• Published 13th Aug 2016
  • 352 Views, 46 Comments

Rainbow's Quest - Rainbow Spectrum

When Rainbow Spectrum had a dream one night about her village being attcked, she teams up with 3 of her best friends on a quest to save her village.

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Rainbow Spectrum, The Energetic Artist

One bright morning, in a simple little house in Ponyville, slept a little pegasus mare. She had a fur coat as white snow, a bright blue mane with streaks of rainbow on the bottom, and her cutie mark was two pencils overlapping each other.

She slowly opened her eyes, and adjusted them to the brightness. She groaned and rolled out of bed, then walked over to her vanity mirror. She picked up her brush and started brushing out her mane. She then looked over to the left, and picked up a necklace with a little pencil charm on it. Sliding the necklace on with one hoof, she used the other to pull her hair into a ponytail, tightening it with a band.

She put on a cheery smile,"Time to get to work!"

She walked over to her desk and picked up a pencil, she started to sketch a simple circle in the middle of her paper, in a fairly large size. Then from that circle, she made a wavy line, connecting the bottom of the circle to the bottom of the page. She did the same with the other side of the circle, making it resemble a head and a neck.

knock, knock, knock!

Her head jerked up and she dropped her pencil at the sudden noise. Sliding out of her chair, she walked over and opened the door. In the entry of the doorway stood a yellow pegasus mare with flowing strands of pink hair. She dug her hoof into the dirt, not noticing that the door had been opened.

"Hey Fluttershy!" she greeted, waving her hoof.

Fluttershy looked up, just now noticing her, "Oh, um, hi Rainbow Spectrum..." she said meekly.

"What'd ya need?"

"Oh, well, I was just wondering if, the picture I asked for Twilight was done?"

Rainbow nodded her head, "Oh yes of course!" she held her hoof up in the air, "I'll be right back!"

She zoomed back into the house, and went into her bedroom. She trotted over to her desk and started going through some canvasses, "Oh where is it?" she said in a stern tone. "Aha! There it is!"

She zoomed back to the doorway, and stopped in front of Fluttershy. "Here you are!" she said in a sing-song tone, after handing it to Fluttershy.

"Thank you." she said.

"You're welcome!" Rainbow hollered after Fluttershy turned to leave.

Rainbow shut the door and turned around, then headed for her bedroom. She walked in and sat at her desk once more, and picked up her pencil. She started to sketch a sort of, backwards 'C' shape, on the top right of the circle. She once again did it with the other side, creating the shape of an ear.

Rainbow usually sketched things out on paper first, then went for a canvas to paint it on. She always wanted perfection, any mistake she saw would be fixed, even the tiniest of things, Rainbow would always fix it. So, she started sketching things out on a piece of paper, to make sure that she wouldn't mess it up on the canvas.

Rainbow stood up for a moment, a look of confusion creeping up on her face. She sat back down and erased part of the ear, "It's too skinny and too far up." she mumbled.

She redid the ear, and made sure it was further down, and not too skinny. After that, she took the paper in her mouth and slid it into a droor on the bottom of her desk. After shutting the droor, she got up and walked over to a wooden cabinet. She opened the door on the right, and in a second, she was buried in a pile of papers, pencils, brushes, and paint. Rainbow stuck her head out the mess, and gasped for air.

She laughed, "Oh, silly me! I forgot I was gonna organize that!" she said, while still laughing.
It was about 12:00 o' clock in the morning after she organized her supplies cabinet. Wiping her brow, she took a step back and admired her work, she patted her own self on the back, and smiled."Phew! That was a lot of work!", her stomach rumbled, and she blushed a light shade of crimson.

"I guess all that cleaning made me hungry!" she laughed again, they went to the kitchen to make some lunch.


"Hmmm. Ehhh. Mmmmm." Rainbow mumbled. She was having a hard time deciding what to paint, she thought she could do a pony, but she had already done tons of those. She also thought she could maybe touch up her backgrounds, but everypony else said they looked fine. She finally settled on drawing herself, in a forest with twisted vines everywhere, branching out to reach her. She put a confident and brave look on her face, like she was ready to tackle any challenge or obstacle that came in the way of her path.

She smiled, but it vanished once she had got her head out of the clouds. She yawned and mumbled something under her breath, without saying a word, she silently closed her eyes, and started to daze off. Once she realized what she was doing, she quickly opened her eyes back up, and remembered what she was doing.

She sighed, "I wish my crazy dreams could become a reality." she sighed again, and put a smile on. She yawned once more, "Guess I'm exhausted, even though it's the middle if the day." she laughed. So, cleaned her brush and swapped it out for a quill and ink. Eager to take a quick nap, she slowly dipped the quill in the black substance, and it slowly emerged, the tip of it covered in black ink. She took the quill in her mouth, moved it closer to the painting, and signned it, Rainbow Spectrum.

Author's Note:

I have so much to say about this chapter, but I'll make it quick, (not really). First off, I'm so glad to finally have this out, after like a month. Second off, this was really fun to write, and there's gonna be lots more chapters after this so be prepared, I might have a chapter out every two days maybe? Idk, but also, I was not putting any FluttershyxTwilignt in there in the beginning, I was thinking she might give it to Twilight for her birthday or something! And second off, tell me any mistakes you might of seen, or any criticism! i know there wasn't really anything happening in this chapter, but it's just supposed to be like an introduction to the character, you know like, so you can get their personality and stuff. Hope you all enjoyed!
Your Cookie Muncher,
Rainbow Spectrum

(Also if u don't understand how sketching it out on paper helps her not make mistakes, is because she can usually draw things if she has a visual of it, so if it's perfect on the paper, and it is cause she can erase mistakes on paper, she can paint it on the canvas)

Okay there still more I want to say, (write), I'm not very proud of this chapter, I don't think this is a very exciting chapter, all we get is a play by play on her drawing, but I had to get something out for each character, and this was the only thing I could think of for Rainbow, I'll try to make the other ones more interesting, once again,
Your Cookie Muncher,
Rainbow Spectrum

I like waffles