• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 1,666 Views, 19 Comments

Tiny Twilight H2.0 - Moonlit Path

Shortly after becoming Celestia's student, Twilight spends the day at the lake. However, after a spell goes wrong, Twilight is turned into a sea pony, and she is loving it.

  • ...

What's that?

“Twiley, I’m gonna get you!”

“No you’re not Princess!”

Giggling a little as the filly ran into the water, as Celestia used her magic to levitate a bucket into the lake. Tilting the rim down, it quickly filled up with water. “Yes I am.”

Twilight started trotting further into the lake. “I’m too fast for you!” Smirking, Celestia started pouring the bucket of water over Twilight’s head, causing a high pitch squeal.

“Hey! How’d you do that?” Still dripping wet, Twilight ran up to the shore and rolled over on her back.

“Levitation. Why don’t you try?” Celestia reached over and starting tickling Twilight. Levitating the bucket over, she went over the spell again.

Spreading her hooves apart, Twilight let her tongue slip out of the corner of her mouth. Her horn was glowing as the bucket started to raise up. “So, like this?”

“Yes. Very good Twilight. Now can you try taking it over to the water?”

“Yes!” Trotting over to the water, Celestia couldn’t help but smile.

“I meant just the bucket, but I guess I can let it slide this time. I should have been more specific.”

Taking the handle in her mouth, Twilight filled up the bucket and started running after Celestia. “It’s your turn now!”

Laughing, Celestia rolled over and allowed Twilight to pour the water over her forehead and horn. Truth was, the cold water felt really good on the hot summer day.

“Princess! I’ve been working on a new spell. Do you want to see it?” Tilting the bucket over, Twilight poured the other half onto herself.

Shaking her head slightly to dry off, she couldn’t help but wonder. She had just learned levitation. "What’s your trick?”

“I can make water look like a fish!” She exclaimed running back into the water.

Kicking her shoes off onto the blanket, Celestia followed her into the water. “How pray tell do you do that?”

“Watch!” A moment later, a small orb of water began floating. Warping itself into the silhouette of a goldfish.

“Where did you learn that?” The alicorn walked around, whispering “how can a filly so young, be capable of doing this?”

“Cadence and Shinny taught me!”

“Oh really?” Taking the water fish in her magic, she started making it swim around Twilight. Twilight started spinning in an attempt to keep up with it. After a couple of spins she fell on her flank, dizzy but laughing.

“Mm hmm. I can even make it bigger!” Creating her stance, she started levitating more water to the small fish. “Um, Princess. I feel funny.” Her purple eyes started glowing white, as her aura brightened.

“Twilight, disconnect you magic.”

“I don’t know if I can!” Her voice wavering slightly in fear.

Worried, Celestia started casting a limiting spell. She was a little too late. The water Twilight had been levitating started circling around her, engulfing the filly in a orb of white and blue. “Princess! This tickles!” Twilight giggled.

Standing in shock, Celestia secretly wanted to know what had happened. At least she was laughing, and not crying out in pain. A moment later, the spell dispersed and Twilight fell into the water. Her hooves were replaced by a tail, and she had little fins that reminded the alicorn of wings.

Trying to stand up, she noticed she was having trouble moving. “Princess. What happened?”

“Do you remember how you lost control of your magic during the entrance exam? You turned Spike into a giant, and your parents into plants?

“Of course. That isn’t something you forget so easily.”

Walking over, she levitated Twilight further into the water, where she could at start swimming. “The same thing just happened now. This is why you need to learn better control over your magic.”

Finally, being able to look down for the first time, she noticed her new form. “I’m a sea pony!”

“Yes you are.” Turning around, she started going through all the spells she knew. “Now how are we going to change you back?”

“But I don’t want to change back!” Twilight whined. “I like being like this!”

“Twilight.” Giggling, Celestia ran into the water and started splashing her young student. “Don’t worry, I will have to change you back into a pony. Don’t worry, I’ll do it when It’s time to go back.”

“Okay Princess. Until then…” Taking a deep breath Twilight dove underwater, and out of view of Celestia. Looking around, she realized she was able to breath under water. “This is so cool!”

The princess looked around for a moment, quickly realizing her faithful student couldn’t be seen anymore. “Horse feathers.” Casting an oxygen bubble around her head, Celestia dove under the water herself. “Twilight…where are you?”

“Look! What kind of fish is this?”

“Please don’t let curiosity kill the catfish.” Sighing she went over to the sea pony. “That my dear is called a catfish. You need to be careful around him though. See those spikes? They can cut you. He also bites.” Clapping her hooves together, Celestia started imitating a shark’s mouth.

“Noooo! The monsters going to get me!” Laughing, Twilight did a quick flip before swimming away.

Chasing after her, the alicorn was quickly getting worn out, not used to dealing with someone with such high energy. “I’m going to get you, and I’m going to eat you up in a giant hug!” Reaching out, she grabbed Twilight and started tickling her again. Squealing, Twilight squirmed in the embrace.

“No monster can beat Twilight Sparkle!” Finally managing to wiggle out of the two large hooves, she swam under Celestia, then up into the pastel mane. Sticking her head through, she gave her mentor a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love you Misses monster.”

“I love you too Misses sea pony. Now, what did you say about the monster not getting you?” Turning around, she went to grab Twilight again before realizing she disappeared. Looking down, she saw the purple sea pony rolling around in the grass and seaweed.

“I’ll need to remember this for next time.” Celestia whispered, watching her young student playing. “Hopefully she’ll sleep good tonight. Or at least wear off some of that energy.” Sighing in exhaustion, Celestia went down and trapped her on the grass with a wing. “I got you misses sea pony! Any last words?”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not falling for that.” Smiling, it took every ounce of willpower not to look behind her.

Wiggling out from under the wing, she started heading towards a rock. “What’s that?”

“Ah.” Naturally she was the only filly who could go from playing like that, to wanting to learn. “That my dear is called a starfish.”

Twilight started rubbing it with one of her fins. "It feels weird"

Going over, Celestia carefully picked the starfish up with her hoof. “Don’t actually do it, but something there's something that’s really cool about them. If you break a leg off, it'll grow back.”

“Really!” Closing her eyes slightly, Celestia knew it was nap time for the four year old. They had already been at the lake for half the day.

“Yeah. Ok, Twilight, it’s time to go. It’s getting late.” Wrapping a hoof around Twilight's barrel, she started bringing her back to the surface of the water.

“But I don’t want to go yet.” With a yawn, she involuntarily started snuggling into the embrace.

Feeling the added pressure, Celestia started holding her a little tighter. “When we get back, I’ll get you some cookies and hot chocolate. How does that sound.”

“Yummy.” The purple sea pony mumbled. It amazed Celestia how fast she could fall asleep sometimes. Then again, she barely slept the night before because she was so excited to be going to the lake.

“Let’s go then.” Reaching the shore, she cast a quick reverse spell, changing the sea pony back into the adorable little filly she knew and loved.

“Can we do this again princess? I want to learn more about the flora and fauna down there.”

“I don’t see why not.” Drying the two of them off with a spell, she slowly lifted Twilight onto her back, the filly quickly snuggled into the warm feathers.

“I want to be a starfish next. Then I can break my leg and have it grow back. I'll be the only filly, no the only pony who can say they have done that.” A moment later, her eyes closed, and she was sound asleep.

Sighing with a shake of her head, she reached back and nuzzled the filly. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Author's Note:

I took a break from writing about mermaids, to write about a sea pony. That makes logical sense right?


I don't care. It was fun! :twilightsmile: don't judge please. I give you a cookie!

Hope you enjoyed :heart:

Comments ( 19 )


I'm judging you! Apart from a stray typo here and there I actually think it makes this innocent story even better. :twilightsmile:

7375358 Thank you :twilightsmile: and (I ran it through spell check. Don't know how there are typos)


Moon, moon, moon. :derpytongue2:

The best spell check is always the one you naturally have on you.

For me it's kind of just commas, no biggie.

Where did you get the idea to turn Twilight into Sea Pony? xD

7375381 Working on a fantasy about mermaids, then thought of what would happen if Pinkie turned into a mermaid. I already have something planned for Pinkie, so I did the next best thing. Tiny Twilight. Then there are no mermaids in mlp, so I had to settle for sea pony. :pinkiehappy:


Ooh. Interesting.

My stories were just born out of super tryhardism (nopony else had done it yet, to my surprise) and the second one from having my scheduled package delayed. And then it evolved into cancer adorable horse words that people like reading. The third one is a different kind of story I'm planning, want to make a satisfying M story.

As for you see you have plans! Hehe. Favorited & followed :trollestia:

7375408 I'll have to read them when I get the chance. Also, thank you for the follow. Going to try and get the Pinkie Pie one up in about two weeks.


Sure, take your time.

As for I, I owe my readers a little bit of oomph to this wall-breaking story. Cya! :yay:

I see Twilight got an early start with her whole 'risky experiments' thing. :rainbowlaugh:

This is a cute, adorable, innocent little story.

I love that.

Made me remember a fun-fact. 'More than one way to skin a cat' was originally 'more than one way to skin a catfish' but it got shortened over time. The ladder makes much more sense though, so it's a shame.
Also, the 'killed the cat' proverb originated as 'care killed the cat'. By 'care' the coiner of the expression meant 'worry/sorrow' rather than our more usual contemporary 'look after/provide for' meaning.
The current iteration also often is complete as 'curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.'
Phrases are fun, I especially like all the World War once, like 'how'd you like them apples!' That was from WW1 I believe.

7379528 Really? I didn't know that. Guess you learn something new everyday

D'aaaawwwwwww! That's so adorable. I love it.

Going over, Celestia carefully picked the starfish up with her hoof. “Don’t actually do it, but something there's something that’s really cool about them. If you break a leg off, it'll grow back.”

In fact, if you cut them in half just right, you'll suddenly have two starfish. The entire thing grows back on both halves.

Cute One-Shot!

Replace "H2.0" with "H₂O".
I think that is what you meaned, isn't it?

7455585 Thank you and the reason I did H2.0 is because it's a variation of H2O and 2.0 because Twilight changed (like an upgrade. Twilight 2.0). I know it's stupid, but it made more since at the time :twilightblush:

ITS SO DAMN CUTE!!!!! :flutterrage:
cuteness overload!:yay::twilightsmile:

Wonderful story! Stories about filly Twilight are some of my favorites, and you have definitely captured her essence. Thank you. :pinkiehappy:

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