has sudden urges and twitches every now and then. Once in a while, she purrs like a kitten. In fact...

"Oh... (twitch) Twilight, let me be your student... hug me tight... teach me true friendship..." she mutters. "Mnf-- Trixie- I didn't know you were so experienced in cuddling... surely (snore), the great and huggable mare... eee... now I can't decide... purr."

All you can do is watch her go about her moon cuteness as her questionable texts float about the air with reddish-pink hearts bubbling and popping about them. You tap on the glass-- of course, the noise doesn't register on her side of the wall. Figures. But, you really want to hug Luna. Now. Or whenever, before you go insane. You need her otherworldly hug. You want her soft, gravity-defying fur to literally launch you out of earth and towards the moon.

She's such a silly one. But right here, right now, all of her everyday excitement and cute gestures aren't on her face. She looks... normal. You want to see her face light up in joy. You want to see her flap her wings in excitement. You want her to hug you. You can't help but recall when she first acknowledged your presence; when she at first said, 'I like this creature! They don't ask me to give them hugs,' you took that as a joke-- but now, seeing your current condition, you as a human being in a different dimension can't ask for anything. That's right. Nothing. Ever. Never ever super forever, rhymes with clever. Whoever had done this to you must be thinking way too hard. Even still, there has to be someone who has gotten through this glass barrier before.

In any case, you decide to try and say Luna's name aloud-- but it's just a dull, nonexistent space rift on your side of the wall. It's as if you can read them, but you can't communicate with them. You will always merely be reading them, even though they know you're reading them. So, surely, in immediate angst from this thought, you close your fists tightly until you see the veins pop out. With all of your strength, you slam your fists against the wall in an attempt to do a wombo combo like the video games, but sweet Celestia- that thing is as hard as steel. A status bar appears above the glass barricade: Level 999, resistant to all damage. And your status: N/A, please check again later. Well. No amount of 'Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start' can get you out of this one. As you are waiting patiently for you hands to recover, you notice that Luna suddenly looks frustrated, and it appears her dream has taken a wrong turn.

"B-but-- I just wanted... Trix? Twi? You won't hug me ever again? You're... (wing twitch) you're kidding, right?" She nibbles on her own mane. "Oh, that's okay then..." shining, fresh drool trails onto the bed as a natural reflex twitches one of her hind legs. "Now, you two hug each other and be best... zzz... friends... I'll be here... in the corner... not getting huggies." Tears trickle down her cheeks, drenching the supporting pillow.

At this point, you just can't help but sit down and wait for the pony to wake up from her nap. You would switch views to see what Celestia, Discord, and Twilight are up to, but this moon mare sleep-talking to herself is just too cute to not look at. Besides, they're probably going about a casual, friendly conversation.

"HEY! Whatchu doing?!" You jump so far out of your bones that you actually have to aim your body to land properly on them as you fall. You crane your neck; it pops, snaps, and eventually gives in with a turn. Pink. All you see is pink in front of your face on this side of the barrier; a cute, bright pony in front of you, staring at you with very bright, sparkling eyes, as if you were the most interesting thing she had ever seen before. Pupils dilate as she adjusts to your appearance. After blinking, she pokes at a stray hair on her mane, realigns it to her liking, and soon she's back to staring at you with her loving, sky blue oglers. You put up your finger to say something, but of course, nothing comes out because this isn't your dimension.

"Can't talk, hm?" As a solution, the pink mare pulls out a quill and a piece of paper. She stares at you in curiosity, smelling of cherries and bouncing up and down. "Ooh! Ooh! Wait, let me guess," she looks to her left, and then to her right. With the sweetest, lollipop breath, she whispers, "you weren't expecting me, were you? I was busy helping out Starlight and Trixie with their plans!" She puts a hoof to her chin, and looks up into the air. "They said something about... a package? Oh, and I'm Pinkie Pie, by the way!" Without another second, she drops the quill and paper, whipping out her party cannon and firing a couple of rounds up into the empty darkness, seemingly filling it with life. She takes out two party hats, puts one on both you and her, and then she pulls out a party blower and a cake. "Here!" She passes you a slice just before her mouth opens to consume the whole rest of the treat, swallowing the thing entirely-- it stretches her throat until it shrinks into her stomach. "Mm, tasty!" The mare licks her lips. After deeming her impulses satisfied, she sits there and waits patiently, as if she were expecting something from you. Oh. You remember that you're supposed to be writing something.

But first, you just have to try that golden, white cake.